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posted by UchihaYuki
“Good Morning Bella!” Alice said happily as she walked into mine and Edwards room,
Edward was already outside somewhere so Alice came and sat next to me.
“Hi Alice.....” I said grimly as I got up. “Guess where we’re going shopping,.....Japan!, I heard
they had awesome stuff there.” Alice interrupted before I could say anything else. “Yay..” I said
unenthusiastically. She got up from the bed and danced into my closet to get me something to wear
she was in there for a few minuets, I laid back down then Alice came out with Designer Jeans and a
white shirt with gold rims, and a big chunky neckless and bunches of bangles the laid them at my feet “Put them on Bella, and lets go! I”ve got a plane waiting for us!” I sat up again and looked at what she had picked out I wrinkled my nose at them, Then got up and grabbed the cloths and accessories she picked out and went to the bathroom and changed, As soon as I came out of the bathroom Alice hopped up from my bed, “You look.... hot in those!, which Is exactly why I picked them out, and they also look Japany” I laughed at her last word “Japany? Is that a word Alice?” I laughed again “No... but I just made it one” she laughed with me this time, “Okay Bella!, lets go the planes waiting for us!” “But what about Nessie?..” I asked “She’ll be fine, Edwards here and Everyone else can take care of her so don’t worry ok Bella?” once again she interrupted me before I could finish talking , She ran back into my closet and grabbed a matching purse to go with my cloths, it already had a bunch of stuff in it, like my cell phone, my wallet, my notebook... and lots more stuff that made it heavy but I didn’t care it weighed nothing to me, Then Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me outside to her new Yellow Porsche Convertible that Edward had gotten her a wile ago for keeping me hostage for the weekend, the top was down so she just hopped in, as for me,
I actually opened the door, threw my purse in the back and got in slowly, just to annoy her.
As soon as I shut the door she zoomed off down the curvy road to the highway, we drove for about 2 minuets then she grabbed a Cd from the seat next to her, It started playing “In The End” By Linkin’ Park, then it played “Leave it out to the rest” another Linkin Park song, so I guessed it was a Linkin Park Cd. I looked over at Alice “Since when do you listen to Linkin’ Park Alice?” I asked
“Oh... Angela gave the CD to me last Friday at school, she loves this Band, it’s pretty good, but I like Paramore better” I laughed, Angela was turning her into a real teenager “What are you laughing about?” “Nothing Alice... just my thoughts”. We drove another 10 miles then she turned into a little road that lead to a runway there was a little Jet airplane waiting on it, it was Yellow too,
Edward must of gotten it for her I thought to my self, Alice parked her car then hopped out and ran around to open my door, because she knew I’d try to take as long as I could to get out, she grabbed my purse and my hand and pulled me to the plane, the pilot was sitting on a bench next to a little building he got up when he saw Alice, he ran over to us “Good morning Miss Alice, Miss Bella”
“Good morning Jeff....” Alice said without stopping she pushed me to go up the stairs to the plane first so I couldn’t run away, she didn’t trust me I laughed as I walked up the stairs, I got to the top and walked into the plane it was huge! It looked tiny on the outside but it was bigger inside, Jeff came in behind Alice and went straight to the front of the plane and sat down in his seat, I went to the middle of the plane and sat next to the window and looked out it, Alice followed me and Sat on the seat next to me, I looked at her for a second, she smiled “Bella you promised you wouldn’t complain...” “I know Alice... but Japan? Couldn’t we just to go L.A?” “No Japan’s much cooler, its got awesome stuff too!” “Well how are we gonna get around? Don’t tell me Edward bought you a car in Japan so you could have one there too.” “Yup! He bought me lots of Cars, one for almost every country I go to, so I’ll always have a car to drive no matter where I go” I sat in silence for a second, “Ready to go Ma’am?” “Yes Jeff.. We can go.” Alice yelled so he’d hear her.
He started the plane and took off, I kept looking out the window, I may be a Vampire but I still don’t like airplanes, Alice got up and went to the back of the plane she came back with a map,
She pulled out a table that popped out of the seat and sat the map on it, “We’re going to downtown Tokyo to shop, They have the most stores... My car is waiting for us at the small airport” I didn’t talk I just nodded to her, still keeping my eyes out the window, We where flying over the ocean now, it was just miles of blue from what I saw, Finally I saw a peace of land I tugged on Alice’s shirt to get her attention, she was deep in thought, probably having a vision or something I thought, I tugged her shirt again then she looked at me “Yes Bella?” “Is that part of Japan Alice?” I pointed out the window she leaned over me to look out the window, “Yup it is, We’re almost there Bella.”
Then I herd a sound from the front of the plane “We’ll be landing in two minuets Ma’am” Jeff said from the cockpit “Okay Jeff, Thank you!” two minuets went by as I counted, the second I hit 200 seconds we hit the ground and slowed to a stop, I looked out the window, Japan was beautiful I thought to my self, Then I looked at the parking lot near the runway, there was a shiny new Blue Porsche Convertible parked, I grabbed my purse as Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my seat, We walked down the stairs to her car, “Nice car Alice, you must like Porches?” she laughed “Yea...Their the perfect size car for me, I have them in 4 different colors.” she said happily
I hopped into the riders seat, I was now more happy for some reason, I Actually wanted to go shopping, it was fun having lots of money now, I got used to going shopping every weekend
Like me and Alice always did now, Wile we where driving I grabbed my purse and dug to find my phone, I finally found it then I pressed speed dial #1 which was Edward it rang twice then he picked up saying “Hi Love” “Hi Edward... We’re in Japan now, its nice over here, you’d like it.... Is Nessie up yet?” “Yes, it is quite nice there, isn’t it. And Yes she is, she’s playing right now, would you like to talk to her?” “Yes, Please.” I waited for a few seconds then I heard Edwards voice say “Mommy’s on the phone Nessie,” then he gave it to her, “Hi Mommy!!!!! I miss you! Where’d you and Aunt Alice go this time?” “Hi Nessie, I miss you too sweetie! Umm, me and Alice are in Japan right now, I wish you could of came, you would like it here” “When I’m older Aunt Alice said I can come! I can’t wait!... okay here’s Daddy, By Mommy!” Edward took the phone from her “When are you two coming home?” “I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask Alice,... I miss you,... Well I’d better go, We’re stopped at a store, so she’s probably gonna drag me in,...” “Bye, Love you” “Love you too!”
I said before he hung up, I slapped my phone shut and put in back into my purse, Alice was sitting the hood of the car, “It took you long enough!” she laughed “I got out of the car and walked around to her, “Let’s go” I said as I walked onto the sidewalk “Your happier now? Yay!! Now we can really have fun!”Alice jumped off the cars hood and ran up beside me and linked her arm with mine, I thought to my self “I actually like being sisters with Alice, she’s fun.. Once you get used to her”
I laughed quietly hoping she wouldn’t hear me. We shopped for a couple of hours, We already had more bags then we could carry, so We went into a Kimono shop, and tried on a bunch of Kimono’s
I got three, A deep blue one with silver flowers and leafs on it, A green one with bamboo and leafs on it, And a red one with a golden dragon on it, Alice got the same three, only in different colors, She got a Pink one, a Turquoise one and a Golden one. We bought them then went outside and started walking back to where she parked the car, I had like twelve bags in one hand and 3 in another, Alice all together had about 20 bags, We finally got back to the car we both set our bags into the back of it and got in, Alice put up the top so the bags in the back wouldn’t fly away, I looked at Alice “Thanks Alice... I actually had fun this time... So.. Where are we going next week?”
I laughed, “Your Welcome, Yay! I’m happy you had fun, and... It’s a surprise!” she laughed also,
“Are we going home now?” I looked up at the sky, it was suddenly dark, but who would know, there where so many lights in Tokyo so it lit up the night like it was the middle of the day.
“Yes, I called Jeff, he’s waiting for us, and I also called Ming Ling he’s the guy that takes care of my car wile I’m not here... he’s waiting for us at the airport also,” we drove for about 10 minuets then we where at the airport, as soon as she parked the car I hopped out, even faster then her, and grabbed my bags, Then the guy who I guessed was Ming Ling was walking up to me, “Need help miss Bella?” I looked up at him “S-sure..” I shuttered He grabbed about 25% of my bags and carried them up the stairs to the plane I followed him He sat my bags on the seats in the front row,
he bowed to me “T-thank you.” I said as I bowed back to him “No thanks needed miss Bella,”
he said as he walked down the stairs, Alice was half way up the stairs, She gave him the keys to her car, and he grabbed some of her bags and brought them up and sat them on the row next to where ne sat mine, Alice bowed as soon as she sat down her bags. “Take good care of my car wile I’m gone Ming Ling” she laughed, as he walked down the stairs, The Jeff came up the stairs and went to the cockpit and sat down, I went to the same spot I sat on our way here as did Alice, “Okay Jeff we’re ready to go” without a word he started the plane and took off, I looked out the window watching the lighted up city fade as we got farther away I sat back looking around Alice was reading the book I gave her, so I picked up my phone and played with it for a wile I was looking at pictures I took of Charlie and Nessie, I smiled as I looked threw them, then interrupting my happiness Jeff started talking “We’ll be landing in two minuets” I laughed, and wondered to my self why he always told us we’re landing two minuets before we do, I also wondered why everyone knew my name, I guess because I was a Cullen now, I laughed again. Then we hit the runway with a thud and slowed to a stop, it was night time here too, so it was dark, but I saw Alice’s Yellow Porsche parked in the same place we left it, I got up as soon as the door opened and I tried to grab all my bags, which took a wile but I fineable got them all then I slowly walked down the stairs trying not to fall, I walked slowly to Alice’s car and sat my bags in the back and threw my purse with them, Alice was right behind me, with all her bags she threw them in the back and got in the car with me, and drove off.
We drove for about 10 minuets, and where finally home I saw mine and Edwards little cottage Carlisle and Esme got us, I hugged Alice and grabbed my bags from the back then I put my purse over my shoulder and walked to the door, I opened it as Alice drove back to the Big house, I came in the door and sat my bags on the floor. “I’m home” I said quietly Edward came around the corner and wrapped his arms around me “Welcome Home My Love”.
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