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okay, i said that this bit is long but i've decided to split it up. I'll put this one on and some more tomorrow.
this bit doesnt have a break so im just going to randomly stop. hope you enjoy it.
p.s this story isnt mine all credit goes to steph meyer

The crowds built very quickly but no one ventured down the alleyway I had chosen. It was right next to the clock tower and very dark.
The sun rose slowly and I just sat completely still watching it creep down the clock tower.
I spent my remaining time with Bella. The reason of my existence, cruelly taken before her time.
I chose the least painful memories I could. All of them hurt, but there were some that were happy.
The look of surprise on her face, when I picked her up off the footpath because she was ill at school.
Her reaction the first time I kissed her. Watching her sleep while she dreamed of me.
I paid little attention to the thoughts around me, even when Demetri and Felix appeared, to keep an eye on me I supposed.
Time moved more quickly than I was anticipating, and for that I was glad. The sooner the end came the sooner I could be with Bella.
A small family of four stood at the entranceway of the side-street I was sitting in. They would be the first ones to see me when I revealed myself.
When the clock high above my head reached one minute to twelve I stood, slowly releasing the buttons on my shirt, and dropped the garment at my feet.
My chest glittered faintly in the darkness, but I ignored it. My end was coming. It was so close I could feel it.
I briefly wondered if Alice would see my death. I hoped she wouldn’t. I would cause her pain, nothing compared to what I was going through, but I hoped she wouldn’t hurt.
I relaxed my body. It would be easier for Demetri and Felix to tear me to pieces. I knew their orders. If I acted to expose us, they would act faster.
I moved right to the edge of the shadows, waiting for the last toll of the clock tower.
A deep, booming chime echoed through the square, making the stones throb under my feet.
After the roar of the chime I heard someone call my name. It sounded like Bella.
I'm coming, I thought. I’ll be with you soon. A small smile barely lifted the corner of my mouth.
The clock tolled again, bringing with it Bella calling my name.
Over and over I heard it, coming closer each time. The calls seemed to grow more desperate with each toll that passed and by the eighth chime I was ready. The smile on my face more pronounced, I began the step forward that would put me directly in the light of the sun.
I heard running footsteps and a second later, she slammed into my arms. I caught and steadied her automatically, before slowly opening my eyes. Ah, how lovely it was to see her again.
“Amazing,” I said quietly. I was surprised but incredibly happy. “Carlisle was right.”
I thought back to how I had patronised him, not really believing in a life that awaited us after death.
I greedily took in Bella’s appearance, the first time I had seen her in seven months. She was a little more tired than I remembered, deep bags under her eyes.
“Edward,” she whispered. A thrill went through me to hear her voice again.
“You’ve got to get back in the shadows. You have to move!” her perfect, breathless voice was marred by something. Fear, that was it. How strange.
It felt like she was trying to push me back but I couldn’t tell. All I could concentrate on was her touch against my bare skin.
My life had ended so quickly. I didn’t even notice.
“I can’t believe how quick it was. I didn’t feel a thing—they’re very good.” I voiced my thoughts. I noticed how I had healed in her presence, the hole in my chest gone.
“Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.
I murmured, quoting Romeo’s line spoken in the tomb.
“You smell just exactly the same as always,” I went on conversationally. “So maybe this is hell. I don’t care. I’ll take it.” It was true, she made my mouth water, but nothing could diminish the happiness of the moment.
“I’m not dead.” She interrupted me. “And neither are you! Please Edward, we have to move. They can’t be far away!” she twisted in my arms and I became confused.
“What was that?” I asked, being polite.
“We’re not dead, not yet! But we have to get out of here before the Volturi—”
The ramifications of her words rushed through my head. Not dead?
And then I noticed the noise from the square, the people’s thoughts and closer still, the thoughts of Felix and Demetri.
I caught hold of Bella, reminding myself to be gentle, before spinning her away from the sunlight.
I made sure she was tight against the wall before turning to face the threat. I automatically spread my arms wide in front of Bella, protecting her.
After she was as safe as she could be in the present situation, I turned to Felix and Demetri.
“Greetings, Gentlemen.” I kept my voice smooth and calm, but I was only just hiding my fury. They couldn’t take her away from me again, just when I had her back.
“I don’t think I’ll be requiring you services today. I would appreciate it very much, however, if you would send my thanks to your Masters.” I only just managed to keep my composure.
Felix spoke menacingly. “Shall we take this conversation to a more appropriate venue?” his subtle threat was not lost on me.
The anger suddenly got harder to control and my voice became hard.
“I don’t believe that will be necessary. I know your instructions, Felix. I haven’t broken any rules.” Although I had come quite close.
Demetri could see that this conversation could get out of control very quickly, and he tried a soothing tone. “Felix merely meant to point out the proximity of the sun. Let us seek better cover.”
Behind me, Bella’s breathing hitched and broke. She was scared.
“I’ll be right behind you.” I answered dryly. “Bella, why don’t you go back to the square and enjoy the festival?” I knew my ploy to get her out was doomed before I even spoke.
Felix’s answer was swift. “No, bring the girl.” His thoughts turned to his hunger. He wanted her for himself.
“I don’t think so.” I answered his thoughts and his words. My voice was icy, and I shifted my weight, preparing for the fight that Felix wanted.
“No.” I heard Bella mouth the word behind me. She must be terrified, yet she was concerned for me.
“Shh.” I whispered only for her, trying to infuse all my love into the simple sound.
Demetri didn’t like where Felix was going with the conversation. He knew he could be unpredictable.
“Felix,” he cautioned. “Not here.” He turned to me, explaining.
“Aro would simply like to speak with you again, if you have decided not to force our hand after all.” His placating tone matched that of his thoughts. He did not want this to happen here. His eyes were constantly flickering to the small family standing closest to us.
“Certainly,” I agreed. “But the girl goes free.” I was bargaining but I knew I had nothing to bargain with.
“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Demetri was apologetic. “We do have rules to obey.”
“Then I’m afraid that I’ll be unable to accept Aro’s invitation, Demetri.” I answered.
“That’s just fine.” Felix purred. He was toying with the idea of taking me on his own in the fast approaching fight.
“Aro will be disappointed.” Demetri sighed.
“I’m sure he’ll survive the letdown.” My mind was going through the options, tying to figure a way out. It didn’t look good.
Felix and Demetri stole closer toward the mouth of the ally, spreading out slightly to force me back. The perfectly choreographed move had worked many times, according to Felix’s thoughts.
I didn’t move. I knew to keep the advantage I should have shifted but I couldn’t expose Bella, even for a second.
I listened closely to Demetri’s thoughts, waiting for the attack, but from further down the alley, I heard a very familiar set of thoughts, which were yelling my name at top volume.
Abruptly, it seemed to everyone, I turned my head in Alice’s direction. Felix and Demetri followed suite, less than half a second behind me.
“Let’s behave ourselves, shall we?” Alice’s lilting voice announced her arrival to Bella. “There are ladies present.” She came to stand at my side, her body language showing no tension, but she could not hide her thoughts as well.
Both Volturi guards both straitened up and Felix’s thoughts soured. He didn’t like even numbers.
Next to me, Alice was playing out one of her visions, following it like a script.
It’s the only way to get out, She thought before continuing her performance.
“We’re not alone.” She reminded them.
I didn’t even turn to look at the family standing at the mouth of the alley.
I concentrated on Demetri and watched as he shook his head.
“Please, Edward, let’s be reasonable.” He said.
“Let’s,” I countered. “And we’ll leave quietly now, with no one the wiser.”
Demetri sighed in frustration. “At least let us discuss this more privately.”
I tried to tune out Felix but his thoughts were very loud.
I heard my teeth come together in anger. “No.”
Felix smiled.
Jane’s high, reedy voice came from behind us.

the next one will be out soon!!
In honor of New Moon Premiere tomorrow!
In honor of New Moon Premiere tomorrow!
I wasent paying attention while writing,and I went out of things in the wrong order so here is in the car,as Bella basicly tells edward she knows what he is,then I will continue with the 'book'. I just need to get this in.And after this im just gonna skip till i get to the part about Seattle.

My hands gripped on the steering wheel as she basicly told me that it doesn't matter what i am to her. I fought back a hiss from myself. I never thought this would happen. For her to figure it out,for me to blow everything that we have built for a century. My family. Everything.
She was staring at...
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The bikes Jake (Taylor) and Bella (Kristen) rode! No lie its the real ones people!
The bikes Jake (Taylor) and Bella (Kristen) rode! No lie its the real ones people!
Ok everyone this is scream worthy! If you go to the Toys r us in Times Square, yea the really big one! There is a whole new Moon section! Like its huge! And in the middle of the section there are these two bikes? You might wondwer to yourself 'Oh my god! Are those the actual ones fromt he movie?' hmmm? Then you look above your head and and see the Volturi chairs thats Marcus, Cauius and Aro sat in and you they look pretty real too! So you become really excited! Then you see an employ and go over and ask you you find out they are THE REAL props that Taylor, Kristen and all the actors...
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posted by joe-edwardfan
Chapter 6: headache.
I was reading a book on my bed when I heard my phone buzz
-hi Alice!
-hey Bella I was wondering if me and edward could come and see u?
What? People just don’t call and invite theme selves over! ugh! just be nice Bella she's a good vamp or I think she is……
-yeah sure when are u coming?
I asked. I was positive she even had a set time to come here….
-at 3:00 pm it gives u 1 hour to clean and dress up! I'm so happy to come over! Yay!
Then she hung up oooh I don’t want to dress up! Right now I just want to sleep or continuing reading my book! I just climbed of my bed and cleaned...
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posted by BellaCullenHale
My legs going at blinding speed
My legs going at blinding speed
Here I sit,in biology. Emmett's bite had healed.The pleased my family. She walked in then,her scent filled the room. Mr.Banner walked in with a VCR. A movie day... She sighed. She turned to look at me. Her eyes mesmerizing,milky brown eyes staring deep into mine. My throat burned the slightest bit at the reaction of her scent. ''Enjoying the weather?'' I asked a little smug,staring out the window. The rain punded againest the glass. ''Umm...No'' She said sarcastic. I laughed half heartedly. The lights went off then. I heard the small whispers of my classmates. The opening credits...
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posted by MissCupcake
Carisle Cullen
Carisle Cullen
Name: Carlisle Cullen

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: None

About Them: Carlisle Cullen, born Stregoni Benefici, is Esme's husband and the adoptive father of Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Carlisle whose physical age is twenty-three and he is described as looking like a model. He has blond hair, stands at 6’2” and is slender but muscular. Carlisle theorizes that when a human is turned into a vampire, they will have an enhanced ability from their previous life. So according to his theory Carlisle believes he brought compassion from his human life. Carlisle has had centuries to perfect...
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posted by MissCupcake
Rosalie Hale
Rosalie Hale
Name: Rosalie Hale

Type: Vampire

Special Ability: None

About Them: Born Rosalie Lillian Hale, Rosalie Hale is the adopted daughter of Esme and Carlisle Cullen, adoptive sister of Edward, Alice, and Jasper, and wife of Emmett. Rosalie throughout the books acts as the sister of Jasper and that they are Esme’s niece and nephew. Gorgeous even compared to other vampires, Rosalie acts and looks like a model. She is mean to Bella due to jealousy of her being human, and not wanting Bella to choose a life as a vampire. Rosalie is known for being vain and self centered. She wishes to be human and have...
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posted by alybops
Dear Diary
alright well i had a dream the other night.
i'm sitting in my room it's 12:00 and i'm still up thinking about the wedding. "hey bells!"
i jump when i hear jakes voice from the other end of my room.

"o hey jake wat r u doin here?"

"o nuthin. i was just really bored nd i just thought i'd come see you considering that tonight is your last night as bella."

"well you know edward might not change me right after the wedding i mean maybe later. who knows i might even come back from the honeymoon still human."he flinched at the word honeymoon.

"haha maybe."

"well wat's the gossip on the pack?"...
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Okay, I am kind of getting tired of the whole argument whether the Twilight Vampires are really vampires. Seriously, some people have to get over this. I know that as soon as I’ve said that I well get a tonne of comments bashing that statement but people I am a Twilight Fan. Hardcore Twilight Fan.
An article I read just before someone commented stating the definition of a vampire.
1.    A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people.

2.    A person, such as an extortionist, who preys upon others....
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posted by twilight-7
Rosalie didn’t speak right away. She went back to examining her nails. I closed my bedroom door and stood in front of it and waited for her. And waited. And waited.
“Look, Rosalie,” I said, tersely. “I don’t have all of eternity to wait for you to talk. You’re the one that keeps reminding me. Now either say what you’re going to say or leave.”
She continued to look at her nails and I was getting angry. She can’t just appear in my bedroom, say she’s going to apologise and then sit there and do nothing.
“Rosalie!” I walked over to her and yanked her head so she looked at me....
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posted by House_Of_Night_
Everyone writes about Jacob and nessies life, so i thought i'll give it a try, so i hope u enjoy. rate and comment if u can. thanks!
sorri this is a bit long, i'll try and cut it down!!

Nessie’s POV…


I found out that I got into Dartmouth college today. I was sure that Dad had something to do with it, but he promised me he didn’t do anything, but dad was a good lair so I had to take his word. I lay there, looking at Jacob’s happy, sleeping face. I stroked his cheek, softly. I kissed his forehead, and got out of bed, carefully, making sure I didn’t make a noise. I wasn’t...
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I could feel no pain what so ever, I couldn’t talk or move, though I could hear ever thing being said. “Her heart rate is dropping!” and then I heard a long buzz. “We have to get her heart beating again or she’s going to die.” I could hear my grandfather panicking because it was me his first grandchild, here dieing. I could feel Jacob’s tension. He wouldn’t let go of my hand unless my grandfather asked for something then he grabbed it again.
    I could feel seven pare of eyes on me. I could hear crying not dry crying but from my babies. It was weird I didn’t...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
Hey guyZ! I was sooo busy with school and stuff... So I'm really sorry for being late! I have 2 tests tomorrow! So... Hope U like it... And don't forget 2 comment and rate!

“Our fight will be tomorrow… Meet us in the equinox…Hope to see you there in the woods!”

I could feel the pain in my whole body. It wasn’t a human pain. It was something new… like I was having a knife in my brain.


I choked out the word and knelt on my knees. This was all because of MY existence?

Edward was holding me with his hands. I was shaking of the idea of Cullens and Jacob fighting.

"No...No... This...
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Enough Bella, I’m not going to write notes anymore like a bunch of second graders. Your living the life you want to and now you have to deal with the consequences. I can’t handle this anymore. I’m protecting myself from getting hurt so don’t call, don’t write, and don’t even think about me! If I need to talk to you for any reason, I will get a hold of YOU. It won’t happen anytime soon so don’t hang out by the phone or anything….


I slowly dropped the rain soaked note back onto the kitchen table. Well if Jacob wanted...
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1 the test reasults

Please tell me what you think .

Edward and I had just came home from our honeymoon. Sadly I'm still a human.=( I don't see why he doesn't just change me . I've married him but no he says that would be selifish ....blah blah blah .

While I was thinking edward pulled my hand "time to get on the plane"he said.On the plane I was having very bad tummy cramps .I wasn't worried.

When we got to the Cullen house , alice was looking at me funny . When i went to the bathroom and came out she was in the bathtube wacthing me.

"Alice what do you what "
"let's get out of edward's hearing...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of chapter 5
After a few minutes I took off after the smell going slowly and quietly. They were a little ways up and then I smelled a new scent from behind me. Ive never smelled this before. I have no idea who this is until I turn and jump out of the way before he smacked me out of the way. Then I turned around and there was some one new behind me and I don’t think I know them ether. Until that person took off their hood.
“Bella, How nice to finally meet you” He said

Chapter 6

I kept on looking at him and he was looking at me. I was trying to find out what the hell was going on and who...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 3
“Bella? Bella!” Everyone in the car was yelling at me trying to get my attention.
“I’m sorry guys. I must have blanked out. I didn’t even realize I was holding on the steering wheel that bad.” I said trying to calm them all down. I got a little bit of help from Jasper and I gave him a look of saying thanks. All I could read on everyone’s face was worry concern.
'Mommy, Can you slowed down please. You’re scary when you drive like that.” She looked so scared I felt so bad.'
'Yes honey, Im sorry I didn’t even notice I was speeding. I been doing it so much...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
OKay i hope you guys dont mind but im going to stop Edwards POV for now and keeping going on with bellsa POV (tell me watcha think)

End of Chapter (Bella’S POV)
Edward had me in a huge before I have even got out of the car and then Renesmee is the one who hugged me next and Edward was having a look on his face. Like where did you guys go and you didn’t answer you guys phone look, Something’s up and you not telling me look.
     “Hey “I said hoping my voice doesn’t go all depressing on me and I’m hoping they both buy it.
    “Hey, where...
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posted by Rob_patt_fan
Hey... so Thanks for all of your comments! I'm going on a trip, AGAIN, so... for 2 days I can't write... I'm gonna post ch 11 as soon as possible ^__^ OH and don't forget 2 comment!


My heart beat got fast as we got into his house. Then, I could see all of them in the living room. When I went in the living room, I saw Tanya finally. She was really beautiful, but not as Rosalie. She had dark eyes so that made me sure that she wasn’t thirsty to kill me! She recognized me with her eyes and then I got close to her.

“Hi, I’m Tanya”

She got herself closer to Edward and grinned to...
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posted by twilight_fan_8
"Alice what are we doing?" I asked when she pulled up to Jacob's house.

"You are going to go into his house and wait in his bedroom for him. That way, he has to talk to you."

"What? NO! I'm not waiting in his bedroom! Thats like, um, I don't need a reason just, NO!" I screamed at Alice.

"I'm telling you, you will be surprised what he tells you," Alice said confidently.

"Alice, seriously? You expect me to be excited for him to tell me that he has fallen in love with the girl?" I said sarcastically.

"Trust me," Alice said.

"Alice, I really appreciate it, but-"

"NO BUTS! You are going to talk to...
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Bella & Vickie!!
Bella & Vickie!!
chapter 19

I was woken up by Vickie playing with my hair
"Moma your so pretty when you sleep and you said 'vickie ill keep you safe' in your sleep it was weird"she said and smiled at me
"Where's jake?"i asked then she sat up and looked around
"I dont know"she said then i picked her up and walked to the living room and seth was on the couch sleeping and jacob was making something to eat like allways
"Why sethy still here?"vic asked,i put her down and went to make her something,strawberry smoothy maybe
"He didnt want to go home and he was really tired"jake told her she smiled ran over to him...
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