Total Drama Island Club
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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Reality Check! Are contestants got in 2s and raced around the film lot. They stopped at 2 pit-stops to do a side challenge. And man was it messy. In the end, thanks to Garrett's un-tied shoe, he cost his team the win. Making him go in the Bug-o-shame saying good-bye. (thunder is heard) Who will win? Who will scream? Find out right now on Total... Drama... Reality Check! (thunder is heard)

(Theme song)

(Team Real's Girl's Trailer)
(Thunder is heard)
Maylene: (under covers in the bed) (screams)
Alice: Dang, it is really pouring hard out there.
Ashley: Do you think We'll still do the challenge today?
Fawn: Chris will do the challenge if there was a tornado outside. Nothing stops Chris.
Ashley: true.
Marissa: (reading book in the bed) What do you think the challenge will be?
Alice: No idea. What reality shows are left?
Fawn: There are like hundreds of Reality shows out there. Chris could do anyone of them.
Alice: True.
Maylene: (screams)
Alice: Will you stop that Maylene?
Maylene: I'm scared of thunder.
Fawn: Don't worry Maylene, thunder can't hurt you.
Maylene: Yes it can!
Marissa: (puts book down) ummm.. no it can't lighting can.
Maylene: No taking any chances.

(Team Fake Boy's Trailer)
Draven: I'm hungry.
Mathew: Yeah. Me too. I'm going to the mess hall to see if there's any food in there. Anyone wanna come with?
Draven: I will.
Blake: Nah. I'll stay here.
Vincent: me too.
Mathew: Suit yourself.
(Mathew and Draven exit)

(Team Fake's Girl's Trailer)
Annie: Got any 10's?
May: Go fish. Got any 3's?
Annie: aggghhh...
May: Oh yeah! I win!
Annie: Aggghh...
(Uni barks)
Elisa: Don't worry Uni. Everything will be okay.
(Liza and Lia enter)
Layla: Hey, where have you guys been?
Liza: we've been in the confessionals.
Layla: Talking about what?
Lia: None of your business.


Liza: I can't stand to live with Layla no more. She is making me pull all of my hair out. The next time we lose, she is out!

Lia: Annie thinks she can get Jordan at the end of the show. But I'm here to tell you that that's not true. I will win Jordan if it's the last thing i do!


(Team Real Boy's Trailer)
Robert: Who's ready to get something to eat.
Jordan: Chris usually tells us by now.
Cole: So, I'm hungry. Let's go Robert.
Chilly: I'll come too!
Cole: Okay...
(Chilly, Cole, and Robert exit)
Lance: You know what? I'll go too. (exits)
Jordan: (sigh) I guess It's only you and me Joss.
Joss: (nods head)

(Mess hall)
(Mathew and Draven are already in here when Cole, Chilly, Robert, and Lance enter)
Robert: Where's Chef?
Mathew: No idea. Foods not ready yet.
Lance: What? Really?
Chilly: Man. I'm starving.
Draven: We all are.
Cole: Is Chris even here?
Mathew: Nope.
Chilly: Where is everyone?
Chris: hehe... today's challenge is based on the reality show Scare Tactics. Where friends scare other friends. But today. It's me who tries to scare the contestants. If they scream, they will fall down a trap door and come here to me. The team with the last person standing, wins. But the contestents won't know until they either scream and come here, or when the challenge is over. hehe... let's see how it goes.
(Team Real's Girl's Trailor)
Fawn: wow. Its raining harder out there.
Alice: I'm just suprised it's not flooding out there.
Marissa: ummmm... It is.
Maylene: (screams and falls through the bed)
Ashley: like where's Maylene?
Alice: I think she fell through the bed somehow.
Ashley: AHHHHHH!!! Ghost!! (falls through the floor)
Fawn: Wh- where's Ashley?

(Team Fake's boy's Trailor)
Blake: where are the other's? I cant believe they're not back yet.
Vincent: I don't know.
Blake: I'm going to go look for them, (gets up and tries to open the door but can't) it's locked.
Vincent: let me try. (tries to open door but can't) hmmmm.... That's odd.
Blake: do you think Chris locked it?
Vincent: maybe. Or maybe the water is too high.
Blake: maybe... Hmmmm...
(Team Fake's Girl's trailor)
Annie: anyone else hungry?
Lia, Layla, May, Lily, and Elisa: me!
Annie: I'm going to go see if there's any food in the mess hall. (goes to open door but cant)
May: what's wrong?
Annie: the door's locked. Either the water's too high or Chris locked us in.
Lia: I bet the 2nd one.
Lily: me too.
(Uni barks)
Elisa: it's okay Uni. It's okay. Don't be scared.
(Mess hall)
Mathew: Chris? Chef? Where are they?
(Chef comes out of the kitchen walking very slowly)
Lance: oh there he is!
Draven: Chef? Can you get us some food?
Chef: I'm hungry.
Cole: yeah. Yeah. We are too. Now go in there and make us some of your slop you call food.
Chef: give me your blood.
Robert: no way man. This blood is mine.
(Chef is getting closer to them)
Chilly: aaaa... Guys.
Draven: what?
Chilly: look at Chef's eyes.
(camera zooms in on Chef's red eyes)
Cole: th- there red.
Chef: blooooood.
Robert: Oh no... Chef is like a robotic vampire or something.
Chef: BLOOOOOD!!!!
Mathew: let's get out of here!
(Cole, Chilly, Robert, Lance, Mathew, and Draven exit)
(Team Real's boy's trailer)
Jordan: so how are you and Liza doing?
Joss: me and wh-
(Lance, Cole, Robert, and Chilly run in and close the door)
Jordan: what's wrong guys? You look like you saw a ghost.
Lance: no. More like a vampire.
Joss: (screams and falls through the floor)
Jordan: Joss?!
Robert: where did he go?
Jordan: I... I don't know...
(Team Fake's boy's trailor)
Blake: what are we going to do?
Vincent: wait. That's all we need to do.
Blake: (sigh) okay.
Tara: Vincent...
Vincent: Tara?
Blake: what? Who's Tara? Where's Tara?
Vincent: outside.
Blake: I don't see anybody.
Tara: Vincent... I need you...
Vincent: I NEED YOU TOO!!! (starts tearing up) I miss you Tara....
Blake: who the heck is Tara?!?!?
Vincent: (screams) I need you Tara!!! (runs and brakes down the door and runs out)
Blake: Wo! Good job Vincent! Vincent? Where are you?
(Team Fake's Girl's trailor)
Lia: agggghh... It's not working!
Lily: I could try.
Layla: no way! I'm doing it! Move aside! (pushes Lily to the side)
(Lily closes her eyes and the turn red when she opens them)
Phoenix: no way! It's my turn!
Layla: oh look who's back. Stupid Phoenix!
Phoenix: don't call me stupid! I'm the one who is going to save the day!
Layla: yeah right.
Phoenix: (pushes Layla on the ground, grabs the tooth pick put of Lia's hand and pick-locks the door) there.
May: good job Lil- I mean Phoenix!
(Uni barks of joy)
Elisa: you can say that again Uni!
Liza: come on guys! Let's go!
Annie: yeah. Food here we come!
(Annie, Lia, Lily(as Pheonix), Liza, Layla, May, and Elisa run out and May trips over a dead intern)
May: ow!
Lia: what's wr- oh no.
May: what is it? What did I trip over?
Elisa: the intern it's-
Liza: dead.
(all scream and fall through the ground)
(Team Real's girl's trailor)
Alice: (sigh) I wonder how Cole is doing.
Marissa: I wonder how Joss is doing.
Fawn: oh does someone have a crush on Joss?
Marissa: what? No....
Alice: I bet you do.
Marissa: so what does it matter? Every girl has a crush on some boy.
Fawn: Not me.
Alice: mhm... Sure..
Fawn: I don't. I'm lesbian.
Alice: oh well you don't count.
Fawn: oh and what is that suppose to mean?
Alice: nouthing.
Fawn: mhm... Sure...
(team Real's boy's trailor)
Jordan: so you guys got no food?
Cole: we're you not listening to our story? Vampire Chef chased us out.
Jordan: oh right...
(knock on door)
Robert: I'll get it!
Chilly; Robert wait don-
(Robert opens door, sees Chef, screams, closes it, and then falls through the ground)
lance: where did Robert go?
Cole: he somehow went through the floor.
Chilly: but h-
(Chef kicks down the door and opens a box of bees and let's them out into the room and the closes the door)
Jordan: (screams) I'm ilergic! (falls through the floor)
(Lance, Chilly, and Cole scream and fall through the floor)
(Jordan, Lance, Chilly, and Cole fall through the ceiling)
Chris: and team Real has only 3 people left and team Fake has only 3 people left! Who will win??
(Team Fake's boy's trailor)
(Draven and Mathew run in)
Draven: what happened to the door?
Mathew: where's Vincent?
Blake: I don't know. The door was locked then he started talking to some chick named Tara who I could see. Then he ran out the door and dissapeaered.
Mathew: maybe Tara is a ghost and she took Vincent to the underworld with her.
(Blake and Draven look at Mathew)
Mathew: what? It could happen.
(Team Real's Girl's trailor)
(Alice and Fawn are dancing with music in the back ground and Marissa is sitting on the bed reading a book)
Chris: no one seems to be screaming... Hmmmm... Time to change that. Oh Chef? Flooding time.
(Chef nods head)
Chris: what is flooding time? Find out when we return!

(Team Real's girl's trailor)
(music is playing and Marissa is reading a book)
Alice: come on Marissa. Party with us.
Marissa: no. I want to read.
(the Trailor moves making Marissa drop her book)
Marissa: Wo! Did you do that?! So uncalled for!
Alice: it wasnt me!
Fawn: (opens door and screams)
Alice: what is it?
Fawn: the trailor it's- (she falls through the ground)
Marissa and Alice: FAWN!
Alice: what happened to her?
Marissa: I don't know... (Sees out side and screams)
Alice: what?
Marissa: we're floating a- (falls through the ground) WAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!
Alice: Marissa? Oh no. I'm alone.
(team Fake's boy's trailor)
(the water is in the trailor and the boys are floating)
Mathew: oh no... (screams) we're gonna die!!! (sinks under the water)
Blake: oh no! Mathew! (looks under the water)
Draven: do you see him?
Blake: no. His not there.
Draven: where is he?
(Team Real's Girl's trailor)
Alice: I'm going to die!!! (screams then gets pulled under the water)
(Alice falls down)
Chris: and Alice is out! That makes Team Fake the winners!!! Team Real loses!
Alice: wait. Loses what?
Chris: I'll tell you in a secound. Let's bring Draven and Blaje down here for the fun.
(Team Fake's boy's trailor)
Blake: oh no!
Draven: what?
Blake: something's got my. (sinks underwater)
Draven: hehe... I'm alone.... (sinks underwater)
(Blake falls down called by Draven who lands ontop of him)
Draven: wow. That was a soft landing.
Blake: tell that to my back...
Chris: conragulatons Draven and Blake! Your team wins!
Draven: wins what?
Chris: Today's challenge! It was to not scream. Who ever screamed, loses. You 2 were the only ones who didn't scream. You win! Team Real, I'll see you guys tonight.

Okay. So Team Real has to vote someone off. You can either Inbox me or comment below. I'm on my IPod now so I cannot get on Meebo so you can't IM me the votes.

Here is who is on Team Real:
not mine remeber that

I froze with fear as his cold breath wrapped around my neck it was like he was chocking me. I gasped my last breath shutting my eyes ever so slowly but then a blurry picture went in front of me. It looked like Duncan as he growls his fangs showing, grabbing the man in black angrily. But all went black as I fainted.

My eyes opened slowly, what happened? I was alone and there was blood everywhere and window was wide open, the wind blowing hardly at my face. Duncan then burst down the door

"Courtney we need to go now" He said angrily, he was in pain. I scanned his face my stomach...
continue reading...
first this itsn't mine its from angelcandy55 and I think its great so that's way Im posting here

Duncan reach down at my pants trying to tug them down. I struggle but he had pushed me down, what was wrong with him ya he would flirt with me but not this much!

“Courtney we were MENT to be together forever and ever” he said licking his lips.

“What is wrong with you!” I cried my heart started pounding even faster. Its like he was in a trance.

“Just let me have one bite” he lingered his fangs now showing his eyes not teal but red.

“No Duncan stop!” I screeched! He smiled

“I am trying...
continue reading...
Courtney:*ding dong* Whooo is?
Bridgette: It's mee...
Courtney: Ok im comiing! (she open the door) Hi Bridgette!
Bridgette: Are you ready to go out?
Courtney:(she feels dizzy) Yeaah... I'm.. Reaady.. *BUMP* (she faints)
Bridgette: Courtney!
Courtney: (she wake up quickly) What!? What Happen?... OMG! Not again!
Bridgette: Courtney! Are you alright?
Courtney: No... This isn't the first time... i think i'm getting sick... Or worst! OMG!(she climbs the stairs quickly)
Bridgette: What? Courtney?!
Courtney: (From her bedroom) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!! NOO! (sound like a door)
Bridgette: What's going on!? Courtney!
continue reading...
Some are the same as most of yours, but I got different ones, too.

Ezikiel Avery Keeth
Eva Josephine Ricci
Noah Addyson Roudrigez
Justin Steven Gatso
Katlyn Chrysanthimum Andreson
Tyler Robert Zurro
Isabelle Danielle Gray
Cody Smithsonean Hayden-Parker
Bethany Lillian Faron
Sadie Macraycon Woods
Courtney Rachel Ace
Harold Manndellyn Sarren
Trent Michel Lennon
Bridgette Jennifer Stone
Lindsay Lanita Gates
Daniel Johnathan Baker
Geoff Nathaniel Matria
LeShawna Rolandi Ranor
Duncan Irwin Payne
Heather Leslina Mallard
Gwenyth Hannah Russo
Owen Forest Spindelli
hoped u liked it!
posted by biancatdifan
One day near Izzy's house there was a small jungle,she went right after dinner and climed up yo a vine,and said"ahhhhhh!!,oh my god,look i can see my house from here,ok!*she hits her head in a tree*ow,well that was hard,ok*she climbs back to the vine*whoooooo!! that was awesome*her mom calls her"Izzy do you want desert?,honey?wait! im coming mom(izzy)*she lands infront of the house and sees Owen"Hey Izz-E-scope!"he says"Owen you know that you can call me Izzy again""Ohhhh,ok Izzy haha"owen says"hey owen look what i can do with my tounge*she touches her nose with her tounge*"cool,hey where did you come from?""i came from Toronto,ha where have you been?""no, i mean where did you come from as in where were you when you landed here""ohhh,i see i was at vine!"ok,well see ya!""later ow*she was looking at owen and waves at him then hits her head in the wall of her house*ok well bye""bye"bye"(izzys mom:izzy honey come on desert is ready""ok!well bye owen"bye!"
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Source: Fresh TV
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Source: Me and sims 4
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added by DandC4evacute
Source: Striddums
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Source: XJKenny
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Source: Loloflorio
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Source: PhoenixRoyale
Source: me
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Source: Me
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added by tabithasb13
added by 16falloutboy
Source: Me
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Source: Fresh TV
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