Total Drama Island Club
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posted by Animetama
And we're back with our grand adventure, maybe our last, to jump off that cliff and most likely land in that death trap! Yaaaay~! Heheh, I think not! It's worse than smelling Owen's butt, or licking his arm pit! Ewwwww...

Anyways, we were back up on the mountian and Chris' back side was facing the camera, "Ok!" He went on, "today's challenge is free fall. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high clift; into the lake!"

Wait, did he say lake? Umm, that's too big to be a lake, but I could see how anyone would make that mistake when you look down...

"Piece of cake," smiled our favorite surfer girl. I could see Geoff already checking her out. Good thing they get together. They'd probably have the strongest bond after all!

Then Chris continued, "If you look down, you will see two target areas! The wider area represents the part of the lake, that we have stocked with phycotic, heh, man eating sharks! Inside that area, is the safe zone! That's your target area! Which, we're pretty sure is shark free!"

I looked around DJ looked frightend, (um, yeah think?), and Eva raised part of her unibrow. Noah had the same look as he did on Total drama World Tour when he got his finger lit up bythe lazors in France. Lol.

"Excuuse me?" Leshawna pretty much asking, are you serious? Which sadly, he was. "For each member of your team that jumps and actually....survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below."

I heard the camera zoom into the crates, "Inside each crate, are supplies that you'll need for the secound part of the challenge; building a hot tub!"

Then he went on about how the team with the best looking hot tub would win it and so forth, and about how the loosers would be sending someone home. Definatley Ezekiel. Duh! That's what happends! I should jump anyways just to be on the safe side however.

Then Chris told us we were first...huh. "Oh wow," Bridgett said in shock, "so, who wants to go first?" I could hear the crickets playing their song, as for me? Um, not going yet...

Why? Well, because I'm just not the type to ever want to go first, usually need an example, even though I've already seen one...

Owen said something about interns, and Eva spoke up, "So, who's up?" "Ladies first," Duncan lowered his voice in a devious flirtatous way. Figures he'd say that.

"Fine, I'll go," exclaimed Bridgett, "It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks!" I could hear a hint of sarcasm in her voice as she leaped off into the water. Luckly, she made it.

"She did it, yeah, YEAH!" Yelled out tyler, "I'm next!" Tyler jumped off yelling something along the lines of "tallabonga?" He hit one of the booeys, but sunk down into the safety zone. You know, it's actually quite entertaining watching these people get hurt. Am I sadistic, hmm, a bit~

Then one by one the others went down to dive in as well. Geoff screaming his head off, as in, like at a football game, Eva yelling to look out below, and Duncan just crossing his arms unafraid.

DJ had to wear the chicken hat, and went down the escolator, wait....what??? When was that installed??? Meh, oh well...

Ezekiel hit a rock on the way down which made him land in the saftey zone, and Harold was being his geeky self doing the splits, which wasn't the greatest idea...

Courtney tapped me on the shoulder, and told me I was up. I went up to the edge, and I could sense everyone from the other team watching with great intrest. Would the day dreamer make it? Would she get killed? Should I go out with her cause she's so hot? Ect.

I grabbed onto the edge with my small hands, no seriously, they're 3rd grader hands! And I'm 16! I knelled down, and lunged off, making a perfect dive...

...into the outer circle...


I tried to recoil by finding a rock to grab a hold of, and I stopped 10 feet above, holding on to a rock for my dearest life! The sharks gathered around, prepared to feast on me! "I'm screwed!" I thought to myself.

I could see from a distance that Courtney was soooo concerned, and a few others decided to watch from above, pretty much meaning everyone. The camera was turned towards me, I didn't know how to respond, or what to do.

I climbed back up part of the way on to the rock I was hanging on to and prepared for my secound dive. I could hear Chris' voice roaring agian, "Holy crap! That's one tough girl!" I put on my determind face, and dived at an angle that would get me far.

That time, I barely made it! The Killer Bass were cheering for me! Hooray for still being alive! I waved over for the boat and got on.

After getting off and dried, I looked for a place to sit. Personally, I hate standing up all the time, unless for streching purposes. I found a mossy rock, thought it was good enough, and sat on it. I heard footsteps follow after me.

It was Mr. Cynical; Noah. Has he come to insult me agian with his use of sarcasm? I decided to just ignore him but then he sat right beside me and pulled out his book in mid air. Wow, really? How does that work?

Oh well, I just sat there, legs crossed, along with one arm supporting the other with I put my finger on my chin, thinking, about stuff. At least I didn't seem annoying to Noah and he trusts me, since he's ok with sitting near me. I guess he saw me find this rock and decided to join me?

I couldn't blame him, he hates standing too. I know alot of lazy gamers that do as well! Anyways, I was curious about what would happen to Cregg? I hadn't seen him dive yet, or did he? Was he chickening out? It made me pounder....

I could hear Noah flip the pages of his book, meh, now I was getting bored, I wish something would happen-


Damnit, now I'm went agian, shouldn't have forgot Owen was going to dive in the liquid abiss...

"Greaat," sighed Noah, I could definatly hear the sarcasm in his voice. But then agian, who couldn't? Oh yeah, the blond; Lindsay...

We got washed away into a tree, as in Noah and I did. Noah was hanging up-side-down and I was holding on to something...Oh wait, it's his ankle, I feel sooo smart...

"You can let go of my ankle anytime now space caddet," Noah frowned, yeah yeah says the egg head. He doesn't need to remind me.

I let go, making me drop to the ground. Right after the home schooler came up to me, "Hey cutie how are you doin'?" Trying to act all cool, um, make me gag much? I could see the ackney spread across his face, eww.

Words dropped out of my mouth agian, saying, "Um I'm fine, you can leave me alone home school." I walked off but he followed me, ack! Can't he go hit on Bridgett or something? I may have been born in the country but not raised there!

"Looks like you got a tag-a-long," Noah smirked, is that supposed to be offensive? Geez, am I his target now?

I went over to find Cregg, but he wasn't there, he was still up there with Chris and the others. Really? Is he gonna bail out? I saw him walk up to the edge, huh, I'm curious about what he'll do now...

He just made it plain and simple, he dived off making it in. Well, we lost. But wasn't that exspected? Imagine if we all tied?

Later on we all dried off, agian, and put our regular clothes back on. While the Screaming Gophers were singing camp songs, effortlessly pulling their wagons, the rest of us were struggling to push our own crates.

"Ow!" Yelped Courtney, "I think I just got a splinter!" Eva stomped up to her and litterally picked up the crate, I wasn't too surprized, "Shut it, and pick up your crate!" Yeah, like we're all have super powers that can do that honey...

"Chicken," Eva added. I didn't really have a box to carry, until Tyler announced to the world that he had to "take a wiz." I kinda did too, but I have a steel bladder, so I could hold it.

Katie and Sadie followed and Eva told them to hurry up because we were behind, then she looked over at me and looked at Tyler's box, I knew she ment to take over for him. So I did as she demanded, so I could befriend her later on.

"Ow! I think something just bit me!" complained Courtney, really? Must you say everything that happends to you? I didn't really care...

Ten mintues later, I reached the campsite, and didn't see K & S anywhere! Probably the poison ivy. They were waaaay behind the rest of us too. Ezekiel, Harold, and Courtney joined me, putting their stuff down too.

"Hey aren't you missin' a couple of white girls?" Asked Leshawna, umm, yeah, about that? They're having issues...

"They're getting a drink," exclaimed Courtney, which they really weren't...

"Yeah," Harold commented, "If they drink with their butts!" Ezekiel laughed and said it was funny, I just rolled my eyes at their maturity level. Leshawna noticed courtney's infected eye, and was wide eyed, "Ooh! What happend to your eye girl?!" Pointing at her too.

"Nothing," Courtney replied, "just an allergy!" You don't need to lie, just say you got bitten, I would. "Think it's gettin' worse," Ezekiel said slowly, um, yeah think? I looked at my watch to see what time it was, but I found my hand on my arm...

Damnit, speaking of allergies, did I brush on any fern here? I'm highly allergic! I saw some red bumps everywhere on my right arm, and left, and sort of on my legs. I overheard Courtney telling the boys to shut it, so they wounldn't know that fact.

Umm, really? Why would that even matter? Gosh, then those words fell out too, "Why would they care about some bug bite?" I asked, I really need to shut it...

"Umm, hello? Other team there! They're totally gonna use it agianst us!" Courtney answered, umm heheh, I think not!

Later on, we decided to sit down and take a break, but then Geoff stood up on the wooden crates and raised his fist in the air while giving us a lecture on how we can win this challenge. Harold was drooling, Courtney was the only one listening, and Ezekiel was picking his nose.

Courtney and I were digusted and said in the same tone at the same time, "eww!" Ezekiel wiped the bugers on his pants and got defensive, responded with a "what?" Bridgett was obviously digusted, "That's, really gross!" She studdered, grossed out.

And so I just decided to ignore everyone else around me and go back to lala land where I fit in like the missing puzzle piece. After Courtney's speach however, she tapped me on the shoulder agian, asking me, "You gotta help too," with a smile.

"Well, I could draw what it looks like?" I answered, more or less leaning towards being another question. She smiled agian, "I never knew you were an artist!"

"Of course I am!"

"Great, then get started on the picture!"

She left me to complete my task, and I got out my piece of paper, from my purse and a macanical pencil. My purse can fit books and drawing materials! I love to read, write, and draw of course! Probably some of my few hobbies!

I don't wear make up, or go anywhere near it, so no make up in my purse, and I surely didn't bring my wallet. So I guess it wasn't an ordinary girly purse.

I completed the hot tub picture in less than a mintue and went up to give it to Courtney. "Here," I simply and quietly spoke as I handed her the paper. "Good! Just what we need-"

She stopped for a moment to look at the great detail I added, and remarkabley responded, "Oooh, woow..." she looked shocked, I mean, I am a good artist right? The others gathered around to see, everyone looked amazed!

I just shrugged, no biggie. "Woah bro, that's something pretty narley!" Geoff pointed out. Ezekiel was the last to run over to see my picture, he yelled out, "I wanna see!" I decided I was tired of standing, agian, and sat back down.

Time was almost up and the hot tub didn't look too good, and I saw Courtney looking for something, then she walked up to me, "Have you seen the picture?" She questioned me. I just said no.

Not my fault if yeah lost it! Anyways, I compared the hot tubs being built by each team, ours didn't look good compared to theirs. Figures, because, you know, we're suppose to loose, and then Ezekiel says something insulting to us girls and he's out!

Cregg walked up to me, and interupted my deep thinking, "Hey, what was that one girl on your team looking for?" He asked. "First off, her name's Courtney, and secound off, it's a drawing of the hot tub," I corrected him, while answering his question. "Well have fun looking for it!" He waved, he walked off probably not caring.

Chris had arrived, and came to judge our hot tubs, he enspected the Screaming Gophers first, "This, is an awesome hot tub!" He smiled while throwing his hands up in the air.

Owen came out of it, um, ew? He was the one making the bubbles, wasn't he? Then Chris inspected ours, he tapped it and it squirted water in his face. I slipped in a comment, "maybe the hot tub doesn't like you?" What? I can be funny can't I?

It fell apart shortly after and got Chris' shoes wet. He just turned around, and began his speech of who was the winner, it was obviously, no other than, the Screaming Gophers.

They all cheered and I just looked around at my team, they all just looked down, exupt Courtney was starring at the team and their hot tub, a bit disapointed.

After Chris' lecture, Lindsay chatting about how they get to stay for another three days, and seeing Owen butt naked, we went to the dinning hall to eat some dinner. Which is when it happends.

The others were dicussing who they should vote off, Duncan says we should vote off the chickens of the bunch, and Courtney said to vote off Tyler.

"Noo!" Screamed Lindsay, the whole room went silent, good job blondie, made yourself look stupider...

"...I mean no sault, there's no sault on the table, bummer," Lindsay finished by putting her hands square on the table, while sitting back down.

"Hey at least he jumped off the clift chicken wing!" Duncan pointed out, good point there juvinail. "SHUT IT!" Yelled Courtney, then Geoff calmed us all down by saying, "ok, lets just chill out, this is getting way too heavy."

"I've had enough prison food for one day, I'm gonna go have a nap," Duncan ended by walking away. "Y-You can't do that! We haven't decided who's going yet!" Complained Courtney.

"Well I just don't get why we lost aye?" Started Ezekiel, oh boy, this isn't going to end well...

"They're the ones that have six girls!" Ezekiel thumbed over at the ladies with the front row seat. Eva and Bridgett got pretty pissed off and walked up to them, "What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgett glarred.

"Yeah homeschool, enlighten us!" Eva pounded her fist on the table. "Well guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are!" Ezekiel shrugged. Oh boy, this wont end too well...hehe, my sadistic humor is kicking in, this is kind of funny!

"Oh snap! He did not just say that!" Geoff face palmed, I would too hehe. "My dad told me to look out here for the girls aye? And help them in case if they can't keep up!"

Oh god, Eva picked him up by his neck, where's the popcorn? "Still think we need help keeping up?" Eva glarred up at him, Ezekiel was pretty shocked. "Uhn, not, really?"

"Ok, guys? Lets give him a break!" Geoff interupted, good call, for now, "I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls!" Umm, not a good think to add in Geoff...

"...but they are!" Ezekiel blew it, Eva was about to pound the living crap out of him. I decided to just...walk away...

I went to go throw away the rest of my bland food, and then I saw something in the trash, it was a piece of paper, fimilar to mine...

Wait, what? That's it? Before throwing away the food, I grabbed the piece of paper and traded it for the food. I unwrinkled it, it was the hot tub picture! But who would've done that?!

Sigh...oh well, it's too late to find out now, I'll just let it slip. I wondered outside and was slightly tired. And then began thinking; originally Noah and Trent were still in the water while Owen dived right? So why weren't they?

Maybe Cregg was trying to convince Owen to go before him? Which gave them time to get out of the water? That'd explain it! Maybe I should try befriending someone? That's kind of hard because the people I think I would get along with were on the other team, great.

All of a sudden, I walked into someone, I really need to stop day dreaming while walking. It was Noah, oh god, why do I always bump into this guy? I'm not sure...

"Umm, can I help you?" He turned around in a 180 degree angle facing me, I didn't know what to say, so I just meeped out a no. I wanted to walk away, but I felt that was a bit cold of me to do, so instead, we stood there, in an aquward silence, then he spoke, "So, how are the team mates treatin' yeah?"

Once agian, I heard sarcasm in every word that slipped out of his mouth. I shrugged, "dunno, but I bet the guy with no social skills is going home tonight." "Probably so," Noah smiled his usual cynical smile. Bleh, I wish to talk to someone else but hey, this is a start I guess.

I continued the conversation by asking, "So, I heard you're a genius? Right?"

"Yeah, and you're point?"

"What's your IQ?"

"Over 200..."

"Oh, that's cool!"

Crap, what do I say now? But then Noah asked me what my IQ was, I told him it was around 137. Which isn't really impressive, maybe for someone average, but not to a genius like him. He smiled anyways.

"Well, I guess I'll go now, before the Queen of snobs pulls me away," Noah smirked, he walked off with his book and I just decided to go somewhere else. Then I saw Ezekiel from a distance trying to flirt with the drama Queen herself.

"Go away you little freak!" Heather scowled at Ezekiel, or seriously? Does Ezekiel act like this around every girl? He's been like that espisally to Bridgett. Feel sorry for him though.

Soon enough, it was time to recieve our marshmellows, I could hear Duncan telling Ezekiel he had alot to learn about the real world, um yeah think?

"Killer Bass," began Chris, "At camp, marshmellows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire." He showed us the plate of fluffy sugary goodness, then continued on, "at this camp, marshmellows represent life!"

Geoff was streching, and Duncan was watching the tray of treats. Geoff tipped his hat at Bridgett and she giggled silently.

"You've all cast your votes and made you desicion, they're are only eleven marshmellows on this plate! When I call your name, come up and clame your marshmellow. The camper who does not recieve a marshmellow tonight, must imidiately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of loosers. That means, you're out of the contest! And you can't come back! Everr!" Explained Chris.

Hate to break it to yeah, but Eva and Izzy eventually come back, he lied. He began by giving Geoff, Tyler, Katie, Bridgett, DJ, Harold, Sadie, Duncan, and Courtney their marshmellows...wait a mintue...

Crap, why me?! I can't believe people voted for me! Why?! It's not like I messed up! Not cool!

"Campers, this is the final marshmellow of the evening," Chris began to get over dramatic about everything, I heard the dumb old music in the background, Chris was wiggling his finger, and then, he said it, he said...


Just kidding! He said I was safe instead! What a close one, I guess I do deserve going on the chopping block for being lazyish and also being framed for loosing the paper. It was probably someone fromt he other team right?

I went up to claim my marshmellow, and decided, meh, I'd eat it later. Who knows how old it is right? I'll probably just give it to Harold, I don't eat much in the first place!

"I can't say I'm shocked, I saw you picking your nose dude! Not cool!" Chris then went up to him and told him the dock of shame was that-a-way bro! He had his hands in his pocket, and was very upset. He walked away without saying another word. "The rest of you! Enjoy your marshmellows you're all safe," then Chris added, "for tonight!"

We walked away, and saw the other team having the time of their life. Meh, who needs a pool party right? I decided it was time for bed, I walked into the cabin with Bridgett and Eva, following behind were the twins. I decided now would be a good time to fully unpack. Wait, what did I pack in the first place? Well, only one way to find out...

My purse obviously had my usual art supplies, and then there was my suit case, and then my violin case. And the additional medium sized bag. I decided to savenger through the suit case, it had my clothes in there. Which left my bag, I opened it up...

Jack pot!

It had my spoiled eletric blanket and favorite purple pellow! Along with Waffles, my stuffed animal dog~! I set up the bed, and there was only one sheet, which was forest green. Lucky me! Got my eletric blanket, and there was an outlet beside me.

After making my bed, I decided to go hit the showers and get some rest. And so, after acomplishing those two tasks, I was ready for some more obstycles across the way...


awesome right? Comment if you like! :D
posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
Zanna: Welcome back last episode we missed three contestants welcome Brandee, Brad, and Gerald! Let’s start off with a challenge this week’s challenge is a song that’s about you! First is Avril
Avril gets up and sings I’m not a girl not yet a woman
Then it is Billy and Milley sing you are woman I am man
And then it is Brad sings Thank you
Then it is Brandee’s turn she sings No one
Then it is Camille sings with Nikki and Genie they sing Don’t cha to all
Then it is Gabby sings I’m the greatest star
Then it is Gage sings too sexy
Then it is Hadar sings Independent
Then it is Isabella sings eyes on me
Then it is Jack sings the way you make me feel
Then it is James sings Tell me baby tell me
Then it is Katherine sings that don’t impress me much
Then it is Kelly sings fergalious
Then it is Madison sings oops I did it again
Then it is Roxie sings Roxie
Then it is Zack bad to the bone
Zanna: You vote who deserves to go home
posted by DandC4evacute
Courtney: always speaks her mind and is really determined!
Bridgette: she's just so nice, really.
Lindsay: Her dumb-blondness is adorable!
Cody: adorkable. nuff said.
Trent: is a sweet guy.
Gwen: loved her in TDI
Noah: Fun-NY. nuff said.
Izzy: self explanatory
Katie: is really sweet. doesn't get enough screen time, though.
DJ: super nice. you have to like him.
Leshawna: outspoken.
Geoff: really laid-back.
Tyler: optimistic
Sierra: she's exactly like me! lol J.k. no it's her optimism.
Owen: such a sweet dude.
Beth: is SO nice.
Sadie: is like Katie.
Duncan: i like his care-free image.
Ezekiel: is determined
Eva: is AWESOME for girl-power!
Harold: i loved that he wrote a poem.
Justin: he was quiet in TDI
Heather: was AWESOME in TDWT
Alejandro: mostly funny.
posted by gothemo1234
chirs:hi everyone its me chirs from the host from total drama (harrit pushs him)
harrit:your not the host i am bitch
chirs:NO I AM
harrit:NO I AM
chirs:talk to the hand
(chirs and harrit fight and harrit wins)
harrit:ok lets just check out the campers kids hey look here comes beth's kid
gery:oh my god my mom said she meet u before your name is is is is
harrit:how about u just stand were your mom sand ok (gives him a creppy smile)
chirs:hey here comes dj's kid
harrit:(pushs him down)u stay down
continue reading...

lulu:see adrianne I HAVE BRAINS !!! especially being in my home land ..ENGLAND !! *sighs* i miss the way cody wouyld of stopped mr from screaming the second time ohh well i came preparde *takes out a chip butty* :P yummy its my grandads recipie for chips *is about to take a bite when chris walks threw the door*

Blaine: I vote annie end of story

Annie: Bye Bye Blaine!

kasey:who to vote who to vote okay so i,ll point to the picture with my eyes closed *points at a pic of ezekiel* wait... what

Jasper:*Sighs.* This Bites. So.. Uhm.. Sorry, Zeke. *Stamps Zeke.*

Jared: Bye Bye Blaine...
continue reading...
chris:now remember not 1 but 2 people will go home this time
duncan:come on
chris:round 1... 1 vote courtney
chris:1 vote duncan
duncan:as if im surprised
chris:2 votes courtney
chris:not 3 but 4 votes courtney & 3 for duncan
duncan:by bit...
chris:but wait duncan you go with her
duncan:thanks alot team
chris:*throws them both off*

plz put confessanails in comments

trent: Goin' down to south park gonna have myself a time!
ellen and gwen: Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation!
trent: goin' down to south park gonna leave my woes behind!
duncan: ample parking day or night, people spouting howdy neighbour!
trent: goin' down to south park gonna see if i cant unwind,
harlod: (muffled) i like girls with fat tittes, i like girls with big vaginas!
trent:come on down to south park, and meet some friends of mine.

lulu:i still love cody with all my heart and theres nothing anyone can change about that but im not sure how well im going to hold up this season on the bright side we havent lost yet which is fantastic sooooooo i may be phsyic but i dont know wat will happen in my futer an di can live with late ..just

Jasper:*Frowns.* Whos got to go? *Mutters.* I really hope it's not Duncan... *Sighs and stamps Alejandro.* Buenos Noches, Amigo.

Blaine: ugh we lost again dammit!! I am gonna have to sabotage tylers team, then make it look like its his fault then he is out of here.also I vote for...
continue reading...
posted by dxarmy423
*Theme song plays*

Chris: welcome to TD vs wild

Chris: last episode we saw kayla take the drop of shame into Ireland

Chris: In todays episode no body is going home but they dont know that HA

Chris: I love being evil

*In the Passenger hold*

Jessica: *looks out window* woah we going to the jungle

Cedric: I cant tell what jungle it is

Penny: *to cedric* oh why do you have to identify everything

Cedric: Cause I know everything

Penny: *giggles then smiles*

*In the mess hall*

Jake: *takes a drink of his soda* ugh

Ya'vanti: *to jake* something up dude

Jake: I just dont get why penny doesnt hang out with me as much...
continue reading...
posted by The_Kill
avan:im the better emo!

lucas:no im the better emo!

tak: stop it both of you plz,gawsh this is twilight all over again!

zoey:for the first time i agree with tak.

jordan:has anyone seen bridgette?

lexxi:uh jordan bridgette's gone remember?

jordan:oh right i knew that

jen:hi guys do you know wheres jordan?

lucas:uh yea he's right there?

lucas:uh jordan?

*he hides behind lexxi*

lexxi:um jordan shes looking for you

jordan:i know but im scared of her shes the stalker girlfriend i ever wanted until i got one!

zoey:don't you have ur own friends to talk to jen?

jen:no,but who needds friends when you got jordan!!eeeeee!!!!!

jen:*finds jordan and grabs him and hugs him*

mizzie:she's like sierra with cody

ray:i know


ray:you look alot like noah

xavier:i know cuz im his brother

ray and mizzie:we both love noah!!
xavier:uh i can let you see him

ray and mizzie:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ok!:D



rayven:ok then O_e

to be continued....

Ray: (not wearing necklace anymore) I should have remembered my silicon allergy...I'm voting off Buddy, because all he's doing is killing things.

Alejandro: It's hard to chose. Ether Ezekiel, Jordan, Draven, or Jared. I mean Ezekiel not cool at all so i might wanna keep him in to keep me in. Jordan is taking Bridgette from looking at me so he needs in. or no...... well than Draven is taking all my girls. and than Jared....... not usefule. Draven or Jared.

Jordan: *trys to open the vote box with a screw* I can't opan this. come on i need Jared off! *trys to open and he falls back...
continue reading...
chirs- ok children gather round, since duncan can't seem
to remember the words to Oh Holy Night we are gonna try a little shock
theripy, I'm gonna give one of you this cattle prod and if he forgets any
word just shock him a little. Who wants the prod?

Children-Me! me! Me! I wanna...

chirs-Here you go gwen why don't you take it

(music starts)

chirs- okay duncan whenever you're ready

duncan-And, Oh holy ni- (shock)Ow! Hey what was that for, I didn't
Screw up!

gwen-Ha Ha

chirs- No gwen you can't shock him unless he forget the words

gwen- Sorry Mr.mcclean

duncan- And, Oh holy night the stars are...
continue reading...
Ray: *laughing* I can't believe that Rochelle got locked in a cell! *starts laughing harder* that was halarious and none of us planned that.
Rochelle: *totaly Ticked off* That was so not funny!
Zoey: Well atleast we found her and got her out. She seemed ticked off once we got her out tho.
Storm: Mwa ha ha ha I have a special prank for Chris tonight.
*end of confessionals*
Rochelle: *screaming* GET ME OUT OF HERE!
Abby: Looks like we found her. *Abby walks over to the cell Rochelle is in*
Zoey: *walks over* Don't worry we'll get you out.......eventually.
Rochelle: WHAT DO YOU...
continue reading...
Jade: *wakes up* Hey guys what that noise?

Hollow: Go back to sleep! It's 12:00 at night!

Jade: But i heard something!

Jared: FINE! I'll go with you! *walks out of the cabin*

Katie: What are you guy's Doing out he- *Trips and falls on Chris* AHHH! CH-H-H-RIS IS DEAD!

Jared: What!?! *touches the blood* OH MY GOD! ITS REAL BLOOD!


Hollow: Im going to get something to eat *walks to the kitchen*

Jared: GUYS! CHRIS AND CHEF ARE DEAD! Wheres Hollow!?

Gabby: She went to get somoething to eat!

*AT the kitchen*

Hollow: MHHH Brownies! *start's eating them*

???: *hits her*

Hollow: HEY WHAT AR- AHHH!!...
continue reading...
*They set up the equiptment before Dusk*
Rochelle: Will you tell us the claims now?
Chris: Yes there are cold spots, wierd odors, apparitions, orbs, voices, sounds of people walking and many more surprises.
Jordan: when do we get to start?
Chris: right now.
Zoey: Come on we better get started with this.
*They walk to their meeting point*
Storm: This is going to be awesome we get to stay here all night!
Rochelle: Oh great lets just get this over with.
Abby: Let's go Lights out.
*They turn off all the lights and head back to meeting point*
Zoey: Anyone wanna go envestigate.
Rochelle: I'll go...
continue reading...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the preircing shop~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sue:Ok,wait here while I get my left boob pairced!Tiffany&Rachlle:Ew!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~Sue:Done!Now why did u guys wanna com?Rachelle:I want to be your friend!Tiffany:Me too!Sue:Ok,we all can be friends!*A fancy looking man comes in*The man:Good,day girls!Now to tell you the truth these past 3 hours since u known eachothe made me think that you 3 should be spies!All 3 girls:SPIES!The man:Indeed!You can call me double X!All 3 girls:Ok!Sue:But why us? double X:Because you girls fit the carrer!Come,join me in my limo for your first ever mission!All 3 girls:OK!Part 3:Deatroing all evil safe-houses coming soon!
posted by DannyLawson14
The time has come...

The lights are on...

Time for another TDI series...

Get ready for...


It's another TDI series with plenty of twists. A few surprises will be shocking, twisting, and more shocking.

Chris McClean is once again hosting. And now this time, 16 campers will be competing. They are...


Total Drama Hollywood! Rated PG. Coming soon to this website near you.
posted by CourtneyGirl
me: ok sorry i havent writen an artical in a wail becuase i was working on my art for a littel bit but i am back, and ready to write, p.s. rose35 is gwens littel sister, hope you enjoy.

(DJ out of his the truck and knocks on bridgettes front door)

Gwen: (mumbeling anrey jiberish to her self) vm dsjkgbbjgbskgjksgjkvx

(gwen opens the door to see a dressed and read to go DJ standing at the front door)

DJ: oh sorry where you guys still sleeping?

Gwen: uuhh yes what time is it?

DJ: 5:00

Gwen: why did you come to get us so erly?

DJ: well i thought if you guys where ready to go that i would take you...
continue reading...
posted by TOTALFan
We all sat down to eat some breakfast.
Luz was flirting with Billy, Flo and Trevor were talking and Andrea was loading her shotgun to go hunt.Everybody else was just eating.

Duncan:"Where's Gwen?"

Courtney:"Why are you so concerned?" She said as she glared at Duncan and folded her arms.

Duncan:"Courtney, chill.It's no big deal, she's my friend."

Courtney continued to glare:"Whatever."She got up and walked out of the tent.

Heather:"Nice duncan."

Duncan:"Be quiet or I'll make you."
Heather rolled her eyes.

Christy was moaning and holding her throat.

Lindsay:"What's wrong Christy?"

Christy:" just...
continue reading...
posted by potterandtdi
Chris: Welcome to Total Drama Hotel! Where we throw intense challenges at these suckers, I mean people. We're going to meet them right now!

*Kiyurie and Sumer arrive*

Kiyurie: Hi Chris. Is this where we're staying?

Chris: YEAH! Don't you see the sign?

*Chris points to sign that says,'WELCOME ALL SUCKERS'*

Kiyurie: Whatever

Chris: Hello Sumer

Sumer: Where is the horse camp?

Chris: Oh, yeah. I lied. Enjoy here.

Sumer: Fine

*Jared and Samie arrive*

Chris: Next is Jared and Samie

Jared: Hey Chris!

Chris: What's up Jared?

Jared: Nothing

Chris: And how are you Samie?

Samie: Where's the tattoo shop?

Chris: I lied....
continue reading...
*first day of school: Monday, August 26. Sunny Day*

Death: *getting put of car*
Death: Meh.
*start walking to school*
Death: Is this school any good?
Dawn: Yes, it's amazing!
Death: Really... what sitting group are you in?
Dawn: The Weirdos!
Death: Nice... I heard this kid named Ezikiel died here.
Dawn: Oh yeah... it was duiring bioligy last year.
Teacher: Now remember children, put the blue liquid and the pink liquid in together. Don't put the red liquid in!
Ezikiel: What are we supposed to do, eh?
Dawn: Put the blue liquid in with...
Ezikiel: *puts in red liquid by accident*...
continue reading...