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Chapter 2: Caved

"I'm not letting you come with me, Jacob." I told him firmly.

I turned around, placing more clothing into a suitcase that sat ontop of my bed. Jacob sat beside it, stubornly not giving up on his quest to come along.

"Why not Nessie?" He asked, challenging me.

I thought for a moment, folding one of my shirts. "It's too dangerous!"

I placed it into the suit case, turning around to pick up another one.

"Which is exactly why I need to come with you!" He argued back, using my words against me.

"Dangerous for you Jacob, not for me."

Silence filled the air as i focused on packing more clothing. Pick up, fold, put into suitcase. I had repeated this a few times before Jacob spoke again.

"Then Your not going. It's either with me, or not at all."

I sighed "I figured that much.."

His eyes met mine for a moment as i turned.

"So that's a yes?" He asked hopefully.

"No, Jacob. Anyways, It won't be for long and-"

"Nessie, I can't live without you."

I smiled "Being a little melo-dramatic are we? Im going for a couple of weeks, not years."

"Same difference" He muttered. I stopped packing for a moment, carefully sitting next to him. His eyes met mine "Nessie, you don't have to go.."

I shook my head, keeping his gaze. "I have to."

I thought for a moment. There had to be a way to make him understand that I had to do this.

" Jake, Imagine if for some reason when I was younger I had become lost and the Volturi stumbled upon me. They had close to no information about what I am and decide I pose a threat. The only way they would let me survive is if somebody could teach me - otherwise they would kill me." I saw him tense up as i let the thought wander his mind. "I can't let that little girl die because I don't feel like going. If that was me, wouldn't you want someone to come too?"

He stared at me for a moment, speechless. He closed his eyes,

"That's - That's not the same.." His voice shook as he spoke. I held his hand;

"Jacob, I have to go. Please.."

He opened his eyes, staring at the floor. He spoke slowly, avoiding my eyes. "Renesmee, You know my condition..."

If I was to let Jacob to come, It would be taking the risk of a fight. Maybe If I was to keep distance between us and Alec, It may work. Aro also understands my concerns and would most likely do what he could to ease the situation..

I looked back at Jacob, His eyes stared hopefully into mine as I debated the possible outcomes.

Maybe I was overreacting, and my predjudice was really under estimating both of their restraints. Jacob did stay quite calm today, considering the circumstances.

I always did miss him while I was away- Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing for him to come. I'd have to try to hide some things from him though;

Especialy when the volturi "Hunt" although their food is Imported and brought right to them. (Hunting is forbidden In Volterra so the Volturi usualy hunt tourists - on the odd time they will leave town to hunt, though.) Im sure Jacob wouldn't be too keen about that either..

But then there was Jane. Alec always worried me but Jane; She seems more rebelious. As much as Alec would wan't to harm Jacob, he couldn't. Aro will forbid it, and Alec will follow it.

Aro saved Jane and Alec's lives back when they were human and took them in. Much like what Carlisle had done for my father, yet unlike carlisle they saved them for their supernatural abilities rather then as a good deed.

He didn't wan't the talants to go to waste,and because of that Alec feels as if he owes somthing to Aro..

But Jane had a more twisted side inside of her, somthing that worried me. As much as she respected Aro, she has her own ideas of right and wrong; Always that look in her eye, like i said before; Rebelious.

On the other hand, Jacob has delt with Vampires years before I was born. Maybe he doesn't know much about this particular clan, but he knows enough to survive. He's basicly lived with them for the last 14 years, so this shouldn't be much different..

I bit my lip lightly and sighed; "Fine"

Jacobs head turned slightly upwards. "What?" He asked slowly.

I hesistated; "Fine, you can come.."

A smile spread across his face as he pulled me into a hug.

"I had a feeling you'd say yes"

I rolled me eyes; "Did I really have another option"

"I should go talk to Billy.." He said standing up. It seemed like he hesitated, as if he had doubt in wether Billy would allow him to go. This Idea pleased me, I smiled.

"Maybe he'll say no!" I said, hope strong in my voice.

"Don't get your hopes up!" He called back, laughing.

Jacob left hurridly to go talk to Billy, and most likely arrange somthing with Sam. I didn't like having Jacob leave like this, he has responsibilities here.

But whenever Jacob leaves, Sam is glad to take over for him. I was hoping that maybe If Billy didn't talk him out of it, Sam would. The way he looked at the Volturi today, he saw danger.

I knew he couldn't beilive I had spent those long months there, alone. Really they aren't as dangerous as they seem, but that can be just between myself and my concious.

I got ready for bed, pulling my hair back into a pontail I ventured Into the living room. My father sat there smiling at me.

"You caved" He laughed.

I sighed " I know.."

I sat down beside him, staring at the fireplace he had lit. He usualy didn't light it though.. Maybe the house was cold. He patted my arm;

"You didn't have much of a choice, did you?" He asked, although the question was hypothetical.

"I'm just hoping someone will talk him out of it. But he's pretty dead-set on not letting me be around them alone."

"Nobody want's you to go back, Renesmee"

I bit my lip, contemplating my fathers words. "I know, But it's not only for my sake anymore- I have to help..."

"And the plan?" He asked.

To be honest the plan was pretty simple, do what I need to do and keep Jacob out of harms way. Yet I had a feeling the simplicity might be a bit misleading.

"Simple. But as for the excecution, I have a feeling it won't be as easy."

He hugged me, "Renesmee, if you need anything.."

I smiled "I promise Ill call"

He smiled back, "Goodnight, Sweetie"

"Goodnight" I called back, leaving to my room.

I quietly closed my door and flicked off the light. I crawled into bed, tucking myself under the cool sheets.

Maybe darkness is more like a passing into daylight, and daylight is the clear; It made more sense this way. Sometimes I had feared darkness, others I had accepted it. But always, without fail, had I been accepted daylight.

I pondered this for a few moments as I slowly drifted away to a soft sleep.

The morning sun shone brightly through my bedroom. I sat up, slowly awaking from my slumber. It felt nice this morning, almost perfect. But that's when I remembered In only a matter of hours where I would be, who I would be with.

The morning didn't seem that great after the thought of that. I slowly stood up and made my bed, smoothing out the wrinkles in my comforter. Once everything was straightened up I took a shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair. I opened up my drawers and took out a top and some jeans. I slipped them on and walked out into the living room.

"Goodmorning, Renesmee" My mother said - although she didnt smile as usual. Her tone was a bit on edge. She seemed so stressed about my leaving again - I hate stressing her out.

I smiled, and walked over to hug her. "It's going to be fine, mom"

She sighed, "I only wish I could be that sure; Now what do you want to eat?"

I thought for a moment. Honestly, I wasn't hungry at all. "I'm okay,Thank you. I'm not really hungry."

I sat down on the couch, staring at the ashes where a fire once drew last night.

My mother stood silent for moment, then swiftly made her way towards me. She stood behind me, brushing a lock of hair away from my face.

"How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. " Maybe a little anxious but-"

"No, I meant do you feel sick?" She instinctivly put her cool hand against my forhead to measure my tempature.

I wondered why she would ask that, did I appear sick?

"No, not at all" I said, lightly brushing her hand away.

I stood up, turning to meet her perplexed gaze. "Renesmee - You havn't eaten anything since you got back."

I paused for a moment. No, that's not right. I had to of eaten somthing.. I reran the past few days quickly through my mind. I looked back at her once more, confused.

"Your right.. Hmm."

"Well, nothing to worry about. As long as you promise me you'll eat something soon"

I smiled "I promise. I should go get my suitcase.."

"Your father already put it in the trunk. He just left to go pick up Jacob.." I bit my lip nervously. I still had my doubts with Jacob coming. "Don't worry Renesmee - Jacob knows how to handle himself"

I smiled "It isn't Jacob i'm worried about..."

She held my hand lightly "Renesmee, It will all be fine."

Her smooth- even voice seemed to assure me. Through the years I found my mother to become more of a best friend.. with parental advantages of course. But there was always some connection between my mother and I; I can go to her for anything.

As much as I really do love my family, I was always closer to my mother - Even more then Jacob. I think the thought of that pleased her, she felt like she had lost me when in reality I need her more then anyone else.

I heard the sound of my father's Volvo pull up into the driveway. My mother patted my hand motioning me that it was time to go. I slipped on a light cardigan and followed her out to the car.

For a moment I thought just maybe Jacob had changed his mind. I slipped into the back seat, and just my luck there sat Jacob. I looked at him and sighed, But did I really think he actualy wouldn't come?

"Nice to see you too.." He smiled

"Darn. I was really hoping you would change your mind"

He rolled his eyes "Please. You honestly thought there was a chance?"

I buckled my seat belt "Not really"

I heard my father chuckle from the front seat. Although my mother was still quite silent. When she is stressed out she tends to stay very still, like she doesn't want to disrupt anything else.

The drive to the airport was more silent then I expected. But nobody wanted to leave- nobody wanted to say goodbye. It seemed as if the long road down to the airport just outside of the small town lasted forever.

The silence was comforting in a way. I never did like goodbyes even if I was leaving, It felt like a goodbye meant a pernament change. And this - this was sure to not be anything close to pernament , not if I could help it.

The loud sounds of people shuffling around the airport filled my hearing. I watched people pass by- some running to catch their flight. Others were meeting up loved ones, or dropping them off.

Alot seemed stressed although I doubt that whatever their dealing with is more live changing then what I am.

My father passed the suitcases over to Jacob. My
mother was lightly biting on her lip, and she was oddly silent. I tried to look as happy as I could for her.

Eventhough where I am going Is more dangerous then I want to beilive, I didn't want her to think I thought that.

I knew I had to stay calm. My father told me if I ever had any indescision about going - any worry at all that he wouldn't send me.

I only wish that I was as good at a charade as the rest of my family. But they know me so well they probaly see right through me.

I stood next to Jacob as my mother hugged me goodbye. I could feel her hesitate to let me go.

"I love you Renesmee" She whispered

I smiled "I love you too, Mom"

I guess to anyone else, we would look like any other typical family. Just a mother- or really she could pass for my sister. Dropping off their family member, little did the rest of the world know what I was really about to Incounter.

It made me wonder what else exsisted In this world, what else are humans walking upon that they are clueless to. Or even what were clueless to.

My father turned and hugged me. Their feelings were identical. He was just as hesitant.

"Stay safe, Love you Renesmee"

"I love you too, Dad"

I was glad that at least one thing went as planned; There were no goodbyes. I smiled at my parents as Jacob and I dissapeared into the Airport.
posted by jacob_lover5253
Bella's POV

Am I in heaven? I remember closing my eyes and thinking good-bye to my beloved Edward. No I can't be dead! I just found out I could live forever. Can't I heal? I am a werewolf. Aren't I? I'm sorry Edward. Really sorry.

I started hearing voices and I could feel wind threw my hair. "Bella can you please wake up it's Carlisle. You aren't dead. But if you don't wake up soon you will be. Come on Bella wake up. For Edward." Edward. Edward. "Edward." I whispered. "Bella!" Esme exclaimed happily.

I tried moving but it was no use. My bones must be broken. There was a sharp pain in my thigh....
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posted by KatiiCullen94
I read the script, reading down the creased page, held by all the buffer men before me. WHAT I AM DOING HERE!, i seriously cant hope that I'm going to get this part. I mean, Edward Cullen is a perfection, i don't even see anything in myself. read further.
Edward and Bella passionately kiss on Bella's bed
WHAT? i gotta do what? With her? Kristen? oh god please help me and protect me from my embarrassment.This is the reason why i'm still single, because im a dork and cause well, i can't really kiss,. again adding to my hypothesis, why am i seriously here!! if there was a desk in here i would be...
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Bellas POV
14 years ago
All I remember are the stories, my mum used to tell me, from when I was three. She said, she had a best friend called Esme Cullen, and she would bring her kids, (who are the same age as me,) round to play. Looking back, at all these books filled with pictures of memories; I went to find my mum and ask her to tell me the stories. "Look that is Esme and Carlise who are the parents." She said, pointing to a young couple. They look really nice. Then she flipped to the last page. "This was taken when you lot, where 6 years old. It was the last day you spent together, before...
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Bellas POV
10 years ago...
We were seven years old, and I lived in Forks. It was me and my mum Renee and my dad Charlie. I had a very best friend called Edward Cullen. He and his family, were the Cullens and Hales. They were: Carlise, Esme, Edward, Emmett, and Alice Cullen. The Hales were Jasper and Rosalie. They were like a second family to me. Me and Edward was very close. We went to school together, played outside on those hot summers days, and one day in the winter, near a big oak tree, while snowflakes were falling; he kissed me. At seven years old, it was kind of arkward, but it was...
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posted by aMMazing14
I ran and ran, away from my problems away from my life, away from my Dad. I reached a grassy area in the woods that was surrounded by trees,
right now I could escape the reality of my life and just be at peace. I could enjoy the darkness and the cool breeze that crept past the trees. But
seeing that I'm me, something bad always has to happen, and as usual it does. So why am I so surprised? Woud anyone really care If I died right
here? Or would anyone even know?

I kept asking these questions to no one but myself as I saw the the large black wolf sourounded by a silhouette of silver moon light....
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posted by moolah
Chapter Ten:
Lexy’s P.O.V:
‘Put your sneakers on…we’re gonna be dancin’ all night long…basically what we gonna do is dance…’

A- Awesome…ware r u goin’ now?
L- A diff blockbuster…: p
A- So I’ll cya soon?!?
L- Yes, Ali. Can’t wait…I’m so tired.
A- Didn’t u take a nap in the car?
L- Yeah, I had a nightmare. *shudder*
A- Aww, I’m sorry baby. Ok. Cya soon…luv u.
L- KK, TTYL, Auntie. I luv u 2.

~They get home~
“Here’s your popcorn, Renny.” I handed her the popcorn. “Jacob’s.” I handed him the buttery popcorn. “Lola L. Lake!” Renesmee screeched and held it...
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Edwards Pov
I just can't get Bella out of my head! I can't stop thinking about her! The way we danced, and moved together and fitted together.It was like... we meant to be together. If only our families didn't hate eachother. When we got back , the second I tried to mention it; they hated the thought. And today we had a family meeting. Why must fate do this to me? It's so not fair...
" You know the past..." Esme began. Oh no! Here it comes. I can feel it. " Edward danced with Bella Swan last night and you know the history Edward." Carlise stepped in. All my siblins just stared at me. It's so...
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Edwards POV
Aggh another wedding! This is going to be fun(!) Tanya from the Denali coven is having a huge wedding and is inviting everyone from the town! And I thought Rosalie likes doing things big, but when I asked her what she thought she replied, "it's way more exstravagant for my taste." Best dressed; like all my family, and we were off. Finally, Tanya was marrying someone so she can stop flirting with me and get off my back. I am fine on my own.

After the wedding we went all out for a moonlit dance under the stars and that was when I saw her... I walked over to her and asked "would you...
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posted by twilightfantic1
"Yes thats me" edward replied "good i need some help" while walking in. "im half-vampire my father is laurent".

We all just froze."Dont worry i just came to see if its possible that you can take me in?". That was a shocker."oh my name is jessica and this is justin'

"Of course we will take you in jessica do you know what happened to your father?"

"Yea some kind of shape shifters killed him,but iknow why because he was tring to kill a..a bella so what ever then i tried to go to the denali family but i didn't like it they said you had a half-vampire daughter can i see her?".

I went to get Renesmee...
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Brittney Spears enters as new character,Lucy Mane Cullen;Emmett's new wife!!
Brittney Spears enters as new character,Lucy Mane Cullen;Emmett's new wife!!
In the beginning of every great story or companion to another story is the great writer who thought of it. Even though I am a fanfictionist I am dearly engrossed in my love of the Twilight Series and Saga. All the fans-big or small-of a Youtube Script are great supporters! Hope you find Season Two good, better, or the BEST!! And Enjoy…If you are wondering I will introduce you to our NEW characters…and our old ones...that made the series possible…look for more fun from me. Thanks for reading and remember…Keep your friends close and your exes closer….HAHAHA!!!!!

Alice Cullen-Ashley...
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posted by KatiiCullen94
Edwards POV.

Bella waits in the meadow that no longer blossoms for us. Does the field even sense at as much as i would hate to admitt it that Bella and I have lost our love?
Or is just weeping it? Weeping for our nessie too? does this flower remember the time when a little toddler brushed its petals and awweds. Does this balde of grass remember when my daughter played all day. Does this wind remember dancing in the locked of Renesmee?


"daddy come play!" renesmeee squiked in her ivory dress, while waddling in the tall grass.
A thud sounded in the tall grass, then a innocent chuckle.
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posted by whatupiloveyou
I told you that I would update soon. I knew some of you wouldn't believe me, so I am proving you wrong. I'm still on bed-rest so I'm updating. So far this is the longest…I know I am so excited. Ok, back to my story.

Disclaimer: Again, I really don't own twilight.


I can't believe that I was doing this! I never thought that I would ever be back at Forks. Ever since Edward, I was so happy it didn't hurt to say his name, left. I felt a little happier since I had a part of Edward with me. I think I at least owe my dad to see me happier. I wish Edward was here with me, but I knew he would meet...
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posted by bessmarvin1
The Olympic Coven, better known as the Cullen family, is a clan of vegetarian vampires. It consists of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, Jasper and Alice Cullen, Edward, Bella and Renesmee Cullen, as well as Emmett and Rosalie. They are known to be very loyal to each other (in the film they are shown each wearing a piece of jewelery featuring the 'Cullen' family crest: Jasper, Emmett and Edward each wear a wrist band, Alice wears a choker around her neck, Esme wear the same necklaces, Rosalie wears a pendant, and Carlisle and Bella wear a ring. They currently live in Forks, Washington, which they have...
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Bellas POV
He touched me, we kissed, but now we are back to normal. It was a magical thing, like a prince and princess sharing the kiss to break true loves spell, but now he is acting like the frog. This morning I done a simple "hi Edward," but he was being broody and just ignored and walked away. So I suffered the look of his family for nothing? Even then, they are acting like they don't even know me. Alice was at least being happy and encouraging, but it wasn't enough to heal the pain.
"What's the matter Bella?" Jessica asked.
"Nothing I am ok." I replied. What could I say? I was lip-loking...
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posted by j-bfan7
Edward pulled two tickets out of his coat pocket with an unusually questionable grin on his face. I hadn’t seen this expression before. His eyes were bigger than normal, and black. I could see that he needed to hunt. His head tilted slightly downwards, and while one side of his lips curled up, somehow the other side seemed to curl down. Edward looked as though he didn’t know if he wanted to smile, or frown.

“Are those plane tickets?” It sounded more eager out loud than it did in my head.

Edward shifted his dark gaze down at the two tickets he held between his long, porcelain-like fingers,...
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posted by courtney1862
Edwards pov
Were on our way to italy back to see aro.We heard there was a new member of the volturi and its another girl.Which i dont really want to go to but carlise thinks it would be good for the family to do something together since we havent really been ourselves latley. I miss my bella love so much and apparently so does everyone else.
Alice isnt her pixie self anymore which makes jasper unhappy,and emmett is just bored cuz he has no one to mess with and rosalie is well ROSALIE who doesnt think of anyone but herself.The plane just landed now and we were getting off. When alice suddenly...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven

    "Kill a man, and you are an assassin. Kill hundreds of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god." -Jean Rostand
    Okay, so if that quote means if I kill one man, I'm an assassin, and if I kill hundreds of men, I'm a conqueror, and if I kill everyone then I'm a god, then that means that everyone are pawns in a huge game of Chess. Right now, I'm a pawn in the relationship game, and also in the new life I was handed that day in the grocery store....
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    Later that day, Jerek was visiting with Verona, and I was bored off my ass. I was wanting to talk to Tabra, but every time I approached him, he was suddenly busy. We had people on watch guard, and Shropee didn't need me to do anything, so I was bored. Very. Bored.
    "I'm bored." I said to Holly who was walking past me.
    "Like I care!" She snapped, and continued on her way.
    "Well." I got to my feet, and started off to see how Verona's doing.
    When I got to the bottom of the steps, Jerek ran out of the room. "I'll be back. I'm getting Shropee."
    "Wait. What? Why?" I asked. "Is she okay?"
    "She's awake." Jerek called over his shoulder, and I gasped.
    Verona's awake? Verona's awake. Verona's awake.
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    I fell asleep in his arms, my leg over his waist, my head on his chest, my hand on his stomach. I had a dream about a woman, an old woman, sitting behind a table that you would see at a palm-reader's work shop, and her eyes glowed a misty blue color, and fog shot up out of no where, covering her body, her face. All I could see was her eyes.
    'Where am I?' I thought.
    "Why, you are at my place. My haven." The woman said.
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Seven
    "Oh." I repeated, and she nodded.
    "We need to train, train, train, pronto!" She said, and started off for the lounge room that was full of everyone playing games and having fun.
    "Great." I said. "Another war."
    "No. Not another one. The last fight was a battle, this is the war." Jerek put an around me, and my eyes flicked to Tabra who was looking at us.
    "Are you okay, Tabra?" I asked him.
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