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These are my fave Edward quotes from the Eclipse book.Enjoy them and fall in love with Edward all over again.

I’ll let you pay me back, if that makes you happy. If you want, I can charge you interest.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.22

There’s no hurry. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You can take all the time you need.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you. Not if I live a hundred thousand years.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

I don’t know how to phrase this properly. It’s going to sound cruel, I suppose. But I’ve come too close to losing you in the past. I know what it feels like to think I have. I am not going to tolerate anything dangerous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Please make a conscious effort to keep yourself safe. I’ll do everything I can, but I would appreciate a little help.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.33

Do you really have any idea how important you are to me? Any concept at all of how much I love you?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.34

The outside world holds no interest for me without you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.49

I’d wait till we were close enough to the ground, get a good grip on you, kick out the wall, and jump. Then I’d run you back to the scene of the accident, and we’d stumble around like the two luckiest survivors in history.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 3, p.88

I’ll be back so soon you won’t have time to miss me. Look after my heart — I’ve left it with you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.95

I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.186

I go a little berserk when I try to leave you. I don’t think I’ll go so far again. It’s not worth it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.189

I prefer brunettes.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

You’re quite adorable when you’re jealous. It’s surprisingly enjoyable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.194

You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.195

Are you trying to distract me? It’s working.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.224

Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren’t in love with me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

I was rather under the impression that you’d promised to ask my permission to go to some kind of werewolf soirée tonight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.230

There are things between my hands right now that I can’t live without. You could take care of them.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.234

You look… sexy.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 10, p.235

Besides… the more time I spend with you, the more human emotions seem comprehensible to me. I’m discovering that I can sympathize with Heathcliff in ways I didn’t think possible before.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 11, p.265

How can someone so tiny by so annoying?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.268

Would you please tell me what you are thinking? Before I go mad?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.270

You aren’t going through with this because a sword is hanging over your head. We will take care of the problems, and I will take care of you. When we’re through it, and there is nothing forcing your hand, then you can decide to join me, if you still want to. But not because you’re afraid. You won’t be forced into this.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.271

It’s the thought that counts. I ought to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.272

If I answer your question, will you then explain your question?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

If there were any way for me to become human for you — no matter what the price was, I would pay it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

And the sound of your heart. It’s the most significant sound in my world.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

You’ll always be my Bella, you’ll just be a little more durable.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.274

If I had found you, there isn’t a doubt in my mind how I would have proceeded. I was that boy, who would have — as soon as I discovered that you were what I was looking for — gotten down on one knee and endeavored to secure your hand. I would have wanted you for eternity, even when the word didn’t have quite the same connotations.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.277

I know you think that I have some kind of perfect, unyielding self-control, but that’s not actually the case.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.315

Do me a favor and challenge him to an arm-wrestling match. It would be a good experience for him.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.317

But if you ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.340

I’ll be fighting for her, too. You should know that. I’m not taking anything for granted, and I’ll be fighting twice as hard as you will.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

She is mine. I didn’t say I would fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.341

The way you regard me is ludicrous.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.413

Never be afraid to tell me how you feel, Bella. If this is what you need… You are my first priority.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

You gave me two alternatives that you could live with, and I chose the one that I could live with. That’s how compromise is supposed to work.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.422

I’m the only one who has permission to hold you hostage, remember?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.427

For this one night, could we try to forget everything besides just you and me? It seems like I can never get enough time like that. I need to be with you. Just you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.435

But I thought it was a good representation. It’s hard and cold. And it throws rainbows in the sunlight.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

My heart is just as silent. And it, too, is yours.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

Listen to your heart fly. It’s fluttering like a hummingbird’s wings. Are you all right?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I’ve already made the largest concession by far and away — I’ve agreed to take your life away against my better judgment. And that ought to entitle me to a few compromises on your part.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.440

I didn’t realize there was anything else you wanted besides being transformed into a monster yourself. I’m extremely curious.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.441

Tell me what you want, and you can have it.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.442

I feel like there’s a line behind me, jockeying for position, waiting for me to make a big enough mistake… You’re too desirable for your own good.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.445

Do you have any idea how painful it is, trying to refuse you when you plead with me this way?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.448

Bella. Would you please stop trying to take your clothes off?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.450

Do you get the feeling that everything is backward? Traditionally, shouldn’t you be arguing my side, and I yours?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.451

You know that I’ve stolen, I’ve lied, I’ve coveted… my virtue is all I have left.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

Yes, but you’re such a bad liar that it doesn’t really count. Nobody believes you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

I had no right to want you — but I reached out and took you anyway. And now look what’s become of you! Trying to seduce a vampire.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.454

There is only one thing I want to speed up, and the rest can wait forever… but for that, it’s true, your impatient human hormones are my most powerful ally at this point.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.455

We’ll go to Vegas — you can wear old jeans and we’ll go to the chapel with the drive-through window. I just want it to be official — that you belong to me and no one else.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.456

You are the most dangerous creature I’ve ever met.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.457

I supposed it’s a little outdated. Old-fashioned, just like me.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.458

Isabella Swan? I promise to love you forever — every single day of forever. Will you marry me?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.460

I lived through an entire twenty-four hours thinking that you were dead, Bella. That changed the way I look at a lot of things.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.471

I don’t see you making yourself useful. Why don’t you go fetch a space heater or something?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.489

You don’t have the faintest idea how much I wish I could do what you’re doing for her, mongrel.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.492

Do you think you could attempt to control your thoughts?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.494

As long as she wants me, I’m here.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

You see, Jacob, you might leave her someday. Like Sam and Emily, you wouldn’t have a choice. I would always be waiting in the wings, hoping for that to happen.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.502

Would you like me to help you sleep, Jacob?

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 22, p.504

But, if I had been able to take your place last night, it would not have made the top ten of the best nights of my life. Dream about that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.509

All of my best nights have happened since I met you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.511

You love me more than I deserve.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

A hundred years from now, when you’ve gained enough perspective to really appreciate the answer, I will explain it to you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

Truce over.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

I never promised to fight fair. And he deserves to know.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.514

You don’t have to be afraid, Bella. You’re safe. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.556

It’s going to be all right, Bella. I know you’re frightened now, but it’s over. No one is going to hurt you. I won’t touch you. I won’t hurt you.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.557

You know that you nearly gave me a heart attack? Not the easiest thing to do, that.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.559

Bella, I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to make everyone else happy. And I don’t care about anyone else’s feelings. I only need you to be happy. Don’t worry about breaking the news to Alice. I’ll take care of it. I promise she won’t make you feel guilty.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

We’re doing this your way. Because my way doesn’t work. I call you stubborn, but look at what I’ve done. I’ve clung with such idiotic obstinacy to my idea of what’s best for you, though it’s only hurt you. Hurt you so deeply, time and time again. I don’t trust myself anymore. You can have happiness your way. My way is always wrong.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.617

You don’t fight fair.

Edward Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.620
I woke up in my bedroom, wondering how I got here...The last thing I remember was laying my head on Justin's shoulder. I got out of bed and found a note on my dresser

I didn't want to wake you, so I carried you back to your house....BTW your parents are really nice... especially your dad.

I smiled. I walked downstaird and made myself some poptarts. I walked into the living room;Luke was sitting watching t.v. I sat down next to him...
"Where is everybody?"I asked him.
"Well, Nana and Mom went to see if our house was like they wanted and dad had a errand to run....I heard what your punishment...
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A Youtube Script
*episode thirteen*
*Annoying Ungratefulness*
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
When Life Gives You Lemons.
You kiss your boyfriend.
When Life gives Bella Lemons.
She hides them from Charlie.
When Life gives Alice Lemons.
She bugs the heck out of me…and Emmett.
*done thinking*
Alice: *Lying on the couch with a cup of red liquid beside her* ROSALIE!!!!!
Rosalie: *sighs and walks out from the kitchen to her* Yes, Alice?
Alice: *shakes the cup* More blood?
Rosalie: *bites her tongue* Of course. *snatches cup out of hand and takes into the kitchen*
*in the kitchen with Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme*
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When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked over at my clock. 4:46a.m. it said. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Grabbed my Ipod and left a note for Nana and Luke.I walked to the beach bare footed. Once I was on the coastline, I started to run. I ran until the sun started to come up. I sat down in the sand. I took out my Ipod and just marveled in its beauty. I saw a figure running towards me. As it got closer, I could make out the broad shoulders and his shorts. It was Justin, I smiled a little. I turned my head towards the sun again. I heard him run by me and then stop....
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Edward was taking us to the Hamptons for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school. His family was already there, so we would tell them the new about our engagement when we see them.

We arrived at this big white house, it was so beautiful and had alot of balconies. I took the bags and carried them upstairs, no one was here. I heard the door bell ring and was about to answer it but Edward was already there. I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair at the door, she was all smiles.
"Eddie!!!!It so good to see you." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You too Tanya." He said and...
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Did Team Edward have a run-in with an age-old enemy?

Robert Pattinson is trying to shoot down reports that he slammed into a dude's car in Malibu and then sped off without as much as exchanging insurance information.

Instead, the sparkly Twilight star is blaming his bad press on a pack of werewolves shutterbugs.

"Robert was pulling out of a parking space after a quiet day in Malibu and was relentlessly pursued by paparazzi," his rep tells E! News. "He has no knowledge of having bumped or damaged another car in the process. The story has been manufactured for headlines."

Chief among the so-called...
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Rachelle Lefevre of 'Twilight' joins ABC series 'Off the Map',

Rachelle Lefevre of Twilight fame has reportedly been made a regular cast member on Off the Map, a new ABC medical drama produced by Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes.

Lefevre will play Eva, "a free-spirited missionary doc who is well versed in international medicine and global healthone of several doctors on the show", Entertainment Weekly says. The show is set to premiere in the midseason behind Desperate Housewives.

Lefevre and ABC have not commented on the report. On the show, the physicians work in an understaffed, understocked...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    The ritual began. Ethan took the ESSENCE OF OSIRIS and spilled three drops ontop of the book, took another bottle labled MOON WAX and poured some ontop of it. Then he handed me the knife. I decided to brick my finger, and I squeezed a drop of blood onto the blade, and then another onto the book. Then I passed the knife to Jerek who did the same while I sucked on my new wound. He cut his thumb, smeared his blood on the knife, dropped a drop, and passed it to Ethan. The knife went...
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posted by bluemc24
me and indie were 3 weeks into our imortal lifes. aro had explained that we were the new volturi members but, he had also explained we had gifts.

"we have a vampire in our ranks, who senses gifts in other vampires." Aro had said, "he senses that you two both, have gifts." he concluded.
"So if we have gifts, what are they?" imortal life had made indie 10 times more nosey than before.
"Young ones," aro said in a sweet voice, "your gifts are that, if you imagine what you want, it will happen."

After that me and indie went back to our room,"hayley?" indie asked
"yes." i answered putting down my book, "whats wrong?"
"I found this when we were out hunting." she handed me a flyer. the flyer had a picture of me and indie and it read 'MISSING'
"our parents are looking for us?" i asked...
we went silentg for 2 minuites.
"but we can't see them!" i said
"i know but i miss them!" she replied her cheerfull voice cold.

just then, Aro came in........
*episode ten*
*The Breakfast Club*
Alice’s P.O.V:
Vomit is a color no-one likes.
They get sick.
They die…
Or worse…
They find out they’re…pregnant…
Like me.
*done thinking*
Carlisle: I found out why you are pregnant. I think you can get an abortion.
Alice: *focused on how she got pregnant* how did I get pregnant?
Carlisle: *rolls his eyes at the door* boys! Just come in.
Edward: *barges the door down* Thanks!
Emmett: Yeah.
Jasper: ALICE! *runs over and grabs her hand*
Bella: Anyways…
Carlisle: You got pregnant because the last time or so you fed it was a pregnant animal-the pregnancy...
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posted by bluemc24
Hayley and indie were walking along the beach at sunset. They had spent a whole day sunbathing and getting a tan.- but lets hope they were good ones as they will be spending the rest of forever looking exactly like that.

Hayley’s POV

I woke up I felt strong but, a weird burning was in my throat. I sat up, where was I? it was definitely a palace or a mansion!? Just then I realised that I could hear and see everything. Then suddenly, indie sat up.

“indie?” I asked, my voice sounded different, sort of like bell’s. “yes” she replied. “where are we?” she took a while before...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is a story i made that i hope you like because i had a lot of time to think of it...not my best work but yeah... sorry it has so many enters, it was written on my phone.

Chapter 1.
    I had just moved into forks, Washington, me and my brother Eddie were
Close so after our parents died Eddie didn't leave me out of his sight.
I was unpacking and going through my things when I heard the door bell
Ring. I knew who it was because every time I moved the people next door
Would come and welcome us. Well I figured it was our neighbor.
    I heard the door...
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We were unpacking boxes in our new condo in New York When I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, since Edward was in the other room with Kammie. When I opened the door, a man with black hair and dark green eyes stood there. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hi, I'm looking for Edward...Does he live here?" He asked.
"Yeah, Come on in." I moved out his way and let him in and closed the door." I'm Bella."
"Your Bella...The Bella. I'm Charles,Eddie's room mate. I have heard so much about you." He said. I smiled and felt my cheeks getting red. Edward came out from the back.
"Kameron's down...
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Bella’s P.O.V:
My light jacket swayed in the wind as we got our ‘asses’ out to her car. Rosalie had a weird look on her face as we stepped into the vehicle. “Alice, you have a DJ for the wedding.” Alice looked puzzled, “What do you mean, Rosalie?” “DJ Jake is crashing your wedding Bells, hoping to get a job as DJ.” I grinned, “Cool.” Rosalie nodded, “Very.” We rode off down the road toward Lester’s small town bride gowns. And they were small. And old fashioned. Alice’s begged me to try on a big poofy gown that made my boobs look lumpy and silicone. I didn’t like...
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Eclipse is a hit but Melissa Rosenberg is thinking about the future and Breaking Dawn.

She talked about the most intimate scenes in the book in an interview with Hollywood Life.

"If you really look at the books, how much are you really seeing? I think [the movies] might wind up being saucier than the book because you’re actually seeing skin-on-skin and the horror of the birth scenes. We’re not shying away from it.”

She added. “We’re still debating the exact moment," Rosernberg said. "But it’ll fall down to the first half of Bella as a human and being pregnant and a newlywed and the second half being Bella as a vampire and a parent. Somewhere in the middle of that, the break will come.”

The first installment of Breaking Dawn will hit theaters on November 18, 2011.
Chapter One:
Bella’s P.O.V:
I hit the coldness of Edward’s arms lovingly and with life. Alice had her business suit on and Rose was sitting on the couch next to me and Edward. Alice was now on the phone with Renee’. “Yeah, that sounds great! Sure, Renee’.” Alice chuckled. “That sounds great! Alright, yes. Can’t wait! See you soon.” I rolled my eyes and looked up at Edward, “What did I just do?” His eyes twinkled in the light of the room. “Because you were being nice.” I laughed and looked down at the amazing ring that stuck to my finger. I grinned at it and kissed his...
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I went downstairs and Grabbed a bottle of juice out the fridge and went to go sit next to my dad on the couch. He looked at me.
"You seem happier" He told me, it sounded more like an accusation.
"Me and Seth are back together." I said a smile spreading across my face. My dad looked at me.
" Seth is the one who was getting pulled down the hall when you were at the hospital?" He asked me. I shook my head yes." I don't like him" My dad declared.
"Daddy, you don't even know him, how can you not like him?" I asked.
"Well first of all, he said he loved you, he hurt you, I haven't even meet him. I looked...
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posted by DarkStranger
Alice POV

"Edward!" I shake his shoulder, He didn't respond.He was kneeling on the grass, his head bowed.I started to matter how hard I tried to watch his feature, I saw just black. And it was not good. All this situation was not good.

I take out the phone from my pocket and dialed Bella's number.After a few beeps I heard her voice.

"Alice, I don-" She began

"Something is wrong with Edward" I interrupted her. "He doesn't move, don't react. Just kneels on the ground" I was waiting for Bella's reply, but she said nothing. "Ar you listening?" I asked her, no word's. "Bela something wrong...
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posted by groovychicklisa
We spent two more days unpacking and getting settled in our new home, and then we flew down to Jacksonville to spend a week in the sun. Renée was thrilled to have us there, and though the house was definitely crowded, she refused to let us sleep at a hotel.

Both Renée and Phil had to work while we were there, so Edward, Lily and I would spend the day by the pool in the back yard, at the beach, or strolling around the streets of Jacksonville. In the evenings, we would barbecue on the patio or order take-out. It was a wonderful – and necessary – vacation.

I was sad to leave the sun when the...
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posted by groovychicklisa
Finally, it was December nineteenth, and I was free from the stares and whispers for two glorious weeks. Renée and Phil flew up the day before Christmas Eve; I was looking forward to all of us spending the holidays together for the first time.

"Look at you!" Renée exclaimed as Charlie and I met them at the airport in Port Angeles. She pulled me into a bone breaking hug. "You've really got that pregnancy glow going. Hi Charlie." I heard Charlie mumble a greeting in return behind me.

"I know." I hugged her back tightly.

Angela had told me the same thing a couple of weeks earlier, but I had insisted...
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posted by groovychicklisa
I decided that I'd might as well head over to Newton's that afternoon after school. The store was empty except for a couple who was looking at tents at the back, and Mrs. Newton welcomed me with a smile and a concerned hug.

"Hello, dear. I do hope you're feeling better."

I didn't know exactly what Charlie had told her when I hadn't come in to work, but she didn't seem to need an explanation, and I was grateful for that.

"Mike said that I should stop by to work out a schedule. And thank you so much for letting me stay on, it's really nice of you."

"Of course, dear. We all have our rough spots, don't...
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