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posted by Random9747649
"That was the worst night of my life!" Courtney complained stepping back through the door. Duncan and Gwen were laughing behind her as they walked back to the underworld. Courtney turned on them, her face full of anger;"How could you sit there and watch people die and then collect their souls!"

Gwen chuckled, "I told you she wouldn't be able to handle it" she said to Duncan. "Courtney, the people are going to die anyway! You should see it when we have to take a life of a child or a unborn baby. It's sad but someone has to do it. Gwen padded Courtney on her arm, "At least you're not the one who has to do it. Night guys". They watched Gwen fade away into the dark abyss.

Duncan had strolled over to the river of souls and dumped the collected souls into the river. Watching them swim away miserably he began to speak. "You know princess, you'll get used to it after a while. You don't feel anything". He swirled a finger in the water waitingfor her resposne. Courtney walked silently over to him, "What do you mean get used to it?"

Duncan looked casually up at her and gave her that crooked smile. "Death. You'll get used to the dead and seeing them lye around here most days. You have no time for your feelings to get in the way. That's why it's so simple for me and Gwen to kill people and feel no remorse". He stood up and in one long stride, towered over Courtney.

"If there is one thing I will never get over, is the fact that you take away innocent lives that need a little longer on Earth" Courtney said standing up for her views. It was hard because Duncan scared her so much with his dark exterior. The way his eyes seemed to peirce into her heart, and the way he seemed to stare at her. He smirked his breath light on her face, "Courtney, I want you to follow me. There is one place that Danielle didn't show you".

He held out a arm for her to take, she looked at it unsure. Duncan grinned, "Come on theres nothing to be afraid of". She heistantly wrapped hers around his and he guided it them outside of the underworld gates. "Are you afraid of death Courtney?" he asked seriously.

"Of course who wouldn't be!"

He smirked at her again, "People who know that nothing is permanate. Trust me princess nothing is permanate. Not even death". He still had her arm as he led them down a large barren space. They passed statues of goblins and little black angels with horns and grim expressions. Courtney unconsciencsly shrived at the sight if the hands and other body ligaments sticking out the ground. Duncan laughed, "Why do you get so scared easily? Everyone here is dead! They can't harm you".

Courtney glared at him before turning her head the other direction to spot a grim looking graveyard coming up. Duncan let go of her arm and took her hand instead and lead her to a remote location in the graveyard. "This place is big" she muttered.

Courtney ran a hand over a certain gravemarker to make out the name. She gasped when the name appeared, "This was my great uncle Kinley. How did he end up here?"

Duncan laughed, "Kinley is your uncle! That man is classic when it comes to a mean game of bones. I think he stole money from a church once and cheated on his wife and girlfriend. Nothing big". Courtney glared at Duncan, "What do you mean nothing big! He stole from a church and cheated on his wife and cheated on his girlfriend. You are such a guy". She tried to push him into the ground but she fell right through him and into a headstone.

Ashamed that she fell for that trick again, Courtney just sat there on the ground waiting until Duncan stopped laughing. "I can't believe you fell for that again. God your gulliable and not to mention entertaining. Here". He offered her a hand to get up but she just looked at it and snirckered. "I'm not falling for the same trick three times Duncan".

Duncan rolled his eyes, "Oh please, I did that on purpose princess, you know as a joke. This ones for real". When she still didn't take the hand Duncan sighed annoyed. "Look just touch it and see if your hand goes through". Courtney touched the center of his palm timidly and he spoke the truth, her finger didn't go through. Seeming satisfied Courtney took his large hand in hers and he pulled her back to her feet.

"How many more of my relatives are out here?" she asked quietly. Duncan thought a moment and counted in his head, "Hmm about twenty one. Not a big number nothing to worry about." He noticed Courtney yawning loudly and he could see the slight bags in her eyes. "You seem tired princess, perhaps you should go to bed" he said softy.

"I'll call a cab" Duncan clapped his hands once and a small dark rotten pumpkin appeared. Duncan helped Courtney inside and whispered to the goblin driver. He nodded and slapped the reigns on the skeleton horses who whinned and trotted off back to the depths of the earth. Duncan was now only in the gaveyard listening to the faint moans and groans that surrounded him.

He felt someone tug on his cloak, he looked down to see the grim faces of Trouble. "Excuse me your deathlyness. But your game of bones is about to start. I hear the wager is pretty high tonight". Duncan grinned thinking how well he was going to kick ass at bones, the sorry souls that were down here could wage the only thing they had. Their lifelong sentences.

Rarely did someone try and challenge Duncan for the rights and duties of the underworld as grim reaper. Instead of taking that long walk back down the road to the underworld he used his sycth to create a portal like the one he brought Courtney in, to go back faster into the dark.


"Ladies and Gentleman, We are gathered here today in holy macharoni to wed Courtney Marinez and Leo Cleamons in marriage".

Courtney was wearing a beautiful white dress with a long train carried by small white doves. She was smiling faintly as everybody gushed out how beautiful she was, but her eyes were only on her lifetime boyfriend Leo.

As she approached him, Courtney couldn't really see his face because of the veil. But she knew he looked as gorgeous as she did. After all the vows and the other wedding things like the rings.

When it came time to lift the veil, Courtney gasped when she saw the face of her new husband.

A smirking Duncan appeared in the place of her current boyfriend Leo. "And do you Leo take Courtney Marinez to be your wife in sickness and in health. To death do you part?" The pastor asked. Duncan smiled and whispered in a husky voice, "Until death? I do!"

"Courtney! Courtney! Wake up!" she felt little claws scrape lightly at her head. Courtney jolted foward from the thick blanket on the bed, making Danielle jump back on the floor. Courtney grabbed a fistful of her hair and sighed heavily trying to earse her nightmare. Danielle shook the dust off her fur and hopped back on the bed. "Have a bad dream?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah. I dreamnt I was getting ready to marry my boyfriend Leo but it just got too freaky. Have you been here the whole time?" Danielle yawned and nodded, "I've been sleeping at the end of your bed for a while. It's better than sleeping in the pen with Death Mask and Trouble and the rest of the grimlins. Oh and so much better than sleeping next to Gwen, she kicks in her sleep". Danielle curled into a tight ball her hairy tail covering her face, "You don't mind do you?" her voice was muffled from all the fur.

Courtney laid back down and snuggled down in the pillow, "Yeah, it's okay. Just don't kill me in my sleep". Courtney went back into her dream trying to rid Duncan's face and go back to the sweet loving face of Leo.


"Alright now which one of you little bitches wants to take me on?" Duncan shook the bag of bones together, smirking at the other poor souls in the room. "Master you've already took on everyone who placed a bid tonight" Death Mask said. Duncan sat back in his chair looking around at the sad men.

Julia the waitress walked by in her skimpy uniform, collecting all the empty drinks and refilling some of them. When she walked by Duncan he reached a hand up her short skirt. Julia was one of the few people down in the underworld other than; Duncan, Gwen, and Courtney who were actually living at one point of another. Julia was on punishment by her father and had to serve fifty years down here.

Julia giggled and moved out of Duncan's grip, "Oh Dunky, what have I told you about that" she leaned over to wipe the counters and everyone could see her boobs smooshed together. Duncan growled slightly and pulled Julia's neck across the table to meet his face. "What have I told you about calling me that damn name, darling." He had a little glint in his eyes as Julia's face reddened and she noticed him staring at her chest.

"Uh Duncan, I'm working right now" she tried to get out of his grip but Duncan's strong hand kept her in place. Her stomach dropped when he gave her that all to fimilar sick grin. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mini skull, letting it roll around between his fingers. "You know you can always take a break for awhile with me".

Julia gulped nervously, "I really can't Duncan, I'm trying to pay off my debt". Duncan took his bright teal eyes off her for a moment to watch the mini skull roam around on his hand. "You do know that i'm in charge of your soul and debt. I can always take a little time off." The skull stopped twirling in his fingers and his attention was back on Julia who was very afraid of what he was going to say next.

"Tell you what. I'll left five years from your sentence, if you stay with me tonight" he let the little skull drop into her exposed clevage. He placed a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear, and stroked her face. "Do we have a deal? Or do I need to add five more years on?"

He let go of her neck so she could stand up right. Julia thought for a while and then sighed,she always went to Duncan's place about twice a month and if she did what he wanted, he would subtract years from her sentence. However, if she didn't obey he would add years on. Thinking about her freedom she agreed. Duncan smiled and took her small hand in his, "Well then, let's go".


Courtney was awaken again by loud screaming and heavy breathing coming down the hall. Danielle had turned over on her back and was snoring away by Courtney's leg. "Some people don't have any manners" Courtney mumbled and flopped back down in her pillow. Again there were loud screams coming from a girl and what sounded like crying.

It went on for about twenty more minutes before she heard a door creak open and small footsteps on the rock floor. Whoever it was was still crying lightly as she passed by Courtney's door. Without thinking, Courtney got up from her bed and crept to the door, placing her ear on the door she listened.

"You're such a lovely girl" a voice said huskily. The girl was still crying some but didn't answer. "Go on back to you room. Oh and don't tell anyone about what goes on in that room."

"Yes master" their were faint footsteps leading the other way, and then silence. Courtney listened for a little while longer before giving up and walking back to her bed. She snuggled down beneath the covers and padded Danielle's head some. Courtney turned over and by the light of darkness from outside she gasped at who else was in bed with her.

Their large hand covered her small mouth, their lips gently brushing over her ear as they whispered harshly.

"You're a sneaky little girl aren't you?"
Chris: last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants pranked the other contestants.Cole arraged a fake date with 3 people. Lia, Annie, and Mathew getting them all pranked. And Layla gave a prank text to Marissa and Liza from Joss's phone. Not to mention Elisa beating up Layla! hehe... amazing. In the end, It was both Draven and Ashley who got voted off, but only Ashley who was going home. Draven is being my intern... I need him to still be here... ratings!!! Who will win? Who will barf? Who will want to quit the show? Find out right now on Total... Drama Reality check!

(Theme song)...
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Zack:Aww man we lost.Atleast I was the last on my team.Okay I vote for Lucy.We need people who concentrate in this game.She only concentrates on making out with Jazon.

Lucy: i feel bad for not playing the game but jazon is soo adorible...*frowns* i should work harder i vote for dakota

Luke: That was FUN. I love games like that.

clay: omg how dumb can you be i vote fo dakota


chris: welcome team apple to your first vote off ceramony one of you will be going home tonight the people who are safe will recive gyroids and the one lucky loserwill win the rotton black apple

chris are first...
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*In the Green room*

Chris: welcome back to Total Drama Video Game Highschool!

Sgt. Calhoun: Last time Team Leet didn't live up to the their name...

Chris: and they sent Daisy packing...

Sgt. Calhoun: Now I'm in charge of the next challenge

Chris: and lets just say...Here comes the pain!

*Theme song plays*
*In the confessional after the elimination ceremony*

Draven: Still in...and I WILL win this. No one can stop me!
Sayu: Is it wierd that i somehow don't feel bad? i supposed to?

Sayu:'m still in! *happy dance* Yay! this is so awesome!
Daisy: I will be back!!!! YOU'LL ALL...
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Africa. Again. There we played a friendly game of dodge-ball. Also, Annie found out that Jordan was a cheater. That's not all Jordan did. He got his own team out with his "bad" aim. Making his team lose the challenge. In the end. It was Jordan saying good bye. And saying something else that Annie will never know. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will think I'm sick for letting the losers have so much fun? On Total. Drama. Around the World!

(Theme song)

(Non-first class)
Fawn: 3rd time in here. Agggg... we're on a losing streak again.
Rochelle: we...
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-Getting the evidence-

Ally opened her laptop and asked her friends to privately chat. She posted the problem and waited for the replies. It only took a minute to get some answers.

CourtGurl547:"Your gonna do what?!"

AlGal556: "We are going to break into the studio and steal the real audio back!"

Moonchild90:"Isn't that a little too risky?"

AlGal556:"It's not 'risky' if it means that mike and I can finally get some peace from Blainley!"

GothChic01: "But, isn't know..illegal?"

E-Scope:Nothing is illegal anymore...-_-

AlGal556: Besides even if we do get the evidence..which is nearly impossible..Mike...
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Chris McLean was standing on top of a snowy mountain side near 2 log cabins. There was a ski lift, a mess hall, and a winter sports activity centre. Chris faced the camera and smiled a dazzling smile.
"In Season 1 we had a tropical island. Season 2 an abandoned movie set. In Season 3 we travelled across the globe. And Season 4 we returned to the, now toxic, island. But this season will be different. 22 contestants will be staying in log cabins in the Colorado mountains.11 of these contestants will be South Park residents. The rest will be regular teens from across the globe. All will be competing for the million dollar prize. There will be laughs, some romance and a lot of drama. Stay tuned for the beggining of...Total...Drama...South Park!"
posted by SuperGwen

BTW, ido not own any total drama island characters or hairspray characters. So don't sue me!!
(words in parenthesis during a song is the chorus)

It was a sunny day in Baltimore. Shops were opening up. Cars were honking and trying to avoid morning traffic. Even mail was being delivered and shoes were shined by black barbers.
It was all in a rhythmic beat as Dawn Turnblad started to wake up. Her alarm clock rang as she opened her crystal blue eyes and hopped out her bed. She put own her regular green button up shirt and black skirt. Then she grabbed a can of "Ultra clutch" hairspray...
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posted by iPsychic
Remember, back to school tomorrow for me :( I watched a marathon of TDWT today, since it was on the channel AB3 :) They had my favourite episodes!

‘So, that’s how I won against Bowser for the eighth time, cool huh?’ Sam told our group. We were all sitting at our usual table at recess and Sam was telling us how he defeated Bowser on Super Mario Bros, while everyone was listening with boredom. Zoey and I exchanged bored glances, Cameron was drooling almost falling asleep, B was asleep and Dawn was pretending to listen but was just meditating, not caring.

‘Uh, interesting story Sam!’ I...
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Hatchet: Last time on Total Drama Anime, the contestants had a rough day. I mean a REALLY ROUGH DAY! *laughs* in the end, Tate won the animal challenge and chose Cole to share the reward. On the other hand, Issac was eliminated. Who will survive? Who will win? Find out right here on TOTAL…DRAMA…ANIME!
*theme song*

Jenny: Oww!!! No Hospital for the hurt! That sucks!
Marissa; I know, right? My ankle had a bad twist ‘cause of the stupid animals.
Hibo: We probably deserved that. I have not 1 feeling. I can’t get hurt.
The rest of the girls: As if!
*in the boys cabin on the other hand were totally...
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(Hey guys it's shout out time :D I wanna say happy B-Day to my friend Ashley who's birthday was on the 2nd, My mom who's birthday is on the 11th, my baby cousin who's birthday is on the 15th, and me :D who's birthday is on the 17th! So ya... Shout out over. ENJOY :D)

Shane: Starburst.

Star: Where's the pie lover?

Shane: Ray Ray is so excited about tomorrows challenge that she wants to go to bed early. So now I'm stuck doing this :P

Noah: *rolls eyes* best host ever. :|

Shane: So let's just get this finished. First YouTube treats goes to Crystal, Star, and Samanthat.

(The passing of food and elephants!...
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(Ello! This is late :P Wellz.... Enjoy!!!)

The two narcissist host entered at the same time, did there intros at the same time, then realized that they where not with the person they where told they where meeting. They snarled at each other, giving very fierce death glares.

"WHAT IS SHE/HE DOING HERE!!" they screeched.

"I'm here to be interviewed a little not-as-hot-as-me-but-still-pretty-hot hotty named Meagan Fox!" Chris smirked, waiting for Blainley to try to top that. Blainley just rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Oh please! I'm here because Johnny Depp requested for ME!!! to interview him!"...
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posted by noahnstar1616
Okay, so I had this idea a while. Basically it's about my OC Star who goes on a killing rampage. If your the type of person who doesn't like gory, graphic killings, then this is the story for you!

I have to brush up on a few names of the TD cast, but for now this is just when Star...well, you can read for yourself.

Since writing it in script form will take forever, I'm writing this in, uh, story book form? Yeah, I don't know what it's form it's called so..yeah. Enjoy! :)
It was a crappy morning on the Camp Wawanakwa. It was pouring rain and there...
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-Okay, class!You have a math test now!
-A math test?!!?!?!Gwen and Bridgette whispered and gasped.
-Yeah.Now close the books.Prepare your pens.
She shared the tests at everyone.
-Help?!Gwen whispered.
-Don't worry!You will pass it because we know that you're smart!Bridgette and Courtney said.
-But...How do you know?We know each other since this morning!
Gwen started to use her knowledge, but she has lost her focusing because of Duncan.She was thinking that they were dating.
Gwen sighed.
-What are you thinking about, Gwen Thompson?Mrs. Coleman said.
-Um...Me...I was thinking at...TEST!she said while...
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Geoff:"Welcome back to Total Drama Aftermath! And today we're meeting up with last season's contestants and last season's winner!"

Bridgette:"That's right Geoff. We even got time for your favorite segment 'Truth or Anvil'!"

Geoff:"I can't wait to see who you, the studio audience, put in the hot seat. We'll also be asking questions made by the viewers at home."

Bridgette:"Let's get this show started!"(announced the names of everyone who showed up)"And lastly, Alejandro."

Geoff:"And now, the Season 3 winner, Star!"(Star came out from behind the curtains,arm in arm with Noah)"So Star, how does it...
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Lindsay:Who wants any ice cream?
Bridgette and Gwen:Me too!

At the ice cream shop...
Lindsay:Which flavor?
Beth:Chocolate with peanuts!
Lindsay:And I want with strawberries.Ok...So, how much is it?
The Shop Assistant:5 pounds an ice cream!
Lindsay:20 pounds.Here you are!Goodbye!
Gwen:Mmmm!The ice cream is delicious!
Lindsay:I know, right?I go to hotel!Bye!

At the girls' room...
Lindsay:Wow, this picture is so awesome!Me and Beth, oh...Good memories!*sniff*
Izzy:*sighs* Owe-
Lindsay:Hellooo!I'm here!
Lindsay:Come here!
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Kuki: Ohh yeah! And the pets have to where coustumes! Jared gets a dog! Rays a cat! Jessica is a cow! and Izzy is a dinousor!
Jared: Woof -.-
Ray: MEOWbitchMEOW!
*Exploding Victory*
Ryan: NO I-
Saphira: Bitch! *Slaps her back and they keep slapping each other*
Katie: *On Jareds back* RIDE HORSEY RIDE!
Jared: Woof -.- *Crawls away*

*Dynamite AMazon*
Mollie-Sue: IM HOME FROM WORK!...
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It had been aboute 4 months since courtney broke up with Duncan and Duncan was still sad and courtney was still crying. It was almost christmis so courtney's mom came in with some hot co co. Courtney's mom looked at courtney and smiled then seeing Courtney's face she looked courtney in the eye and said "Courtney dear it has been months since you left him and your still crying. I thought you wanted to be in white house some day? you could not do that if you were with him." Courtney looked at her and looked back at her wall. It was totaly coverd with images of her and duncan. "You don't get it."...
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Doc:Well,whos gonna stay?
Patrick:I WILL!
Patrick:*runs away*
Everyone:*goes in time machien*
Dani:*tears*I already miss him
Tammy:Dani,It's ok!
Kayla:Doc,where we going next?OOOO CAN IT BE AT A MALL IN 3000?
Doc:No!where going to the 1930s!
Episode 3:1935:YOU SWING LIKE A GIRL!!!!!coming soon!
1.)1888:Don't fear the ripper
2.)3002:Miz.Man's reveng
coming soon!
3.)1935:YOU SWING LIKE A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
4.)2001:Christina Aguilera and the stage
(Damn,I haven't wrote in a long time -.- Sorry 'bout that!)

Chasia: Last time on Total Drama Something!
We announced that today is blind dates!
Who knows what they have to do to win??Oh yeaaah,I do!
Now,It's time to play the dating game,right here on Total Drama Something! *giggle*

~Blind date 1~
Aydan: ARGH!!*trips*

Jared: *helps her up*

Aydan: you are! *smile*

Jared No pro----

Aydan: Wait,is it Harold!?!?! *squee*

Jared: *facepalm* No

Aydan:...Trent? (Thinking: If it is Trent,then this awkward...)

Jared: No!

Aydan: Mr.Banana??! :D


Aydan: Well,you don't...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back everyone sorry for the wait last time we saw the campers on a camping trip in the woods. There were fights among the campers. Blaine stood up to Cedric and knocked him out but when Cedric woke up he was so nice and sweet maybe there was some sort of demin in him? Nature scared the heck out of some people and it all ended up with a tie! leading to a race between Max and Sam R. to run to the dining hall grab a bucket of Helga's mystery meatballs and bring them all the way back here! And at the end Max came on top and scored a win for the Hawks! and poor Sam R. had to go home!...
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