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posted by Jamie105
“Oh my stars,” I whisper under my breath.

“Keep going, Maisy!” Zoey cheers, “You can do it!”

“You won’t fall, don’t worry!” Mike adds in.

“I will now that you said it,” I panic, “Thanks, Mike.”

Then I heard a gasp, “Oh Mike,” I apologize, “I’m sorry.”

“Who is Mike?” He says (wait WHAT?), “I am SVETLANA! The Olympic queen of gymnastics!”
And with that, he flips onto the branches, until he’s flying over the tree, and grabs the totem.

“Way to go Mike!” We all cheer after moments of silenced shock.

“Hand me the clue,” I tell Mike, or err, Svetlana.
I hear him gasp again, “How did I get up here?”

“The totem!” Jo demands, and Mike throws it down to me, which I manage to catch, yet end up falling from the tree.

Though I don’t land on the ground, I land in a pair of arms; Duncan’s arms.

“I knew you’d be falling for me,” He wiggles his eyebrows.

I squirm out of his arms and shove him down.

“What’s the next clue?” DJ asks.

I hand the clue to Izzy to read.

“In a world to feel at ease, where you can shower and pee,” Izzy reads.

Seriously, Chris?

“To the bathrooms,” Heather commands.

“Sit tight, Mike,” Zoey says half-worried.

“No problem,” He smiles down at her.

“Let’s go,” I say and we all run to the bathrooms.

********************CODY’S POV********************

“There’s the next totem!” Dawn points at a purple statue, sitting next to a figure in a tree; Mike.

“Lightening, can you get the statue?” Alejandro asks.

“SHA-no problem. Tree climbing is NOT recognized sport,” Lightening starts climbing up the tree, falls, but manages to succeed the second time. He grabs the statue and throws it down to Lindsay, who gets hit in the face.

Gwen picks up the clue and reads it, “In a world to feel-“

“We just had that clue;” Mike raises an eyebrow, then he gasps, “Gosh darn Chris, make different clues. Heck back in my day, we had no stinking TV reality shows or paintballs,” He uses an old man voice.

“Err, you okay, Mike?” I raise an eyebrow.

“Mike? Name’s Chester,” Then he gasps again, “No but the next statue’s in the bathrooms.”

Awkward silence.

“Err thanks,” Luke breaks the silence, then looks at us, “Let’s roll,” And we run to the bathrooms.

********************MAISY’S POV********************

“I can’t find it!” Heather growls, kicking open stalls.

I peak outside to see if the boys had any luck, “Anything?”

“Not in the boys’ bathroom,” Duncan tells me.

“I found it!” I hear Zoey from the showers and I run back to her. She points to a smaller statue in a shower stall. She runs, grabs it, and throws it to me, which I catch.

“And the last marshmallow goes to…” I read.

“The campfire,” Heather answers and I nod.

“Stay here,” Jo commands her and she nods.

“Let’s roll,” Izzy giggles crazily.

I lead the way out, only to run into Alejandro, falling down the stairs to the ground. I’ve had a lot of spills in gymnastics so it doesn’t hurt much.

“Forgive me, Chica,” He offers his hand and I take it.

“Thanks,” I shrug, then look over to see Cody smiling me a hello. I smile back.

“Err,” Heather seems to catch on, “We should get going,” She grabs my arm, “Let’s go, team.”

When we’re away from the other team, Heather grabs my arm again and holds me back as the rest of our team walks way ahead now.

“A simple ‘Hey can I talk to you?” would have been better,” I moan.

“Zip it,” She narrows her eyes, “What’s going on between you and that Team Sha-Win guy?” She demands.

“Who?” I raise an eyebrow, doing my best to act like nothing happened.

“You know who, the boy you were smiling at; Alejandro.”

I’m sorry… WHAT?

“Alejandro?” I laughed, then I realized she wasn’t kidding, “OH, you’re serious.”

“Yeah, I am. When did you guys hook up? You better tell me before I get your ass kicked off the show.”

“We didn’t hook up,” I raise my eyebrow, thankful she didn’t notice who I was really smiling at.

“Well knock it off,” She snaps, “If we lose, you’re the one to go if you keep this up. Got it?!”

I roll my eyes and nod, and then catch up with the rest of the team.

********************CODY’S POV********************

“What’s with you and the black haired Chica?” Alejandro asked me, “Heather.”

“Nothing?” I gave him a weird look. Did he just think I had something with Heather?

“You were smiling at her like a fool,” Alejandro didn’t seem convinced.

OH, he meant the smile that was for Maisy, “I was just expression my excitement how we are so going to win this challenge!” I fist pump the air.

“Well, save it for AFTER we win,” He still sounded suspicious.


We turn our heads to see Luke opening the boys’ bathroom door, throwing Gwen the clue.

“And the last marshmallow goes to…” She reads.

“Campfire,” Dawn answers, then closes her eyes for a moment, “This is the way,” She points towards the docks opening her eyes.

“I’m staying,” Luke shrugs, closing the bathroom door as we run to the next spot, seeing that the other team had already left. The only person on their team who remained was the guy-looking one; Jo.

“It’s about time you lame-o’s got here,” She smirks, “We so got this!”

“I found something! It’s shiny!” Lindsay had something in her hand; the statue!

“Over here!” I reach out my hands, “Throw it!” And she does.

“This is where all meals are made. All less fresh than Lemonade?” I read, boy these hints are terrible.

“Stay, Lindsay!” Gwen calls as we head towards the Mess Hall.

********************MAISY’S POV********************

(I’m skipping a few locations because that’ll take forever XD so basically all the people left from the teams still searching are Gwen, Cody, and Al from the first team, and they’re at the location where Gwen is being dropped off. Maisy, Heather, and Duncan are also left for the other team, the score is even.)

“Wow my arms are getting tired,” I pant, carrying the 5 totems in my arms, “Chris could have at least given us a basket or something.”

“Need help?” Duncan smirks, taking the two bigger ones from me.

“Thanks,” I smile, relieved that I have less to carry. Since I only weigh so much, being a gymnast, all of those statues must weigh at least two of me.

“So where’s the next location?” Heather asks, pulling a mirror out of her pocket to check her “perfect” hair.

“A waterfall,” I tell her.

“Look, there it is! AND the statue!” Duncan points to the shiny Chris statue… way, WAY, up high.

“Climb it,” Heather commands him as we reach the bottom near the water.

“You’re not the captain,” He rolls his eyes,

“Therefore, not the boss of me.”

“We never decided captains-“

“We did before you came. Cody and Alejandro from the other team, and Mike and Maisy from this one,” Duncan rolls his eyes.

“WHAT?!” Heather glares at me.

“As if I made them pick me. I’ll climb.”

What did I just say? I WOULD CLIMB?! I’m scared of heights. Why did I say that?

“That’s the spirit,” Duncan grinned, “I’m going to that cave over there. I saw a statue, and a ‘Sha-WIN’ guy,” He makes his way over to the cave as I start climbing.

“Don’t look down,” I keep whispering to myself, “Don’t you dare look down.”

“Duncan got the clue!” I hear Heather, “All you need to do is get this one!”

“Almost there!” I’m calling to her, trying to keep my voice from going uneven.

“There they are!”

I hear this coming from a foreign accent; Alejandro.
The other team is here.

“Climb!” I hear him say, probably to his other teammate.

“Got it!” And the figure starts climbing.

I’m getting dizzy from being this high up, but at last, I can almost reach out for the statue. I climb just a little more and reach for it. Almost… got it…

I jump a little, grabbing the statue, and I quickly throw it down where I see Heather catching it as I sit down on the level-grounded rock.

“We have them all!” Heather calls up to me, “I’ll see you guys at camp. Later losers!” She taunts the other team, running as fast as she can with the other statues.

“Climb faster!” I hear Alejandro, “They’re getting away, Cody!”


I look down to see the brown-haired figure a few feet below me. Sure enough, it’s Cody. He reaches for the statue, which is unfaringly lower than our team’s.

Though I have been thinking through all of this challenge; maybe Cody and I shouldn’t build anything off of what happened earlier in the paintball challenge. Sure he’s cute, but I need to focus on the game.

I sigh.

“Here!” He throws down the statue to Alejandro. Alejandro quickly reads the clue, picks up the other statues, then he’s running after Heather to the last place.

“Umm, could I get a hand?”

I look down to see Cody trying not to fall. I grab his hand and pull him up next to me.


I nod, “So, how’s your team?”

“Pretty good I guess, we all have our strengths. You?”

“Hmm let’s see; a control-freak, a juvenile delinquent whose been hitting on me, a scary victory-hungry he-she, and a kinda crazy red head. I guess we have our strengths too.”

He laughs at this, “And what about you? Are you some crazy control-freak or a he-she?”

“Of course,” I roll my eyes.

Silence. This is my chance, I have to tell him.

“So about the paintball game…” He starts.

“We should probably act like it never happened,” I say quietly, knowing his smile dropping next to me, “For the good of the teams. I’m here to win.”


“Me too,” He fights to act normal.

“So, opponents?” I offer my hand to shake.

“Opponents,” He agrees, shaking my hand.


Maisy: I feel terrible for what I did. But seriously;
1)    Members of my team are suspicious already.
2)    It’s the first freaking day.
3)    I want to win.
4)    We’re both captains. He has to understand we need to be there for our teams.

He seems like a great guy, but now he’s an opponent.

Cody: It’s cool, I get shot down by chicks all the time. I’ll brush this off by tomorrow at the most.



I smile, then look over to see Cody’s disappointed face. I patted his back and he smiled a little.


*minutes later*

“So who are you voting off?” I ask Cody as we make our way through the woods.

“Hmm, I’m not sure,” Cody thinks about this for a minute, “I hope I don’t go home.”

“Why would you?” I raise my eyebrow, “You did a good job as team captain today. Both you and Alejandro did.”

“I guess so,” He shrugs.


Gwen: Who do I vote for? Lightening. Sorry, but he’s annoying.

Brick: It is my sad duty to inform that I have chosen Lindsay for the dishonor.

Lindsay: Ooh! This carpeting really brings out my eyes. *leaves*

Luke: *Scribbles name on paper*

Lightening: I vote for Sha- Lindsay. No girl can be THAT dumb. *Shakes head*


********************CODY’S POV********************

"We should probably act like it never happened."

Those words keep replaying in my head. Why would she act like she liked me a little and then say we should forget about it. But she’s right; it’s too early in the game.

I walk into the cabin to find my stuff already in the corner. I walk over and pick my bag up, moving it under an empty bed in the back corner. Judging from everybody else’s stuff, everybody has already picked their beds.

I peek out the window to see that the Alpha team has already unpacked, and now they’re hanging on the porch. Mike and Zoey are sitting against the cabin talking and laughing. It’s easy for them; they’re on the same team. Jo and Heather seem to be yelling at each other, Izzy was swinging around the area, and Duncan was half-carving something in the dirt, and half looking at Maisy, who was doing flips on the ground. FLIPS; one right after the other. That girl is something else.

“Where did you learn to do that?” Duncan smirks, sounding muffled from the window.

“I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was young. I even do my own routine music,” She smiles, motioning to her iPod in an arm strap. So that’s what’s in her ear.


*Campfire Ceremony*

“8 Campers stand before me,” Chris says seriously, “But on this plate in my hand,” He nods at the marshmallows, “Are only 7 marshmallows. These symbolize your safety for three more days. If you do not get a marshmallow, you must walk the Dock of Shame, and board the Boat of Losers. Once you are gone, you may not come back. EVER.”

We all roll our eyes, but I could tell there was fear in all of us, including myself. We’re sitting on tree stumps in front of a fire. The place is decorated with lights. It look greater at night than the day.

“The first 4 marshmallows go to; Gwen, Dawn, Alejandro, and Brick,” Chris announces as the four run up to grab their marshmallows.

Oh shit.

“The next one goes to…” He pauses, eating away the suspense, “Cody.”

I grin, running to the marshmallow. I love candy, but at the moment, this was the sweetest thing alive. I pop the white fluffy treat into my mouth as he calls out another name.

“Luke,” Another marshmallow being taken.

Lindsay and Lightening seem nervous. I would be too.

To be honest, I voted to Lightening. First off, if he says “Sha-“anything one more time I will scream. Also, I hate our team name.

“The final marshmallow goes to… Lindsay,” Chris hands the last marshmallow to Lindsay.

“SHA-WHAT?!” Lightening seems angry, “WHY DID YOU VOTE ME OFF?”

“Because you’re Sha-ANNOYING,” Gwen rolls her eyes and I laugh. She was funny, not too bad looking either.

I feel like I’d have a better shot with her than Maisy. Seeing we’re actually on the same team.
Lightening then storms off, making his way to the Boat of Losers.

We wave as he is driven away.

*****NO POV*****

Chris: There you have it! The first episode! Will Cody forget the moment with Maisy and move on to Gwen? Will Gwen approve? Will team Sha-WIN try to change their name? Will Alejandro stop being so charming? All of these and more next time on TOTAL…DRAMA…ISLAND!
added by lillymango1
Source: ms paint
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added by dramalyric
linkin pary! XD
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Linkin Park!!x)
added by laura199627
All of our questions answered!!!!!
posted by poptrop300
On a calm. No on a fun normal night, twenty-four students at Wawanakwa high were having the time of their lives at prom. Luckily for them none of the parents thought it would matter if there were people watching them because they all lived right next door to the school. That may have been the biggest mistake of their lives.

"Hey Duncan wanna spike the punch now" Gwen asked mischieviously. "Sure, nows a better time than any other" Duncan replied. As they sneaked off there was a fight going on. "Why are you always trying to break people up Alejandro" Geoff yelled. "First me and my shmoopi-shmoo,...
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(Ok so I'm sorry if this episode might b toned down from my usual randomness.  I'm just going threw some BS in school right now (not grade wise! No matter how retarded I act I assure u I have strait A's!) So Jes! Enjoy :D)

Rayla: Yo, Yo, Yo skittles! What's crack-a-lackin homes! Everything good in the hood Dog?!

TS -Destrey: -.-

Destrey: It's all good Bra! How's bout you? How's Shantey Gurl?!

Rayla: Oh she is FINE! Yo, I got to get this done, but we can talk later 'right?

Destrey: Fo SURE! You do your thing!
*Both burst out laughing*

TS: -___-

Rayla: *wipes tear from her eye* FINALLY! Someone who...
continue reading...
posted by CUTEDXC
courtney-i cant see you
duncan-what do you mean i am rite in front of you ?
courtney-i have gone blinde
chris-ok that is a rap lets go eat the we will get back to total drama the play!
duncan-but we were geting to the good part
courtney-*reading the skriped* i see why u wanted to go on it says we kiss
courtney-well u better put a mint in your mouth cuz chief is giving us somthing nasty
duncan-lets practis are skriped were it says we kiss ok i am ready *closes eyes and puckers up*
added by laura199627
Here is part 2 :)
total drama revenge of the island
added by DandC4evacute
added by HoldsteinSingh
Courtney has lost control after Duncan and Gwen kissed. Trent tries to console her, but she keeps crying. Mother- Courtney Father- Trent
*At the Elimination Ceremony*

Chris: well well...looks like the Leet's are now the Noobs

Sgt. Calhoun: how funny....

Chris: so now you will vote and someone goes home....*smirks*

*Everybody goes to vote*

Sgt. Calhoun: now while they're voting, lets show some of the confessionals...
*In the confessional booth*

Sayu: no way! i could have won DX I love mario! But i'm not blaming anyone my teams coolio ^-^

Sayu: oh well...our team may have lost for now but i'll try and win it for us next!....

Sayu: man i could kill for some chocolate right now...and some guitar hero I'm

Sayu: just..gonna..go.....
continue reading...

-Can we see the stitches?-

Ally. Ally! Wake up sleepy head

Ally's eyes fluttered open to the sound of an angelic voice.  After opening her eyes wide, she saw everyone of her group sitting in the room and staring at her. All were holding more flowers, chocolates, balloons, cards, even Silent B was holding a large handful of bears and stuffed animals.

"Your finally awake!" Courtney exclaimed. "So, how do you feel?"

"A little sore, but very tired." Ally whimpered as she rubbed her eyes.

She looked over to her left and saw Mike laying in bed also, with his eyes wide open.

"How's my favorite guy...
continue reading...
Authors note: hey minniemeg here aggain I wanna thank everyone for some positve feedback especially from ipsychic you rock!

The next morning zoey and mike were feeling uneasy about the converstions they had with they're roommates the night before, especcialy zoey who was planning on how she was going to approach mike.

Mike on the other hand was planning to avoid zoey and just try to relax that day,because he knew that she was going to bring up the conversation they had last night and it would lead to things that he didn't want to deal with.

In the guys side of the mutant maggots cabin not alot...
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chris: who got voted of will leave to the cave, geoff was the first one to go and he tried to make the best outta it but then it all went wrong, he tripped and broke his feet, he couldn't continou the game, meanwhile courtney is bossing everyone around and leshawna desided to say something about it, maybe it was a mistake, and that appears to be true when she got the most votes except she used some coins and lindsay was the one to go to the cave, at team red everyone thinks they are on a dream team and think the won't ever loose a challenge, tention is getting higher, a new hard challenge is...
continue reading...
added by Sunshineyum
added by Sunshineyum
added by DandC4evacute
Source: TDAbby