TV Couples 30 Day Couple Challenge, you agree most with?

Pick one:
Current favorite ship: Nathan and Haley <3
Very first ship: DJ and Steve
Pairing that needs to happen now: Snow White and Charming
Pairing with the most chemistry: Brooke and Lucas
Pairing with the least chemistry: Sawyer and Juliet
The best kiss: Nathan and Haley "The Search for Something More"
The most heartbreaking scene: "I wish you didn't have to forget this but you do"
Pairing with the most baggage: Damon and Katherine
Most believable relationship: Barney and Robin
Why aren't these two married?: Barney and Robin
Dream pairing: Puck and Rachel
Best wedding: Nathan and Haley "The Show Must Go On''
Favorite movie pairing: Ron and Hermione "Harry Potter"
Favorite book pairing: Ron and Hermione "Harry Potter"
Favorite real life pairing: Chad Michael Murray and Sophia Bush
Absolute worst pairing: Sawyer and Juliet
A pairing you never thought would work but did: Carter and Serena
What is the cutest pairing: Charlie and Claire
A pair you've rooted for since the beginning: Dan and Serena
Cant stand the sexual tension: Sawyer and Kate
A pairing you like but most people dislike: Puck and Rachel
A pairing you hate but most people like: Dan and Blair
A love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out great: Jack/Kate/Sawyer
A love triangle/quadrilateral that worked out badly: Rachel/Finn/Quinn/Puck
A pairing that was/would be adorable but could never work out: Ted and Victoria
A pairing that you hated but ended up loving: Chuck and Blair
A pairing that you loved and ended up hating: Finn and Rachel
Pairing that you will never understand: Spencer and Toby
What ship had the best proposal?:Monica and Chandler
favorite pairing forever and ever and ever: Nathan and Haley
 kaatie posted over a year ago
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