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posted by xoxpoisonxox
I copied the washed away letters into my phone, All i would need is to get outside, just for a minute. Just long enough to hit send, long enough for them to get it. I thought about Jacob again. No, i thought once more. He couldn't be gone!
Once again i sobbed, staining my pants with my tears as they flowed down. I wiped my eyes,

"I need to get out" I Whispered to myself. I eyed the crowbar that laid in the farthest corner of the room. If i could just pry it open..

I slowly made my way to the corner and carefully picked up the heavy metal bar. My arms felt like noodles as i held the object. I climbed the ladder and carefully started to pry it open, Just then i heard a "Click" and the door swung open.

I poked my head out from the top, i had to make sure that nobody was watching. I quickly pulled myself out of the room and rolled onto the fresh grass, i felt the burn in my arms from the pain, I got over to a tree as quick as i could. I hid behind the mass of trunk and sent the adress, Just as i was about to go back, somebody had grabbed me.

I turned around to see alex and two others.

"Where do you think your going?!" He demanded.

Suddenly he threw me to the ground. I felt the impact on my back, the pain ran up my spine yet i denied him any reaction. I felt myself being dragged and then all of the sudden i was throwen into the hole, my solitude, i heard a snap when i hit the cold ground. I screamed out in pain yet nobody had noticed.

I felt extreme pain excerte from my wrist. I then saw somthing standing over me; a wolf. I felt it's claws slash into me, like when alex had attacked me back in La Push. I couldn't scream anymore, the world started to blur. I felt the blood start to pool around me. I Suddenly got weaker..and weaker....

I lay there unable to move my motionless body. most likely only half alive, I tried to move my wrist but it was in too much pain. I could feel exactly where each slash and dug into me. I Knew now that they left me here to die. I saw a flood of light once again peer through the top. I Closed my eyes, waiting to be murdered, for good. Yet this time i heard a cry of urgence.

This time i heard Jacob.

I felt him run to my side; "Nessie!" He cried out. Shock ran through me again, except this time, Happiness. He carefully scooped up my lifless body and carried me out, I heard him repeat my name over and over, each time getting more anxious but for some reason i couldn't respond. The voices were dulled over by a ringing noise, they world around me blurred. All of this seemed unreal. The last thing i heard was my mother cry out;


I started to get out of my stage of shock and numbness. I could now feel extrodainary pain yet hadn't expressed it quite yet. I had noticed i was in a car. Jacob held me in his arms, My head tucked in close to his chest and his jacket laid over me to keep me warm.I noticed my wrist was wrapped in some sort of scarf, i wonder how bad i have injured it.

I faintly listened to the conversations;

"..Both went for carlisle they will come as soon as they can and when they do we will pull over so..."

I tried to figure out who it was. After a while i realised the voice beloged to embry.

I heard jacob speak

"I can't get the image out of my head. They way i found her.." His voice broke off "How could they? I me-" He took a breath. I felt him hold my closer. I started to speak.

"Jacob?" I asked faintly, more of a reasurence. I looked up, my eyes filled with tears. From the physical and emotional pain.

"Oh nessie.." He said lightly. He had sitten me up a tiny bit to hug me, then carefully rested my head back on his lap. I felt the tears slowly run down my face, His fingers lightly brushed them away. I clung onto him, i didn't want to lose him and i could tell the feeling was mutual. It felt like minutes were years now, waiting to arrive back home.

I Spoke faintly, "How far are we?"

"We found you in idaho, Were in washington now though. We will be home soon"

I watched the clock pass by, minute by minute until finaly a good five hours had passed. The car slowed to a stop, I carefully sat up and went to step out of the car, but jake had stopped me.

"I don't think so" He said smiling, He picked me up and carried me into the house. He laid me down on my bed. "I'll be right back, you'll be fine, right?

I smiled faintly; "Yes" I knew i wasn't going to be left alone at all anymore. I would always be supervised, so i decided to enjoy the short moments alone. Before i knew it my parents had rushed into the room.

"Oh renesmee!" My mother exclaimed holding me in a light embrace. My father kissed the top of my head;

"Renesmee, i swear we wont stop until-" He started

I cleared my throat, "Let's not worry about that until time comes". He nodded, understanding my reluctence of that subject. I had noticed the rest of my family was out in the living room, and there were others? Probaly a couple other wolves.

Carlisle swiftly walked into the room.
"Seem's like you got yourself into a bit of a scuff!" He said trying to lighten the mood. He carefully unraveled the scarf that covered my wrist. "Hmm," He felt carefully around the swollen area.

His cool hands made it feel a bit better, like ice to a wound. "Thankfully it isn't broken, but it is badly sprained..". He went into his bag and pulled out a long, stretchy material. He then continued to wrap my wrist. He looked at the rest of my injuries, "seems like none are deep enough for stiches, but your councussion is still there and most likely worse, so i suggest you lay down for the next week or so"

I agreed, and laid down. "I think i'll get some rest" I concluded. They nodded and everyone exited i heard the door shut. I was finaly alone away from everyone, everyone but Jacob. He stood there, leaning against the wall staring across the room blankly. He shook his head and looked down;

"I should've stopped him"

"Jake please, don't do this. It's not your fault! It was mine i should've stayed with emily.."

Jacob immeditely stood up and sat beside me, his hand curved over my face pulling my attention towards him

"Nessie, this is anyones but your fault." I nodded solemly. Suddenly i heard a knock on the door

"Jacob?" I heard rosalie's voice spring "Were going out, we have to go over some details. Were bringing seth and sam with us, we just thought you would rather-" "Anyways, You can keep her safe, can you?"

I saw Jacobs eyes flash up. Rosalie. She means well but, her and Jacob never did get along...

"Are you suggesting somthing, blondie?" He asked in an annoyed tone,

"You tell me.."

I spoke up "Rosalie, please. I think Jacob could manage."

She fixed her golden eyes on me and smiled "Okay then stay safe" she shut the door and left. I listened for a moment and when silence set in i knew we were alone. Finaly.

"Renesmee?" Jake asked wearily,


"Can i ask you somthing?"

I sat up and looked at him, "Of course Jacob, anything."

I noticed he hesitated, He looked down for a moment. "Nessie, Did you like him?" He asked, wincing almost.

"Why jacob, Of course not! I never have and i never will! Why would you ask that? You know I love you"

A smile streched across his face, "Really?"

"Forever" I responded smiling back.
And I Care Why?
By: moolah
Chapter Three
(Edward and Bella’s P.O.V’s)
(Normal Pairings, all HUMAN!!)

Bella’s P.O.V:
    “Bella, could I talk to you?” Alice asks, setting down her glass of lemonade on the table beside Rosalie’s. I nod and smile at Rosalie reassuringly. Alice takes me to the bathroom and says, “You need to tell him tonight.” “Why? He hates me.” Alice hits me on the hand. “He doesn’t hate you. Why do you think that?” I shrug. I do not want to have this conversation. “Alice, can we talk about this later?” “No.” She answers....
continue reading...
posted by TwilightCullens
Guess What?????
I have the Alice Cullen hairstyle after after waiting agesssssssss. I'm soooooooooo happy. Everyone likes it and they are calling me alice at school as they know how obssessed with Twilight I am.


I hope Twilight Eclipse is good, not long before thats coming out at the cinemas lol. Bring on the Vampires lol(and werewolves).

I have bopth DVD'S lol Twilight annnnnd Newmoon.

PS those who have read my Alice Cullen Story fanfic, Sorry I haven't been on here for a while.

posted by 9stardust
The first time I called, Billy answered and told me that Jacob was still in bed. I got nosy,
checking to make sure that Billy had taken him to a doctor. Billy said he had, but, for some
reason I couldn't nail down, I didn't really believe him. I called again, several times a day, for
the next two days, but no one was ever there.
Saturday, I decided to go see him, invitation be damned. But the little red house was empty.
This frightened me–was Jacob so sick that he'd needed to go to the hospital? I stopped by
the hospital on the way back home, but the nurse...
continue reading...
posted by marshajorelly
A normal guy would say: “I love you Baby!”

Edward Cullen would say: “You are my life now”

Normal Guy would say: “I think am falling for you”

Edward Cullen would say: “The Lion felt in Love with the Lamb”

Normal Guy would say: “You hair looks like a haystack ….go brush it!”

Edward Cullen would say: Your hair looks like haystack…but I like it”

A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicated to you.

Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.

If you died a normal guy would find another.

If you died Edward would kill himself...
continue reading...
posted by Kroshka09
I have seen one some websites and i think youtube.... that people think Bella is a bad influence....They say that she turned into a bad girl....that she doesnt follow what{obey*} Edward and her father say. Well sometimes she has to lie. I mean we all lie! So why are those people acuse her of being a bad influence????

I think Bella is a wonderfull girl and people should be more like her. She is relly nice and only wants good for the others....

Remember in Twilight she said to Edward that she came to Forks , even thogh she doesnt like it,just to make her mother happy with Phil. After that how can you say she is a bad girl? These people just dont read the book carefully, probably flip throught the pages!

Well this is what i think....please leave a comment on what you think.


*before i had obay...but people asked why.. so i changed it :D
added by Moneik
added by sunrise_90
added by ania2612
Source: kstewartfans
added by Andressa_Weld
added by sunrise_90
Source: robpattinson
added by Andressa_Weld
Source: 20
added by ania2612
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90
added by sunrise_90