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posted by ebcullen4ever
These are my fave quotes from the Eclipse book and movie.I hope you enjoy them.

The word boyfriend had me chewing on the inside of my cheek with a familiar tension while I stirred. It wasn’t the right word, not at all. I needed something more expressive of eternal commitment… But words like destiny and fate sounded hokey when you used them in casual conversation.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.6

It worked — your cooking skills have me soft as a marshmallow.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.9

I wrenched the door out of my way — ridiculously eager — and there he was, my personal miracle.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.17

Staring into his eyes always made me feel extraordinary — sort of like my bones were turning spongy. I was also a little lightheaded, but that could have been because I’d forgotten to keep breathing. Again.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.17

His touch brought with it the strangest sense of relief — as if I’d been in pain and that pain had suddenly ceased.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.17

The idea of being in danger from even the most deadly of humans while I was with Alice or Edward was downright hilarious.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.21

I want to be a monster, too.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.25

It’s a bit late for me to worry about who I fall in love with. But even without the warning, I seem to have managed fairly well.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 1, p.29

If I had my way, I would spend the majority of my time kissing Edward.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.43

I’d say I’m sorry, but I’m not.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.44

You know how I am with tools. No pain was inflicted intentionally.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.47

Please tell me you are not trying to have a sex talk with me, Charlie.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.58

I really wish you were not forcing me to say this out loud, Dad. Really. But… I am a… virgin, and I have no immediate plans to change that status.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 2, p.59

Being apart… It didn’t work out so well for either of us.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.108

I love him. Not because he’s beautiful or because he’s rich! I’d much rather he weren’t either one. It would even out the gap between us just a little bit — because he’d still be the most loving and unselfish and brilliant and decent person I’ve ever met. Of course I love him. How hard is that to understand?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.110

What is a valid reason for someone to love someone else? Since apparently I’m doing it wrong.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.110

You know, Jacob, you’re awfully self-righteous — considering that you’re a werewolf and all.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.111

Most people fall in and out of love many times in their lives. It was just that I’d seen Sam with Emily, and I couldn’t imagine him with someone else. The way he looked at her… well, it reminded me of a look I’d seen sometimes in Edward’s eyes — when he was looking at me.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 5, p.117

Am I the only one who has to get old? I get older every stinking day! Damn it! What kind of world is this? Where’s the justice?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 5, p.119

You’re kidnapping me, aren’t you?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.145

Yes, because a vampire slumber party is the pinnacle of safety conscious behavior.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.146

You are in trouble. Enormous trouble. Angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what is waiting for you at home.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.149

Porsches as bribes and king-sized beds in houses where nobody slept — it was beyond irritating.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 6, p.151

Why don’t you just lock me in the basement, and forget the sugar coating?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 7, p.169

There was no friction in the space between us. The stillness was peaceful — not like the calm before the tempest, but like a clear night untouched by even the dream of a storm.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.185

I like danger.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.188

I’m going to spontaneously combust one of these days — and you’ll have no one but yourself to blame.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.188

I don’t mind if you want to give me the wrong impression again.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.188

You can hold me hostage any time you want.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.189

If you’re going to have a lapse in control, I can think of a better place for it.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.192

Let me be in charge of responsibility for a few minutes… or hours.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 8, p.192

They’ll get so bored, they’ll have to kill me themselves, just for something to do.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 9, p.207

He sang me to sleep again and — aware even in unconsciousness that he was there — I slept free of nightmares.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 9, p.208

You really do want to keep me, no matter how I turn out?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.273

I’m not that girl, Edward. The one who gets married right out of high school like some small-town hick who got knocked up by her boyfriend!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.275

Edward, there’s no point to forever without you. I wouldn’t want one day without you.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 12, p.276

He was so beautiful that it made it hard sometimes to think about anything else, hard to concentrate on Phil’s troubles or Renée’s apologies or hostile vampire armies. I was only human.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.315

I hate being babysat.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.316

There was just something about him being the one to make the choice — to want to keep me enough that he wouldn’t just allow me to be changed, he would act to keep me. It was childish, but I liked the idea that his lips would be the last good thing I would feel. Even more embarrassingly, something I would never say aloud, I wanted his venom to poison my system. It would make me belong to him in a tangible, quantifiable way.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 14, p.324

I can’t wait to see what Edward does to you! I hope he snaps your neck, you pushy, obnoxious, moronic DOG!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.332

I’ll give you passionate. Murder, the ultimate crime of passion.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.332

If I think about you tonight, it will be because I’m having a nightmare.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.333

I don’t want to be happy with anyone but him.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.333

That was not kissing back, that was trying to get you the hell off of me, you idiot.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.334

I punched a werewolf in the face.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.342

I guess I could throw in a few extra homicides, if it makes Jasper happy. Why not?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.343

Was there a human experience I was not willing to give up?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.345

Stupid, thieving, annoying vampire!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 16, p.347

In case my right hook was too subtle for you, let me translate: that was me uninviting you.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 17, p.372

You’re in every thought I have.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.413

You’re more important than everyone else. And you’ve given me you. That’s already more than I deserve, and anything else you give me just throws us more out of balance.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.413

Okay, look, Edward. Here’s the thing… I’ve already gone crazy once. I know what my limits are. And I can’t stand it if you leave me again.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 19, p.419

I leaned into him, ducking my head under his arm and cuddling into his side. It probably felt similar to snuggling with Michelangelo’s David, except that this perfect marble creature wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.439

I didn’t have the faintest idea how to be seductive. I would just have to settle for flushed and self-conscious.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.442
I doubted if awkward, self-conscious, and inept added up to desirable in anyone’s book.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.445

I already know how strong you are. You didn’t have to break the furniture.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.447

There isn’t much that’s traditional about you and me.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.451

It’s not like you didn’t know you were going to win in the end. You always win.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.452

You make me feel like a villain in a melodrama — twirling my mustache while I try to steal some poor girl’s virtue.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.452

That’s it, isn’t it? You’re trying to protect your virtue!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.453

Vampire rules aren’t enough for you? You want to worry about the human ones too?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.453

You can’t make me go somewhere you won’t be. That’s my definition of hell. Anyway, I have an easy solution to all this: let’s never die, all right?

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.455

Show me the damn ring, Edward.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.457

There were many things I wanted to say, some of them not nice at all, and others more disgustingly gooey and romantic than he probably dreamed I was capable of.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 20, p.460

I never thought I’d see the day where I’d be willing to take a bet against you, Alice, but it has arrived.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 21, p.467

You’ve always seemed more like a dream than reality.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.513

I had to never hurt him again. That would be my mission in life. Never again would I be the reason for this look to come into his eyes.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 23, p.521

What happened to fighting back? Don’t start with the noble self-sacrifice now! Fight!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 24, p.535

I don’t care that it’s cold here. I don’t care that I stink like a dog right now. Make me forget how awful I am. Make me forget him. Make me forget my own name. Fight back!

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 24, p.535

You said I could have any part of you I wanted. I want this part. I want every part.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 24, p.535

First, because you are bizarrely moral for a vampire.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 24, p.536

Just you wait till I’m a vampire! I’m not going to be sitting on the sidelines next time.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.559

A united front, as Edward had said, with me at the heart, in the safest place.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 25, p.571

Edward, I know who I can’t live without.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.610

You may be brave enough or strong enough to live without me, if that’s what’s best. But I could never be that self-sacrificing. I have to be with you. It’s the only way I can live.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.610

I’ve chosen my life — now I want to start living it.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.616

At least my mom and dad and my friends will know the best part of my choice, the most I’m allowed to tell them. They’ll know I chose you, and they’ll know we’re together. They’ll know I’m happy, wherever I am. I think that’s the best I can do for them.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.616

It’s a good thing you’re bulletproof. I’m going to need that ring. It’s time to tell Charlie.

Bella Swan, Eclipse, Chapter 27, p.620
Chapter 3-- Dinner with the Evensons

January, 1917
Columbus, Ohio
(Esme is now 22 years old)

“Esme,” my mother poked her head into my bedroom. “Lily and Thomas are here to see you, make it a very short visit. The Evensons are coming to dinner.” she seemed very excited by that fact.

“Alright mother,” I stood up and walked down the stairs. There at the bottom stood my two best friends. Lily and Tom Bentley. I smiled as I went to hug them both. “I haven't seen you in two years!” I told them.

Tom leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. I blushed. I knew he had a crush on me but he was married...
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posted by Alice_Cullen_
Summit Entertainment announced early this morning that actress Rachelle Lefevre would not be continuing on to play bad vampire Victoria in the third installment of the Twilight Saga. Instead, actress Bryce Dallas Howard (seen in The Village and Terminator Salvation) will be replacing Rachelle in Eclipse, the third film to be directed by David Slade. Summit announced this:

Summit Entertainment announced today that Bryce Dallas Howard will take over the role of “Victoria” in the studio’s upcoming production of THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Actress, Rachelle Lefevre, who portrayed the character...
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posted by Emmett4ever
hey all i forgot to post this yesterday.All my friends say its amazing so...Im gonna stop talking and let you read :)


She tried to get passed me but all i did was push her as far away as possible from the people I love. How do you keep the people you love safe? When you have to keep yourself safe first? How do you keep the person you love safe? When that person doesnt love you anymore? How do you keep your love safe when your whole world changes?

So what do you think? Hope ya like it!! :)
Summit Blames Rachelle's "Lack of Cooperative Spirit" for Eclipse DissSource: E! Online Thu Jul 30, 2009, 3:44 am EDT

Blood is starting to boil over in the Twilight zone.

Earlier today, the deposed Rachelle Lefevre revealed that she was "stunned" and "greatly saddened" by Summit Entertainment's decision to recast Bryce Dallas Howard in the role of villainous Victoria in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.

And now Summit has fired back, saying the Canadian actress failed to inform the studio until July 20 that she was planning to be in Europe shooting an indie film when the Twilight gang was convening...
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posted by edwardcarlisle
Here's one interview I used for some questions, but since it is originally in Spanish, I decided to translate it to English ;D
Maybe it's not that good, I don't know if I translated it that well :)

CM: All right , let's begin
Rob: OK.

CM: Which is your favorite music band?
Rob: Van Morrison.

CM: Favorite song?
Rob: Amm Beside you by Van Morrison.

C: And your favorite drink?
R: Whisky.

C: Favorite food?
R: Junk food or teen food x) As you want to say.

C: Favorite city?
R: London * =O home love x3*

C: London or LA? Which do you feel as your home?
R: Neither.

C: Favorite movie? Only one option.
R: "One Flew Over...
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posted by edwardlover1231
ok so this is my first stoy so please comment and tell me if you want me to continue and if you have any ideas it would help.plz.=D

(bellas pov)

I was studying for the dartmouth finals when edward walked in and through my book across the room.the next thing i knew he was on top of study to much he whispered in my ear his lips traced along my jaw and back up to my lips.then there was a knock on the door.go away alice!edward said angry.i pushed edward off me and sliped into my defenive crouch. its ok bella its just its not i said through my teeth then the door slamed down.a girl walked in and edward started screaming so i put my sheild around him and he stoped. who are you and what do you want!?!i asked name is jasmine im from olimpia.then i relaxed my crouch because i knew of olimpia.jasmine smiled your from olimpia to right.i nodded im a telapath just like you,am i correct.yes i said guilty.edwards eyes were confused and in shock.
Chapter 1
The Story So far
Sam Devine is a Human living on the Planet Earth he met a race of Guardian angels who turned out to be an evil race who destroys planets and races and nearly destroyed Earth if it wasn’t for the help of Tridoamon a part of a Jurassic race whose planet got destroyed along with the Guardian Angels and unfortunately the Whole race of Aggronians. Now Sam is looking for a race called the Asurans for more information along with Tridoamon to figure out Sam’s Destiny

Chapter 2
Old + New friends

After the Assault on Solaris Tridoamon and Sam went back to his home to start a...
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posted by rachel-rathbone
Chapter one
"oh please mum Elli is my best friend please let here stay" Renesmee begged
"Nessie this life just isn’t a place for a little girl to be" I hated it but it was true I even called her Nessie. She looked at the floor her long black eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, her long bronze hair falling on her face.
"Ask our dad" I said sighing pushing the question on to someone else I couldn’t stand hurting here.
"Nessie you cleaned your room write she’ll be her in 5 minutes I can here the car" the tyres rubbed against the gravel path Emmett and jasper had laid so Elli...
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posted by surfergal
The following morning Alice woke me up for school. I was putting on perfume when cody knocked on my door.
"Come in". I said.
Hey, You Ready ? He ask
Yeah, Old on I have to brush my teeth I told him.
Ok. He said as he went towards my bed to sit down. Once I was done brushing my teeth, Cody grabbed my bag and put me on his back and toted me down the stairs. My cruches were downstairs because Carlisle didn't want me to go up and down them. Cody help me out to his car, my was totalled sadly. When we got to school cody walked me to class except he didnt leave my side when we got there. It was still...
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posted by twihardfreak13
On a regular day of summer school the forks high school bus was picking up students as always the bus driver was going as fast as he could as if it was the end of the world but something happened that day that would change my normal life as a human forever as we left we got in a horrible accident the rest I didn’t remember as the bus rolled over I went black then I woke up with a few to many people around me and I saw a beautiful face before I closed my eyes thn suddenly I felt a burn in my neck it was unbarable the pain spread through my body like a wild fire then the fire hit my heart and...
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posted by surfergal
The next morning was school and as usual I got up showered which is
very hard with a broken knee by the way. I put on some shorts cause
none of my pants would go over my cast and then I put on a sweat
shirt. Max cam and got me to take me to school. We talked the whole
way there an I told him sorry for falling off his porch and squishing
his flower bed. He said it was fine and that I didn't have to
apologize anymore. I arrived at school and saw Cody before I got out
if the car. I ask Max if he thought that Cody was good looking and max
said it's not about the looks it's about what's inside that...
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posted by surfergal
Addi’s POV

Me and Renesme were having fun at scrabble she was so smart it was
amazing. Luckily Edward and Bella walked through the door and that
ended our game. Although Renesme said "she wasn't going to let me forget
that she beat me at scrabble". Bella told me that "Esme and Carlisle
would like to see me at the house" so I told "Renesme that I would be
back later to play with her some more".

When I reached the house Carlisle and Esme were waiting for me in the
living I was scared that they were going to tell me that something was
wrong or that I was going to have to leave. Carlisle started...
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"Mike Welch who plays Mike Newton in Twilight and New Moon recently gave an interview to MTV. He talked with them about Bella Swan’s (Kristen Stewart) scene where she attempts to get over Edward Cullen by going on a three way date with Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner) and Mike Newton. He stated , “I really should’ve checked with someone if this is information I can give away or not.” He said Bella,Mike,and Jacob are going to be watching a horror film at the movie theater,and that Chris Weitz is inserting his own mini “movie within a movie” into the mix.

Mike revealed that the film is...
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posted by renesmeblack

End of Chapter 11

"Edward, what did you... do while you were gone?"
"Pretty much died."
"No, did you meet anyone?"
Why would Bella ask something like that?
"Well, Tanya took in another female for her clan in Denali, but that's all."
Bella's face fell. Was that what she was expecting? Another female? Hadn't I told her at one point she was the only one for me? Then it dawned on me.
"What did Victoria tell you?" I asked.
"She said you and Jacob were dead," she responded. But it felt like she was only telling half of the truth.
"Fine. She said you met a beautiful...
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posted by edwardcullen865
as soon as Nessie was out of Felix's crasp she ran to us .she gave me a hug then edward a mure hug and ran to embrace jacob.
jane ran to felix's side.she looked at him with hopeful eyes hoping he will forgive her.
"let's go!!" i said in a low harsh voice. everyone followed me .Nessie was first hand in hand with jacob.then alice and jasper , followed by emmett and rose.the rest of us followed behide quickly.
we made it into the time was still dark so we cut through the middle of the way.we made to the two cars we had took.we all gathered into them and drove off.
we stopped at the airport...
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What is your typical day like on the set of New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

New Moon was a very relaxed film to work on and it all starts with how easy going director Chris Wietz is. That vibe rolls down to the crew and actors. It makes it so easy when we've all worked together before. Everything was so well organized, making it easy for the actors to do our job. We had more time to just laugh and make jokes and hang out; it's important to have a cast that gels the way we do and you'll see that more in the second film.

The entire cast of Twilight and New Moon has gone from Hollywood new faces...
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Chapter 11- Carmen
    “Are you okay, Wendi?” Colleen asked and I noticed that my whole body was shuddering. I focused on calming down, not wanting to feel weak. It helped some and the shuddering slowed slightly. Colleen figured out that I needed some help and once again, she calmed me down with her curious talent. I often wondered how it worked. It seemed so impossible. I was still a little upset so Stefan scooped me up into his arms and hugged me to his strong chest.
    We walked into the kitchen and Stefan sat me down in a chair at the long, mahogany...
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posted by Whiskey37

Blood trickled down his face from his paralysed victim,
Her body pale white and completely oblivious to what had happened,
His eyes, red as rubies,
Hers, totally lifeless,
His teeth were as sharp as razorblades,
They sliced threw flesh with ease.
The trees nearby whispered and mumbled,
And the stream glistened like glass.
He watched his victim,
The one and only love of his life,
He remembered to well what happened that night, the kicking the screaming,
The mistakes he made.
The clothing around her neck was crusted with her own blood,
He studied his hand and own clothing with the same result.
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New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
New Moon in theatres November 20, 2009
As the New Moon Movie is getting closer, and seeing all the set pictures from Italy and Vancouver, and seeing the trailer, alot of people are speculating the differences of the movie and the book.

And, not that I have anything wrong with that, but what I do have a slight problem with is the negativity. The movie has not even reached theatres yet, but there is so much doubt. The minor changes such as: the wardrobe, the gift wrappers not being silver, the kiss in Italy and not in her bedroom, etc. Those are a few examples, but the point is, the movie has not come out yet, so why all the judgments....
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posted by Natalia94
Question: What do you have coming up then?

Pattinson: I'm doing a little movie called 'Parts Per Billion' with Dennis Hopper and Rosario Dawson in January and hopefully something else just after. We have to wait and see if a sequel is happening. I don't want to jinx it so I don't want to say anything.

Question: There's a lot of rumors that Hollywood is gearing up for a ton of production in February, March and April. Even if they wanted to do a 'Twilight' sequel it'll take time to get it all together I'm sure.

Pattinson: Yeah. The thing is that I have to stay the same age unless they recast me....
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