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Chris: Last time on Total Drama Around the World! China! The place where most toys are made. There Bridgette switch to team Germany. Then, each team had to make a toy. Bridgette and Geoff stepped out to make out, Alejandro locked Cole in a closet, and Layla and Liza had a cat fight. In the end Team Germany lost and Layla switched the votes to make Bridgette leave instead of her. Now with Bridgette gone, how will Geoff live. How will anyone live on Total Drama Around the World?!?!!

(theme song)

Geoff: (moving around restless on couch)
Annie: Geoff will you stop?
Jordan: Yeah that's getting annoying.
Geoff: Sorry, I can't sleep with out Bridgette's buttery lips.
Rochelle: Buttery?
Geoff: She eats popcorn a lot here in first class.
Alejandro: oh...
Eva: here's a thought. How about you go and get here and kiss her stupid buttery lips in the confessional while we GET SOME SLEEP!!!
Cody: for once I agree with Eva.
Geoff: fine. (exits)
Fawn: finally his gone.
Draven: good.

(non-first class)
(All of Team Germany is asleep when Geoff enters)
Geoff: Bridgette- where's Bridgette?
Cole: gone.
Liza: what do you want Geoff?
Geoff: I wanted to kiss her. What do you mean she's gone.
Taylor: we mean that she go eliminated.
Geoff: By who? Who voted her off?
Layla: all of us.
Lance: no you-
Layla: shush it!
Chilly: it might be good that she's gone. No more making out and making us lose
Geoff: do you want to take back what you just said?
Chilly: no!
Geoff: ooooo!


Geoff: okay. Chilly is going down!



Chris: (intercom) all contestants, please come out side.

Sierra: where are we?
Chris: Australia!
Chilly: sweet!
Rochelle: aaa... Chris. Who's she?
Amber: Hi. I'm Amber.
Chris: Amber was supposed to be in this season but was late to the bus. So, I asked her to come here to Australia so she can be in the show.
Sierra: Oh, but you wouldn't do that to me in Total Drama Action?
Chris: Yep. Because I think that Amber will be good to the show.
(Sierra rolls her eyes)
Cole: so who's team is she on?
Cody: Ours! She needs to be on ours! She's hot!
Fawn: yeah.
Taylor: no us! We only have 8 people. You guys have 9.
Chris: Hold up! Amber. What team do you want to be on?
Amber: hmmm...


Amber: Okay, so I just got here and I can already tell that Cody has a crush on me.

Cody: Amber's sooooo Hot!

Amber: And just so you know. If he starts flirting with me, his not going to know what hit him.


Amber: ummmm... Team Germany.
Cody: awww man!
Taylor: yes!
Liza: Nice to meet you. I'm Liza.
Amber: Hi.
Chris: okay, moving on to today's challenge. The challenge is to Find a Kangaroo and ride it to the finish line. The rules are, You have to get to the finish line by a Kangaroo and there is a blue line right behind you guys.
(everyone turns around)
Chris: If you pass it or you don't get to the finish line by a Kangaroo, you will be instantly eliminated.
All: WHAT?!?!


Amber: I can't go cross that line. If I get out on the first day I'm here, that will be really bad.

Alejandro: perfect chance to get Cole out. (evil laugh)

Cole: I now know Alejandro is trying to get rid of me, I need to get rid of him, or resist falling for his little tricks again.

Geoff: okay, I need to get Chilly cross that line with out a Kangaroo. But how?


Fawn: aaaaa... Chris. Where's the Kangaroo?
Chris: Chef?
(Chef comes with a big truck and get's out of the car and opens the back to let out 24 kangaroos)
Chris: There are 24 Kangaroo's here. 3 of them have baby kangaroos in them. So, don't try to get in their pouches. Ready, begin!
Eva: come over here Kangaroos!
Jordan: (trying to grab Kangaroo's tails) This. Is. So. Hard! (falls in mud)
Alejandro: (see's a baby kangaroo left out of a mama's pouch) A Baby away from the mama... hmmm... (walks over to the baby)
Eva: (beating up a Kangaroo)
Draven: Eva. Stop hitting on the Kangaroos.
Eva: oh shut up!
Rochelle: really Eva. If you keep doing that the Kangaroo will die.
Eva: (see's the Kangaroo is dead) oooo.. too late.
Rochelle: see.
Alejandro: (puts the baby Kangaroo into Cole's pants from behind)
Cole: huh? A baby Kangaroo? Why is this away from it's mama?
Alejandro: oh mama Kangaroo!
(A mama Kangaroo turns around and see's Cole holding her baby and then get's angry and hops towards Cole)
Cole: Oh no!
(Kangaroo kicks Cole sending him flying with the baby Kangaroo in his arms)
Alejandro: good. He is almost at the finish line without going there by a Kangaroo. Bye bye Cole. Let's go get your baby mama. (hops on Kangaroo and the Kangaroo hops down hill)
Cole: (lands at the finish line) Ouch!
Chris: good job Cole. Your the first one here.
Alejandro: (comes across the finish line with the Mama Kangaroo) What? but he didn't get here by a Kangaroo.
Chris: yes he did. Cole got here by that mama Kangaroo kicking him over here.
Cole: now my butt fills numb.
Alejandro: dang it!
(The mama Kangaroo grabs here baby from Cole's arms and then punches Cole and hops back up hill)
Cole: (faints)
Amber: (comes down hill with a Kangaroo) Good girl! (pats Kangaroo on the head)
Chris: good job Amber!
Alejandro: how did you do that so fast? You don't even have my good looks and charm to do that.
Amber: true. but I am a nice person. Unlike you.
Alejandro: well.
(back up hill)
Cody: (see's a Kangaroo sleeping) There's my chance. (tip toes over and taps on the Kangaroo's head and it wakes up) Heyy Kangaroo. How would you like to help me get down to the fin-
(Kangaroo punches Cody and the faints and the the Kangaroo goes back to sleep.)
(Finish line)
Eva: (comes down sliding on the Kangaroo she killed) Woho!
Amber: Wo! How did you do that?
Eva: I killed the Kangaroo and used it as a sled.
Amber: she could do that?
Chris: she used the Kangaroo to get down here so yeah. She can.
(back up hill)
Rochelle: Why is it so hard to catch a Kangaroo.
Draven: (on top of a Kangaroo) Do what I did.
Rochelle: what did you do?
Draven: kiss it and it fell in love with me.
Rochelle: that works?
Draven: yeah. Try it. It worked for me.
Rochelle: okay. (see's a Kangaroo and kisses it and it punches Rochelle) That was a girl wasn't it?
Draven: afraid so. Here get on my Kangaroo.
Rochelle: you do know it's not a horse right?
Draven: Get in the pouch then.
Rochelle: okay... (tries to get inside pouch) I can't fit.
Draven: Try harder?
Rochelle: just go without me. Or tell the Kangaroo to come and get me when your done.
Draven: okay. (Him and the Kangaroo goes down the hill)


Draven: Like I will ever do that. I'm here to win this. Not to let Rochelle win too. I just need her so she won't vote me off. When I fill ready, I will vote her off and she will be gone.


(finish line)
(Draven comes down the hill)
Draven: I'm here!
Chris: good job.
(A Kangaroo comes down the hill)
Eva: why did that Kangaroo come down on it's own?
Chris: they aren't supposed to.
(Joss comes out of the Kangaroo's pouch)
Chris: good job Joss! Nice thinking.
(Joss Bows)
(At the top of the hill)
Geoff: hmmm.. How to get Chilly gone for good? hmmm... Oh Chilly!
Chilly: what is it Geoff?
Geoff: Do you want to get a Kangaroo?
Chilly: oh noo... I'm just trying to chase these Kangaroos to get some money. Of course I'm trying to get a Kangaroo!
Geoff: Well, there is one over by the finish line.
Chilly: really? (walks over to finish line) I Don't see anything.
(Geoff pushes Chilly but Chilly caches his fall and a Kangaroo comes and he grabs onto it.)
Chilly: thanks Geoff!
Geoff: Aggggh! (See's a Kangaroo and get's on it) Yeha!
Geoff: (comes up behind Chilly and tries to push him off)
Chilly: WO! No way man!
Geoff: You are not crossing that finish line!
Chilly: oh yes I am! (pushes Geoff off the Kangaroo)
Geoff: Ouch! (falls off and the Kangaroo he was on continues down hill) aggg!
Chris: (bullhorn) Geoff! Go back up and start all over!
Geoff: aggg!
(Chilly crosses finish line)
(On top of hill)
Rochelle: why isn't Draven here yet?
Fawn: I got one! (get's on and goes down hill)
Rochelle: Fawn wait!
Fawn: No time Rochelle!
Rochelle: oh...
(Liza and Layla touch the same Kangaroo)
Layla: This is mine. I touched it first.
Liza: We touched it at the same time.
Layla: well my name comes first in the alphabet.
Liza: how does that matter?
Layla: Well, I get to go first. So move over.
Liza: no.
Lance: (on Kangaroo) Oh will you 2 just stop fighting please!
Layla: no, I found this first.
Liza: i told we touched it at the same time.
Layla: (Pushes Liza onto the ground into mud and get's on Kangaroo and goes down hill)
Lance: are you okay?
Liza: yeah. Oh... She is so leaving next.
Lance: i agree. Well, I got to go. (goes down hill)
Liza: How am I going to get a Kangaroo?
Jordan: This. Is. So. Hard! agh! Why can't I at least touch one?
Annie: Jordan. Can you help me get one?
Jordan: I'm trying my best to get one for me. This is impossible.
Annie: Well, It must not be. Over half of us have got down there already.
Jordan: we can't lose.
(They both see 2 Kangaroos next to each other)
Annie: I got an idea.
Jordan: Oh no. You got that crazy look in your eye.
Annie: don't worry.
Jordan: too late. I'm worrying.
Taylor: I Got y- (jumps and tries to jump on top of Kangaroo but the Kangaroo moves and she falls into the mud)
Sierra: (on a Kangaroo) Why is everyone falling in mud today. (goes down hill)
Taylor: hmmm. (grabs the Kangaroo's tail and the Kangaroo goes down hill dragging Taylor) Ya hoo!
Liza: I'm the last one on my team! If we lose, I'm surely gone.
Jordan: so what are we doing?
Annie: watch. (Grabs one of the Kangaroo's tail and the other Kangaroo hops away and the other one starts the hop) Jordan now!
Jordan: okay! (grabs Annie's arm and the Kangaroo hops down hill)
Annie: this hurts!
Jordan: it was your idea!
Geoff: I'm back up! Now, what Kangaroo should I get next?
Rochelle: hey Geoff. Is Draven down there?
Geoff: yeah.
Rochelle: strange. Why isn't he coming up here.
Geoff: hmmm..
Cody: (wakes up) huh? what happened? Oh no! We're almost done!
Liza: (Jumps on a Kangaroo and it goes down hill) Yes! Team Germany's going to win this!
Cody, Geoff, and Rochelle: oh no!
(Finish line)
Amber: Guys. I think Cole's waking up.
Cole: what happened?
Chilly: a Kangaroo knocked you out.
Cole: huh?
(Liza crosses the finish line)
Liza: yes I did it!
Chris: good job team Germany! You win today's challenge!
Team Germany: YES!
Chef: (comes down with Geoff, Rochelle, and Cody) I got the people who didn't come down.
Chris: okay. Now here's the good part. And by Good. I mean more for me, not so much you. All the people who crossed the finish line win invincibility! Rochelle, Geoff, and Cody you guys do not. But all of team Italy still has to vote off!
Rochelle: this isn't fare!
Geoff: I would have crossed it if it wasn't for Chilly!
(angle on Chilly smiling)
Cody: I was knocked out! That's unfair!
Chris: too bad! Team Italy! I'll see you guys tonight!

It looks like team Italy has to vote someone off today. You can IM me, inbox me, or comment below your vote. You can just plain tell me the vote or put it in a confessional form.

Here is who is on Team Italy:

Eva (invisibility)
Alejandro (invisibility)
Jordan (invisibility)
Annie (invisibility)
Draven (invisibility)
Fawn (invisibility)
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