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posted by lindsayfan
Lindsay is considered the prettiest girl on the show, however, Mother Nature made her as sharp as a frosted cupcake. She enjoys looking at herself in the mirror, trying on new outfits, and hanging out with boys. She tries her best at the challenges and actually makes it far into the competition despite her naivety and sheep-like mentality, but she is lacking in physical endurance. She is afraid of bugs or anything that crawls. Although she can be a little self-absorbed, she tries to be a friend to everyone (even ugly girls, she claims in her audition tape, which is evident in her close friendship with Beth), even her enemies, though she's often unaware of their animosity. In Who Can You Trust?, she stated that she failed biology, when she fed Trent a poisoned fish that she had not cooked properly. She is actually very athletic. She is MVP for her school's gymnastics team which makes her flexible and quick. She has a crush on Tyler, who also likes her back starting in Not So Happy Campers - Part 1. Their relationship quickly progressed to the point where they were making out by the fifth episode; much more quickly than any other relationship on the show. They hid their relationship from Heather and Courtney, both whom saw the relationship as a threat to their respective teams, though Heather was the only one who took action and actually injured Tyler multiple times for being near her alliance mate, for this reason, Tyler grew to hate Heather.

Lindsay was also a member of Heather's alliance, and even considered her as her BFF (Best Female Friend), though Heather never felt the same way. She is somewhat scared of Heather, but shows some independence from her when she helped lock her in the fridge in If You Can't Take The Heat... (she even admitted in the Confessional stall that she would like to vote her off the island simply because of how bad her eyebrows looked after an accident in the kitchen). Heather threatened that she would cut off Lindsay's hair while she was sleeping if she betrayed her again (which backfires much later on when this fate befalls Heather on behalf of Lindsay in I Triple Dog Dare You!, resulting in Heather getting kicked out of the competition). This is because Heather betrayed Lindsay earlier in That's Off The Chain! when she convinced her to finish the race last and didn't share invincibility with her when she won, resulting in automatic elimination from the contest for Lindsay. Finally realizing what a user Heather was, Lindsay snapped. She flipped off Heather and insulted her with a stream of obscenities, admitting that the other campers where being right about Heather all this time. At the Dock of Shame, she befriends LeShawna, Owen, and Gwen, saying she will miss Owen the most.

Despite the disappointing way she was eliminated, she grew to love Playa Des Losers and even said if she knew of the place beforehand, she would have tried to get eliminated in the first episode. She was also able to reunite with Tyler, though she suddenly forgot which camper Tyler was. She spends most of the Haute Campture episode looking for him. She believed Gwen should have won the contest and was on her side in The Very Last Episode, Really!, but sold out and switched sides when Owen said he would use his money to throw a party for everyone on a yacht.

In Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island!, she teams up with Beth and Ezekiel to find the case containing one million dollars. She has not forgotten what Heather has done to her in the past, rejecting her when she offers to be on her team, and even getting her name wrong (the irony being that Heather is one of the few campers whom Lindsay always gets the name right). Because of her oblivious nature, she almost passes by the case without noticing at least twice. However, she (as well as Beth and Heather) qualified to compete in Total Drama Action. Unlike most, she seems to be excited about the prospect and aspires to win the money so she can buy France and become its queen.

Lindsay returns for Total Drama Action with Beth as her new BFFFL (Best Female Friend for Life), and shares a bunk bed with her. She appears to be smarter, as a number of girls actually think she has some good ideas and she has learned from her past mistakes to avoid Heather. Lindsay actually takes up the role of leadership in this season and even wins a number of challenges for herself in this season. For a portion of the season Beth and Lindsay both become Justin's pawns falling victim to his "powers", though the two eventually overcome him and even outlast him in the competition. Lindsay gains a new rivalry with Courtney who later returns to the competition. Lindsay feels as though Courtney is overshadowing her, and Courtney is furious that everyone likes Lindsay (believing her to be dumb) As a result, the two are always at each others throats (though Courtney more than Lindsay).

In the first challenge of the first episode, Monster Cash, she was the 8th person to be caught by the monster. In the second part of the challenge, after Owen reached the trailers (which took 10 hours), Lindsay wasn't able to participate in it, because Owen was eating everything, even though he didn't know that the goal was to find the key. But in the end, he found it, after he burped it out of his mouth.

However, she is still a little clueless on some degrees as in Alien Resur-eggtion, she says "two words... Geoff and Bridgette" even though she is holding up three fingers (though she did say three words). In this same episode she "leads" Beth, Justin and LeShawna in the challenge to find the alien eggs, but they were caught by a trap made by Chef. She also told Trent to pick Tyler as a team member (forgetting that he wasn't in the game anymore). Later, she said that she had a "dental block" (mental block) about Tyler not being on Total Drama Action.

In Riot On Set, Lindsay is chosen to join the Killer Grips, as Trent's first choice, since Trent is jealous of his girlfriend, Gwen, for choosing Duncan on the opposing team. Lindsay is overjoyed and says that without Heather, she can be a better addition to the team as she has a lot of hidden potential (although her suggestion is for Tyler to help the team, despite his not being there). She helps her team doing Izzy's makeup for the challenge. In the Gilded Chris Ceremony Lindsay was in the bottom 3 along with Justin and Izzy, but in the end Izzy had to go to the Lame-o-Sine.

During Beach Blanket Bogus, Lindsay and Beth's friendship begins to strain as both girls compete for Justin's affection. At breakfast, Lindsay offers Justin bacon, followed by Beth's offering of Facon (a tofu substitute for bacon). When Beth says Facon is good for Justin's body, Lindsay tries to one-up her by saying bacon is good for his hair. During the surfing challenge, Lindsay says cheers for Justin and Beth follows suit, causing Lindsay to call Beth a copycat. Beth then calls Lindsay "tanorexic", but quickly apologizes and offers a friendship bracelet. Lindsay actually did pretty good in the surfing challenge but fell down by a tornado (prop). She also used hermit crab shells for the Prop Building Sandcastle Contest, but Trent's obsession with the number 9 made their sandle castle fall down. Then Beth had the idea of using other things to build the castle and Lindsay helps giving some magazines that she had in her purse to use them to make it. Some birds destroyed the Gaffer's castle making the Grips win challenge. But in the end who really won were the Gaffers, since Trent fell on purpose during the dance challenge. Like all of her team, Lindsay was sad because they lost another challenge, having to see the Gaffers enjoying their party, since the bus was broken.

The friendship remains intact in 3:10 to Crazytown as Lindsay and Beth have to jump from a high altitude to mount a horse below. They are seen holding hands the entire way down, and they both succeed in landing on their appropriate target. This is analogous to a scene from Total Drama Island's second episode where Katie and Sadie jump off a cliff hand-in-hand to land in the safe zone of Lake Wawanakwa. Before jumping, Lindsay entrusts Beth to not let Heather have her hair in the event that she dies, but denies Beth the actual rights to her hair for herself. So the Grips were tied with the Gaffers and had to do a tie break. In the end, the Grips lost and had to go to the Chris Awards Ceremony. Justin knew about the fact that Trent had been cheating and told Lindsay, Beth and Owen and made Gwen tell the truth. Lindsay was the first to receive an Award Gilded Chris and Trent was voted off.

She didn't actually appear in the The Aftermath: I, but Geoff mentions her asking someone to say to Lindsay that Tyler isn't in the game anymore. And she is seen in "That's going to leave a mark", in a never seen before video where a crab grabs one of Lindsay's fingers.

In The Chefshank Redemption, Lindsay is said to be extremely squeamish. Multiple stories are told to back this, one being that Lindsay had once locked herself in the bathroom, drank everyone's shampoo in case it was 'magic potion' and then threw up on herself. The other was that, just the night before the challenge, she had almost thrown up because LeShawna's gum was too 'minty fresh'. Also, Justin takes advantage of Lindsay's ability to be easily manipulated by stronger personalities. This occurs in the elimination challenge, when Lindsay asks Justin if he will push the cart for the team, but he convinces her to push the cart instead, thus avoiding doing it himself. She has trouble pushing the cart due to Owen's weight. It also seems that she became a member of Justin's Alliance. While Gwen is attempting a fake cramp, Lindsay makes her team reach the stopping point and the Grips started to dig as part of the challenge. The Grips are shown, digging their tunnel. Lindsay begins to worry that the Gaffers are far ahead of them. Justin easialy calmed her, telling her that since Gwen must throw the challenge, they don't need to worry. In the end, the Grips won the challenge and Izzy returned to the game becoming once again a member to their team. The Gaffers went to the Awards Ceremony and voted Gwen off, surprisingly she voted herself out as well.

In The Sand Witch Project, Lindsay decided to begin to take a leadership role in her team after Heather calls her and Beth "spineless followers". Lindsay realizes that she is a follower, despite "always being in the middle of the pyramid in cheerleading" and always being the third vote among three sisters. She then begins to become slightly bossy, beginning with forcing her team to pick Beth to be the serial killer in the challenge, something which she called "so delicious" and "almost better than being pretty". However, this also shows some of her potential as a leader and a rare spark of intelligence, as she knew Beth would not be any help as a screamer due to Beth's surgery and was able to keep her team in the game for much of the challenge. But she completely depended on the "Ghost Meter". Her bossy leadership continues throughout the episode, and it ends up landing her in the bottom two, which shocks her. However, both her and Justin are able to stay in the competition when DJ eliminates himself due to his overwhelming guilt over being in an illegal alliance with Chef Hatchet.

In Masters of Disasters, Lindsay is much less of a leader then she was in the previous episode, as she doesn't attempt to assist in deciding how to complete the challenge. In fact, she was part of the reason her team was unable to complete the challenge, as she dropped their piece of paper with the lock combination on it into the water rising in the submarine. While the Grips were in the submarine, Izzy said that she was surrounded by loons, including Lindsay. Like the everyone else from both teams, they suffered a near death experience, by the water that was getting into the submarine. In the end, Harold from the Screaming Gaffers, won the challenge, which saved them as well.

In Full Metal Drama, Lindsay once again took up a leadership-type role, as she names herself the teams admiral for the challenge, giving herself the title "Admiral Lindsay, Her Hotness". She gets a great deal of assistance from Beth while in the position of leadership. Lindsay, along with Beth, also begins to resist Justin's charm, which greatly worries him. Despite this, she is still swayed to vote along with Justin for the elimination. Lindsay also said, if she would have been eliminated, she would have blamed it on Beth, for the sole reason that she needed someone to blame it on. Lindsay was the second to receive the Guilded Chris Award, after Beth.

Lindsay's stupidity, but care, is shown a little more in Ocean's Eight - Or Nine. As Chris explains what each team is supposed to do, Beth and Lindsay gasp from shock, Justin gasps weakly, and, weirdly, Lindsay gasps again. She even admits to being held back two years in 8th Grade. Lindsay and Beth were the main people of interest towards a very hungry Owen, picturing Lindsay as a bottle of soda and/or a drumstick. Both, in some point, even had to run from Owen because he was "riding" a pair of wheels and chasing them. It is possible that her leadership role has been terminated, due to Courtney's arrival this episode. She and Owen were considered to be "best friends" as all Killer Grips (except Courtney) saw that his elimination this episode was very unfair. She, along with Beth and Justin (and Chris), were mentioned in Owen's farewell speech and they gave him their Gilded Chris Awards.

In One Million Bucks, B.C., Lindsay is shown to be upset with Courtney's return even more because now she doesn't think anyone will listen to her. The first challenge involves both teams trying to make fire with only rocks. She then wins the first part on the challenge for the Grips, as Duncan cheated on making the fire for the Gaffers, and Courtney stormed off when she thought that Duncan won. Then, in the second part of the challenge, she lost the fight to LeShawna, even while having an advantage, because Chris blew on the giant blowhorn from the beginning of the episode, startling Lindsay and making her fall into the tar pit. Strangely she was a bit glad that she fell into it, saying that it was good to the skin, something that lately was confirmed by Justin. The Grips won despite, but lost their reward that was a giant Flintstones-like Mammoth rib, because Chef accidentally made it fall in the tar pit.

In Million Dollar Babies, the first part of the challenge is conditioning, where Chris decides who to put them up against in the challenges that really count. Harold and Lindsay end up coming in last in the conditioning, and they are pinned against each other in boxing. Lindsay competed against Harold during the boxing challenge where they must punch each other with marshmallow gloves. Lindsay hits Harold with the glove thinking that she won, but Chris said that Harold won for his team because he was doing that in slow-motion while she didn't. Lindsay tries to attack Chris for that remark but gets pulled back by her teammates. Along with everyone else, Lindsay was angered when LeShawna made some rude comments about all of the other contestants from Courtney's PDA, prompting them to turn back on her. Lindsay later forgave LeShawna when she did her apology cheer. In the end of the episode she helps her team with the cheering contest, that made the Grips win, only because Chris was the judge of the challenge and they cheered for him, saving them from the elimination

In Super Hero-ld

, Lindsay and Courtney return to the set, reeking from their trip to the cheese factory. Lindsay brought some cheese
Lindsay as Wonder Woman.back to share with the other girls. Lindsay creates a costume and claims that her super hero name is Wonder Woman and that her superpower was to "wonder a lot" and to have a special invisible jet. But Courtney reminded that Wonder Woman already exists. However, Chris (being a big fan of Wonder Woman) proclaims her as the winner of the first part of the challenge, not giving any attention for Courtney complaints. Winning the first challenge provided an advantage of 10 seconds to Lindsay in the second challenge. She was the first one to have to compete in the second challenge. She got past through the building made by cardboard that was "on fire". She failed in saving the potato sack dressed like "damsel" in danger. Then climbed until she reached the wires and dodged three bowling balls that Chef had thrown against her, but was hit by a fourth and fell on a mattress. Lindsay later joins Beth and LeShawna in a vote to eliminate Duncan (and get back at Courtney), but their plan fails due to Harold voting for LeShawna and sending her home instead. Both accompanied her to the Red Carpet of Shame, saying goodbye to her.

In the The Aftermath: III, we can see Lindsay in "That's going to leave a mark", in a video from episode One Million Bucks, B.C., where Heather hurts Lindsay while "brushing" her hair. Later when Heather is in the electric chair, Geoff asked her if she thinks that Lindsay is dumb as she looks. She was electrocuted, after saying "yes", which means that Heather apparently thinks that Lindsay might be smart.

Lindsay attempting to make Courtney jealous in Get a Clue.In The Princess Pride, Lindsay and Beth combined their burrito in the biggest burrito contest hosted by Duncan. After the theme's challenges are revealed she tries on Chris's glass boot. She shows that she has big feet which she is a little self conscious of. She looked very sad, when Duncan called her "Big Foot". Lindsay played "Sleeping Beauty" in the blindfolded bridge crossing challenge but was knocked off. She thinks Courtney is lucky to be the princess. During the Gilded Chris Awards, she was seen with Beth making a voodoo doll with a Princess Courtney doll.

Lindsay was the first to realize that Chris's message were actually clues to the challenge in Get a Clue. Her idea that Chris is buried was ignored in favor for Courtney's idea.On the train, Lindsay draws an outline of Chris and later finds out that Courtney was the murderer. Lindsay prefered to be called "Detective Lindsay, Her Hotness" when Chris announced her as the winner. Lindsay's prize was a trip for two to see a movie. She takes Duncan because she want Courtney to be jealous. She was a little awkward with Duncan but says that annoying Courtney was worth it. Courtney became jealous and mad because she didn't win and Lindsay was with Duncan, but she pretended that she didn't care.

Beth hugs Lindsay before she leaves the set.In Rock n' Rule, Lindsay is once again on Courtney's bad side, starting in the morning where Lindsay sings. Lindsay wins the second part of the challenge when she stops to show off for the fake paparazzi (which everyone else blew by). However her ten extra seconds are wasted away in the third challenge due to Courtney destroying everything in the room and leaving nothing standing. Since Courtney wins invincibility, Lindsay meets with Owen, Harold, and Beth and works out a plan to eliminate Duncan. However when it comes time for elimination, Owen chooses not to eliminate Duncan and instead chooses Courtney (wasting his vote). In the end, Lindsay carelessly votes blindly, accidentally casting a third vote for herself and being eliminated. Beth gives her a goodbye as she enters the Lame-o-sine.
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