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Chapter 3: Feliz Sempre Após Começa Agora
Jake and I had decided to use my 16th birthday presents from my grandparents as well as the Denali coven for our honeymoon. We were going to visit Zafrina. For our wedding gift, my grandparents extended the stay by two weeks and Tanya had switched the reservations from a hotel to a private chalet in the rain forest. We got on the plane, hand in hand. I couldn’t remember ever being happier. My family was safe, I was Mrs. Jacob Black, my father approved of it, and Jacob and I were together forever. A smile spread upon my lips at the thought. He looked down at me and returned the smile as he kissed me. I turned to him in concern, “You really don’t mind spending time with Zafrina? I know this is our honeymoon, but I am dying to hang out with her.” He smiled at me, “As long as you promise that you are mine and only mine every single night,” he growled playfully as he pulled me closer. He leaned in and kissed me so fervently that my heart felt as if it was going to explode out of my chest. From the corner of my eyes I noticed that we were not alone. I looked into the eyes of an uncomfortable flight attendant. I pulled away from Jake with a giggle. She gave us our drinks and disappeared with flushed cheeks. I lay my head on his shoulder and placed my hand on his cheek so that we could recount the high points of our beautiful wedding together. The next thing I knew we were arriving at the airport for our connector flight. It was still very early in the morning. Once we were settled into our new seats Jake looked at me, “try to go back to sleep Ness, you look so tired.” I gave in and slept for most of the flight. I woke up as we were landing.
We arrived at the chalet just after nightfall. Even in the dark it was impossible to deny its beauty; a lone structure standing in the middle of the rain forest. Jake grinned at me as he carried me through the door. When we got inside I gasped it was perfect. There were lit candles everywhere and rose petals strewn from the door and all the way up on the bed. I laughed to myself, like we would need a roadmap for that, I giggled. Jake set me down as there was a knock at the door. A short, dark-haired man smiled at us tightly as he dropped our bags and disappeared into the darkness. We were completely alone for the next two weeks. Once the door shut, he turned to me. I still couldn’t believe that he was truly mine. I walked over to him and put my arms around him, “So what do you want to do?” I asked with an impish grin, he smiled at me, “Well, we could unpack.” I looked at him with a wicked smile as I ran my hands over his chest, searching for the buttons to his shirt, “Or we could start our thank you cards,” I offered innocently. He smiled at me as he kissed my neck, “that’s a good idea; we really should do those right away.” He said with mock seriousness. I giggled again, my voice became hoarse as I practically whispered, “Or…” I placed my hands on his face to show him just what I had in mind. He effortlessly scooped me up in his arms his breathing ragged, my breath became uneven as well. I wrapped my legs around him and we slammed into the wall as I kissed him fervently. A picture fell and we snorted with laughter. He wrapped his muscular arms around me and his hands moved fluidly over my body. Currents traveled through the nerves wherever he touched me. I felt the primal desire that I usually kept at bay when I was near him taking over. He kissed my neck and his mouth lingered by my ear, “Renesmee, I love you,” he whispered. A tiny moan escaped from my lips as we made our way to the bed; tearing the clothes off of each other. The pieces fell to the floor mingling with the rose petals. He lay me down ever so gently on the bed and stared into my eyes for what felt like an eternity as he played with my hair. “Mrs. Black, I have waited so long for you.” I smiled back at him as I propped myself up on one arm so that I was facing him, “Then come and get me.” I demanded my voice gravelly with desire. Growling, he fell on top of me kissing me all over as he brought my idea to fruition.
We were awake all night, which didn’t affect him any because he no longer needed the sleep, but I was exhausted yet I didn’t want to close my eyes. I had waited so long for this; it was everything I had expected and more. We lay there covered somewhat by the sheet as the morning sun poured through the room glinting off of his body and dancing briefly over the few minute sparkles that came off of mine. He lightly swept his fingers across my back as he slowly kissed me. I looked into his eyes and smiled. “So how is married life treating you so far?” I whispered. He smiled at me and replied softly, “I can’t complain,” he pulled me closer and kissed me, ending the conversation just like that; as we left off where we had started. Afterwards, I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up the sun was on the opposite side of the sky and was dimming. I felt my stomach growling so I sat up, Jake walked up to me and kissed me, “Morning princess, well it’s not really morning...” he joked. I rolled my eyes at him he always teased me for not being a morning person. He kissed me on the cheek, I looked at the circles that were starting to form under his blackened eyes, “Jake go hunt, seriously.” He looked at me doubtfully, “I don’t want to leave you.” I sat up on the bed wrapping the sheet around myself and got up on my knees so that I was eye to eye with him. I put my forehead against his, “if tonight is going to be anything like last night don’t you think that you will need your energy?” He smirked at me, “my, haven’t you turned into quite the little temptress,” he joked. I laughed at him and kissed his cheek. “Are you coming?” He asked. I shook my head, “I don’t feel like it, I will get something to eat here.” He made a face; the thought of human food just didn’t sit right with him anymore. He looked concerned because I normally wasn’t so quick to eat human food myself. “Way too tired to hunt,” I repeated, “Really I’m fine, just go.” “Alright, I will be back soon, I love you,” he said as he kissed my cheek. “I love you too,” I whispered as I bit his ear, “hurry back,” he turned to me and kissed me ardently, “How do you expect me to leave when you give that kind of a goodbye?” he murmured. I laughed as I kissed the tip of his nose, “All the more reason for you to hurry home my dear,” I teased as I kissed his neck one final time and slipped under his arm and out of his reach. He shook his head at me and then bounded out of the door silently closing it behind him. I stretched and headed to the shower. I looked in the mirror and groaned at my reflection. I looked like hell, my curly hair stood in every direction, and I looked like I hadn’t slept in weeks. I ran some water over my face and headed into the shower, promising myself that I would get some sleep tonight. The warm water felt amazing and gave me my second wind. I toweled off and then wrapping the towel around me I headed back to the main room. I opened my suitcase and shook my head at the contents. Aunt Alice had packed nothing but sundresses, skirts, tiny tanks, lingerie, and strappy heels. I smiled to myself as I snuck over to Jake’s bag and opened it to retrieve my stashed pairs of jeans, sneakers, flip flops and t shirts. My mother had warned me how Aunt Alice had packed for her honeymoon, so I was fully prepared. Just then my cell phone started vibrating. It was Amore, the text read, “Aunt Alice is pissed she just saw that you smuggled jeans on the trip with you.” I laughed as I texted her back, “tell her I will wear a dress or two, I promise.” Amore responded, “How is it going so far?” I sent her a smile face and she responded again, “that good huh? Well have fun, we miss you guys”. I put my phone down and turned back to the suitcases. At that moment I felt a little homesick. I was used to being constantly surrounded by my ever increasing family. I found myself thinking about what had led up to the addition of the new members of our coven. Ever since Jake, Seth and Leah changed in order to come to Volterra to save Amore and I they had basically moved into my grandparents already crowded house. My Grandmother was excitedly planning an addition but in the meantime it was close quarters in the “Cullen compound” as I referred to it. My parents allowed Jake to stay at our house (on the couch of course), since we were engaged they were ok with it. Sue Clearwater and Billy Black had been a little creeped out by the fact that they were no longer human and for awhile they weren’t welcome on Quileute land. Luckily, a meeting that involved my family, Jake, Seth, Leah, Sam and the Quileute elders put everyone at ease. The treaty was eliminated once and for all. Sam acknowledged the necessity of the change of Jake and Seth in order to save me and Amore. They had imprinted on us so they had to come after us no matter what the cost; even if it meant turning into vampires. He forgave Leah as well as she was looking out for her brother, and being loyal to her pack. Sam had owed her a break due to what he had put her through with Emily Jake told me, and in a weird way he was happy that she had imprinted on Nahuel if it made things easier for her. Our family agreed with the Quileute’s as far as the importance of the protection of human life so we stood on common ground, we all had the same values in that respect. I was so happy for Jake especially. Billy had been furious with him, and almost wouldn’t come to our wedding. Last minute my mother had a talk with him and he had a sudden change of heart. I was so relieved because it would’ve killed Jake if his father wouldn’t have been there. I slowly brought myself back to the present. I was going to slip into a pair of jeans but opted for one of Aunt Alice’s lacy numbers instead. It was a red lace one piece bustiere that came with a matching lacy robe and red kitten heels with feathers. I laughed to myself as I put it on. I even arranged my unruly curly hair into neat curls, placing a red flower from a vase on the table behind my ear and put on make up. I had to hide those circles, or else Jake would be concerned. Once I was ready I went over to the kitchenette and opened the fridge. I noticed gratefully that it had been fully stocked with the few human foods that I would eat. I made myself a turkey sandwich, and had a cup of iced tea. Then I opened the freezer and grabbed a pint of my favorite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, Cherry Garcia. I stepped onto the balcony with it and leaned on the railing staring into the beautiful star filled sky as I ate my ice cream in silence. I had a strange feeling like eyes were on my back and I slowly turned around and gasped at what I saw.

Jake was standing there holding a bouquet of Orchids. I smiled at him, his mouth opened wide as he saw me. He looked me up and down and smiled ,”Nice” he said. I looked down at what I was wearing and then dropped my robe off of my shoulders so that he would get the full affect. I smiled at him wickedly, “this little thing?” He looked at me intently, his eyes burning with desire. “If this is what you do when I leave you alone for a couple of hours, I will make a point to do it more often”, he joked as he came up and grabbed me. He kissed my neck, “You know I wanted to talk to you, but once again you are a master in the art of distraction.” I looked at him gravely, “We can talk, instead if you want.” He snorted in laughter as he scooped me up and led me back into our room. The flowers and the ice cream were forgotten as we barely made it back to the bed. It was still dark out, very early morning when we finally found the time to talk. He grabbed me another pint of my ice cream since the first one had melted hours ago. I sat in my lace robe in one of the chairs on the balcony, he had a sheet around his waist. “Nice skirt,” I commented. He looked at me with an eyebrow raised, “If you want this ice cream you should be nice to me. Do you really want it,” he teased. I nodded, “I will be good,” I promised. He smiled and gave it to me. I all but ripped the lid off I was starving. He sat down on the chair beside me. “So do you remember at the wedding how you brought up the topic of children?” I nodded as I devoured my ice cream. I suddenly noticed that he wasn’t as happy about it as he had been originally. I lowered my spoon into the ice cream container and set it down so that I could sit closer to him, “What is it.” His eyes drifted far away. “What if it is not a good idea? You do understand that this will be the first of its kind, part shape shifter part vampire and part human. Do you think it is even safe? I couldn’t take it if something happened to you or the baby.” I held his hand, “Jake it will be fine. Nothing will happen to me.” His face had turned to stone. I knew that he was remembering my birth. My mother had died and he had watched the whole thing. “I’m not her Jake.” I said quietly. He snapped out of it and looked at me, “But how do you know that the same thing won’t happen, Renesmee? I cant lose you.” I looked at him gravely, “Jacob, immortal… remember?” He looked at me darkly, “you mean immortal like James the vampire who attacked your mother…oh wait he’s dead. Or hmm, maybe like Riley or Victoria two other vampires who attacked your mother… oh that’s right they are dead too. How about Irina, oh yea she’s dead. All immortals that are dead.” I looked at him weakly, “You aren’t going to budge on this are you?” He shook his head. “Not until I talk to your grandfather or until I have some concrete proof.” I felt the tears stinging my eyes and I got up and ran to the bathroom. I locked the door, “Renesmee, come on open the door,” he pleaded with me. I didn’t answer, “Renesmee, I will break this door down with one finger,” I stood up in my fury and growled, “and I will hold it up to keep you out so go ahead and try.” He was silent for a moment and then I saw a piece of paper slide under the door. It said: “Peace offering? Why don’t we ask Amore what she sees as far as our future with children?” I sniffed and perked right up that was a good idea. I slowly opened the door and found him leaning against the doorway, “I’m sorry princess, but I have to put you first. I always have. I don’t know how to be any other way with you. If Amore sees that it will be alright then we will talk about it, ok?” I nodded and he kissed me. The sun was starting to come up. He looked at me critically, “Nessie you look awful.” I snorted, “Thanks.” His eyes became very serious, “Come one lets get you to bed.” “But Zafrina,” I protested. He shook his head, “No way you need to get some rest, and we still have a week and a half here. Come on.” I was going to fight it but I was so tired I allowed him to lead me to our bed. He laid me down and lay down with me. I placed my head on his chest and he rubbed my hair as I drifted off. I fell into a troubled but dreamless sleep. When I woke up it was the middle of the night again. Jake looked at me and frowned, “You didn’t sleep very well did you?” I shook my head. He stood up, “You were tossing and turning and talking in your sleep.” I looked at him interested, “what was I saying?” His face was ragged, “You were talking about a little girl. You kept saying that I took her from you.” I looked down ashamed that I was causing him so much pain. I truly couldn’t help it though. “Let me get you something to eat.” He said changing the subject. I stopped him, “no just come back and hold me.” I begged. “No Ness you need to eat something. Maybe we should just go home.” He deliberated. I shook my head, “No, I’m fine I will eat.” I grumbled. He went off to make me a sandwich. He couldn’t possibly understand what I was feeling. When I saw Emily I was reminded of the dreams I had of our baby, a switch had gone off inside of me as it had when the imprinting switched on. I had to have Jake, and now I needed to have this baby. I didn’t care what happened to me, as long as she was born and she was healthy. I knew that I was to have a little girl, as soon as I could coerce my husband. I knew what I had to do. I called Amore. “Hey Ness!” She shrieked . “Shhh!” I demanded “I don’t want any of them to know about this call.” Amore giggled “Ok I will keep it down. Congratulations.” She told me. I rolled my eyes, “Amor, you already told us that at the wedding.” Her laughter rang out in peals like a bell. “You are so funny. I meant congrats about the baby.” I gasped. “You knew I was going to call about this?” She laughed, “Ness, I knew at the wedding you have a one track mind. Yes, you will eventually deliver a healthy baby girl, and she will be fine.” I squealed. Jake came running into the room, “What is it?” He demanded worried. I looked at him smugly and handed him the phone, “I told you so,” I hissed. He looked at me in shock, as he spoke in to the phone, “Hello? Oh, hey Amore, uh –huh. Uh-huh,” his eyes widened with curiosity. “And the baby? Uh –huh. And Nessie, she will be ok?” He smiled widely and his eyes glowed with happiness, “Let me talk to Carlisle.” He instructed. “Jake, no!” I hissed. I could just picture my father showing up at the door to get me. He waved me off as he waited, “Hi, Amore saw something very interesting. Ok, I’ll wait.” He put his had over the phone, “Amore is sharing the vision with him”. I smiled to myself as I imagined my best friend turned cousin placing her tiny hands on my grandfather’s face and the excitement that this vision would cause for him and the whole family (well hopefully, I thought in regards to my parents ). Jake focused back on the call, “Uh-huh, so what do you think? That was what I told her. Do you really think that is enough for us to judge it by? I don’t want her to be in danger, no I know you don’t either. Ok, I will tell her”. I threw a pillow at him “Tell him not to tell anyone!” I demanded. Jake rolled his eyes at me, “Did you hear her royal highness?” He snickered. “Ok, yea I will talk to her.” He paused for a second. “Hello again Amore what’s up. I’ll tell her thanks Amor we owe you.” He snickered. “You are just as bad as Seth. Good-bye.” I looked at him through slitted eyes, “What’s the verdict, Judge?” He pulled me up to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Well, your grandfather said that all we will have to base it on is your mother’s experience with you but the fact that Amore can see us all helps immensely. He said ok, but that he is to be in charge of your care and you will HAVE to listen to him. He knows how stubborn you are.” I pulled back from him angrily, “I am not stubborn?” He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and I giggled. “Ok, maybe just a little.” I remembered that he talked to Amore again at the end. “What does she want?” He snickered again, “Well, she said that since you already have a name picked out and it has nothing to do with hers she wants to be the godmother.” I looked at him in confusion, “But immortals don’t really need godparents.” He pulled me up to him, and looked into my eyes, “Does it matter Ness? If it will shut her and Seth up they can have the title.” I giggled. “So do you still want me to eat?” He brought his face even closer to mine, “Are you still hungry?” He asked. I answered him, not blinking even once, “I never was.” The plate fell from his hands as I pulled him back into the bed. The next morning when we woke up I was full of energy again. I had actually slept this time. He laughed at me as I bounded around the room, “so what do you want to do today?” He asked. I smiled hopefully,” Let’s go and see Zafrina!” I begged. He smiled at me, “Sounds good.” I kissed his cheek and hurried off to take a shower.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Along the way, a girl ran up to me, and she looked . She help a whip like that one girl I killed a few days ago.
    "You kill my sister, I kill you!" She said, and cracked her whip at me.
    I raised my leg, and it wrapped around my leg. I brought my leg back and her weapon of choice was now on my right leg.
    "I did kill her, just like I'll kill you!" I said, raised my gun, two shots to her abdomen, and she went down.
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Robert Pattinson Related to Dracula?
By Twilight_News |

According to ET:

“The Associated Press says researchers at have connected Pattinson and the Transylvanian ruler through their relationship to the British royal family; the site claims Pattinson is a distant cousin of Princes Harry and William, who are distant nephews of Vlad the Impaler.
“Tracing Pattinson’s family back to Vlad was difficult research, but the pieces that unraveled created the perfect accompaniment to ‘The Twilight Saga,’” said Anastasia Tyler, a genealogist at “Without any myth or magic, we find royalty and vampires lurking in Pattinson’s life — making his story just as supernatural as the one he’s playing on screen.”
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    "Oh my god," I said and sat in the chair Jerek did when I went to take a shower.
    "So, what do we do, doc?" Tabra asked.
    "We try to get him back. Tabra run outside and see if you can still-"
    "It's too late," I interrupted.
    "How so?" She asked.
    "We don't know what time he was take, we just know he was taken between the ten minutes of my shower, which means that he could...
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"hey! nessie!" blake greeted me in the car park he must of been waiting for me.
"heya blake whatssup?"
"well i was just wondering did you want to do something tonight?" he sounded nervous but he wanted to be confident and i needed a night out and pluss i didnt want to go back there. not tonight anyway.
"sure what did you have in mind?" i smiled as his eyes widened.
"erm well my mum and dad are going out tonight so we could have a film? i mean i can get other people around? if you want?"
"no thats fine i would love to come and watch a film with you. see you tonight then"
i didnt really know most...
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the morrning passed quickly so when i started to walk towards the dining hall i was thinking about what had happened the two leasons i was in.
i sat at the back with my hood still up when they asked me to take it down i just looked at them and they just said oh no matter keep it up. this was teachers. the students looked like they hated me allready so i kept it up.
but i guessed i could go round with my hood up all day so as i grabbed my lunch and caught sight of drake staring at me smiling patting the chair oppersit him. i started to walk over listerning to him and his mates chatting.
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Our leads in this episode, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward
Our leads in this episode, Kristen Stewart as Bella and Robert Pattinson as Edward
A Youtube Script:
Episode One:
*Bashing it out*
Bella’s P.O.V:
When life gives you lemons what do you do?
I make sacrifice.
For my friends.
My family.
My Edward…
Like Romeo and Juliet sacrificed their love for each other.
With the killing and stuff…
Anyways, I have the remote here. I’ll press play so you can see…

*One year ago*
Edward’s P.O.V:
Edward: When Bella says bye, please don’t complain.
Emmett: Yeah. Whatever, Edward.
Jasper: Like Em said.
*Two minutes later*
Bella: Why’d you do this?
Edward: Oh I didn’t.
Bella: *smacks his arm* really?
Edward: Yeah, last time I checked.
Bella: Oh just...
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posted by meizoel
Here It's The List Soundtrack Of Twilight Eclipse

1. Metric - Eclipse (All Yours)

2. Muse - Love is Forever

3. The Bravery - Ours

4. Florence And The Machine - Heavy In Your Arms

5. Sia - My Love

6. Fanfarlo - Atlas

7. The Black Keys - Chop And Charge

8. The Dead Weather - Rolling In On A Burning Tire

9. Beck & Bat For Lashes - Let's Get Lost

10. Vampire Weekend - Jonathan Low

11. Unkle feat The Black Angels - With You In My Head

12. Eastren Conference Champions - A Million Miles An Hour

13. Band Of Horses - Life On Earth

14. Cee Lo Green - What Part Of Forever

15. Howard Shore - Jacob's Theme

16. Battles - The Line

17. Bombay Bicycle Club - How Can You Swallow So Mouch Sleep

cek if u want download it
*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

Edward sprawled across the couch
while I started the movie, fast-forwarding through the opening credits. When I perched on the edge of the sofa in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his chest. It wasn't exactly as comfortable as a sofa cushion would be, what with his chest being hard and cold - and perfect - as an ice sculpture, but it was definitely preferable. He pulled the old afghan off the back of the couch and draped it over me so I wouldn't freeze beside his body.
"You know, I've never had much patience...
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posted by xroylex
*so what type of party is this?" i have never been to that many partys well i have but none with a guy who i only know a little bit and could i dont know be taking me to any type of paty
"its just a mates house party mum and dad is out for the weekend so he just wanted one" he shrugged
it was half way down the street were i started to hear the tudding of music
oh god it was that type of party
"we could turn around you know i mean we dont have to go to this party i can take you home?" wow it was like he could read my mind. rememinded em of dad
"no no its just a little diffrent really i mean...
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posted by Darktimes104
I need to be more on top of my updating!

Emmett's POV:
Rose,Carmen, Kate, and Esme returned about two hours after they left. I ran to the door when I saw Rose but, Carmen and Kate kept me away, "You know you aren't suppose to see the wedding gown before the wedding." I stopped off annoyed. I went to sit on the couch. The annoyed feeling I felt went away when I saw the 'I think I'm going to throw up' look on Edwards face because Tanya, once again, was hanging on him. I let out a booming laugh and Edward gave me and evil glare.

Rosalie's POV:
I found the perfect dress, the straps came just below...
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posted by Rose22882
I wasn't scared of them but my parents dead faces kept popping in my head. Edward looked at me sadly and stepped back.

"Think about it Bella would you really want to die" Alice asked me carefully. Truth was I was asked that quetion every month since my parents died and I knew the answer.

" No I wouldn't but I'm not afraid to die even at my own hands ." I said knowing that I didn't want to die until the men that murderd my parents were dead. Edward breathed a sigh of relief and I wanted to yell at him. He shouldn't care about me no one does they just want me dead.

" Why were you trying to sneak...
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Alice,Rosalie,and Bella.Best Friends.
Alice,Rosalie,and Bella.Best Friends.
Alice’s P.O.V:
When we finally got done crying on each others shoulders we had to take a break from Truth or dare for like ten minutes. Bella stared out the window for that time sniffling and begging us not to think about her rape. We agreed immediately, so she felt better.
Bella sat silent for another five minutes while Rosalie and I talked about Truth or Dare questions we had in the past. When Bella finally came around we had stopped at a drugstore because she said she was thirsty. So, while Rosalie went in a bought a Crush Orange Soda. Bella looked over at me and said, “I’m sorry,...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hey guys
This is the next part of my new fan fic.

I walked into the building which I was told is a block of apartments.
“Hi I’m Isabella Swan. I brought an apartment here” I told the woman at the reception. “That would be apartment number 16”

“Where is that sorry?”

“Go up two floors and walk down the corridor until you find number 16 on the left hand side”

“Ok thank you” I walked into the elevator and pushed the 2 button. The elevator left of in a flash which made my stomach turn. I was going to have to get used to this. The doors opened and I stepped out wobbling....
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posted by Darktimes104
Emmett's POV:
I was lying next to Rose on the bed, the sun was shining bright through the window causing rainbows to form on our skin. "Morning." I said kissing her softly. "Good morning." She smiled as she wrapped the sheet around herself and walked into the closet. I got up and put on a gray t-shirt and a pair of pants. Five minutes later Rose walked out of the closet wearing a dark blue dress. She had a look in her eyes that said something was wrong. "What's wrong Rose?"
"Esme, Carmen, and I were talking about getting married here but, I now I don't think I want to."
She sat down on the bed...
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“We need to sort this whole mess out.” I announced on Renesmee’s behalf. I was discombobulated. My mind searched for an answer. I turned to Jasper in the left corner of the big sitting room.
“These dreams she’s having, I have them too when I read her mind. They are awful. Cynddylan is there. He keeps asking her to join the Volturi. But they are dead. We burnt the remains of them last night.”
I felt the most confused I had ever felt. He was dead. He was gone and a pile of ashes in Volterra. I heard a glimpse of Jacob’s thoughts; he was going to stay with Renesmee. Good. He...
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posted by smileyfaceddude

I heard Alice’s thought and was immediately baffled… she then sent another message,
Anger and, for the first tie for a long time, fear, took over my body and senses, I wanted to go straight to the castle and rip those guys’ heads off!
“I know that look! What wrong?” Jacob demanded, his big warm hand was on my shoulder.
“They’re planning something, something to do with Renesmee…” I informed him. Jacob started shaking, like he always does when he’s very angry, he broke into a run, I caught him immediately,...
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posted by Darktimes104
Thanks 4 reading...I was able to post this one earlier than I thought, I got off early...YAY, I get to write(type). :D LOL

Emmett's POV

We continued to sit on the log and wait for the rest of her family to come. I was looking in her eyes listening intently as she told me how and why Carlisle changed Edward, Esme, and her. As I was listening to her story my mind trailed off into another direction. I was thinking how beautiful her eyes are, like pools of gold, I felt as if I would drown from the depths of her eyes.
A rustling of bushes and footsteps on the dead leaves brought my mind back in the...
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posted by megan-ox123
I was running, and running but I wasn't fast enough. My legs were aching in agony I felt like I might trip over myself, I didn't know why I was running
or where I was running, I just knew I had to. When I got to a large spot of grass filled with wild flowers and burning sun, I finally knew it was safe to
stop. I looked down, my dark brown hair was curled and shining as It reached down to my waist of a purple and blue dress that I was wearing. Just
short enough to reach my thys. It was absolutely beautiful it sparkled in the sun I didn't want to look away from it but I felt as if I had to, so...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
After about 10 minutes in the shower I couldn’t even feel the cut on my head it was strange. When I got out of the shower I put on the clothes Amber and Alice had given me. I looked at myself in the mirror. The cut on my head was almost completely gone. I gasped as I saw this. There was a knock on the door. It was Amber.
“Alana… Is everything alright in there?” she ask
“Y…y-yea.” My voice was shaky. This is too much to handle.”Everything is fine.”
I came out of the bathroom trembling. She came up to me and hugged me.
“I’ll have Carlisle explain everything....
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10 Ways to Annoy Charlie Swan

10. Tell him Bella’s pregnant – but you’re having trouble figuring out who the father is… Bella’s unsure whether it’s Edward, Carlisle, Jacob or Mike.

9. Ask him what Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo means in the phonetic alphabet.

8. Decorate his handcuffs with pink lace and flowers the call the station requesting to speak with Chief Swan Princess.

7. Whenever he is around, narrate all that is happening into the invisible walkie-talkie that’s strapped to your shoulder, speaking only in cop talk.

6. Take his gun and use it in a bank holdup – it will...
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