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hay guys, enjoi this one, i had help from friends at school.

The ride to the clearing was like every trip we take. It started out with Ben and Thai fighting over the front seat, and ended up with me there instead. All of us laughing, joking around, all of us having a good time…and then we got there. The smell hit us like a wrecking ball…more than one lot of vampires…and about a dozen more werewolves.
“They brought more with them…” Nate stated his eyes unfocussed as he looked ahead into the future. “There are three more female vampires and one male…” he frowned as he processed that. “And 4 new werewolves…but they’re different…they look…bigger than the Quileute’s…” his eyes flickered back to life as he came back to the present and looked directly at me.
“Are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?” he asked, eyeing me meaningfully, the emotion plain in his eyes, he didn’t want me in danger.
I sucked in a deep breath. I looked out the window, watching the spot that I would disappear. I tried picturing the two different scenario’s…one in which I went alone and one where one of them came with me…
I had to admit…the one with them felt better.
My eyes flicked to Thackery. He could see the indecision in my eyes. He smiled at me and nodded.
“Ben?” Thackery asked; his voice breaking the deafening silence.
“Yeah, boss?” he asked, looking between Thackery and me with a confused expression plain on his features.
“You go with Bella…” he was coming up with this from the top of his head. “And Nate and Thai will patrol around the clearing, far enough out so that the Vampire’s and Werewolves won’t hear, and I’ll wait here in the car. If anything goes wrong, Nate and Thai will get you guys out of there and I’ll have the car ready…cool?” he asked us, though I don’t know why he had to ask. Of course it was cool…he came up with it…
No-one could refuse the Alpha.
Except our alpha rules were a lot different than the werewolves one…if they refuse, they get forced to do it and get their will stripped away from them…if we refuse…we die.
Everyone was looking at me, and I looked at each of their faces in return and smiled.
“Let’s go.”
I opened the car door and I was flying.
I had never been good at much before I was a witch…I was okay at school…never good at sports and I’d never had much talent musical ability…but now I could do everything I couldn’t before.
I could read the mind of the teachers, so I got most questions right…I was much more coordinated now, so sports was a given, and now I had the musical ability of a siren…
But the fact that I could run like this…
Now I knew how Edward and Jacob were always happy while running…the speed was exhilarating and exciting…it gives you a sense of freedom, which is exactly what you need when you’re a prisoner in your own body…
Focus Bella, Ben thought anxiously…he’s such a worrier.
The scent was getting stronger now, and I could no longer hear Thai and Nate’s foot falls around me so I knew we were close. I could start to hear them talking…
“She’s not alone…” somebody hissed, Rosalie I thought, but I couldn’t quite tell yet.
“It’s probably just a precaution, Rose, she’s being cautious, just like us…” That was definitely Alice, we were almost there now, I could hear each person’s breathing…what surprised me was that most of the breathes weren’t animals…meaning that they Quileute’s were in their human form…weird.
How do we approach them? Ben thought tentatively.
I tried to think of a good way to do it…something tells me sprinting into the clearing wasn’t the best idea.
Slow down…I thought quickly, we’ll walk in…that way they wont get too freaked out.
I slowed to a brisk human walk and saw Ben do the same. We looked at each other, not saying or thinking anything…having a private conversation reading each other’s facial expressions. He was worried and a little scared. I tried to convince him that there was nothing to be afraid of…but it was a lost cause. He could see the fear on my face as well; there was no denying that I was frightened.
Is it the vampires? He thought tentatively. Is it them your afraid of?
I frowned and shook my head slowly.
He laughed and a sly smile spread across his face.
“Don’t worry Lil’ Red, who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” his voice was amused.
I heard muted growls from behind the thicket of trees…they heard that. There were also light chuckles, from the vampires I thought.
I rolled my eyes at him.
“Let’s go…” I sighed. As we reached the last tree I took one final deep breath, and walked through the trees, careful to avoid the moonlight…that was a completely different thing to explain.
They all stood in a loose circle. The Cullen’s closest to us, with 4 newer vampires behind him. There were 2 blondes and 2 brunettes. One blonde had dead straight hair, like corn silk, and the other had curly, strawberry blonde shoulder length hair. Something burned to the surface, something Edward had told me once…about the Denali coven. That had to be Tanya and one of her sisters, either Kate or Irina…the others must be their newest members; Carmen and Eleazar. The Quileute’s were right next to them, backed up by 4 monstrous beasts, that looked more like a creature from my nightmares than a real animal. They growled menacingly as they took in the rooted figures of Ben and me.
“Say something…” Ben muttered.
I looked at him with panic in my eyes…I didn’t know how to start.
Carlisle coughed and took a slow step forward, with Emmet, Jasper and Edward shadowing him. My eyes flicked to them, though my head still faced Ben.
“Hello Bella,” his voice was oddly formal, and I could sense his uncertainty.
My eyes flicked back to Ben, who nodded in encouragement. I looked directly at Carlisle now and took a small step forward so that I was still in the shadows of the trees.
“Carlisle…everyone.” I addressed them loudly. “Thank-you for meeting me here tonight…I know you got a bit of a shock this afternoon, and I wanted a chance to explain myself…” I cringed internally at the formal tone of my voice. I took in the wary expressions of the people in front of me.
“I mean…” I scrambled around thinking of a new direction to take. “I’m sorry.” It was true. I was sorry. I didn’t like hurting them. “I know this is weird-”
Emmet cut me off.
“What are you?” his voice was harsh and ripped through me hard and fast; I flinched at his tone, before my own temper was ignited.
“Weren’t you paying attention before Emmet?” I snapped; my eyes and tattoo blazing. I heard Thai, Nate, Thackery and Ben all warn me to keep my temper. His eyes narrowed and he bared his teeth. “I didn’t quite grasp the concept as we were told to leave, so pardon me.”
“I’m a witch, moron.” I growled at him, baring my teeth in return. He growled at me and leaned forward in anticipation. I took a step forward as well, but Ben grabbed my arm and held me back.
“Bella!” he yelled at me. I looked at him and saw that I was burning him from my anger. I closed my eyes and took a step back, while I counted back from ten.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jacob asked in a quiet, subdued voice.
My eyes opened to a glare. “Sorry, I didn’t think you really cared enough…what with the whole leaving thing.”
Pain shot across his features and from my peripheral vision I saw Edward look down in shame.
I made an effort to calm myself.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that,” I said the words as sincerely as I could. “I know why you left, and I would have done the same thing.”
Everyone was looking at each other. I looked at Carlisle who was looking meaningfully at Edward.
Think it’s legit? He was wondering whether I was telling the truth.
“Carlisle, when have I ever given you reason not to trust me?” I asked in a wary voice. “I am one hundred percent legit.” I added quietly.
His eyes widened briefly, as he took what I said in.
“You can read minds can’t you?” his voice was astounded. I heard a small gasp coming from Esme.
I smiled and nodded.
“Can Edward hear yours?” he asked curiously.
“Only when I’m angry or upset…when my shield breaks.” I stated matter-of-factly. “That’s why he was never able to hear me, I had a shield but I dint know how to use it.”
There was a sudden calm surrounding me. I eyed Jasper meaningfully; obviously he felt the tension in the air, and decided to intercede.
Ben moved around me and sat on the wet grass, obviously more relaxed now. He was careful not to be in the direct moonlight.
“So, why did we have to leave earlier?” Alice asked quietly. “I couldn’t see anything.”
Ben and I exchanged a glance. There was no harm if they knew right?
“There was…some family in town…” Ben started. “Not our family, but a family of witches…bad witches…” he trailed off looking at me. I met his gaze evenly. There was nothing to fear here. “They wanted to know if there were any others here…Thackery, knew them from when he first turned into a witch…”
Carlisle took a step forward, his eyes beseeching. “Are they are threat to you?” it didn’t escape my notice that all their eyes flickered to me as he spoke. “Do you need help with anything, of the fighting kind?”
I tried hard not to smile…and failed quickly, and absolutely. Ben started roaring with laughter, and I could faintly hear the laughter from Nate, Thai and Thackery.Yeah, rigght... they all thought in hysterics.
“They’re not after us…” I informed them, my grin fading. I could hear the story of what they did want run through my head. My grandma Marie used to tell me this story when I was younger…about three evil witches, who needed the life of the immortal to become young forever…the life of a vampire or werewolf for example.
The others heard the story, and it dawned on them too…that’s how they knew where we were…they had smelled the werewolf and vampire scent, and it had led them to us…we weren’t the target…
They were.
It was then I could hear the faint noise of footsteps running faster than any human could, running directly towards us. I scanned the thoughts in my head, checking to see if it was Nate or Thai. It wasn’t.
Bella, get them out of here! Thackery screamed at me mentally. Get them to the car! I could hear him start the engine as Nate and Thai got there.
Edward was looking at me, his eyes opened wide, with horror and wonder.
“Did you hear that?” I asked quickly.
He nodded mutely.
“Then follow us to the car!” I shrieked at him, and turned on the spot. I could hear them following me, and Ben was right at my heels…he must have filled them in quickly and silently in a vibration of his lips, like he used to talk to them.
There would be little room in the car; I prayed that Jacob brought the Rabbit.
“Jake!” I shouted as I ran, “Did you bring the car?”
I heard a growl from next to me, as I turned and gasped as a great russet wolf was inches from me, with several more around him. He nodded, and I sighed in relief. But one of us will have to travel between cars…
Bella, that’s your job…Thackery amended quickly, as we broke through the trees, into the clearing.
I nodded one fast bob.
“Carlisle, Cullen’s? All of you need to get in this car NOW!” he shouted at them as I ran past, towards the wolves.
“Lead the way to your car…” I commanded, and followed as they took flight. It wasn’t far, which was good…not much difference in speeds.
I looked the opposite direction as they turned back to their human forms, and then quickly got them settled in the car.
“What about you?” Quil asked, as he left the door open and I stepped back.
“I have to run patrol.” I stated quickly. “Thai will be in the car with you, so don’t worry.” As I spoke, Thai burst through the trees and was at my side.
I touched my arm briefly and we exchanged a look. Not thinking or saying anything, but a moment of speechless communication happened between us.
Be careful.
He hoped in the car and Jacob began driving. I stood and watched them leave; quietly…I didn’t want to freak them out too fast. When they were a good distance ahead, I started running. I over took them in no time, and heard all the Quileute’s gasp in shock. I could hear Thackery and Ben running silently with me. We scanned the area around us, checking for immediate danger. I beat the Cullen’s car and Nate soon after that. They did not gasp, but I heard one of them call out to me in shock.
Bella, Ben? Thackery thought and he had my immediate attention. Swap with Nate and Thai…you guys are still new to this, and we need someone experienced in case it comes to hand to hand. Plus you guys drive better. He added, trying to ease the sudden hostility he heard from the tenor of our thoughts.
Okay, I’ll take the wolves. Ben muttered sullenly, and slowed almost to a stop. I sighed and slowed as well. Once I could sense the car close enough behind me, I jumped.
It was an exhilarating feeling, that even in a time of stress, I could feel this free. I landed on the roof with a low thud. The sun roof was open…
That was good.
I stuck my head in, and immediately regretted it.
Jasper’s face was inches from mine, and we both cringed away from the closeness. I turned until I saw Nate.
“Swapsies.” I said in a childlike voice I used to use when we were little. He nodded.
“Carlisle, can you take the wheel for a moment?” he asked politely. Carlisle shot us a confused look, which turned to horror as Nate hopped up and out of the sunroof, past my head.
Be careful, I thought quietly.
I pulled my head out and jumped into the driver’s seat.
“Thanks Carlisle.” I said as I moved him arms out of the way. I mashed the accelerator pedal down until it touched the floor.
“Since when do you drive like this?” Alice squeaked in her chirpy voice.
My mouth twitched. I remembered how slow I used to drive, and wanted to kick myself.
“Recently.” I replied, a smile in my voice.
Suddenly a large shout rippled through my head.
I looked ahead and saw the Sanderson sister’s waiting in the middle of the road. I slammed the brake, and slammed back into my seat.
Mina looked at me and smiled.
“Hello, beautiful.”
added by kandyluv
added by keely6
added by neeki
posted by xoxpoisonxox

Some of you may have noticed that I havn't posted in a LONG time! That is because im rewriting the whole "As the sun sets" series, starting with the first book.

All the same characters will be in it - But Im trying to add more depth to them, somthing you can relate to. I want to really add somthing to everyone ( Her school friends, Alex, relationships,... etc) !

Chapters will also be ALOT longer then usual, as Im hoping to get each book to be about 400 pages. this means each chapter will be between 15- 20 pages long! (:

I will post a new chapter every TWO WEEKS and this is a schedual i...
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Chapter 4: And so it begins

When we arrived at My grandfather's house my father was the first to see us,
"Bella, renesmee." He greeted as he led us into the living room where the rest were,

"Renesmee, how are you dear? i havn't seen you in awhile!" Esme said as she held me in a embrace. I smiled,

"Im just fine, thank you, i hope you all are doing well." I looked around the room for a moment, "But i suppose we aren't here to discuss our previous days, are we?" i said a bit quieter.

"Alice," My father edged her on," Is there any change?"

Alice stood up quietly, shaking slightly.
"The decision has...
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Elaine nickname Ellie
Elaine nickname Ellie
Ellie pov.

I put on a light pair of jeans and a tank top after taking a short but comforting hot shower. I should enjoy it while it lasts at least. I gave up on trying to dry my damp hair and went to sit at the tiny kitchen table. I started sorting through the mail but stopped. I stood up after quickly reading through and rushed into the hall as the front door opened.

"What's this?" I shouted at my mom, waving the paper in my hands.

"What's what?" The words were slurred.

I knew she was drunk again by the way she blinked and held on to the wall.

"Mom, how could you!?" I shouted horrified. "Five...
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posted by LexisFaith
I had just finished dinner and settled into my couch when my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Edward, Dear. Hi. It's your mother. Your father told me you were having lunch with Bella? How did it go? It's she lovely? And that sweet boy of hers?"

I laughed at my mothers lack of filter for her questions. "Hi, Mom. Yes, I had lunch with Bella. It went well. She's more than lovely and yes Mason is quite the kid."

"Oh." she squealed. "I'm so happy for you. Have you thought of Sara any today? Your father told me you dreamt of her last night."

I was caught back by the question. I hadn't thought of Sara any...
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posted by LexisFaith
I know this is a big jump! sorry!
Today was Ever's fifth birthday. The family are all gonig on a picnic. Something she loved to do.

I brought Ever down stairs and fixed her break fast while Bella was taking her morning shower.

"Edward!" Twenty minutes later I heard Bella call from up stairs.

"Yeah?!" I called up to her.

"Could you come here for a second?"

I bounded up the stairs taking them by two's. "Where are you?" I called in the hall.

She opened the bedroom door and was standing in shock. Oh, no. She found the ring.

"Bella? Bella, love, are you...
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This is a sweet and adorable chapter! Thankies to all of you for reading and commenting on my last post! Have I mentioned enough times how amazingly loving y'all are? I hope so! :D Much love to each of you all, from me (: Enjoy!!
Fighting for Hope
Jake ran down the abandoned, dim-lit street and stopped in front of a classically-styled Venetian home with white pillars. The door was unlocked, so Jake rushed inside. Everyone was quietly waiting in the family room at the back of the house. Bella and Chloe were safely with the Cullens again, nervous...
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posted by Tatti
"Lets go to club!" Alice chimed. I stared at her for a minute - was she crazy? It's only two days since Volturi arrival! Of course now that I learned to control my abilities everyone was much happier but still...
"C'mon, Lilly, don't look at me with such expression, it'll be awesome!" she hugged me but my expression didn't change.
"Are you sure it's a good idea?" Bella also seemed uncertain.
"I'm always sure" she released me and I started doubting if we can avoid it. "I'm going to prepare, let's meet in living room after an hour, no, wait, it'll be better after two" and gracefully climbed upstairs....
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posted by a-jforever
Ok so I was thinking about posting this a little while ago. And I got bored and found it again so I decided to post it. Please comment.XXXX

A woman around the age of 32 gave birth to her second child on the 28th of February 1856. A two year old girl sat with her father watching as if it held interest to her. The woman was relaxed. The father watched just as engrossed as his two year old Daughter. A short minute later Thomas Johnson bent down to his daughter Hannah. “Say hello to Demetri, Hannah. He’s your new little brother” Hannah took one look at Thomas before beginning to cry. I remember...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

TWILIGHT - chapter 2 - OPEN BOOK

The rest of the week was uneventful. I got used to the routine of my classes. By Friday I was able to recognize, if not name, almost all of the students at school. In Gym, the kids on my team learned not to pass me the ball and to step quickly in front of me if the other team tried to take advantage of my weakness. I happily stayed out of their way.
Edward Cullen didn't come back to school.
Every day, I watched anxiously until the rest of the Cullens entered the cafeteria without him. Then I could relax and join in the lunchroom conversation....
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posted by SuperFunFan1001

Sorry for not writing in a while, I could come up with excuses for why I haven't written that are true but I will just save the time and say I had writers block......
Oh! Also in chapter 3... I was thinking of Cacius or watever the heck his name is...
Oh another thing!

Bella's POV

After a few hours of running and and some swiming we finally made it to the Volturi castle. It was huge and beautiful but no place I will ever want to live.

"Right this way Bella dear," called Jane's mocking voice from around the corner. I followed her voice into an elevator...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Sorry all we have are action movies. Chris said as enter the living room / dining room. No problem, I like action movies. I said. Okay, here is the pizza. Mr T said. They turned on the movie but I didn't really pay attion to it. I was thinking about everything. Like how I could get out of and how to get this thing off my leg. I sat there tiwling the thing around my ankle. We watched startrec. In the first 5 minutes, there was a war, a person got killed and a baby was born. It was weird. The movie was good, the pizza was good but I only got 2 slices. I think I am going to turn in early guys....
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
The Character

Name: Aro

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: Can read the thoughts of those he has been in physical contact with

About Them: Aro is the ultimate leader of the ancient vampire coven known as the Volturi that resides in Volterra, Italy. Regarded as "royalty" by other vampires because they have lived for well over three thousand years and act as police, they enforcing the rule that vampires' existence remain a secret from humans. They often send others to travel from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens and renegade vampires from exposing their kind. Aro is gifted with the ability to read...
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posted by just_bella
Hello all!! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone...especially twilightgglost for helping me make a decision on ths one!! Thanks again to EVERYONE!!!

End of Part 28

"No. I can't go back, in fact the reason that I came today is that we are leaving the area and I wanted to see everyone before we left. I have realized that it is easier to have everyone think I am dead, since we're leaving and will not be back." I said as I looked him in the eyes.

"I understand..well most of it I do. I still feel like you are hiding something, and I wish you would trust me enough to tell me." Aaron said.

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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 28: Personal Demons (Nessie’s POV)
The past few days had been such a blur. First the terrifying fact that my best friends was almost murdered. It was very emotional; although Seth continuously blamed himself I knew it was my fault. If it wasn’t for me she never would have met Seth and learned the truths of our worlds; the very truths that ended up costing Sienna her life. We all waited in my grandparent’s house restlessly. Seth sat in a corner looking very pale and withdrawn; the only person who could get through to him was Leah. I was off in my own world as well consumed by the...
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I'm going to put my articles up in my spot that I have made specially for that. I'm not really sure, if I'm going to put them up here too :S let me now in comments if you want me to keep putting the up here. otherwise add my spot :D ^_^


Bella's pov

“You can open your eyes know, Bella.” I heard Leann say. So I gently opened them and I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was like a normal town.
“come on, I take you to the boss of this place” she said friendly. She grabbed my hand and dragged me threw streets, then we just stopped.
“That’s her” Leann said with joy in her voice. I looked...
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posted by 2bearz
hey, jus wanted to say that this is bout 4 months after the last chapter , and Bella n Edward got married, and Bella is a few day from havin her baby! sorry for skippin the good parts, but its jus like in the book, n i didnt want 2 repeat evrythin. sorry again.

" But I thought that you said the Volturi were coming Edward!" Alec raged. He was mad that his sister hadn't chosen to come over to the Cullen's family, but he wasn't leaving. We had tried to persuade her, but she held fast. Carlisle mentioned a girl who could make, and break, bonds in the Volturi.

When Edward said they were coming Alice...
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posted by just_bella
Hey!! Ok this one is fun/sad to write. Hope people enjoy it!!! Comments are awesome and thanks to everyone for the support!

End of Chapter 6

"Oh, it's horrible!! Everything we know is going to change. No matter how many times I look I still see him breaking up with Bella. It's going to hurt her so much!!! I don't know what she will do, I want this to change. I don't want to see this anymore!!" I screamed the end.

We sat there, holding eachother for a while. No matter how many times I looked it didn't change much. The site, the time would change but not the outcome. I kept trying to see how...
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