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5 Things You Need To Know About Twilight

Love it or hate it - and judging by your comments, most of you are in the latter camp - there's no escaping the fact that Twilight is already one of the most anticipated movies of the year, and may become one of the most successful, as well. Because we know that you're all about keeping up with the zeitgeist, we're giving you five things you need to know about the emo vampire series that's already taken over bookstores, MySpace, and the heart of your little sister.

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1: The Books Are Popular. Very Popular.
Sure, we're not talking Harry Potter levels yet - despite the many comparisons that Twilight has drawn to the wizarding series, mostly because it's a popular young adult series of novels that's transcended its target audience - but 17 million book sales in the three years since the release of the first book is still nothing to be sneezed at, and the books have collectively topped the New York Times bestseller list for close to a year. Face it; more people have read this than anything that inspired Iron Man.

Not to put to much pressure on the movie, but people are already writing about the way in which Twilight The Movie unites women of all ages in their lust for the franchise:

Let me introduce you to one of the most powerful new groups in Hollywood. It's not a group of actors, producers or directors. It's the rather interesting hybrid demographic who are getting their knickers in a twist over Twilight, due to be released in the UK next month... Teenage girls, young female adults and their mums converged at the Twilight conference at Comic-Con back in July, filling Hall H to capacity and rupturing tonsils at the appearance of their hunkalicious hero.

Believe me, this demographic is out there. They just don't have a name yet.

They're naming themselves, however; there are fansites called Twilight Moms (and its related site, Twilight Teens - and also Twilight20Somethings, just in case you don't fit into either of the previous two) as well as Team Jacob, Team Edward, Team Switzerland and even Team Twilightist amongst many others out there, each one a demonstration of obsession with the novels' familiar tale of a boy, a girl and the unspoken love that dare not speak its name.

2: The Books Aren't Very Good.
Critical reception to Twilight, the first book in the series was marginally positive (Booklist's "There are some flaws here—a plot that could have been tightened, an overreliance on adjectives and adverbs to bolster dialogue—but this dark romance seeps into the soul" being essentially the tenor of most mainstream reviews), but each successive book received poorer reviews, with Breaking Dawn, the final book getting drubbings from the LA Times ("The problem is Stephenie Meyer is no J.K. Rowling... We would have much preferred the whole thing to end in book three, "Eclipse," with yes, some happiness for Bella, but also some angst, some heartbreak, and a dark, ominous future looming"), Publisher's Weekly ("[G]randeur is out. This isn't about happy endings; it's about gratification") and Entertainment Weekly ("[You'll] abruptly lose all patience when... Meyer takes her supernatural love story several bizarre steps too far"). We may be biased, but sister site Jezebel came up with our favorite review:

It's 754 pages long, its heroine's dominant personality trait is low self-esteem, and, as Amazon reviewer Eventide points out, nobody really has to give up anything. Even the tedium of immortality is glossed over — these vampires just keep busy with their hobbies. If I had an eternity to read, I still might never pick up this book again.

3: The Writer Can Be A Bit Of A Prima Donna.
Although the Twilight series officially finished with the fourth book, Breaking Dawn, there was a fifth book planned, Midnight Sun, that would've retold the events of the first book from the hero's perspective. But then a first draft of the book's opening appeared online, and author Stephenie Meyer posted this response on her website:

I did not want my readers to experience Midnight Sun before it was completed, edited and published. I think it is important for everybody to understand that what happened was a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being... So where does this leave Midnight Sun? My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Writing isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely.

(She's since recanted slightly, telling Entertainment Weekly that "[t]he funny thing about that statement is I didn't actually write the majority of it... in the end only the one or two sentences written by me seem really jarring [compared with everything else], and people didn't get that there was sort of a joke in there." Midnight Sun, however, is still on hold.)

Nonetheless, she's kept a tight hold on the movie, only agreeing to the project in the first place when teeth size met her approval, and having final say on casting and the length and passion of final clinches. "It's been good for me just in general to have to speak up because I am so invested in this," she's explained.

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4: VINOs: Vampires In Name Only.
The vampires in the Twilight books don't have elongated teeth, and they have no problem going out in daytime in their Pacific Northwest hometown, because it's so foggy (I can't tell if that's actually funny or just a kind of crappy dodge). They also, as almost every example of vampire fiction since, what, Anne Rice's Interview With A Vampire (or maybe Marilyn Ross' Barnabas Collins?), are tragic souls afflicted by a curse that don't really want to sink their teeth into humanity - and so, they eat animals and go on "hunting trips" to take care of their bloodlust. Yes, it's the Pacific Northwest Hipster Rural Lifestyle turned goth. Whatever happened to the good old days of Nosferatu and vampires who were unafraid to be vampires? I mean, if they have his pallor, why can't they have his mannerisms?

5: Remember The Golden Compass.
Summit Pictures, the studio behind the movie may be nervous about saying that they've got a hit on their hands ahead of the movie's release, but the movie is estimated to make somewhere between $20million and $50million in its first weekend, depending on how optimistic your sources are. It's worth remembering the fate of The Golden Compass, however; last year's "The New Harry Potter" had a similar amount of buzz pre-release, and a similarly impressive opening weekend... before audiences realized that the movies didn't live up to the books. Ultimately, the movie wasn't successful enough to warrant filming the second of the three His Dark Materials novels. The same thing may happen to Twilight. The figure to keep in mind is rumored to be $150 million; if Twilight makes less than that, you can forget about seeing New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn in theaters anytime soon. We can only hope.
posted by mia1emmett
part 4
me: texting you
e: hahahahaha :D what you doing after school today?
me: nothing
e: movie?
me: time?
e: 7?
me: sure :)
e: but its not a date ;P i wanna get to know you
me: same :D
end of part 4

Elizabeth's p.o.v:
Edward said "liz" and i looked up and saw Edward and Jasper and Emmett getting up. Nessie was at Jake's table talking with him and his friends. i rolled my eyes and grabbed my tray and throw it out. then i walked down the hall with Edward. Edward was telling me about Isabella and how she liked to be called Bella. he was starting to get annoying!

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posted by KatiiCullen94
"What!Edward this isn't funny," Mzy face cold, dead, shock, desserted. i felt like i have been crushed, and all my bones are pumped, no support to keep me up.
He reply was silence. Oh no, he wasn't kidding. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Me. child.
My heart raced, virbrating my whole body, as if i was frezzing. I was cold, nor was i warm, i was empty, dead.
The tears cued before i could control my pants, nor my reflex action.
it was like it wasnt me, just a crushed body, cruppling, to the groung, weeping uncontrolably.
Edward cupped me under my armpits, pressing me to his frozen chest, my feet dangling.
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posted by karpach_13
Chapter 20
Damn when I start writing a story I cant stop. Please tell me when to stop..
“ivan!” I yelled in happiness. I gave him a long kiss. Ryan was walking by with his friends.
“dude I think ou’re out look at them” ryan’s firnd said.
“don’t worry I’ll be with her.” Ryan told him. I pulled away from Ivan.
“how did you some here?” I asked him.
“you said you’re grandfather would be looking after me so he took me with him” he told him.
“im sohappy right now” I told him and hugged him tightly.
“its about time, you make everyone happy and you don’t care if you get...
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"So what do you think Justin will get you for your birthday?" Hayden asked me, I was sitting with her since Justin was out sick. My birthday was a few days away. It was snowing outside. I shrugged my shoulders. My phone vibrated and I took it out looking under the desk. I felt someone behind me. I looked up and saw Mr. Henderson.
"Is there anything you wold like to share with the class Miss. Clearwater?" He asked me. I stood up.
"Yes, actually there is." I said and cleared my throat.
"Excuse me everyone,Mr.H asked me share the text message I just got."Everyone looked at me, most of them stifled...
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I woke up in my bedroom, wondering how I got here...The last thing I remember was laying my head on Justin's shoulder. I got out of bed and found a note on my dresser

I didn't want to wake you, so I carried you back to your house....BTW your parents are really nice... especially your dad.

I smiled. I walked downstaird and made myself some poptarts. I walked into the living room;Luke was sitting watching t.v. I sat down next to him...
"Where is everybody?"I asked him.
"Well, Nana and Mom went to see if our house was like they wanted and dad had a errand to run....I heard what your punishment...
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A Youtube Script
*episode thirteen*
*Annoying Ungratefulness*
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
When Life Gives You Lemons.
You kiss your boyfriend.
When Life gives Bella Lemons.
She hides them from Charlie.
When Life gives Alice Lemons.
She bugs the heck out of me…and Emmett.
*done thinking*
Alice: *Lying on the couch with a cup of red liquid beside her* ROSALIE!!!!!
Rosalie: *sighs and walks out from the kitchen to her* Yes, Alice?
Alice: *shakes the cup* More blood?
Rosalie: *bites her tongue* Of course. *snatches cup out of hand and takes into the kitchen*
*in the kitchen with Rosalie, Emmett, and Esme*
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When I woke up, it was still dark outside. I looked over at my clock. 4:46a.m. it said. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Grabbed my Ipod and left a note for Nana and Luke.I walked to the beach bare footed. Once I was on the coastline, I started to run. I ran until the sun started to come up. I sat down in the sand. I took out my Ipod and just marveled in its beauty. I saw a figure running towards me. As it got closer, I could make out the broad shoulders and his shorts. It was Justin, I smiled a little. I turned my head towards the sun again. I heard him run by me and then stop....
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Edward was taking us to the Hamptons for a couple of weeks before he goes back to school. His family was already there, so we would tell them the new about our engagement when we see them.

We arrived at this big white house, it was so beautiful and had alot of balconies. I took the bags and carried them upstairs, no one was here. I heard the door bell ring and was about to answer it but Edward was already there. I saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair at the door, she was all smiles.
"Eddie!!!!It so good to see you." She said and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"You too Tanya." He said and...
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Did Team Edward have a run-in with an age-old enemy?

Robert Pattinson is trying to shoot down reports that he slammed into a dude's car in Malibu and then sped off without as much as exchanging insurance information.

Instead, the sparkly Twilight star is blaming his bad press on a pack of werewolves shutterbugs.

"Robert was pulling out of a parking space after a quiet day in Malibu and was relentlessly pursued by paparazzi," his rep tells E! News. "He has no knowledge of having bumped or damaged another car in the process. The story has been manufactured for headlines."

Chief among the so-called...
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Rachelle Lefevre of 'Twilight' joins ABC series 'Off the Map',

Rachelle Lefevre of Twilight fame has reportedly been made a regular cast member on Off the Map, a new ABC medical drama produced by Grey's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes.

Lefevre will play Eva, "a free-spirited missionary doc who is well versed in international medicine and global healthone of several doctors on the show", Entertainment Weekly says. The show is set to premiere in the midseason behind Desperate Housewives.

Lefevre and ABC have not commented on the report. On the show, the physicians work in an understaffed, understocked...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    The ritual began. Ethan took the ESSENCE OF OSIRIS and spilled three drops ontop of the book, took another bottle labled MOON WAX and poured some ontop of it. Then he handed me the knife. I decided to brick my finger, and I squeezed a drop of blood onto the blade, and then another onto the book. Then I passed the knife to Jerek who did the same while I sucked on my new wound. He cut his thumb, smeared his blood on the knife, dropped a drop, and passed it to Ethan. The knife went...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
this is stellas car. its a jaguar color black roof open.
Chapter 11
            “oh boy”
    Edward and everyone greeted us at the door, rose walked up to Nessie and said “you spent to much time with dogs, other then one of your aunts being a dog” I rolled my eyes and I walked up stairs thinking about how me and Seth were talking about how it would be so cool if we swam all the way from La push to where ever. I must have been so deep in thought I didn’t hear the door open because Emmett’s face was in my face. I rolled off my bed “ok I am ready” Emmett’s...
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posted by bluemc24
me and indie were 3 weeks into our imortal lifes. aro had explained that we were the new volturi members but, he had also explained we had gifts.

"we have a vampire in our ranks, who senses gifts in other vampires." Aro had said, "he senses that you two both, have gifts." he concluded.
"So if we have gifts, what are they?" imortal life had made indie 10 times more nosey than before.
"Young ones," aro said in a sweet voice, "your gifts are that, if you imagine what you want, it will happen."

After that me and indie went back to our room,"hayley?" indie asked
"yes." i answered putting down my book, "whats wrong?"
"I found this when we were out hunting." she handed me a flyer. the flyer had a picture of me and indie and it read 'MISSING'
"our parents are looking for us?" i asked...
we went silentg for 2 minuites.
"but we can't see them!" i said
"i know but i miss them!" she replied her cheerfull voice cold.

just then, Aro came in........
*episode ten*
*The Breakfast Club*
Alice’s P.O.V:
Vomit is a color no-one likes.
They get sick.
They die…
Or worse…
They find out they’re…pregnant…
Like me.
*done thinking*
Carlisle: I found out why you are pregnant. I think you can get an abortion.
Alice: *focused on how she got pregnant* how did I get pregnant?
Carlisle: *rolls his eyes at the door* boys! Just come in.
Edward: *barges the door down* Thanks!
Emmett: Yeah.
Jasper: ALICE! *runs over and grabs her hand*
Bella: Anyways…
Carlisle: You got pregnant because the last time or so you fed it was a pregnant animal-the pregnancy...
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posted by bluemc24
Hayley and indie were walking along the beach at sunset. They had spent a whole day sunbathing and getting a tan.- but lets hope they were good ones as they will be spending the rest of forever looking exactly like that.

Hayley’s POV

I woke up I felt strong but, a weird burning was in my throat. I sat up, where was I? it was definitely a palace or a mansion!? Just then I realised that I could hear and see everything. Then suddenly, indie sat up.

“indie?” I asked, my voice sounded different, sort of like bell’s. “yes” she replied. “where are we?” she took a while before...
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posted by mia1emmett
this is a story i made that i hope you like because i had a lot of time to think of it...not my best work but yeah... sorry it has so many enters, it was written on my phone.

Chapter 1.
    I had just moved into forks, Washington, me and my brother Eddie were
Close so after our parents died Eddie didn't leave me out of his sight.
I was unpacking and going through my things when I heard the door bell
Ring. I knew who it was because every time I moved the people next door
Would come and welcome us. Well I figured it was our neighbor.
    I heard the door...
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We were unpacking boxes in our new condo in New York When I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, since Edward was in the other room with Kammie. When I opened the door, a man with black hair and dark green eyes stood there. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hi, I'm looking for Edward...Does he live here?" He asked.
"Yeah, Come on in." I moved out his way and let him in and closed the door." I'm Bella."
"Your Bella...The Bella. I'm Charles,Eddie's room mate. I have heard so much about you." He said. I smiled and felt my cheeks getting red. Edward came out from the back.
"Kameron's down...
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Bella’s P.O.V:
My light jacket swayed in the wind as we got our ‘asses’ out to her car. Rosalie had a weird look on her face as we stepped into the vehicle. “Alice, you have a DJ for the wedding.” Alice looked puzzled, “What do you mean, Rosalie?” “DJ Jake is crashing your wedding Bells, hoping to get a job as DJ.” I grinned, “Cool.” Rosalie nodded, “Very.” We rode off down the road toward Lester’s small town bride gowns. And they were small. And old fashioned. Alice’s begged me to try on a big poofy gown that made my boobs look lumpy and silicone. I didn’t like...
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Eclipse is a hit but Melissa Rosenberg is thinking about the future and Breaking Dawn.

She talked about the most intimate scenes in the book in an interview with Hollywood Life.

"If you really look at the books, how much are you really seeing? I think [the movies] might wind up being saucier than the book because you’re actually seeing skin-on-skin and the horror of the birth scenes. We’re not shying away from it.”

She added. “We’re still debating the exact moment," Rosernberg said. "But it’ll fall down to the first half of Bella as a human and being pregnant and a newlywed and the second half being Bella as a vampire and a parent. Somewhere in the middle of that, the break will come.”

The first installment of Breaking Dawn will hit theaters on November 18, 2011.
Chapter One:
Bella’s P.O.V:
I hit the coldness of Edward’s arms lovingly and with life. Alice had her business suit on and Rose was sitting on the couch next to me and Edward. Alice was now on the phone with Renee’. “Yeah, that sounds great! Sure, Renee’.” Alice chuckled. “That sounds great! Alright, yes. Can’t wait! See you soon.” I rolled my eyes and looked up at Edward, “What did I just do?” His eyes twinkled in the light of the room. “Because you were being nice.” I laughed and looked down at the amazing ring that stuck to my finger. I grinned at it and kissed his...
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