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posted by UchihaYuki
Sorry it took me soon long to finish writing this,
and getting it up,
I've been a bit busy, so I never had time to
write it.
but anyways here's the long waited for,
Chapter Seven of my Twilight Fan Fiction.
Hope everyone likes it[:

p.s. Sorry this chapter's so long,
i wrote it in four days, so everyday i added more
so it's quite long x]


“Edward?...” I asked as I sat up in the bed. “Yes love?” “Can I ask you a question....?
He paused for a half a second, thinking .
“Sure, okay.. What is the question my love?”
I thought for a second, “Well... I was wondering.. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my friends, and it’s summer, so they should all be out of school or everyone should be here, for the summer.. And, I just wanted to see Angela, Ben and maybe.... possibly, Mike?”
I trailed off, it was quiet for a few minuets, I was trying to read Edwards face to see if I could tell what he was thinking.
Then he spoke “It’s true, you haven’t seen any of them... since the wedding..., and yes they should be home.. I suppose you could see them, if you truly wanted... but would you want to go to their homes, or would you want them here?..” I thought for a second, going through what he said in my head, looking down and playing with my ring. “Really!?, Is that a yes?... and I don’t care where they are or I am, I just wanna see them... and I won’t have to wear contact’s or anything because I don’t have red eyes anymore,” I smiled. “Do you want to go hunting before you go see them.. Just in case?” “Nah.. I’m okay, we went hunting not to long ago.. So I’m not hungry, and my eyes are normal colored.. They’ll just think I’m wearing contacts.., Oh and Edward, I want you to come with me okay?..” “Okay, Love. I’ll come with you,” he smiled back at me. “Oh... do you think I should bring Nessie?.. I mean no one knows about her.. Except Charlie, Renee and you guys..” “Yes, she could come, it’s alright with me.., it’s up to you.. But what would you say if they ask why you have her?” “Okay!, and... Lots of teenagers, have kids.. All over the world, it’s not like it’s illegal or anything.. And I am 19, to them so.. It really wouldn’t matter, and I could just tell them It’s a long story..” I smiled. “Okay, sounds good with me love. When do you wanna go?,” “Umm... What time is it now?..” “It’s around 10:45am...” “Okay, Nessie should be waking up at around 11:25am, so As soon as she wakes up and I have her ready, We can go. I’ll call them all right now, I think I still have their numbers”
I got up out of bed and walked over to the dresser where my cell phone was charging, Edward went to check if it was sunny outside, then to check on Nessie.
I picked up my cell phone and got the contact book up and looked through the contacts, for Angela.
I guessed Ben was with Angela, as he always was, The last letter I had gotten from Angela she had said her and Ben were still going strong.. So of course if she was home, so was he, and he was most likely with her 24/7 so I wouldn’t have to call him, I finally found Angela’s number, then I pressed the green phone and it started ringing.
I waited a few minuets while it rang, then Ben picked up the phone, I laughed to my self,
half knowing he would of course pick up Angela’s phone if he was there.
“Hello Bella.” “Hi Ben!, I figured you’d be with Angela.” I laughed. “Yup, I never let her out of my sight” he laughed too, “You suppose I could talk to her?...” “Yeah, Sure...” It was quiet for a second, “BELLA!, You finally called me!, I missed your voice! What’s up?” “Hey Angela!, Yeah.. Sorry it took me so long... I missed yours too, but I loved getting letters from you.
Nothing really, I’m just sitting at home with Edward.” “Oh, that’s right, you married him.. I totally forgot, and I was at the wedding!” she laughed “I’m so scatter brained sometimes.” “Yes, but that’s why I love you Angela.” I laughed with her. “So, Your home for the summer?” I asked her, calmer now. “Yeah, I missed forks. I thought I’d like it better at Harvard but I was really homesick, So I’m really happy to be home., You home from College too?” “Yeah, I am.. I got out a while ago, I missed forks too. So Angela... You think me and Edward could come over and Visit you guys for a while?...” “Yeah! Sure!, I’d love to see you!,and Edward.. And plus my Parents are both out of town for a couple of days, so we’d be alone....” “That’s awesome, How about we come over in about...” I trailed off, and looked at the clock, it was 10:58am. “We come over at about 11:30am?” I said picking up where I left off , “Okay! Sounds good, We’ll be waiting.”
“Oh and Angela, me and Edward have a surprise for you” I smiled, “Awesome, I can’t wait.. See you soon Bella!, Love you!” “Okay, See you soon too Angela, Bye.. Tell Ben I said bye.” “Will do” “Oh, and Love you too.” We both said bye to each other once more, then Hung up the phone,
I turned around, Edward was sitting on the bed watching me. “How long where you there?” I asked, “About... two minuets, just long enough to hear you two saying goodbye to each other, Oh and Nessie’s ready.” “Oh, Okay... I told Angela We’ll be there around 11:30am.” “Okay, We’d better go then..” I walked over to him, and stood in front of him, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his lap , and kissed me gently. Then he let me back up, and I went to go get Nessie. I put Nessie in her car seat in the back, then I got in the front seat of the car,
and we drove off to Angela and Bens.

It didn’t really take us long to get anywhere, well at least when Edward was driving,
We’d just gotten off onto the highway, and from here it took about five to ten minutes to get to
Angela’s house, So with Edward driving, I guessed it’d probably take two or three minutes.
So I sat quietly counting the minutes to see how long it took, he looked over at me, and quietly said “We’re almost there love” “Okay.” I smiled. I looked out the window, We’d just passed the Newton’s Sports Store that I used to work at. Angela’s was just a few miles out of town, like Charlies.
I closed my eyes for a second, then the car stopped, I looked over at Edward, he smiled at me.
“We’re here Love.” I nodded, not wanting to speak yet, and looked out the window, We really were here, at Angela’s house, “Wow, I haven’t seen this place in forever!” I thought to myself.
Edward got out of the car and walked around to open my door for me. I got out, and stood up carefully. Edward had already gotten Nessie out of the car and was holding her, he even had her bag, he gave me Nessie and kept her bag, I locked my arms around her and me and Edward walked up to Angela’s door, I was walking slow, for some reason.. I was scared.
“What is Angela gonna say about Nessie?..” I thought to my self again, I wasn’t sure..
Edward took my free hand and squeezed it tightly. “It’s okay love, everything will be fine.”
He must have felt my tension, because I knew he could read my thoughts..
I walked a little faster now, it seemed like her door was miles away, but it was so close.
We stopped at the door and Edward knocked on it gently, I few seconds went by then the door opened there was Angela, and of course Ben right by her side.
“Bella!!!!” Angela said loudly as she opened the door, I had given Nessie to Edward when we got to the door so I could hug Angela when she answered it. “Angela!” I squeaked as we hugged each other tightly for a good minute and a half.
“Hello Ben, Angela.” Edward said calmly to them, Angela and I stopped hugging, and Angela invited us in. We all walked to her living room, Edward and I sat on one long couch Edward still holding Nessie, and Angela and Ben sat across from us on another large couch.
I took Nessie carefully from Edwards arms and sat her on my lap.
“So Bella, is She the surprise you told me about?” “She sure is, This is Renesmee Carlie Cullen.
She’s Mine and Edwards little girl, She’s.... 3 years old, but she acts a lot older” I smiled.
Ben was awfully quiet, but he always was, so I just focused on Angela.
“Awwww! She’s Sooo cute!!. She has your pretty brown eyes, and your long dark brown hair, and she looks a lot like Edward, could I hold her, or just Hug her?. She’s just so adorable!!”
“Sure, you can.” I sat Nessie down on the floor, she sat at first then she got up and walked over to Angela, Angela had her arms out ready to hug Nessie. “Auntie Angela!” Nessie said happily as she jumped into Angela’s arms. Ben went to get some food for himself and Angela, Me and Edward said we’d eaten before we came over so we weren’t hungry.
Angela was still hugging Nessie, “Oh My Goodness! She’s just so Adorable!!!, I want one!” she laughed. “Yeah, I know right!” I laughed with her, Edward had gone to help Ben, who was making way too much noise in the kitchen, so it was just us girls, Me Nessie and Angela.
Still holding tightly onto Nessie Angela started talking. “So Bella, How’s College for you, and Edward?” “Oh, It’s great..., We decided that We’re not going back next semester, so We’ll just be home with Nessie.” “Oh, that’s cool. I wish I could do the same, I miss always being in Forks. Its always so sunny in Massachusetts, and I’m used to forks weather, and I love it here anyways.” “Yeah, forks grew on me too, I love it here now.”“So, what else are you two doing today?”
“Oh, we where thinking of going over to say hi to Mike, and maybe heading over to Jessica’s.. but I doubt we’ll be going to Jessica’s, she’s still not too happy with me, so I guess we’re just going to Mike’s for a brief “Hi” and “I missed you” and then we’re going home,.., what about you and Ben, what are you two gonna do today?” “Uhm... I’m not sure, I think we we’re gonna just stay home all day and watch movies or something, and I think we’re going to dinner at his parents house around six.” “Oh, cool.” I smiled. Then Edward and Ben came back in both their hands full with food. Edward sat his handful of food on the table, as did Ben, then Edward sat next to me and kissed my cheek, Ben trying to be cool fell back onto the couch where Angela was, and he kissed her. She laughed, because after he turned red. We all started laughing, including Ben, That’s what I loved about him, he never just freaked out and got embarrassed, he just laughed it off. We talked for a while, As Ben ate, Angela ended up switching places with Edward, so she was sitting next to me with Nessie in between us, and Edward sat on the other couch alone while Ben sat in the arm chair next to Angela.
Angela glanced down at her watch, “Ohh! It’s 5:45pm, Ben!, we gotta be at your parents by six!.”
Angela got up and started walking around, “Babe, chill we have enough time, they won’t mind if we’re a few minutes late.” “Okay” she sighed as she sat back down next to me.
I looked up at Edward who was looking out the window, “Well.. We’d better go.. I don’t want you guys being late because of us, and besides we got to get to Mikes, so I can at least say Hi to him...” “Yes, she’s right.” Edward said calmly now standing beside me with Nessie in his arms.
“Oh, yeah.. Okay. Well Bella, it was great seeing you again! I missed you so much, I’m glad we got to catch up. Maybe we can do this again before the end of summer?” “Yeah, I had fun Angela, And of course we’ll have to do this again!, and when you get back to College, don’t forget to send me letters!, I love hearing from you, All your letters always make me smile”
“Will do Bella.” I got up and hugged Angela, then Ben, and Angela hugged Nessie. “Bye-Bye Auntie Angela!, Uncle Ben!” “Ohhh! It’s so cute how she calls me Auntie!” “Yeah, she loves calling people that, even tho she knows they’re not her aunt or uncles.” I laughed.
We said our goodbyes, and hugged each other another couple of times
Then I went to the car along with Edward. Angela and Ben went back inside to get ready.
I put Nessie in her car-seat and got in the car, and off we drove to Mikes!.

We ended up taking longer than I thought, but that was probably because we were driving slow,
but we got there, and as soon as we stopped I hopped out of the car and ran to the door, Mike opened it instantly, he must of heard the car coming, but as soon as the door was open I hugged him tightly not letting go, “Hiya Bella, long time no see”
“Mike...” I said muffled from my face being hid in his chest. We finally let go of each other, because I heard the car door open, then Nessie was running towards us yelling “Mommy!!!.” Mike looked at me, confused.
“Mommy?!?, Did she just call you Mommy?” I looked down at the ground, if I wasn’t a vampire
my face would of been really red.
“Yeah, Mike..She did.” I said slowly as I picked Nessie up and held onto her tightly.
“Cullen’s kid?”
“Who else?! Dummy.” I laughed, he didn’t “Sorry, I was gonna tell you, in the last letter I sent you, but I forgot...”
“Yeah, okay.. And How old is she?!, she looks like she’ 5 years old, but that’s not possible.”
I didn’t answer for a few minuets, what was I gonna tell him?, “Oh, yeah.. She’s only a couple months old, but she has this power that makes her get older faster, so she’s about 6 years old, Oh yeah I forgot to mention, she’s half vampire. Oh and Me and Edward are Vampires, it’s a long story?!” I couldn’t say that, I’d freak him out, and I’d tell our secret. Thankfully Edward came just in time, to save me.
“She’s a year and a half, but she acts a lot older.” he said calmly, taking my hand in his and
squeezing it tightly. I gave him a “Thank you, you saved my life” look, and he smiled.
“Okay?.., Anyways Bella! You’re home, I was hoping to see you.” “Yeah, you look great Mike,
you haven’t changed a bit.” I laughed. “Neither have you.” he smiled at me.
We talked for a few minutes, still just standing in Mike’s doorway.
“Shoot.. It’s late.” I said as I looked down at my watch Nessie had fallen asleep in my arms.
“Oh, yeah.. It is.” Mike said sadly, “I wish you could of stayed longer..”
“Yeah, same here Mike.” Edward took Nessie from my arms and took her to the car.
I hugged Mike and said Goodbye to him, “Oh Mike, get a girlfriend, will ya?” I laughed as I walked back to the car. “Yeah, sure Bella. Bye!” “Bye Mike...”
I hopped into the car and we sped off, back home.
“Edward...Thanks, today was fun.” “Your welcome Love, I’m glad your happy.”
He took my hand, while still driving with the other, I smiled as he kissed my hand.
And off we drove back home to our little cottage.

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