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All right, if you have read the series and love them. Then you will absoultly love the series called

The Mortal Insruments
by Cassandra Clare


If you want to skip this and just read the summary just scroll to the bottom, I took quite a lot of time writing this!

"The Mortal Instruments series is a story world that I love to live in. I hate to see the story end, but if it has to end, then City of Glass is the most perfect way for that to happen. Beautiful!"

– Stephenie Meyer, internationally bestselling author of TWILIGHT-

-and it is also alike Twilight; hot main guy: named Jace Wayland ; the perspective of a teenage girl: Clary Fray 15 years old ; and it includes vampires and werewolves ; and yeat another secret;.

"Clare's atmospheric setting is spot-on, informed equally by neo-gothic horror films and the modern fantasy leanings of Neil Gaiman. Werewolves, vampires, angels and fairies all fit in this ambitious milieu. At the core, though, this is a compelling story about family secrets and coming-of-age identity crises. Fans of the smart/chic horror typified by Buffy the Vampire Slayer will instantly fall for this new series."

- Publishers Weekly

"This urban fantasy series opener spices its fight against evil with sexual tension. Fifteen-year-old geek hipster Clary thought she was just a normal kid, but normal kids don't see invisible people, and normal kids' mothers don't suddenly disappear, seemingly captured by horrific monsters. But like many fantasy heroines, Clary isn't normal, and she's got all the secret parentage, dramatic revelations, and amazing magic powers to prove it....The story's sensual flavor comes from the wealth of detail: demons with facial piercings, diners serving locusts and honey, pretty gay warlocks, and cameo appearances from other urban fantasies' characters....Lush and fun."

- Kirkus Reviews

"New York is the city that never sleeps, but evil spirits, angels, warlocks, faeries, and shadowhunters don't need much rest anyway. The city is home to Cassandra Clare's young-adult debut novel City of Bones, a cool, pleasingly dark and spicy urban fantasy. Clare has experienced New York City as 'a place of dark enchantment: cavernous, shadowy and full of secrets, from its huge Gothic cathedrals to its ruined cemetaries to the tiny hidden angels in Central Park. I tried to bring out that sense of urban mystery,' she says—and what a success. The book's sharply drawn combination of comedy, love and drama features a hip 15-year-old girl and a demon hunter who is nothing if not a mixed blessing. 'I wanted to write a book about the kinds of kids who were like me when I was young,' says the author. 'They're sci-fi and fantasy lovers, they adore anime and television shows with fantastical elements, like Heroes and Supernatural. When they find out there's a whole secret world of warlocks and vampires and demon-slayers, their response isn't shock or horror, but, "You know, I always suspected that way the way things were."' The first of a planned trilogy, the story emerges directly from a contemporary world of intense, enveloping conflicts, populated by a cast of contentious misfits, with no easy answers to getting past the misery but the hard slog of pushing on."

- Kirkus (Debut Fiction Special Issue)

"This fast-paced fantastic thriller will keep readers on the edge of their seats. It includes everything from werewolves and mind-sucking librarians to vampires and a brother unknowingly kissing his sister—just what teenagers love to read. Clary is an independent, saucy female character who adapts to her newfound powers easily and thinks nothing of throwing a weapon at a werewolf."


"City of Bones is a highly readable first novel, refreshingly free of the attitudes that make some YA fiction for non-adults only...City of Bones skillfully evades the tedium of YA clichés and 'Mary Sue' fiction through a combination of wit, imagination, and a sense of place—including the massive presence of New York itself.

"Clary's adventures take her to the unearthly City of Bones and encounters with the Silent Brothers, granting her tantalizing bits of knowledge about Downworlders, the history of angels, the Mortal Instruments whose involvement makes this tale the start of a longer quest, and—of course—herself. Mixing light and dark, teen banter with Miltonian citations, Cassandra Clare manages to make the whole thing work and left me looking forward to the next adventure."

- Locus

"Readers looking to the future will note that Clary succesfully harnesses her rediscovered supernatural powers and and forms several new, intense friendships, that she will desperately need as she tries to save her still-comatose mother, discover her own complex and often dark familial roots, and determine her destiny, both in the magical world and in her own everyday life. Indeed, with the strong plot, brilliant heroine, and surrounding cast of intriguing and well-developed side characters (including the sexy and tortured Jace), fantasy buffs will be eagerly anticipating the next volume."

- The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

"This novel is so much fun to read! Fast-paced, funny, dark, and exciting. Clare has dipped her pen in the deep resources of fairy lore and epic tales, and has her ear well tuned to the teenage voice. The plot is tight, twisting, and full of surprises. City of Bones is the first of a series—The Mortal Instruments—and it promises great things to come."

- Endicott Journal for the Mythic Arts

"City of Bones is that ever-so-rare rare creature these days—well-crafted YA fiction where at least some of the teenagers are both likable and believable....Before this novel reaches its ending point, Clary will get used to sexy teen-aged boys covered in tattoos, really cool flying motorcycles powered by things best not thought about, awesomely cool weapons, werewolves who are allies in the Shadowhunters' war, vampires who most decidedly are not friendly, flirtations with being in love, lessons about the dangers of finding out what you didn't know, and much more. It this a fast-paced novel? Yes indeed. Is it a good set-up for the next two novels in the series? Quite so. And quite original as well."


"Cassandra Clare's much-anticipated first young adult novel makes an excellent story for audio. Clare excels at creating stories with lots of fast-moving action and, even more impressively, fast-paced dialogue which is alternately funny and poignant. Clary's struggle to learn to see beyond the glamour that prevents her from perceiving Jace and the world of dark magic around her is paralleled by her struggle to see beyond her blindness to the true nature of the people close to her, the people she loves and struggles to protect.

"I'm already anticipating the next book in the Mortal Instruments series, and I fully expect that City of Bones will be the hottest YA fantasy novel of the summer."

- (review of audio edition)

"This debut novel from a brilliant, smart new voice in Young Adult literature is a marvelous adventure, full of fantastic twists and turns just when they're least expected. The complexity of the story, the threads from the past and present intertwined, is reminiscent of the Harry Potter series—and that's high praise! The captivating story told by the very talented Cassandra Clare in City of Bones is surely the start of a brilliant series—I can't wait for the next Mortal Instruments book. This fantasy is truly unforgettable."


"A non-stop action novel that blends magic with humor, romance with vengeance, resulting in an irresistable labyrinthine tale of rich and (seemingly) infinite subplots. Characters switch sides, then switch again, and points of view get skewed partway through, leaving the reader wondering just what the true story is and who Clary should trust. Motorcycle vampire gangs, a hard-partying Warlock, and street-packs of werewolves—not to mention some horrific creatures all Clare's own invention—find their way into the story, bringing both aid and hindrance. Weaving elements of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural with Holly Black's modern faery stories, the author has crafted a new classic of contemporary fantasy that is going to have readers tearing up the Internet with discussion, and has raised the bar for other writers in the genre."


"There are many names out there producing some great fairy adventure at the moment. A new name has joined the ranks—Cassandra Clare. There are many things to love about City of Bones, including a cat by the name of Chairman Meow. The adventure can only get better as this trilogy progresses and I, for one, will be waiting eagerly for the next installment."


"This book was an incredibly enjoyable surprise. In this world, 'all the stories are true.' Meaning, the stories about werewolves, vampires, and other things that go bump in the night are all real. With smart-aleck, teenage characters, scary adults, and even scarier bad guys; you never know when the next twist in the story will be revealed. ... With intense action scenes, big mysteries, amusing characters, and a little teenage angst; this book should be a lot of fun for teens and adults alike."


"The story of an underground world of demon hunters is appealing and unique. If you like theatrical, fey dialogue, a little humor with your action and many references to familiar fantasy stories, then City of Bones—and the subsequent installments in this new series—may be the perfect fit for you."


"Cassie's writing makes my toes curl with envy. She is the rare writer who can write fast-paced dramatic fantasy with gorgeous language and memorable characters that you grow to love and worry about, as well as really funny bits that will make you honestly laugh and remember them and repeat them to your friends. It is rare to find someone who can do any one of those things well; to find someone who can do them all is just dangerous."

- Holly Black, author of Tithe and Valiant

"City of Bones has everything: vampires, werewolves, faeries, true love, and stuff that blows up. What's more, Clare's characters are brilliant—she'd better not kill any of them off in the next two volumes!"

- Justine Larbalestier, author of Magic or Madness

"It's vampires versus werewolves in Harlem, while sexy demon hunters prowl through downtown clubs and Brooklyn coffeehouses—City of Bones is epic urban fantasy at its demented, delightful best. Cassandra Clare is a genius."

- Kelly Link, author of Magic For Beginners

"Dagger-sharp, funky, and cool, Cassandra Clare's City of Bones is among the best of the post-Buffy monster hunter sagas. It's a blast."

- Christopher Golden, author of The Myth Hunters

"The first book in the Mortal Instruments series, City of Bones, instigates an enormous urban fantasy that pulls out all the stops. Embracing the young adult urban fantasy genre with gusto, this is a story that's setting up something huge. Hell, this is only Book One and it's almost 500 pages long, so it ain't for wimps and it's definitely a sprawler; but Clare has a death grip on her POV protagonist and she keeps the reins held tight. It's definitely a first volume—which is to say that there's a lot of set-up for only a partial pay-off, but I'm 100% game to see where the series goes from here. It's chock-full of exactly the skillful writing you'd expect from Cassandra Clare, so it's funny and frightening, fast and oddly effortless. I can't believe how quickly the 500 pages flew by."

- Cherie Priest, author of Four and Twenty Blackbirds

The series is very good. Please do not be rude but... I think it is ALMOST better then the Twilight series. And do not be little babies and say stuff like "Nothing is better than twilight - how could anything beat Twilight - edward is still hotter" okay?? Edward and Jacob both argue and call each other childish names (yet it is still funny) just like Jace and Simon do in the City of Bones (the first book the series: The Mortal Instruments).

If you want a little peek click or copy/paste to the link..






A thousand years ago, the Angel Raziel mixed his blood with the blood of men and created the race of the Nephilim. Human-angel hybrids, they walk among us, unseen but ever-present, our invisible protectors.

They call themselves Shadowhunters.

The Shadowhunters obey the laws set down in the Gray Book, given to them by the angel: their mandate is to protect our world from the interdimensional parasites they call demons, who travel from world to world, razing and destroying everything in their path. Theirs is also the task of keeping the peace among the warring Downworlders: the human-demon crossbreeds we know as warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and faeries.

In their duties they are aided by the mysterious Silent Brothers. Their lips and eyes sewn shut, the Silent Brothers rule over the City of Bones, the necropolis below the streets of Manhattan that holds the dead bodies of slain Shadowhunters. The Silent Brothers keep the archival records of ever Shadowhunter ever born. They also watch over the Mortal Instruments, the three divine objects the Angel Raziel gave to his children. One is a sword. One is a mirror. And the last is a cup.

For a thousand years, the Nephilim have protected the Mortal Instruments. But that was before the Uprising, the civil war that almost tore the Shadowhunters' secret world apart. Though Valentine, the Shadowhunter who started the war, is long dead, the wounds it left behind have never healed.

Fifteen years have passed since the Uprising. It's August in New York; the streets blistering with heat. Rumors run rampant through Downworld that Valentine is back, at the head of an army of Forsaken warriors.

And the Mortal Cup has gone missing...
posted by jacob_lover5253
Here is the end of Jacob's POV then to Edward's POV.

Chapter 9. (Jacob)

Billy handed me the phone. "Hello?" I asked. Who is it? "Hey, um, Jacob. It's Edward. I need you." Edward said awkwardly. "What do you want? Why should I help you?" "Because Bella is gone." He said sadly. "No, duh? She left you." I laughed. "No, Jacob. You need to take this seriously. Bella left Charlie!" Edward screamed at me. She did what now!

I dropped the phone and headed full speed to the woods. I'm gonna help Edward find her. But maybe she won't go back to him and she'll come running into my arms! I smiled my wolfy...
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posted by jazzerpie
Edward's love for Bella is an undescribable sensation of protective instincts.Although he craves her blood he cares for her like god cares for the world.He would do anything for her even if it meant being away from him. Even if something good for her causes a burning whole in his body, he will do it...for her. The love for her can be described in such a way no one knows what it is.People think love is when your partner will spoil you and do whatever you want. But, its not. It's when you will do anything for that person to make them happy. No matter what it is.
His love for her is <3
edwards pov.

what was happerning? no matter how hard alice looked she couldnt see anything nothing of out daughter. i and bella were starting to get worried. in a matter of time she has gone from sight and from hearing range. i couldnt bare it.

bellas pov.

this really was something i couldnt handle. edward leaving me was the hardest time in my human life. now losing my daughter seams like the hardest in this life. the gapping hole is back and ontil i got my daughter back it was going to remain there. who lmows how long.

alices pov.

nessie was gone and i felt as uslass as i did when she was...
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posted by CarlislesLover
I'm soooo sorry I haven't posted in ages. It's a long story why but here's part 11.

I stood up and kissed Jacob with all the energy I had. He pulled me in gripping to me tightly. I couldn’t breathe but I didn’t want to let go. Jacob started to pull me off of him, but I pulled closer. He was stronger than me so he managed to pull me of. I got really moody and stared at him evilly. “Bella honey I love you but you’re pregnant and we can’t kiss for so long when you’re pregnant”

“Stuff pregnancy”

“Bella I want our kid to survive as well as you. Do you have any idea how much I’m...
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posted by Tatti
Here's new chapter from Jasper POV, I hope you'll like it. Thanks to all of you who reads and comments it, I really appreciate that.

6th chapter Learning


"Now try from the left side" I advised Jalley and she knocked me down. I could block her punch very easily but I didn't - my little girl worked so hard today and she deserved it. I was surprised how quickly she learned every technique I showed to her, too bad, she needed more strength so it would be effective. "Enough for today?"
"Yap! I'm hungry" she ran into my arms. I lifted her cheerfully and we went to the kitchen. Usually Alice...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Hi! Thank you so much for those who read and commented!!!:D And now, here's more of Starlight!

2. First Day

next day, I rose up with the sun and Kyle and Annie decided to hunt before the first day of school——so I got ready. Annie had laid out an outfit for me to put on after my shower.

It was a lovely v-neck brown long-sleeve fitted shirt (and I always wear a backless tank-top underneath whatever I'm wearing since when I summon my wings, they tear right through the clothing) with blue jeans and the same brown sandals she wore yesterday.

I brushed my long, thick, mahogany brown hair which...
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Bye Guys-post more tonite I am going swimming right now!!!!♥
Bye Guys-post more tonite I am going swimming right now!!!!♥
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
I led the man to the couch with his grandmother. I sat down and turned the television off, “So, what did you need sir?” “I need you to turn me and my grandmother.” He said. “Excuse me?” “Turn us, please.” I started freaking out, because my identity was a secret, “CARLISLE!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, “Miss, please I will shower you with wealth.” Carlisle came running down the stairs, “Umm, can you excuse us for a second?” I asked him. “Sure, Rosalie, I’ll just talk to my grandmother about preparations.” I nodded, “You do that.”...
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posted by Tatti
Here comes new chapter and I hope you'll like it. Big thanks to all who supports my fanfic and all nice comments you leave.

3rd chapter Running


I can see that Bella is worrying and I even can understand it - three half-vampire babies pops out of nowhere and only short letter from mysterious vampire Doreen informs us that they are abandoned and we should take care of them. At first, I was a bit suspicious too, but now I can't see what would be the point of leaving these kids if someone would meant harm to us. Volturi already know about vampire and human hybrids and accepted them as not...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    At times, as I tried to find Jerek, I saw people dropping to the ground, a head or two flying past my face, blood being sprayed in the air. But I knew that none of them was more, nor Tabra, nor Jerek.
    And I was certain.
    I kept on walking, killing few here and there, and finally, I saw Jerek and Haus.
    They were off to the side, like I was with the other people, and I kept walking that way slowly, making sure Haus...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    I quit crying a few minutes later. I just laid there for the few hours of time we had to ourselves. I didn't need to train, I was ready for this battle. The Final Fight, I would win. I was ready.
    And then, it was time to go.
    I checked my eyes so no one would ask me if I was crying, and I was good. I went to the weapons room, geared up, and grabbed my essentials: a cross-bow and a stake.
    "Let's do this." I said, and we started...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Heyy I am back. The doctor said I did have a concussion so I had to be woken up multiple times last night. On the bright side I finished
Bella's POV... if this is to confusing let me know. -Kayla

End of Chapter 6. (Jacob)

I heard the door open as he peeked his head in. Great it's morning time already. As soon as Charlie went into the bathroom I jumped out of her window.

I walked around to the front of the house and knocked on the door. Charlie answered within minutes.

"Hey, Jacob, hold on I'll get her." Wow it's like he can read my mind. I heard him walking up the creaking steps. "Bells, you awake,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    Hi, my name is Cyd, short for Cydnee, and one day while I was grocery shopping, a former member of the Death Clan of the Fallen threw a knife at my head. I ducked behind my cart, and ran out of the store once I saw the knife fly into a bunch of egg cartons. I went home, told my friend Tabra about it, and he came rushing over. He helped me get out of the aftershock feeling, and when we were eating chicken sandwhiches, mine was coated in poison. We then went to his apartment,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    WHEN I GOT OUT: I dried off, got dressed, drained the tub, rinsed the extra suds off of the tub, dried my hair, ran my fingers through it, and went out into Jerek's bedroom and saw him waiting for me.
    "Hey," He said, and patted the bed next to him.
    He was shirtless, of course, and as I walked to him, I noticed that the tattoo on him was looking darker. Maybe I was just looking at it and it was popping out at me or something. Anyways,...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    We got into Jerek's car, and he started back to his hous or headquarters, wherever Jerek was taking us too.
    "So, do you have the symbol of the Death Clan on you?" I asked Jerek. Tabra was laying in the back, and Jerek and I were in the front.
    "Yea, I do. I regret seeing it everyday, I regret what I did the little time I was there. But I do."
    "Have you forgiven yourself?"
    "Not fully." He said,...
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I can’t believe this is Monday already, time to go to school and act human, with all those people “Humans”
“Nessi are you ready honey” my aunt Alice yelled.
“Yes I’m on my way” I graph my backpack and I started walking to the door.
“Rennesme sweetheart can we talk for a minute” my mom asked me
“Sure mom”
“Well honey tell me what’s going on? I see you that you are very sad”
“Mom I feel so bad, I can’t understand what’s going on, I fell so badly with JACOB, I told very horrible stuff and now I need him, he was my best friend and my big brother. He was there for me...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
We got into Tabra's truck, and started over to the headquarters of the Death Clan of the Fallen. I was nervous, and I felt like I was gonna' throw-up.
"Is it too late to back out?" I asked him and he laughed nervously.
"Right now, yes." He kept on driving, and I thought to myself how better life will be once this is over.
Alright Cyd, stop being nervous! Sure you can die, but think about how much ass you'll kick!? Think about how bad ass you'll be pointing and shooting a gun, especially at the guy who threw a knife...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
So, if you forgot the last three things that have happened, here is exactly what did happen:
1.) A knife was thrown at my head.
2.) I almost consumed a poisonous chicken
and 3.) The Death Clan of the Fallen are after me.
Pretty scary right? If you think it isn't, well then leave right now, because it is. Not only do they know where I live, but they probably have been watching me for a while. Hopefully Tabra and I can get through this. We have to, right? Hero triumphs over the Villain!?
I sure hope so...
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posted by a-jforever
Heres part three.....I think. Enjoy.XXXX

What do you want of me?” I asked straightening up to try being civil.

“Ok you’re going to think me a complete freak when I tell you so come inside and sit down.”

“NOT INSIDE.” The bronze haired one protested.
Alice closed her eyes growing very still and then opening them.

“See Edward she won’t hurt Renesmee.” Edward nodded stepping out the way of the door. But whatever Alice had done hadn’t convinced him enough as he hurried in before us.

“Are you Phoebe?” A little girl with Bronze curly hair came round the corner smiling at me her...
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posted by Cullens4eva
I LOVE MY SISTER SOOOOOOO MUCH! We all screamed till our throats hurt, this is just amazing. As we stopped mom walked in and started to tidy up the lounge. To be honest I'd forgotten she was actually here.

"Girls that's enough. Now what's all this screaming about hey? There's no need for it." She finished doing some light dusting and sat down with a book. Probably some romance knowing mom, she was so predictable. Her life is a romance novel, her meeting my dad after nearly jumping off a cliff, falling helplessly in love, having 3 beautiful girls, living in a house to die for...

We all sat down...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
This was like no other Monday. Why you ask? Well, maybe if a knife flew at your head, you would agree with me. And it wasn't like magic flying, it was like an assassain threw a knife at my head and tried to kill me! At first, all I could think of was RUN, but later on I knew why he was after me. Here is exactly what happened...
I was driving to the store, and I got out of my car and went inside. I was almost done, I just needed milk and cookie dough, and they were in the same isle, so I picked up...
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