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Victor: Greetings everyone! My name is Victor Rodenmaar Jr.! And I'm the new host of Total Drama. This season of Total Drama is set at my boarding school here in the UK in the House of Anubis. I will have 12 contestants living in this House going throw challenges based on the history of the house... sadly, I haven't thought of the first challenge yet. But putting that aside, let's meet our new members of Anubis House! First up Lia and Jake!
(Cab drives up and Lia and Jake step out)
Lia: Why did you have to stop for a coke?
Jake: I got thirsty.
Lia: (rolls eyes)
Victor: Welcome to the House of Anubis.
Jake: Your face isn't that great of a welcome.
Victor: (Glares at Jake)
Jake: Just sayin'.
Victor: Moving on. The next person is Danny!
(Cab pulls up and Danny steps out)
Lia: DANNY! (runs up and hugs him)
Danny: Hey Lia. Jake.
Jake: Danny.
Lia: Why didn't you tell me you were going to be on the show?
Jake: I wanted to surprise you!
Lia: (blushes)
Victor: Next is Elizabeth!
(Cab pulls up and Elizabeth steps out)
Elizabeth: Good day everybody! I'm Elizabeth-
Jake: Yeah. Yeah we get it.
Elizabeth: Well.
Victor: Next is Arther!
(Cab drives up and Arther steps out)
Arther: hey.
Elizabeth: Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm Elizabeth.
Arther: Arther.
Elizabeth: Well good day to you sir.
Victor: Right... well next is Sophie!
(Cab pulls up and Sophie steps out)
Sophie: Hey guys!
Victor: Next is Rochelle!
(Cab drives up and Rochelle steps out)
Rochelle: Hey guys!
Victor: Next is Autumn!
(Cab drives up and Autumn steps out)
Autumn: Hey! What's up?
Victor: Next is Even!
(Cab drives up and Even steps out and looks around and sighs)
Even: What a dump.
Elizabeth: Are you kidding me? This place looks amazing!
Even: Yeah what ever.
Victor: Next is Mathew!
(Cab drives up and Mathew steps out)
Mathew: Hey guys.
Victor: Next is Jordan.
(Cab drives up and Jordan steps out)
Jordan: Sup guys?
Victor: And finally: Eli!
(Cab drives up and Eli steps out)
Eli: Hey everyone!
Victor: And that's our members of Anubis House. What will happen on this episode of... Total Drama... House of Anubis!

(Theme song)

(Anubis House Foyer)
Elizabeth: WO! This place looks amazing!
Rochelle: I know. So old but pretty.
Even: eh, I've seen better.
Trudy: (walks down stairs) Hello everyone! I'm Trudy Rehmann. Your House Mother.
Eli: Hi! I'm Eli!
Trudy: hello Eli!
Victor: Moving on. Let's start with the teams. Team 1: Jordan, Lia, Mathew, Eli, Even, and Elizabeth! You guys are Team Sibuna! Team 2: Jake, Autumn, Danny, Sophie, Arthur, and Rochelle! You guys are Team Fabina!
Sophia: Cool.
Victor: Now for your rooms. Boys will room down stairs and girls will room upstairs. Each boy from each team will room in the same room and the girls from each team will room in the same room. So go to your rooms!
(Everyone starts to go)
Victor: WAIT! I forgot something. Each team must elect a captain. GO!
Even: I think I should be captain.
Eli: No way. Lia would make the best captain.
Lia: awwww... you really think so?
Eli: Totally.
Jordan: I agree.
Lia: (blushes)
Mathew: So it's settled. Lia is team captain.
(Team Fabina)
Jake: I'm team captain!
Rochelle: who made you the boss.
Jake: Me. I just said I was captain.
Danny: If anyone's captain, it's not you. It's me.
Sophie: Can we just pick out of a hat?
Danny, Rochelle, Jake, Arthur, and Autumn: okay.
(Arthur picks out of a hat)
Arthur: Danny.
Danny: OH YEAH!
Victor: Okay Captains. Please come to me.
(Danny and Lia walk up to Victor and Victor puts a locket around their necks)
Danny: What's this?
Lia: Yeah. What is it?
Victor: Its a locket. It will come in handy for some challenges.
Mathew: So what's today's challenge?
Victor: Nothing. No challenge today. Go to your rooms.
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
Elizabeth: There my bed is made perfectly!
Eli: (To Lia) What's in side the Locket?
Lia: hmmm.. Let me check. (Opens locket reviling a portraits of a little girl) It's a little girl.
Eli: awwwww she's cute.
(Lia's Locket starts glowing)
Elizabeth: aaaa... Lia?
Lia: Yeah?
Elizabeth: Your Locket's glowing.
Lia: Huh? Oh. It might be something Victor had it do when ever you open it. I'm fine.
(The light covers all of Lia and screams then she dispersers)
Elizabeth and Eli: LIA!!!!
(Somewhere under the House)
(Lia appears in side)
Lia: Wo! Hello? Where am? Hello? Anybody?
???: (appears) Chosen one. Are you she?
Lia: (screams)
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
Danny: So Lia just vanished. In thin air?
Eli: Yeah. Her Locket started glowing and she just was gone.
Rochelle: That's really strange.
Mathew: We should go tell Victor. Maybe he'll know what to do.
Sophie: Yeah. Good idea. Let's go!
(Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Eli, Elizabeth, Even, Autumn, Danny, Jordan, Jake, and Arthur exit)
(Somewhere under the House)
Lia: Wh-Who are you?
???: The time will come when everyone shall know my name. Now tell me. Are you the chosen one?
Lia: The chosen who now?
???: The chosen one. You have the locket so you must be the chosen one.
Lia: I- I-
???: wait a second. I since another in this house. Oh one must be a fake... but which one? I shall find out soon. Bring him to me!! (vanishes)
(Victor's office)
Victor: Now corbiere. We got new guest in the house. But we need them be kept busy so I can go searching for the artifacts. Or should I make them search for them? hmmmm... Maybe that will be plan B. First, let's think of a challenges to keep them busy. But what?
(Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Eli, Elizabeth, Even, Autumn, Danny, Jordan, Jake, and Arthur enter)
Autumn: VICTOR! We have a problem!
Victor: W- what is it?
Rochelle: Lia's been taken away some how. She's-
Jake: She's gone!
Victor: Gone you say?
Eli: Yeah. Her Locket you gave her started going and- Like that! (points to Danny's locket glowing)
Danny: AHHH!!! I don't want to vanish! Here take it! (hands it to Jordan)
Jordan: What? (vanishes)
Sophie, Mathew, Rochelle, Elizabeth, Arthur, and Autumn: JORDAN!?!?!?!!
Danny: oops. Sorry?
Even: Well his gone. Who cares.
Victor: I got it corbiere! I know what their challenge should be now!
Autumn: (whispering to Arthur) Who's he talking to?
Arthur: (shrugs)
Victor: Your challenge is to find Lia and Jordan. What ever team finds them, wins. The team that fails to find them, has to vote someone off tonight. Ready? GO!
(everyone starts running out)
(Some where under the House)
(Jordan enters)
Lia: Oh no! Danny! Is that you?
Jordan: No It's me. Jordan!
Lia: Oh. Why did you have the locket?
Jordan: Because Danny-
???: (appears) Boy! Are you he?
Jordan: Boy? He who?
???: Are you he? tell me!!!
Jordan: I have no idea what-
Lia: (whispers to Jordan) Anger issues.
Jordan: mhm.
???: AHHHHHHH!!! You have left me waiting long enough!!! Either one of you tell me. Or you get the mark.
Lia: First tell us who you are.
???: My name.... is Senkhara.
Jordan: Senkhara?
Senkhara: Mhm. Now tell me. Which one of you are the chosen one? Or are one of you the chosen one and the other the Osiren?
Lia: What are even those stuff? None of us speak what ever language your speaking!
Senkhara: You should learn not to back mouth me child. Now you and your little friend will get the mark.
Lia: oooo.. The "Mark" I'm so scared...
Senkhara: (smiles) You should be. (Hands start to glow in the shape of Anubis and she slowly walks over to Lia and Jordan and then grabs their hand and Lia and Jordan scream)
Arthur: LIA?! Jordan?! Where are you?
Rochelle: They have to be somewhere.
Arthur: Let's check the kitchen.
Rochelle: Okay.
(Arthur and Rochelle enter the kitchen)
(Jake and Sophie walk down the stairs)
Jake: Hey Sophie. Maybe their in there.
Victor: (behind them) Going up into the attic or down into the cellar are strictly forbidden. Are I understood?
(Sophie and Jake nod)
Victor: Very well. I'll be upstairs if you need me.
(Jake and Sophie watch Victor walk upstairs and when Victor get's to his room Jake runs to the cellar door and tries to pick it with a lock)
Sophie: Jake! What are you doing?! Victor said not to go down in the cellar!
Jake: Yeah. That's because most likely she's down there. I'm finding my sister one way or another. (picks the lock and opens it) You coming?
Sophie: (sigh) I know I'm going to regret this.
(Jake and Sophie go down stairs and Even comes out of hiding, smiles, then slams the cellar door)
Sophie: What the?
Victor: Who's down there?
(Even hides in under the stair case)
Victor: (walks down stairs) Did those little brats go in the cellar? (Takes out keys to go open the cellar door)
Jake: Hide!
(Jake and Sophie hide)
(Victor unlocks the door and turns on the light)
Victor: Who's in here? Anybody?! Tell me now!
Jake: Don't speak.
Sophie: Oh no. I was planning on singing the national anthem.
Victor: Hmmm... (goes to a table in the middle of the room that has a lot of stuff on it)
Jake: Oh no. What is he doing now?
Sophie: Maybe his a mad scientist?
Jake: You go the mad part right.
Victor: (pours something in a bottle) To life (drinks it and then goes up stairs)
(Rochelle and Arthur are searching through the kitchen when Trudy enters)
Trudy: Oh well isn't this a surprise. What are you 2 doing?
Rochelle: We're searching for Lia and Jordan.
Trudy: in the kitchen?
Arthur: aaa..
Trudy: Oh never mind. You know, you kids are a lot like the last group of kids that lived here.
Rochelle: What do you mean?
Trudy: They were always so mysterious.
Arthur: W- what happened to them?
Trudy: They graduated and went off to collage.
Arthur: oh.
Rochelle: Well, let's check for them somewhere else.
Arthur: Yeah.
(Rochelle and Arthur exit)
(Living room)
Danny: Maybe their in the attic?
Eli: Maybe... but at the same time how would they fit up there?
Mathew: I'm sure they're skinny enough.
Autumn: Nope. Not up there. Where though?
(Screams are heard)
Mathew: What was that?
Danny: It sounded like It came from under the house.
Eli: The cellar!
Autumn: Let's go!
(Sophie is screaming looking at a stuffed Cat)
Jake: Why are you screaming?
Sophie: The cat! It's dead!
Jake: It's stuffed.
Sophie: Yeah. But stuffing like this happens when the animal dies and then someone takes all his insides out and fills them with stuffing.
Jake: It's still stuffed.
Sophie: What ever.
(Autumn, Danny, Eli, and Mathew enter)
Danny: What's wrong?
Autumn: We heard screaming.
Jake: Sophie was scared at that stuffed cat.
(Danny laughs)
Sophie: It's not funny!
Eli: Oh sorry. We thought it might have been Lia and Jordan screaming.
(Screams are heard)
Mathew: Now that is Lia and Jordan.
Danny: It's like it's under the cellar.
Autumn: How are we going to get down there?
Eli: Maybe there's like a lever or secret passageway or something we can go into.
Jake: Let's look around.
(Even gets out from under the stair case)
Elizabeth: Even! Follow me!
Even: What is it?
Elizabeth: In the attic! There's something freaky in there.
Even: Okay.
(Elizabeth and Even enter)
Even: So what's the so freaky thing you wanted to show me?
Elizabeth: (Pulls a lever making the wall slide open showing a spiel stair case)
Even: WO!
Elizabeth: Mhm. Do you think Lia and Jordan are down there?
Even: Only one way to find out. (walks down the stair case followed by Elizabeth)
Eli: We've looked everywhere. There is no way to get down there.
Danny: Well we have to think of something.
Autumn: Guys. Wait. what does this button do- (press button and the door opens a secret passage way)
Jake: YES! You found it!
Sophie: Let's go.
(Mathew, Sophie, Autumn, Danny, and Eli go through the secret passageway)
(Team Sibuna girl's room)
(Arthur and Rochelle enter)
Arthur: Why are we in here?
Rochelle: just to see if maybe they're in here.
Arthur: I think Lia's room mates already checked.
Rochelle: (sigh) Then we're stumped.
Arthur: Hey, where are the others?
Rochelle: hmmm... no idea.
(Somewhere under the house)
Jordan: What is this?
Senkhara: It's the Mark of Anubis. If you don't do everything I tell you to do... this happens. (hand start to glow and the Mark of Anubis on Lia's and Jordan's shoulders start to glow and start to hurt)
Lia and Jordan: OWWW!!
Senkhara: (stops it) and if that happens a lot, death would soon come. (evil laughs and then vanishes)
Lia: I'm so scared Jordan. (Gets close to him)
Jordan: (blushes) It's- it's okay.
(A secret passageway door opens)
Lia: Someone is here to save us.
Jordan: But who?
(Autumn enter followed by Jake, Sophie, Danny, Eli, and Mathew)
Danny: YES! We found them!
Eli: WOHO!
Lia: DANNY! (runs up and hugs him)
Jordan: (sigh)
Sophie: We're so glad we found you guys.
Mathew: Yeah.
Lia: Well thanks for finding us!
Autumn: Come on. Let's go show Victor.
(Another Passage way door opens and Elizabeth and Even come out)
Eli: Aw man we missed it!
Elizabeth: (sigh) Yeah.
(Everyone exits)
Rochelle: Great. Now everyone's gone.
Arthur: aw man!
(Elizabeth, Jordan, Lia, Danny, Eli, Jake, Mathew, Autumn, Even, and Sophie enter)
Rochelle: There they are!
Danny: We found Lia and Jordan.
Arthur: we can see that.
(Victor comes down stairs)
Victor: Lia. Jordan. Who found you first?
Lia: ummmm... I think I saw Autumn come in first If I remember right. Why?
Victor: Because Today's challenge was to find you 2. And since Autumn found you first, Team Fabina wins it!
Team Fabina: YAY!
Victor: Team Sibuna, I'll see you guys tonight.

Okay, so Team Sibuna has to vote someone off tonight. You can either IM me, Inbox me, or comment below.

Here is who is on team Sibuna:

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! Maine, USA! Here we had 2 challenges. The first one was the climb the tallest tree and get the team's flag. Team Germany won that one. The 2nd one was to go through the forest and find the plane. Team Germany won that one too. All the girls were so mad at Draven for making them lose, the decided to vote him off. But he had invisibility. In the end, It was both Eva and Cody who had to boot. Leaving Draven as the only boy on his team and with out an alliacne to be in. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around...
continue reading...
Chris: last time on Total Drama Around the World! France! The birth place of tennis! Here we got a new player, Lia! (laughs) yep Jordan's REAL girlfriend. the one he cheated on Annie with. Well, anyways. Here in France we played a game of Tennis. A lot of fights took place here: Amber and Lance. Draven and Alejandro. Lia and Annie. and of course, Liza and Layla. In the end, Alejandro got the boot for trying to kill Cole with a knife. Who will win? Who will lose? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Around the world!

(theme song)

(Non-first class)
Lia: My first day here and I have to spend it...
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-The wedding-

"This is it!" Ally says as she carries her wedding dress until the maids chamber.

The bride-to-be lightly opens the door and sees all of the her girlfriends waiting anxiously, some with their hair rolled up or with their nails painted an polished. Anne Maria also had her baby boy, Carter, sitting on her lap.

The girls help Ally put on her wedding dress. They start to reminisce and talked about how excited they were.

"I can't believe your getting married!" Courtney said as she helped Ally tightly zip up the back of her dress.

"I know!" Ally replies.

"A few years ago, none of us...
continue reading...

-Talking to Blainley and Lamaze Classes-

Mike and Ally made an emergency meeting with Blainley at the Celebrity Gossip studio. It took about 30 minutes to get there by car, and enough time for the couple to figure out what to say. They finally get to the building and storm in until they found Blainleys office. Mike knocks on the door furiously.

"Come in!" Blainley says.

Mike and Ally walk in and cross their arms angrily.

"Well if it isn't the coupe of the hour? What can I do for you?" The blonde hostess asks.

"We want to talk to you about the recent 'Celebrity Gossip' episode." Ally said while...
continue reading...
Sierra is in her room wodering how she is different than the other girls (i.e. Heather's gorgeous hair, Lindsay's beautiful eyes, and LeShawna's luscious lips). This prompts Sierra to steal her way to stardom.

In Heather's dressing room, she claims that she has to work on her pouting some more. When she sees Sierra, she cuts Heather's hair down to shoulder length (Similar to TDWT). That gives Heather the reason to pout.

In Lindsay's pool, she sees Sierra who snatches her eyes. She runs off after she yelled for Tyler.

In LeShawna's nursery, she kisses her babies goodnight. However, one of the babies...
continue reading...
(WUZ THIS?! Another update from Abby?!? JES IT IS :D I know you all are probably like 'What the hell?! There is so many updates And all the episode are so SHITTY'! Well! Your not very nice if you say that :( ANYWAYS! OMS IT'S HALLOWEEN! Hell ya! I <3 this holiday! Oh! And now I shall tell u that I could've written this last night when I couldnt sleep but instead I stayed up till 4:00am reading K-boe comics, drawing, and watching YouTube :D Enjoy thue guys!)

Rayla: *In red riding-hood costume* Tralalalala! Oh.... Yellow camera dude! Now before the campers wake up let me just say! Last time...
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Rayla: Hey Starburst... Y'all wanna here a joke? *giggles* 

TS: No.

Rayla: Ok :D *snickers* What did the baby horse say when he sneezed?

TS: What?

Rayla: Sorry I'm a little hoarse!!!! xD *falls on the ground laughing* 

TS: -.-

Duncan: YOU SUCK!

Rayla: I'm sorry. I was just trying to be......PUNNY!!! *Burst out laughing again*

Star: Can we just get this over with? I have some things I need to do. *smiles at Noah* 

Noah: *Smiles back* 

Rayla: -_- Ya cute. I swear, if I was a meme, I'd be forever alone :( ANYWAYS! You no receive doughnut, You no Stay! FOREVER!

Crystal: Haven't you already broken that...
continue reading...
posted by GwenFanxxxx
Anti : dxc Pro : dxg and Pro: Aleheater

G: It was so fun to go to the dinner with duncan!
H: W-what romantic, I wish alejandro was so gentleman!
G: Uhm he is, dont you know?
H: Okay he is, but not to me!
G: *gives telephone* Your gonna call him now!
H: No i dont want to!
G: *calls number and gives telephone to heather* To late my friend!
H: Hi al, want to go tommorow to a dinner*
H: yes, A-ha, Ok, No, yeah, Bye!
G: and?
H: EEEEH! where going to a dinner tomorrow!
G: Tomorrow we going shop for your dress and shoes!
Beth:I miss Lindsay!
Bridgette:*yawns* What happens out?
Gwen:I don't know!Wait!Lindsay?
Courtney:Do you want to mean that Lindsay did not go at Hollywood?
Gwen:Yeah!That was a joke!Stupid joke!

At the beach..
Katie:What are you doing here?Are you not at Hollywood?
Lindsay:They made a mistake.They just messed me up with Lindsay Lohan.
Beth:URGH!But, welcome back!*hugs Lindsay*
Gwen:*sees Nikki* Hey, Nikki, what are you doing here?
Nikki:I'm here for the dance contest!
Gwen:What dance contest?
Nikki:You know, that dance contest, which is called "Shake It Up Chicago".
Gwen:O my gosh!I forgot!The...
continue reading...
DandC4evacute: and we're back! the first question is this: "Have you ever or would you ever date anyone else on the show besides Duncan? if so, who? An adoring "fan", Natalie Krysta Gracelyn Charm."
Courtney: hmmm, well, I know a lot of people want me to say Trent or Justin or Alejandro, but I just want to be with someone who isn't on the show. There would be long-distance problems, no.
DandC4evacute: okay here's another question: "I just wanna say I love you!!!!! my question for you is where do you feel things went wrong with you and Duncan? I mean first you guys make out on the bus and then...
continue reading...
*8:15 am, in Sikowitz's classroom*

Talia: Good morning, students! I trust everyone slept well...
Everyone: *groans*
Heather: Slept well? How are we supposed to sleep with the construction crews making noise all night long?!?!?! Why don't YOU try sleeping over there?!?!
Talia: Because I have a private set, and I don't have to! Did I forget to mention the construction crew?
Jen: Ugh, yah!
Talia: *chuckles* Heh heh, good.
Gwen: Are you related to Chris or something?!?!
Talia: *smirks* I'm his niece.
Bridgette: Great...
Jared: *standing stalker-like close to Bridgette*
Bridgette: Um...hi?
Talia: Anyways, your...
continue reading...
posted by ne0n_m0nkey
My very first fanfic!Hope you enjoy it!In the end of the episode you will have to vote off someone!Okay thanks and enjoy!
Chris:It's season 4 *points out 4*of the hottest reality show ever!Total Drama!*spreads hands*In this season the old and new campers that are going on an 3-stared hotel in Canada in the new season "Total Drama Superactive!Ha...The only thing is that they are not!*makes the Chris-ish laugh* This is going to be the most dramatic seasons ever,because later we'll...Well,that's a suprise!*boat horn*I hear them now*
Tyler:Linds,I can hold tese...
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posted by Radvile
Chris: Last time on Total Drama Globe, Heather and Alejandro got kicked out.
*theme music*

**First Class**

Rochelle: First class rules, i loove first class.
Kayla: I know first class has some good sides, but there are ater people there. *thinks of Duncan* Hey wheres Margo?
Katherine: I think she went to the common area, to talk to Duncan.
Kayla: What!! I mean, you can do that?
Cristal: Yeah, that's why it's called common area.
Kayla moves and looks awkward.
Cristal: Are you ok?
Kayla: *shakes again awkwardly* Yes...
Crystal: Ok... So Miz, do you have so trick up our sleeve.
Miz: Don't have any now, but...
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posted by sillybandfan321
Claire:Hey guys i know its been forever! i have just been so busy! but anyway last time we saw the campers it was all out war and paintballs! congratulations to Sammy and Kylee for winning the challenge and poor Kylie and Shawn had to leave. This week we are going to see where the losers are on this special episode of TOTAL DRAMA SECRETS!!!!

Claire:Welcome to the Lozer Plaza where all the campers that were voted off came here! Here the campers ate enjoying spa days, relaxing by the pool and eating te best of foods. We are going to be talking to them about who they want to win on the show and...
continue reading...

Blaine: ugh today sucked we lost again. I am VOTING FOR ANNIE CAUSE ALL SHE DID WAS TRY TO MAKE OUT WITH JARED!!! but I just need tyler to lose. I am not some desperate loser. I know how to play the game!!!

lulu:well yay team mexico wins again but not so yay with this whole cody fangirl bussiness i really love him and i want him to pick me soooooooooo badly
cody:*walks in*
lulu:ohh **** i didnt lock teh door
cody:locks busted
lulu:*blushes like mad incase cody has herd wat she said*umm well uhh bye *runs out the door*
cody:i hope i havent done something wrong

Jared: UGHHH! I...
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Chris: Last season on Total Drama Awsomeness! We got 2 teams, team Win and Team USA. We had more drama than ever! and that season broke some records! 1 record was Ezekiel was staying for way too long. I mean he made the merg! It had the most dubble elmations ever! oh and it had a 3 person elmation! at the end it came down to Jordan and Ray! But winning by 1 vote was Jordan! who had the split it 5 ways. so didn't have alot of cash! Who will win, who will lose??? fine out on this season of Total................ Drama.............. Around.............. the World!!!!!!!!!!
*theam song*
Chris: ok...
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(at the grave yared)

chirs:frist bone go's toooo jakki andrea mallory
samantha samantha rollings sara ashley suna dustin rose lynn anacpriana sara kristing amy kenya the last one go's to blaze im sorry chelsea

chelsea:thats ok

tak:bye chelsea (and gives her a hug)

chelsea:bye tak

(after the show)

lucas:i have no idea you sing good


chirs:will tak and lucas be more than friends


chirs:and will everyone die on this show find out next time on total drama goth vs emo
Chris: Hey kiddies! Last time on the show, our victims were paired up and sent out on a date. Some where awkward while others click. In the end, it was Addrey and Jar3d who won. Oh yeah... Courtney left.

*In the diner hall*

Addrey: Me too... execpt I could go snowboarding right now.

Storm: Are you CRAZY?! It's the middle of summer, dumba**!!!

Mizzie: Agh! Why YOU *points at Andrea* HAVE NO ROOM MATES?!

Andrea: I'm lonely in there.... I'LL HAPPILY TRADE ANYONE!!!!

Chris: NO TIME! I hope you have a GOOD rest because today we're DANCING!

Everyone: HUH?! T_T

Chris: So get on your...
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Chris: welcome to the most fast paced and action packed show on tv to date TOTAL DRAMA EXTREME RULES!!!!

Chris: last time we saw trent booted out and he vowed revenge

Chris: so here is how the teams stand so far-

Team uno:


Team Dos:


Chris: it will be one of the toughest challanges to date.

Chris: Cause our newest guest host is the insane, crazy and totally destructive host of his own tv shows. its KENNY ROGERS!!!

Kenny: hey its good to be back on the tv place

Chris: yeah

Duncan: oh no not you again

Kenny: shut up *throws bottle at harold*

Harold: ahh my...
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Chris: Hey, again. It turns out the other contestants are all babies and decided not to come. So, we're gonna do the challenge today! Right after this, On Total Drama Bermuda Triangle!!

*Theme Song*

Chris: Hey, guys!

*Walks over to the campers*

Everyone: Hey.*So enthusiastic!*

Chris: What's wrong, you guys should be happy. You getta be on my NEW reality series!

Gwen: Give it a break, Chris. I've been on 4 SEASONS!! So shut it and maybe, just MAYBE, you might make it alive by the end of the season!!*Really Pissed*

Chris: Geez. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! Well, better...
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