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posted by dinosteph
Hey guys, I've been busy with final exams, which I've actually been doing really good with. Most of my marks are in and I'm happy. I am in the middle of getting a new job, I just moved at the beginning of April, so I haven't been around that much. I decided to start another new story.. I'm sorry if I've left behind my untitled one, I will work on that one. I have the next chapter written, I'm just confused with the story line. I also have had another idea in my head for a while now for a oneshot that I'm actually really excited about. That all being said. I hope you enjoy this one. It takes place about a year and a half after Breaking Dawn. Let me know what you think!

“Bella, you don't have to do this” Edward mumbled. I glanced over my stack of course outlines, my eyes tightening, forehead creasing as I tried my hardest to give him my most menacing look.

“Ooo, Scary.” Edward joked.

I ignored him, focusing back on the pamphlet in my hand. I shuffled through school calenders. Chukchi, Fairbanks, Kodiak, Anchorage, Mantanuska, and Juneau, all places in Alaska. I grabbed the booklet from Juneau, which was located in the south east, mentally checking off the ones I found interesting. Anthropology, womens gender studies and economics.

“I'm just saying...” I slammed the book down on the table carefully not to break it, but with enough force to get his attention. I tore my eyes from the table towards his direction to find him sitting casually at the other end of the table. He hadn't moved an inch, one leg propped up on the other.

“You've been 'just saying' for the past month.” I grumbled through clenched teeth. He put his hand up, pointing a finger towards the ceiling.

“We're only going there for a year.”

“I...” He waved his finger, instructing me that he wasn't finished yet.

“Bella, Nessie is the only one who attracts everyones attention. She's growing at a slower pace but we can't put in a school system here. Not with people we know.”

I knew the facts. I knew why we had to leave and how long we were leaving for. The next couple of years involved a lot of moving around to avoid suspicions of Renesmees changes. I chewed on my bottom lip, a human trait that carried over.

“Bella, as much as you let me into your mind, I can't actually see what you don't want me to.” He sighed out of frustration. I stared blankly, watching as he crossed his arms across his chest.

I knew he was right. Ever since I discovered that I could let him in, a part of me had also been keeping him out. Especially when it came to us leaving town. We had talked about me spending a year in school before my change and now that it's been over a year and a half since my change, he keeps telling me I don't have to go. I didn't want him to know why I felt the need to go to school. In his eyes we were equal, but I couldn't help but feel left behind.

“Mom! Look what I made!” I broke my train of thought only to see a blur as Renesmee threw herself into my arms.

“Oh.” I said, clearly not surprised by the amount of strength my child held, but that I didn't see it coming. My thoughts seem to take up so much room now. “What did you make, sweetie.” I asked, brushing her curls out of her round face.

In once hand she held a tiny wooden birdhouse made from popsicle sticks and the other hand outstretched towards my face. I took her small hand in mine, pressing it against my cheek. At once everything flashed through my thoughts. She started with the moment she left the house. She never wanted to leave anything out. I watched as Jake strapped her into her unnecessary car seat. The scenery flashed by as they made their way to Charlie's. She got out of the car, running up the stairs as Charlie wrapped his arms around her, in what he now calls his signature bear hug. I was happy to see how close that have gotten, and a little hurt that it was never like that between us. We all get second chances though and I knew Charlie was putting everything he had into building a strong relationship with his only granddaughter. I stopped noticing how close Jake always seemed to be, how big a part he played in all Renesmee's stories. At first it bothered me how he was always hovering and now I was slowly understanding and accepting their complicated relationship which always seemed to change whenever Renesmee seemed fit. In the beginning her was like a brother because that's how she saw him. Now he was her friend. It seems to be an unspoken change, initiated by Nes. Jake will be there however she wants him. I watched as they walked into the kitchen, taking in the giant bag of popsicle sticks and carpenters glue. Renesmee sped through their arts and crafts time, laughing and enjoying herself as she creatively broke sticks in half to outline the windows.

I chuckled to myself when Renesmee made it a point to express just how she felt about lunch. Charlie was never a good cook but it warmed me that he was trying. She was still trying to get used to human food. She had her preferences though. Olives and Eggs. I figured she got her obsession with eggs from me, but the olives I'll never understand. The three of them watched some cartoons on the t.v, Renesmee snuggled in between. Everything faded to black very briefly and then I saw Alice. I watched as she sped through the rest of the day. Painting the birdhouse with Alice right beside her. I assume she was telling her which colors go well with other colors. I smiled when Renesmee shrugged her shoulders, painting the house an assortment of colors. She quickly sped through some more events, which finally brought her here to my lap.

“Well, it's absolutely beautiful.” I gushed, holding the perfect birdhouse in my free hand. “It's better than anything I could ever make.” I continued as I held up the house for Edward to see but he wasn't even looking. I followed his glare to Alice, who perched herself behind Jake against the door. I didn't appreciate their silent conversation but I knew it would come out eventually. Alice fixed her smiling eyes on mine.

“I think it's a great idea.” She said.

“No one cares what you think, Alice.” Edward mumbled.

“That's my cue!” Jake laughed as he crossed the room, placing a kiss on the top of Renesmee's head. “See you later kiddo” He said before he turned to leave. I watched the door close behind him and then back glanced back to my husband.

“Nes, why don't you go play for a bit, kay?” I said, smoothing her curls down as she slid off my lap.

I turned back to the table, glancing down at the crumpled pieces of paper in front of me. I peeked up, noticing both Edward and Alice were watching me.

“I have to go meet Jasper, he's taking me out for supper.” Alice said quietly as she backed out the front door. His idea of taking Alice out for supper, was catching an elk for her.

I stared intently back at my paper, trying to avoid any more conflicting conversation.

“Bella.” Edward whispered from across the table. “Please, tell me what this has to do with. Why are you suddenly interested in college?”

I folded my hands in my lap, playing with my wedding band. I was probably the most fidgeting vampire. I noticed that a lot of my human tendencies had stuck with me. In the matter of a second he was standing beside me, taking my hands into his as he pulled me off my chair. His warm brown eyes searching mine.

“It's not fair.” I blurted out. “Why does she get to go to school? She probably already knows more than I do.” I immediately felt like I was a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

“What?” He laughed as he brought his hand to my cheek, making his way to my forehead, as if to smooth the creases. I sighed and took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to word what I was feeling.

“Edward, you have almost a century of knowledge. I have 19 years. I barely know two languages and you know more than I could count on my two hands. You've accepted me as your equal, but I'm not even close. I'm decades behind. Renesmee is technically not even two yet and she knows more than I do.” I closed my eyes, realizing I still sounded like Renesmee was the older one. “I'm not saying I want to make a career for myself. I just want something more.” I opened one eye to find his warm smile.

“Of course.” Was all he said as he wrapped his arms around me.
posted by patrisha727
Not the best title.... but I hope you enjoy the article anyways. I hope that most of the people who are hating the Meebo chat signed the petition made in the forums on my spot spot. If you didn't.... DO IT NOW!!!!!!!
link ^_^

Jasper? That name was so familiar. Isn't that one of Alice's brothers? I looked at Angela, Jessica, Lauren, Mike, and Tyler. They all had startled and confused expression.
I stood up from my chair, since my food was finished.
"Do you want to check out what's going on?" I asked.
They nodded and we all went out of the cafeteria door. They were still confused.
"Where do we go?"...
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posted by twihardfreak13
Esme I sat beside mason then he intertwined his hand with mine as everyone conversed nessie and jake would look at us together and they would smile at each other but then I asked Carlisle “ Carlisle what happened to all my family and friends?” “I’m sorry to tell you this but they all think that you have passed away.” I looked down and I started to let out dry sobs I couldn’t cry no tears mason untwined my hand and laid my head in his lap and ran his fingers through my hair I was devastated that I wasn’t going to able to see them again ever no matter what we got up from the couch...
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posted by edwardcarlisle
Here's one interview I used for some questions, but since it is originally in Spanish, I decided to translate it to English ;D
Maybe it's not that good, I don't know if I translated it that well :)

CM: All right , let's begin
Rob: OK.

CM: Which is your favorite music band?
Rob: Van Morrison.

CM: Favorite song?
Rob: Amm Beside you by Van Morrison.

C: And your favorite drink?
R: Whisky.

C: Favorite food?
R: Junk food or teen food x) As you want to say.

C: Favorite city?
R: London * =O home love x3*

C: London or LA? Which do you feel as your home?
R: Neither.

C: Favorite movie? Only one option.
R: "One Flew Over...
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posted by Isabellaashley

Chuck had to pay special attention when mapping out clothes for the blood-sucking Cullen brood. ''I didn't want to go too traditional black... I wanted them to feel cold and frozen.'' So she outfitted the family in grays, whites, and blues, while being careful to not go too over-the-top. ''The Cullens have wildly expensive taste and money. At the same time, I had to anchor them in the practical world of going to school and being able to blend with everyone else.''

Along with a blazer from GUESS, Rosalie (Nikki Reed, left) wears a...
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posted by jamiesue00
I grabbed my passport and ran with the rest of the family to the Cullen house. “Edward, where are we going? Do you know where Nessie is, who took her?” I had no idea what was going on. Everyone was on a phone talking too fast and too low for me to hear. “Jake, we need to make a few phone calls, we have some idea who may have taken her but we need to make sure first.” Edward told me. I knew he was as worried as I was. I felt helpless; I didn’t know what to do. “Jake, why don’t you go and tell your pack what’s going on.” Edward knew what I was thinking, he knew I felt helpless....
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posted by Edward_lover101
Reneseme was the size of a 7 year old. But she was only a few weeks old. I was fixing her a cup of blood before bed. A little vampire who sleeps. Edward and I tucked her into her bed, and truned out the light. We walked into the living room.
"Edward?" I asked as I was sitting.
"Yes" Edward sat beside me.
"Where are the others?"
"They each got their own house. Except Alice and Jasper, I told them they could stay with us. There out hunting right now. Is that ok?"
"That's fine." I said leaning to kiss him. We were interuped by a knock at the door. I got up to answer the door. Edward grabed my hand...
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posted by jamiesue00
I never left our house; I never left my bed for too long. Alice and Rose would come by and try to get me out of bed but, it never worked. I would end up screaming at them and throwing what was closest to me at the wall next to them. I knew I should feel bad for being so mean to them, but I couldn’t really feel anything. Everyone was trying to push me to get on with my life. Mom, Rose and Alice would come by everyday and try different methods to get me out of bed. Sometimes they would sit and not say anything. Other times they would get angry and try to force me to get out of bed. It just...
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posted by Inmagic_x3
This is what Ive read on a Twilight-site.

Please! I beg of you, do not like Twilight. I hate this. I use to LOVE Twilight way back in October 2007 and I totally got made fun of because I liked it so much, now almost 2 years later the people who laughed at me for reading it are OBSESSED and its not fair.
Also, all you Twlight lovers, i hope you realize that those Meyerpires arent even real vampires. they are poser vampires, which is why they are Meyerpires. She needs to do some research cause she got it all wrong.

Every time I go out of the house, I see, hear,...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
I was pretty sure that since the horrific experience with the voltuari, our happy ever after will begin but something strange is happening to me I been having visions and this is very weird, because the vision thing is Alice's job not mine, but what I realize is that maybe are just memories from my human life, so this doesn't bother me anymore.
What I have to do is take care of my little angel and don't worry about these stupid visions.
im planning to spend more time with Nessi, she just turned 4 years Old but she looks like a 14 year Old girl, She is so beautiful with pale and smooth skin, brown...
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posted by sweet_twilight
This is a passage from part of Kaleb's blog at "The Twilight Guy" website link The specific section of this post was taken from Kaleb's review of Chapter 20 link from Eclipse. I found this hilarious when I first came across it.

{I was sitting in the school cafe earlier today, minding my own business and getting some writing done, when I overheard a conversation at the table next to me that went something like this:

Guy 1: Jonas Brothers fangirls are the creepiest girls ever. What is with them?

Guy 2: No man, the Jonas Brothers fangirls are nothing compared to TWILIGHTERS.

-all guys murmur in unified...
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posted by teamrobert48
I think we love it because its romantic and we all wish we had some one like Edward Cullen to swoop over and take us away that would be great,right? Personally I like the REAL Robert Pattinson more than the charecter and would love to meet him I mean who wouldnt but I dont know about you but I for one beleive in what most people dont beleive in, such as vampires,faries,mermaids you know stuff such as that,call me crazy but I really do even I cant explain why I love that Stephanie Meyers created this story I love this story like no other why I love it so much is a mystery to me.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Girl-meets-boy stories are not the usual stuff of Hollywood blockbusters, even when it's girl-meets-vampire.

Neither are stories created by women, with a predominantly female audience, shot on a bargain budget with a cast of relative unknowns and released by an independent distributor trying to establish a niche among Hollywood's half-dozen studio behemoths.

Yet Summit Entertainment has good reason to believe "Twilight" will have more box-office bite than your typical teen soap about an awkward high school babe and her cool new mystery beau.

"Twilight" has a few stunts and clever...
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posted by vampiress015
So, the other day I dug out my old CD's and found 'The Feelings Twelve Stops and Home', which I must confess has kind of been rejected since their latest album came out. So anyway, I thought 'why not put it on?'. So I did, only to realise that loads of the songs relate to the Twilight saga in their own little ways. However there was one song that was perfect, I even found a hidden track! And oh look at that, this album is now at the top of my CD pile again. Here's the song lyrics I metioned below, I've also included a link to a video on Youtube. Enjoy!

The Feeling- Blue Picadilly
I think this...
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added by JulietAtHeart
Source: JulietAtHeart
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Source: mia444
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added by layla_14
Source: tralala_icons- live journal
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