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Thanksgiving Day is a unique festival in North America.In Canada, Thanksgiving is on the second Monday of October.
And in the USA, it is the forth Thursday in November every year. It was set by the US Presidents Washington, Lincoln to thank God for the harvest day, and then it became American national traditional festival. When the festival comes,the whole country will have a 4-day (including Sunday) vacation.
It is recorded that in September 1620, More than 100 puritans who were not satisfied with Anglicanism sailed to North America to avoid being persecuted, but half of these people died due to sickness and hunger after landed. The native Indian pitied them and taught them to plant corn, then at last, immigrants got a good crop after the hard work. One of the elder suggested that in order to thank the grace of God, they could celebrate a Thanksgiving Day with Indian. Then, at one Thursday of the late November 1621, they got together to celebrate the festival happily in Plymouth. The food in the festival included corn bread, roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
Now, many Americans go back home and reunite with family. During the festival, there are many kinds of sports competition and entertainment activities, and enjoy happiness with family around the fireplace at night. Thanksgiving Day could also be called Turkey Festival, because turkey and pumpkin are the essential course for festival dinner. Except dinner, some kids will get Thanksgiving gifts like link kids toy vehicle, iPad, etc.
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