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posted by Chrisztine
Okay guys, here's chapter 2. I hope you like it. Let me know!

Edward gave me a surprised look. No wonder, usually I’m not this ill-tempered. Guess my quota of happy was running low.
‘’Can we all just focus, please? There’s still danger out there.’’, Alice said, mildly exasperated.
‘’What do you want us to do, Alice?’’, Ryan said, in a soothing voice.
‘’Well for one thing concentrate on the matter at hand..’’, Alice trailed off.
‘’It’s off, it’s off, what else do you want?’’, I nearly screamed at her. I felt a wave of calmness go through me, and in the same instant I saw Jasper walking through the door and take his place beside Alice.
‘’Good evening’’, he said in his calming voice.
I hate it when he does that. Of course I can reverse the effect, but I decide against that. Bella had seemed very upset a second ago. Now, she wasn’t anymore. She still seemed a little on edge, but most of it was gone because of Jasper.
‘’What the hell is going on here?’’, aunt Prue said. Clearly, she didn’t understand what was going on. How could she. She’d only arrived yesterday evening. As did the rest of them. I remember it very clearly. Partly because I was shocked to see my mother walk in, young and unscathed. I could also remember because I had a huge shouting match with Rachel. She brought them here. Bringing them here causes problems. If they die, we die. Why would they get killed? Because apparently I had a neon sign over my head that said: ‘’Please kill me’’. That’s why not a day goes by without some demon invading my privacy any time of the day. Extremely annoying. So it goes without saying that none of them knew about my vampire boyfriend an his vampire family. Oh, and Bella. Who is part of the vampire family, but only human.
‘’Jasper has, a gift. He can control people’s emotions.’’, I explained.
‘’Well I don’t like it’’, she replied.
‘’None of us do, just get over it quickly.’’, I muttered under my breath. Jasper chuckled. I smiled apologetically. It’s not that I don’t like him, I just don’t like his gift. It feels like mind control. Plus, it sucks for my powers, since my power comes from my emotion.
‘’Is he a witch, or something?’’, my mom said.
‘’Yeah, or something.’’, I told her. No need to get into this right now. I’ll tell her later. Maybe.
‘’Well anyway, something’s coming.’’, Alice told me.
‘’Something’s coming? Can’t you be more specific. Are we talking rain, storm, hurricane?’’, I said, kind of wary.
‘’Well, someone. Actually, not just one. There are more of them.’’
‘’Of who, exactly?’’
‘’The Volturi’’, Ryan spoke to all of us for the first time. Bella shuddered. You know, I still don’t know why Edward kept her a secret. I mean, I’d never met the girl, but they were engaged! Am I a pariah or something? Do I destroy everything I touch?
‘’The Volturi?’’, I said. ‘’What do you mean, they’re coming? Why are they coming?’’, I said, sort of panicky. I don’t like the Volturi. I know what they can do. I know what they’re capable of. Trouble is, I can’t do anything about it. If I go in guns blazing, who’s to say they won’t attack the Cullens? That, and I didn’t really know if I could heal from vamp bites.
‘’Relax, we won’t let them go near you.’’, Ryan said, his tone changing. It was a mixture of soothing and anger. The soothing part for me, the anger part for the Volturi.
‘’That’s why we need you to look after Bella. We have to go and talk to them. Convince them to leave. That there’s nothing to see.’’, Edward told me.
‘’And what are they coming to see?’’, I asked him. I could hear from the tone of his voice that there was a reason they were coming.
‘’Bella’’, he simply said.
‘’Well bring a picture then. And why can’t you do this alone?’’, I asked him. No need to put any of the others in danger, if this was purely about seeing Bella.
‘’They want to see her changed.’’, Edward grumbled.
‘’Oh.’’, was all I managed to get out of my throat. They wanted her changed. I see, there was a human in on the secret, and that was inexcusable.
‘’Okay, I’ll keep her safe. I’ll keep her hidden. But what if it isn’t enough for them? What if they come for..’’, I started saying.
‘’It’ll just have to be enough. They can’t have her!’’, Edward yelled.
‘’Calm down Edward.’’, Ryan said. ‘’They won’t go near her.’’
‘’I didn’t mean to say her, I meant so say me..’’, I trailed off.
posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 17: Hung Jury

After Sienna walked out there were some fiery debates over what we were going to do. My father was very quiet; I felt that this was painful to him as it reminded him of what he went through with my mother. “I think that we should hold off on changing her until Alice sees that the Volturi know” My father said. “No Edward,” my mother argued. “If Sienna is willing we need to change her as soon as possible. It is too dangerous, I am not going to risk her life on top of the fact that we really don’t need to be drawing attention to ourselves from the Volturi if we...
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Chapter 15: The Gloves come off (back to Nessie’s P.O.V.)

I woke up gasping for air. What a strange dream, I was with Jacob and the strange girl that is in the pictures that Sienna draws. She was with Seth the four of us were in the forest when all of a sudden the guys phased and threw us on to their backs and fled in terror, something evil was descending on us, I curled down onto Jacob as low as I could and held onto his fur so that I wouldn’t fall. My hands brushed his face and he shuddered. I couldn’t tell if it was due to his own fear or to the fear that I had projected to him through...
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posted by Yoss
This is an email I got two years ago. This has nothing to do with The Twilight Series but I wanted to share it because I find it quite beautiful though a little sad. Hope you'll also like it.


People call me "Tree".
I had dated 5 girls when I was in Pre-U. There is one girl who I love a lot but never dared to go after. She didn't have a pretty face, good figure or an outstanding charm. She was just a very ordinary girl. I liked her. I really liked her. I liked her innocence, her frankness, her intelligence and her fragility. Reason for not going after her was that I felt somebody so ordinary...
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I put one up now, because i'm going to babysit tonight :D there could be a change i'll put one up later too, just before i leave :D

Bella's pov

“Bella” Edward started saying and I walked towards him and I kissed him
“I’ll be fine, just take care of Mason just until I’m back, will ya” I said with sadness
“I’m going with you, I’m not letting you go alone or with Daniel” he said back secure and looking at Daniel.
“Edward” I started saying but he interrupted me fore I could finish
“No butt’s, I’m going with you, Alice will take care off Mason till we get back” he said...
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posted by just_bella
The bear backed off my body and charged me again. I screamed in fear, and it stoped about 10 feet away from me when it backed up and did it again.

I realized the bear was toying with me, I wished that it would end this already. I was in so much pain, everything hurt and the forest around me was beginning to blur probably from blood loss.

The bear backed up again, hopefully to end my life when I hear another animal coming into the area.

There was a moment of complete silence, which only lasted for a minute. The following sound was something I won't forgett, it was the sound of the bear fighting....
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sorry for mistakes, i'm doing my best, the next story will be Bella and Edward again, Promise:D

Bella's pov

I took a deep breath and looked around and saw Daniel and Charlie watching TV. I rapped myself together and walked outside with Mason in my arms, I looked at him because he was very quiet, he kept staring in my eyes, I love my son so much.
I saw Edward still upset waiting for me and I walked towards him with Mason and now Edward walked towards me too.
“I’m sorry Bella” he began to say but I interrupted him
“Don’t start with the sorry crap” I said angry at him, Mason still laid...
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here's the next one

Bella's pov

I kept on walking and I noticed I was at LaPush.
I felt tears coming up I wanted to cry so much but I couldn’t and I never will feel my tears again. Suddenly Mason starts crying. He knew how I was feeling and he reacted on my emotions, now I felt guilty
“It’s going to be alright, everything will be just fine” I said with little snobs to Mason, he started to slow down his crying it’s like he knew what I said to him. I started cradling him to calm him down and myself.
“Bella” I heard a voice next to me, I jumped up and looked. It was Jake
“What are you...
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Chapter 8: These Little Distractions

The next morning my mother came into the room and pulled the covers down to reveal my tear stained eyes that had dark circles underneath them. I had barely slept every time I closed my eyes Jacob was there with that devastated look on his face. “My poor baby” she said as she embraced me. “Do you want me to talk to him?” She asked. “No!” I answered quickly that certainly would not help anything. “I just don’t understand why he reacted this way about me liking a guy.” I said. My mother motioned for me to move over and she lay down next to...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 7: Sticks and Stones

“Renesmee Carlie Cullen, do your parents know that you are out and about going for joyrides without even a permit!?! I knew that giving a teenager such a ridiculous car on top of giving it early was a horrible mistake!” I had never seen my Grandpa Charlie so furious. “I’m sorry grandpa- “Charlie, what’s the matter?” Jake had popped out of nowhere. “Well she is driving without her permit.” My grandfather yelled so loudly a vein popped out of his forehead. “Charlie, I brought her to the school parking lot so that she can practice, I just had to...
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OMG. Finally, I was able to get an- oops sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. This is LJC News. I'm your host, Lina. So, as I was saying, I finally, got an interview with Edward Cullen and Bella Swan AND Renesmee! I was so pumped, that I got to the Cullen's house 10 minutes before the time we agreed on! I sat there for about 5 minutes practicing what I was going to say when, I saw Edward and Bella come out of the blue with, *GASP* Little Renesmee in Bella's arms! "Hi!" I say excitedly. "Hello, Lina" says Edward in his alluring, velvet smooth voice. "Hello, Bellla" i say to Bella. Then I turn...
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It was with a heavy heart that I left Forks. It pained me to think that I would never see her lovely face again, never hear her tinkling voice -for I am determined to fight all the demons inside me. – I am determined to stay away. I won’t ruin her, even her family, even her Jacob. I realized I love her too much to cause her pain. I agonized over the fact that I was merely created to bring her pain.

I realized I could never go back to my coven. I knew I would be dead the instant I stepped into the castle and once I'm gone, they would come up with another devious and intricate plan against...
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posted by twilight-hottie
Just saw the new info from Summit Entertainment about the release date for next movie here is the press release

Los Angeles, CA February 22, 2009 — Summit Entertainment announced today that ECLIPSE, the third film in the TWILIGHT saga, will be released theatrically in North America on Wednesday, June 30, 2010. Melissa Rosenberg, who wrote the scripts for both TWILIGHT and NEW MOON, is currently writing the script for ECLIPSE and continues to consult with TWILIGHT book series author Stephenie Meyer.

In ECLIPSE, Bella...
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posted by foreveryours
I skipped home, glad that it was the weekend. Stopping at the street corner, I rang the bell at the baby-sitter's house. The little old lady opened the door and smiled widely at me. "Oh hello dearie! Your sister is such a precious little thing! You know, she was asking for you all day," she gushed.

My face fell. I felt so guilty for leaving her alone in a day-care all day long. If I didn't have to go to school, I would spend my every waking moment with little Natalie. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Jackson. Where is she now?"

"Oh, she's inside, playing with little Ashton. They're the two most adorable...
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posted by twilight-7
I think this one is a bit crap but that's for you guys to decide. I just wanted another try at Edward's POV. It starts out in Kayla's POV first.

Kayla’s POV

How the hell did he find out? I had not said anything and neither had Edward or Jacob. Well, I don’t know about their thoughts. I’m not really paying attention to Edward’s since I’m trying to find the bracelet and Jacob never said anything at all to Charlie the past week.
How does he know? I asked Edward.
I may have accidentally thought something, Edward replied.
You were over reacting about the bracelet and I thought...
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This one is a long one :D enjoy

Bella's pov

I was running back home when I suddenly stopped again, there it was again that feeling of being sick. I wanted to throw up but I can’t. It wasn’t far anymore to my house, to Jake and Renesmee, so I start walking and thinking at the same time
*Why am I feeling sick like this?
*Why do I have the feeling I want to throw up?
*what’s going on with me?

Than it just hit me, “I can’t get pregnant, can I”, I said in a whisper and panicking voice. No it’s not possible I start thinking again, vampires don’t get pregnant, Carlisle mentioned it once,...
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posted by meeek
Edward and Carlisle in a hospital approx. 107 years ago. Edward dying in the bed. Carlisle walks over.
Carlisle: You ready?
Edward: For what?
Carlisle takes his wrist and bites him
Carlisle: For the wicked awesome parody!!
Edward yelps and pulls away
Edward: What the fuck! I thought you were a doctor!!
Carlisle frowns and bites him on the neck, Edward starts flinching in pain, and the screen goes blank. Twilight is born flashes across the screen followed by three days later. Edward waking up confused remembers being bitten and sees Carlisle standing over him, Edward frowns gets up, and hits Carlisle...
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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

Life was to carry on as normal. That meant I would have to go to school and take my exams. I knew I was safe because Edward was with me and Charlie said Mitchell would be constantly on look out. Plus the wolves were helping too. So I shouldn’t be so jittery, right? But I was. Every noise scared me and any slight movement had me cowering into Edward’s protective embrace. Edward found this all amusing. Glad I made someone laugh.
The weekend I just had seemed to drag on for weeks and weeks. It felt longer than just two days. So the following week dragged on for what felt like months...
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posted by lovethecullens
Chapter 2: The Look in His Eyes

“So what is it Aunt Rose?” I asked in exasperation “I should be open to new things? I need human experiences? My parents love me and want the best for me?” My Aunt Rose smiled at me and waited patiently as I vented. Most view her as being callous and hard to get along with. I have a special relationship with her though. She has never once been fierce towards me. Years ago my mother told me that she felt that my aunt looks at me as though I am her baby in a way. Her human life was cut short before she could have children of her own. My Aunt Rose was my...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Charlie’s POV

    I’m so furious, it’s scary. My daughter has been kidnapped! The chief’s daughter, kidnapped. I’m so angry. I’m not angry at her or Edward. I’m angry at whoever took her. I swear when I find out who it is, I’ll kill them. I will take my biggest gun I own and personally kill them.
    Rene and Phil flew in a couple of days ago. I met and talked with Phil. He was a nice guy. He was good for Rene. I was glad she was happy. Well, at this very moment she’s not. She’s got a mixture of emotions. Anger, sadness, and scared....
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posted by twilight-7
I landed hard on a cold leafy ground. I was lying in the middle of a forest. Great. I was flat on my back, having lost my balance and fallen.
“Let me help you up,” Mitchell’s soft voice spoke from above me. He was still standing.
“Don’t touch her!” Edward snarled. He was also standing. Was I the only one that fell?
Cold hands helped me to my feet. Edward looked me up and down, obviously checking for any damage.
“Are you ok?” he whispered. “You’re not hurt?”
“I’m fine,” I assured him. “Or I will be in just a second.”
I turned around and glared at Mitchell. This boy...
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