Total Drama Island Club
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Sofie panted and huffed on all fours on the floor.
"That's enough special drilling for the day," Duncan told her.
"Thank you... so much."
"You handled the ribbon very well. You're making very quick progress." He smiled.
"Do you really think so, Duncan?" Sofie looked up at him still panting.
"... You don't really buy that stuff, do you?"
"SHUT UP, RANMA!!" She screamed, tanlged in a mess of ribbon.

"Even if it's true..." Sofie muttered.
"... It's only a week until the match. I should have known, I never should have agreed to help." She sat in silence, while small drops of water dripped down her cheeks and into the water as she sat in her bathtub listening to the gentle buzz of the light.

"Mmph. It's embarassing to watch." Duncan stood by the small pond, while Ranma meditating and holding a battling ball, talked to him.
"And you! You've got no shame, flattering Sofie like that!"
"Bah! You should be ashamed Ranma-- for you're jealously!" Duncan smirked.
SPLASH! Before Duncan could hear the rest of what Ranma was saying, he jumped into the water and jumped out, waddling away as a small pig.
"What now, Duncan?" Ranma sweated, gripping the ball tighter.
"Planning to crawl into Sofie's bed again!?" He threw the weapon at Duncan, but the pig ran faster away, avoiding injury.

"Oh my," Sofie yawned, stepping into her room. She flopped on her bed and closed her eyes.
"I'm exhausted..." She flopped back over, turning to the ceiling.
"Hmmm...?" Her face light up with shock and fear, as she stared at a brown haired girl attaching herself to the ceiling holding a black rose in her mouth.
"PREPARE YOURSELF, SOFIA TENDO!!" She jumped down, heading straight for Sofie.
"Ahh!" She screamed and leaped off her bed, while the girl missed her body.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" Sofie demanded raising her fists.
"I'm from St. Bacchus's school for girls! Courtney, the Black Rose!" Courtney responded.
"I shall be your opponent next week! So let us both do our best, and fight in all fairness!" She swung out a huge hammer, right at Sofie's face, luckily missing.
"You call this..." Sofie jabbed out her foot and jumped at Courtney.
" all "FAIRNESS"!? Courtney jumped away, leaving a small trail of rose petals.
"It's you, isn't it!? The one who's been ambushing the team!"
"AMBUSH!? What a nasty way to put it!" Courtney laughed.
"I simply believe in fighting in all fairness... before the match!"
"Thats the most ridiculous thing I'v ever--"
Ranma burst through the door, crushing Courtney while she stood on the other side.
"HOLD IT!!" He shouted chasing after a little black pig. They bounced around Sofie's room, both running away from each other, then zoomed out the door.
"Stop--" Sofie poked her head out the door as they left.
Sofie felt a rush of cold air hit her neck, and she kicked her leg in the air as she knocked the giant hammer out of Courtney's hands.
There was still silence, and heavy breathing.
"... The rumors are true... your very good." Courtney giggled.
"I shall RETURN!!" She declared, then disappeared into a dark vortex of black petals.

"Rose petals...?" Sofie mumbled staring out the open window as a cool breeze floated in, twisting and turning the flowers...
"WHO DO YOU THINK HAS TO CLEAN UP THIS ROOM!?" Sofie sweated picking up black petals.
Courtney. the Black Rose, I will repay you for this at our match!

Sofia Tendo... she is not to be dismissed so easily! I must crush her before the match, no matter what... Courtney growled, standing on to roof with clenched fists.
Ta ta ta...
Foot steps were heard tumbling the roof, as Ranma came running out of no where carrying his iron kettle.
"HOLD IT, DUNCAN!!" He screamed chasing after Duncan.
"A pig--?" Courtney said.
"Huh?" I thought I felt something hit the pot...
"... HEY!!" Ranma jumped off the surface once he saw a nimble girl fall off the shangles.

He bounced back up, holding her.
"You Ok?!" Whoa! It's her! That Black Petunia, or whatever!
More quiet followed.
Oh, he's GORGEOUS! Courtney squealed in her mind, looking up at the mysterious man holding her. She blushed.
"I... I..."
GLOM Courtney grabbed his shoulders and squeezed him in a hug.
"HUH!?" Ranma retorted in shock.
"Wuh.. Wuh... Wait a sec!" NOW what?!
They both blushed.
Oh, the gray, dreary life of a girl's school! OHH! To think that such a wonderful encounter was awaiting me!
"Please, sir... May I ask your name?" Courtney smiled.
"R-R--Ranma... Saotome."
"For you... my Ranma!" Courtney took out a big bundle of black roses and handed them to the man.
Ranma sniffed the plants, then burst in sneezes and coughs, he's knees got weak, and he fell to the roof, unable to move.
"HAHA! A bit of paralysis gas in the bouquet!" Courtney laughed standing over him.
"WHAT!? Are you crazy!?"
"Now," Courtney pushed him down and got on top of him.
"My Ranma, be brave-- and take these lips of mine!" Courtney held him face in her's.
"GYEEEEEEEEE!!" Ranma squealed with tears, with still no movement.

POW! Sofie kicked Courtney right of of Ranma.
"Such tragic timing!" Courtney pouted landing on her feet.
"My Ranma, let us meet again!" She called and pranced off from roof to roof into the night.
"FEH. Ridiculous." Sofie spat at Courtney's disappearing figure.
"... Sorry I got in the way of true love! Nighty-night!" She stomped away after throwing her robe over Ranma.
"C-C-Cold..." Ranma shivered, paralyzed.

Courtney, the Black Rose... there's no way I'm going to lose to her! Sofie thought squeezing Duncan in her bed.
posted by potterandtdi
I sit there staring at Brianna, breathing slowly on the hospital bed. Her heart rate slowing.
I put a stool next to her bed and held her hand, whispering, "You can't go. Not now..." I rubbed my thumb along her hand. "Duncan, god has called me. I have to go." I started to cry. "Why now? Why not later in your life?" I tried to show her I was tough. "Duncan, you can't stop me. I need to go. You know that." I knew it, but I couldn't bring myself to say it. "I love you Duncan. When it's your time to go, we'll be united again. Goodbye. I love you." Her heart rate slowed.
Beep...Beep...Beep...BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppp... I couldn't hold my tears in any longer. I cried. She was gone...forever. I walked out of the hospital, looking up at the sky, hoping she was there, watching me.
Duncan: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D.J: Duncan! What is it?
Duncan: I just got a letter.
Mike: Did I get some?
Duncan: Yeah, here you go!
Mike: Thanks!
D.J: Duncan! What is it?
Duncan: It's from my Brouther!
Courtney: We never said anything about a brouther.
Duncan: Well, I never wan't to talk about him.
Dawn: What do you hate about?
Duncan: His my twin brouther!
All: What?!?!
Duncan: Yeah he is my twin brouther.
Dawn: Dose he have a girlfriend?
Duncan: No!
Dawn: What I'm desperate.
Noah: I'll go out with you!
Dawn: No!!!!!!!!!!
Noah: Man!
Bridgette: Duncan it will be okay!
Duncan: No It won't!
Courtney: Sure it will!
Heather: Well, I don't care about it so.... Buy!
Bridgette: Heather stay!
Haether: Fine!
Courtney: Duncan: Why don't you ask Chris for the day off?
Duncan: Yeah! I'll be right back! Buy!
Coutney: Do you think Chris will say yes?
Dawn: No!
Owen's mom: Owen your back!
Owen: Hi mom!
Owen's mom: I mad you tukey!
Owen: Mom, I'm staring to eat heathy now!
Owen's mom: (Gasp) Owen!
Owen: I'm sereus mom!
Owen's mom: (cry)
Owen's dad: What is it?
Owen's mom: Owen is eating helthy!
Owen's dad: What?!?! Owen your grounded!
Owen: What?!?!
Owen's dad: No but's! To your room!
Owen: I hate you dad!
Owen's mom: Do you think that was nessasery?
Owen's dad: He can't eat healthy, he's Owen.
Owen mom: Well maybe we could do the same.
Owen's dad: What?!?!
posted by Mp4girl
Sonicluver101 drew DuncanxYurie! Thanks! Image credit goes to her ^^
Sonicluver101 drew DuncanxYurie! Thanks! Image credit goes to her ^^

I pushed open my apartment door, still sobbing breathlessly. Tears still drop from my eyes as I pressed "6" in the elevator and slowly elevated up to my apartment.
My life was over. My boyfriend, Ryan, had rejected me, he had dumped me. How could he?
I needed Gwen to come over. I reached for the phone, my slim black cell phone, and punched in Gwen's number.
At least, I thought it was Gwen's. I didn't care. Someone answered. I was still crying so I said, "Gwen, come over, please. I need you."
I hung up, because I couldn't stop crying.
Five minutes later, I heard the elevator come up....
continue reading...
posted by rose35
Today as hours passed me by i looked out the window on a windy rainy day.
*knocking on the window*
I opened the window to see Owen, Izzy, Katie, Sadie, Eva, DJ, Geoff, and someone I wasn't sure I met before. he looked kind of creepy; he had a green mowhawk, a skull on his shirt, and he had a lot of peircings. It seemed as if he was kind of drear.
Owen: so kate are you up for the movies?
Kaitlan: but it's raining. i really don't feel like smeeling Owen fart all day. today. And by the exacly why are you at my window?
DJ: We wanted to ask you if you wanteed to play football.
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Courtney's POV: I stood there, completely dumbfounded, mouth agape, at how my best friend in the world, just dissed me.

"Sorry I didn't tell you..." Was all she said.

"Aw, is Princess sad?" Duncan pursed his lips in a pout to irk me. It worked, and instead of letting it go like I normally would, I stepped and kicked as hard as I could, sending Duncan to the ground with a loud groan.

"Now shut up." I said and turned to Tiannah. "Um, can you leave for a few hours? We really need to start this project."

"Hm?" Tiannah was playing with her long dyed hair, and she finally looked up. "Oh, sure." She smiled...
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Chris: “All Of You Have Casted Your Votes. Safe From Eliminated Today Is:

Miranda, Tyler, Gwen & Cody. Also…………

Kaitlan, Raynie, Geoff & Theresa. Were Down To Final 4. The Lucky Contestants Are:

Chrissy & Noah!”
Dylan: “Oh No….”
Courtney: *Winks*
Chris: “And The Final Marshmellow Goes To……..

Courtney And Dylan: “What?”
Theresa: *Whispers* “That What You Get For Messing With Dylan.”
Courtney: “Who The Heck Voted For Me?”
Chris: “Can’t Tell.” *Drags Courtney To Loser Boat*

Chris: “Well Courtney Got Eliminated. Who Will Get Voted Off Next On The All-Thrilling Episode Of Total Drama Fanpop!”
Updated Cast!
Updated Cast!
Episode 25: “Mutiny on the Soundstage” AKA “The Finale”

(Yurie’s POV)

I tossed and turned in my sleep as one thing drifted back and forth in my mind...
Duncan. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep for the one-millionth time, and I told myself in my head:
“Don’t think about him. It’s his fault. He voted you off,” my mean voice sneered.
“But, why?” My caring voice replied. “Yurie... You still love him. You know that. Though...”
“No,” my mean voice snapped. “If he acts like this, let him... he deserves it.”
That’s when I finally fell into a restless sleep, tears streaming...
continue reading...
posted by Duncan-superfan
Lisa sneaks back to her house and quietly goes to her room..

Lisa:*leans on her wall and sighs* That was so...*touches her lips* Amazing....*she changes into her pj's and goes to sleep with a smile on her face*

Next Morning Lisa wakes up and sees Duncan outside her window..

Lisa:D-Duncan?! *goes to the window and opens it* What are you do....
Duncan:*kisses her softly for a moment* Hi Lisa..
Lisa:*blushes and bites her lip* Hello...
Duncan:*climbs in* I was wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast with me?
Duncan:*Sees that Lisa is only wearing a large shirt as PJ's* Umm comfertable Lisa?...
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brookes POV

thats when it happened, i tihnk, one of the best nights of my life,i tihnk.
okay,i was thinking."smooth criminal,bad boy,womazier." thats what he is.excactly.
then,he um,what he do?oh yeah he..
he put his face close ot mine.
"nothing,that was just freaky,though."
"oh,so what dso you want?'
"um,would you...go....out..with,me?"
then. it was silent.
"um,can i answer tihs questin in action?"
thats when it REALLY happened.
then,quickly,the song came to my head.
"okay,well,do sometihng!" i said.
"come closer" he said.
"um,ok,ay" i siad, nervouse as all hell.
"is this hell or heaven?"i tohught.
then,he looked at me with the devilish smile of his.
"what?" i said sorta chuckling.
theni thought,:do you know how many womanizer tributes theyve made of you? oh no." then,i gulped.
"oh,boy" i said.
izzy POV
well, yeah, it was harsh i was voted off, i dont think they realized my made acting skiils. cause, they all thoughr i ws crazy! HAHA! and im really 200 years old coause ive been cremated a whole bunch of times! hehe. and, owen is so sweet it was great to spend time with ihm. and i got to go back again. well, i wish i didnt blow the war movie challenge. and uhhhh, oh yeah. if they tought i was crzy, they should of seen trent! dudes a wack job.
trents POV
well, i didnt want to win anyways cause i wanted gwen to win. but, they are all right, i was crazy, i was love struck, i thought i was...
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*Gun shot*

*evrybody starts running*

Juno:Yay!!Duncan your running with me!And Leshawna!!And....Fire?

Fire:Your the only person i can tollerate.

Duncan:Go get 'em babe!

Lesahwana:Go girl!



Sumer:I LOVE YOU!!

*Back at finish line*
Ezekiel:So,Miranda,you got a date to go to Juno's party with?

Miranda:I'll go with you!

Ezekiel:SO i'll see ya there,eh?


Heather:THAT'S IT!I'm going to run with Juno!She's falling behind!

*In tunnel*

Heather:WTH WAS THAT?!!!I have to make Juno win...
heather's tunnel
heather's tunnel
"What do you mean'this will be easy'?NOT FOR US!"Complianed Izzy."Oh wait i mean this will be HILARIOUS!Nothing makes good Tv without humor.Ok see ya at the stage in 7."

"WHAT?!Oh heck no.I'm not going through this."Said brooke."I can't!I'll die!!"screamed Izzy."Suck it up!"yelled Juno."It's your fault i'm trapped in this chair getting blood shoved into my veins."said Sumer."That was your fault.You messed with me.""It's your fault!""NO!":YES!"NO!...."

*At the stage*
*Andrea and Leshawna walk on the stage*
"Whatsup y'all?Leshawna is back and bootylisious!"
"Ok that means you can vote for everyone besides Izzy and Juno.CAST YOUR VOTES!!!"Andrea yelled.


Sumer:Ya it kinda sucks that i could be the one going tonight,but that's just it.

Ronnie:The reason that i couldn't kiss him was becuase of Tyler.I would loose a million bucks for him.

Brooke:Frickin Noah....

Izzy:I think i could win this!




"AW crap,that just sucks."
*Tyler's on the boat*
"TYLER!!!""RONNIIIIIIIIEEEE!!!!"&ronnie gives tyler a bear hug*

"I guess it had a happy ending,as long as she doesn't sufficate him.See ya all next time on




the new group
the new group
ok Goffers and Bass you will be eating ANT INFESSTED CERIAL!!!-Juno
you heard me, now the winner's will get something to help them with the next challenge-Juno
THERE'S NO WAY!!!-Summer
would you rather have me beat the crap outa you and then you go home-Vannessa
ok i'll try to eat it-Summer


ok bass here is your prize-Juno
wow an innertube this will really help-Ava
ok now goffers since you lost you get to jump first, and remeber scream the most embaressing...
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*pulls a meggaphone and a blow horn*-Juno


ok idk what is up with Juno doing that but it really makes me mad

ok there are 2 people i cant stand here Juno and Summer

i thought she was kidding but she really wants us to get up this early

(out of the confessionals)

oh did i metion that im worse than chris im his sister-Juno
Were in trouble-Dawn
*whispers* hay Dawn do you want an allience?-Theresa
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posted by 7thGradeGenius
Once I got to the meter planks, Heather was arguing with Justin and Chris about the challenge being suicidal. I started tiptoeing onto my plank, and it started shaking. "Don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..." I told myself.

Heather sighed and started walking across the plank as if it was no problem. I wasn't even halfway across when she was fully across, then I looked down.

"So long, sucker!" Heather said, and ran away.

I looked straight down at the sharks. "I'm gonna die, now. I'm gonna frickin' die!!!"

"Come on, Brittanya!" Duncan called from the ending side.

"You can do it, Bella!"...
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"Ya,Ezekiel is desperate.No one likes him cause he's such a sexiest."Brooke said to me.Then we heard Jared and Alex running up behind us.For some odd reason Jared was screaming."AH!WHAT IS IT???AND PLEASE DON'T SCARE THE CRAP OUTTA ME!"Andrea and Brooke said together." the DANCE!!!"He said."It's true she did.I was right there."Alex replied."Well i don't know if anyone is gonna ask me....""THEN GO Ask SOMEONE!!Then,if they say yes,we can go get dresses."Brooke shouted.

Moments later,Andrea had no idea what she was doing.But she was standing right infront of Cody."Hey...
continue reading...
posted by gwentrentever
ok in a way this has everything to do with tdi/tda
you peeps really need to stop judjing people on what they look like or where they come from (i judge people on what they bring to the table) i see so many mean and rude comments everywere...i get made fun of at school because im goth WELL WHO REALLY FUCKING CARES BECAUSE AS FAR AS IM CONSERNDED WE FUCKING BELONG HERE excuse my language AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT KEEP ON SAYIN YOUR a loser,loner,goth,juvie,punk,cheerleading,talented, artest yep thats it thats me but who really cares people still call me a wannabe but idc people call me a bitch...i know its true...listen to allstar from shrek that songs bout me...if you dont like the judging and rude comments help me bye commenting in your opinion because really think this website for tdi/tda not for fighting...yah go ahead and flag me see if i care i just want you to think bout what i said
I looked at chris and told him "what have you done to him!!" chris:aw nothing heehee ill kill you!1 duncan;my my my why chris ur certinlly wearing a nice shirt today ur sure to atract ladies me:grrrrrrrrrrrrr sneek peek is done now........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................