Total Drama Island Club
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(Sorry to everyone for this, but I decided that except for Geoff, Leshawna, and whoever else was voted off, every camper that got voted off in the original series is voted off. Except, Gwen came back.) And… change of teams. As usual, the original teams are the teams for this. It’s too hard to remember.

And, my other articles are on the TDA spot...

I was in a weird place that looked exactly like a bank. A studio, I noticed.
“Kiyurie, you’ll have to wear this.” Chris tossed a blonde wig at me.
I smirked at it. “Uh… why?”
“Be-CAUSE,” He started, “You’ll be the bank teller for this challenge. And we don’t want anyone to know it’s actually you. Or, if you don’t want to… Courtney can do it.”
“She’s coming back also. Don’t tell anyone, though I know you can be trusted.”
Yes. Yes, thank you, Chris! I could be trusted.
I was surprised, but I didn’t let that show. “Fine, I’ll do it. But I don’t think…”
“I’ll look good with blonde hair,” I finished, sighing.
“Let’s try it on! Chris laughed. I had a blonde streak in my hair, but that was just a streak!
“Sure.” Chris walked me over to the mirror.
OMG. I looked… I didn’t even know how to describe it. I looked normal, and pretty. But it was… overly pretty, and I didn’t like it.
I look much better as a brunette.
“Wow, girl, you look fab!” He said.
“Uh… thanks.” I didn’t know why, but Chris only gave ME compliments.
Why was that?
“Hey, you should rest,” Chris stated, changing the subject. “The campers are over in the craft services tent. Meet me here in your wig in half an hour.
“Riiiiight,” I said.
I flopped down on a tree in the forest. With my blonde wig. Ugh… this thing was so… so… itchy! Jeesh. I pulled it off, and tossed it on the ground, careful not to get any dirt on it.
That’s when it all came to me, all in a rush. I would be seeing Gwen. All my friends on TDA would be there too. And best of all…
I felt a flitting in my chest and blushed.
Duncan. Best of all, I would get to see Duncan.
My love. My boyfriend. My life. (At the moment…)
But Courtney was also going to be there. I didn’t care about her. I had SEEN the episodes. In one, Duncan even said how he missed me, and wished that I was on TDI instead of Courtney. So, no worries. And, so what?! I know kung fu, karate (though basically it’s the same), and I have a few other tricks up my sleeves. (Evil grin.)
Not that I would ever hurt anyone. But I have to defend myself… right…?
I sat in the bank-like place, waiting, when Chris said to me, “Kiyurie. Stand up and look cool. The Gaffers are coming.”
I felt light. The Gaffers were Duncan, Heather, Harold, and Gwen. And, soon, me, too.
Duncan (and the Gaffers) rushed over to me. I wanted to turn around, to see his lovely blue eyes… but Chris had told me not to. Until he gave me “the signal.”
Okie then.
“Wow, Miss, AWESOME legs and arms… ooh, what a nice set of hands!”
That was Duncan. I could tell. I looked over at Chris. Nope, no signal yet.
Then, Duncan leaned over to me and whispered, “Don’t tell Kiyurie. Who are you? Oh, who cares, as long as you don’t tell her.”
Hey! I thought silently. Oh, well. I AM Kiyurie.
Chris nodded. Now!
I whipped around. “Hey, Duncan!” I squealed. “Hi, everyone!”
“Kiyurie…” Duncan regarded me in shock.
“What’s she doing here? You told us she ran off back home!” Heather snorted.
“Nope, she’s back.” Chris grinned. “And so is Courtney. Courtney, come over.”
Duncan looked over at me. I smiled.
“Wanna go outside?” He whispered.
“Sure,” I laughed back. It was so great to be with him again.
When we were outside, this is how everything went.
“You’re back.” Duncan said. He shook his head. “I can’t believe it. It was such a surprise.”
“A good surprise?” I asked. “Or…”
“Well, that do you think?” He asked, grinning.
I just giggled in my cute Japanese way.
“C’mere,” He smiled his absolutely charming, dazzling smile.
I hesitated a moment, then rushed into his arms.
“You know this is on TV, right?” I giggled teasingly.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.”
He tickled my cheek. “I missed you,” he said playfully.
“I did, too,” I whispered back.
We leaned towards each other, and we kissed. It was a warm kind of kiss, the kind that said “I love you, I need you. I’m so glad I have you!”
(That sounded like a poem.)
“I love you, by the way,” I smiled teasingly.
“So do I, Angel.”
“Don’t you like it?”
“Yes, of course.” I giggled.
“So, what were you doing? Was Courtney… you know…?”
“Hostile? Nah,” I said. “I mostly avoided her. I don’t want to hurt her.”
He laughed his absolutely cute laugh.
I decided to change the subject.
“I can’t believe you thought I was… you know,” I said. “Not me.”
“Me, neither.”
I grinned. “I look good with blonde hair, yeah?”
“Of course, Angel. You look good even in a garbage bag.”
“Hey!” I protested. “You’ve never even seen me in a garbage bag! Well, to be honest, I’ve never exactly wore one!”
“Well… I can imagine you in one!” Duncan laughed furtively.
“I wonder what you do in your free time,” I said strangely to him, “And here you are. Imagining your girlfriend in garbage bags.”
He laughed. “C’mon, let’s go back in. Chris will be waiting.”
I could tell he didn’t want to, and I surely didn’t want to, but… “Okay.” I nodded.
He put his arm around me as we walked back in.
The second we got in, Courtney frowned at me. Well, it wasn’t a frown. It was a scowl.
“Hey, Miss Japan, come here,” she said in the coldest of cold voices.
Duncan’s mouth twitched. “Miss Japan?”
I looked at Duncan, then quickly glanced back. “Sure, whatever.”
She practically dragged me outside.
“Hey, jeez!” I protested. “What do you want?”
She stared at me with unfriendly coal-black eyes.
I stared back with my unfriendly (I hope) blue ones.
“What?!” I snapped.
“Boyfriend-stealing, idiotic, ugly, dumb, WHORE!!!!” She screamed at me.
I didn’t say anything. Then, “Why do you care about me and Duncan?”
My voice was cold. Like… maybe winter in Canada. Though in that case, her voice was basically Antarctica.
“He’s mine,” She hissed.
God, she sounded like a snake! Well, I’ve never heard a snake, actually.
But she sounded like one to me. Like in my sister Bella’s Barnyard Buddies Book with all the different animal sounds. Snake was in there. And it sound pretty much like Courtney now to me.
“Deal with it.” I shrugged, trying to keep my anger under control.
She gritted her teeth. “ARRRGGGH!” She cried as she threw herself at me, one foot extended. I stepped away at the last second. Courtney skidded on the dirt.
W-o-w. She had serious anger management problems.
What was I doing? I was a BLACK BELT, for goodness’ sake!
I threw her aside with an arm blow, the kicked her.
I landed on top of her. She threw me off. Luckily, I landed on grass.
Duncan and Chris walked in. Duncan saw me and quickly rushed to me and brushed me off. I wasn’t injured, but I had a splinter in my arm. Courtney had scraped knees.
*Kiyurie in C.*
[“That evil little…” *Shakes head* “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to attack her. I just got mad… and… Mom, I know Japanese people resort to peace now! I’m sorry!”]
*Courtney in C.*
[“Kiyurie? No, I didn’t care. Of course not. I was just saying about leaving when Chris… um… was telling everyone about why I got to come back. Yeah, that was it. That had totally nothing to do with Duncan.” *Stares at camera* “Okay, it did! But it’s little Miss Japan’s fault. She’s the boyfriend-stealing, stupid… AUGH!”]
“Are you okay, Angel?” Duncan asked, helping me up.
“Kiyurie! What happened?” Chris exclaimed.
“Hello?” Courtney said, annoyed that I was getting all the attention. “I’M the one who has a scraped knee! Two scraped knees! What about me? Doesn’t anyone care? What about you, Duncan?”
She smiled at him and batted her eyelashes. Duncan jerked back.
“Hey, Mister Totally-Cute!” She said, all flirty.
“Off, Courtney!” Duncan shoved her off.
*Duncan in C.*
[“How dare that girl hurt Kiyurie? My Kiyurie.” *Grits teeth* “I really hate her now.”]
“Yeah, Courtney!” That was Chris, and he didn’t sound happy. I grinned at him. “If you hurt her anymore, you’re off the show.”
“But-!” Courtney started to say.
“Enough.” Duncan’s eyes were ice-cold. “Don’t ever hurt my girl.”
He held my hand and kissed my cheek. I blushed and grinned back.
*Kiyurie in C.*
[“He’s so sweet! I totally don’t know why he likes me, but he does…”]
“Okay.” Chris said, breaking the silence. “Kiyurie, since you’ve been attacked by someone…” He glared at Courtney, “You can take the day off. Courtney, you’re on the Killer Grips. Get on with the challenge.”
I grinned. “Thanks.”
“Oh,” He said, “I almost forgot. You can pick on person to take the day off with you.”
“Duncan…” I whispered in his ear, “Do you mind if I choose Gwen? Just DON’T flirt with Courtney.”
“No problem,” He said, though I could tell it was a problem. “And why would I flirt with Courtney? The same person that injured my Angel?”
“Thanks!” I hugged him. “You’re the best! The absolute best!”
He smiled, and I turned to Chris. “I pick Gwen,” I said.
Gwen looked surprised. “Me?”
“Sure, you guys can go.” Chris waved us off.”
“Yeah. C’mon!”
“Wow. Thanks. I didn’t think you would choose me.”
I took her hand, and we ran into the forest. That had become my favorite place to hang.
“Why didn’t you pick Duncan?” She asked me. “I would understand, you know.”
“I’ve already said hi to him,” I replied. “I haven’t even said ANYTHING to you!”
“True,” she said, giggling. “But you seem so attached to him.”
I swatted her.
“Here, lie down here.” Gwen giggled. I liked her laugh, too, low and lovely like a chime.
We’re at a grassy area, and the grass was sorta damp, but who cared? We flopped down on the grass.
“I’m so glad to have you here,” Gwen said to me.
“I am, too.” I smiled. “I’m happy I’ve met you. You’re a great friend.”
And she was. She was my best friend in the whole world, for now, that is.
I was so glad I’d applied for this show.
What did you think of it? Sorry Courtney-lovers, I don’t hate Courtney, but I did make her the antagonist in here. But it was dramatic, yeah?
(And yes, I know this thing is really long, 5 pages font 12 on Microsoft Word, and 1863 words! Count if you like…)
added by DandC4evacute
Source: CITPrincess
added by DandC4evacute
Source: Markiehh
added by DandC4evacute
Source: Atuttumomo
added by smartone123
Source: me
added by Courtneyfan214
Source: Me, DandC4evacute, and Crazytdi21(who is no longer on fanpop anymore.)
added by laylay0014
Source: Me
added by ilovetdi3598
Source: HyperForceGo
added by DandC4evacute
Source: TwisterDxG
added by TDIlover226
Source: TDIlover226 (myself)
added by HoldsteinSingh
Source: daisyplayer1
added by piepiecat
Source: meh
added by SuperGwen
added by nocofangirl218
Source: Me!
added by jadore_renard
Source: Drawing-Me Characters-(c) Fresh
added by DandC4evacute
added by jadore_renard
Source: me
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Source: me
added by tyler_gf123
Source: me
added by TheUVERlover
Source: me