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posted by AdaLove
"Admiration was like air to me, Bella. I was silly and shallow, but I was content."

Rosalie Hale

Rosalie Lillian Hale was born in Rochester, New York in 1915; she had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and her father worked at a bank. Rosalie's father's job helped keep the family wealthy during the Great Depression. She was born beautiful and constantly praised, making her vain and self-centered. However, unlike her parents, who always wanted more out of life despite their already elevated status, Rosalie was just happy in the knowledge that she was Rosalie Hale, and that she was beautiful.

One day, Rosalie's mother had her dress up to deliver her father's forgotten lunch to his job, in the hopes that the son of the bank's owner would take more interest in Rosalie. It worked. Royce King the Second sent roses to Rosalie and, after making a comment that her eyes were like violets, Rosalie began receiving them, too. Their relationship was solely based on physical attraction, as Royce was often too busy at the bank. They became engaged and shortly before the wedding, Rosalie visited her good friend Vera, who Rosalie envied for her baby boy. At one point, when Vera's husband kissed Vera, Rosalie finally noticed the lack of love in her relationship with Royce that was so obvious in Vera's. While walking home, shaken by her thoughts about her loveless relationship, Rosalie stumbled across her drunk fiancé and his equally-drunk pals; Royce bragged about his fiancée's beauty which eventually led to Rosalie being gang raped and beaten and left in the street to die.

Rosalie was found by Carlisle Cullen, the scent of blood having attracted Carlisle to the dying Rosalie. He carried her to a room where he made the eighteen year old a vampire, worsening the pain she was already in. She awoke to voices of the Cullens arguing about Carlisle saving Rosalie just because they stumbled across her when she was dying. Edward was not happy with the idea that Carlisle had changed her in the hopes that she could be his vampire mate. Rosalie was furious at Edward's rejection even despite her own lack of feelings for him as well. Her vanity still needed feeding and she was surprised and hurt that Edward didn't seem attracted to her. Upon seeing her reflection, Rosalie's unhappy mood improved with her now improved vampiric beauty. Rosalie soon avenged her death by killing all who were with Royce that night. Having saved Royce for last, Rosalie donned a bridal gown and found her fiancé locked in a windowless room with a thick, vault-like door guarded by two men. Killing the guards, Rosalie entered the room where she tortured Royce to death. Though she killed these seven men, she was very careful to not spill even the smallest drop of their blood, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist. After her transformation, Rosalie became a permanent member of the Cullen family. She didn't like Edward at first because he insulted her the first time she heard him speak, and he wasn't obsessed with her because she was so beautiful, like all the other men she had known. Carlisle had intended for Edward and Rosalie to be like he and Esme were, but Edward only loved Rosalie as a sister.

Two years after her transformation, in 1935, Rosalie stumbled across a young man named Emmett McCarty being mauled by a bear outside of Gatlinburg, Tennesee. Emmett's features reminded her of Vera's young son Henry, and as such, Rosalie chose to rescue the dying man. Rosalie resisted the urge to drink Emmett's blood and carried him over one hundred miles to Carlisle, who turned him into a vampire. Rosalie and Emmett were rarely separated after this; the two having found in the other their true soul mate. The pair would marry often and sometimes lived separate to the rest of their adopted family as a newlywed couple.

By the 1950's the Cullen family welcomed two new additions to their family, Alice and Jasper. Due to their similar features, Rosalie and Jasper would often play the part of biological siblings who had been adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen. During the long decades of her life, Rosalie developed a passion for collecting cars akin to her adopted brother Edward Cullen, and is a brilliant mechanic.

Personality and traits

Rosalie is described as being the most beautiful person in the world, as she is astoundingly gorgeous, even for a vampire. Rosalie is tall and statuesque, with an elegant figure similar to a model's. She has blonde, wavy hair that goes down to the middle of her back and golden/black eyes like the rest of the Cullens. As with other vampires, she has solid, marble white skin and purple bruise-like shadows under her eyes. In her human life, Rosalie was described as a woman with beauty, elegance, class, and money. Her eyes were described as being like violets when she was a human.

As for personality, Rosalie is described as being a vain and self-centered, but extremely loyal to friends and family. Rosalie treasures humanity and often wishes she was still human. Always wanting children of her own, Rosalie supports Bella's decision to keep her daughter, Renesmee, and Rosalie's former resentment towards Bella turns into a special friendship and bond.
edit Abilities

Rosalie, human and vampire, is known as being the " most beautiful person in the world". She has no other special powers. So her ability is beauty.
edit Relationships

Emmett Cullen

"With the dark curls...the dimples that showed even while he was grimacing in pain...the strange innocence that seemed so out of place on a grown man's face...he reminded me of Vera's little Henry."
**********Rosalie Hale on Emmett**********

Emmett Cullen is Rosalie's husband and true love. She preferred to stay with Emmett from the day Carlisle changed him. Rosalie saved him from a near-death bear mauling and carried him 100 miles to her home, despite the extreme effort this costs her, for Carlisle to change him, because she didn't think she could do it herself. In Eclipse, Rosalie tells Bella that she saved Emmett because he reminded her of her friend Vera's son, Henry, because of his dark curly hair and dimpled cheeks and "the strange innocence that looked so out of place on a grown man's face". Although Rosalie loves Emmett more than anybody in the world, she still is upset that she cannot concieve children. She and Emmett are passionately in love and are often said to be kissing when they have to leave each other, even if only for a short amount of time. They have been married several times, since Rosalie enjoys the ceremony and the attention that it brings her. She and Emmett sometimes live away from the rest of the Cullens as a newlywed couple. Emmett has commented several times that they have torn down a few houses because of their wild, passionate love making.
********** Jasper Hale************
Rosalie's adoptive brother Jasper Hale
Jasper Hale is Rosalie's adoptive brother. Jasper and Rosalie have a very special sister/brother relationship, and love each other very much. The two are extremely protective of each other and would do anything for each other as well as to take up for one another. Due to their similar features, Rosalie and Jasper pretend to be biological siblings who have been adopted by Carlisle and Esme Cullen while attending high school in Forks.
************Carlisle Cullen******************
Rosalie's adoptive father Carlisle Cullen
Carlisle Cullen is Rosalie's adoptive father. He turned her into a vampire in order to save her from fatal injuries inflicted by her drunken fiancé and his friends, who left her in the street to die. Rosalie resents the fact that she is a vampire, as she treasures humanity and often wishes she was still human. She was initially resentful of Carlisle for what he had done to her, but later on she came to love and respect him, especially after he changed her husband, Emmett.
********* Esme Cullen*****************
Rosalie's adoptive mother Esme Cullen
Esme Cullen is Rosalie's adoptive mother. The exact details of Rosalie's relationship with her adoptive mother Esme are very unknown, but it is known that they love each other passionately and very protective of each other.
*********Alice Cullen****************
Rosalie's adoptive sister Alice Cullen
Alice Cullen is Rosalie's adoptive sister. She loves fashion like her sister. They both are very close like real sisters and have a very strong bond. The exact details of Rosalie's relationship with Alice are unknown, but it is known that they love each other very much.
***************** Edward Cullen***************

"I don't want Edward that way, Bella. I never did ― I love him as a brother, but he's irritated me from the first moment I heard him speak."
―Rosalie on her brother

Rosalie's adoptive brother Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen is Rosalie's brother. When Carlisle changed Rosalie into a vampire, part of the reason was he was hoping she would become a romantic companion for Edward. But Edward and Rosalie's relationship never advanced beyond that of loyal siblings. Although she was never attracted to Edward, Rosalie was actually offended by the fact that Edward never had any romantic attraction to her because she was used to being the center of attention. She eventually came to believe that Edward couldn't be attracted to anyone if he wasn't attracted to her. This changed when Edward fell in love with Bella Swan, and was part of the reason Rosalie was originally so jealous of Bella.
*************** Bella Swan***************
Rosalie's adoptive sister-in-law Bella Cullen
Bella Swan is Rosalie's sister-in-law. Rosalie loves her family, but, as shown in Twilight, she doesn't like Bella because she is afraid she will expose their secret, and feels that Bella is throwing her life away by wanting to become a vampire and not having kids which is all she wants. She comes to care for Bella after it is revealed that Bella is pregnant. Rosalie is the one Bella turned to when she found out that Edward wanted to kill the baby, and Rosalie stayed by her side through the duration of her pregnancy. She is known with Jacob Black to be very extremely overprotective of the child.
**************** Jacob Black***************
Jacob Black
Rosalie Hale had a largely antagonistic relationship with Jacob Black. After Bella became pregnant with Renesmee Cullen, Jacob resents Rosalie's attempts to help Bella protect the unborn child; even should it be at the cost of Bella's life. Jacob proceeded to berate Rosalie with dumb blond jokes, though she countered with dog puns. Indeed, she even created a dog bowl for Jacob to eat out of, and scratched 'Fido' on the side. Jacob nicknamed her "Psycho" and "Blondie".

Though they continued to antagonize each other the pair found common ground after the birth of Renesmee as they were both obsessively protective of the child.
**************Royce King****************

"I saved Royce for last. I hoped that he would hear of his friends' deaths and understand, know what was coming for him. I hoped the fear would make the end worse for him. I think it worked."
―Rosalie on killing Royce King[src]

When she was still human, Rosalie's mother schemed for her to be married to Royce King, who was extremely rich. Her plans succeeded, and Rosalie got engaged to him. One night, she went to visit her best friend, Vera, who was married to a carpenter. They had an adorable little boy named Henry, with dark curly hair and dimples. When she saw the love Vera shared with her husband, Rosalie became a bit envious and began to wonder about the lack of love between her and Royce, but she quickly brushed away those thoughts. On her way home she ran into Royce and a few of his friends, all of them drunk. Royce boasted of her beauty, and in his drunken eagerness to show her to his friends, he ended up gang raping and beating her. Rosalie was about to die, when Carlisle Cullen found her and transformed her into a vampire to save her life. When she woke up, Rosalie found and murdered all of Royce's friends who had raped her. When they were dead she stole a wedding dress to be theatrical, then found Royce and slowly tortured him to death.
edit Behind the scenes
Rosalie Hale

It was announced on the 12th February 2008, that Rosalie would be portrayed by Nikki Reed in the Twilight film.
In a recent interview with MTV , Reed said this about her character:

"Well, Rosalie was raped and beaten by her fiance back about 100 years ago, and she almost died. Carlisle found her, and I guess he couldn't bear to see her bleeding and dying on the ground. And so he changed her into a vampire, because he wanted Edward to have a soul mate. And he thought that we would be great, but for whatever reason, Edward couldn't fall in love with Rosalie. Rosalie really just wanted to be normal; that's what she's always wanted. Even when she was normal, she didn't want to be as beautiful as she was. She didn't want to stand out as much as she does. She just wanted to be like an average young woman who got married and had a family."


Rosalie means "White Rose." This is most likely tied to her extreme beauty, which could be considered "rose-like"
posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's the next chapter. I know it's kinda long...sorry :/ I was lost in my own little world. lol. Thanks for all the sweet comments and support! I hope you love it as much as I do ^.^ Much love and appreciation to each of you, from me! :]
“Does that fit well, Chloe?” Summer asked her three year old princess. Chloe was in her mother and father’s bedroom trying on a dry, sky blue dress with layers of white frills on the skirt. Thankfully, while she was pregnant, Summer stocked up on enough sizes in outfits for Chloe till she reached...
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A BIG BIG BIG thank you to everyone for ALL the support and, of course, reading my story. There's not enough I can do to repay you for your kindness <333 I like this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it too :] Thank you again.
Love Me, Hate Me, Lie to Me
The further Summer ran from Forks, she felt like an important piece of her life had recently gone missing. She was happy the Cullens weren’t physically hurt, and Aro hadn’t been thinking spiteful thoughts against them. But, there was a chance he was only thinking about killing them while she...
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Homemade Banner
Homemade Banner
Bella’s P.O.V:
I was hyperventilating when I stepped into the Cullen garage. I saw the car Ali and Jazz had taken me into to Arizona. And then the car that had come back when I was “dead” with Ali as my visitor. The car I promised Edward I would wait until after graduation for my wish made me cry the most. The one where we ran into Jacob-and went into the woods.
Although I was supposed to go to the hotel Carlisle told me to go strait to Alice and Edward. I had Cullen clothes on so I would smell like a vampire. I did. I smelled like all my favorite people. Emmett, Alice, Edward, Esme, Carlisle,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Along the way, a girl ran up to me, and she looked . She help a whip like that one girl I killed a few days ago.
    "You kill my sister, I kill you!" She said, and cracked her whip at me.
    I raised my leg, and it wrapped around my leg. I brought my leg back and her weapon of choice was now on my right leg.
    "I did kill her, just like I'll kill you!" I said, raised my gun, two shots to her abdomen, and she went down.
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Robert Pattinson Related to Dracula?
By Twilight_News |

According to ET:

“The Associated Press says researchers at have connected Pattinson and the Transylvanian ruler through their relationship to the British royal family; the site claims Pattinson is a distant cousin of Princes Harry and William, who are distant nephews of Vlad the Impaler.
“Tracing Pattinson’s family back to Vlad was difficult research, but the pieces that unraveled created the perfect accompaniment to ‘The Twilight Saga,’” said Anastasia Tyler, a genealogist at “Without any myth or magic, we find royalty and vampires lurking in Pattinson’s life — making his story just as supernatural as the one he’s playing on screen.”
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    "Oh my god," I said and sat in the chair Jerek did when I went to take a shower.
    "So, what do we do, doc?" Tabra asked.
    "We try to get him back. Tabra run outside and see if you can still-"
    "It's too late," I interrupted.
    "How so?" She asked.
    "We don't know what time he was take, we just know he was taken between the ten minutes of my shower, which means that he could...
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"hey! nessie!" blake greeted me in the car park he must of been waiting for me.
"heya blake whatssup?"
"well i was just wondering did you want to do something tonight?" he sounded nervous but he wanted to be confident and i needed a night out and pluss i didnt want to go back there. not tonight anyway.
"sure what did you have in mind?" i smiled as his eyes widened.
"erm well my mum and dad are going out tonight so we could have a film? i mean i can get other people around? if you want?"
"no thats fine i would love to come and watch a film with you. see you tonight then"
i didnt really know most...
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the morrning passed quickly so when i started to walk towards the dining hall i was thinking about what had happened the two leasons i was in.
i sat at the back with my hood still up when they asked me to take it down i just looked at them and they just said oh no matter keep it up. this was teachers. the students looked like they hated me allready so i kept it up.
but i guessed i could go round with my hood up all day so as i grabbed my lunch and caught sight of drake staring at me smiling patting the chair oppersit him. i started to walk over listerning to him and his mates chatting.
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Our leads in this episode, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward
Our leads in this episode, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward
A Youtube Script:
Episode One:
*Bashing it out*
Bella’s P.O.V:
When life gives you lemons what do you do?
I make sacrifice.
For my friends.
My family.
My Edward…
Like Romeo and Juliet sacrificed their love for each other.
With the killing and stuff…
Anyways, I have the remote here. I’ll press play so you can see…

*One year ago*
Edward’s P.O.V:
Edward: When Bella says bye, please don’t complain.
Emmett: Yeah. Whatever, Edward.
Jasper: Like Em said.
*Two minutes later*
Bella: Why’d you do this?
Edward: Oh I didn’t.
Bella: *smacks his arm* really?
Edward: Yeah, last time I checked.
Bella: Oh just...
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posted by meizoel
Here It's The List Soundtrack Of Twilight Eclipse

1. Metric - Eclipse (All Yours)

2. Muse - Love is Forever

3. The Bravery - Ours

4. Florence And The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms

5. Sia - My Love

6. Fanfarlo - Atlas

7. The Black Keys - Chop And Charge

8. The Dead Weather - Rolling In On A Burning Tire

9. Beck & Bat For Lashes - Let's Get Lost

10. Vampire Weekend - Jonathan Low

11. Unkle feat The Black Angels - With You In My Head

12. Eastren Conference Champions - A Million Miles An Hour

13. Band Of Horses - Life On Earth

14. Cee Lo Green - What Part Of Forever

15. Howard Shore - Jacob's Theme

16. Battles - The Line

17. Bombay Bicycle Club - How Can You Swallow So Mouch Sleep

cek if u want download it
*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

Edward sprawled across the couch
while I started the movie, fast-forwarding through the opening credits. When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. It wasn't exactly as comfortable as a sofa cushion would be, what with his chest being hard and cold - and perfect - as an ice sculpture, but it was definitely preferable. He pulled the old afghan off the back of the couch and draped it over me so I wouldn't freeze beside his body.
"You know, I've never had much patience...
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posted by xroylex
*so what type of party is this?" i have never been to that many partys well i have but none with a guy who i only know a little bit and could i dont know be taking me to any type of paty
"its just a mates house party mum and dad is out for the weekend so he just wanted one" he shrugged
it was half way down the street were i started to hear the tudding of music
oh god it was that type of party
"we could turn around you know i mean we dont have to go to this party i can take you home?" wow it was like he could read my mind. rememinded em of dad
"no no its just a little diffrent really i mean...
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posted by Darktimes104
I need to be more on top of my updating!

Emmett's POV:
Rose,Carmen, Kate, and Esme returned about two hours after they left. I ran to the door when I saw Rose but, Carmen and Kate kept me away, "You know you aren't suppose to see the wedding gown before the wedding." I stopped off annoyed. I went to sit on the couch. The annoyed feeling I felt went away when I saw the 'I think I'm going to throw up' look on Edwards face because Tanya, once again, was hanging on him. I let out a booming laugh and Edward gave me and evil glare.

Rosalie's POV:
I found the perfect dress, the straps came just below...
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posted by Rose22882
I wasn't scared of them but my parents dead faces kept popping in my head. Edward looked at me sadly and stepped back.

"Think about it Bella would you really want to die" Alice asked me carefully. Truth was I was asked that quetion every month since my parents died and I knew the answer.

" No I wouldn't but I'm not afraid to die even at my own hands ." I said knowing that I didn't want to die until the men that murderd my parents were dead. Edward breathed a sigh of relief and I wanted to yell at him. He shouldn't care about me no one does they just want me dead.

" Why were you trying to sneak...
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Alice,Rosalie,and Bella.Best Friends.
Alice,Rosalie,and Bella.Best Friends.
Alice’s P.O.V:
When we finally got done crying on each others shoulders we had to take a break from Truth or dare for like ten minutes. Bella stared out the window for that time sniffling and begging us not to think about her rape. We agreed immediately, so she felt better.
Bella sat silent for another five minutes while Rosalie and I talked about Truth or Dare questions we had in the past. When Bella finally came around we had stopped at a drugstore because she said she was thirsty. So, while Rosalie went in a bought a Crush Orange Soda. Bella looked over at me and said, “I’m sorry,...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hey guys
This is the next part of my new fan fic.

I walked into the building which I was told is a block of apartments.
“Hi I’m Isabella Swan. I brought an apartment here” I told the woman at the reception. “That would be apartment number 16”

“Where is that sorry?”

“Go up two floors and walk down the corridor until you find number 16 on the left hand side”

“Ok thank you” I walked into the elevator and pushed the 2 button. The elevator left of in a flash which made my stomach turn. I was going to have to get used to this. The doors opened and I stepped out wobbling....
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posted by Darktimes104
Emmett's POV:
I was lying next to Rose on the bed, the sun was shining bright through the window causing rainbows to form on our skin. "Morning." I said kissing her softly. "Good morning." She smiled as she wrapped the sheet around herself and walked into the closet. I got up and put on a gray t-shirt and a pair of pants. Five minutes later Rose walked out of the closet wearing a dark blue dress. She had a look in her eyes that said something was wrong. "What's wrong Rose?"
"Esme, Carmen, and I were talking about getting married here but, I now I don't think I want to."
She sat down on the bed...
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“We need to sort this whole mess out.” I announced on Renesmee’s behalf. I was discombobulated. My mind searched for an answer. I turned to Jasper in the left corner of the big sitting room.
“These dreams she’s having, I have them too when I read her mind. They are awful. Cynddylan is there. He keeps asking her to join the Volturi. But they are dead. We burnt the remains of them last night.”
I felt the most confused I had ever felt. He was dead. He was gone and a pile of ashes in Volterra. I heard a glimpse of Jacob’s thoughts; he was going to stay with Renesmee. Good. He...
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posted by smileyfaceddude

I heard Alice’s thought and was immediately baffled… she then sent another message,
Anger and, for the first tie for a long time, fear, took over my body and senses, I wanted to go straight to the castle and rip those guys’ heads off!
“I know that look! What wrong?” Jacob demanded, his big warm hand was on my shoulder.
“They’re planning something, something to do with Renesmee…” I informed him. Jacob started shaking, like he always does when he’s very angry, he broke into a run, I caught him immediately,...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thanks 4 reading...I was able to post this one earlier than I thought, I got off early...YAY, I get to write(type). :D LOL

Emmett's POV

We continued to sit on the log and wait for the rest of her family to come. I was looking in her eyes listening intently as she told me how and why Carlisle changed Edward, Esme, and her. As I was listening to her story my mind trailed off into another direction. I was thinking how beautiful her eyes are, like pools of gold, I felt as if I would drown from the depths of her eyes.
A rustling of bushes and footsteps on the dead leaves brought my mind back in the...
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