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Chapter 6: Preconceived Notions and The Choices That We Make (Nessie's POV)

Getting to the airport as well as the flight back was a blur. Somehow my father had arranged a private jet for us that flew us straight back cutting our travel time. Jake was given the job of calling Sam and convincing him of Amore’s vision and to let my family help them. His eyebrows furrowed as Sam picked up the phone, “Sam its Jake listen to me…I know that she is in labor trust me this is a good time for this conversation. Amore had a vision she is going to have twins Sam, she saw something choking one of the babies if you don’t allow Carlisle to deliver the babies it is not going to end well.” His eyes snapped shut, and he grimaced. I had no doubt that Sam was flipping out on him. I held onto his hand encouraging him not to give up. “Listen to me Sam, I know that you are having a hard time trusting us but I promise you they just want to help. Please, think of Emily, and the babies. Give Carlisle a chance; he is a good guy and a wonderful doctor. SAM I swear on everything that means anything to me, Renesmee, my father, my sisters, my pack… the Cullens just want to help.” A look of relief crossed his face briefly and then his face went pale. “I will call him now; get her ready he will be there any second.” He hung up and called my grandfather, “It’s all set, do you know where their house is? Ok, good. Carlisle? She sounded really bad I heard her screaming in the background. Thank you. Okay, we will be there as soon as we can.” He snapped the phone shut and pulled me to him and kissed my forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut. I looked at him frantically, “What happened?” He whispered again, “She was screaming in the background…Nessie if anything happens to her or the twins…I don’t know what Sam will do…” I comforted him, “It will be alright, my grandfather knows what he is doing.” I put on a brave face for him but to be honest I was terrified myself. Amore met us at the airport in her Mercedes. She looked at us soberly, “hey you two,” she hugged us and kissed our cheeks. “How is she?” I asked. She shrugged. “Grandpa hadn’t even left yet by the time I left to pick you guys up”. Jake let me have the front seat, from the back he leaned forward towards Amore, “Will they be ok?” She scrunched her nose. “I’m not sure Jake, there are some choices that need to be made that will set the course for the outcome. Plus I barely know Sam and Emily they are a little fuzzy to me. I was shocked that the vision came so clear this morning.” I was staring straight ahead willing my grandparents house to just pop up in front of us of course it didn’t happen. Amore was nearing 100mph and then she looked at me, “Ness, you’re shaking…” I ignored her, “I’m fine, we have more important things to worry about.” I felt Jake’s eyes burning a hole into the back of my head but I didn’t turn around.
When we pulled up my grandfather’s car was still in the driveway the back door wide open. “Not a good sign,” I thought to myself. He hadn’t had time to shut the back door let alone get the car in the garage where it was usually parked. I shuddered at the thought of what might await. My family was assembled in the living room along with the rest of Sam’s pack and their significant others, Billy, and Sue. Everyone greeted us solemnly. My mother came up to me and hugged me, “Your grandfather needs you and Jake up there.” She said quietly. I nodded my father came over to me, “Hi sweetheart,” he hugged me tightly and then kissed my forehead. “We need you to scrub up and help your grandfather. You paid such close attention in all of your pre-med instruction from me and your grandfather and Emily prefers you over me.” I swallowed hard and nodded. My father tucked my hair into a surgical cap and had me wash my hands with medical grade soap. I put on a set of scrubs that he brought me from the hospital. He smiled at me sadly, “I’m sorry to make you do this.” I shook my head, “No, its ok, I told Emily that I would help her anyway that I could. I want to do this.” Jake washed his hands with the soap as well he didn’t need scrubs he was just going to be there for Sam. We walked up the stairs. I knocked on the door. “Grandpa it’s me and Jake.” “Come in” my grandfather said clearly. The first thing that I noticed was the pained look on Sam’s usually emotionless face. It was ripping him to pieces that his wife and children were in danger. Jake walked up to him and put his hand on his shoulder. Sam nodded at him. I smiled at Emily who was panting and tears were streaming down her cheeks. “Nessie” she gasped. I went right to her, “Shh, it’s alright Em. My grandfather is the best doctor in Forks. You and the babies will be fine.” She smiled at me a little and I turned to my grandfather. “What is going on?” He was performing an ultrasound. “Emily told me that she hadn’t had an ultrasound, and the doctor somehow must have missed the second heartbeat at her appointments. I am getting a look at them to see where they are and to see what the problem is. I am assuming that the cord is wrapped around one of the baby’s necks.” Emily gasped. I rubbed her hair. My grandfather looked at her, “It happens fairly frequently Emily.” He looked back at the screen. “Just as I suspected it is wrapped around baby A’s neck. It will be alright Emily. I have to give you some medicine to numb you and then we will perform a Cesarean it will be just fine, alright?” My grandfather’s calm voice seemed to comfort her and she nodded. He turned to me, “Renesmee I have to give her a spinal block I need you to keep her calm.” He turned to Sam and Jake, “You both have to step out for just one moment.” Sam started to object but my grandfather looked at him seriously, “Time is of the essence Sam. I will call you back in very shortly.” Sam kissed Emily on the forehead so gently; his eyes were full of agony. “I will be back as soon as I can.” Emily nodded, and Jake led Sam out of the room. We helped Emily to sit up, and my grandfather positioned me in front of her so that she could lean against me. She put her head on my shoulder and wept, “Oh, Renesmee I am so scared.” “It’s ok, Emily, just think you will be a mommy soon!” I tried to calm her down, she smiled a little. My grandfather rubbed her back gently, “The pain is short-lived but you will be their mother forever.” She perked up a little. “Ok Emily, I need you to stay very still. I have to inject this medication into your spine; I know it is easier said than done with the contractions but no sudden movements.” He numbed her back and then she sucked in a breath as he injected the medication into her back. “I gave her a little something for the pain in the car when I picked them up just to take the edge off of it, but this should help immensely,” He informed me. Once he was finished we lay her down on the table. My grandfather set up the surgical drape and the then hooked her back up to the monitor and called Jake and Sam back into the room. Sam’s eyes searched his wife wildly, but they calmed down when he saw that she was pain-free. He took her hand and kissed it. “Are you alright?" She nodded weakly. The baby’s monitor started beeping indicating that baby A was in distress. “It’s go time," my grandfather said. “Who’s ready to be a mommy? We have two babies that are very anxious to meet their parents.” Emily smiled and my grandfather got to work. “Ok, Emily can you feel that?” She shook her head. “Just a little pressure,” my grandfather warned her. I held her free hand while Sam held onto the other one. Jake and I glanced at each other briefly he looked very uncomfortable. I was used to this kind of stuff. My father and grandfather hoped I would follow them into the medical world at one point. My grandfather had me reading his medical books and watching documentaries from the time that I was little. I looked down at Emily she was very still but tears slipped down her cheeks as she held her breathe waiting for the same thing that every woman in delivery is desperate for; her children’s first cries; indicating that they are ok. Moments later my grandfather smiled widely as a strong wail filled the room. I grabbed the aspirator and handed it to him as he cleared out the baby’s breathing passages. He handed the baby to me. “Congratulations, you have a healthy boy.” Emily laughed, “Renesmee was right.” “Told you so,” I joked as I picked up a towel and my grandfather handed me the screaming and writhing little boy. He was so tiny. I toweled him off and wrapped him up handing him to his proud papa. “Congratulations,” I said quietly. Sam had tears in his eyes as he accepted his son with shaking hands. He kissed his forehead and held the infant up to his wife. Emily smiled weakly, “Samuel Jacob,” she whispered. Jake looked up in surprise, and Emily smiled at him. My grandfather chuckled “Here comes Samuels’s brother.” He gently brought their next child into the world and smiled at him. “He is perfect.” He handed the identical twin of the first baby to me. I couldn’t help but smile at him. He was so sweet, while baby Sam’s cry had been loud and angry his cry was quieter and he almost looked as though he were confused. I cleaned out his nose and mouth with a sterile aspirator, then dried him off and brought him to Emily. I held him at her side, she was crying and sat in contemplation for a moment before softly saying, “Levi Joshua.” She looked to her husband for approval. He had fresh tears in his eyes as he nodded indicating that he liked it. My grandfather interrupted their private moment, as gently as he could, “In just a moment I will have you stitched up the babies look ok they are a little on the small side I would say they are between 5 and 6 pounds each. They are breathing just fine, but I want them in the incubators that Edward grabbed from the hospital until I can properly assess them.” He gestured to the incubators which were right on the other side of the room. “Nessie I need you to help me bathe them too,” I nodded, the dizziness was back but I kept it at bay they needed me. Looking into little Levi’s sleepy brown eyes helped I didn't realize that tears were pouring down my face until Jake asked me if I was alright. I nodded and turned to Emily, “is it ok if I take Levi to bathe him now?” She nodded at me, “thank you for helping me Renesmee, I will never forget this.” I smiled at her, “I told you I would help you, congratulations.” I whispered she smiled wanly and I held Levi up to her so she could kiss his little face. Before taking him to get cleaned up, I walked over to Sam with him and he smiled at me kindly as he kissed his sons face for the first time. Jake didn't take his eyes off of me as the tears continued to pour down my face suddenly Emily’s heart rate started to decrease the monitor beeped wildly Jake took baby Sam as Sam rushed to his wives’ side her eyes had rolled back in her head and Sam screamed, “what’s wrong!” My grandfather spoke calmly as he quickly worked over her “some women cannot tolerate multiples it is hard on the heart. The blood volume increases more than normal with more than one baby and when it filters back through the heart it can cause heart failure.” He looked at Sam seriously, “I will do all that I can if it's not enough I can save her by changing her while her heart is still beating.” Sam’s face turned to stone. I was normally intimidated by Sam and very rarely spoke to him except in passing. Yet, as I looked at him I became so angered that he was letting his hatred of what he felt that we were stand in the way of saving his wife, “Sam don't be an idiot they need a mother. It doesn’t matter if she is human or vampire,” I screamed. He winced but I seemed to get through to him. My grandfather looked at him evenly, “I will only do it if there are no other options. I would never do this to someone who had another choice.” Sam tearfully nodded his consent my grandfather. He worked over her for what seemed like an eternity after a bit her heartbeat was restored. We all breathed a sigh of relief. He wouldn't have to change her. Emily slowly came to as my grandfather explained what had happened I took Levi over to the little table that was set up with an infant tub I kept his little body covered with the towel only exposing the part that was to be washed and then quickly drying him off and covering him to keep him warm. Someone (I guessed my Aunt Rosalie) had run out and bought preemie baby boy matching outfits one blue and one green. I put the green sleeper on him with the blue hat I thought it would be cute to mix it up so that he matched his brother who was older by a minute. Levi’s brown eyes were fully open now and he stared at me intently, “hello little man,” I cooed. “Aren't you handsome, you will be quite the ladies man someday.” I swear he smiled at me and I giggled at how the preemie clothes were even a tad big on him. I wrapped him in a blanket and held up a pacifier turning to Emily, “can he have this?” She nodded I gave it to him he accepted it gratefully suckling it noisily. I giggled and held him up for his mother and father to see and then I carefully placed him into the incubator labeled” Baby B”. I turned back to my grandfather he was talking to Emily, “Ok mama, you are all set congratulations. It is up to you and Sam but I would prefer if you stayed here for a few days to a week to recover. That was major surgery you just had plus your heart complication. I want to keep a close eye on you and those babies. Emily looked at Sam pleadingly and he conceded. Grandpa smiled, “good in a couple of hours we will bring you something to eat Emily, so start thinking about what you want. We can get you anything you desire. You need the calories, especially if you are going to attempt to breastfeed these two. I need you to try as soon as you feel up to it.” She nodded, and Sam handed me his namesake. He looked at me seriously, “thank you Renesmee. You were right I was being an idiot,” he whispered. I offered him a pardoning smile and I got to work cleaning him up. Jake looked at me again his forehead wrinkled in concern, “Renesmee, why are you still crying everything is ok.” I waved him off the dizziness was starting to come back I closed my eyes and steadied myself and then I took baby Sam to the table where I had bathed his brother as I worked I heard Jake talking to my grandfather. “Carlisle you have got to check her out something is wrong with her she kept getting these dizzy spells she hardly ate and wasn't herself the entire week we were gone. She barely slept she was having these nightmares every night. She would scream and cry in her sleep.” I had placed Sam into the incubator next to his brother turning it so that the babies could see each other once I saw that both babies were safe, warm and happily sucking away on their little pacifiers I turned to my husband in shock. His words were so revolting I felt like he had slapped me. I was so dizzy I could barely find his face but when I did my eyes locked onto it in anger. The tears continued to come so furiously that I could barely choke the words out, “They weren't nightmares Jacob, how could you say that. They were dreams of our daughter,” I let out another sob and then the floor flew up towards me and everything went black.
new moon movie
new moon movie
If you're a diehard Twilighter, you might wonder just how different New Moon the film is from the book. Below, we name 20 ways the movie deviates from Meyer's tome – and works all the better for it.
Way more shirtless boys!
We all hoped to get a glimpse of Edward's alabaster chest in Volterra, but who knew we'd get to see so much hot werewolf skin? Thankfully, the Wolf Pack run such high temperatures and explode away their clothes so frequently that cut-off jeans and no shirt are their shared ensemble of choice.
We get more fights, including an awesome Volturi throw down.
New Moon the book is...
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This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
This isnt the picture I wanted, But it was the closest I could find. :( *Disclaimer(
I was moving to Forks, Washington. My mom and her new husand Phil liked to travel. My mom would stay home with me but I knew it made her happy, so, I figured I could spend some time with my dad. It was the middle if the semester, great. Moving away from all of my friends in Phenoix-where I was living now. I was always more-I guess you could say-mature than my mother in ways. I always cooked and everything. But, I think Phil and her will be fine.
Moving will be a good thing... right?

---In car with Charlie coming home from airport---

Charlie's my dad, hes the cheif of police in the small town...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 19 - GOODBYES

I was staring back at Alice's headlights when the truck shuddered and a dark shadow sprung up outside the window.
16 My bloodcurdling scream lasted a fraction of a second before Edward's hand clamped down on my mouth.
"It's Emmett!"
He released my mouth, and wound his arm around my waist.
"It's okay, Bella," he promised. "You're going to be safe."
We raced through the quiet town toward the north highway.
"I didn't realize you were still so bored with small-town life," he said conversationally, and I knew he was trying to distract me. "It...
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1. You wake up in the middle of the night to find him climbing through your window to watch you sleep.

2. He hates your dog, and all dogs for that matter.

3. He looks at you like you're somethig to eat.

4. He frequently tells you how nice you smell.

5. His parents mysteriously let him ditch school on sunny days just to go CAMPING!

6. He stops a van from almost crushing you to death with his bear hands.

7. He can bounce fruit from his feet like a soccer ball (apples are his specialty).

8. He calls you spider monkey and runs around with you on his back.

9. He seems to know what everyone is thinking.

10. He claims the reason his eyes change color is because of "the fluorescence".
posted by Isabellaashley
So you've read The Twilight Saga books, you've seen Twilight and New Moon... probably multiple times, you've watched interview after interview with everyone involved, but did you ever wonder where the whole thing started? Stephenie Meyer, bless her heart, seems to be very happy to share just about everything with her fans, regardless of the certainly hectic schedule she has faced ever since the phenomenon started. She is a Brigham Young University graduate where she earned a Bachelor's degree in English. Stephenie dabbled a little into writing, but admits that she never got very far with any...
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posted by melikhan
Meyer originally planned to write a companion book to Twilight called Midnight Sun, which would be the story of Twilight told from Edward Cullen's point-of-view. She stated that Twilight was the only book that she planned to rewrite from Edward's perspective.However, a rough draft of Midnight Sun's first twelve chapters was posted illegally on the internet. Stephenie Meyer has since put these twelve chapters on her website so that her fans can read it legally,but has put the project on hold indefinitely due to her feelings about the situation. She stated,
If I tried to write Midnight Sun now,...
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Here is another School starts monday again arrrh, so i will do my best to get more out

We spent a wile in the shed and it was getting close to nine o'clock "crap" i said wile jumping off the floor onto my feet "it will be getting dark soon and we still have to walk to the lake." Kelly laughed to herself and got up "well" she said "lets get going." Kelly put the half empty bottle back in her bag and we went to help Amanda up, she wasn't taking the alcohol to well. We all walked out of the shed will our arms around Amanda. We were about 6 blocks away from the lake, and at this rate we were just...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*


It was overcast, but not raining yet. I ignored my truck and started east on foot, angling across Charlie's yard toward the ever-enroaching forest. It didn't take long till I was deep enough for the house and the road to be invisible, for the only sound to be the quish of the damp earth under my feet and the sudden ries of the jays.
There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own like this. My sense of direction was hopeless; I could get lost in much less helpful surroundings. The...
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posted by She_wolf
Leah tis awesome =]
Leah tis awesome =]
Chapter Five ( writers block strikes again =[)
soz this chapters not as good as the others, writers block =[

Everyone seemed to know. Jake swore he hadn’t told anyone, but news spread like wild fire in La Push. It started off as just gossiping, but had soon escalated to taunting. Leah had conveniently ditched us, but Quil, Jake and Seth stupidly stood by me. I was surprised; they seemed to pick on Jake just as much as me. But Jake took it all in his stride, standing up for me, even though the more he stood up for me the more they taunted him. I couldn’t bear it. My friends were sharing...
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posted by She_wolf
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
my fave 'quote' from this chapter
I hope you like this, it's my first fan fiction so please tell me if it's terrible. This chapter is a bit long, the next one will be shorter :D

I reached the clearing just after Leah, panting like a steam train. I threw my self to the ground as we past the finishing line.
Still think you’re getting faster Embry? Leah thought tauntingly. I bared my teeth then turned to Seth, Leah’s younger brother.
“Impressive.” He grinned looking at the time on the stop watch. “Leah wins by a nose. 3 minutes 25 seconds for Leah and 3 minutes 30 for Embry!”
We were out in the forest messing around...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
dedicated to ItsCherenne. for her kind comments.

i rolled towards the voice, it was a instant recreation, a reflex, something my body always did for taht voice.
i fluttered my eyes to open, to see a fuzzy black shadow kneeled before me. I groaned, i was soo tired, i that i swear i could jsut crash in front of them.
"Bella" he whispered. i felt his cool breath on my face. oh the smell. I swear the smell was jsut intoxicating, the smell that i remembered anywhere no matter how long i had been without it.
It was somthing no matter how much to lenght of time, this habit never died out.
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posted by twilight-7
Two weeks later.

Edward’s POV

I watched over Kayla, waiting for another scream. Bad dreams, she was having. I couldn’t make them out, just flashes and flashes of colour and people’s faces. Always the same colour though, blood red. Her mouth opened in a whimper and then her eyes flew open. She wasn’t awake, still dreaming. Her hands reached out in front of her as she cried out.
“No, take me! Take me!”
I didn’t like seeing her like this. I couldn’t do anything for her. It wasn’t like I could chase the big bad monster away. It was a nightmare.
“Still having those nightmares?”...
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posted by twilight-7
Everything was ready. Rosalie had styled my hair in lovely cascading curls with silver pins holding them away from my face. Alice had given me a natural look with the make-up. Light foundation, no blusher, long dark eyelashes and a nice pale pink lips. Esme and Sarah helped me into my dress and Rosalie rushed to get my bouquet.
“Is everything sorted?” I asked Esme for the umpteenth time.
“Yes,” she assured me as patient as ever. “Stop worrying.”
I nodded as Sarah tightened the corset of my dress. Esme was crouched down at my feet sorting the many layers of the skirt of the dress....
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His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
His eyes are supposed to be goldish blue! ;( *Disclaimer*
I felt an arm stretch across my shoulders. I sighed and turned away from the touch. My face dropped into my hands and I clenched my teeth. If I didn't have this stupid attraction to Vince, nothing would've gone wrong! This is all my fault. I never want to hurt Rachel like this again. Emotionally, the most malicious way to hurt a person. I cried, pinkish tears welled down my face. I squinted as I craned my neck to look at the sparkling sun.
Soon the tears dried and I bit my lip, a habit I'd picked up fom my mother.
"This is so wrong.." I murmered to myself.
"How so?" He questioned numbly....
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Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
Maybe this could be the teen Renesmee? *Disclaimer-I own nothing*
`Come on let's go, let's go, let's go!` I thought silently.
I dragged Rachel across the marble school floors. Her forearm in my grasp. She was flailing her bag around and almost tripping over her own feet. I smiled then pushed open heavy glass paned doors. I saw the boy standing by the edge of the forest. Leaning against a tree that seemed to be suffocated in moss and vines. He flipped his brown hair to one side then gave a slight little smile and wave.
I mentally whispered to Rachel `Care full. Hey-Rachel, I think he really likes you`
She rolled her eyes at me then causiously took a big step...
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posted by teamedward_2010
I do not own twilight so please don't sue!
Please Comment

End of chapter 1
I decide after my shower to go for a drive, to learn my way around, because we had never lived in Forks before. I claim in and started my 2006 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS, I wish I could have had a newer car but we had to blend in. I drove out and decide to go to pick up some food, this was all part of the act, because people did start to notice when you never bought any food.
As I walked into the store the strong sweet smell of vampire hit me like a brick wall.

Chapter 2
I didn't know what to do, should I get out of here or...
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posted by Kronous
"I hate them so much... Arrgh" "calm down man you cant do any thing about it" "whatever you know im not like the rest of you".

lost? thought you might be. see i am a diferent Werrewolf... im half vampire too... its so horrible fighting for you life. no wonder i the only one alive. The cool thing is i dont have to take ordes. we think its because im not full werewolf. so id be alpha of my own pack. oh i guess people who think they saw a blood red bear run through the woods... well they're not crazy... thats me. red im red oh yeah some think its funny they say things like"You Over Sized Elmo"....
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Nightfall Chapter 24: An Unlikely Alliance (Jake's POV)

I felt my body trembling with fury and just as I was about to phase Edward called out to me from the stairs of the garage.

“Jacob I would appreciate it if you would find another course of action in order to pursue your vendetta against my brother.” I was momentarily distracted as I turned towards him in irritation.

“You know, you should really try speaking in plain old English sometime Edward.” He chuckled as he took a step towards me. Bella’ s head popped into the doorway her brow furrowed in worry, just the same as it always...
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Nightfall Chapter 23: Anger Management (Jake's POV)

The crisp autumn air whirled the leaves around us as I dragged my struggling children out back. I placed them on the ground in front of me staring them down. I couldn’t help but notice how similar they appeared from a distance but up close there was a sharp contrast. They were both the same russet color as my wolf, but Sarah held herself differently than my quick-tempered son who was beginning to remind me a bit of his Uncle Paul although I was reluctant to admit it. Sarah sat perfectly poised, head held high with wisdom emanating from the...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter: 11     
I’m sorry. I know you have. Let’s get home and then I will just tell everyone you will talk about tomorrow.” He said. I nodded and then we ran home. I said my hi’s and good nights to everyone. Then I went to one of the rooms after putting Neisse down to bed in Edwards’s old room. Then I spent the rest of the night with my husband. It hasn’t been just him and me in a while it’s kind of nice but then its ruined but a high pitch scream coming from Neisse’s room.
    “MOMMY!! DADDY!! HELP ME!!” She screamed. Jane...
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