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posted by foreveryours
Chapter One:

I sighed. Another day of school… when will it ever end? I mean, when you graduate, you go to college and when you graduate from college, all you do for the rest of your life is work to earn money and then spend it on things you didn’t even really need. Ugh.

Well, not me. I’m taking off as soon as I’m done with college. I don’t care what my parents think of me. I’m going to start a garage. Hah. I bet that surprised you? Well, I’m not exactly one of the average materialistic teenage valley girls that dominate your high school. I’m just me and that’s all I’ll ever be. I won’t change myself for anything or anyone. Ever.

Okay, sorry about that. I know my exterior seems kind of die-hard but I’m a nice person. I think. Except for that one time in fourth grade when I pushed Susan Burdock into a puddle of mud because she cut off my ponytail in the woods on a Geography field trip. She deserved it too. Hah, you should have seen her little blonde head spluttering in the mud, with my ponytail and a pair of scissors still clutched in her perfectly manicured hands. I laughed until I cried at that. I got a suspension, too, but it was worth it.

I shook myself from my reverie and swung my legs out of bed. The cold morning air hit me and I gasped. I always slept with the window open, but it froze last night. I brushed the windowsill with my fingertip, and I felt the crackle of the thin layer of ice that scraped away from the shiny white layer of paint. It melted immediately and I licked the glistening droplet of water from my finger before it fell off.

Running my fingers through my red-gold hair, I separated the messy curls that covered my head in the shaggy mane of sleep into smooth waves which I gently fluffed around my face. Not sparing my appearance another glance, I grabbed a pair of comfortable tan cargo-pants and a plain black tee-shirt. I dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, a familiar foul stench slammed into my olfactory glands. Oh god, dad’s been drinking again. I don’t know why he does it! Whenever he takes so much as a sip of beer, he chucks it out a few hours later and then passes out. He does it far too often too… Once or twice a week I was met by this smell. It meant that I had to do everything by myself for the whole day. Of course I couldn’t depend on my mum to help me. She’s a schizophrenic that’s been locked away in a mental facility. I get to see her once every few months. If I’m lucky, she’ll remember my name. She never remembers my baby sister’s name though. She was taken away from her right after she was born. My mother was the reason why my dad was a drunkard. I was mostly left to fend for myself and my sister.

Ah, there it was; the ominous dark stain of vomit on the carpet. I sighed as I sprayed some carpet cleaner onto it and scrubbed it with a towel. Not that it did much good, the whole house smelled of it now because of the many times this had happened over the last few years. Once, two years ago, I tried stealing my dad’s entire alcohol collection and emptying them down the sink. It wasn’t pretty. The bruises didn’t fade for a month and my classmates laughed and bullied me for it. That’s when Burdock decided to play a prank on me and cut off my hair, which was the only thing I could feel proud of. Now that it’s gown out again, it hangs to my waist in a red-gold glory of smooth curls and waves. I kept it all in one length, though it curled more in the front than the back, giving my face some shape, which it sorely lacks.

I’m tall and slim with long skinny arms and legs. I don’t give much about my appearance, as long as it doesn’t hinder me in my swimming. My friend says I swim like a dolphin, hardly making a splash as I slide through the water. Swimming was my only release from the daily pains of my life. Swimming, cars, and my baby sister Natalie.

I poured myself a bowl of cereal and chewed pensively while staring out of the window onto the bleak streets of a rainy day in Seattle. I Shouldered my backpack and swaddled Natalie in her winter clothes before dropping her off at the babysitter’s apartment down the street. I planted a kiss on her little nose before handing her to kind old lady who ran the community’s little day-care centre.

I arrived at school in the usual flurry of books, bags and a crowd of loud squirming bodies. I made my way to my locker which was painted an awful shade of orange. The locker next to me belonged to my best and only friend, Martin. Martin was an emo by name, but not by nature. He said that the reason he dressed that way was to keep people away from him. When I asked him why, he just shrugged and said, ‘just because not everyone in this world is as nice as you are,’ winking slyly at me over his tray of cafeteria mush. People had always assumed that we were dating. No matter how much we told them that we were just friends, they never believed us. Soon, we were known as the ‘nemos’ which was our high school slang for ‘lost emo/nerds’. Like the little fishy. Ha. Ha. Not.

I didn’t really care what people thought of me. They were all losers anyway. All the girls looked the same with their straight bleached blonde hair, cakey black mascara, neon pink fingernails, and pink bubble gum which seemed perpetually present in their gabby mouths. Martin was the only friend I needed. He was like a force of nature when you really got to know him well enough to see past the black hair and skinny jeans. He could always make me laugh when I had a bad day and he could always comfort me when I ran to his apartment, crying my eyes out about one thing or another. We tried dating once, just for the sake of trying it out. It didn’t feel any different than when we were just friends, so we eventually forgot about it and the status dissolved between us as it had never existed.

I smiled widely when I felt a pair of hand muss up my hair from behind me. “MARTIN!” I squealed loudly, “don’t mess up my hair!”
Martin laughed loudly and tried to pat it down again clumsily. “Sorry, sorry. Sheesh Liz, you treat that hair as if it was made of pure gold or something.” He snorted.
“Yeah, well, it’s the only thing that’s even remotely pretty about me so I’d like to preserve it, thanks.” I rolled my eyes at him and entered the combination to unlock his locker so he could put his backpack away.
“Humph, you’re not ugly,” he retorted with a grunt as he shoved in his backpack, “You’re just not a supermodel, is all.”
“Whatever. What’s our first class?”
He grinned widely. “Sport, that’s what!”
I smiled back at him. Me and Martin loved sports of any kind and he was the only person that would even come anywhere close to beating me in anything so we were always paired up as partners in class. “Awesome,” I said, grabbing my sports clothes and tying my hair up in a ponytail.

Martin put his arm around my shoulders and we made our way through the milling students toward the Gym. As we entered, Coach McKenzie called over to me to give the class a demonstration on the proper techniques of warm-up stretching. I left Martin’s side and joined the teacher to guide the class through a series of movements to get their muscles ready for the arduous training that was in store for us.

Coach McKenzie was a large man. As in large in three dimensions; he was tall, fat, and wide all at the same time. It surprised me how he ever became a sport teacher in the first place.

We finished our exercises and started jogging around the gym. Martin joined me and we happily started our little competition of who could outrun the other. I won, to Martin’s exaggerated disappointment. He pushed out his bottom lip at me as I collapsed on the floor, panting. “You know, I’m going to get you back for this…” he grumbled at me.
I laughed, “As long as you don’t put sour cream in my yoghurt again, I’m fine.”
“Oh god, not again!” I groaned.
He waggled his eyebrows at me and grinned. “Nah, just pulling your leg. Say, do you wanna meet me at the park this weekend? We can go and do some ‘artwork’ if you like.”
‘Artwork’ was our little code word for graffiti. Martin and I had vandalized almost every square centimetre of the side a random apartment complex and our masterpiece was almost finished. It was a painting showing a rather bloody fight between a huge hairy werewolf and an emo-looking Dracula who looked a lot like Martin. The wolf was my idea. Wolves had always been my favourite animal and I was fascinated by the legends behind them. I had posters of wolves plastered all over the walls in my bedroom.
“Yeah, sounds great!” I called back as McKenzie blew his whistle, signalling the start of a basketball game.

I happily skipped to the showers, still on a high from the endorphins that were pumping through my veins. The shower was lovely and cool and I exhaled deeply as the cool water dripped over my scalp and ran down my shoulders, relaxing every muscle in my body. I soaped my body and rinsed myself off. Grabbing my towel and wringing out my hair, my thoughts wandered to my little sister. I wonder what she is doing now? I thought to myself
I sighed and pulled on a plain pleated red skirt and a white singlet. I stepped out of the shower and started scrubbing my scalp with my towel and brushing through the wet locks with my fingertips.
Lunch was just like it always was. Martin and I loaded up our trays with disgusting cafeteria slop and went to sit at our own little table. "So," Martin said, "how is your dad doing?”
I grimaced. "Not good. He threw up all over the carpet again last night."
"Oh." was all that Martin said in reply. He didn't need to say more. His face expressed the disapproval he felt toward my father and the pity he felt on my behalf.

I finished picking through the unidentifiable lumps of 'food' on my plate without eating anything and I got up to empty my tray. Martin got up too and jogged a few steps to catch up with my long strides. I didn't like talking about my parents.

Without a word, Martin and I left the cafeteria and went outside into the school yard where the football team was having a meeting. Martin looked wistfully at them and then turned away, following me to our usual little spot under the trees where we spent every lunch break. Martin had tried out for the football team almost every year, and each time they didn't let him join. Not because he wasn't any good, but because the team captain, Harvy Graeme, didn't want a 'nemo' messing up his team.

We engaged each other in quiet conversation until the bell rang and we went back inside to our next class. The rest of the day progressed in the same fashion and I whooped when the bell finally rang, signalling the end of the day and the beginning of the weekend.
"Movie night tonight?" Martin asked me. Friday movie night was our long-time tradition.
"Yeah, sure I'll be over at seven! See ya!" I chirped and hugged him around the waist. He patted my shoulder affectionately and removed his bag from his locker.
"Seven." He agreed, grinning at me.
posted by courtneykutie
Renesmee Pov

IT's been Six years Since we have heard from the Volturi Except When My best friend Maggie and her Mate Alec,they both Changed there ways.
They have Been Living with us for 3 years know!And now Me and Maggie and Alec are starting school in Forks like everyone else did!Jacob is going to College with my Mom and Dad right now at Washington State University!Jake is my Best friend and Iam scared i like him more than that!Scary!

"So I cant wait to go shopping for new School clothes!!"I said cheerfully,Aunt alice smiled at me

"Me too!!your mother hates shopping"Aunt Alice said Laughing...
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posted by Lausies
None of the Twilight Saga belongs to me and I do not claim to own any of the characters, that all belongs to Stephanie Meyer.

This is set eight years after Breaking Dawn when Renesmee has reached her full maturity. She looks about 17/18. Hope you like it!!


Is it easier to let him go? I love him. I would do anything for him. But can I honestly make him happy? I don't deserve him.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe you're not right for him. God knows...
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TWILIGHTERS i thought that i've seen everything.I saw this article about a real ROBERT PATTINSON SCHOOL!im guessing that twilight and rob fans are begging mommy and daddy to send them there.THIS IS NO JOKE.READ BELOW.

And it isn’t a school on how to get over Robert Pattinson, or how to be Robert Pattinson. It is an actual school in the UK! Its a College specializing in Language, Science, Mathematics!

In all seriousness guys, it is a real school. That is their real name. And it has nothing to do with the Twilight Saga’s Robert Pattinson! Just a mere coincidence! And no, Rob does not teach there! Sorry! lol

UPDATE: ROBSessedBlog said that this school used to be the #1 Google Search when you searched “Robert Pattinson” oh what a difference a year makes! lol

And there you it and see for yourself.
posted by ParamoreFreak
3.) Never Say Never
Rick pulled back into his driveway, and Phil hopped out of the car, bag in hand, when the car stopped.
"What's next?" Phil asked.
"Nothing...if they come again then we fight." Rick put the key in the lock and unlocked the front door. "If not, then you go back home and you forget about me and the demonic world...and pretend demons dont exist!"
"What?" Phil asked, walking in behind Rick.
"What do you mean what?"
"I mean, what do you mean?" Phil said and Rick stopped.
"I can't just go back home and forget everything happens!...
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posted by kim4312
Chapter Three:Rivals
One Day, Jessi Gets Out Of School, She Thinks About Walking Home, While Walking, Jacob Shows Up In His Truck "Hey Jess" Jacob Says "Hey Jake" Jessi Says Smiling "You Need a Ride Home?" Jacob Asks "Sure, My Legs Hurt Anyway" Jessi Says, She Opens The Door & Got In The Truck With Jacob, Peter, Victoria & James Watch Jacob Drive Jessi Home At Abby's House "Thanks For Driving Me Home" Jessi Says "Anything For You" Jacob Says While Staring Into Her Eyes "I'll See You Later" Jessi Says "Be Careful, You Don't Know What Is Out Here"
Jacob Says "I Will" Jessi Says & Goes...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
A Twilight fan who suffers from a rare lung disease had the pleasure of winning a raffle that allowed her to score an autograph from Robert Pattinson. TwiCrackAddict has the full letter posted on their site, but here is a snippet of the letter:

I can't thank you enough for taking the time out of your busy life and schedule to sign this for me. It means more to me than you will ever truly know.

I am not sure how much you were told of me, but my name is Ms. MS and I am nearly 24 years old. I have a very rare lung disorder that causes my lungs to collapse at times without any notice, and from the...
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posted by gossipgirlstar2
You can now pre-order your own copy of The Twilight Saga: New Moon soundtrack at iTunes and as a bonus you will get Anya Marina's "Satellite Heart." Check out the full set list of what you can expect for the upcoming new album. Many of the songs have yet to be heard so getting the pre-sale of this item is a must for Twilight fans. The New Moon soundtrack goes viral on October 20th.

1.Death Cab For Cutie- Meet Me On The Equinox
2.Band Of Skulls- Friends
3.Thom Yorke- Hearing Damage
4.Lykke Li- Possibility
5.The Killers- A White Demon Love Song
6.Anya Marina- Satellite Heart
7.Muse- I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)
8.Bon Iver & St. Vincent- Rosyln
9.Black Rebel Motorcycle Club- Done All Wrong
10.Hurricane Bells- Monsters
11.Sea Wolf- The Violet Hour
12.OK Go- Shooting The Moon
13.Grizzly Bear (with Victoria Legrand)- Slow Life
14.Editors- No Sound But The Wind
15.Alexandre Desplat- New Moon (The Meadow)
posted by gossipgirlstar2
It seems all the attention Taylor Lautner is getting lately due to his super sweet abs is making the actor a bit bashful. The actor spoke with AceShowBiz about how he thinks "it's weird and it's kind of embarrassing" to have the world see you shirtless. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse actor said, "It's so uncomfortable knowing that so many people are seeing pictures of me shirtless." Sorry, Tay-Tay but we just can't enough of your shirtless self running around in the woods acting like a werewolf. We are all looking forward to see the new movie that we want to know everything about our fave actors and it's not that weird...
posted by gossipgirlstar2
This fall, Twilighters will once again revisit the town of Forks and delve into the world of Bella and Edward, as New Moon will be released in theaters. But a new Twilight board game is coming out and that’s the “Scene It? Twilight.

“‘Scene It? Twilight’ is the game that fans of the ‘Twilight’ film have been asking for,” Screenlife’s chief executive officer Barry Watts said in a press release Thursday. “The overwhelming popularity of all things ‘Twilight’ has created such a huge demand, that we’ve collaborated with Summit Entertainment and Konami to offer fans the opportunity...
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posted by teamalice_0
Sorry I have'nt written in awhile. I'm also not sick anymore! I'll try to get another chapter up today.

He just stared opened mouth at me, which in turn making me self-conscience.

"Do I have to drag you?"

He seemed to snap out of it, but it was still there in his eyes. But at least he wasn't drooling, yet.

He went off into the woods to go turn into a wolf. While I waited on the rocks I watched little flickers of my past. It was sad. Nothing good happened since I was a vampire. Except for finding my aunt, but even then it had down-sides....
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posted by surfergal
Hey guys. Sorry the last one was so short and this one is short also. ( I have to get so e sleep) sorry some spelling was wrong too. Would y'all like me to make an end to this Story an start a different one or keep going with this one? Let me know please.

I was getting really sleepy after watching tv. I looked down at my watch and it said that is was 4 am. I hated staying awake this early. Nathen and I were still snugling together, but we were more casual now. M eyes were getting heavier and heavier by the second and soon I felt Nathen pick me up and carry me to the bedroom and lay me on our...
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posted by surfergal
That was the last thing I remembered was being put in am ambulance. I was scared because black dots were coming back I to my vision and I couldn't stay wake like the nice man that was taking care of me ask me to. My vision was black I couldn't hear anything or feel it. Life was gone or it had just disapeared. I remember when I was first waking up that I heard voices and I heard beeping noises and then everything came back at once.once vision I could see that I was in a room and that two men were standing by my bed talking and then my memory of it husband came to me Nathen was staring at my...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Carsile's POV
I left the room and went to my office. Jacob was kind enough to let me go through Taylor's files. For some one so young, it sure was thick. This poor girl had been in the run for almost 8 years. I couldn't believe this girl was from Florida, I didn't know how she got here. This girl has been through a lot. She was put in juevy for running
away from the ophanage and running from the cops. Taylor, either didn't want to be adopted or didn't want live in the ophanage. It said that she wasn't allowed to live in the girls ophanage because she kept running away. Emmett came into the...
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posted by surfergal
Nathen's POV

Once Carlisle called Alice and told us about Addi being in a wreck, were all getting in cars and heading to the hospital. I was so worried about her. Carlisle hadn't gave us any detail about how bad she was, but I figured sinse he called and told us I thought it was going to be bad. Once we got to the hospital and Carlisle got her stable he came out and spoke to us. He said that she was in a coma and that he didn't know when she would wake up and she was doing good right now.
Once Addi finally woke up I went in to see her. I knew she was fine but seeing her all helpless just made...
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posted by teamalice_0
So FREAKING sorry I didn't write! I got caught up with high school, homework. Sorry! Please forgive me.

"See Mary Alice, that wasn't that hard." The teacher I guess was trying to..... calm me?

I din't care, I saw Alice's reaction, and she knew the name. I also knew my aunt was a vampire. Like me. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I came, and I saw. I never promised myself I'd talk to her let alone stay here.

She probably didn't know I exsited, or even want to talk to me. I might be 'dangerous' because I'm a vampire, a monster....
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posted by Bella_Cullen902
The reason why i haven't been able to write to much is because i have school, after school activites, projects, afternoon homework, and weekend work!! I know, it's crazy!!! but i have two major projecrts due, one in december, and one in January!!! So I know that you are thinking 'Well, other writers can write their stories and have more work than me' The problem is that i can't focus on more than one thing and i get weekly projects so that messes up everything!

As soon as i have time to write i will!! I penkey swear!!!! Thanks you for bearing with me!! You guys rock!!

Luv u,
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's nice to meet you too, Taylor. Jesse dad said. Nikki had already changed and was sitting on the couch with Jackson. JohnJohn was also sitting on the couch with a girl. Can I go change back into my short and shirt? I ased Jesse quietly. Yeah, I'll be in the kitchen. Jesse said. I changed into my clothes and went the back way to the kitchen. I heard Jesse talking to his parents about me. Jesse your dating a umm a outlaw. Mom, don't call her that! Look, just because the cops her hcasing her desn't mean she's an outlaw. Jesse said. Than if she isn't an outlaw than how come the cops are chasing...
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posted by edward-lover456
Twilight Romances
Alice and Jasper they fit together like pices of a puzzle
Emmett and Rosealie the perfect couple
Carlisle and Esme the lifelong dream
Edward and Bella the Romeo and Juliet of life
Renessme and Jacob The match as it came to be
Twilight romances oh my oh me.
Why me
I ask myself all the time why me
why did he pick me
he is an angel
and i'm so averge
why me
how did I become this lucky
I can tell he loves me
and i don't know why
I wish he would tell me
or else I may cry
I'm so happy he can't die
My Edward My Edward
Why me why am I so lucky
hope you like it

while we where walking another question pop in my mind
"noah why are you name noah johnson if well..." when the question was out i realize that it maybe was too personal but noah didnt seem to mind
"well when i was born my mom said noah little noah well that was before the screams"he said flatly and squeeze my hand lightly before i apologize he continue and i realize that i had really grab his hand...a voice in my voice said
have you forgoten about jacob YOUR jacob he would never do nothing like this to you
but i didnt find the strengh to pull my hand away from the warm of his........
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Taylor POV
I had to leave Mulletfingers and all of his friends. I felt really bad but I hated to take food and clothing from him. I could tell a sort of a big storm was blowing in from the southwest. I went to the beach to see if I could see if there was anything I could use for a shelter tonight. There was a lifeguard hut thingy, I could stay in there but there was a big window and a big door. Both without coverings which for me didn't make a good selter. I couldn't get that good of look there was acually lifeguards in there. I guess I stared in there for a little to long cause one of the came...
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