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TV Couples Answers

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 Showing TV Couples questions (1 - 12 of 12)
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Answer: Angel and Buffy from buffy the vampire Slayer when ...
Answer: 1.Buffy & Angel (BtVS) 2.Booth & Bones (Bones) 3....
Answer: Delena <3333
Answer: Buffy & Angel (BtVS) OTP
Answer: 1.Buffy & Angel (BtVS) 2.Booth & Bones (Bones) 3....
Answer: There was no way i could keep it down to 5 so these...
Answer: My OTP is Damon&Elena. She is the only person after...
Answer: Buffy & Angel
Answer: angel kissing buffy in daylight, epic ♥
Answer: buffy and angel (thats what i think beacause i just...
Answer: One True Pairing
Answer: Star crossed lovers are basically lovers that are d...