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posted by bubble_babe
(Heres the 411 real quick, well i got the idea to make this after the fan pick quistion about heather, i pick "the person begging to be something Awesome" something like that, well this story is like that, its very good the couples r HxN GxT DxC...well thoes r the main the others r side couples well this story takes place a month after Heather met them, and hear is the thing, not realy good at what to call it, Noah: WereWolf, Cody: WereWolf, Ezekel: WereWolf, Harlod: Wizard, Beth: Witch, Gwen: Vamp, Trent: Vamp, Duncan: Vamp, Courtney: Vamp, Katie and Sadie: Pixies, Brigette: Mermaid, Tyler: MerMan (all i could think of 4 him), Eva: Dragon, Geoff: Dragon (you'll see y), Owen: Head of it all (he's everything in 1), Izzy: Elf, Justin: can see the future (all i could think of 4 him), Linsday: Pixie, Leshawna: Witch (you'll see y), Dj: Vamp and Heathers a Humen, now lets see what happens when we put it all togeather!)

    I was laying down on my bed wide awake. Noah Showed me to his Family today, it was intresting on what they were. but it was odd how Trent, Courtney, and Dj acted, well i can't blame them, their brand new Vamps, and i'm a humen filled with blood! then something nocked on my window, i quickley got up to let him in, Noah always spent the night, even thou my dad didn't know him. when i opened the window, he jumped in faster than i could blink.
    i hugged him for dear life like always. then he picked me up and took me to my bed. i curled up like a baby in his arms, now he held me for dear life.
"You know, they LOVE you right?" he asked "They mostley loved your exit!" My EXIT?!? i triped over air in my exit
"How could they love it? that really hurt!" he gave a hard chuckle, looked into my eyes, he had an odd look in his eyes, fill with sadness and some anger. "They don't like me, do they?" he gave a very hard sigh
"They like you, they......They just don't think that you should know." he said
"Do they not trust me?!" he had a small smile on his face
"Well, Cody and Ezekle back you up, then Eva and Beth helped, mostley backing up their boy-toys!" I gave a small giggle. I love how Noah put his 'So Called' family "Courtney and Trent, did NOT like it at all, Dj said he could be in the same room with you, but not to close. Gwen was able to make Trent say ok to leting you come back, Duncan and Courtney put on quit the show thou! Katie and Sadie said, it would be nice to play with you!" 'Uhg, Play with me!'
"I'm not to found of dress up." I said
"I'll make sure to tell them that!" he chuckled
"What about the others?" I asked
"Well, Harlod and Leshawna are 'ok' to, but they keep saying that they can wipe your memery faster than i could say no!, Brigette and Geoff help us BIG time, they pulled the 'You Can't Do That To Noah' card, it took Linsday awhile to say yes, but her yes made Tyler say yes, Izzy really wanted you to stay, she says you'r funny, and alot of fun.............Owen however, said u could come over, when i want you over......witch is all the time, but he is very unsure.........then after u triped and lefted, they wouldn't shut up about it! that part they LOVE about you." i couldn't help but smile, i'll have to rember to kill myslef more often.
"Um, Do they no your here?" the words hardley came out of my mouth, I was so tired.
"Linsday new, so by now everyone know's!" I gave a very short giggle. by now I was half asleep. "do you wanna come over tomrrow?" he asked
"Yeah!" after the word came out I passed out.
    when i woke up Noah was still there and he was awake. i was still tired so i rolled over to put my head on his shoulder, he put his arm around me, and let me get a few more minints of sleep. After awhile Noah sat up, ending my lazyness I opened my eyes and sat up to. he looked into my eyes for awhile the lened up to kiss my forhead.
"I'll meet you around the cronner." he gt up and jumped out my window, I got up and went to the bath room, I quickley took a shower and brushed my hair. Then I put on some long jeans and a short sleve shirt, It should help Trent and Courtney more than my very small cloths did. I ran down stairs and went out the door, but befor I did I yelled "Goning to the mall." that all i ever did befor now!
    I walked arount the cronner to find Noah in his Mersadies. as I climed in he gave a big kiss, after 4 minents we stoped. Noah started the car and took off. I let out a nice small sigh. then something hit me.
"Do they know i'm coming over?" I asked
"Yeah, they know, they made a little paly date for everyone."
"Why, do I think the word play means me?!" he lahed
"It kinda dose, they wanna go into the woods by the lake. theres tree's, water, open space, flowers, and some sun shine, its our faviort place." I smiled
"Nice!" I looked out the window with a big smile, then something i never thought of came to me. i'm 15, I'll be turning 16 in a week, everyone in Noahs family are 16 and 17, Noahs 17, but they can never age, they have been alive for a long time, from what Noah tells me at lest, but what will happen when i'm 17? I gonna be around people that could kill me in a hart beat! will I be dead, will I be one of them, or will I be without them, would Owen make it so I could never see Noah? I knew this might lead to a fight but i had to ask.
"Noah?" I said, a little to worried, and that made him worriy
"Yeah?" he said just as i did
"Can....Can you tell me about, well, you?" his hand griped the wheel tighter, he didn't speek for a long time but when he did it wasn't what I wanted to hear.
"We'r here." he said it with no toun, his vocie was blank.
"Ok!" I was able to smile and have a 'happy' tone! I saw him hide his smile, at lest he happyer or not as mad.
    when we walked into view Izzy can jumping up. her hair was in a ponny tail, leting her pointey ears show. she had some dark green shorts on with a light green shirt on.
"Hi Heather!!" she had the biggest smile on her face
"Hi!" I half looked bown at what I was wareing, I had an orange shirt, and light blue jeans on.
"What do you wanna do frist, blow something up, climb a tree, run around, go swimming, mess with Katie and Sadie?"
"Ha, that all sounds fun, but I don't know what one to do?!" Izzy grabed my hand lightley and pulled me over to a tree
"Tree it is." then in one jump Izzy was on the 7th branch of a tree thats frist branch was 2 feet above me. "come on!"
     I bit my lip, I looked over everyone had stoped what they were doing to wach me climb a tree, I could tell they were making bets on how long i'll stay in the tree! I looked up at the branch. I jumped up but missed, I heard the girls giggle, I jumped again but missed, now the boys join the girls in the giggles. I jumped again with all my stranth, I grabed the branch with one hand, everyone cheered and claped their hands. I pulled up my other hand to pull me up but I sliped doing so, I fell right on my ass!
"OW!!DAMNIT!" everyone now cracked up and the sight and for what I said. Izzy even fell out of the tree.
"Are you ok" she said thru giggles
"No, I think I broke my ass!" she gave anther giggle and so did everyone else, why did they all have such good hearing. then Izzy picked me up an ran faster then light to the water witch she dumped me in!
    Brigette came to help me, she got me to the shallow water, everyone came up with a big smile, some still giggling at me Izzy came nere me and said
"You ok hunny?" I looked up with some eyes showing I did not injoy what she did but being me I just had to smart mouth her
"Oh Yeah Hunny, I just LOVE you picking me up and thruing me in water! I wish you would do it more often!" she came up and helped me to the grass,
"I'll rember that baby!" I sat down on the grass Noah can up by me and sat down, and so did everyone else. some of them talked to fast for me to hear, some just stared at me, and some stared at Noah, Justin how ever was looking into space, his eyes wide, he was like that for a while then gave the oddest look on his face. everyone looked at him,
"That'll be a nice day!" he looked at me very mad and sad then at the ground, who knows what he ment, but i'm safe, well not with Izzy, but still safe.

                            Well That Was Part 1, I Hope You Liked It, Part 2 Is Even Better
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by Duncan_Courtney
added by rh1ana11
Source: o
posted by WrigleyRocks66
6: Izzy

    Izzy was climbing trees in the forest. When she got to the top of the tallest one, she stood up and screamed,
    “YES YOU DO!!!”
    Izzy looked at the bottom of the tree to see Owen, waving sheepishly.
    Izzy grabbed a branch and threw it at Owen.
    “LOO-SER!” she yelled.

7: Confessions

    Bridgette: I’m so happy that Geoff asked...
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added by lydiascats
added by WrigleyRocks66
Source: Unnoficial Fresh TDI Forums
added by TDIsuperfan
added by Cuckcuck12
Source: Trent
added by Cuckcuck12
Source: Duncan
added by Cuckcuck12
Source: ???
added by syd1
posted by superDUNCANfan
The guys of the Payne family.From left to right:Shawn, Duncan, Terrian.
The guys of the Payne family.From left to right:Shawn, Duncan, Terrian.
Terrian, Shawn, Natile, Natasha.

Duncan and Courtney met on Total Drama Island. They dated outside the show, when TDI was over Courtney was pregnat with their first kid: Terrian, Duncan hadn't found out he had a son until TDA. 2 years later Shawn was born, Then a year later Natile was born. Then another year later the youngest of the family was born: Natasha. But when Terrian was 5 he ran away. He is now wanted in half the states in the u.s., But when Terrian was 18 he came back.(His mother was upset that he is a criminal, his dad was proud.)

The only goodie two shoes besides Courtney in the family is Natile.

Duncan ain't to fond of his young daughter dating Chris Mclain's son Drake(Christopher Dallas Mclain the 2).Courtney isn't fond of Natile dating Justin's RICH son Armond. Shawn's dating Jacilyn(Geoff and Bridgette's daughter), Terrian is dating Amanda(Gwen and Trent's daughter).
The girls of the Payne family. The left to right: Natile, Courtney, Natasha
The girls of the Payne family. The left to right: Natile, Courtney, Natasha
(at courtney's house hanging out. her parents aren't there because her aunt got sick and she was at duncan's before. she lied to her parents saying that she was on a club trip so she could go) "So... Princess," Duncan started. "So... Delinquent," she teased. "What's up?" he asked. (she's cuddling him) "Not much, why?" she replied. "Just wondering," he grinned. "What's up with you, Duncan?""Letting you snuggle me; why do you ask?" he chuckled. "Just checking," she shook her head. Duncan laughed. "Why are we talking like this?" he asked, still laughing. "'Cause we're in love," she smiled.
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added by Duncan_Courtney
posted by TDIlover226
April 14 2010.
I know that I havn't been writing latley. Thats because they took this book and hid it. luckey for me that they didn't read it, they of corse don't know about my plan to run away to new york. Owen loves me, and i love that big guy too. he is probably the only person that I have ever met that dosn't think i'm crazy.

April 17 2010.
I saw Julie today, she said she would miss me. I offered to take her with me, her living out in the streets in all, but she couldn't. she said that she needed to stay where her possy was. I hardly ever got to see her anyways. she lived in the USA in illinois, and I lived in canada.

April 19 2010.
I'm happy that I only have 11 more days in my hell hole of a house. I can live in new york. That word in my mind echos new york
Now when i think of that word, I think of freedom.
added by lydiascats
added by lydiascats
added by codythemaster