Total Drama Island Club
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“Good evening everyone, I’m Stella Carver. Welcome, to Total Drama: Big Brother!” A girl said. She had long blond hair and a purple dress; she wore red lipstick and dark blue eyeshadow over her already blue eyes.
She stepped forward, “Today... 24 contestants will embark on the craziest journey of their lives, and they will be taken here, to the Big Brother house, where they will compete for food, luxuries and of course, power. They will cut off from all communication from the outside world... and... some of them may know each other; others may find that they like each other and others may find that someone in the house will become their worst enemy. However, this season, they’ll be playing the game with a combination of varied twists from the past... making it the hardest season yet.” She paused. “Now, let’s bring the houseguests out.”
A group of people walked into the yard. They stood on a platform and looked at one another.
“The houseguests are not allowed to speak to one another until they enter the house.” Stella stated. She turned to them. “Houseguests, take a good look. The person in front of you may be your new ally, and the person behind you may stab you in the back.”
The contenders looked around at one another.
“You will enter the house in groups of four chosen by random. The first group is... Wyatt.”
The camera zoomed in on Wyatt. He had short blondish orange hair and wore a black long-sleeve shirt with jeans. He smiled and waited until his group was done being called.
“Sabrina,” Stella continued.
Sabrina had straight brown hair and wore a pink tank-top with red skinny jeans. She smiled and waited as well.
Antonio had black, messy hair. He wore glasses with baggy jeans and a black Iron Maiden t-shirt.
Annie had dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a red t-shirt and jeans. She smiled as Stella told them to go into the house.
The group walked away, and entered the house where they all screamed from excitement.
“Total Drama Big Brother, bitches!” Antonio yelled.
Annie ran to go find a bed, “Let’s take a bed before the others come!”
Annie’s Confessional
I remember this show,” Annie confessed, “I remember how not everyone gets a bed...”
Wyatt placed his bag on a bed and walked to Sabrina, “Hi, I’m Wyatt!”
“Sabrina,” Sabrina replied.
Antonio shook Sabrina’s hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m Antonio.”
Annie smiled at Wyatt, “It’s really great to meet you!”
Wyatt nodded, “You guys too! This is going to be so fun!”
“Now time for the next group,” Stella began. “Dayton,”
Dayton had whitish grey hair; he wore a black jacket over a t-shirt. His jeans fit perfectly around his skinny little legs.
Sam had black hair and dark skin. Her shirt was yellow and she wore skinny jeans.
Riley began dancing in place; her hair was long and blue. Her dress was black and white striped and she wore rainbow tights.
“And Cody!”
Cody walked with the rest of his group. “Time to have some fun!”
Antonio ran to the other room to greet the new contestants.
Riley walked straight up to Riley and grabbed her wrist, “Riley...? Is that really you?”
Riley hugged Dayton. “Dayton!”
“Uh... hi...” Dayton blushed.
Sabrina raised an eyebrow, “You know one another?”
Dayton nodded, “We used to be best friends...”
Sabrina looked suspiciously at the still-blushing Dayton.
Sabrina’s Confessional
“Something tells me that Dayton and Riley used to be more than just friends, Dayton’s blushing an awful lot...”
Antonio smiled at Sam, “I’m Antonio,”
Sam pointed to herself. “Sam,” She placed her bag on a bed beside Annie’s.
Sabrina and Annie were both talking to Cody. “It’s so cool that your name is Cody, it’s like, after the Cody from Total Drama!” Annie exclaimed.
Cody smiled, “Yeah, I know.”
“Next group...” Stella began. “Robyn,”
Robyn had greenish black hair, she wore a blue dress. She smirked and waited.
Ember’s hair was long and blond; she wore a gray dress with netting around her wrists.
Francis also had blond hair. He wore a white shirt with shorts. He grinned and winked over at Robyn.
Phillip and his group walked inside. “Annie!” Phillip yelled.
Annie ran and kissed Phillip. “Hello!”
Robyn rolled her eyes, “First showmance of the summer, how exciting!” She said sarcastically.
Francis placed his bag on a large bed.
Francis’ Confessional
“I decided to choose a big bed, that way if any girls get stuck sleeping on the floor or something, they can come to me.”
Wyatt went to greet Ember, “Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Wyatt!”
“Ember,” Ember replied.
“I hope we can be friends,” Wyatt told her.
Francis was already socializing with the girls, starting with Robyn and Sam. “I’m really excited that I got on this show, it’s a great chance to socialize.”
“Next group... Emily!”
Emily had red hair. She wore a pink and white dress with little flowers.
Kyle had red hair and dark skin. He wore a green t-shirt with a black vest.
Alice had short brown hair with a pink streak. She had a white t-shirt with a black tank-top over it.
Boxxy left with her group into the house.
“Hi!” Riley ran to Emily and Boxxy. “I’m Riley!”
“Boxxy!” Boxxy said. “I’m Boxxy!”
Emily grinned, “I think I’ll like you two! I’m Emily.”
Robyn winked at Kyle, “Name’s Robyn, you are?”
He ignored her and walked straight to Alice. “Hey... Alice!”
“Oh!” Alice said. “Hey Kyle! I never thought I’d see you here!”
Kyle smiled, “Well... I’m glad you’re here.”
Stella looked at the remaining contestants, “Now... Timothy...”
Timothy had blonde hair and glasses, he wore a blue t-shirt.
Danny had black hair and a white tee. He smiled at Timothy.
Lexie had long blond hair. She wore a pink and white striped dress.
“And Gerard,”
Gerard walked with his group inside.
Danny and Timothy hugged, “I’ve missed you!” They said at the same time.
Gerard and Sam started talking. “This house is so interesting!” Gerard exclaimed.
Sam nodded, “I agree completely. I love it here!”
Antonio was talking with Lexie. “What do you think of the others?” Lexie asked.
Antonio shrugged, “I don’t know... it’s a lot of competition...”
Lexie nodded, “Well, it’s always better to make alliances early in this game. You in?”
Antonio raised an eyebrow, “You and I?”
Lexie nodded. “And maybe a few other people... we’ll see. It would be a perfect alliance!”
“I’m in.” Antonio agreed.
Stella smiled, “Beds are getting taken. Some of you may get to sleep on the floor.” She paused. “Next group, Corre!”
Corre had the same shade of hair as Ember. He nodded when Stella called his name.
Jinx had blond hair, a black tank-top with a red plaid skirt and black leggings.
Yasmin had light brown hair; she wore a white polka-dotted hoodie and jeans.
April walked with her group inside the house, smiling.
Jinx and Yasmin almost instantly began talking music. “Favourite band?” Jinx asked.
“All Time Low, without a doubt.” Yasmin responded.
April put her stuff on a bed beside Francis, “Hey!”
Francis smirked, “Hey gorgeous...”
Corre and Sabrina were talking. “I can’t wait until we start competing!” Corre stated.
Sabrina nodded, “Neither can I!”
“Our last group...” Stella said. “Vincent!”
Vincent had black hair; he wore a black jacket with a wrinkled tie and black pants.
“And lastly, Jayden!”
Jayden had red hair; she wore a schoolgirl’s uniform.
Jayden ran into the house, and noticed all the beds were taken. “Um...”
Francis and Robyn both looked at her, “You can come with one of us!” They said together.
Jayden laughed, “How about we go with all three of us?”
Vincent shrugged, “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor or anything.”
“Alright!” Emily yelled. “Let’s all get to know each other, you know... before we start to hate each other.”
“Ooh!” Boxxy called. “I wanna start!”
“Okay!” Emily smiled. “Uh... just say your name, your age and uh... your worst fear! Yeah, that sounds fun!”
Everyone sat down on the couches while Boxxy stood up.
“Okaaay!” Boxxy began, “I’m Boxxy. I’m 16... I’m really scared of being made fun of!”
Sitting beside her was Vincent, “I’m Vincent Valentine. I’m 18 and I’m scared of scorpions.”
Lexie was next, “I’m Lexie Porter. I’m 16 and I’m scared of spiders.”
Emily sat next to her, “I’m Emily, I’m 15 and I’m scared of...” She took a deep breath. “Promise not to laugh, okay?”
Riley nodded, “What is it!?”
Robyn tried to hold back her laugh, “Feet?”
Emily nodded. “They’re gross and creepy and weird!”
Corre smiled at Emily.
“Emily seems friendly and she’s certainly fun. I hope I can get to know her better...” Corre admitted in her confessional.
Sam nodded,” I guess I get it...”
“Okay, moving on!” Gerard said. “I’m Gerard, I’m 18, I’m afraid of needles.”
“I’m Sabrina, I’m 15 and I’m scared of snakes.” Sabrina stated.
Sam was next to speak; “I’m Sam, I’m 16 and I’m scared of the dark.”
Francis began talking, “I’m Francis Weber, I’m 17 and I don’t really have a fear.”
“As soon as Francis starting talking even before this it was like, DAMN boy! I like you already...” Robyn stated in her confessional.
Ember smiled, “I’m Ember Tech. I’m 16 and a half and I’m afraid of lizards. Specifically mutant ones.”
Corre was sitting next to his sister, and spoke next. “I’m Corre Tech; I’m also 16 and a half, like my sister. And I’m afraid of swimming.”
Annie was sitting next to Corre and Phillip, she was next to tell the rest of the house about herself. “I’m Annie. I’m 17 and I have a huge fear of birds.”
Phillip squeezed her hand, “I’m Phillip. I hate clowns and am terrified of them and I’m 17.”
“I’m April, I’m 16, and I’m scared of snakes.” April admitted.
Next to April was Alice. “Alice Jones is my name, I’m 16 and I’m afraid of fire-breathing snakes.”
Kyle sat beside Alice, “Kyle Haroldson. 17 years old and I’m horrified of being naked in a goth house.”
“What the hell kind of a fear is that?” Francis questioned.
Kyle shrugged, “That’s just my fear...”
Jinx sat by Kyle and Dayton. “I’m 17, my name is Jinx, and I’m... uh... afraid of penguins.” She lied.
Dayton looked at her, knowing that isn’t her true fear. “Dayton, 16, and I’m scared of my stepfather.”
Riley was next, “Riley! 17 years old! I’m afraid of boredom!”
Danny spoke next; “Daniel King, but you can call me Danny. I’m 14 and I’m scared shitless of clowns!”
Timothy was after Danny; “Timothy Anderson is my name, I’m 16 and scared of my past.”
Wyatt was after Timothy; “I’m Wyatt Palmer. 16 years old. And I hate spiders!”
Cody sat between Wyatt and Jayden; “Cody Takara, 17 years old. I have a phobia of closed spaces and heights.”
Jayden glanced at Robyn and Francis. “Jayden is the name. 17 is my age. I’m afraid of not being accepted.”
Yasmin was the last one to speak, “Yasmin Hildebrand. I’m 14 years old, and I’m extremely afraid of porcelain dolls, their faces are REALLY creepy!”
Robyn and Jayden both began laughing. “Dolls? Wow...” Robyn said.
Stella’s face appeared on the tv screen, “Housemates! The power is up for grabs; our first Head of Household competition is starting momentarily and one of you will have the power and be safe this week.”
Stella turned back to the camera, “Who will win the HOH and who will that person nominate for eviction? Find out next time on Total. Drama. Big Brother!”
There was my introductory chapter. Leave confessionals and such in the comments!


This pick is to decide who should win the Head of Household competition, I hope I get quite a few votes!<3
added by TDImaster55
Source: Weird x2...
posted by OMGZoey


( ) You're Latino

( ) You're manipulative

( ) You're evil

( ) You fall for King/Queen Bees

( ) You've been severely burned/injured

() You have an annoying brother/sister

( ) You speak more than one language T

Total: 0


( )You are a wannabe at sometimes

(X) You have a best friend

( ) You wear/used to wear braces

(X) Singing is one of your hobbies

( ) You easily fall for the eye candy

( ) One of your favorites colors is pink

( ) You work on a farm

Total: 2


( ) You surf

( ) You're a vegetarian

(X) You care about the environment/Mother...
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Chapter One: Life Has To Start Somewhere. Let's Take A Look;

Hey Fanpoppers! Here's my new Mike and Zoey story C: It gets sadder and sadder later on, just warning you. Please read and review! I've recieved over 100 reviews on :D

*Mike At The Age Of 4*

A couple dressed in poor clothes stood outside the Toronto orphanage with their young, 4 year old son; Mike. They had to give their son away, because their life had many troubles.

'Mummy, why do you have to go?' the young Mike asked looking up at his mother with an upset expression. Mike's mum let out a heavy sigh and answered with...
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Dakota and Sam: Who you gonna root for?
Who's it gonna be?
Is it Lightning, Cameron, or will you pick Zoey?
Dakota: There's Lightning, he's an air head,
But he's been playin' hard!
Sam: Too bad, everybody hates him. He'd have to pay a bodyguard!
Dakota and Sam: Who you gonna root for?
Who's it gonna be?
Is it Lightning, Cameron, or will you pick Zoey?
Mike: (rapping) Ricki-tick-ity, you're gonna hear it from me!
The only one winning this is Z-O-E!
Kickin' like a queen, sippin' lemonade in the shade!
Kickin' it Mutant style, gonna take home the cheddar!
We're gonna be all smiles!
Anne Maria: Hey! How come he gets to sing?
Sam: He doesn't! Mike!
Mike: (rapping) Ricki-ticki-ticki-tody, give it up for my girl Zoey!
Mike's in the house spittin' rhymes like a roadie, a roadie!
Anne Maria: Red's a boyfriend stealer!
Mike: (rapping) Ricki-tick, whoa!
Anne Maria: Vito's a dead man!
Mike: (rapping) Ricki-tick, oh, no!
Sam: Cut! Stop the music!
Chris was standing on the dock of shame. He was introducing the show; "Last time, on Total Drama Letters, the campers were given a dare each. The lousy thing was, only five people accepted it. With two people on their team who accepted it the Hunters won." Chris sad, "will Duncan lose it? Will Cody convince me that he didn't graffiti my caravan? What will the Hunters' reward be? Find out next, on Total Drama Letters.

Author's Note: do you like this format better?

The campers were peacefully sleeping when Chris got a blow horn and some earmuffs. He went inside each cabin and sounded it, waking...
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Justin is the worst "Total Drama" bad guy ever. Gwen telling the team to vote off Trent would be easy if he didn't pressure her.
Justin is the worst "Total Drama" bad guy ever. Gwen telling the team to vote off Trent would be easy if he didn't pressure her.
6. Justin- What I didn't like about Justin is that he got Trent eliminated in TDA, by pressuring Gwen. It would be easy for Gwen to tell the Grips to vote off "The captain who went crazy because of a girl", if Justin didn't pressure her.
5. Courtney- She is as harsh as Heather, because she took her antagonist role too far. She is not the best female villain for "Total Drama"
4. Blaineley- She can be a diva at times. She was okay in CMTDARS, but she took "The New Chris/Heather/Geoff" role too-too far when she sent Bridgette to Siberia.
3. Duncan- Duncan is an okay villain. The only...
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posted by nocofangirl218
So, part 16. :3's all good. I quickly wanna thank the two greatest co-writers ever! Aka: Rotcalex2011 and Cascada1007! You two are the best! X3 Anyway, onto the story!


*at elimination ceremony*

Chris: *walks up to podium with a bunch of bruises and scratches* Well, well, well, if it isn't little Alex and his big bad team of losers! *laughs evilly*

Alex: *glares at Chris* Better be careful Chris, those of fighting words!

Chris: *sarcastic tone* Oh, I'm SO scared of Alex! In fact, I'm shaking in my freaking...
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posted by Gwentrend24
Camile: Last time on Total Drama OC's, the campers found out that they will be spending the next 8 brutal weeks, on a haunted beach house. Alliances were formed, conflicts were started, *get's aggravated* and CAR KEYS were stolen. What do we have in store for our unfortunate contestants today? Find out right now on, Total. Drama. OC's!

Chris: Hey, how come you get to do the introduction?

Camile: -.- Don't argue with me.

*Theme song plays*

Chris: *pulls out bullhorn*

Camile: Um, don't you have a softer and nicer way to wake them up?

Chris: *pouts* Fine. Katie!

Katie: What's up Chris?

Chris: Can you...
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In the morning...
Courtney:Ow!My belly hurts!And...Why am I so fat?
Gwen:Ummmm...Because of the coffee that you drank?
Courtney:I think...
Bridgette:Why your face is turning green?
Courtney:*looks in the mirror*You're right!*her cheeks inflate*Gwen?Give me a bag!
Courtney:*throws up*
Gwen:When I'm looking at her, I think I throw up too!Just..Izzy!Open the window, please!
Izzy:Ok!*opens the window*Hey, hey, hey!It's me, Izzy!
Gwen:Go to the other side!*breathes*
Lindsay:Who wants to go at the cafeteria?
All the girls:Me

At the cafeteria...
Gwen:Yummy!A delicious...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
chris: i need this people to come with me now Gwen,Trent,Courtney,Lindsay,Duncan,Izzy,Owen,Tyler Sierra, and Cody
Duncan: man why do we need to go with him
chris: i have chose you 10 campers to come to a bording school in England
Lindsay: why
Chris: i just did now your plan takes off at 7pm lands in 6am you will be at the houes at 63oam you have a hour and a half to unpack and you will meet me in the dinning room for more
chris: ok i have your room arangments the girls sleep on my left and the boys sleep on myy right Seirra and Lindsay you share a room gwen and courtney...
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Welcome back to Total Drama High School,
Season 2! Let's pick up where we left off.
Ilana: Hey girls, welcome to the final 4!
All 4: YEAH! *High fives each other*
Ilana: The other girls may be disappointed to not be here,
so let's hear what they have to say:
Lexxi: I can't believe I'm not there!
Andrea: :'(
Kirby: Hmph. >:(
Rene: This sucks! D:
Corabella: I can't believe it...
Ashley: NAME STEALER! >:O ^^^
Celine: Oh, save it, you brat.
Scout: Well, this sucks to not be there.
Sammy: :( I'm sad.
Annie: Hmph.
Ilana: So, how...
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posted by kimmylovesyou
Name:Lupe dating: blake job: makeup artist **you will need to write more**
Name:Lupe dating: blake job: makeup artist **you will need to write more**
Hey Everyone:
this artical is to get some new characters for my episodes on youtube named total drama college (watch my videos my youtube name is kimmylovesyou707)so thats where you guys come in i need you guys to send me a picture of a total drama character that you have edited to look diffrent(you changed hair eye color clother ECT.)
Please help me out the followingare the steps you need to do !! :)
1.find me on youtube and subscribe to me!
2.send me a message on youtube (to my acount)or to my email the message say you want to help me out also attach the picture of your character name dating job age ect. my lastest nest thursday September ,2010
to see when i will anounce the winners

*Please note that your character willprobley not be used until episode 11*

i will place an exsample below

Thankyou for any help in advance

Total Drama Horror. Episode 1 Part 1.
"Child's play?'
 Chris:*Smirks.* Welcome! To Canada's very own Lake Wakwanakwa! Or as you remember, Total Drama Island. The beginning of the Total Drama series. Oh, Look.. Here come our original 5 campers. 
 Courtney:*Frowning.* Hey.. *Jumps off the boat.* 
 Chris:*Shrugs.* Oh! And here's Gwen! 
Gwen: Oh, Bite me. 
 Chris: Alrighty, Trent! 
Trent: Hey, guys. 
 Chris: Duncan! 
Duncan:*Scowls.* Another shot at ****
Chris: Izzy!
 Izzy:*Swinging on a vine.* Hello! 
 Chris:*Sighs.* Anyway! On with our new members of Total Drama. Zoey! 
 Zoey:*Jumps off the...
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posted by xxXsk8trXxx
Tyler and Lindsay were sitting on the couch watching TDWT. They were both out of the competition.
"Hey Linds, don't you think that Courtney is getting a leeeetle too crazy?"
"Uh, her? Yeah!"
Bridgette came in. She just finished hosting the aftermath.
"Have you guys seen Duncan yet? He is SUCH a womanizer! I'm glad I ended up with Geoff instead."
Geoff came in, and he was holding two glasses of punch. He gave one to Bridgette, and stood next to her.
"Gwen is acting so odd latley! Have you seen her next to Courtney, they were almost in a catfight!"
The four stayed silent for quite some time. A couple...
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Chris: Okay everybody your first challange is...


Chris: Fine! But your the last person to get a change of pokemon! DRINK THIS! *gives desiree water* DRINK IT ALL!

Desiree: *drinks water and turns into a ninetails* OMG! AWESOMENESS!

Chris: okay anyway, lets get onto our challange! Our challange is a talent show where only 3 members from each team will participate!

Sofie: um exactly what type of talent show are you talking about.

Chris: A pokemon talent show,In a pokemon talent show you will use your attacks to make a wonderfull show that will impress...
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Rayven:*sigh* as much as i love him ..... Duncan, because he made us loose....

Jax: see ya later man!

Courtney: I am not voting off Duncan! Zoey wrote the song, so Bye bye Zoey!

Zoey: Courtney. I like her but I dont wanna see Duncan leave.

Leeroy : I guess I'll vote off Duncan,because he didn't sing

Megan : I guess Duncan cause he doesnt sing...

Avan: I’ll………. I’ll say Duncan bye bye!


Chris: Ok you all voted! thease people had no votes......... Jax
Jax,Gwen,Owen,Leeroy,Izzy,Megan: Boo ya!
Chris: down to the finale 6! Thease people had 1 vote Zoey,...
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Rochelle: 0k this is total drama beach! This season we are haveing 24 contestents! here they come! I'll call them out by ones! First is Leigh!
Leigh: Hi! are you Rochelle?
Rochelle: yes yes i am!
Leigh: well nice to meet you!
Rochelle: Me too! Next is Ray!
Ray: Hi Rochelle! I rember you from total drama crazy! your the host now?
Rochelle: yep! ray is reterning back from Totak drama crazy!
Leigh: Hi i'm leigh!
Ray: I'm Ray!
Rochelle: 0k next is Amy!
Amy: Hi i'm Rochelle!
rochelle: Hi amy!
Amy: hey guys!
Ray+Leigh: Hi!
Rochelle: I wonder where all the boys are? oh here's one it's the hot boy of them all justin!...
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I stared blankly at the screens. Me! He means me! I nearly fainted. When we got back to the Justice Building here in the Capitol, I went up on the roof. I wasn’t alone. “So, when did ever since you can remember start?” I asked Trent. “Well, when we were 5, my dad told me that he used to like your mom. But she fell for a coal miner that when he sang, even the mockingjays would quiet down to listen. When you sang for the class that same year, the birds did stop to listen. So basically, that’s when it started.” He replied. “Who did you think that I liked?” I asked him. “Isn’t...
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posted by Random9747649
"That was the worst night of my life!" Courtney complained stepping back through the door. Duncan and Gwen were laughing behind her as they walked back to the underworld. Courtney turned on them, her face full of anger;"How could you sit there and watch people die and then collect their souls!"

Gwen chuckled, "I told you she wouldn't be able to handle it" she said to Duncan. "Courtney, the people are going to die anyway! You should see it when we have to take a life of a child or a unborn baby. It's sad but someone has to do it. Gwen padded Courtney on her arm, "At least you're not the one who...
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