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posted by Isabellaashley
Hey everyone, I modified some parts of my story and I hope you like this even better than the previous!!!


The woods were filled with silence and I looked around for any signs of the slayer. As I heard the leaves on the ground rustling, I turned around and there he appeared from the treetops of a nearby tree and he gave me a sly smile which sent shivers down my spine before slowly approaching me and my heart was pounding inside my chest. I was vulnerable as there wasn’t anyone to protect me and I knew that I was going to die here, alone. Please let this be over fast, I thought to myself.
Every step that he took towards me was another step closer to death. His long, black hair was flowing as the cold and bitter wind blew and I found myself shivering because of the coldness and the fear that I felt.
Would anyone find me here after I died? Or would I be lost forever in this horrid place?
These questions filled my head and I knew that he was still watching me as my breathing became heavier. I never expected this day to come but ever since Luke and his family’s arrival, I should have seen this coming soon and this was one of risk that I took for being with him but I would gladly pay the price. As I looked directly into his dark, black eyes, I saw the hatred and anger that had consumed the slayer’s mind.
I knew that this was the end of me now.



“So, how are you fitting? Is everyone being nice to you?”
“They are really… friendly, mum. I’m fitting in and the weather is cold but I’m doing fine. Is everything alright, mum? You seem awfully quiet,” my tone became worried and I was curious about the silence that filled the end of the other line.
“I’m fine. I’m engaged, sweetheart. I’m just so excited about the wedding and you should see the ring. It’s simply beautiful. You’ll be my bridesmaid, right?”
The thought of me in any dress was simply horrible as I would never be seen wearing a dress even if it was my wedding but it was going to be my mum’s special day and I wanted her to be happy. She had been seeing David for two years now and he seemed like a wonderful guy for my mother.
“Absolutely, mum.” I quickly lied and tried my best to sound enthusiastic about it. “I’m so happy for the both of you. I can’t wait till then. I’ve to go now and cook dinner before dad comes back. I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Okay then, Ashley. Send my regards to your father for me. I love you.”
“Love you too, mum. Bye! Tell David that I said hi and congrats on your engagement.”
I quickly ended the call before she could say anything more and stared at the blank screen of my handphone for a few moments, thinking about my mother. She seemed really different but still like her old, care-free way and I wondered if David, her new fiancé was taking care of her as I did when I’d been staying with her. I stormed downstairs to the kitchen and started taking out the cooking utensils out from the cabinets. I decided to cook my favourite dish, spaghetti with creamy mushroom sauce and as I was busy in the kitchen, I heard the front door open and then close and my father appeared in the kitchen a few moments later.
“I thought I smelled something good. You shouldn’t be doing all the cooking, Ashley. We could always eat at the diner and save you the time of cooking and cleaning up.” He took off his coat and stood at the doorway with his coat in his hand.
“I like cooking, dad. It helps me to relax and I don’t mind cleaning up. It’s better than eating at the diner every night,” I added jokingly and kept my eyes on the bubbling pot of the sauce and slowly stirred it. “Besides, I’m tired of being the center of attention while I’m eating. Dinner’s almost ready, dad.”
“I see. Anyway, I’ll get cleaned up then I’ll help you set the dinner table. It’s the least I can do to help as you have been doing all the hard work of cooking for me.”
“I’m fine, dad. You should get cleaned up and I’ll set the table,” I gave him a weak smile before he walked out the room and went upstairs to freshen himself up.
After a few minutes, he returned to the kitchen and I’d already set the table and our dinner smelled delicious. We ate in silence for a few moments until my dad spoke.
“So… what did you do today?” he took another bite of the spaghetti and looked at me, waiting for my answer.
“I just did some unpacking and cleaned up some things. I’m just a little nervous about the first day at school tomorrow,” I lied and played with my plate of spaghetti. “How about you, dad?”
“I’m sure that you’ll be fine tomorrow. The hospital was a little crowded today but I managed to treat all the patients. Luckily, the new doctor and his family are arriving tomorrow. Everyone in this town seems to be getting ill and we are short of hands to


help,” he sounded relived as he spoke and I knew that he seemed exhausted these few days.
“That’s good. You seemed tired since you had to take the double shift. So, where’s this new doctor from?”
“I’m not sure. Surprisingly no one seems to know much of him and his family but I do know that he’s really attractive. So are his children. I’m pretty sure that the whole town will be gossiping about them when they’ve arrived.”
“Well, hopefully the whole high school will be too caught up with them until they won’t notice me. I spoke to mum today.”
“How’s she? I haven’t heard much about her,” he looked down as he spoke and I knew that my dad’s feelings towards mum were still the same and I sighed softly. It was going to be difficult to tell him about mum’s engagement.
“She’s… great. She’s getting married to David,” I looked at my father’s face and tried my hardest to study his facial expression but he remained calm after hearing the news.
“That’s… great news. So… when is the wedding?”
“I’m not sure but mum wants me to be her bridesmaid and she’s really excited about it.”
“I see. Well, I’m going to watch the game before I tuck in early. Do you mind doing the dishes tonight? I’ll do the dishes tomorrow if you want me to,” he got up from the table and waited for my respond.
“I’m fine, dad. I haven’t got much to do anyway and the kitchen looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in months unless you want to spend your time cleaning up rather than watching your game.”
“Thanks, Ashley. Just call me if you need my help.” He disappeared into the sitting room.
I heard the television turned on and I started to clean up the kitchen. After the kitchen was spotless enough to my satisfaction, I ran upstairs to my bedroom and shut my room door. I tried to continue packing but I was distracted by my thoughts. The only reason that I’d decided to stay with my dad was because I’d felt guilty about leaving him all alone and since my mum had David, I decided that it was time to spend some time with my father. I figured that he would be delighted as I hadn’t visited him for a few years now. I went into my bathroom and took a glance at the mirror. I combed my tangled hair and tied it into a ponytail. I tried my best to convince myself that this was the right choice but a part of me knew that I couldn’t agree and that I would regret this decision. I have to be strong for my father. I can’t show my dislike and my unhappiness in front of him or he would be disappointed. I took a long, warm bath and changed into my favourite loss fitting shirt and a grey shorts.
I sat at my desk and to check my emails and I’d gotten two messages from my mum. The first one was sent after she had called me and told me. It had said “Ashley,”

I missed you so much since you moved to stay with your father. The new house that David had just bought has three rooms and you can come home anytime if you like. The wedding will be during the end of this year and I’m having so much fun with all the planning.

I sighed loudly and clicked on the next one and it was sent a few minutes after the first one. It had written “Ashley,”


By the way, I lost my handphone again but I’m not sure when I’d lost it. So… I’m done with using a handphone for now and don’t forget to write to me often and tell me about your first day of school tomorrow. Good luck and David sents his regards to you and your father.

I clicked the reply button to reply her email or she might be worried that I’d gone missing or worse kidnapped. She is the biggest worrier and I didn’t want her to get worried about me especially when she has all the wedding arrangement to sort out.

I’m fine and I can’t believe you lost your handphone again. It’s the second one that you’ve lost this month. Maybe you should stop using one until you figure out a way to stop losing it. Anyway, I hope you’re having fun with the planning and I’m so happy for the both of you. Dad sents his regards too and says congrats to you. Anyway, I am going to bed early now. I’ll write to you tomorrow so don’t worry too much about me. I missed you too.
As I’d just finished typing out all those white lies in the email and sent it to my mum, I heard a soft knock on the door and I found my dad standing at the doorway. He looked exhausted and I tried my best to study his facial expression. I knew that he wanted to discuss about something and I waited patiently for him to bring the subject up.
“Well, looks like your new laptop is put to good use. I was worried that you weren’t sure how to operate it like your mother”
“I’m just emailing mum. Are you going to bed now?”
“Um… yeah. I wanted to discuss something with you before I went to bed,” his tone was surprisingly anxious and I knew that it must be important for him to discuss at night with me.
“I’m listening,” I looked at the doorway and waited for his speech.
“I bought a car for you. It isn’t new but it’s still in good condition. It used to belong to Michael Sawyer, the store owner in town. Do you remember him?”
“I… don’t remember. I haven’t stayed here since I was 6 years old, dad.”
“I-I forgot. Anyway, the car is yours now. It’s parked in the driveway and consider it as your welcoming gift.”
“Thanks Jac… dad. I appreciate it and um… thanks for the laptop too.”
“You’re welcome. I should probably get to bed now. I’ll see you in the morning then. Sleep tight, Ashley.” He quietly closed my door and I heard his room door creak open and closed. I shifted my glance to my window and at that moment I realized that it was wide open. The wind that blew into my room was cold and I shivered before I stumbled to close it before I froze. The window was partly jammed and I pushed hard before it finally closed tightly and my room begun to feel warm again. I jumped onto my bed and into my thick duvet before grabbing the book that I’d been reading since I’d arrive here two days ago and tried to read it but my thoughts was filled with worrying about my mother being alone and my father’s kindness today. I gave up and turned of the side lamp and tried to sleep with the heavy rain pouring outside but I kept tossing and turning in my bed until I finally slept after a few hours.
The next morning, I woke up as my alarm rang and got ready for school. I dressed myself in a simple white blouse and an acid washed jeans with my favourite pair of


sneakers. I tried my best to comb through my hair and left it loose before heading to the kitchen to grab some breakfast and I found a note stuck on the cereal box. It had wrote “Ashley,”

I needed to get to work early as the doctor and his family are arriving soon and I’m suppose to pick them up from the airport. I’ll see you during dinner later. Good luck at school!


That's all for now!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!! Thanks for your time and do leave a comment!!!
posted by tigerlover656
Everybody has heard of the apidemic that hit the world just a few weeks ago. Edwardidis, Jake-Ache. e.t.c But since that is gone a new sickness has hit the world. It is called Twilight Fever. And here are some of the symptoms.

Researching mythical creatchers.
Acting like Bella all the time.
Taking tests to see which Twilight character you are untill you get what you want.
Always thinking about the books.
And never leaving the Twilight section of Fanpop.

There is only a couple known cures to this disease.They are rereading the twilight series over and over. Having daily doses of Fanpop each day. and wrting articles to express your feelings with the books.

Some sideaffects may occur which are having a glazed look in your eyes or getting bored of Fanpop or the Twilight series. (Very Rare)
posted by tigerlover656
boy vampire and human girl
boy vampire and human girl
Ok my theory is that i know a bok vampire and a girl vampire can't have babies, but i think that a boy vampire and a human girl could. I mean why not? Girl vampires are basically dead, but human girls aren't! Well, what do you guys think. Couldn't it be possible?! What do you gus and girls think. please reply on the comment section. Ok i know that i am babbling now but pretend that after my theory that this stuff isnt even here because the fanpp people won't let me publish this if it isn't long enough! Ok! so please pretend that this stuff isn't here!
posted by tigerlover656
When I read Twilight for the first and second time I would feel mysterious when Edward dissapeared and I would feel happy when Edward was with her. When he made her smile I smiled, when she laughed, I laughed. When New Moon came to be read once and the second time I felt really happy when Edward was with her. When he protected her from the other vampire who is dating alice. When I read the series it made me happy. But when the time came, I tryed not to cry. But tears started comeing out when Edward broke up with her. When she started to hang out with Jacob, when the author described him, described...
continue reading...
posted by tigerlover657
The fantastic author of the Twiligt series, Stephenie Meyer, wants to make the reader always wants you to like Edward. But with Bella's choice she has to choose between her best friend who she loves more than she ever should or her boyfriend of whom she loves dearly with all her heart. The way she writes makes you want to choose Edward, but what about Jacob? It almost seems to me like she wants you to have a heavy choice between Jacob and Edward. She certainly is in less danger with Jacob. But it is almost equal because if she gets too close when he is angry he just might explode. But with...
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posted by funnyshawna
this is the sequel to our story, Maximum Twilight. I like it, and i think u will too:)

Maximum Twilight: Part Two
By: Fast Farms

Fang woke up to a bright blue sky, and something hard hitting his head. Ow, he thought rubbing the spot where a small pinecone had hit him. He looked around. Gazzy was grinning and when he spotted Fang's gaze on him, he quickly looked away. Fang sighed and jumped down from the huge tree he had perched on for the night. The rest of the flock was up and eating a loaf of French bread that they had stolen the previous night. They were in France, and had been for a few weeks...
continue reading...
Twilight teaser trailer will kick Indiana Jones teaser trailer no.1 spot on myspace most viewed trailers.Twilight teaser trailer scored more than 2 million views in 3 days!

2 more million views needed to be at no.1!



open it in different windows to save time and all!
keep refreshing and mute the volume if you get sick of it!


total views 8:46 EST: 2,403,785 views!!!
11:27 EST: 2,438,042 million views
posted by tubby2002
I read this book after I read Twilight and New Moon because I needed a fix of Vampires and Werewolves. This book is almost as good as the twilight series and I really liked it. This is what it is about:

Quincie Morris has never felt more alone. Her hybrid werewolf first love threatens to embark on a rite of passage that will separate them forever. And just as she and her uncle are about to unveil Austin's red-hot vampire-themed restaurant, a brutal murder leaves them scrambling for a chef. Can Quincie transform the new hire, Henry Johnson, into a culinary Dark Lord before opening night? Will...
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fanvid by Viktoria Teplova
twilight saga
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fanvid by Howling hearts
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Don't get mad at me! I just post the spoilers!! Okay Read This::

well, my sister called me today while i was at work and i left everything to my coworker so i could take notes for ya'll. ida, my sister, started on page 84, which is the chapter the ISLE OF ESME which is apparently a tropical beachy place where edward and bella are honeymooning. idk exactly where it is bc we wanted to get straight to the secks lol

edward and bella are on a beach. bella talks about how the water is warm, almost like bathwater, so warm that edward's touch isn't frozen. she asks him something like "isn't the moon...
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posted by mitchie19
"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president, or in my case… princess.

When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!

This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, its time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love - a lot. Major in philosophy 'cause there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent.

So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be… we won't have to guess. We'll know."
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