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posted by LexisFaith
Tough, I ain’t never been nothin’ but tough
All my edges have always been rough
But Jesus loves me anyway
Oh, back home, there ain’t nothing wrong
With a woman that got a little back bone
Just wait 'til you taste her kind of love…
You want a shy little thing, a pretty little high-heel thing
You’re gonna cry if I don’t polish up… tough

Tough~ Kellie Pickler
Bella Pov
"Just kiddin'!" Emmett burst out laughing. "You sould have seen your face!" He was doubled over, hands on his knees.
I kicked his shin. "You ass!"
"Mom and Dad are gonna' sleep in the tent. They are lettin' us 'kids' sleep in the camper. More room for us not to bother them." He chuckeled. "You guys ready?" He clapped both hands together and rubbed them back and forth.
"Ready when you are." Edward told him.
We loaded into our trucks, started them with a roar, and pulled out onto the highway.
Edward and I talked about a bunch of nothing the first half of the drive. What I was going to school to be, what made me want to be a nurse, why he didn't just go to school if he wanted to be a teacher. Boring stuff. He pulled into a gas station behind the others and we all hopped out to use the restroom, get snacks, and gas.
I walkd out tof the girls room and roamed the isle for my favorite snack. Spicy Doritos and Lays ranch dip.
"Hello." A guy walked up next to me and looked through the chip selection.
"Hi." I nodded.
I could see him eyeing me from the corner of his eyes. "Where ya from?"
"Not here." I picked up my chips and walked to the next isle.
He followed. "Well why don't I show ya around?"
"I'm goin somewhere. Sorry." I turned and he caught my arm. "Don't touch me." I snarled and pulled my arm away.
"Don't be like this." He grabbed me again.
"I said don't touch me!" I hooked the left side of is jaw, and kneed his groin and he was down.
I picked up my bag of chips I brought and started back down the isle.
"Are you okay?!" Edward was looking at me wide eyed.
"I'm fine." I grabbed the dip and put it up on the counted.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
I have the cashier the money and took my things.
"Yes." I pushed through the glass doors, Edward in tow.
"Why didn't you ask for some help or somthin?"
I was getting angry now. "Because I didn't need help! Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm not tough. I've never been nothin' but tough. I've grown up with two older brothers. My edges have always been rough!" I huffed and got into the truck slamming the door.
He got into the truck and started it up. "There's nothin wrong with a women that's got a little backbone." He pulled out in line, and we continued our drive.
The first thirty minutes of the drive was quiet, the radio only playing in the background.
"I'm sorry if I offended you." Edward started the conversation.
"You didn'." I shook my head. "It jus kind of anoyed me that you were dunno. So hell bent on making sure I was okay."
"Some freakish stalker dude was trying to get to you. You may be tough but standin next to him while he pretty much attacked you was a little more than nerve wrackin."
"See." I huffed a laugh. "That's what I'm talkin about. I dunno why your so worried about me."
"Cuz, Bella, I care about you. You're my friend. I'm supposed to be protective over you." He told me. "You're all of 110 pounds and 5 foot 4. Yeah, It kind of scared me."
"You don't have ta' worry about me." I told him. "I'm fine."
His eyes never left the road.
"You're not gonna to let this go are ya?"
I rolled my eyes. "Fine. If there is anything I cain't do to defend myself, I'll call you. Kay?"
"Thank you." He sighed. "Now was that so hard?"
"Yeah actually. That hurt a little bit." I rubbed my chest bone in mock pain.
"You baby." He rolled his eyes but laughed. "So, how is this weekend going to go?"
"Well, we brought all three 4-wheelers so there will be some riden' and racin', which is super fun, and Charlie and Renee will probably do there own thing. You know," I paused and turned toward him for better emphises. "I don't know why this is even "family campin". It's always us kids doin' our own thing anad Mom and Dad doin' theirs."
"Maybe, they just use it as an excuse to..." He rolled his hand to finish his sentence.
"Ew." I wrinkeled my nose and sat back in my seat.

Edward POV

Something about a truck in a field
And a girl in a red sundress with an ice cold beer to her lips
Begging for another kiss
Something about you and me and the birds and the bees
And Lord have mercy it's a beautiful thing
Ain't nothing about it luck, something about a truck

Something about a creek around 2 am
After a few of those beers you wanna dive on in
You don't need no clothes, just hang em on a limb
Something about a creek around 2 am

We pulled onto a gravel road not long after mine and Bella's conversation ended on a cute note. She wrinkeled her nose. That was cute.
"Is this a campground?" I asked.
"Nope." She smiled out the window. "Daddy owns this land. It's his huntin' land. We camp out here insted of going and payin' to stay somewhere next to a lake with a beach, electricity, and a bath house."
"So..." I was starting to worry about my hygine.
"We have a water hookup out here so there is that, but no light except for the fire and the lanterns. And I like it that way."

We fixed up the camper, figured out the sleeping arrangements-Rose and Emmett on the king bed, Alice and Jasper on the queen bed, Bella and I in the back with seperate full beds-, put our stuff away and unloaded the 4-wheelers.
"Alright." Emmett's loud voice bounced off the leaves on the trees. "Rose and I will take the red one, Jasper and Alice the yellow one, and Edward and Bella the blue. Now, are we ready to ride?!"
By the time the race was over, it was pitch dark, and we were driving by the headlights on the ATVs. Bella and I beat the others by a half a second, and we had all the room to gloat. Rose, being smart like she is, had packed sandwhiches, chips, and a cooler of beers.
We sat along the rocks of a wide creek and ate, drank, and talked on into the night. We had all lost track of time.
"Hey, Emmett, what time is it?" I asked.
He looked down at his watch and smirked. "2:07 am."
"Holy crow." Bella laughed. "We've been out here that long?"
"Wow." Alice giggled.
"How bout a swim?" Emmett stood up smiling so wide his dimples looked like large holes in his cheeks.
"I'm in!" Bella jumped up.
The others followed, and I downed my beer and went along.
The water wasn't cold at all to be as late into the year as it was. It was almost like bath water.
"So, Edward." Jasper swam over and watched with me
the girls as the splashed around and laughed. "I just want to send you a little warning."
What? "Okay."
"It may not be by blood, but that is my baby sister. And I don't want her hurt. Jacob was lucky he got off with a punch to the face and not a missing limbs."
"I don-"
"I see the way you two look at eachother." He cut me off. "You may not see it, but boy I sure can feel it. I was just sending you a warning that if Bella gets hurt in the end, it will be the end of you. I watch alot of crime shows. I know what I'm doing."
I had to laugh a little at that. "If, if, anything happens between your sister and I, I swear to you I will take care of her."
"That's all I ask." He smiled. "Let's get back to them. Oh, hey, throwin contest. Let's see how far we can throw the girls."
"Like they'll let us."
"Who say's they'll know." He chuckeled.
We swam over and stood for a moment. When Jasper's eyes met mine I reached and grabed Bella, then threw her as Jasper threw Alice.
Both came up sputtering, but Bella was farther out.
"What tha hell?!" Bella screeched.
"We were just having a little contest." Jasper showed his hands. "Edward won." He frowned.
"Oh, really?" Bella narrowed her eyes as she swam to me.
"Yep." I popped the "p".
"Well, then I guess I'll just have to get even." She smirked. I didn't even get a word out before both of her hands were shoving me under the water.
I was under for a moment, trying to wrap my head around it, then forced my self back up to the surface.
She stood there, hands on her hips, and I was just noticing what she was wearing. While us guys were in our boxers, the girls had come prepared. She was wearing a white bikini with a top that looked like a bra with a tie in the middle. My eyes shot from her top to her eyes. She was still smirking.
"Oh." I chuckled. "Are you goin to get it." I stalked toward her as she backed away down the creek.
"If you can catch me." She turned quickly and started running.
I took off after her, reaching my hand out just an inch from where she was. "You'll get tired soon!"
"We'll see." She giggled.
I was starting to lose sight of her, but not because she was too far ahead. But because we were swiming away from the light of the fire and the others.
"You cain't catch me!" She sang and dissapeared into the darkness.
"No, I cain't see you!" I stopped and waited to hear the water that was lapping against her skin. I didn't. "Bella!" I waited. "Where are you?!" I didn't hear her voice or her move. "Bella!" I was starting to panik.
Her arms were suddenly around my neck, her skin against my chest. "Gah!" I jumped.
She giggled sofly. "Sorry." She whispered. "I saw you talkin to Jazz. What was that about?"
" know." I put my hands on her waist.
"No. I don't." I could hear the smile in her voice. "So, you should tell me." Her fingers where playing with my hair that almost reached the back of my neck.
"Ninja's don't reveal secret ninja stuff, Bella."
She laughed and I felt the tips of her hair tickle my hands.
Something about a creek at 2am after a few beers was making me like this moment much more than I should. I was liking the way her arms were around my neck, her small fingers playing with my hair, my hands on her soft hips. It would just be the perfect time to...
Her lips were on mine before I could finish my thought. At first I thought she had been the one to engage it, but then I took it or position, I was leaning down, and I learned that I had started it. I pulled away quickly. "Bella, I'm so sor-" I didn't get to finish my sentence either. She was up on her tip toes, her small figure pressed to mine, our mouths moving together. My tongue carefully and slowly ran across her full bottom lip and she granted me access to her own soft tongue.
Yep. There was something about a creek at 2am.
posted by Angelcatz11
The Cullens house

Nessie's POV

It was a few minutes later that dad had walked, I gave him a weak smile, "Dad... can I ask you something?" I whisperd. "Sure! whatcha wanna ask?"
"Well, Jacob he umm asked me out on friday, do you think I can go?" I watched him, His smile dropped and his amber eyes turned to coal black. "No...It's..." But he didnt finished he just shook his head and walked away. "Dad!" I shouted and ran forward, I caught him by the sleve and spun him around. "Why???????" I asked. "No Ness! Vampires and Werwolfs are forbidded to love!!!! You may never see that boy agian! Okay?!" He shouted, I have never seen him get so angry before... My face turned into a pout then a sad face, Tears poured out my eyes, I pushed past him and ran up to my room
posted by runlikeawolf
No.It couldn't be true.A wave of black engulfed my vision.He was a hard,cold,selfish monster!How could this be? I'd always had a sliver of hope inside of me.Now,nothing was worth living for.Nothing was worth fighting for!
I was falling.Falling in despair.Why were the leaches even created?How could they strip you of everything that you loved?!?
I took a shocked step back.Why had I even hoped for things to be different?Suddenly,the anguish was replaced with a never-ending wave of fire.Shudders ripped through me.Bella's words stung more than anything I could have ever imagined.
Everything exploded.The...
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posted by LexisFaith
"So, Bella. Tell me a little bit about yourself." Emse siped on her coffee from the paper cup while I dipped my teabag in and out of the steaming water infront of me.

We had wondered down to the cafateria while Carlisle and Edward has Mason, letting him see all the "cool doctor stuff". I guess it paid to be a doctor.

"Well, I guess I could start with saying I'm 22 years old. I graduated from Forks High School at 16 and went into school right after that Christmas. I was raising a son with the help of my older brother Emmett and my father Chairle who passed away when Mason was only 2. My mother...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 5:
    We walked down stairs to see who was here, though we stopped in our tracks at the voices we heard. Emmett’s booming voice came from the kitchen and it didn’t sound like the happy person we were used to. I finished walking downstairs and walked to the kitchen door, to see what was going on. The voice I heard stopped me in my tracks, the way it sounded, so broken and just not normally the bubbly and excited, Alice, we hear. It scared me because she was suppose to be this excited person always happy about everything and the one to look...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
I know it's kinda short sorry.

Bella’s POV

I woke up that morning still worrying that I would make more enemies. I was also still thinking about what I did in the first place to make him hate me. I thought all I did was have to sit next to him. Maybe he just wasn’t a people person. I could live with that I just wouldn’t talk to him or anything. It took me even less time to get to school today because I already knew where all my classes were and...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 21
“who invited him?” I asked in a rude voice.
“Carlisle incsited the whole family came over” Emmett told me and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and wondered what was waiting on me.
“lets get Ivan out and in the house” I told uncle Emmett. He nodded. Uncle Emmett took Ivan and dragged him to my room. I was still in the car and was getting my stuff. I locked the car and put the keys in my purse and hrld my left hand close so it wont move an inch. I was walcking towards the house hiding my left arm so my father wouldn’t see it. But it was impossible. I walked to the...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 14
`”jake!” I cried and ran up to him.
“I know everything nessie, and we’re going to try to save ur family” jake told me.
“its too late to ssave it they’re divorced” I told him
“there’ alwaay still a chance” jake told me. And I nodded..
“but first wheres ur mother?” sam asked me.
“she’s near carlisles” I told him.
“she’s not there”he told me.
“what do you mean shes not there? I just saw her there aa couple minutes ago” I told them.
“when I went to carlisle’s house, he said that she stepped ouside and didn’t come back” jake told me.....
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 13

I introduce them.
“nice to meet you” my father said.
“niced to meet you too” ivan replied.i wondered if he knew that ivan was a vampire. But there would be no guessing.. my father didn’t know that I lovve ivan.. so its going to be a shock to him .eric went to the cafeteria and then s couple secconds later the bell rang.ivan hurried to class, while I stood there with my father and aunt.
“dad ivAN IS COMING TODAY TO MEET MY FAMILY”I TOLD HIM AND BEFORE HE COULD SAY anything aunt alice grabbed to to class. After school aunt alice rode in her car and me ivan and eric rode...
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posted by karpach_14
sorry guys this is my old story i couldnt log on my old account karpach_13 so i had to make this one and im moving all my stories here. thanks plz dont forget to comment

When I was entering my school. In every single conversation my name was repeated. Some of the people said ‘I don’t mind going out with her’ with a evil smile and the others were usual. Like ‘ who is she’ and ‘I can’t believe she is going to be at this school’ and ‘you don’t even know her’. I kept on walking without talking to someone or not paying anymore attention to what people were saying. I got to...
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posted by teamalice_0
My last post was shorter than I would have liked so I made this one better. PS Comment please and Have a good thanksgiving!(stuf your faces without feeling guilty ;)
Tuesday morning, joy. Everyone hated Mondays and Tuesday was usualy dreary but better than Mondays. On the way to school I told Angela about my dream and said some of them were the Cullens but she never saw Dr.Cullen or his wife. She thought it was odd because Im blind and I had a dream about them.

School has whispers going aroud, more than normal might I add, either...
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posted by LexisFaith
The Ending. Ages of all characters are at the bottom.

Edward POV

"The kids will be here any second. You did get hot dogs for the little ones right?" Bella was finishing up the potato salad.

"Yes." I assured her. "And I even got some diced peaches so they could have something sweet."

She turned to me and smiled. "You were a great father. Still are." She walked over to me and kissed me.

"And you, were a wonderful mother. Still are." I kissed her fourhead and pulled her to the living room to sit on the couch. We looked around at the pictures that were...
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posted by Hellohoudini
Brazil Filming: The Sunday Update, Lapa Streets Blocked Off and Stephenie Visits With Fans
By Twilight_News | 7 November 2010
According to FoForks a series of streets in the LAPA section of Rio are closed today for Breaking Dawn filming. Preparations included changing the names on the street signs and adding in some graffiti. Rumor has it that it’s a scene involving a taxi driving through the streets of Rio. There is also some speculation about a scene involving Jacob and Nessie on the run in Rio (Bella’s vision/plan in Breaking Dawn II). However, in that neither Taylor Lautner nor MacKenzie...
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posted by uniquezandy
Edwards POV
Closer and closer, the thing was lurking around. I started to panick, so I quickly jumped on the branch; of the tree. But as I turned around, the she devil, (with orange hair,) suddenly appeared. "You are playing games with me Edward, where is the human?" Victoria asked mysteriously. "I don't know." I yelled. "Well, give me what I want, or it's Bellas life that would pay." She warned. I felt so mad when she said it. "Harm her and I will kill you." I warned back. The thing she wants, is a family herloom, what she can do with it, could be lethal. She vanished finally. What could I...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 4
Once we get to the house, I looked around everywhere. Making sure Charlie or anyone is not around hiding on the outskirts of my home. After I made sure it was safe, I unbuckled and gathered my stuff ready to blot inside my safe home. Edward got out of the car, I noticed. He was opening my door for me. I gathered all of my junk and was ready.
    “Are you alright to walk?” he asked. While he asked the questionable question, He grabbed all of my things out of my arms. I didn’t answer. “Are you okay to walk, Bella?” He asked again, after a few minutes. I just...
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posted by uniquezandy
This is a story where I added myself in.Yes, I am the vampwolf! Hope u like it.

"She can't stay with us because she is part vampire!" The Quiliets protested. "The problem is she can't stay with us, being part Werewolf. Could she?" The clan threw back. "Hello, don't I get a say in this. You are deciding for me, like I am something to pass around and throw out when you get bored!" Marie-louise shouted. Hi, I am Marie-louise, sadly I am with the Denali clan at the moment and they are...
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posted by uniquezandy
I got the idea in history. Its just a story so don't hate me for it.

Monday 21st April 1876
Dear diary,
Why must my father choose a suitor for me? Oh yeah now I remember, woman don't have power or freedom and the father must choose. My father is dear Charles, (But I call him Charlie, because it's easy.) I used to have my mother Renne with us, but she got permission to leave town, because my father keeps beating her. It's horrible, everyday before she left there were a new bruise or...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
thank you soo much LexisFaith! This title goes perfect for the fanfic! -Kayla

Chapter 2.

I pushed myself out of the bed and went into the bathroom to get changed out of my pajamas. I looked myself over in the mirror. My eyes were red from crying. I didn't look okay. Oh well. I walked back to Edward in the bedroom. Only to find him gone. Great. He had to leave me alone. In my time of pain.

There was a knock at the front door. I ran down to get it. I opened the door to find Jacob standing there. He hugged me really tight with tears streaming down his face. "I know you miss her." I started to tear...
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posted by uniquezandy
Bellas POV
New school... new place... help me! I don't know why I am scared, but is is because; a saying might slip out from a centuary ago? Times have changed, and (unfortunatley,) I have to keep up with them. It's hard.
So it's 8 in the morning and I have to put on (what people call) jeans and a sweatshirt. It's comfortable honestly, but I prefer a dress anyday. Oh well now I have to go to the place of hell..

Edwards POV
New school... new place... help me! I am silly for being scared, but it is just school. I still wish my Bella was here with me though. She would make it all better. It's now...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 1: BPOV
    “Isabella Mary Swan, get your ass down here right now!” he yelled. I hurried out of bed and ran downstairs to face the impending danger of my so called “father” Charlie Swan. My dad is the police officer for Forks, Washington. I know what you’re thinking that because he’s a cope he should be the good guy well guess again. Charlie has two different kinds of hobbies that make him different from about 75 % of the fathers of the United States of America. His first is to drink and when he wasn’t drinking he was doing his second hobby which was...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Edward's POV:

I ran out the door with Jacob trailing me in his wolf form. What's happening? Jacob thought. "Bella was taken by Aro." I said. I heard a bang. A loud bang. Please don't let that be Aro hurting Bella let it be Bella hurting Aro. I ran faster and before I got any closer I heard three trees snap and the pack and Carlisle come up next to Jacob and I. I'm not done with Bella just yet. One more and she's dead! I saw Bella through Aro's eyes. NO! She's hurt so bad. Her eyes are slowly closing. NO, BEllA, NO! YOU WILL LIVE! I thought to myself.

We broke through the trees just in time....
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