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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

Time passed for me mostly in sleep. There was nothing for me to do in this darkness. I couldn’t see to do anything and shouting and screaming did nothing. I attempted to escape several times but it seemed I wasn’t strong enough to break the simple chain that kept me prisoner. I was given food and it was strangers who gave it to me. They placed it right in front of me which was kind of them. If they didn’t I wouldn’t have been able to find it. The man who had come to me my first time here visited me often. He would come into my cell, as I called it, and sit next to me. He would talk to me, as if we had known each other our whole lives. It was simple conversation. We would talk about trivial stuff and it was his conversations and sleep that was mostly what I did. He never told me his name or why I was here. He didn’t tell me who had kidnapped me or where I was. He never spoke about Loren or Mitchell.
When he wasn’t there and when I wasn’t sleeping there were moments when everything would come crashing down on me and I would break down. I tried to be strong, I did, but it was just too much. I knew that no one would be able to find me. If they could then they would have been here already. I just missed everyone so much. I didn’t know if I would ever see them again. My family and my friends. Charlie, Edward, Jacob, my mum. They were who I thought about most. Whenever I thought about Edward I always touched the ring on my left hand. We were supposed to be getting married. Next year. Would that happen? Would I get out of here? I had never thought I would be murdered. Never thought I would die at the hands of some cruel old man. I thought I would die of disease or of old age but never like this. In a dingy filthy cell chained to a wall. At least I was wearing a nice dress, although that could possibly be covered in dirt.
The door opened and I closed my eyes against the light that was spilling in. The light hurt my eyes now. Spending this long in the dark did that to you.
“Hello, Michaela. How are you today?”
It was him. He was back like usual. I didn’t know the time in here. Even if I’d had a watch it would be no use since I can’t see in the damned darkness.
“The usual,” I replied, shrugging.
He shut the door and walked over to me, a circle of light following me. It was something the people here could do. Little orbs of light instead of torches that followed you. It was kind of cool.
He sat down next to me and the circle of light floated next to him. If you had seen this guy on the street you would think he was a pretty nice guy. It was his eyes. They were a soft golden brown colour that looked so caring and tender. But then again he did have me as his hostage. He was handsome. Gold silken hair flowed down to his shoulders and strong but soft features. You could see his muscular chest underneath the black shirt he wore. But I didn’t care if he was handsome. I would only like this guy if he set me free but even then I would have to consider it.
“How long have I been here?” I asked him.
“Six days.”
“Seems longer.”
“It would in here. All this darkness confuses you. It’s supposed to.”
“Six days is a long time though,” I said. “I mean, you obviously went to a lot of trouble to kidnap me but then you don’t do anything with me. You haven’t even tortured me. Why?”
He laughed. It was a cold hard laugh.
“I did not go to any trouble to kidnap you,” he said, harshly. “I don’t want to hurt you. But you wouldn’t believe me, would you? I keep you locked up in this cell with no light. I feed you once a day and only talk to you because I feel so guilty.”
I was not expecting that.
“If you didn’t kidnap me, why are you keeping me locked up here?”
“Would you rather stay in Loren’s part of this idiotic castle? He wouldn’t feed you at all and you would probably be dead by now. He had six Jenzis taken from their original duties to be your torturers. Did you know he even had specialist whips made? Studded with spikes, he told me, just for you.”
His tone of voice was disgust. He despised what Loren was going to do to me and so was I. I didn’t fancy being whipped with spikes. I take this dark cell any day.
But the whips with spikes weren’t important right now. This guy was. He was keeping me alive; he wasn’t out to kill me. He locked me up in this cell to protect me which was strange to me. You don’t lock up people you want to help but then he was a Jenzi, I think, and he was probably under Loren’s control and he had to make it look like he was on Loren’s side which would mean locking me up and keeping me in darkness and chained to a wall and not letting me know anything but other than that he was an ally not an enemy.
“Thank you, I think,” I said.
“Your welcome,” he said, his voice light and musical again. I preferred that to his cold hard tone.
“You work for Loren?” I asked.
“Work for?” he laughed. “Much worse. I’m his nephew.”
“That’s bad,” I replied.
“Mitchell’s lucky. He has your father for a friend. I have no one. If I went against my uncle, who would protect me? No one would ever go against Loren. It’s like committing suicide.”
“I would protect you,” I said. And I meant it. This guy seriously didn’t want anything to do with Loren. I could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. But there was a shadow of doubt in my mind. I had to know if this was for real. I had been fooled before. I reached out with my mind and got nothing. I tried again and got nothing. I thought he was blocking me but I would have been able to sense the invisible wall surrounding his mind but I couldn’t. It was simply nothing as if I couldn’t read anyone’s mind. As if I had no telepathy.
“How can you protect me? You’re chained to a wall.”
“But what if I wasn’t changed to a wall?”
“Even then you couldn’t. You’re practically human,” he scoffed.
“I’m an Azdi,” I said. “I’m just as powerful as you Jenzis.”
“You, Michaela, are more powerful than me but not at this moment in time.”
That shocked me. Hearing I was more powerful than him was shocking but when he said I wasn’t as this exact moment was what shocked me. How could I be more powerful than him but not at this moment?
Uh oh.
“I have no abilities,” I whispered into the darkness. I looked straight into his eyes. “That’s why I can’t see in the dark, why I can’t break this damn chain and why I can’t read your mind.”
He seemed to cringe under my gaze.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I have a family, Michaela, and if I didn’t do what he says...well, you can imagine.”
“You have a family?” I forgot about my abilities for a moment.
“A wife and son,” he answered. “Loretta and Kyo. Loretta is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I’ve loved her since the second I laid eyes on her fifty years ago. And Kyo is so young. He’s seven years old.”
I must have looked confused because he smiled.
“We age much slower than normal humans. Even Azdis age rate is slow but not like ours. I’m a hundred and ten years old. Loretta is a hundred and one.”
“And Kyo?”
“He really is seven.”
“Just a kid,” I said, softly. “I understand why you did this. You wanted to protect your family but you need to let me go. If I’m not home and safe then my family will try to rescue me and they might get hurt. I have to protect mine too.”
“I can’t,” he said, the words coming out forcefully. “I can’t betray Loren. Loretta and Kyo will pay for it.”
“I’ll protect you. Me and my family. You help me they will help you.”
“How can you?” he laughed coldly. “You may be powerful but you’re still young.”
“I have friends,” I said, feeling slightly hurt. “Big friends.” Emmett popped into my mind.
He didn’t answer, just stood up.
“Wait!” I called as he walked away. “What’s your name?”
“Zachariah,” he answered before closing the door on me.
posted by bessmarvin1
The Olympic Coven, better known as the Cullen family, is a clan of vegetarian vampires. It consists of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, Jasper and Alice Cullen, Edward, Bella and Renesmee Cullen, as well as Emmett and Rosalie. They are known to be very loyal to each other (in the film they are shown each wearing a piece of jewelery featuring the 'Cullen' family crest: Jasper, Emmett and Edward each wear a wrist band, Alice wears a choker around her neck, Esme wear the same necklaces, Rosalie wears a pendant, and Carlisle and Bella wear a ring. They currently live in Forks, Washington, which they have...
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Bellas POV
He touched me, we kissed, but now we are back to normal. It was a magical thing, like a prince and princess sharing the kiss to break true loves spell, but now he is acting like the frog. This morning I done a simple "hi Edward," but he was being broody and just ignored and walked away. So I suffered the look of his family for nothing? Even then, they are acting like they don't even know me. Alice was at least being happy and encouraging, but it wasn't enough to heal the pain.
"What's the matter Bella?" Jessica asked.
"Nothing I am ok." I replied. What could I say? I was lip-loking...
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posted by courtney1862
Edwards pov
Were on our way to italy back to see aro.We heard there was a new member of the volturi and its another girl.Which i dont really want to go to but carlise thinks it would be good for the family to do something together since we havent really been ourselves latley. I miss my bella love so much and apparently so does everyone else.
Alice isnt her pixie self anymore which makes jasper unhappy,and emmett is just bored cuz he has no one to mess with and rosalie is well ROSALIE who doesnt think of anyone but herself.The plane just landed now and we were getting off. When alice suddenly...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven

    "Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill hundreds of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god." -Jean Rostand
    Okay, so if that quote means if I kill one man, I'm an assassin, and if I kill hundreds of men, I'm a conqueror, and if I kill everyone then I'm a god, then that means that everyone are pawns in a huge game of Chess. Right now, I'm a pawn in the relationship game, and also in the new life I was handed that day in the grocery store....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    The next time I woke up, it was eight in the morning. I was wondering what Haus meant by Jerek would kill me, and I didn't know if it was just a stupid dream my mind made up or not. I didn't know if I should trust his words, seeing how he is an evil maniac that ticked us off alot, or if he was really telling me to watch out for him. Should I tell someone about it? Or should I just keep this to myself?
    Jerek...wait, JEREK!"
    I sat up in bed,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Later that day, Jerek was visiting with Verona, and I was bored off my ass. I was wanting to talk to Tabra, but every time I approached him, he was suddenly busy. We had people on watch guard, and Shropee didn't need me to do anything, so I was bored. Very. Bored.
    "I'm bored." I said to Holly who was walking past me.
    "Like I care!" She snapped, and continued on her way.
    "Well." I got to my feet, and started off to see how Verona's doing.
    When I got to the bottom of the steps, Jerek ran out of the room. "I'll be back. I'm getting Shropee."
    "Wait. What? Why?" I asked. "Is she okay?"
    "She's awake." Jerek called over his shoulder, and I gasped.
    Verona's awake? Verona's awake. Verona's awake.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "I don't know." Tabra said after five minutes of silence.
    "Did I poke a nerve I shouldn't have?" I asked him.
    "No. I just haven't thought of her lately, and when you said Olivia as if you knew her, just made me think of something."
    "Can I ask what that something is?"
    "Unless you can carry the burden of a long story before someone interrupts, then yes. But, I need to shower so...I'll see ya'."...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I fell asleep in his arms, my leg over his waist, my head on his chest, my hand on his stomach. I had a dream about a woman, an old woman, sitting behind a table that you would see at a palm-reader's work shop, and her eyes glowed a misty blue color, and fog shot up out of no where, covering her body, her face. All I could see was her eyes.
    'Where am I?' I thought.
    "Why, you are at my place. My haven." The woman said.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Oh." I repeated, and she nodded.
    "We need to train, train, train, pronto!" She said, and started off for the lounge room that was full of everyone playing games and having fun.
    "Great." I said. "Another war."
    "No. Not another one. The last fight was a battle, this is the war." Jerek put an around me, and my eyes flicked to Tabra who was looking at us.
    "Are you okay, Tabra?" I asked him.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Did those words just escape your mouth?" Tabra asked.
    "Yes." I opened my eyes, and saw him spread a big smile across his face.
    "Well good for you, Cyd! I'm surprised you let Jerek be the one to do it with you. Wow. Well, congratz?" He said as if it was the first time I had sex.
    "He wasn't my first. And stop acting like Jerek is gross." I said, and he looked at me as if I said something that insulted him.
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posted by decullen
"I object."I nearly screamed.I heard gasps coming from the crowed.

"Bella,I don't love you that way."Emmett said.

"Ha in your dreams.Oh yeah I FUCK your brother,and having his child so I can get close to you."I screamed at him.

"Your being sarcastic aren`t you."He is so thick.How the hell he got got of school is beyond me.I nodded.

"Unless I just wet myself or my waters have just broke."I screamed at them.Edward stood and was at my side.A contraction come.I let out scream and pulled on Edwards hair,until it was bearable.I started to pant.

"It`s your fault I`m in this situation you dim twit."I panted.M...
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posted by NeeNee14
I sat in the armchair and let the tears come down. I couldn't believe this happened.He tried to save me from Cole but ended up hurting himself...He's been like this for over four months.The doctors say that his parents need to pull the plug, but they disagree and I'm glad for it. I took his hand and put it on my stomach.I rubbed our hands in circles.
"The doctor told me I'm having a girl and a boy."I said and smiled, then i frowned, he could have been there, if he wasn't here.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Ryan to get here...I needed to tell him something important.I heard...
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posted by moolah
Chapter Four:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
Rubbing my stomach, I listened to Mom go on and on about wedding dresses for Ren. I sighed and took a bite out of my hoagie that lay on the cool plate. Mom looked up at me and smiled. “You know you really should drink blood for the vampire part of the baby.” I nodded and picked up the cup and sipped. “Happy?” “Very.” She looked down at the book of dresses.
Aunt Alice jumped off the stairs and smiled lovingly at me. “I want to talk about weddings, Bella.” “I already am…to Lex.” “But I want to talk about what the mother is going to wear.”...
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posted by mia1emmett
part 4
me: texting you
e: hahahahaha :D what you doing after school today?
me: nothing
e: movie?
me: time?
e: 7?
me: sure :)
e: but its not a date ;P i wanna get to know you
me: same :D
end of part 4

Elizabeth's p.o.v:
Edward said "liz" and i looked up and saw Edward and Jasper and Emmett getting up. Nessie was at Jake's table talking with him and his friends. i rolled my eyes and grabbed my tray and throw it out. then i walked down the hall with Edward. Edward was telling me about Isabella and how she liked to be called Bella. he was starting to get annoying!

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posted by KatiiCullen94
"What!Edward this isn't funny," Mzy face cold, dead, shock, desserted. i felt like i have been crushed, and all my bones are pumped, no support to keep me up.
He reply was silence. Oh no, he wasn't kidding. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Me. child.
My heart raced, virbrating my whole body, as if i was frezzing. I was cold, nor was i warm, i was empty, dead.
The tears cued before i could control my pants, nor my reflex action.
it was like it wasnt me, just a crushed body, cruppling, to the groung, weeping uncontrolably.
Edward cupped me under my armpits, pressing me to his frozen chest, my feet dangling.
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 20
Damn when I start writing a story I cant stop. Please tell me when to stop..
“ivan!” I yelled in happiness. I gave him a long kiss. Ryan was walking by with his friends.
“dude I think ou’re out look at them” ryan’s firnd said.
“don’t worry I’ll be with her.” Ryan told him. I pulled away from Ivan.
“how did you some here?” I asked him.
“you said you’re grandfather would be looking after me so he took me with him” he told him.
“im sohappy right now” I told him and hugged him tightly.
“its about time, you make everyone happy and you don’t care if you get...
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"So what do you think Justin will get you for your birthday?" Hayden asked me, I was sitting with her since Justin was out sick. My birthday was a few days away. It was snowing outside. I shrugged my shoulders. My phone vibrated and I took it out looking under the desk. I felt someone behind me. I looked up and saw Mr. Henderson.
"Is there anything you wold like to share with the class Miss. Clearwater?" He asked me. I stood up.
"Yes, actually there is." I said and cleared my throat.
"Excuse me everyone,Mr.H asked me share the text message I just got."Everyone looked at me, most of them stifled...
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I woke up in my bedroom, wondering how I got here...The last thing I remember was laying my head on Justin's shoulder. I got out of bed and found a note on my dresser

I didn't want to wake you, so I carried you back to your house....BTW your parents are really nice... especially your dad.

I smiled. I walked downstaird and made myself some poptarts. I walked into the living room;Luke was sitting watching t.v. I sat down next to him...
"Where is everybody?"I asked him.
"Well, Nana and Mom went to see if our house was like they wanted and dad had a errand to run....I heard what your punishment...
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When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked over at my clock. 4:46a.m. it said. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Grabbed my Ipod and left a note for Nana and Luke.I walked to the beach bare footed. Once I was on the coastline, I started to run. I ran until the sun started to come up. I sat down in the sand. I took out my Ipod and just marveled in its beauty. I saw a figure running towards me. As it got closer, I could make out the broad shoulders and his shorts. It was Justin, I smiled a little. I turned my head towards the sun again. I heard him run by me and then stop....
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Edward was taking us to the Hamptons for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school. His family was already there, so we would tell them the new about our engagement when we see them.

We arrived at this big white house, it was so beautiful and had alot of balconies. I took the bags and carried them upstairs, no one was here. I heard the door bell ring and was about to answer it but Edward was already there. I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair at the door, she was all smiles.
"Eddie!!!!It so good to see you." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You too Tanya." He said and...
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