Total Drama Island Club
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Our contestants had to go through some trivia and had to go through some though challenges when they got it wrong. Like Leaches, ice water, and bees. In the end, Blake was kicked off the show for sneaking around in the studio with out premisson. Who knows why. Who will win? Who will lose? Who will scream their heads off? Find out right now on Total.. Drama.. Reality Check!

(theme song)

(Castle (set 9))
(All the final 15 are laying on the ground)
Mathew: (wakes up and screams waking everyone else up)
Liza: Huh? WO! Where are we?
Lily: Looks like some sort of castle.
Marissa: How did we get in here?
Draven: (enters sweeping)
Layla: DRAVEN!
Draven: What?
Layla: How did we get in here?
Draven: Didn't Chris tell you guys yesterday to sleep in here while they cleaned your trailers?
Lia: No that didn't come up.
Draven: Oh.
Cole: And plus, we were sleeping in our trailers last night.
Draven: No you weren't. you were here last night. I was in your trailer cleaning.
Chilly: I'm so confused.
Jordan: Aren't we all.
Layla: Draven. How do we get out?
Draven: There's a door down theirs. Be careful. There's some secret passageways. I got lost on my way up here.
Fawn: Secret passageways?
Draven: Yeah. Chris is using this set for a later challenge. He wants me to clean it because he hasn't been up here in months.
Cole: Yeah I can tell.
Draven: Well, I got to go clean the bathroom.
Vincent: TMI.
Draven: What ever. See ya. (exits)
Robert: Well come on guys. Let's get out of here!
Draven: (screams)
Lia: W-what was that?
Layla: It sounded like Draven! this way!
(Bath room)
(Everyone enters seeing Draven with his head in the toilet and a knife in his back.)
May and Layla: (screams)
Cole: hehe. He got what he deserves.
Jordan: w-what happened to him?
Elisa: What does it look like? He got stabbed in the back.
Liza: Can Layla be next?
Layla: Grrrr...
Chilly: Well now that Draven's dead. Let's just get out of here!
Lia: Agree.
(Laughter is heard)
Mathew: w-what was that?
Cole: It was probably Chris trying to scare us. Hey Chris? Is that all you go?
(Lights go out making Lily scream and then they come back on and Lily is still screaming)
Chilly: wo. Power outage?
(Lily screams louder)
Robert: No Lily. You scream when the power is off. When it comes back on you-
(Robert sees Cole with a pencil through his head)
Robert: (Screams)
Chilly: W-what happened?
Mathew: The killer was mad at Cole for his back mouth and so he killed him!
(thunder is heard)
Chilly: Oh come on. Who will believe that?
Mathew: (points to Cole) Does that say anything?
Chilly: Just looks like a dummy.
Jordan: (to Vincent) You got the dummy part right.
Vincent: (laughs)
Chilly: Who's going to just come with me and get out of here and agree that this thing is a bunch of non-since?
Layla: I will.
Robert: Me.
Chilly: Now. me and the people who are thinking straight will be going now.
(Chilly, Layla, and Robert exit)
Mathew: Fine. But don't say I didn't worn you! (sigh)
Lia: So what do we do now?
Fawn: Let's find the exit. We can still get out of here. Why do we have to stay?
Mathew: (face palm) I'm so stupid! Let's go find the others.

Robert: So where are we?
Layla: Close to the exit I hope.
Chilly: hmmm... aggghhh... The problem is we don't know how high up we are.
Robert: Maybe we're at the highest point. Should we find a window?
Layla: Yeah. Let's split up and find one.
(Chilly, Layla, and Robert split up)

(A library)
(The other contestants enter)
Elisa: Cool. A library!
Lia: It's so old.
Jordan: (takes out a book and turns the pages) These books are not even printed. They're written by hand.
Lily: Really? Let me see. (Lily pulls a book from a bookcase that Fawn is leaning on and it turns 180 degrees and they both go behind it)
Annie: OH NO! Lily and Fawn are gone!
(Liza and Marissa bang on the wall)
Liza: Lily?! Fawn?! Can you hear us?!
Fawn: Yeah.
Marissa: What do you see in there?!
Lily: Nothing. Just darkness.
Vincent: Is there anyway to get them back?
Liza: Ummm.. I can't see anything.
Marissa: Lily. Fawn! DO you think you can pull the book again?
Fawn: We can't see a thing!
Liza: Aggghhh...
Lily: We can try to make our way out.
Jordan: Good idea. Try that.
Fawn: Come on Lily. Let's find something.

(At the end of the hallway)
Robert: YES! I Found a window! I got to tell the others! (Turns around and sees the killer) What th- (the killer pushes him and he falls out of the window)

(Robert lands on a mat)
Robert: What the? Am I dead?
(Chris is standing next to Cole and Chef)
Chris: nope. Your just out of the challenge.
Robert: Oh. (get's up) Ow. my back.
Chris: Yeah. those mats can do that to you.

Lia: I think we should get out of here.
Annie: yeah.
Jordan: WO! Look! A elevator!
Mathew: (reading sign on it) Capacity, 3 people.
May: That's the smallest elevator ever.
Vincent: Maybe it's a way out.
Jordan: I found it first! I call it!
Lia and Annie: Me too! (glares at each other)
(Jordan presses the button and it opens and Annie, Jordan, and Lia enter then the door closes)
Elisa: What do we do know?
May: Wait for them to get back up... or back down... where ever it goes too.

(In side the elevator)
Lia: So Jordan are you going to pick me?
Annie: No he's going to pick me!
Lia: No me!
(The elevator shakes)
Jordan: What was that?
Lia: I- I don't know.
(the Elevator falls and Annie, Jordan, and Lia scream)

(Chilly and Layla meet up)
Layla: Found a window?
Chilly: Nope. Where's Robert?
Layla: hmmm.. I don't know. Who cares. Let's go.
Chilly: O- okay.
(Layla and Chilly take a couple steps and Layla falls down a trap door)
Chilly: Layla?!
Layla: I'm okay. I'm just in a dungeon or something like that.
Chilly: can you see a way out in there?
Layla: No.
Chilly: Okay. Well, I'm just going to go find Robert. (turns around and sees the killer) (screams)

(The killer brings Chilly in there)
Chilly: HEY! Let me go!
(The killer drops Chilly)
Chilly: OW! W-where am I?
Chris: Your in a studio. With the other losers of the challenge.
Chilly: Oh there you are Cole.
Cole: (waves)
Jordan: So who's the killer?
Chris: All in good time Jordan. All in good time. Now killer, go out there and... well... kill.
(The killer exits)

(Castle Library)
May: Is that elevator ever going to come up?
Vincent: Nope. Doesn't seem like it.
Liza: (sigh) Come on guys. Let's just find a different exit.
Elisa: Okay.
(everyone exits)

(Stair case)
Fawn: Okay. so where are we?
Lily: Hopefully going up an exit.
Fawn: Let's hope so. I see a door! (opens door and they are at the roof of the castle)
Lily: OW! My eyes!
Fawn: I know. They burn. Hey! At least we found the exit!
Lily: Ye- OH NO!
Fawn: What is it?
Lily: The only way out is to jump off.
Fawn: What? (looks down) OH NO! You first?
Lily: Umm... no. (sigh) Let's just find another exit.
Fawn: fine.
(they turn around to face the killer and Fawn runs away screaming)
Lily: Aaaa... Fawn? A little- oh no. Good bye world.
(the killer pushes her off and she lands on a mat) OW! That hurt!
Robert: Yeah. That does hurt.
Lily: Wait. Where am i? Heaven?
Chris: (shakes head) Nope. Your in the loser zone. Where all the losers of the challenge go.
Lily: wait. this was a challenge?! So not cool Chris.
Lia: Yeah. That's what we all said.
Lily: (sigh)

(Fawn is running down the hallway when she runs into Layla)
Fawn: Wo sorry.
Layla: Yeah you better be.
Fawn: No wait. I mean, I'm not sorry.
Layla: Oh shut up.
Fawn: What are you doing? I thought you were with Chilly and Robert trying to find a place out.
Layla: I was but we can't find Robert and Chilly got killed by the killer.
Fawn: I thought you said there was no killer?
Layla: I meant he got killed by something.
Fawn: mhm... sure.

(Dinning room)
(Marissa, Liza, Elisa, Vincent, Mathew, and May enter)
Elisa: Wo! This room is huge.
May: This must be the dinning room.
Mathew: cool. I'm starving! Let's go eat like kings!
Vincent: Yeah!
Liza: Boys.
Marissa: mhm.
(Vincent and Mathew sit down at the table and start eating)
Tara: Vincent...
Vincent: huh? Tara?
Mathew: Vincent?
Tara: Vincent...
Vincent: Tara? Is that you?
Tara: Help me Vincent. Help me...
Vincent: Tara! I'm coming! (Jumps off on table then off making a lot of food hit Mathew and then Vincent exits)
Mathew: Oh no..
Marissa: What just happened?

(Fawn and Layla are walking together not talking to each other)
Vincent: (enters running) TARA!!!!!!! (exits)
Layla: What was that?
Fawn: I- I don't know...

(Dinning room)
(Mathew is cleaning him self off.)
May: Well Vincent's gone.
Liza: Yep.
Mathew: I'm the only boy left?!?
Elisa: Yep. Looks like it.
Marissa: Let's just go.
Liza: Agree. If we are in the dinning room. Then the exit can't be far.

Vincent: (runs in) Tara?! Are you in here? hmm... I guess not. (turns around and sees the killer and screams)

(Layla and Fawn are walking)
Fawn: I just want you to know that you are not going to make it far if you are-
(Someone covers Layla's mouth and pulls her away)
Fawn: -being rude like this all the time. I'm just trying to help you. Understand? Layla? Oh no. She's gone. Oh well. (continues walking)

(A different hallway)
Marissa: So what are we going to do?
May: I- I don't know.
Elisa: Should we spit up?
Mathew: NO! Number 1 rule in horror films, never go off alone.
Liza: We wont be alone. we'll just be in 1 group of 2 and 1 group of 3.
Mathew: (sigh) Fine.
Liza: Okay. I'll be with Elisa.
Elisa: okay.
May: I guess I'm with Mathew and Marissa.
Mathew: Go team M!
Marissa: (Giggles)
Liza: well let's go.
(Liza and Elisa go one way and May, Mathew, and Marissa go another)

(Another Hallway)
Fawn: (sigh) Where is that exit? It has to be somewhere. (opens a door with the killer in it) Nope. not in here. (closes the door in the killer's face and walks off)

(Liza and Elisa enter)
Liza: This must be the kitchen.
Elisa: Yeah. But why is it so far away from the dinning room?
Liza: I don't know. Chris made it. His stupid.
(2 knifes come flying right between Liza and Elisa.)
Liza: Wo!
Elisa: What was that?
(The killer appears making Liza and Elisa scream)

(Dinning room)
Fawn: (enters) Wo. Food fight or something? Hmmm... (turns around and sees the killer and screams)

May: I think I found the exit!
Mathew: Well let's hope you did.
(Mathew, May, and Marissa walk up to the door and then the killer jumps out in front of them)
Marissa: oh no.
Mathew: RUN!!!!
(May, Marissa, and Mathew run away and the killer chases them)

(End of a hallway)
May: Oh no.
Mathew: dead end.
(killer walks up to them with a knife.)
May: We're doom.
(Marissa sees a rope around the killer's foot and the end of the rope right next to her so she pulls it and the killer goes up and hangs upside down)
Mathew: Wo.
May: Good job Marissa.
Marissa: thanks. Now let's see who this killer really is. (pulls the mask off the killer and it is Jason)
May, Marissa, and Mathew: Jason!?!?
Jason: Fuck!

Annie: But why Jason?
Chris: I said that he could come back to the show if he didn't get cough. But since he did, his going back home.
Jason: And I could've fucking gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids and that stupid dog... even though the dog didn't do anything.
Uni: (barks)
(Chef drives Jason away)
Cole: Wait so who win the challenge?
Chris: well since Marissa un masked Jason, Team Real wins!
Team Real: YAY!
Chris: Team Fake. I'll see you guys tonight.

Okay, so Team Fake has to vote someone off tonight. you can either IM me, inbox me, or comment below.

Here is who is on Team Fake:
Tammy:*wakes up*where am I?*walks around then calls doc*Doc,where am i?
Doc:In a vault dont worry ill get u out!*opens vault door*
Tammy:What time is it?
Doc:8:59am why?
Tammy:IM LATE FOR SCHOOL!*runs all the way to school*
Jake:Man where were u?
Tammy:I don't know!
Lin:Well run to class befor the princible...
Princible:CATCHES U!?
Princible:2 week detention!
*at 5:00pm*
Lin:Man sorry u were late for school!Lets go to doc and round up!He says he made something special!
*at doc's lab*
Doc:All of us 10 will go back to the past!
Kiara:At what year?
Kayla:Isn't that when jack the.......
*time machien takes them back in time*
part 2 coming soon!
posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Welcome back lets soo what the campers are up to!

*With Jessica,Sam R. and Kylie*
Jessica:Ok i think the reward is under this rock!*Lifts rock* UGH nothing!
Kylie:Ok jessica just chill a little bit ok
Sam R.:Ya i agree with her lets take a break!
Jessica:Ok ok i am ust gonna fall asleep you know take a nap
Kylie:Ywa lets go!

*With Ya'vanti and Shawn*
Ya'vanti:Ok umm its over here no over there hahaha!! *laughs like a maniac*
Shawn:I think your going crazy!
Ya'vanti:No i know its here i know it!

*With Sammy and Blaine* is everything with your cabin and everything
Sammy:Its good...
continue reading...
posted by dxarmy423
*Theme music plays*

Chris: last time we saw our contestants in the Canadian rockies

Talia: yeah and It was freezing

Chris: and Team Water won but will they win again today

Cedric: Where are we today

Jessica: yeah I hope its not cold

Chris: would you people talk

Jake: yeah the more he talks the closer I am to one million bucks

Chris: We are currently over the outer hawaiian islands where there are no people

Ya'vanti: Yes Hawaii!!

Chris: dont get to happy you guys will be jumping into the ocean from 40 feet up!!!

Jordan: thats insane

Cedric: yeah but I live for the adrenaline rush

Mason: were gonna die

continue reading...
posted by wwefan2000
ashley pov
i'm ashley monro ever scince i was a kid i could tell that i could hear ghost i can remember that first time
mom:come done for dinner guys
ghost girl:*whispering*come on there gunna find us
ghost boy:*walks through ashley*
ashley:*sees figure*mom
ashley:can you see that *points to the figure*
mom:wat i'm i supposed to see
ghost girl:crap *disapears with the ghost boy*
*flashback ends*
now i'm sixteen a ghost whisper and i have a great boyfriend

sorry its short the rest will be long
Jordan: *holds up a photoe of Zoey and Alejandro* who to vote???

Courntey: Fianly a chance to vote off Zoey! And i have anouther reason! yes!

Rochelle: *sigh* Zoey did lose to challange for us. But it wasn't on purpuse! *sigh* and alrjandro is mean! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr who to vote???

Zoey: I bet i'm leaveing but Ezekiel! I want him gone!

Abby: I like the whole team! Zoey did lose the challange for us! *sigh* I don't know!


Chris: you all votted! and here are the peple with no vo.........
Ezekiel: Wait chris i want to use my Invincibility passes!
Chris: too late zeke! Maby you can use...
continue reading...
posted by rose35
Dear diary,
Today is day is another bazar day at this quiet hospital room. Most of my friends visited yesterday most of my friends came to visit me. I felt pretty bad that I kinda made every one feel bad, but also I felt glad that they cared.

~episode three~
Cat:*walks in* good news your parents decided to drop the charges!
Kate: Well that's pretty good at least duncan didn't mean to.
ashley: Do you know when you are coming out?
Kate: I dunno but hopefully today.
Cat: YAYZ!
kate: So what's up?
Cat: We heard that you like Duncan.
Ashley: Well do you?
Kate:seeriously? A dude i've only known for an hour?...
continue reading...
Duncan's POV: The next morning, we had no school because it was a staff meeting day, so I started to fall asleep-

-when my sister screamed downstairs for me to wake up.

I groaned and ran a hand through my thick black hair.

I sat up and fished through my cell phone, seeing if there was anything I could do all day.

I got a news bulletin fron the school council, saying 30 people got picked for the talent show and to meet at 10 AM at the school to discuss practice.

"Anyone who recieves this letter had been chosen to be in the show..." I read and grunted afterwards. Yea that's just what I need, people...
continue reading...
Chris: “Welcome To The Campfire Ceremony. When You Hear Me Call Your Name, Come And Get A Marshmellow.
Alex: “Yayz, I’m Safe!”
Chris: “Lindsay, Sky, And Alison.”
The Girls: “Yay!” *Group Hug*
Chris: “And Finally…..DJ, Niomi, And Harold.”
DJ: “Alright!”
Chris: “Ava, Duncan…….The Final Marshmellow Goes To:” *Dramatic Music*
Duncan: “Whaaaaaaaaat?”
Ava: “Yesssssssssss! Bye Duncan!”
Chris: “Sorry, Dude. Your Eliminated.”
Duncan: “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” *Walks The Dock Of Shame*
The Cast Excluding The Voted Off Camper!
The Cast Excluding The Voted Off Camper!
posted by kk99aa
(Vannessa's voted off moment on total drama fanpoppers)

I clenched my fist tightly.My breathig quickened.Andrea held the last marshmellow in her hand.I thought about how i needed that money for my bigger sister amanda,who was gonna go to colledge."And the final marshmellow goes to..." Andrea tempted. "Sumer... you get to stay!" Andrea finished as she tossed Sumer MY marshmellow."Well i dont need this place anyway!" I shouted as i stood up from my chair. I walked up to where Andrea was standing and said "Goodbye,Theresa!My only friend here!Bye Sumer... I hope you burn in hell...bye Everyone...
continue reading...
posted by chocopockyninja
Sofie X Duncan Love Story!
by chocopockyninja

Duncan took Sofie's hand gazing into her eyes. "Sofie, I want to tell you something." Said Duncan still holding her hand.
"So what is it, honey?" said Sofie reaching for Duncan's other hand.
"I dont want to tell you here, I want to tell you by the beach." Duncan said walking over to the door. Sofie gave him a quick smile and followed him to the door. Duncan opened the door and let Sofie walk out.
"Can you open the car?" Asked Sofie with her hand on the car door. With out a word the car made a clicking sound and the door unlocked. They got in and...
continue reading...
its not all of em but only ones i found nd yeah i am 2 lazy to find the rest hehe?? sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah it wont let me post it bkuz its to short sooo ama write random crap

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♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫ ♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫♥♫
posted by megaDUNCANfan
Haley:Ok, um Chris is going on a coffee run, guys u want some?
Haley:Review!Chris and D.J. are our interns.
Haley:Noah's the camera guy,Trent and Duncan are my co-hosts.
Haley:Geoff is the guy plays music, Tyler does the sound effects.
Geoff:Wat up pplz!!!!
Duncan:This is the most randomest show there is.
Haley:Thank-you, at the end I want you to sing Hotel Sevice.
Haley:I'll give you a raise.
Haley:We Take calls now at 234-6674(not realy a real phone #)
*phone rings*
Haley:Hi, wats...
continue reading...
When owen was watching LINK "great its sooo boring around here" "no" "you must die" *the king been shot by link* "haha its funny" said owen. when the new said "THE REPORT IS THE ROBOTS ARE COMING AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME MOMMY THERE COMIN TO HERE GET WEAPONS, FOOD, AMMO, AND WATER TO SURVIVE THANK U". owen was sooo screaming "AHHH HELP ME WERE DOOMED NOOO I NEED HELP" *when owen sees a shotgun he grabed it but he sees a terminator he shoots the terminator and dies* you all frakin robots are dead war THIS IS SPARTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. When joe wakes up he said "hey keep it down already owen hey that terminator is dead go owen" TO BE CONTINUE... PT 2 COMING SOON
posted by TDIlover226
Sequel to "TDI ancestry - The Rise Of Beatrice Thorn"

"You can't be serious!" yelled Damien from the corner of the "outer realm". "I'm sorry my child..but-".
"What do you mean sorry! I have to hide from my own sister! I thought she was dead!"
"She is dead...but death is not the end"
"You said that as soon as we put the curse on the old thorn house....everything would be okay!"
"Nothing is okay! Nothing will ever be okay! You're sister was evil! She's blaming her death on you!...........I want to keep you safe, my child...
"I know...But you said it yourself, you can't always be looking out for me...
continue reading...
(A/N: First off--I dont ship GwenxDuncan. But I see them as siblings and always have, and I love that relationship between them. It's meant to be GwenxTrent and DuncanxCourtney, because you KNOW I'm the biggest *Nine* shipper ever.
It takes place a couple hours after Trent gets voted off. Gwen's still in total pain and regret, Duncan swears a lot, and yeah.


    If there was one thing as luminescent as the moon that night, it would’ve been her tiny ashen face. It wasn’t often that you could find patches of grass anywhere near a suburban place...
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added by cocokloony
added by Broccoligirl
Source: CITPrincess
added by Duncan-superfan
Source: Autobubbs
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: escorted2xf75h