Total Drama Island Club
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(Hey guys it's shout out time :D I wanna say happy B-Day to my friend Ashley who's birthday was on the 2nd, My mom who's birthday is on the 11th, my baby cousin who's birthday is on the 15th, and me :D who's birthday is on the 17th! So ya... Shout out over. ENJOY :D)

Shane: Starburst.

Star: Where's the pie lover?

Shane: Ray Ray is so excited about tomorrows challenge that she wants to go to bed early. So now I'm stuck doing this :P

Noah: *rolls eyes* best host ever. :|

Shane: So let's just get this finished. First YouTube treats goes to Crystal, Star, and Samanthat.

(The passing of food and elephants! Wait.... No just food :P Last b Harold and Geoff)

Shane: And the last doughnut goes to........................................Geoff.

Harold: I tried to be an honorable competitor... But I have failed... FOR GIVE ME! GOSH! *starts to walked Down the dock of shame but is stopped by....*

Ava: Harold?

Harold: Ava? What are you doing here? Your gonna get yourself in trouble! Gosh!

Ava: Well...Uh....I Kinda wanted to say...bye I guess.. *shrugs* 

Harold: Ava my sweet! I must confess something.....

Ava; Well are you going to?

Harold: I have always liked you and....

Ava: *Kisses him*

Billy the intern: *Separates Ava and Harold And drags Harold to the dolphin of shame* 

Shane: Ya.... I'm not one to be a douche but Rayla will kill me of I go past our time limit. Also, Ava better get back to your team before they start to wonder. 

Ava: Whatever I'm out. *walks to cabins*

Shane: Well....night.

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Rayla: But I don't know how to play trumpet.

Shane: So? I don't either.

Rayla: Well, how's this gonna relate to our challenge if neither of us can play trumpet?

Shane: It's not my problem. And I thought you learned how when you decided to run around town screaming 'For Narnia!' while playing.

Rayla: It was the symbols. Now just play.

Shane: No.

Rayla: Yes.

Shane: No.

Rayla: Jes.

Shane: No

Rayla: No yez!

Shane: For the last time N-

Cody: For the love of bacon hawks! *Takes trumpet and plays that one song they use to wake people up*

 Campers: *All come out groggy*

Rayla: Great, your all up! No Thank you CODY! 

Campers: *Death glare Cody*

Rayla: Ya so anyways, our first challenge is-

Crystal: Pst! Rayla!

Rayla: Like I was saying, today's challenge is-

Crystal: PST! Rayla!

Rayla: Today's challenge will be-



Crystal: Intro you forgot. Hmmmm.

Rayla: -.- I'm the only one here who can talk like Yoda. Now for recap! On the before time of Total Drama Blank, We met Shane! Then we did yet another musical, finally I asked the easiest question ever and Harold blew it. That caused his elimination, yet he did not leave without getting a soft side and a smooch from Ava! What will happen this week? Find out right now and nowhere else besides idk on Total. Drama! BLANK!!!! 

Ava: *Death glares Rayla* I was not soft.

Rayla: Suuuurrrrreeee. And I'm not a wizard from Hogwarts in the Huffle Puff house.

All: 0.0

Ava: I was not soft! Whatever. Let them believe whatever the hell there shit minds want to believe.

Robin: What the.... Huffle Puff?

Rayla: Yeppers. So todays challenge is a small hike up a large mountain. (A/N Isn't that a saying or sumthin? :P)

Courtney: But there isn't any mountains on this FAKE island.

Rayla: *points to giant mountain behind her*

Courtney: 0.0

Rayla: That's what I thought.

Owen: Are we gonna get breakfast.

Rayla: After we hike.

Owen;..........NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Dx

Rayla: C'mon guys! I loooovvveee camping! It's all good and stuff up there :D

Samanthat: There's no pie there.

Rayla: Got some in my Harry Potter endless bottom backpack. :D NOW LET'S BE OFF!

All: *Groans*


Rayla: *singing* The hikers on the mountain say groan, groan, groan! Groan, groan, groan! Groan, groan, groan! The hikers on the mountain say groan, groan, groan! Cause there little weenies! ^.^

All: Groans*

Rayla: Frick Yes!

Courtney: Well since we're stuck climbing up this stupid rock, I might as well get some things done... >8D *laughs evilly* 

Star: I've decided it, I'm gonna tell Noah that I like him! Even thoe I'm pretty sure Crystal has already told him like 10 times already.... But whatever :P.

Destrey: And then bugs started to crawl threw the floor. And this spider comes out of nowhere and *Makes farting noise with his mouth* Then my friend Nathan was like 'Did you just fart?'. No dude it was that spider. Then he's all 'Ya sure.'. So I turn to the freaking spider and I'm all 'Your a total asshole spider!'.

Mirra: *giggles* That did not happen.

Destery: Or did it? Walmart has some crazy ass moustache people.

Mirra: *giggles even more* Ok Des.

Alejandro: GRRRR! D:<

Courtney: Seems we're having the same problem.

Alejandro: I do not know what you are talking about.

Courtney: Oh you don't?

Alejandro: Correct. Now I shall be go-

Courtney: Look, I now you have googoo eyes for Mirra and I'll admit I've become fond of Destrey. But the problem seems to be...there into each other.

Alejandro: And?

Courtney: I think I may know how stop it.

Alejandro: Hmmm... How so?

Courtney: If I tell you, your going to have to fallow the plan or it won't work.

Alejandro:..........I'm listening........

Courtney: Ok so-


Shane: *face plant* Garsh you are so weird..

Rayla: *Shrugs* I know you are but What am I?

Courtney: *Sighs* I'll tell you later! Hey Gwen wait up! *Hikes off* 

Star: Time to make my move :D 


Star: Hey Noah! :D

Noah: Oh hey Star. :)

Star: Um so Noah..... I just..... I really- 


Star: Wha.....?

Bear: RAWR!!!! *Grabs Noah and runs off*

Star: *Gasps* :O NOAH!!!! D:< What did you do owen!

Owen: Well...Uh.....I kinda saw some food in this cave.. And well it just looked so good. I mean, That bear had Choco-Munch Bars! So.. I whent in his cave...and I was only gonna eat a little.. But I ended up eating all his food and he started chasing me! I-I didn't mean for him to get little buddy! Honest!

Star: *walks up to Rayla* DO SOMETHING!

Rayla: Can't, *holds up cellphone* No signal. As much as I think Noah is freaking epic, we can't cut the hike for him. I'm pretty sure his groupies back home have already called the dig catchers and the CIA. So.... ONWARD! Oh.. We're here! 

Samanthat: You just noticed?

Rayla: *mimics* You just noticed? For our next part of the challenge, each team will have to build there camp, find food, and make a fire. You got until I say so hours to do so. Me and Shane will be judging to see which camp is the best! Now.....GO!    *teams scatter*


Robin: Well.... I guess we go and find stuff :P

TSK: *shrugs and walks off*


Courtney: Mirra, Crystal, Leshawana, and Gwen will be in charge of the fire. Star, Samanthat, and Geoff will make the shelters. Alejandro, Duncan, Samantha, and myself will hunt. Now, MOVE IT PEOPLE! 

TS: *walks away grumbling*

Courtney: *stops Al* Except for you.

Samanthat: *sees* Hmmm....

Samanthat: a little spying never killed anyone in this crazy game right?

Courtney: My plan is so genius! HAHAHAHAHA! I WAS A C.I.T!

Courtney: *looks around to see if anyone is looking but doesn't see anyone* Ok, the plan is so simple. All we have to do is make them jealous!

Alejandro: And exactly how would we do that?

Courtney: We just completely ignore them! And if that doesn't work......

Alejandro: What?

Courtney: We can just act like we're a couple!

Alejandro: NO!

Courtney: Do you want Mirra or not? 

Alejandro: *sighs* Fine....

Samanthat: *Gasps*

Courtney: *looks around* Who's here?!

Samanthat: *runs off quietly*

Courtney: Now Alejandro.....GO FIND SOME FOOD!

Alejandro: *walks off grumbling*


Dj: It's alright Dj... Ain't Nuthin gonna get you in the dark...scary..wo- *bumps into someone*

Both: *Screams*

Crystal: Oh My Squash Dj! You scared the Smurf outa me!

Dj: *Wipes forehead and sighs in relief*  
Crystal! Am I glad to see you. I thought you we're a bear or somethin. 

Crystal: *giggles* RAWR!

Dj: *screams* Not funny!

Crystal: Haha ya it was.

Dj: Ha....Well I'm sorry I bumped into you like that. What are you doing?

Crystal: gathering firewood for the fire.

Dj: Well can I join ya?

Crystal: Sure. :)


Rayla: xP There is way more fluffiness in this episode then I thought there would be :P anyways, let's judge! Starting with Team Starburst!

Courtney: We've created 5 tents that will fit 2 one may fit 3 if Noah comes back. Also, are fire is precisely 18 inches high, the logs around it are placed where you can sit without being to hot or to cold, finally, we have a glorious selection of fruit, vegetables, and fish. Also-

Rayla: Ya, ya we get it! All we wanna do is inspect it. Which, we've been doing while you were in your 'Hey looky what I did!' faze.

Courtney: UHG! *walks off*

Rayla: Well Starburst.... It looks all good! I give you an 8 out of 10! Shane?

Shane: *shrugs* 9/10.

Rayla: Well that's a high score for Starburst of 17! Now let's check out yours skittles!

Destrey: Here is are special camp for special people but special as in not retarded! :D

Rayla: Ummmm....... Not to be really harsh.... But....... What the firetruck is this?

Zeke: I'm pretty sure it's a camp eh?

Rayla: -.- Yes Zeke it is. I'm sorry but.... This camp sucks major cow udder. But, it has potential! So....5/10

Shane: 7/10

Rayla: So Skittles get the low score of 12 :P Which means...........STARBURST WIN!

TS: *cheers* 

Courtney: You guys can now thank me for my organisation skills!

Mirra: I really never thought Courtney could help us win a camping challenge!

Rayla: Well let's hope that will help you with the next challenge! So since it's getting late, it's always good to gather around a camp fire and sing that campfire song! So, each team will pick a song and then gather around starburst fire, since skittles don't have one, and sing that campfire song! So... GO PICK ZEE SONG!

!!!!sǝlʇʇıʞs ɥʇıʍ

Owen: Let's sing a song about food! 

Erica: That won't cut it......

Zeke: C'mon Eh? It's easy! She was droppin hints everywhere yo! Sing that campfire song? Gather around the campfire? Get it homes?

Lucas: I get it! The campfire song song on Spongebob!

Erica: Of course! 


TSK: *Douse giant group high-five*

ώίτħ ȘτᎯરϦƲરȘτ!

LeShawana: So what do we sing?

Crystal: Well... She loves Adventure Time... The choices are endless. Anyone have one song memorised?

Geoff: I DO BROS! I learned it cause I was gonna sing it for My tofu angel when I finally saw her!

Crystal: Well what song is it?

Geoff: Oh Fionna!

Gwen: *snickers* Bridgett's fist has touched your heart?

Geoff: Well not her fist but....

Crystal: Ok! So anyone have any other suggestions?

Cricket cricket...

Crystal: *sighs* ok.....

10 min. Later!

Rayla: Ok, so sense Starburst won the last challenge, Skittles go first! 

Destrey: *tunes an acoustic guitar a bit then begins to play And sing* 
I call this one, The Campfire Song Song
Let's gather 'round the campfire
And sing this campfire song
Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it
Faster than you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along
Bum, bum, bum

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
And if you don't think that we can sing it
Faster than you're wrong
But it'll help if you just sing along

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song
Zeke: Song! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E... Eh?
Destrey: AVA!
Destrey: Good!

It'll help
It'll help
If you just sing along
Oh yeah!

Rayla: OH FRIK YA! I was hoping someone would catch my hints! 10/10! I loved it :D Shane?

Shane: Hmmmm 7/10

Rayla: -.- Poo you.

Shane: xP

Rayla: Well then! Starburst, your turn! While I play my mini guitar for y'all! *begins to play*

Duncan: *turns to Gwen: I feel like nothing was real until I met you.
I feel like we connect, and I really get you.
If I said,"You're a beautiful girl," would it upset you?
Because the way you look tonight, silhouetted, I'll never forget it.
Oh, Oh, Fionna.
Your fist has touched my heart.
Oh, Oh, Fionna.
I won't let anything in this world keep us apart.
Duncan and Gwen: I won't let anything in this world keep us apart.

Rayla: That was good! Sadly, you picked the only sing from Adventure Time I don't really like :P so.....6/10

Shane: I give it a 7/10

Rayla: So.... 13! Which means....SKITTLES WIN! Well.... Get some sleep guys your final challenge will be tomorrow!

TS & TSK: *goes to sleep*


LeShawana: *shrieks, waking everyone up* 


Crystal: What's wrong LeShawana?

LeShawana: That Nasty, Nast thing over there was on my face!

Robin: Wait...... Guys, I don't think we're at our camp site anymore!

Rayla: *Flies up in a helicopter* *into bullhorn* Correct Robin! While y'all were sleeping, we transferred y'all to bony island! :D for this final camp challenge, you guys will get the boats located over there. *points to them* first team back wins! NOW GO CAMPERS GO! 

Teams: *grabs a bout and goes*

(Yada, Yada. I'm to lazy to explain it so it was neck and neck the whole race until starburst finally won. Woo!)

Rayla: Starburst finally win!

TS: *cheers* which means, skittles, your sending someone home tonight. but for now here is Shane with the questions :D

Shane: Oh... Uh.... Who will be eliminated? (Vote here-> link) Will we find Noah?, was this episode long enough for ya? NEXT TIME ON TOTAL DRAMA BLANK! 

(I actually kinda worked hard on this episode. Well... I hav Nuthin 2 say besides I'm Srry it's late. Well join th TDB fan club and leave comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! Please and thanks! Abby/Starburst-Rock 
Chris: and your challange is............. a race around hawii!
Jamie: you say what now?????
Rochelle: is that even posable?
Chris: Oh and all teams are merged!
Jar3d: than how would we know who gose to first class?
Chris: easy. There will be a 1 winner with invenceability every eposde until the finle 5 than after that no incenceabilty.
Annie: I don't get it.
Natalie: yeah she's dumb and i don't know.
Chris: who ever wins. he's or her last team mates will go in first class.
Buddy: what about me and Draven over there?
Chris: Buddy you will be on team USA! Draven team Win.
Rayven and Jamie: sweat!

continue reading...
*Non-First class*

*Bridgette crys*
Rayven: You got to gte over Jordan! I mean your as bad as Ray when Noah left!
Ray: Never menchen that again! *starts to cry*
Rayven: aaaaaaaaaaaaa.......... I'm going over to the storeage room with Jamie.

*Storage room*

Jamie: what are you doing in here???
Rayven: Ray and Bridgette are crying over there loves.
Jamie: my love is Duncan.
Rayven: wo wo wo!!!!! Duncan????? He's like was on the other team.
Jamie: So he's still hot. I bet you have a crush on someone!
Rayven: Nope no one.
Jamie: I can hardly belive that!

*First class*

Jax: Dang! Those girls can cry!
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posted by cookiewasted9
Eh,no part 2.....I'm bored with it-___-

Sorry to that one person who read it.

Better luck next time,huh?

........… more waffles,they're good for the soul.

Tell your mom I had a great time last night;)

Here's a list of the following things I don't like:
Green Day
Marvel Comics
Belly Buttons
The word ain't
Most People I see on the street
Having to be 'that guy'
Public Pools
Dropping change in the grass
Robin Williams
Really bad boob jobs
Cold water hitting my teeth
Red Meat
When a small child bites me
Waking up and having something stuck to my face

posted by StarWarsFan7
Chris was watching Rayven's every move with popcorn like it was a movie. Rayven wanted to lose the challenge so they could vote off Alex L.

Rayven: *in confessional* If Alex Leonard-o wants to play with our team then he can kiss himself goodbye.
Cause he is going HOME! *smiles deviously*

Chris: Anyone gonna get Leeroy?

Rayven: No, cause we want to lose.

Whole team: WHAT?!

Rayven: That's right, no one is getting Leeroy down.

Leeroy: But I don't wanna stay up here forEVER!

Jordan: How about I get Ray down?

Bree: That sounds like a great idea.

Rayven: Yeah? Well, where have YOU been the past 5 minutes?...
continue reading...
Chris: So... looks like you guys forgot the sunscreen. Anyways. Nobody won! Your all unable to go to the beach and have a good time!

So vote....

Zoey: I vote off Andrea! She's nothing but a bully!

Ray: *whispers* Andrea, please!


Mizzie: OK, well i didnt really go to the beach. But I heard what she's doing to Zoey. SHE"S LEAVING!

Jar3d: ICE POP!

Addrey: *Picking at back* I think I got sand down my shirt!

*End of confessionals*


Alejandro,Harold, Mizzie,Melody, Annie, Ray, Lucas, Jar3d, Addrey, Storm.

Final two are....

Andrea and Zoey.

But tough luck, kid. Andrea you're going.


Chris: Well, that was weird.

(After a bunch of chats in both cabins, all the campers entered the challenge studio.)

Chris: Okay campers, your challenge will be a scavenger hunt. Here a list on what you should find.

(Chris handed them both a list)

Izzy: Hey, it doesn't say bear food!

Eva: Or dumbells!

Duncan: Oh well.

Chris: Okay, you all have 45 minutes to find it all. The team that finds the most stuff wins. Ready? Go!

(45 minutes later)

Chris: The Star Monkeys win the challenge!

Gwen: I knew we can do it.

Leshawna: Good job, team.

Chris: Famous Penguins, i'll see you all in the Studio of Doom.

(Back in the Famous Penguins cabin,...
continue reading...
Fay: WAKE UP!!!!!

Everyone: AHHHH!!!!

Fay: Get out here!!!!

All: *come out of cabins*

Fay: Meet me at the dock in 30 minutes for your challenge!

Lisa: Umm...what about breakfast?


Fay: Fine! *throws a hot cup of coffee at Jar3d*

Jar3d: OWWW!!!!! *tastes it* Yummy!

Zoey: Wow...

*At the dock*

Fay: Alright, Team Skittlez get in this boat!

Team Skittlez: Why?


Team Skittlez: *run in the boat*

Fay: *to Team Lollipops* You too!

Team Lollipops: *get in team Skittlez boat*


Team Lollipops: *get in the other boat*

Jar3d: *looking...
continue reading...
posted by PhoenixRoyale
Welcome back to Total Drama High School!
Too lazy to type up stuff again -.-, so let's just get to it.
Alright, so I didn't get much votes in the comments
section. It's not like the show was popular anyway. Pffft.
Rayven: Just hurry up and save your speech. I'm getting
Wow, persuasive much? =P But right now, I'm switching
three people with three others.
Jared, Rayven, Lisa, and Jamie: WHAT?!
That's right! ;D
Anyways, Jamie, Jared, and Lisa, you're all going back
to your cabins. Natalie, Mack, and Rikki are taking your
Jamie, Jared,...
continue reading...
posted by lola641
"Welcome to Total Drama TV! I’m your host Mizzie!" I said gesturing to the studio behind me. "This is where 12 contestants will live and take challenges for $1,000,000 and their own TV show! And here come our contestants now!"
I had been told that I would be hosting a TV show about a week ago, but I thought that is was just my brother trying to prank me. Only after I got about one thousand résumés did I know that it wasn’t my brother.
Just about then a rank bus drove up and a girl Penny walked out carrying two bags of luggage.
"Hi TV people!" said Penny.
"Hello Penny!" I said. “Can you...
continue reading...
Chasia:Aloha *flips hair**grabs blowhorn*EVERYONE WAKE UP,AND GET IN YOUR SWIM SUITES!!

Rayven:Mother fucker!

*everyone walks outside in they're swim suites*

Jared:Girls are hot in they're swim suites


Harold:I second that!

Aydan:Hm *slaps all three of them*


Chasia:Today is...blind dates!!

Every girls but Rayven,Aydan and Penny:EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Aydan:I think Lindsay got lost in the forest..

Rayven:Me too


Chasia:Today,the dates are beach themed!!

Jared:Are you serious?

Trent:*whispers to Jared*At least us 2 are surrounded by hot girls!

Harold:What do you mean you 2??

Trent:See,you are like a girl,a very wimpy sun-of-a-man :)

Jared: :3

Zoey: I'm so glad Sam is gone!
Jake: yeah
*a knock on door*
Zoey: who is it? *opens door*
Jax: Hi do u wanna go on a date?
Zoey: Jax come in.
Jax: what is it?
Zoey: it was just a kiss. Just for acting. just so that we would win. It was not real.
Jax: I know how it felt. and no one can fake a kiss like that
Zoey: trust me!

Zoey's POV: I didn't want to hirt Jax! But he was makeing me mad.

Jax: well i have to go!
Zoey: bye!
Jax: bye!
Rayven: what was that?
Jordan: I thinK it was chris!

Ray: did you guys hear that?
Bridgette: yeah!
Zoey: what was i........................*trips...
continue reading...
Chris:Hi,Chris here for another exciting season of Total Drama!You know Courtney,Noah,Owen,Gwen,Duncan,D.j,Bridgette,Geoff,Trent,Izzy,Tyler,and Heather!But now we have 16 new characters! Bridgette:NO WAY!!! Chris:Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!! We have Emily,Mack,Rikky,Rochelle,Penny,Jake,Sam,Ray,Jake,Phil,Helena,Kylie,Mizzy,Avan,and Jaxon!NOw we are in a rain Forest as you can see sothe teams are...THe killer snakes are:Trent,Izzy,Jaxon,Kylie,Emily,Heather,Avan,Noah,Rochelle,Avan,Bridgette,Geoff,and Helena!THe screaming Fish are:Penny,Jake,Owen,Duncan,D.j,Tyler,Ray,Gwen,Mizzy,Mack,Rikky,Faith,and Sam!Now theChallenge is... Part 2 coming soon!!!
Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!

The contestants get off the bus, As Bridgette and Tyler get off the bus, the are followed up by Ezekiel, but before Chris gets to announce him, Izzy jumps on his shoulders and knock him down.
Next Chris introduces Alejandro, who helps Bridgette and Izzy up who are flattered and swooned by him. Tyler reply's to him saying that he likes girls

Alejandro and...
continue reading...
-Courtney's P.O.V-

I slowly made my way upstairs to mine and Justin's bedroom.

I sat down on the bed and pulled a teal coloured box out from under the bed.

It said on the lid: 'Total Drama Series' Memories...'

I took this off and looked inside; a scrapbook, photo's, friendship bracelets and the most memorable gift; that skull.

I kept it after all these years.

I began to look at the photo's;


Me and Bridgette

Me and Geoff

Me, Geoff, Bridgette and DJ

Me, Bridgette, Geoff, DJ and Duncan

And the last one of me and Duncan, holding hands, looking lovingly into eachothers eye's.

'What went wrong?' i questioned...
continue reading...
posted by KARIxTRENT
chris:last time on total drama dynamite....our contestants had to run against their will,and aydan cheated,and got elimnated..there is 5 contestants left:kari,nicole,megan,kate,and selena...who will avoid elimnation?!find out now on total drama dynamite!
chris approached the contestants:today's challenge....a water gun war!the one hit gets eliminated!
he handed everyone their guns,and kari got hit.
chris:see ya sister!
chris:4 contestants winner..who will win find out next time on total drama dynamite!

Momiji: One chocolate please!
Nikole: Vannila.
Tohru: Chocolate!
Nikole: *pays for the icecream* You wanna get one Kate?
Kate: I'll buy my own.
Nikole: Ok, we'll meet you two at the arcade!
Kate: Let's see.... one strawberry.
Icecream man: $3 please.
Kyo: I got it.
Kate: You sure?
Kate: No. and thank you.
Kyo: Don't worry about it...


*Everyone walks in*
Shigure: HIDE ME! *hides behind Yuki*
Yuki: Hiding from your editor agian?
Shigure: YES! Oh hi. I'm shigure! I figure that you two are friends of Yuki and the others?
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first of all this is not mine is of katie4cheer but I dedicated this post to rubberduck2 and 7thGradeGenius they read all the story that I post this is for you!

The door slams open and reveals a Racketeer gangster carrying Courtney’s limp body in his arms. Bruises spotted her arms, legs, and even her face. Another gangster steps out of the room with a thick, wooden baseball bat in his hands. He swings the baseball bat in large arcs and winks at Duncan. He almost puked due to the queasy feeling in his stomach he got when he thought of what they did to Courtney.

The Racketeer places Courtney...
continue reading...
I read this like I don't know just five minutes ago to you bigTDIfan!

Justin was really starting to scare me. Obsessive love, Bridgette would probably call it. We both sometimes stayed up for hours into the night talking about how strange the other campers were. We each expected Justin to be the strong, silent type, not an obsessive freak.

He was really strong, I realized. He’d been carrying me for several minutes now. Where we were going, I had no idea. All I knew was that it was deeper and deeper into this forest.

Mental note: Courtney, never come back here. Unless you’re not alone. Wait...
continue reading...
ok campers 2days challenge will be a sing off, oh and im busting the teams up, its every brat for themselfs-Juno
cuz i said so-Juno
ur so mean sometimes-Jared
no duh-Juno
ok get to the stage in 5min-Juno

(at the stage)

ok start!
*Andi and Jared walk up*
so r u 2 doing a doet?-Juno
ok go-Juno
*they sing "Bring me to life" by Evanescence*
on a scale of 1-10 i pick a solid 8-Juno
*Keira walks up*
ok great!, now what r u singing-Juno
im gonna sing something i made up-Keira
*sings* purple roses, pink moss, pretty blue sky, and girly things!-Keira
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posted by dxarmy423
Man in the box by Alice in chains

Smooth Criminal by Alien ant farm

Metalingus by Alterbridge

Beast and the harlot by Avenged sevenfold

Iron man by Black Sabbath

All the small things by Blink 182

Dammit by Bling 182

One of a kind by Breaking point

Scream aim fire by Bullet for my valentine

Glass Shatters by Disturbed

Perfect insanity by Disturbed

Down with the sicknees by Disturbed

Now or never by Dope

Were comin down by Dudley Boyz

You Make me sick by Egypt central

This fire burns by Killswitch engage

Cult of personality by Living color

All nightmare long by Metallica

Sad but True by Metallica

Seek and Destroy...
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