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posted by ec_and_hg_4ever
On my way to class I stopped by the girls room and changed into my clean clothes. I grabbed a few damp paper towels and cleaned up my face, then washed my hands and arms. Then I went to class, and all the while I was thinking about how rude that Edward guy was being and what could his sister possibly be talking about when she said that he could expose their family by getting close to a human. Why would she even refer to me as a human? After all they were humans to, and expose them as what? With all of these thoughts going through my head the day went by fast. When I got home I quickly prepared supper for Charlie, and went up to my room. I thought about how angry it made me that he was being that rude to me… a person he barely new. After a while of thinking and fuming I decided that it was probably time for me to get ready for bed so I jumped in the shower, brushed my teeth, and put on some old sweats. Then I ran down stairs and told Charlie that I was going to bed. When I laid down on my bed I got a weird feeling like I was being watched so I went to close my window, and as I was locking it I saw him. It was Edward, he was down below my window beautiful as ever. All the angst and anger I had against him was suddenly gone. I couldn’t believe my eyes, Edward Cullen was at my window.

Then he spoke his voice like velvet, “I’m sorry to come by so late but do you mind if I come up?”.

I was stunned by his question, I thought that he was just down there as a figment of my imagination at first. But when I heard his voice calling to me all velvety and sexy, my heart sank. What was a girl to do, I was so not going to say no. He was the hottest guy to ever stand outside my window.

“ Sure, but how are you going to get up here? Your not going to climb up the tree are you?!” I said still in a trance from when he spoke the first time.

“Well of course, I love to climb trees. Unless you don’t want me to come up? Are you sure that you want me in your room?!” he said clearly trying to convince me to say no.

“Yes, I mean unless you don’t want to come up.” I said now realizing this wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

After all if it was he wouldn’t still be down there he would have already leaped up here and kissed me. I kept trying to remind myself that I was mad at him for being so mean to me earlier. But I couldn’t make my self be angry anymore. Then he climbed up the tree so fast I couldn’t believe that he was human. I giggled at that thought. Then with a quick leap he was in my room.

“ You have a lovely house.” he said adoringly.

“ Thanks.” I said adoring him.

“But not near as lovely as you.” he said clearly checking me out.

“ How can you say that when you have the most beautiful sisters in the school and probably the world.” I said blushing.

“ They are nothing compared to you.” he said in that velvety tone he always used.

“Thanks anyways, but you don’t have to flatter me just because I let you come up here.” I said innocently.

How could a guy like Edward Cullen think that I was beautiful. This has to be my imagination. He probably said you wish that I would come up there. That wouldn’t even happen in your dreams. It was just like me to make this up.

“I would never say something if I didn’t mean it.” he said smiling at me with that crooked smile.

That action took me breath away, and I do mean literally. I forgot to breath and fainted. How embarrassing was that. When I came to, he was there with a wet wash cloth and a worried look on his face. When he saw that I was coming to he immediately started babbling.

“Are you okay? What happened? Are you feeling ill?” he said with clearly worried.
“ No, I’m fine I just…..” I said trailing off.

“Just what?” he asked questioningly.

“um…I sort of forgot to breathe,” I said trying to judge what he was thinking by his expression.

He looked angry. This scared me….what did I do wrong? I kept thinking to myself.

“ Bella, you shouldn’t hang around me anymore. We shouldn’t even talk to each other.” he said getting ready to climb through the window.

“But why? I mean you are the one who came knocking on my window.” I said confused by his sudden change of mood.

“ I know that but…” he said trailing off.

“But what?” I said trying to cover up my emotions.

“And it was a mistake. Your already in enough danger without me hanging around you. And I’m sorry that I didn’t realize this sooner, I just couldn’t convince myself but now I know. And I can’t ignore it any longer!” he said avoiding eye contact.

Then before I could say anything else he was gone. I kept promising myself that I was not going to cry, but that didn’t stop the tears from coming. Ugh! How could I do this to myself, I know that this was to good to be true . He probably videoed the whole thing, it was just a prank played on me by the football team. The only thing that brought him here was probably a dare. This was going to be so embarrassing. I could see it now, posted on you tube… plain girl thinks hot guy likes her ,hot guy confuses her and breaks her heart…this was nonsense! What am I kidding myself that makes no since the football team would have toilet papered my yard plus Edward Cullen did not play sports. How irresponsible of me to let myself believe that he actually liked me. I laid on my bed and turned on my stereo and fell asleep listening to my favorite band of all time, but not even the awesome music of the All American Rejects could soothe my pain. That was when I know my heart had been broken beyond mending, and the only person who was capable of fixing it just went crawling out my window saying that we shouldn’t even speak. The next day when my alarm went off I did something I’d never done, I hit the snooze button and pulled the covers over my head never mind the fact that I was going to be late for school. I had my mind set, I was not going to school today. I was going to sleep the day away. Surely, Charlie wouldn’t mind. I just couldn’t face him today, or tomorrow, or at all this week. I would play sick, I could do that. I could tell Charlie that it was just girl stuff and he wouldn’t ask another question. I could stay home this week, who would it hurt? Definitely not Edward Cullen. Just then the door bell rang. UGH!! Why today?! Why?! Out of all the days…. I unwillingly threw the covers off out of my face and slowly descended down the stairs, when I opened the door I was shocked . Rosalie Hale was standing at my door. As soon as I opened the door she pushed passed me and walked into the kitchen. How rude. “But she wasted no time, she immediately started yelling.

“Stay away from my brother!”

Ha she was telling me to stay away from her brother . When her brother was the one who showed up at my window last night.

“um….. Excuse me?! How dare you come barging into my house telling me to stay away from your brother when he was the one who came to my window last night!” I said angrily.

“Yeah, I know and you were really quick to invite him in weren’t you, you little slut!” she said clearly trying to degrade me.

“If he wanted me to say no he wouldn’t have came now would he Blondie?!” I said getting angrier with every word.

“Well don’t get use to it because if he really liked you he wouldn’t have left so abruptly, now would he trash girl?! She said trying to break me.

I had to give her this, she really knew how to make somebody mad in a matter of seconds.

“Well you know what you dumb blonde!” I said trying to think of a good comeback.

“What?!” she said with lots of attitude.

“You call me the slut but I’m not the one dating someone who lives with me! Not to mention that that person is you adoptive brother!” I said secretly proud of myself for that come back.

“ Well that’s none of your business!” she said scrambling for words.

“Yeah, just like what your brother does is none of yours!” I said rolling my eyes at her.

“Yeah, maybe its not but I make it my business, so stay away from my brother!” she said as she pushed me aside once again and walked out the door like she was on a runway. She slammed the door behind her, started her red BMW and sped away. Well I was to wound up to go back to sleep now so I might as well ger dressed and go to school. After all I would make it by 3rd period. After I got dressed , I headed down stairs to grab some breakfast before heading to school. When I pulled into the parking lot it was the middle of 3rd period, so I decided to wait out in the car until 4th period. I had turned my radio on and rolled my window down when I noticed someone walking toward the parking lot. He edged closer and closer until I could finally see his face. Ugh! It was him. Edward Cullen, walking out to his shiny silver Volvo. STUPID SHINY VOLVO OWNER!! He looked at me and then looked away almost as quick as our eyes met. He was almost to his car when I started rolling my window up. I did not want to hear anything he had to say, not that he had anything to say. I just wanted to make sure that if he did I didn’t hear it. I had no interest in hearing his (in a trance) sweet, hot, sexy, velvety, dreamy, beautiful….. The bell for 4th period interrupted my thoughts thank god! I can not believe that I am letting him get to me!!!

Disclaimer: The wonderful Stephenie Meyer owns the world of Twilight and all its inhabitants. I just wanna play with her toys. No copyright infringement is intended.

Designated visiting hours. To Charlie, the term meant that his little girl wasn't going anywhere, at least not that night. He cut the engine and looked around the interior of the cruiser. He collected a couple of gum wrappers, balled them up and stuck them inside his pocket, sneaking a peak into the rear view mirror.

The Volvo was still there....
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posted by callejahLUVSed
sorry i took so long, i got grounded.. LONG STORY! anyway, hope this chapter is okay ! comment!!!


“Hey, Edward, can we sit next to you?”, I asked.
“Sure, sit here”, said Edward. I sat down next to Alice but Edward stopped me.
“Steph, sit here”, he said, as he patted the seat next to him. Jasper gave me a look and then my thoughts weren’t my own anymore.
Sis, Jasper thinks that Edward likes you.. want me to tell him anything? Emmett asked.
He thinks? I asked back. I waited a few seconds until Emmett grin.
He knows replied Emmett, and I saw a smile hiding in the...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 15.

We walked to our lunch table.
“So how was bludge session?” Gemma asked me.
“Huh, oh social studies? Umm good” I said.
“Oh my god! Bella who’s your pen pal? I don’t even know!” Gemma smiled with intrigue.
“Well his name is Edward Cullen...” I began
“Edward, that’s a strange name” Gemma interrupted. Caitlyn stared straight at us, her gorgeous eyes beaming.
“He lives in a small town, he has lots of siblings and they’re all really close in age” I continued. Caitlyn was still staring. I looked at Gemma.
“Oh his dad is a doctor and his handwriting is...
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posted by teamalice_0
Hey! I'm gunna do a little writting mrathon so alot will be up, an idea I got from princesspinkla. And I thank patrisha727 for encouragement! Without you two these chapters i will post would not happen.

“Uh..” They wanted to know how serious Mark’ and mine relationship was.
“Kinda serious, he wants to marry me just conditions, and we do sleep n the same bed but we don’t ‘sleep’ with each other."
"What are the conditions?" Were they always this demanding?
"1. That he has enough money to get a ring.2. That I'm not...
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posted by teamalice_0
"Great she probably wants to go shopping, again."
"Here." My cell. 10 missed calls was on the screen.
While shopping yesterday, Alice put everyone's numbers in. I hesitated to call, I didn't want to face a pixie like her.
"LILLY! Ya, you finaly woke up." She was hyper.
"Hmm. Let me be the one to guess. We're going shopping aren't we?"
"Well, I was planning to talk, but that sounds better."
"Dang it."
"Be here soon."
I hung up.
"Mark, you're gunna have to drive me up there. Appearently Alice is going to have a conniption."
"Okay, I'll hang with the guys, go get dressed and then we'll leave."
I wen...
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Hi! This chapter was really hard for me to get out because it has some sad content in it. Enjoy!

Chapter 27
James's POV

"What do you want to know"? She thought for a minute. "Start with your youth". I sighed. "Alright. I was born in 1661. In Virginia. I don't remember much of my childhood. Only that I was good at tracking. I always have been. I loved hunting too. That's all I remember of my childhood". I do remember a girl that I loved. Camila. She was beautiful. She looked like you. She acted like you too. I loved her alot. I was turned when I was 21." I paused there. Should I tell her the...
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posted by teamalice_0
He led me to Denny's. We walked inside to be greeted by a cheerful waitress.
"Table for two?"She asked.
I was about to say yes when Mark interrupted," Actually were meeting up with some friends, so party of twelve."
The waitress led us to a big "U" shaped booth, I slid in to the middle, and Mark slid in next to me.
"So who are the 10 others?"
"Remember Edward and Bella?"
I nodded.
"They wanted to meet us and talk. They said make it a party for 12."
10 others? That was a lot of people.
The booth could hold a lot, but 12?
I sat there with Mark until the rest came.
I closed my eyes and leaned into...
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posted by teamalice_0
Usually I don't dream, or have nightmares, but tonight was an exception. I was standing in the middle of the forest. Everything was green, and I saw Mark. I walked towards him immediately. He kept backing away keeping a distance.
I tried calling him but no words came out.
I tried screaming, but no sound came out. I saw that wolf again between me and Mark.
I was frozen in fear, my eyes wide.
But the wolf never made eye contact with me he was stalking towards Mark. I tried to scream to get the wolf's attention but no words came out.
I blinked, and woke up.
I was covered in sweat, and this time I could...
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posted by teamalice_0
I walked deeper into the forest. Following the path. The path kept on getting thinner and thinner until there was no path to follow. I turned left hoping I could find the Gas Station again. I heard laughing and i saw a girl run deeper into the forest. She ran to a tall man. I think he was her father, but ther didn't look alike he had long black hair. She had redish browl curls.
I screamed and they looked up at me.
I wasn't screaming because of them. I was screaming at what was behind them. A wolf, only it was bigger than a horse. He turned his head and shook his sandy fur out.
I turned and ran...
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posted by teamalice_0
"He lives in Forks, Washington. We had a shotgun wedding and we seperated. Then you came Lilly." She looked at me as if she was begging for me not to yell at her.
"Come one Mark." I started dragging him out of the kitchen.
"Where we going?" For once Mark looked surpirse.
"Forks, Washington!" I pulled him upstairs so we could start packing.
"Do you really want to see him?" he asked as we packed.
"I need to Mark, i never knew my dad. He probably doesn't know i exsist."
"Okay, I'll come with you. If we leave today we'll be there before Christmas."
We were all packed. I pecked my mom goodbye, and my...
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posted by teamalice_0
I hate the snow. I live in Anchorage Alaska with my mom and my boyfriend Mark.
He was supposed to sleep in the other room but he managed to be in my room dead asleep when i woke up. I looked to my left where he usualy slept, but he wasn't there.
That was unusal. I heard a crash downstairs. Another usual sound.
I pulled the covers of the bed off me and I opened my door just a creak.
I heard arguemnets downstairs. I crept downstairs stopping right before i got to the door.

"Lilly should know who her dad is. She has a right to know!" I heard Mark shout to whoever was in the kitchen, probably my mom....
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I am really happy right now! Thanks to Emily for cheering me up! I went to see Bruno last night. At midnight. But, enough about me. On to the story!

Chapter 23
Bella's POV

I stared at Alicia in disbelief. "Of course I want to see him again! But, what can you do"? She smiled. "They are heading this way. That's what Maria ment by "visitors". You'll have to run away from here and I want to come with you". "How will we run away"? "The backdoor. I go outside sometimes when Maria is distracted. We'll sneak out when Maria and James are distracted". "Can we do it when they go hunting"? "No. Maria...
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Hi! I am going to London tomorrow. I will try to update but, not promising anything. Sorry if this chapter sucks. It was the best I could come up with. Enjoy!

Chapter 21
James's POV

I watched Bella sleep. I felt remorse for hurting her. She was so beautiful. I climbed on top of the bed. I held her in my arms. She opened her eyes. I smiled and bent my head down to kiss her. We stopped after a few minutes so that she could catch her breath. "Good morning. What brought this on?", she asked. "I just felt like it". Her stomach rumbled. "Hungry"? "Yes". "Let's go see what Maria got you". We went to...
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posted by Repo-girl
Hi! I am so psyched for my little trip to London with my boyfriend! I will be writing nonstop until then and updating the best that I can! Someone new shows up in this chapter and you will be surprised when you find out who! Here's a little hint: it's someone from Eclipse and they are a part of Jasper's past. Read on!

Chapter 19
Bella's POV

I hated myself. I was the worst traitor imaginable. I hated James. He had tortured me. But, if I hated him, then why did my heartbeat increase whenever I saw him? I was so confused. It was the whole Jacob/Edward scandal all over again. I heard the door open....
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 6.
My trying reply:

The clock loudly ticked and it tocked even louder. I sat and thought, my brain empty. After about ten minutes of pure nothingness I decided to start.

Dear Edward,

I did enjoy reading your letter. It was lovely. You have incredibly beautiful handwriting. How did you learn to write like that?
This would be a lot easier if he asked me some questions, he answered mine and left me with nothing!

So you have a pretty big family, I’ve always wanted a huge family, I don’t really know why. I guess you didn’t grow up with them from birth. But, you still must be really...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 5.
Thank god it’s Friday!

I’d slept great the night before, and I was well ready for today, today was Friday! The day that hopefully we would be getting our pen pal replies, and I had completely changed my attitude towards getting a reply in two days, I went from never wanting a reply to counting the hours! Oh, I so hope we get them today!

I ran down the stairs with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Mourning Bella, gees excited or what?” mum asked, smiling. My mother Renee was very easy to talk to, sometimes I felt like I was talking to someone my own age, or even at times I felt...
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posted by team_robward
Chapter 1.
The Catching:

I’d been dreading this day for a while now, kind of foolish I guess since everyone else was excited. Nervous about such a stupid little thing, this wasn’t exams or speaking in front of the class, it was writing a letter, a letter; to person I didn’t even know. Come on, I thought, just write it, send it, over, done, no more, okay.

Ah, I’d been thinking about it so long, I’d tuned out what Mrs. Anderson was saying. It was something along the lines of ‘choose, a name out of the box, write to them, so on, so on. So I didn’t really need to listen. Mia Kelly walked...
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I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I haven't written in 17 days. I have had alot going on. But, I am going to try and make it up to you by writing everyday this week. So, here we go!

Chapter 11 cont.
Bella's POV

I fell asleep. I woke up a couple hours later. "Are you awake"?, he asked me. "Yes". He kissed me on the forehead. "I'm going to put you down now, OK"? It was then that I noticed that he had stopped. He sat me on my feet. It took me a minute to adjust to standing up. When I finally could stand, I looked around. It was a forest. A huge forest. Was I still in Washington? Noticing my...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
uh, i'm not sure if bella and edward get together yet.. i make it up as i go :)

I didn't know why Jacob was acting so weird, and I didn't know why Edward made him act so weird. All I knew was that both of those boys were driving me crazy. Whenever Edward and I had time to talk during biology, he would say something about Jacob (usually something insulting) and whenever me and Jake were jusy hanging out at my house, he would say something unintelligible about Edward. This idiotic behave continued for the next few weeks and one day after school, in my backyard, I decided to finally confront...
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posted by callejahLUVSed
So, another day at Forks High School, another day of listening to mindless superficial popular kids, going on and on about every little imperfect thing in their lives... great, my idea of a good time! But I had something to look foward to.. Jacob would be there! Well, not in ALL my classes but enough to make me want to go to school. I stared out the window in the science lab, observing the clouds and trees, thinking of how much I wanted to get out of the classroom, when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in", yelled Mr. Banner. And in walked one of the office ladies.
"Sorry, Bob, you've got...
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