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posted by RandomFanGirl
Another couple of weeks came by, along with the middle of my pregnancy. Christmas was also nearing. My doctor had to dismay me though; I was still happy about Marisol coming sooner, so this news couldn’t bring me down too much, even if it was pretty bad.

“You’re over halfway done with your pregnancy,” She stated as I was preparing to leave.

“And?” I asked. What was she getting at?

“We’re going to have to have an appointment every two weeks just to make sure that everything is alright.”

“Is this another one of your jokes?”

“No, but we’ll have to take extra care for her polio,” She trailed off.


“I’m joking.”

She was laughing hysterically by now.

“You’re not funny!”

“Calm down, Heather,” Alejandro said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I knew that he got annoyed with her antics as much as I did, but he didn’t show it.

“I think I’m funny, but,” She took a breath to compose herself, “I’ll schedule you for an appointment a week after Christmas.”

“Alright,” I groaned.

I could honestly say that I was not looking forward to seeing her again.

We left the office soon after and got into Alejandro’s car to get ready for the trek home.

“I forgot to mention: my mom asked me this morning before you woke up if we could pick out a tree. She wants to have all of the decorating done before my dad gets home next week. I told her that we could. Is that okay with you? I know how tired you’ve been getting lately.”

“Yeah, that’s fine,” I replied, “I’ll come with you.”

He nodded and started driving. Before I knew it, we were heading up to a tree farm. Wait—what?

"Why are we here?" I asked in surprise.

I guess he was surprised that I asked, "I told you that we were going to get a tree."

"I know that," I exasperated, "But at a tree farm?

"We get a real tree every year. It’s kind of a tradition.”

I took a look over to my right to see tiny little pine trees growing. Farther over were ones that were full grown. To add to the displeasure of being at a tree farm, fluffy, white snow covered every stretch of land in sight. Great.

"Why?" I felt my face cringe up a little as I stared out the window.

"I don't know," He replied, "We always have."


He parked in front of what looked like a large metal barn or a shed or something; I had no clue what it was. Inside the dim light that came in from outside, I could see green figures. They were probably trees.

I had never had to do this before so I was clueless of went on at this place. My parents had always just ordered someone else to bring one in from who-knows-where and had them set it up.

We got out of the car and Alejandro led us to some people dressed in heavy working clothes. A woman with her hair tied back started pointing and talking—which I didn't really pay attention to. Before I knew it, Alejandro was calling, "Come on, mi amor."

"Right," I muttered before following him.

We started to trudge through the snow and rows of pine trees. After a while, it got tiring. I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing anyway.

"Are we almost done?" I complained, "My feet hurt."

He turned around to face me, a smirk on his face, "I'll carry you."


Suddenly, I was hoisted onto his back. He gripped onto my thighs and wrapped my arms around his neck. He turned his head towards me, "Better?"

"Yeah," I smiled.

We eventually found a tree. It was rich in green color and had what Alejandro referred to as "long-needled." The tree was really bushy, not to mention soft to the touch. After the tree was paid for and tied onto the roof of his car—which I have to admit looked quite funny—we started back to his house.

The tree was left on the car for a while. We made our way up the stairs of the porch and through the doorway. I was cut off guard by two small, running bodies; I would have fallen if it hadn't been for Alejandro catching me.

"What was—“ I couldn't finish my sentence because I was cut off by two voices yelling in unison.

"Uncle Alejandro!"

He knelt down to the ground and hugged two little kids. What?

My guess was that they were four or so. There was a girl and a boy. Both of them had tan skin and brown hair (The girl's hair was down to her mid-back while the boy's hair was a mop on his head.) When they released from their hug with Alejandro, I noticed that they both had dark brown eyes. The boy was dressed in a pair of red corduroy overalls and a green, long-sleeved shirt underneath. He had a pair of white socks on his feet. The girl was dressed in a green corduroy dress, a long-sleeved red shirt, and white tights.

"Te extrañé, [1] Adrian, Clementine."

I was guessing that Adrian was the boy and Clementine was the girl.

“Come here you two, don’t bother your uncle,” A woman said as she came out of the living room. She had light skin, dark brown eyes, and long brown hair in waves down to her waist. She had on a snug red sweater and skinny jeans.

Alejandro stood up from the floor, “They’re not bothering me.”

Suddenly, the woman turned towards me, ignoring Alejandro’s statemen, “Oh, you must be Heather; I’m Vanessa, Carlos’ wife” She held her hand out for me to shake, which I did.

She looked down at the two little kids who were hugging Alejandro’s leg, “Let’s go finish getting the decorations out, okay?”

Both of them nodded and followed her back into the living room.

“Well, I guess you’ve figured that that was my niece and nephew,” Alejandro said, walking closer to me.

“You never told me you were an uncle,” I smirked.

“It never crossed my mind to mention it.”

“Well, with the way you act with them, I know that you’ll make a great father, and you better because you’re going to have to do just as much work as I will when Marisol comes.”

“You can count on that,” He replied. He leaned in and we embraced in a kiss. From the living room doorway, we could hear two little voices in unison, “Ew!”

The rest of that day went by pretty smoothly. The tree was brought in and set up in its stand with plenty of water in it.

I ended up going to bed before Alejandro, as usual. I was about to fall asleep when he came in.

“Any room for me?” He chuckled.

I turned away from the wall to face him, “There’s only room for two.”

“Well, that’s good,” He started pulling up the blanket to get into the bed.

I put my hand on his chest, laughing slightly, “I said that there’s only room two, meaning Marisol and me.”

We both laughed and he slipped in next to me. We both ended up drifting off the slip with his arms wrapped around my abdomen.
posted by bubblegum05
"Hey,what's up guys?!I got good news for you." said Trent,walking onto the stage.Lindsay and Beth were hosting a AWESOME Halloween party in the city!They were matching witches,just like Katie and Sadie being matching Princesses.Heather was dressed as a bee,Duncan being the only one not getting the joke."What are you even dressed as?!" asked Heather,being a pain."It doesnt matter,the Haunted House is ready!!!Ok everybody just has to step into this tunel.." He explained.

Evreybody started walking in,when Cody the vampire started asking questions."Uh,is this REALLY scary?Is there a bathroom in...
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Once apon a time... a frog.. named figment... died.. after eating a tree in one bite and... choking on water...then bender stepped on it while robbing a bank... with Duncan....The human & robot managed to steal a golden staple...... and a rock.....and the rock was very epic.... cuz it was emo...but Izzy flew in(Yah, I say FLEW) and ran off with it.. but with the rocks magical powers it threw a poptart to New York and Izzy followed...Then the poptart screamed "THIS IS VI-O-LENT"! the the poptart kept flying in circles and...Kissed....Bella!!(my dog) but she got afraid and ran away...And Jackknife sayed "I love you, corn that poped.. Then Owl City came in and sang Fireflies..While Cody Jizzed In His pants...While he ate a banana..with mustard and cheese.. then ate the poptart...with more cheese... man Cody likes cheese...Screamed... THE END!
Once apon a time a werewolf named Jack went to Duncan's house and made waffles. But Duncan wanted poptarts. so he screamed "WHY"?!? And he nearly killed Jack. But Harold blocked him. Then, Duncan got mad and threw Harold out the window. But Harold had poptarts so Duncan got madder. Courtney randomly screamed in the backround "I WANNA ROCK"! So Duncan threw one at her. And it hit her face. Duncan got EVEN MADDER that Harold hugged him and gave him a crushed poptart, so Duncan crushed the poptart even more and chucked it in Harold's mouth. Harold fell on the ground and landed on a trampoline?...
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chris:okay, time for some behind drama! first, jared and izzy

both:*making out*
courtney:hi, izzy.
ccizzy:why was jared so happy to see courtney?hmmm..
jared:what are ou doing here/
courtney; i came back for the competion, wheres duncan?
izzy:i dont know.
courtney;okay,bye! *Leaves*
izzy;that was weird. now where were we?
jared:uh,i got to go, catch oyou later?
izzy;uh, okay. bye.
ccjared:what am i supposed to do?courtneys back,hot,and single! and im dating izzy. whos next, lindsey???????!!! what am i supposed to do?

chirs:so ,what will jared do? stay tuned to see that and some bxd drama. dont move your butt from that couch!

it all started on the 1st challenge,the jump. mia was too scared to jump, but she didnt want to chicken out and lose the win for her team, the screamnig gofers. "can i switch with mia?" asked courtney."fine," said chris, so,she did. now, her team was losing already. "so much preasure,"thought mia. she didnt know if she could handle it.
cc mia:cmon! you can do this!!!
then, duncan, the guy she liked, can up to her, and said. "ill go with you."
"um, okay." she said unsure. They held hands, and jumped, togother. "AHH!" mia screamed.
"i got you," duncan yelled. they laned in the safe part of the water....
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Chris: Welcome to the second episode of the totally dramatic race.

Chef: In the last episode we saw goth girl and guitar boy get eliminated because of courtney and duncan.

Chris: Now the teams must race from France to germany for a pit stop elimination then they must race to Italy for a secret Prize.

Chris: Ready set GOOOOO!!!


Owen: Yes germany that is going to be awesome.

Izzy: I know right

Eva: move it fatty

Owen: sorry eva

Eva: common cry baby

Ezekiel: Im hurrying

*camera goes to bridgette and geoff*

Geoff: Common bridgette

Bridgette: No geoff

Geoff: common

Bridgette: no

Bridgette: Im not...
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ok well r u idiots having fun-Heather
everyone meet my step sister Heather-Juno
oh dont get mad, im evil, its not like im here to kill u all-Heather
oh hi Heather-Courtney
supp slut-Duncan
*scared* NOTHING!-Duncan
ok lets see Sumer vs. Katie GO!-Juno
*start spraying eachother with water off a cliff*
*falls off cliff* AHHHHHHHH-Katie
HAHA how u like that!-Sumer
ok Keira and Jared u dart eachother with these poisin darts-Juno
only like the stuff that puts u 2 sleep-Juno
oh thank...
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Chris: welcome to the total dramatic race where 12 teams will race and each episode one team will go home.

the teams are:

1. Gwen and Trent

2. Geoff and bridgette

3. Izzy and owen

4. Duncan and courtney

5. Leshawna and Harold

6. Heather and noah

7. Katie and sadie

8. Tyler and Lindsay

9. Cody and beth

10. Eva and ezekiel

11. DJ and kathie

12. Justin and Alejandro

Chris: hey chef tell them were there going first

Chef: well chris the teams will first go to the eiffel tower and Then run to the finish line. The last team to cross will be eliminated.

Chris: ready set go!

*the teams race to the airport*

Lindsay: I...
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*Juno and Sumer run over to a cave*

"You.....know...what...this...means...right?" puffed Juno."I''" said Sumer.
*Chris Mclean walks by*"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!!!" "Walking...."*Sumer and Juno run with the canoe*

*On the other side of the island*
"We beat them!!!""Now all we have to IT BACK!!!" *juno and sumer run by*
"See ya girls,LATER!"yeled Sumer."TALK TO YA LATER!"teased Juno.

*Back at camp*

"So...."said Andrea." what are you doing for the last episode?"asked Cody"Surprise."

*Juno and Brooke Run over w/ canoes*

Juno:I SO BEAT YOU!!!!

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brooke(her hair is longer cause she got in excensions! lol)
brooke(her hair is longer cause she got in excensions! lol)
okay, a month ago i wrote a fanfic about gwen and duncans date and courtney finds out and heather says she likes him. now...more drama!

Chris:okay, so i picked gwen and courtney to stay and have duncan pick a girl.
gwen:do you know who you are gonna pick?
duncan:i was thnking i should pick.....

chris:to make the show longer and add more drama, i borught a new girl. her name is brooke. C'mon out brooke!
brooke: coming! *runs over*
duncan:woh mama!
girls but brooke:*hit him*
duncan:wait a minute. CHRIS! I GOT TO TALK TO YOU!!!
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*I wanna be famous*


Lisa:Ok what I did to Sofie in the last challenge was an ACCIDENT! I promise you! *some guy in the background boos* WHat?!? Im serious! I have some anger issues..*ends*

Sofie:Im not sure if I should forgive that b..I mean Lisa. She is a good friend but what the hell was her problem..maybe its cuz of Duncan. Not the anger issues like she says...*ends*!tch....*ends*

Chris:Ok! Time to start! Now remember your CANNOT talk! Now...GO ANIMALS GO!
Andrea:*gets on all fours* MOOOOOOO!!! *crawls in a little circle* mooooo!
Lindsay:What is a squiral?...
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posted by Trent-lover123
cute twins
cute twins
at Andrea's house

Andrea:please let me be in a rock band its been my dream no every rockers dreamandreas mom:your father said no.
andrea:(really mad) well frick my father!!!!!
Andrea:FINE!!!(slams door)Im going no matter what my parents say *throws rope threw windo then climes threw* Andrea:bye for ever *she whispers*

karens house

karen:oh no Im going to be late for the awsome rock band *throws break fist in back pack*
karens dad:your going to be late AHHHHHHHHHHHH what are you wairing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karen: ahhhhhhhhhh patatoes I dont got...
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posted by gwentrentever
Brittani now that Duncan is gone can i ask you something-Jacki
sure what-Brittani
i was wondering if i could go out with him 2-Jacki
uh sure but what bout cody?-Brittani
i broke up with him last week-Jacki
ok well go ahead you can date him-Brittani
i knew you secretly liked him-Brittani
oh what ever-Jacki

(At Jacki and Brittani's house when Brittani was at the store)

*making out*-Jacki and Duncan
*walks in*-Brittani
Duncan your fine i said it was ok-Brittani
yes she wants to date you too-Brittani
Sweet i have 2 girlfriends-Duncan
dont get to hyped if you go to far i'll kill ya-Jacki
ok geeze, wanna make out-Duncan
sorry but the grown ups have to go to work today-Jacki
your 16?-Duncan
i know but that doesnt mean i dont have a job-Jacki
uh ok bye-Duncan
wanna make out-Duncan
*they make out*

posted by bubblegum05
Ok when i left,i sat under a tree and someone was coming over.

"Who's There???!!""ME,Cody."Cody said as he sat beside me.I quickly wrapped my arms around the other side of him as he put his hand on my shoulder."i know your in love with me."He said."What makes you think that?""Well,freinds don't usally sit like this under a tree.And i'm in love with you too.""Aw..."Andrea feel speechless as Cody leened closer.Soon,their lips were pressed together for a short moment.*Jared and Courtney walk over*"We saw that"said Jared."WHoops...??"

The next day
"Dance is tonight..."said a misterious vioce said,walking behind Andrea and Courtney."WHo are you?""Duncan,and do you two have dates?"said the punk."Yep,she's with Jared and I'm with Cody.""Well,i'd be careful with Cody,some rumers that he's cheating you.""With who?""Can't say,can only tell girls who love me.""Shut up.""Shut up""Shut up,Duncan!"Andrea nad Courtney were telling him off.


(sorry it was short)
Yeah, Dani and Adriane are gonna have fun...
Yeah, Dani and Adriane are gonna have fun...
That night, I went out into the forest alone. Gwen had been voted off, and Dani wasn't very happy, so I left her be. I walked deep into the thick tree gathering and stopped at the famous oasis where I found my magic stone. I knelt doen at the edge of the clear water, looking at my reflection shimmering upon the moonlit surface.

I sighed, instead of crying, when I really should have cried. I lost the tiki.

But I wasn't sad. As a level 3 mage, I'm a worldwalker, so I can travel between worlds. That's how I met Emily, Adriane and Kara. Dani is a level three mage, but she doesn't know about worldwalking....
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The serious lights chilled my bones, because I knew I was no match for Aleishya. But I did think I had a chance with the medley I sang instead of Aleishya singing "Already Gone".

Ryan Seacrest...I CAN NOT beleive I'm here at American Idol! Anyways, Ryan held the folded paper in front of him, and the judges had already made a decision.

"And the winner, of American Idol this year is..." Ryan said, holding the paper. "Drumroll please." He pointed to the DJ, and the DJ drummed a fast beat on the stage with two drumsticks.

"And the winner, of American Idol is," He said, unfolding the paper, his eys...
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ok welcome to the dramatic campfire cerimoney one of you will go home and can-Juno
never NEVER EVER come back we know-Theresa
fine geeze someones crabby-Juno
no duh you keep us up till 10:00pm then wake us up at 3:00am-Theresa
ok then-Juno

im sorry Dawn-Juno
well you were kinda scarry-Kaitlan
whatever you all SUCK!!!-Dawn
Bye Dawn *hugs her* i didnt vote you off-Theresa
Thanks bye-Dawn


NOTE:Fanpoppers if your team losses the second you find out you leave me a message on who you want to vote off ok
ok Duncan go wake em up-Juno
*takes out a blow horn* GET UP *BEEEEEEEEEEEP*-Duncan
ok geeze were up-Theresa
yeah i know-Juno
Jared can I talk to you-Andi
so i was wondering if mabe you wanted to go out sometime-Andi

(At the mess hall)

ok your challenge today is a...-Courtney
HORROR MOVIE CHALLENGE!!!-Juno, Courtney, and Duncan
ok so the first part of the challenge you will have a scream off-Juno

Katie vs. Keira

no you dont first you have to scream louder than Katie then you win-Juno

posted by bubblegum05
"Hey everybody!This week Duncan will be co-hosting.Let's Hope no crazed fans come in and ruin the whole thing.Ok umm,his special entrance now."
*He comes in looking scary*
"Be gald in here.""Gald?Don't you mean glad?""Whatever,where's juno?""We haven't woken them up yet.""Sweet,can i scare them?""Knock yourself out."*Duncan pulls out a airhorn with a bunch of spiders in the other hand.*

*walks in the cabins and pour spiders all over them.Then he uses the airhorn outside.*
"Ok then.I didn't mean that much ,Duncan.""They'lll be fine....or maybe not."
*All the campers run out screaming*
"Duncan woke...
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posted by 7thGradeGenius
The three black vamps landed gracefully on the skim of a moonlit pond, lilypads and blooms floating gracefully under the white spotlight of God.

Gwendalinne looked up at the sky, and sniffed the air.

"What?" Brianna asked.

"Where's Kaycee?" Gwen asked.

"Who?" Christina licked her fangs.

"Duh, my sister Kaycee?" Gwen looked at the two girls. They looked at her, confused.

"UGH, nevermind." Gwen looked back to the sky.

"Well, maybe I've seen her before." Christina shrugged and flipped her thick brown hair. "What does she look like?"

"Duh. Me." Gwen said. "We're twins."

"Is that her?" Brianna pointed to...
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