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Just so you all know, this and maybe one more chapter will be the last of the chapters all be posting on this spot. I will be posting them on my spot only. It's called Edward_Bella234 if you want to join and continue reading these. Here is the link:


Any way, onto the story...
End of Chapter 6

“Oh yum,” John said reaching for a cinnamon roll “That looks delicious, Carol!”
    “Thank you, John” my mother replied. “Esme, can you go get some eggs from the hen house? I only need about 3 or 4. You can take Charles with you”
    “Okay mother” I replied. I knew what her scheme was. She was trying to get me and Charles to spend some alone time together. “Come on Charles” I said as I turned towards the door. As we walked out, the sun touched my skin warming it. I closed my eyes as I stood on our front porch just basking in the sun. I opened my eyes when I felt eyes on me. I glanced towards Charles to see him staring intently a my face with a slight smile on his lips. It made me feel uncomfortable under his gaze so I started walking quickly towards the hen house. I could hear his footsteps behind me.
    “Could you help me?” I asked him. I wondered if he had any farming experience.
    “Of course.” he replied heading towards a hen. It seems he did know what he was doing. He picked up the hen holding its wings, grabbed the egg quickly then placed the hen back. He turned to me after he had done this.
    “Are you going to help or am I doing it all?” He smirked.
    I rolled my eyes and collected two eggs that didn’t have hens sitting on top of them.
    We finished shortly and made our way back to the house. Good thing my mother only wanted a few eggs because we could only find three. She must have collected eggs recently.
    I took our eggs into the kitchen and when I walked into the sitting room, I was absolutely shocked at the scene before me!

Chapter 7    

My mother and Annika were screaming their faces off at each other, our fathers were standing over in the corner trying to look invisible and the room looked like a bomb had gone off!
     Annika and Carol continued to scream and shout so loud I was sure the angels above could hear them with ease.
    “Stop!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. “Enough!”
    They both looked at me and my mother looked like she was about to protest so I did something I’ve never done before. I put my hand over her mouth to quiet her. This move was very disrespectful but I had to quiet her. When I was sure she would be quiet, I removed my hand.
    She glared at me. “Esme Anne Pl-”
    “Mother, don’t even go there with me,” I interrupted “Now do you mind explaining why you two were yelling?” the word yelling was a definite understatement, but it would work.
    “Annika, since you’re the one who started things I’ll let you explain” my mother said. I had never seen her be this rude before.
    “I started things?” She questioned “You’re the one who said your daughter was to good for my son” she replied just as rude.
    “Hold on, this is about me?” I was confused and angry at the same time. Why should my mother be getting into fights with her friends over me?
    “Well I just mentioned that you were a very able young woman and you could probably get any man you wanted” She said.
    “What?!” Annika shouted in disgust, “That is a lie! You said, and I quote ’My daughter is to good for your son’ So don’t you dare lie!”
    “Mother is that true?”
    “Well, I might have said something like that” She replied looking down. She was ashamed. She should be! How dare she say that! It wasn’t up to her what I did with my life!
    “Mother! How could you?! I will choose my own future thank you very much and I will decide who I am good enough for and who I am not!” I turned my back on her and stormed out of the room. I walked down the hall and went into my bedroom slamming to door as I entered. I didn’t cry. I was to angry for that. Eventually, I decided I’d better go out and clean up the sitting room. As soon as I excited my room I saw Charles leaning against the wall across from my bedroom door.
    “Are you alright?” he asked me.
    “Fine. I was just going to clean up the mess in the sitting room” I replied
    “I’ll help you”
     So we made our way down the hall to the sitting room. I could hear my mother’s cry’s coming from the kitchen but I wasn’t ready to face her just yet. Me and Charles cleaned up the sitting room rather quickly until I realized John and Annika were no where to be seen.
    “Where are your parents?” I asked Charles.
    “my father took my mother outside to calm down.” he replied.
    “Oh” I mumbled. “Charles?”
    “Yes?” He answered.
    “I was thinking, and I would like to accept your offer.”
    “You’ll marry me?” He asked getting excited.
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