Twilight Series Club
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When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it’s not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Preface, p.1

I stared because their faces, so different, so similar, were all devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.19

I peeked up at him one more time, and regretted it. He was glaring down at me again, his black eyes full of revulsion. As I flinched away from him, shrinking against my chair, the phrase if looks could kill suddenly ran through my mind.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 1, p.24

I was sure, though, in the instant our eyes met, that he didn’t look harsh or unfriendly as he had the last time I’d seen him. He looked merely curious again, unsatisfied in some way.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.41

His fingers were ice-cold, like he’d been holding them in a snowdrift before class. But that wasn’t why I jerked my hand away so quickly. When he touched me, it stung my hand as if an electric current had passed through us.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.45

I vividly remembered the flat black color of his eyes the last time he’d glared at me — the color was striking against the background of his pale skin and his auburn hair. Today, his eyes were a completely different color: a strange ocher, darker than butterscotch, but with the same golden tone.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.46

Hasn’t anyone ever told you? Life isn’t fair.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.49

I was in disbelief that I’d just explained my dreary life to this bizarre, beautiful boy who may or may not despise me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.50

Edward Cullen was leaning against the front door of the Volvo, three cars down from me, and staring intently in my direction.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 2, p.52

If I was being honest with myself, I knew I was eager to get to school because I would see Edward Cullen. And that was very, very stupid.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.54

Edward Cullen was standing four cars down from me, staring at me in horror. His face stood out from a sea of faces, all frozen in the same mask of shock.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.56

Just before I heard the shattering crunch of the van folding around the truck bed, something hit me, hard, but not from the direction I was expecting.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.56

A low oath made me aware that someone was with me, and the voice was impossible not to recognize. Two long, white hands shot out protectively in front of me, and the van shuddered to a stop a foot from my face, the large hands fitting providentially into a deep dent in the side of the van’s body.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.56

How did you get over here so fast?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.57

He unleashed the full, devastating power of his eyes on me, as if trying to communicate something crucial.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.57

I was consumed by the mystery Edward presented. And more than a little obsessed by Edward himself.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.67

That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.67

I wondered to myself why no one else had seen him standing so far away, before he was suddenly, impossibly saving my life. With chagrin, I realized the probable cause — no one else was as aware of Edward as I always was. No one else watched him the way I did. How pitiful.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.69

As always, I was electrically aware of Edward sitting close enough to touch, as distant as if he were merely an invention of my imagination.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.72

I sighed and opened my eyes. And Edward was staring at me curiously, that same, familiar edge of frustration even more distinct now in his black eyes.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.73

I couldn’t allow him to have this level of influence over me. It was pathetic. More than pathetic, it was unhealthy.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.74

I turned slowly, unwillingly. I didn’t want to feel what I knew I would feel when I looked at his too-perfect face.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.74

What? Are you speaking to me again?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.74

It’s too bad you didn’t figure that out earlier. You could have saved yourself all this regret.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.75

I wasn’t interesting. And he was. Interesting… and brilliant… and mysterious… and perfect… and beautiful… and possibly able to lift full-sized vans with one hand.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.79

I thought you were supposed to be pretending I don’t exist, not irritating me to death.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.82

It felt like the heat of my anger should physically burn him, but he only seemed more amused.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.82

So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler’s van didn’t do the job?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.82

Do you have a multiple personality disorder?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.82

Are you trying to be funny?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.83

Stupid, shiny Volvo owner.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.83

It was difficult to believe that I hadn’t just imagined what Edward had said, and the way his eyes had looked. Maybe it was just a very convincing dream that I’d confused with reality. That seemed more probable than that I really appealed to him on any level.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.86

It was hard to believe that someone so beautiful could be real. I was afraid that he might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and I would wake up.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.87

I’m trying to figure out what you are.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.89

His voice was like melting honey. I could imagine how much more overwhelming his eyes would be.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 5, p.102

I was completely absorbed, except for one small part of my mind that wondered what Edward was doing now, and trying to imagine what he would be saying if he were here with me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 6, p.117

And then Edward stepped out from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet. I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.131

The dark Edward in my dream last night was a reflection only of my fear of the word Jacob had spoken, and not Edward himself.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.139

I didn’t know if there ever was a choice, really. I was already in too deep. Now that I knew — if I knew — I could do nothing about my frightening secret. Because when I thought of him, of his voice, his hypnotic eyes, the magnetic force of his personality, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.139

This decision was ridiculously easy to live with. Dangerously easy.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.140

I should be afraid — I knew I should be, but I couldn’t feel the right kind of fear.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 7, p.141

Stupid, unreliable vampire.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.156

It was amazing how instantaneously the choking fear vanished, amazing how suddenly the feeling of security washed over me — even before I was off the street — as soon as I heard his voice.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.162

I wanted nothing more than to be alone with my perpetual savior. There were so many questions that I couldn’t bombard him with till we were by ourselves.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.166

He stared into my eyes, and I saw how light his eyes were, lighter than I’d ever seen them, golden butterscotch.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.170

I feel very safe with you.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.170

Did you ever think that maybe my number was up the first time, with the van, and that you’ve been interfering with fate?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.174

I probably should have been used to that by now — but I wasn’t. I had a feeling Edward wasn’t the kind of person anyone got used to.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 8, p.178

It doesn’t matter to me what you are.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.184

He turned to look at me with a wistful expression. The golden eyes held mine, and I lost my train of thought. I stared at him until he looked away.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.186

I was aware of the time slipping away so quickly, like the black road beneath us, and I was hideously afraid that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again — openly, the walls between us gone for once. His words hinted at an end, and I recoiled from the idea. I couldn’t waste one minute I had with him.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.187

I didn’t like it. Not seeing you. It makes me anxious, too.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.190

I told you, it doesn’t matter what you are. It’s too late.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.190

I turned and he was leaning toward me, his pale, glorious face just inches from mine. My heart stopped beating.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.193

About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was part of him — and I didn’t know how potent that part might be — that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 9, p.195

There was uncertainty in his voice. He was really giving me a choice — I was free to refuse, and part of him hoped for that. It was a vain hope.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.197

It was a colossal tribute to his face that it kept my eyes away from his body.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.197

He paused to catch a stray lock of hair that was escaping the twist on my neck and wound it back into place. My heart spluttered hyperactively.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.201

One side of his mouth pulled up into my favorite uneven smile.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.201

How very inconvenient his little talent could be — when it wasn’t saving my life.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.202

He drives like a maniac. It was terrifying.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.202

You should have seen the waitress flirting with him — it was over the top. But he didn’t pay any attention to her at all.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.203

I do have some trouble with incoherency when I’m around him.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.204

I can’t explain it right… but he’s even more unbelievable behind the face.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.204

The vampire who wanted to be good — who ran around saving people’s lives so he wouldn’t be a monster…

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.204

But outside the door to our Spanish class, leaning against the wall — looking more like a Greek god than anyone had a right to — Edward was waiting for me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.206

As it happens, I don’t mind being alone with you.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.214

Nothing more fun than an irritated grizzly bear.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 10, p.215

I was stunned by the unexpected electricity that flowed through me, amazed that it was possible to be more aware of him than I already was. A crazy impulse to reach over and touch him, to stroke his perfect face just once in the darkness, nearly overwhelmed me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.219

His face startled me — his expression was torn, almost pained, and so fiercely beautiful that the ache to touch him flared as strong as before. My goodbye stuck in my throat. He raised his hand, hesitant, conflict raging in his eyes, and then swiftly brushed the length of my cheekbone with his fingertips. His skin was as icy as ever, but the trail his fingers left on my skin was alarmingly warm — like I’d been burned, but didn’t feel the pain of it yet.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 11, p.220

He grinned his crooked smile at me, stopping my breath and my heart. I couldn’t imagine how an angel could be any more glorious. There was nothing about him that could be improved upon.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.241

I looked down, afraid of the persuasive power of his eyes. I refused to be convinced to fear him, no matter how real the danger might be. It doesn’t matter, I repeated in my head.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.243

I realized slowly that his words should frighten me. I waited for that fear to come, but all I could seem to feel was an ache for his pain.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.246

Should I say ‘have fun,’ or is that the wrong sentiment?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.247

I promise to try to be safe. I’ll do the laundry tonight — that ought to be fraught with peril.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.247

Our relationship couldn’t continue to balance, as it did, on the point of a knife. We would fall off one edge or the other, depending entirely upon his decision, or his instincts. My decision was made, made before I’d ever consciously chosen, and I was committed to seeing it through. Because there was nothing more terrifying to me, more excruciating, than the thought of turning away from him. It was an impossibility.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.248

This truck is old enough to be your car’s grandfather — have some respect.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.254

His cold touch on my skin never failed to make my heart thud erratically. Twice, when that happened, I caught a look on his face that made me sure he could somehow hear it.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.257

Edward seemed to take a deep breath, and then he stepped out into the bright glow of the midday sun.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 12, p.259

Edward in the sunlight was shocking. I couldn’t get used to it, though I’d been staring at him all afternoon. His skin, white despite the faint flush from yesterday’s hunting trip, literally sparkled, like thousands of tiny diamonds were embedded in the surface.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.260

I was wishing that I could believe that you were real. And I was wishing that I wasn’t afraid.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.262

I sat without moving, more frightened of him than I had ever been. I’d never seen him so completely freed of that carefully cultivated facade. He’d never been less human… or more beautiful.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.264

I looked into his eyes, abruptly grasping that this was every bit as new to him as it was to me. As many years of unfathomable experience as he had, this was hard for him, too.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.265

I was afraid… because, for, well, obvious reasons, I can’t stay with you. And I’m afraid that I’d like to stay with you, much more than I should.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.266

It was hard to keep up — his sudden mood changes left me always a step behind, dazed.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.266

So what you’re saying is, I’m your brand of heroin?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.267

You already know how I feel, of course. I’m here… which, roughly translated, means I would rather die than stay away from you.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

What a stupid lamb.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.274

He raised his free hand and placed it gently on the side of my neck. I sat very still, the chill of his touch a natural warning — a warning telling me to be terrified. But there was no feeling of fear in me. There were, however, other feelings…

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.275

He came to rest with the side of his face pressed tenderly against my chest. Listening to my heart.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.276

I knew at any moment it could be too much, and my life could end — so quickly that I might not even notice. And I couldn’t make myself be afraid. I couldn’t think of anything, except that he was touching me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.276

No one could be still like Edward. He closed his eyes and became as immobile as stone, a carving under my hand.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.277

You’re better at this than you give yourself credit for.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.278

Will you turn into a bat?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.279

I’m a bit heavier than your average backpack.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.279

He hesitated — not in the normal way, the human way. Not the way a man might hesitate before he kissed a woman, to gauge her reaction, to see how he would be received. Perhaps he would hesitate to prolong the moment, that ideal moment of anticipation, sometimes better than the kiss itself. Edward hesitated to test himself, to see if this was safe, to make sure he was still in control of his need. And then his cold, marble lips pressed very softly against mine.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.282

He was a different Edward than the one I had known. And I felt all the more besotted by him. It would cause me physical pain to be separated from him now.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.283

There was no way around it; I couldn’t resist him in anything.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.284

Take it easy — my truck is a senior citizen.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.284

Are you ever going to tell me how old you are?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.287

There’s nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you up at night.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.287

Just give me a minute to restart my heart.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.297

Can I have a minute to be human?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.297

I tried not to think of Edward, sitting in my room, waiting, because then I had to start all over with the calming process.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.298

It was very difficult, while he was touching me, to frame a coherent question.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.299

It seems to be… much easier for you, now, to be close to me.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.299

Yeah, it’s an off day when I don’t get somebody telling me how edible I smell.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.306

He laughed, and then began to hum that same, unfamiliar lullaby; the voice of an archangel, soft in my ear.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 14, p.311

Well, it’s no irritable grizzly…

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.316

I’ll always want you. Forever.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.318

I doubted there were any etiquette books detailing how to dress when your vampire sweetheart takes you home to meet his vampire family.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.318

You… made… me… faint.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.319

I think I forgot to breathe.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.320

I’m feeling extremely insignificant.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.326

Every time he touched me, in even the most casual way, my heart had an audible reaction.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 16, p.335

I hate to burst your bubble, but you’re really not as scary as you think you are. I don’t find you scary at all, actually.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 16, p.345

Vampires like baseball?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 16, p.347

I love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens now.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.391

But it won’t be all right when I’m not with you.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 19, p.396

I folded the letter carefully, and sealed it in the envelope. Eventually he would find it. I only hoped he would understand, and listen to me just this once. And then I carefully sealed away my heart.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 21, p.432

The minutes passed and Edward’s arrival grew closer. It was amazing how every cell in my body seemed to know he was coming, to long for his coming.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 22, p.437

I imagined that I had stayed at the airport to meet Edward. I visualized how I would stand on my toes, the sooner to see his face. How quickly, how gracefully he would move through the crowds of people separating us. And then I would run to close those last few feet between us — reckless as always — and I would be in his marble arms, finally safe.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 22, p.440

So many questions I still had for him. I could talk to him forever, never sleeping, never leaving his side. I could see his face so clearly now… almost hear his voice. And, despite all the horror and hopelessness, I was fleetingly happy. So involved was I in my escapist daydreams, I lost all track of the seconds racing by.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 22, p.440

I heard, as if from underwater, the final growl of the hunter. I could see, through the long tunnels my eyes had become, his dark shape coming toward me. With my last effort, my hand instinctively raised to protect my face. My eyes closed, and I drifted.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 22, p.451

This couldn’t be heaven, could it? There was too much pain for that.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 23, p.453

Edward’s face was drawn. I watched his eyes as the doubt was suddenly replaced with a blazing determination.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 23, p.455

Stay, Edward, stay with me…

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 23, p.456

I heard my favorite sound in the world: Edward’s quiet laugh, weak with relief.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 23, p.457

Don’t I taste as good as I smell?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.460

I was not finished kissing you. Don’t make me come over there.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.463

Don’t forget to breathe.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.464

I’m pretty crazy about him.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.468

I can’t always be Lois Lane. I want to be Superman, too.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.474

You are my life. You’re the only thing it would hurt me to lose.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.474

You’re talking about forever, you know.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.478

I’m betting on Alice.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.480

His eyes were melting all my fury. It was impossible to fight with him when he cheated like that.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.485

This looks like a horror movie waiting to happen.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.487

Do you want me to bolt the doors so you can massacre the unsuspecting townsfolk?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.487

Oh, I’m with the vampires, of course.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.487

Edward. I honestly can’t dance!

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.488

In what strange parallel dimension would I ever have gone to prom of my own free will? If you weren’t a thousand times stronger than me, I would never have let you get away with this.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.495

It’s not the end, it’s the beginning.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.497

Do you remember when you told me that I didn’t see myself very clearly? You obviously have the same blindness.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.497

A girl can dream.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.498

Mostly I dream about being with you forever.

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.498

I love you more than everything else in the world combined. Isn’t that enough?

Bella Swan, Twilight, Epilogue, p.498
I caught Lucas and tackled him to the ground. I took his camera out his hand and deleted the photos he took. I got off him and tossed him his camera.

They days followed.It stopped being sunny, and the clouds came. The showcase was amazing, everyone did great,but tonight was my "official"date with Justin. He kept the place a secret, but told me to dress warm.Hayden was over to help me pick out an outfit.
"What about this?"She asked me, holding out a pair of dark skinny jeans, a ruffled shirt, a leater biker jacket and a pair of ballet flats. I smiled at her.
"That's perfect." I said. She gave me...
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Renesmme's pov
a year after the big fight with the Volturi. My life has being really great live with my family and seeing Jake when every i can or when ever my father would let us. i just don't understand why my father hates Jake so much? I hope i will fine out soon why. i was in my room and i was think what would high school would be like my first year. my mother told me about her first year when she meet my father. my mother always told me stories about her and my father and how they meet and how my father could live with out her. She told that Jake was her very best besides Jessica and Angela....
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posted by karpach_13
svetlanas dress
svetlanas dress
Chapter 16

“she didn’t want to tell you because she didn’t want to make people think she’s different that’s all” I told them.
“well obviously she would have been different if she told us she was a wizard” uncle Emmett said.
“exactly and u would treat her differently but she doesn’t want that” I told them.
“nessie today not tomorrow!” my father yelled.
“I got to go , so jake wen can I come?” I asked him.
“today if you want” he told him.
“u’re the best” I told him and hugged him. I ran towards the house ivan following me.
“wat do u want?” I asked him. He wore...
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Chapter Five:
Rose’s P.O.V:
From: Rosalie Hale (

To: Emmett Cullen (
Subject: Honey no where!
Dear Emmett,
Hey! We are somewhere nice n’ private. No one will come after us and you aren’t finding us! So, just give up. I swear if you go and try to find us…when I see you you’ll want a hockey mask helmet. So shut the hell up and just leave it be. Love you, R!

“Can someone make me lunch?” Bella pleaded. I rolled my eyes and logged onto my second e-mail account:
Password: ******************...
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posted by mia1emmett
Estellas outfit on that day
Estellas outfit on that day
Chapter 7
    Today was the day it was sunny and I knew they couldn't be out. I grabbed my bags and my plane ticket. I ran for the car Eddie bought me. I was planning on going to Alaska and telling my brother everything I was going to do. I was leaving the car there and grabbing a plane. Eddie would under stand. When I got there Eddie understood and brought me to the airport. I was boarding the plane thinking Alice must have scene me going by now. The I was getting ready to sit when I heard some arguing by the lady...
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Chapter Four:
Bella’s P.O.V:
After Alice got the chunky milk cleaned up, got into her bathing suit and made me some lunch for the beach we were off. We decided we would go farther away from the crowd due to the coldness of our skin. I pushed my toes into the blazing sand. Alice giggled when the sand where she stood froze a little. “Vampire sand.” I giggled. She nodded and plopped herself down in the sand. “Warmth, even to a vamp like me.” Alice whispered. I laughed and piled sand on top of my feet. Before I knew it their was a humungo lump on top of my feet. I laughed and continued...
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Bella’s P.O.V:
My light jacket swayed in the wind as we got our ‘asses’ out to her car. Rosalie had a weird look on her face as we stepped into the vehicle. “Alice, you have a DJ for the wedding.” Alice looked puzzled, “What do you mean, Rosalie?” “DJ Jake is crashing your wedding Bells, hoping to get a job as DJ.” I grinned, “Cool.” Rosalie nodded, “Very.” We rode off down the road toward Lester’s small town bride gowns. And they were small. And old fashioned. Alice’s begged me to try on a big poofy gown that made my boobs look lumpy and silicone. I didn’t like...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Waking up was the hardest part,afraid wheither i had just just had the biggest and worst dream, i diddnt want to admitt it to my heart that my head beleived it real. By now, ,my heart had a mind of it's own, and my brain was its best friend, looking out for it, but kept the harsh truth to itself. But isnt that where friendships go wrong?

I found myself in a foriegn room, with no real decor, just a room, but it appeared to had held secrets, secrets that solved the answers behind the holes in the walls, and the windows bolted shut and writings of deleicate scribble on the walls.
The scribbe startled...
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Rumor or Not?

London, July 11 – ‘Twilight’ star Ashley Greene has sparked rumours that she’s dating Joe Jonas after the two tried to have a secret date but went to London’s most exclusive restaurant The Ivy.

The duo was in town for the premiere of the latest Twilight film, ‘Eclipse’.

They tried to keep their dinner date hush-hush to avoid being spotted together.

“They had a very romantic night at The Ivy. They arrived separately and then left out by the back door where there were two vans with blacked-out windows waiting to whisk them away,” News Of The World quoted a source as saying.

The source addded: “They looked like a lovely couple. Had a few drinks and were clearly enjoying not being hounded like they would have been in Los Angeles.
posted by karpach_13
Chapter 3
I sneaked out of my house without anyone noticing me, this is actually the first time I didn’t get caught . I got in my car and drove off to Eric’s house. I drove 10 minutes and finally arrives there. Eric was standing (almost sleeping) by his porch. I got out of the car and went to him.
“geez renesmee couldn’t we talk in the morning?” he asked me
“call me nessie, and no we couldn’t talk in the morning its going to be too late, remember im leaving isle esme?” I asked him
“yeahhh” he lied
“sure… whatever. I don’t want to go there now and I think to too late to...
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Chapter 14 Back to the Cullens!

After it feels like you just put your head down. You hear Emmett's voice.

Emmett-Babe, we're here.

You look up at him and smile a little bit.

You-(saying in a soft voice) Okay.

You sit up trying to block the pain out of your head. But you can't. Emmett gets off the plain to get the suitcases and Edward was there to pick you guys up and he helps Emmett load them in the back of the Volvo. As soon as you stand up your knees buckle and you let out a scream that tells everyone you're in pain. Emmett runs back on the plain.

Emmett-___!!! Babe, did it get worse??!

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Chapter 12. Honey Moon Part one.

You and Emmett say goodbyes and you head to the car and you get in ad Emmett gets in after you. Jasper is driving and you are snuggled up to Emmett and he has one of his strong arms around you. Alice is in the front seat and she looks back at you.

Alice-___, you looked SO gorgeous today!!

You-Thanks to you and Rose and Esme. Thanks Alice.

Alice-Well thank you for letting us help you get ready.

Emmett-Babe, you did look extremely beautiful.

You-Thank you Honey Bear.
He hugs you a little tighter. You whisper in hid ear.

You-Just wait until later, you're going to love...
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Chapter 11 Wedding day<3

Just a note...this is the exact dress, and hair I had in mind.

You were having a really nice dream about Emmett, when you feel yourself being shaken. Alice is shaking you to wake you up.

Alice-___, ___? Wake up sleepy head, today is your big day!!

You roll over and open your eyes.

Alice-Goodmorning Sis!

You-Morning Sis! (you say smiling)

Alice-Do you know what today is?

You-Of Course (you smile)it's my Weding day.

Rosalie-(coming into your room) Exactly you need to get up so alice and I can get you all done up.

You-Morning Rose!

You sit up in you bed and Esme brings you some...
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Chapter 6.

Ok I just wanted to say that since its a bitch to highlight the colors and that on this computer (my) Everything is just going to be black from now on. Back to the story.

Emmett grabbed your hand a waked you inside, luckily Esme and Carlise where sitting back on the couch. Esme turned around because she heard you crying. "___, is everything ok?" You just started crying even harder. "umm, Carlisle, Esme, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute." "Absolutely Emmett." Carlisle says while him and Esme rush to the kitchen. Emmett follows behind. You just sit down on the couch with...
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Chapter 4.

You wake up the next morning and not around to try to find him but you see a piece of paper on your nightsstand. You open it up and it reads. "___, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up but I'll see you in a little bit. Since it's Saturday, do me a favor and get ready. I'll pick you up at Noon. Don't worry about where we are going, you'll fins out later. You smile and you look at your clock. 9:45 was the time so you jumped out of bed and got in the shower. After your shower you did you make up and then you're hair and got dressed. You looked at the clock and the time was 11:57....
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So, you guys celebrated by going hunting. You got home and went to your room you were looking at a photo album and just daydreaming when you heard something. Someone's thoughts: I wonder if she would just go once with me? You looked up and saw James.
You: Not in your dreams. What are you doin here James?
James: Oh come on sexy.
You: No now leave before I tear you head off and throw you into a fire.
He stepped closer and you got into a crouch and hissed.
You: This is your last warning.
He came closer and you leaped towards him. You bit off some of his skin and then there was a knock.
???: Babe are...
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's the next chapter. I know it's kinda long...sorry :/ I was lost in my own little world. lol. Thanks for all the sweet comments and support! I hope you love it as much as I do ^.^ Much love and appreciation to each of you, from me! :]
“Does that fit well, Chloe?” Summer asked her three year old princess. Chloe was in her mother and father’s bedroom trying on a dry, sky blue dress with layers of white frills on the skirt. Thankfully, while she was pregnant, Summer stocked up on enough sizes in outfits for Chloe till she reached...
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A BIG BIG BIG thank you to everyone for ALL the support and, of course, reading my story. There's not enough I can do to repay you for your kindness <333 I like this chapter, and I hope you enjoy it too :] Thank you again.
Love Me, Hate Me, Lie to Me
The further Summer ran from Forks, she felt like an important piece of her life had recently gone missing. She was happy the Cullens weren’t physically hurt, and Aro hadn’t been thinking spiteful thoughts against them. But, there was a chance he was only thinking about killing them while she...
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Homemade Banner
Homemade Banner
Bella’s P.O.V:
I was hyperventilating when I stepped into the Cullen garage. I saw the car Ali and Jazz had taken me into to Arizona. And then the car that had come back when I was “dead” with Ali as my visitor. The car I promised Edward I would wait until after graduation for my wish made me cry the most. The one where we ran into Jacob-and went into the woods.
Although I was supposed to go to the hotel Carlisle told me to go strait to Alice and Edward. I had Cullen clothes on so I would smell like a vampire. I did. I smelled like all my favorite people. Emmett, Alice, Edward, Esme, Carlisle,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Along the way, a girl ran up to me, and she looked . She help a whip like that one girl I killed a few days ago.
    "You kill my sister, I kill you!" She said, and cracked her whip at me.
    I raised my leg, and it wrapped around my leg. I brought my leg back and her weapon of choice was now on my right leg.
    "I did kill her, just like I'll kill you!" I said, raised my gun, two shots to her abdomen, and she went down.
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