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Motorcycles and The Secret

Duncan was on the roof of the apartment, basking in the silence. He was lying down on the ground, arms behind his head, just relaxing. For once, he didn’t think of Princess, and for once, he didn’t see or hear Princess the whole entire morning.

Well, until now.

“Duncan!” he heard a familiar voice shriek. “Duncan Aiden Evans, please come over here! I’m being extraordinarily polite, so you better listen!”

Duncan ignored her, smirking.

“Please, Duncan?!”

O right this is all I got from now ;) if you want more you know who ask. You don't know? I can tell you is MONICA-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to her for this awesome story that its gonna continue and when that happen Im gonna post it here on the WEB SITE OF FANPOP (this sound just like Chris xD)
The smirk stayed set on his mouth.

“That’s it! I wanted to be polite for once, and you just brush it away, smirking! I know you’re smirking! And I know you’re ignoring me! Frank wants us over to Starbucks as soon as possible! It’s an urgent situation obviously!”

Duncan sighed happily, and muttered, “Was that an annoying fly I just heard?” He snickered, loving his twenty-four seven job.

He didn’t hear Courtney for a while, until he heard the door slam from the roof and angry stomps coming towards him. He cringed, knowing how furious Courtney must be right now.

His eyes were closed, but suddenly it turned dark. He knew Courtney was looming over him.

“What is it, Princess?” Duncan asked nonchalantly. “As you can see, I am relaxing up here in complete silence—and you ruined it. Whaddya want?”

“I’m sure you heard me, Duncan,” Courtney replied sweetly, which made Duncan tempted to open his eyes. “Frank wants us to report to Starbucks right now! The way he sounded was so…frenzied! He’s panicking! We should help our dear manager, right?”

“He’s the one who has a crush on you, babe, not me. He’s probably only doing that fake ‘Oh, help me, my prince slash princess!’ act so he could see you. He didn’t know that you would call me, though. That would ruin his grand master plan of getting you to fall in love with him, you know. I don’t want to see his pathetic face when he sees me walk in with you, making out without a care in the world. I hate the feeling of remorse. So…bye.”

It was quiet. And then a hand grabbed him by the front of his shirt, pulling him upwards roughly. Duncan’s eyes popped wide open. He came face to face with an angry chick.

“Like I said, I’m trying to be civilized—”

“You mean level-headed—which you suck at, I’d have to add.”

Courtney thumped him on the forehead hard. “—because it’s a mature act in my opinion. Frank needs our help, and we should’ve been gone, like five minutes ago.”

“How do you know it was five minutes ago? What are you, a clock? And why do people say five minutes ago every single freaking time in certain conditions? It’s practically labeled as cliché!”

“Don’t you try to distract me, idiot! Besides, people say that because it’s an automatic thing!” She sighed. “Anyways, let’s go now; Frank—probably Zily, as well—is waiting.”

Duncan grinned hugely at her. “Not until I get something in return,” he bargained. “I want something in return. You want me to go help Frank badly; I don’t want to go help Frank badly. It’s pretty fair that we wager on this, honey.”

Courtney slowly let go of her grip on his shirt. “What do you want?” she asked slowly. “It better not be something perverted or anything related to that disgusting adjective.”

“Maybe it is, but anything counts in this wager—you can’t argue with me about it. After all, it’s my wager to yours.”

“Just say it already. You’re wasting time.”

“Give me a long make-out session right here right now.”

Courtney groaned. “Duncan, we don’t have time! I’ll say it again: Frank needs our help ASAP, you got that?!”

“The more you hurry, the faster we get there, Princess.”

Duncan watched as Courtney gave him a look of exasperation. She bit her lip, making Duncan want to grab her right now. Why does she have to be so damn tempting? She’s breaking my cool façade!

Courtney leaned towards Duncan and pressed her lips hard against his eager ones. He quickly responded back, pulling Courtney closer to him. She didn’t move; only her lips did. He didn’t mind, though. As long as she’s accepting his uncanny wager, he’s okay.

Too soon for Duncan, Courtney pulled away. She quickly grabbed him by the arm without hesitation and ran. Duncan almost tripped by the sudden action, but quickly regained his balance, in tow with Courtney.

“Do you think we can make it?!” Duncan yelled, the fast wind almost drowning out his deep voice.

“We can’t, but let’s just stay positive. We’re lucky we’re both athletic, so we won’t get exhausted once we arrive—hopefully,” Courtney answered, frowning.

“You didn’t have to add that last word, you know.”

“Just shut up and run. Talking will increase your chances of getting tired.”

They both continued running, hoping they could reach in time and not be tired. They just couldn’t be.


Courtney drank water feverishly from the drinking fountain. She was so weary she wanted to just collapse on a warm, soft bed and sleep. She looked at Duncan who was panting heavily on the ground.

“We can’t make it,” he said wearily. “I’m freaking tired; you’re freaking tired; and maybe Frank and Zily can handle whatever problem by themselves. They’re grownup, they’ll live. We can’t baby them, right?”

Courtney splashed water at him, earning a contented sigh from him. She got the opposite effect she wanted.

“Frank needs our help! We can’t just leave our manager and co-worker there, waiting for us! That’s just not right, Duncan! Frank might fire us! I don’t particularly like this job, but at least the pay and hours are decent. They aren’t exactly…on our level of strength—you of all people should know that.”

Duncan rolled his eyes at her. “Oh, stop worrying, Drama Queen. It’s not like there’s a robber there. If it was, Frank would be killed by now, even Zily—and Frank is too much of a coward to fire me…and you,” he added, “since you’re so scary.”

“Okay, one: I’m not a ‘drama queen.’ Two: It’s burglar, not robber. A robber is someone who robs a place when someone’s not there; a burglar is someone who burglars you when they are there, got it? Three: Don’t be thinking so off-putting! Four: I can be scary whenever I want to be; I don’t need any of your cynical remarks about that subject.” She collapsed next to him. “We have to think of something, Duncan.”

Duncan leaned his forehead against her shoulder. “I’m too tired to think, Courtney,” he groaned. “You do the thinking.”

“If I do the thinking, then you’ll do the stealing.”

At the mention of the word “stealing,” Duncan immediately perked up.

“What do I do?” He was grinning madly.

Courtney smirked. “You see those motorcycles over there?” She pointed towards the row of motorcycles near a couple of bulky men—and one woman. “Steal one and we’ll be there in no time—p—”

Duncan kissed her briefly. “Don’t even say that word, honey.” He leaned closer. “This is my specialty, but I need you to distract them. Flirt, threaten, annoy, do whatever you’re born to do—I would pick annoy.”

Courtney narrowed her eyes at him. “Now’s not the time, you ogre. Hurry up. I’ll do whatever to distract them, but the woman seems hard.”

“You can do it, babe.”

She smiled at him, and Duncan couldn’t help but smile back. Courtney saw something different in his smile; it was more genuine and…warm. His eyes were showing this emotion she couldn’t quite identify, and it irked her a bit. She hated not knowing things.

Duncan…what the hell do I feel for you? Courtney thought. You freaking idiot…

They both began walking toward the supposedly mean bikers. Courtney walked ahead while Duncan hid behind a huge bush.

Courtney gave them a flirtatious smile; she didn’t know how to flirt, but it didn’t seem so difficult. She tried to bring out her feminine side.

“Hello, boys,” she said sweetly. “That’s a nice set of motorcycles you guys got there.”

The one with the most tattoos smiled enticingly back at her. “Why, thank you very much, sexy,” he purred. “What’s your name?”

Courtney looked up at him with big, innocent-looking eyes. “It’s Monique—yours?” She didn’t want to give away her name for this tattoo freak.

I wonder if Duncan has a tattoo, she thought. Crap, shut up, Courtney!

The tall, mean-looking girl came up, glaring at Courtney with intense contempt. She then turned her fierce glare towards the tattoo guy.

“Mark,” she growled, “what the hell are you doing?”

Mark rolled his eyes at her. “What do you think I’m doing, Abby? I’m flirting with Monique here.” He winked at Courtney. She giggled, and then she inconspicuously showed a look of disgust towards Duncan. She saw him chuckle.

Abby sneered at Courtney. “Look, Monique”—she spat out her name—“I don’t know what the hell you want, but I don’t like girls who suddenly come up and start flirting with other girls’ boyfriends. I hate sluts, okay?”

Courtney’s temper blazed up suddenly. She put her hands behind her back, fists forming. Her knuckles were turning white, and she hoped that Abby had a death wish.

She smiled angelically. “What did you just call me, Abby?” she asked innocently. “I didn’t quite catch it, because I was staring intently at your big, ugly face.”

Abby cracked her knuckles hard. “Hell no!” she roared. “This prissy, daddy’s little girl is talking about my face now?! You are going to feel sorry about this, Monique.”

Courtney reverse-kicked the man near Mark; he became unconscious in the process. Abby gasped and Mark squealed quietly.

“Juan!” Abby cried. “How the hell did you do that?! That was just one kick, and I didn’t even see it!”

“Martial arts classes can make you learn things, dear Ugly.” Courtney smirked. “Do you wanna know what else I’ve learned?”

Abby looked frightened, but immediately covered it up with her snobby façade. “That was just one measly kick. Besides, Juan is our weakest fighter. Did you know that I’m the leader of this gang?”

“Correction: Juan was your weakest fighter.”

Abby came charging forward with her fist ready to punch, and Courtney just stood there smirking. Courtney was about to kick Abby in the stomach, when, suddenly, Mark yelled out something incoherent.

Abby and Courtney immediately stopped. Abby snarled at Mark.

“What the hell, Mark?”

Mark hid behind Courtney cowardly. He leaned down to her height and peered at Abby with scared eyes. Courtney wanted to elbow him in the guts for ruining their “friendly conversation,” but she remembered her meditation exercise—which she failed.

“I don’t want you guys hurting each other over me. I mean, I didn’t know that I was that—,” Mark started saying, sounding a bit arrogant over the situation.

Abby’s fists tightened. “This isn’t about you, Mark; this is a women’s brawl, and you’re in no way a part of it. I insulted her; she insulted me; now we’re fighting. Is your name in any of those sentences?”

“But, well, it did start with Monique here being interested in me. You blew up and—”

“That was long forgotten, stupid. And I bet she wasn’t here for you, but for something else.” She directed her ruthless eyes towards Courtney. “What is it that you want?”

Courtney smiled. She knew they would be expecting her to say something irritatingly innocent, but instead she said: “Duncan, you can come out now.”

Abby looked confused, and even though Courtney couldn’t see him, she knew that Mark was confused, as well. Courtney felt Duncan’s presence beside her.

“Who are you? What the hell is going on?” Abby inquired irritably.

Duncan nudged Courtney. “All we needed was a motorcycle and you just make the situation even more confusing. Frank’s probably in a fetal position by now, you know. Your flirting skills are absolutely sexy, but they contain a whole lot of confusing bad luck,” he snickered.

“Oh, shut up, Duncan. I’m not clairvoyant, so I didn’t know this was going to happen,” Courtney retorted. “You could’ve stepped in earlier without my permission.”

“I was about to, but I was afraid you might go Kung-Fu Panda on my ass if I interrupted your ‘woman quarrel.’”

Abby groaned out loud. “Okay, so you mean to tell me that all you wanted was one of our rides?” She shook her head. “Well, you could’ve just said so! Jeez! You got me all tempered up, and all you wanted was—Oh, my gosh, Monique!” She slapped her forehead, laughing.

Courtney was taken aback, a perplexed look covering her face. “So…you would’ve just given us one if we asked?”

“Duh! We’re out here, because we want to give away free motorcycles since we got plenty of them back at our hangout. These are a bit old, but they’re sturdy.”

Duncan put his arm around her shoulders. “See, Courtney? All you had to do was ask. Sometimes your violent techniques are useless.”

Courtney elbowed him hard.

“Courtney?” Mark questioned. “So you’re name’s not ‘Monique’?”

Duncan put an arm around her waist possessively, irking Courtney. “Yeah, that’s her name, and I suggest you step away from her and go to your little girlfriend,” he said menacingly. “Or else you’ll receive something painful from my fist.”

Mark glared at him before scampering away to Abby, who looked like she was thinking, “Pathetic.” Courtney just rolled her eyes.

Mark inquired, “You guys are dating?”

Courtney was about to retort, but then she quickly snapped her mouth shut. She didn’t know how to answer that. She heard Duncan chuckle lowly.

“Something like that, Mark-y boy,” he replied. “But she’s still mine. My fingerprints are all over her.”

Courtney pushed Duncan away roughly, shocked. “What the hell, Duncan?! You are acting like some obsessed freak. I am not yours! I am nobody’s property, you got that?!” She was glaring at him.

Duncan put his hands behind his head nonchalantly. “Mm-hm, sure, whatever, babe.” He sniffled. “My kisses mean nothing to you. I understand.”

Courtney sighed. “Duncan, I wasn’t talking ab0ut that; I was—”

“What were you talking about then?”

“I’m just saying that I don’t belong to you; I never said anything about your kisses.”

“You must’ve implied it.”

Courtney rolled her eyes at Duncan’s irrational behavior. “How could that sentence possibly imply that your kisses mean nothing to me?!”

“See, you just said it.”

Courtney gritted her teeth, fists clenching again. She pulled Duncan by the arm and planted her lips on his firmly—they were angry but feeling lusty at the same time.

She felt Duncan grin against her lips. He knew that he tricked her again, but right now, she didn’t care so much. She wanted to kiss him, and if she knew that Duncan would cunningly pull this ruse on her, she would still play along.

Duncan started to put his hands under her shirt.

“Stop!” they heard Abby yell. “You guys are in a public area! There are children roaming around this park, you know! Do not corrupt their minds by this obscene…scene! Leave that to the middle school craps! You dumb idiots, stop sucking faces now!”

Courtney’s good side suddenly came back, and she pushed away Duncan, gasping. She looked over at them, smiling sheepishly, lips swollen.

“So…can we have a motorcycle?” she began.


Duncan chuckled. “I was right,” he said smugly. “Frankie is currently in a fetal position.”

When they arrived, the shop was literally vacant. Frank was near the counter on the floor in a fetal position, as what Duncan said. Zily was sitting on one of the chairs, looking at Frank as if he was stupid. That made Duncan chuckle more.

Courtney looked aghast. “What happened here, Frank?!” she gasped. “It’s so empty!”

Frank looked at her with scared eyes and just stayed silent.

Zily rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, Frank. Just because you’re not used to having no costumers doesn’t mean it’s the ‘end of the freaking world,’ you know. Stop thinking that,” she snapped irritably. She looked at Duncan and Courtney. “Where were you guys? We called you like almost an hour ago!”

Duncan grinned at Courtney. She looked embarrassed.

“Well…we had a lot of mishaps,” she replied quietly.

“On regular days, it takes you only fifteen minutes just to get here, because you come early and you have a high stamina; but when Frank calls you for an emergency, you come here half an hour late. That’s really nice, Courtney.”

Duncan glared at Zily. “Hey, it—”

Zily cut him off, “Look, I love Courtney. We’ve worked here together for months, but I’m the assistant manager. I have to help keep things running. I’m supposed to scold Courtney—and you. I know that if I’m here then Frank doesn’t have to be here, but Frank just loves his job. He enjoys seeing everyone’s reactions when they sip our delicious coffee.”

Duncan didn’t know what to say about that. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. He didn’t even know that Zily was the freaking assistant manager.

“So, what happened here?” he questioned. “It is empty—too empty.”

“There’s this new, fancy arcade right across from us. It’s the afternoon, and our costumers are usually private school students, little children, yadda, yadda. They love our smoothies and whatnot apparently. But that stupid arcade crap is taking away all of our customers, because it has pizza, candy, and all those other junk little kids nowadays like.

“Not one costumer even stepped inside. They were about to, but when they saw the arcade, they immediately went inside.” She rubbed her temples. “Ai nako. Nakaiinis na ako…”

Duncan didn’t know what she said, but he didn’t press onto it. He looked outside at the arcade; it looked cool and the designs would definitely attract a lot of little kids.

“Well, we have to do something,” he said. “Did you guys talk to the manager about this?”

Surprisingly, Frank answered: “This isn’t their fault. We can’t just blame them for something like this.” His voice was quiet. “But the manager of that arcade is my high school enemy. He still remembers me, and he’s only doing this to get back at me for all those years. He was always jealous of me every time I do something better than him in business class.”

“Why can’t we make a negotiation?” Courtney suggested. “They can change their hours or something. Or I can bring in my lawyers…” She smiled evilly.

Frank shook his head, looking a bit frightened at Courtney’s smile. “Um, I did ask him that, but he just laughed at me. He would change his hours…if I challenge him to a video game duel. I have always been the worst video game player ever, so I can’t do that.”

Zily spoke, “And I hate video games, so I can’t play.”

Duncan sighed. “Damn, if only Harold was here…”

Courtney suddenly began walking towards the door. She looked reluctant but determined.

“Hey, Princess, where are you going?”

Her mouth was set in a tight line. “I’m going to challenge the manager.”

Duncan laughed. “Baby, I know that you’re practically a so-called master at everything, but I know that video games—or brainwashing contraptions in your words possibly—would ruin your goody-goody image. I don’t think you’re adequate enough,” he said.

Courtney smiled smugly at him. “You do know that you’re talking to a former video game champion slash addict.”

O right this is all I got from now ;) if you want more you know who ask. You don't know? I can tell you is MONICA-SAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to her for this awesome story that its gonna continue and when that happen Im gonna post it here on the WEB SITE OF FANPOP (this sound just like Chris xD)
Yay! high five almost done I'm halfway through!If took me 13 hours on the first season and 9 hours on the second season.And I'm not going to do halfway anymore because it seemed very useless. and I was thinking about getting this out to you guys every 3 or 2 days.So lets start with my lest favorite season winners.

The one with the most villain points is Chris Haha told you he is the most evil creature alive on total drama and you through it was Courtney.And Chris has 106.

The person with the most hero points is Courtney with 74 hero points.

The runner up fort he most hero points is Chris with 32 hero points.

And the runner up for the most villain points is Duncan with 35 villain points.
added by DandC4evacute
Source: TDA123
added by DandC4evacute
Source: GwennieBlack
added by DandC4evacute
Source: XJKenny
added by DandC4evacute
Source: CITPrincess
added by DandC4evacute
Source: comicstrip2000
added by DandC4evacute
Source: XJKenny
added by DandC4evacute
Source: DisneyWiz
added by DandC4evacute
Source: GwennieBlack
added by DandC4evacute
Source: GwennieBlack
added by DandC4evacute
Source: XJKenny
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by Trent-lover123
added by codyismine
Source: meeee
added by emisa123
Source: deviantart
added by emisa123
Source: deviantart
added by WrigleyRocks66
Source: Me
added by Flo_and_Trent
Source: Flo
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Are contestants got in 2s and raced around the film lot. They stopped at 2 pit-stops to do a side challenge. And man was it messy. In the end, thanks to Garrett's un-tied shoe, he cost his team the win. Making him go in the Bug-o-shame saying good-bye. (thunder is heard) Who will win? Who will scream? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Reality Check! (thunder is heard)

(Theme song)

(Team Real's Girl's Trailer)
(Thunder is heard)
Maylene: (under covers in the bed) (screams)
Alice: Dang, it is really pouring hard out there.
Ashley: Do you think We'll...
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