Total Drama Island Club
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Chris: We've been to the Island.... TWICE! We've been Around the World... TWICE! Now we're going back to the place where we haven't gone Twice.... The Total Drama Action film set! As you can see, nothing has changed... sadly. But that will all change. Because this season is going to be BIG! We are having some returning characters and some new characters. Now here comes the bus for the returning characters.
(Bus pulls up)
Chris: We have, (says as they step out of the bus) Fawn!
Fawn: YAY!
Chris: Lia!
Lia: Hello everyone!
Chris: Lance!
Lance: WOHO!!
Chris: Cole!
Cole: Oh yeah! Back again!
Chris: Annie.
Annie: YAY! I return!
Chris: Chilly.
Chilly: WO HO! Hey Cole!
Cole: sup?
Chris: Jordan.
Jordan: YEAH! Another season!
Chris: Joss and Liza.
Liza: (holding Joss's hand) Hello everyone! I'm back to win this!
Joss: (smiles)
Chris: and Layla!
Layla: Now if I have anything to say about it!
Liza: Oh shut up.
Layla: make me!
(Liza and Layla glare into each others eyes)
Chris: Yep. Now here comes the bus for the new players.
(Bus pull up)
Chris: We have Alice!
Alice: (exits bus) COLE!
Cole: Alice my girl!
(Alice and Cole kiss)
Chilly: Hey Alice.
(Alice does not reply)
Chilly: Hello? ALICE!
Alice: Oh... hey Chilly.
Chris: Lily!
Lily: (exits bus) Hey...
Chris: Ashley!
Ashley: (exits bus) Hi! Hi! HIIIIII! oh like ohhhhh my god! This is like totally like totally Fantabulous to be here!
Layla: Wo. I think I just got a head ache.
Annie: Is that a lollypop?
Ashley: Yeah! Lollypops are like totally Fantabulous!
Annie: okay then...
Chris: Blake!
Blake: (exits bus) hi...
Chris: Vincent!
Vincent: (exits bus) What's up?
Chris: Maylene!
Maylene: HI everyone!! Nice to meet you all! I'm Maylene-
Layla: Yeah, we got that.
Maylene: (starts to cry)
Layla: What a cry baby.
Liza: Grow a heart Layla. Are you okay Maylene.
Maylene: Yeah. I guess.
Chris: May!
May: (runs out of bus to Maylene) Oh don't cry Maylene! Don't cry.
Maylene: Thanks but Layla hurt my fillings.
May: You should try to be nice sometime Layla.
Layla: what ever.
Chris: Marissa!
Marissa: (exits bus) (quiet)
Chris: Jason!
Jason: (exits bus) What the Fuck is this place?
Lia: Total Drama Action film set. Ever seen Total Drama?
Jason: What the Fuck is Total Drama. Sounds like some kind of Shitty show.
Chris: MOVE ON!!!!
Jason: Wo Bitch!
Chris: (sigh) next is Robert!
Robert: (exits bus) What's up guys!
Chris: Garrett!
Garrett: (exits bus by doing a back flip) WOHO!
Chris: Elisa!
Elisa: (exits bus) oooo.. Hi! Nice to meet everyone!
Jason: (spits on the ground)
Elisa: (gasp) How dare you disrespect nature like that?!
Jason: Shut up Bitch.
Elisa: RUDE!
Chris: and Mathew.
Mathew: (exits bus and waves) (smiles at May)
May: ?
Chris: And that's everyone. What will happen on this awesome new season of Total Drama. Total... Drama... Reality Check!

(theme song)

(Film set)
Chris: Okay, before I say the teams, the confessional is in the same place as Total Drama Action. So, if you have something to say in the confessional I suggest you do it now.
Jason: Confessional? Psh. I don't need any Shity confessional to talk about stuff in. I can say what ever the Fuck I want to say out here in the open.


Blake: okay, I've only known Jason for like an hour and he has already said more cuss words than I have said in my whole life.

Draven: I am going to win this. The only reason why I got voted off last time is because all of my team were in an alliance together. That's the only reason why. I am going to win. And no one can stop me!

Liza: Oh I hope me and Joss are on the same team together.


(Film set)
Chris: okay, so team 1 will be Fawn, Robert, Ashley, Cole, Chilly, Joss, Liza, Jordan, Marrissa, Lance, Jason, and Maylene. Team 2 are the rest of you Draven, Layla, Alice, Annie, Vincent, May, Mathew, Garrett, Elisa, Blake, Lia, and Lily. Team one is Team Real. Team 2 is Team Fake.
Draven: Why are we team
Layla: Yeah, we are better than all of Team Real!
Liza: Are you sure about that?
Lia: Wait, Jordan’s not on my Team!
Annie: Yeah. We need him!
Layla: Why?
Lia: Because his my boyfriend!
Annie: Yeah right… His mine.
Lia: Oh yeah right!
Alice: Wait, me and Cole aren't on the same team!
Cole: Chris, can Alice please be on my team.
Chris: no.
Cole and Alice: PLEASE!
Chris: FINE! Alice switch teams with Liza.
Liza: What?! But-
Chris: NO MORE ARGUING!!! let's just get on with the first challenge. Now this season is all based on different TV reality shows.
Chris: Like today's challenge. Today's challenge is based on the reality show Real World.
Lia: Real World?
Mathew: never heard of it.
Chris: Real World is about 6 people living in a house together.
Lia: oh.
Chris: Yep. So today's challenge is each team will spit into 2 groups of 6. Each group will live in a house together for 5 days. The houses are in Set 1-4. In set one will be the first half of Team Real: Jordan, Chilly, Alice, Cole, Robert, and Lance.
Chilly: sweet.
Chris: Set 2 will be the other half of Team Real: Joss, Marissa, Fawn, Ashley, Jason, and Maylene!
Jason: What the Fuck? I'm with a bunch of Fucking Girls!?
Joss: Hey!
Chris: Set 3 will be the first half of Team Fake: Draven, Layla, Liza, Annie, Lia, and Lily. The last set, set 4, will be The rest of you: Garrett, May, Mathew, Blake, Elisa, and Vincent!
Chris: Here's how you win. The team that behaves the best, wins the challenge. If you don't like someone living with you, you can get everyone in the house to vote he or she out of the house. If the majority of the people vote them out, they are out of that house for the rest of the week. If that happens, your team has a less chance of winning. But it might make the house me calm and behaved to make your team win. Or maybe not. Now get going!


Liza: Oh I so want to vote Layla out.


(Set 1)
(Jordan, Cole, Alice, Chilly, Robert and Lance enter)
Cole: This is the place?
Alice: It's a little nice.... I guess.
Robert: It's looks all too fancy.
Jordan: I'm going to find my room! (runs to a bedroom)
Lance: Not if I find a better one first! (follows Jordan)
Alice: I'm guessing it's a.... 3 bedroom house by the looks of it.
Chilly: Cole, do you want to room together?
Cole: I was thinking of rooming with Alice. Sound cool babe?
Alice: Yeah. Sorry Chilly.
Chilly: Oh... aaaa... It's okay.


Chilly: ever since Alice got on the show, Cole has not been paying attention to me. (sigh) I'm sure it will blow away later.


(Set 2)
(Joss, Marissa, Fawn, Ashley, Jason, and Maylene enter)
Jason: What a shity place.
Ashley: Are you kidding me? This place is like all awesome with like totally Fabulous stuff. I mean look at the color. It's like perfect! And look at the couch. Oh and there's a TV! Oh and look there's-
(Ashley starts crying)
Fawn: JASON! Do you know what you just did?
Jason: Made a stupid fucking Bitch cry. So?
Maylene: You are a big meany bully!
Jason: Ooooo... so scared of a little asscock!


Fawn: I don't even think I've heard of that word.


(Set 3)
(Draven, Layla, Liza, Annie, Lily, and Lia enter)
Draven: This is the place?
Layla: What a dump.
Liza: It looks new.
Annie: Yeah. All red and new.
Lia: Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Annie: (rolls eyes)
Lily: Well, who wants what room?
Annie: I call the big room!
Layla: No, that will be me.
Annie: What ever.

(Set 4)
(Garrett, May, Mathew, Blake, Elisa, and Vincent enter)
May: Wow. This is the place? Cool!
(A dog comes by)
Elisa: Ooooo A dog! YAY! How little boy! How ya doing?
Garrett: I want to know if there's any vines I can swing on!
Blake: Who are you Izzy?
Garrett: No, but I do love some adventure.
Blake: Sure. What ever.
May: Are you okay?
Blake: I'm just nervous that the other team will win.
Vincent: Don't be. We will win.
Blake: Are you sure?
May: Yeah.
Blake: okay.

(Set 2)
Maylene: (skipping) Skipey-skip. Skipey-skip!
Jason: Will you shut the hell up ass-hole?!
Maylene: (starts to cry)
Fawn: Really Jason?
Jason: What? She won't shut the fucking hell up!


Fawn: really. How many cuss words can he not say in one sentience?


(Set 1)
(Cole's and Alice's room)
(Cole and Alice are making out on the bed)
Chilly: (enter) Hey Cole. I found a video- what are you 2 doing?
Cole: kissing. What does it look like?
Chilly: anyways, do you want to play this video game I found.
Cole: nah.
Chilly: But it's Skyrim! Your favorite!
Cole: Maybe later.
Chilly: (sighs and exits)

(Set 3)
Liza: Dang, I'm hungry!
Lily: I know right.
Annie: I'll see if I can order pizza.
(Phone rings)
Annie: Wow. The Pizza company is psychic.
(Layla picks up phone)
Layla: hello?
Draven: Who is it?
Layla: Chris. (hangs up phone) He said we have to make the food by our self.
Annie: Where?
Lia: In the kitchen.
Annie: oh right...
Liza: Well let's go.
(They all walk into the kitchen)
Liza: Okay, so does anyone know how to cook?
Draven: Not me.
Layla: no way.
Annie: Kinda...
Lia: I can make pancakes.
Liza: okay do we have any pancake batter?
(Draven and Layla look through cabinets)
Draven: Nope.
Liza: Great... anything there we don't have to cook?
Layla: ummmm.... NO? Really Chris? You expect us to cook?
(Annie get's a text)
Liza: Who texted you?
Annie: Chris. It says, "Tell Layla, yes I do"
Layla: agggghhh....

(Day 2)

(Set 4)
Blake: So do you think we're winning?
Mathew: I'm pretty sure we are. I mean, we haven't voted anyone out yet... Have we?
Vincent: We haven't, but I don't know about the other guys...

(Set 2)
Ashley: Oh my goddddd! Did I like ever tell you about what a Fantabulous dream I had last night? Okay, so I was with Justin Bieber and-
Jason: shut the fuck up bitchass!
Fawn: How mean can you be Jason?
Jason: Mean? That was the nicest shit I have ever said.


Fawn: was that even used right? Nicest shit?


(Set 2)
Joss: (enters) guys! Marissa made Breakfast!
Maylene: YAY!!! (runs into kitchen)
Fawn: Awesome!
Maylene: What's for breakfast?
(Marissa sets scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon on the table)
Fawn: oooo yummy.
Ashley: are there any lollypops?
Marissa: (shakes head no)
Ashley: awman! Well, I'll just eat my own!
Maylene: what is this? (holds up pancake)
Jason: A pancake dumbass!
Maylene: This isn't a pancake. Why isn't it in a shape?
Fawn: It never has to be in a shape.
Maylene: YES IT DOES!!! (starts to cry)
Jason: What a shity motherfucking cry baby.


Fawn: Okay, is he just trying to say cuss words for no reason? Just like putting random cures words in a sentence?


(Set 2)
Jason: Okay, if you need me bitches, I'll be in my shity room. (exits)
Fawn: okay guys. I think we should vote Jason out of the house.
Joss: agree.
Ashley: (licking lollypop so is hard to understand) me too!
Maylene: Agree.
Marissa: (thumbs up)
Fawn: okay, let's call Chris.

(Set 1)
(Jordan, Robert, and Chilly are playing a video game)
Robert: Oh yeah I won!
Jordan: shut up.
Chilly: (sigh)
Robert: Oh don't be sad because I beat you.
Chilly: It's not that. Cole has not been paying attention to me.
Jordan: Why? Aren't you 2 friends?
Chilly: No Brothers.
Robert and Jordan: Brothers?!
Chilly: Yeah... well... we're friends too. But we're also Brothers. And now his not paying any attention to me.
Robert: Well, how about we vote Alice out of the house. Then for the rest of the week you can talk to Cole about all that.
Jordan: Yeah good idea.
Chilly: (sigh) I guess.

(Set 3)
Liza: FIRE!!!!
Lia: set it out! set it out!
Annie: Find a fire retardant!
Draven: Here we go! (sets fire out)
Liza, Layla, Annie, Lily and Lia: (sigh of releaf)


Draven: Those girl need me. I'm the only boy in the house.


(Set 3)
(Layla and Draven exit)
Liza: I Really want Layla out of the house.
Lia: Agree.
Annie: Yep.
Lily: Oh yeah!
Liza; So let's call Chris and get her out.
Lia, Lily and Annie: Okay.

(Set 1)
Robert: What did he say?
Chilly: He said we have to wait. His got a spa opponent and 2 other houses to go to.
Jordan: well, when will he come over?
Chilly: tomorrow.
Robert: Well that won't be that long.

(Set 4)
Elisa: (has dog in hand) Who's a cute little dog? You are. You are-
Garrett: It's a dog. Not a baby.
Elisa: I talk to all animals like that.
Blake: How many animals have you talked to?
Elisa: Around 340,003,021.
May: Are there even that much animals in the world?
Elisa: Yeah. I've talked to Monkeys, Dogs, Cats, Alligator, Unicorns, kanga-
Mathew: wait, unicorns?
Elisa: Yeah.
Blake: Unicorns aren't real.
Elisa: Yes they are!
Garrett: Yeah sure...

(Day 3)

(Set 2)
Chris: (enters) okay, so you 5 want to vote off someone by the name of Jason?
Fawn: Yep.
Chris: okay. now. Check yes or no to if you want him to leave.
(Fawn, Maylene, Joss, Marissa, and Ashley all check something)
Chris: okay, JASON!?!?!
Jason: (walks down stairs) What the fuck is wrong?
Chris: You may be kicked out of this house.
Jason: What the fuck? Really??!!?
Chris: Yep. Now let's see. 1 vote yes. 2 votes yes. 3 votes yes. 4 votes yes. and 5 votes yes. Jason, your going to your film trailer.
Jason: aw shit! Stupid bitchy team. (follows Chris out)
Fawn: Oh yeah!

(Set 1)
Chris: (enters) okay, so you 5 want to vote off someone by the name of Alice?
Cole: no, what? Why would you even-
Chris: Now check yes or no if you want Alice to leave or not.
(Lance, Cole, Chilly, Jordan, and Robert check something)
Chris: okay. Alice?!
Alice: (enters) Yeah..
Chris: You may be kicked out of this house.
Alice: What?! Why?
Chris: No idea. Now they all voted. 1 vote for yes. 1 votes for no. 2 votes for yes. 2 votes for no. And the final vote is for...... Yes! Bye bye Alice.
Cole: WHAT?!!
Alice: (sigh) Well, we're going to lose this.
Cole: I want out Chris! I want out!
Chris: are you sure about this? You could cost your team the win.
Cole: I don't care! I want out!
Chris: okay. Alice and Cole are out of the house.
(Chris, Alice and Cole exit)
Lance: Well that was strange. What happened guys?
Chilly: i was being ignored by Cole because of Alice and I wanted her out so I can hang with Cole. And now that won't happen.
Lance: oh...

(Set 3)
Chris: (enters) okay, so you 5 want to vote off someone by the name of Layla?
Liza: Yep.
Draven: What? N-
Chris: Now check yes or no if you want Layla to leave or not.
(Draven, Liza, Lily, Lia, and Annie check something)
Chris: okay. Layla?!
Layla: (enters) Yeah?
Chris: You may be kicked out of this house.
Layla: what? Why?
Liza: Because your rude!
Layla: what ever.
Chris: 1 votes yes. 1 vote no. 2 votes yes. 3 votes yes. 4 votes for yes. Layla, your out!
Layla: What ever!
(Follows Chris out)
Lily: YAY! We got Layla out of the house!

(Day 4)

(set 4)
Elisa: Has anyone seen the Uni?
Garrett: Uni?
Elisa: That's what I named the dog.
Garrett: Oh.
Blake: Nope. I haven't seen him.
Elisa: OH NO!! Uni?! Uni? His gone? :(
May: Don't worry Elisa. Uni will come back.
Elisa: Are you sure?
May: positive
Elisa: oh.... okay,
Vincent: Well, let's just try to find him okay?
Elisa: okay.
Mathew: Let's go.

(set 2)
Fawn: (sigh of releaf) Jason is out of the house. Fills so good.
Marissa: (nods head)
Joss: So peaceful.
Maylene: (skiping down the stairs) skipey-skip! Skipey-skip! Skipey-sk- (falls down the stairs) ouch! (starts crying)
Joss: Spoke too soon.
Fawn: Oh my! Maylene! Are you okay?
Maylene: huh? Yeah... It just really hurts.
Ashley: Like oh my goddddd! I see like a bruise!
Fawn: That is a bruise.
Ashley: Oh...
Fawn: Your bleeding. Here. Let me go find a band-aid. (exits)

(Set 4)
Elisa: Where's Uni?! Uni?!!!
(Uni comes up)
Elisa: UNI!!!! (hugs Uni) I missed you!
May: see, you found your dog.
Elisa: I'm sooo happy.
Blake: Come on. This is the last day. Let's get going.
Elisa: (picks up Uni) I love you Uni!

(Day 5)

(Set 4)
Chris: (intercom) okay all contestants, please exit your houses. Time to see which team wins!
Blake: oh no.

(Mess hall)
(All the contestants are eating breakfast)
Chris: okay, so let's see what Set 1 did.
Lance: oh no...
Chris: Set 1, you guys kicked out 2 people. Alice and Cole.
Jordan: Well, Cole quit.
Cole: Yeah, yeah. I know.
Chris: Then Chilly, Jordan, Robert, and Lance acted somewhat good. So... Team Real get's 4 points!
Robert: Awesome!
Chris: Now for set 2. You guys kicked out Jason. And Fawn, Joss, Marissa, Maylene, and Ashley acted good. So your team get's 5 points having a total of 9!
Fawn: YES!
Chris: Set 3. You guys kicked out Layla. Draven, Liza, Annie, Lia, and Lily acted good. So 5 points for team Fake!
Lily: YAY!
Chris: And finally, set 4! You guys kicked out nobody and you all acted really good to each other. Help Elisa find her dog.
Elisa: His name is Uni!
Chris: Uni... so you guys get 6 points making the total for Team Fake be 10! So, Team Fake wins! Team Real loses!
Team Fake: YAY!
Fawn: Good. I know who I'm voting off. (glares at Jason)
Chris: Oh that won't be necessary Fawn.
Fawn: why?
Chris: Because, Today's challenge was a reward challenge!
Team Real but Jason: Really?!
Chris: Yep. So. Team Fake's prize for winning is the chose of the trailers.
Team Fake: YAY!
Chris: So, let's go and chose.

(By Tailors)
Chris: Team Fake. Chose a captain to pick.
Layla: me! I'm the captain!
Liza: You can't just volitear!
Chris: No she can.
Layla: HA! So... the tailor we want is number 2!
Liza: Well... at least you chose the right one.
Chris: okay. That tailor has a hot tube in it.
Team Fake: YES!
Team Real: aw man!
Jason: Shit!
Chris: Okay, what will happen next time on Total... Drama... Reality Check?

If I'm not getting your characters right please tell me. Also, Join the TDRC spot: link
posted by SuperShel
Hii. My name's Shel. I just joined Fanpop about 15 minutes ago. I only know one person on here. Allison told me about this site. Oh, wait- her name's (I think) rockzsanders. Well, I wanna tell you a bit about meeself-

My name's Shel =D
I like Total Drama Island and Vampire Knight<3
Music is my escape<3
My fav characters are (in order) Ezekiel<3, Noah, and Izzy.
I do NOT like Duncan or Courtney. Don't eat me alive for that, plz. =)
Allison said she based one of her characters off's kinda kick-ass.
I like Anime and such.
I can't draw for shit, but I can sing. Well, I don't think I'm...
continue reading...
posted by milorox19
Do it one by one, don't look ahead!

1. Write the name of a person of the opposite gender.

2. Which is your favorite color out of red, black, blue, green, yellow?

3. Your first initial?

4. Your month of birth?

5. Which color do you like more, black or white?

6. Name of a person of the same gender as yours.

7. Your favorite number?

8. Do you like California or Florida more?

9. Do you like the lake or the ocean more?

10. Write down a wish (a realistic one).

Are you done?

If so, scroll down

(don't cheat--)


1. You are completely in love with this person.

2. If you choose:

Red: You are alert and your...
continue reading...
posted by anasweet
One day lindsay was walking and found tyler in a tennis court,playing with another girl
lindsay:tyler,what are you doing?
tyler:playing,with my friend jennifer
lindsay:are you cheating on me todd?
jennifer:jeaulous much?
lindsay:you are a*****
tyler:calm down girls,stop it
tyler:lindsay!lindsay get back here please?
jennifer:we dont need her
lindsay:walks away with a frown on her face,drops a tear*
courtney:linds,lindsay?what happened?
lindsay:todd was cheating on me
courtney:y-you mean tyler
lindsay:no im pretty sure its todd!
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
Name: Amy
Friends: Brandi, JG, Seiamica,pretty much everyone.
Possy: JG's possy and Bryanna's possy.
talent(s):speed texting, gymnasics.
phrase:hold on Vicky, this Chris guy wants me to get off the phone.

Amy was known for constantly talking on her cell phone, she hardly ever payed attention to what was going on around her in the show. She texted so fast that you could hardly see her fingers and every word was perfect with no typo's. She was in Bryanna's possy for most of the show, only because bryanna payed her. Brandi was the only other person in Bryanna's possy, after Bryanna told Amy off,...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
The case of Camara Thorn and Sally Ann Crawford.

*complete silence*........"I hate being quiet!" said Izzy. "Well, it's a library, ya have to be quiet!" said Blake. "But were the only ones here, and this is your own personal library, at your house!" said Izzy. Blake gave Izzy a mean look that told her to keep her mouth shut. The two were reseaching family history, Izzy was so bored cause they were reseaching their ancestors from the 1870's, and she had known all there was to know about her Great Great Great Great Grandma Sally Ann Crawford.

Then Izzy and Blake heard something downstairs. Blake...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
Chapter two, I didn't think she was that bad.
Cody lay in his bed. It was his first night sleeping in the old thorn house. Sophie was fast asleep on the floor next to him, She was still scared of the house and wanted to sleep with him. They still hadn't got all of the furniture moved in the houde, so they would have to sleep on the floor for 1 or 2 days. Sophie got up to get a glass of water, Cody looked at the clock, it was 1:47 AM. After a few minutes he fell asleep.

He woke up again. He looked at the clock on the ground. It was 4:56 AM. Sophie wasn't next to him. He desided to go look for...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
Julie was always known as crazy. Not as crazy as Izzy, but still crazy. At 4th in comand on JG's possy she is IM-PORT-TANT.

Julie was thinking about how she would have to leave for that movie in alaska. She ran up to JG and Vanita who were sitting in the back of the possy's pickup truck doing...well nothing, just drinking some soda's. "I have apsolutly no ideal what I'm gonna do!!!!!" said Julie. "and why do you have apsolutly no ideal what your gonna do?" said Vanita. "this is no time to be sarcastic!" yelled Julie, "while I'm off in Alaska, whos gonna be the crazy person around here!" yelled...
continue reading...
It was the last day of school. I put on my splatter-painted black tee, white footless tights, a blue plaid skirt, and my multicolored converse. I went to the mirror in my bathroom. I looked at myseelf in the mirror, touching my three lower lip piercings. I smiled at myself, scence it was the last day of my junior year in high school. Molly yelled "C'mon, Dawn. You'll mis your last day at school!" I lived in a foster home, and Molly was the housemother. I grabed my rainbow skateboard, and rushed to the kitchen, ate my egg as fast as I could, grabed my lunch, and skateboarded to school. I got...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
seiamica, heather's cousin, is the most girly out of JG's possy, she is rock-obsessed, always listening to music and never really pays attention to anything anyone is saying. some say that her sence of fashion is a bit weird. she keeps a mini ipod in a monkey purse that is attached to her belt. she always uses head phones. she can sometimes act like heather being a bit bossy, but is always noted as sweet and kind. her nick name is cici. She is probably the one who hates calvin the most after years of fighting and name calling, seiamica beats up calvin alot, she is a good fighter and that is how she got a spot in JG's possy.seiamica is exstremly tall for only being 15. she is constantly cracking short jokes at calvin, as he is cracking tall jokes.
Misty:Time to make it spook put on your fav costume laid out in front of you

Trent:Cool a bat costume

(Trent puts on the bat costume)

Duncan:Ahhh D.J. is thinking of puting on that bunnie costume!

D.J.:Not funny!>:(

Duncan:Cool a gun!

(Duncan acedentley shoots the wall with the gun)

Misty:DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOUR OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Duncan:Sorry to ran on you parade but i never liked you i am going back to my babe Courtney she is hotter

(Misty screams at Duncan and he finaly gets out)

(Everyone has a costume on)

Misty:Ok Duncan is out time to pick another loser everyone to the bond fire

Misty:Geoff you safe,Cody your safe,Justin your safe,Trent your safe

Misty:I geuss D.J. and Tyler are the bottom two and the one who is...D.J. sorry Tyler i do not like sports

Tyler:It's ok i will go back to Lindsay

(Tyler leaves)

Misty:Hi final 5!
added by DandC4evacute
Source: XJKenny
added by drago-flame
added by GwenFanxxxx
Source: idea someone
added by milorox18
Source: by XJKenny
added by milorox18
Source: by XJKenny
added by milorox18
Source: by XJKenny
added by emisa123
Source: deviantart and I
added by TDIlover226
Source: qmargot at deviantART
added by BridgetteBabe12
added by NoahxCourtney77