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posted by nocofangirl218
Wow, we're on episode three already? Man does time fly! Anyway, I tried to keep your team requests unchanged, but I changed them just a bit. Most of the people who you wanted on your team are there if thats any consultation. Anyway, I hope you like episode three!

*It's 8:00, and everyone is still asleep, until...*

Crystal: *through PA* Good morning everyone. I gave you all some extra time to sleep because you have a very busy day ahead of you! So, get you butts out of bed, and meet me at craft-services. *intercom clicks off*

*all get up, get dressed, and go to craft-services*

Crystal: Hello everyone! :) I'm glad to see you all made it here this morning.

Destery: Well, we didn't have a choice. Now, intro please. :)

Crystal: -.- Of course... So, last time on Total Drama Rama, the teams rejoined and answered some questions about each other! There were right answers, wrong answers, and then there were Lindsey answers. In the end, the two who won the honor of being team leaders were Alex and Riley! Who will they choose to be on their team, and which team will win todays challenge? Find out now on...Total Drama Rama! *theme song plays* Are we good now Destery?

Destery: Yep, we're good. :)

Riley: *raises hand* Crystal, when are we going to form teams?

Alex: Yeah, I've been wanting to know that to. I already have someone I want on my team. *looks over at Gladys, and she blushes*

Crystal: We're getting to that, but first things first. So, get in line, and get your breakfast.

Riley: Can't we just skip it?

Crystal: No, no you can't. It's the most important meal of the day, and I won't have anybody missing it! Now get your butts in there and get your friggin' breakfast, or you don't get pie later! >:3

All: O.O *gets in line for breakfast*

-30 minutes later-

Crystal: Okay, just like last like last time, you all have an hour to eat. After that, the teams will be chosen, and we'll begin your first challenge.

Noah: This is t technically our third challenge though.

Crystal: -.- Yes, but you didn't need to one-up me like that. Anyway, please enjoy your eggs Jake made you. *starts to leave, but Jake then comes running into the room*

Jake: Wait Crystal! You need to try these! *hands her a plate of freshly made chocolate* It's my first time making choclate, and I wanted you to be the first to try them. :)

Crystal: Aw! Thanks Jake! *takes one, and shoves it in her mouth* Wow, these are good! For your first time, you did great! Could I take a few more?

Jake: :) Sure! *hands Crystal a handful*

Crystal: Thanks again Jake! :) *leaves tent*

Jake: *sends Griffon a smirk, and goes back to the kitchen*

Griffon: >:(


Griffon: Chocolates?! That can't possibly be fair! *sighs* Looks like I'm gonna have to get creative with this.

Jake: I know giving her chooclates probably wasn't the most fair move, but hey, like the old saying goes: all is fair in love and war. >:)

Crystal: *eats another choclate* Yummy... -u-

**end of confessionals**

Courtney: So Trent, who's team are you gonna be on?

Trent: No idea, but I hope it's with you. :)

Courtney: *blushes* Oh Trent, thats so sweet.

Duncan: Yeah Trent, thats so sweet! *makes kissy faces*

Trent: -.- Real mature dude.


Trent: Okay, I have no idea what I did to make these people to make them so ticked at me, but I hope they stop soon.

Duncan: Okay, I know I might've been a little harsh on Trent, but come on! It's just so fun to mess with him! Besides, I think it's hilarious he has a thing for Courtney. Who knew right?

**end of confessionals**

Gwen: *punches Duncan's arm* Give it a rest Duncan. You know you can be romantic sometimes to, you know.

Duncan: Like this? *kisses Gwen*

Gwen: *blushes* Yeah. Something like that. :)

-1 hour later-

Kate: *walks into craft-servecies* Good morning every one! Crystal said that the hour is up, and that it's time to pick teams.

Rikki: Are you always gonna be making anouncements's for Crystal?

Kate: ...yep. o3o

Rikki: Oh...

Kate: Yeah... So, if you all could please meet me outside after you throw away your trash, that'd be really snazzy!

*all throw away their trash, and go outside*

Kate: Okay, since Crystal's busy getting things ready for your next challenge, she told me I get to do to the team thing. So...I guesse we'll start with the person who got named team captin first. So, Riley, who do you pick?

Riley: I pick...Destery.

Destery: Alright! Thanks sis! *high-fives Riley*

Kate: Okay. Alex, your turn.

Alex: *smiles* Gladys.

Gladys: *blushes* Okay then, *goes and stands by Alex*

Kate: Okay, back to you Riley.

Riley: Um... *Destery whisperes a name to her* Rayla.

Rayla: *smiles* Sweet. *goes over and high-hives Destery*

Kate: Alex, you know the drill.

Alex: How about.....Izzy.

Izzy: Yahoo! *runs over to Alex and Gladys*

-15 minutes later-

Kate: Okay Riley, your team is: Destary, Rayla, Duncan, Gwen, Alejandro, Sierra, Mirra, Rae, Phoebe, Justin, Melody, Tyler, Eva, Robin, and Rikki. And Alex, your team is: Gladys, Izzy, Ezekiel, Noah, Cody, DJ, Katie, Star, Owen, Lindsey, Powdered Toast boy, Griffon, Courtney, and Trent. Now, I want you all to come up with a team name.

*both teams huddel up, and both teams finish at the same time*

Kate: Okay Riley, whats your team name?

Riley's tem: TEAM BACON HAWKS!

Kate: Cool, I love both bacon and hawks. Okay Alex, whats your team name?


Kate: Alright then. We have your team names! Now on with the challenge. Crystal has instructed me to take you all to studio 26, so lets get going.

*All go to studio 26. When they get there, they see Crystal standing outside*

Crystal: Hello teams. I'm glad your here, because it's time for todays challenge! :D Okay, so, since I've been whatching to a ton of music videos recently, I thought it'd be cool if you guys made one! Well, it's more of a play, but you get the picture..... Anyway, your teams first challenge is to choose a song, make a play for it, and decorte your stage. . Since this is a lot of work, I'm making you all pick singer's, builder's, and actors - to even out the work loud. All suplies are located in your stage area. If you notice, there are two stages here. Team Bacon Hawks gets right stage, and Team Explosions get left stage. You guys have one hour to get your song and plays ready. Your challenge begins...NOW!

*both teams run into the stage rooms*

-with team Bacon Hawks-

Riley: Okay, Crystal says we need singer's, builder's, and actor's. Plus, we need to pick a song and right a play for it. So...who's doing what?

Duncan: Well, me and pasty now about every song by "Blood on the dance dance floor". We could always be singer's and actor's.

Riley: Yeah, but...dosn't that seem over-done? I mean, you two are great and all, but I'm always seening a YouTube video of you two with some random rock song playing in the background. Lets think of something that will blow Crystal's mind! Something that no one has done before!

Melody: Hey, how about we do "Your loves my drug" by Ke$ha?

Riley: Um...alright, I'll bite. What do you have in mind?

Melody: Well, i was thinking we could have Duncan and Gwen act it out, and I could sing - with back-up's of course. We could build like a basmet setting, a bedroom setting, and all kinds of other places.

Riley: You know...I guess that could work. Anyone disagree?

Justin: *raies hand* Yeah, I do. I don't wanna be sining some lame girls song. Besides, I think we can do a little better than Ke$ha.

Melody: Nobody care what you think, Justin!

Justin: *smirks* Actually, I think you do. You care a lot about what I think of you.

Melody: *blushes* No I don't!

Justin: Yes you do. You just don't want to admite your madly in love with me.

Melody: I'm not in love with you!

Justin: Yes you are.

Melody: No I'm not!

Mirra: Hey, thats it! We'll sing "I won't say I'm in love" from the movie Hercules! We could have Mirra sing the main part, and a bunch of us girls could sing the other parts!

Riley: Oh my god, thats perfect! :) Okay, we're gonna need back-up singer's, and builder's!

Melody: I am not sining that!

Riley: Come on Melody! What could it possibly hurt?

Melody: *crosses her arms* Oh...fine, I'll do it, but only because we have no other options.

Riley: Cool. :) Okay people, lets start prouduction!


Melody: Okay, I have no idea why everyone says I like Justin. I mean, I know he's a model, but he's totally self-centered! I can't like a guy who only thinks about himself! I learned that lesson the hard way.

**end of confessionals**

-with team Explosions-

Alex: Alright people, we need to get a lot done in not a lot of time. So, I guess first things first, whats the song gonna be?

Cody: I know the song "Almost" by Bowling for Soup pretty well.

Noah: True, but Gwens not here. I'm sure the only reason you wanted to learm that song was so you could sing it to her.

Alex: Noah has a point there Cody.


Cody: Okay, just so you know, I didn't learn that whole song just so I could sing it to Gwen. That would would be plain stupid. Although...if I did, was is it really so wrong that I wanted to sing for her?

**end of confessionals**

Courtney: you know any other songs?

Cody: Well...I know a lot of songs by "American Hi-Fi". I could always sing something while someone else acts.

Alex: Alright then. What song do you know the most?

Cody: Well, I know "Message in a bottle" okay, but if I had to choose the one I knew best, it'd have to be..."Geeks get the girl".

Noah: You know, that dosn't suprise me a bit.

Alex: Who cares? Okay, we have a singer. Now we just need actors and builders. So, Cody, since you have any idea what we should do?

Cody: Well, I was thinking we could have one of the boys be trying to get one of girl - you now, like the song.

Alex: Okay then. So, who wants to be the main actress?

Katie: *raises hand* I could do it! I've always gotten good reveiws when I preformed in my school plays.

Alex: Alright, your in! Okay, so who wants to be the guy?

DJ: I could do it.

Alex: Sorry DJ, but the role calls for a geek, and...well, your not a geek. Noah, since Cody's already singing, would you like to be our geek?

Noah: Sure. I'd love to be labeled as your 'geek' for this performance.

Alex: Good. :) So, the rest of you will be on construction. We need a bar scene, a parking lot scene, and a bedroom scene. Okay people, lets get this thing ready!

-1 hour later-

Crystal: Alright team, the hour is up, annd it's time tp present to me and the guest judges: Kate and Chris!

Chris: It's great to be here Crystal! *turns to Kate* Hey, is it cool if you run and get me a coffee? I've been wanting one all morning!

Kate: *blushes, and gets a doopy grin* Sure Chris! *runs out of room*

Crystal: Okay, the first team up is...Team Bacon Hawk! An the song there perorming is *looks at paper* "I won't say I'm in love" from the Disney movie Hercules. Oh...okay then. Please begin!

*curtin opens up to Melody in a sparly red dress, and in a cave-like scenee*

Melody: If there's a prize for rotten judgement
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!

*music starts playing, and Mirra, Rayla, and Sierra come out on dresses similar to Melody's*

M, R, and S: Who'd 'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of

Melody: *crooses arms, and looks away* No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no

M, R, and S: You swoon, you sigh
why deny it, uh-oh

Melody: It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love

M, R, and S: Shado, shado, oh-oh-ohhhh

Melody: *unfolds arns, and starts walking in a random direction* I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out

M, R, and S: You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Baby, we're not buying
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got, got it bad

Melody: *crosses arma and looks away* No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no

M, R, and S: Give up, give in
Rayla: Check the grin you're in love

Melody: This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love

M, R, and S: You're doin flips read our lips
You're in love

Melody: You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it

M, R, and S: Girl, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love

Melody: Ohhhh,
At least out loud,
I won't say I'm in love

M, R, and S: Shado, shado, sha la-la la-laa

All: *sigh dreamily*

*the lights dim, and the curtin closes*

Crystal: That was interesting. The sining was good, but I think they needed more bachground's.

Chris: Yeah... So, lets go see the other team.

*both go to the east stage, and sit down*

Kate: *comes running in, carrying Chris's coffee* Here you go Chris!

Chris: Thanks Kate! *takes coffee from her, and Kate sits down next to Chris*

Crystal: Okay, the song team Explosion will be doing is...*looks at paper* "Geeks fet the girl"?! Oh my squash, I love that song! :) Okay, please begin!

*curtins open to Noah sitting at a bar, and Cody and the rest of Team Explosion off to the corner, but still visibe. The music then starts*

Cody: Another Friday night, to get the feeling right
At the bar when he sees her coming over
What you gonna do, if she walks up to you *Katie walks up to Noah*
Tongue tied better get yourself together
Pound another drink, to give him time to think *Noah qickly downs the liquid in his glass*
What's your sign hey I think you know a friend of mine
All the stupid lines, that he had ever heard
Wouldn't come to mind he couldn't say a word

All but Noah and Katie: Tonight tonight, he's gonna get it right
Even losers can get lucky sometimes
All the freaks go on a winning streak
In a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls

Cody: Got her holding steady, forget her name already
Sweatin' hard not a smooth operator *Noah wipes invisble sweat form his fore-head*
She's got it going on, dancing to her favorite song
He's got the line is it your place or mine
She turns and walks away, where did he go wrong? *Katie walks away, and Noah gets a sad look. The scenee changes to the parking lot*
But waiting by the car, she says what took you so long *Noah sees Katie by his car, and gets a supriesed expression. Katie then comes up, and pulls Noah onto a hug. The set dims, and the only thing visible is Cody and the others*

All but Noah and Katie: Tonight tonight, he's gonna get it right
Even losers can get lucky sometimes
All the freaks go on a winning streak
In a perfect world, all the geeks get the girls

*the lights brighten again, and the scenee opens with Noah sitting alone in a bed - bare chest exposed*

Cody: The very next day, he guessed she ran away
The one and only in his bed so lonely
But she comes walking in, with coffee and a grin *Katie walks in with a coffee mug and a smile*
Crazy as it seems, it wasn't just a dream *Noah gets a grin, and Katie comes over and gives him a kiss on the cheek*
And all around the world, people shout it out
The geeks got the girl

All but Noah and Katie: Last night he finally got it right
Even losers can get lucky sometimes
All the freaks go on a winning streak
Shout it all around the world 'cause the geeks get the girls

*Lights brighten, and the durtin closes, but quickly re-opens, and team Explosions are standing there*

Crystal: *stands up and claps* Bravo! I love the singing, and the story was very cute! Plus, the sceneery was beautiful!

Griffon: Thanks. I worked a long time getting the scenee just right.

Crystal: Well, I have to say, I'm very mpressed Griffon! :)


Griffon: So it may have not been the biggest thing I could've done, but at least I got to notice her me. Now, all need to do is keep up with Jake and I'll be golden.

**end of confessionals**

Chris: I have to agree. So, I think it's obvious who the winner is.

Crystal: Yes, yes it is. Okay teams, we've made our decision! *team Bacon Hawk joins team Explosion on stage* The winner of todays challenge is...Team Explosion!

Team Explosion: *all cheer*

Chris: That means Team Bacon Hawk will be sending two people home tonight.

Team Bacon Hawk: WHAT??!!

Crystal: That right, tonight we have a double elimination!

Riley: But thats not fair! It's only the first elimination!

Crystal: I know, but they usually vote off two people in the begining episodes. Alright, it's question time!

Kate: Hey, could I do the questions this time Crystal?

Crystal: Well, sure Kate! :D

Kate: Thanks Crystal! :) Okay, here are the questions! Will Trent ever not be picked on? Will Melody ever admit she's in love? And is Noah really a geek? Half of these questions and others will be answered next time on...Total Drama Rama!

So, how was it?

Okay, I know I didn't do that many confessionals this time, but I wanted to foucus on the challenge more. Anyway, the songs I used were "I won't say I'm in love" form the movie Hercules, and "Geeks get the girl" by American Hi-Fi. I hoped you liked them!

Thanks for reading,
(Bridgette's house 3:00 in the morning)

Bridgette: ummmmmmmmmmm Geoff?
Geoff: Yeah bridg?
Bridgette: There's something in the room.
Geoff: *youn* It might be the wind.
Bridgette: NO I CAN SEE IT!
Geoff: Then it's a rat. Go back to sleep.
Bridgette: It's much bigger then a rat.
Geoff: Then just don't worry about it. In the morning we got a new job so we got to b readdy.
Bridgette: It's comming closer. It's it's
Izzy: Hey guys!
Bridgette; It's Izzy?
Izzy: What's up?
Geoff: Izzy? how did u get in here?
Izzy: well, it's a long story!
Bridgette: Tell us!
Izzy: Well, it could scare you.
Geoff: Tell us.
Izzy: Ok to...
continue reading...
posted by TditdaCourtney
Time Skip
(2 months later)

It's been two months without Duncan.I have been dressing emo,I been getting bad grades.I hate my life without Duncan,I need Duncan in my life.Yesterday was the last day of school,now i'm on Summer Vacation.'UGH!Now I can't even look at Duncan because of stupid summer vacation'I thought to myself.I on my bed thinking about Duncan.I got up from the bed and went to my computer,I logged in to Aim.
(this Conversation is between Courtney and Bridgette)



Bridgette:Why are you acting so WEIRD?!

Courtney:Well Because.............ITS NONE OF YOUR...
continue reading...
I watched Muffins on youtube for the billionth time. My cellphone rang the song Bring Me to Life.

How can you see into my eyes, like open doors?
Leadiing you down into my core where i've become so numb?...
bring me to liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffe

I answered my phone. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey babe. It's me." said my boyfriend Tyler. "Hi honey! I got another call! Talk to you later!" I answer the other phone. "Hello?" It was Brianna. "Hey Nikki! Can I come over for a little while? Maybe watch a movie? Duncan! I'm on the phone! You could invite Tyler." I nod and say," Okay! See you later." I hang up the phone....
continue reading...
Haru Yuki Kyo: Black nikole?
NIkole: Listen, what if Kyo was in a girls uniform?
Kyo: Why me?!?!
Nikole: why not!
Kyo: why a oughta!
Kate: *giggles*
Nikole: now Momiji looks better in this. when he gets older he'll be able to were the boys uniform.
President: Ok i get momiji's story but i will not acsept that males uniform or that hair! *smirks*
Nikole: i can handle my own battles. thank you!
Haru: Fine!
Haru: *drags president...
continue reading...
posted by TdiFan4Everz
Chris: “Last Time On Total Drama Fanpop The Awake-A-Thon Took Out Most Of The Challengers Easily! The Whales One And Courtney Got Eliminated. What Will Happen Next Time? Find Out Now On Total Drama Fanpop!”
*Theme Song*
Chris: “Welcome Campers!”
Duncan: “How Could Courtney Get Eliminated That Fast?” *Looks At Dylan*
Dylan: “What?”
Theresa: *Chuckles* “Don’t Look At Him…..”
Dylan: “Theresa Standing Up For Me? Yayz!”
Duncan: “I Have No Idea.”
Theresa: “Don’t Mess With Me Or Dylan!”
*End Of Confessional*
Samantha: “What’s Out Challenge?”
Chris: “Meet...
continue reading...
posted by potterandtdi

"Are you almost done packing your bags Nat?" asked my uncle Hagrid. "Just one more thing uncle Hagrid!" I call. I pack a picture of my mom and dad getting married. I place it in the suitcase gently and walk to my uncle. "Hurry, you're going to have to be dropped off at professor Dumbledore's office. Miranda won't be there because she stayed at the leaky cauldron when she went to get her supplies. Now she's on the way back." Hagrid told me. I pet Fang goodbye," Bye Fang, I promise I'll visit with all my friends during the year." I walk out the door with uncle Hagrid and we start our walk to Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Another Part of Me” A poem by Total Drama Island’s Courtney;

“There’s another part of me
That you may not know.
Jumping, playing, running free
Love continues to grow.

You may think that I don’t care,
I hope you know you’re wrong.
Duncan, Duncan, please be fair,
Our love is true and strong.

I’m your Princess,
And I hope I always will be.
Even though, I do confess,
Love’s important to me.

Back then, I felt happiness
Every time we met.
Though now I don’t love you any less,
My love is mixed with regret.

But now it’s something different;
Which I don’t know about.
Every time, I feel resent;...
continue reading...
Continued: Episode 14: “One Million Bucks; BC”

(Yurie’s POV)
“ARE YOU CRAZY?! NO, I WILL DEFINITELY NOT wear that thing!!!” I shrieked.
Chris looked at me. “Just wear it, Yurie.”
I gritted my teeth. “Fine. But no way am I going to do this.”
“Fine. I was kidding. I love this. Yay, look at me, I’m knocking someone into a tar pit!”
“You mean you’re getting knocked INTO a tar pit,” Courtney glared at me.
“Speak for yourself.” I snapped. I wasn’t my usual self today, god knows why.
“I have to wear this?” I stared at the weird fur costume below me....
continue reading...
katherine:*OUT COLD* alex:lets leave her,we got
phil:ok,guys,lemme see in the TDS MANUAL! *LOOKS IN MANUAL* phil:ok,it says here that violet will problaby give permission to one of her friends
to use her sword,since she's weapon free! so we gottab get our knifes,and....... team:WHAT? phil:somebodys gotta take them,hope not to be
chewed,and kill kong from the inside.yuri,you go down the cliff and be look out,we dont need any surprises!alex,you watch my back,im going inside that damn baboon! yuri:your so brave,phil! phil:i know! *SQUIRRLES,MAKING A PLAN* violet:ok,since i wont use the sword,jacki,your the captain,for the day,i'll cover ya,and katherine,whell,im gonna go save her!*GOES OUTSIDE CAVE,GRABS KATHERINE AND DRAGS HER IN THE CAVE*
Courtney was in the bathroom, sitting on the closed toilet seat lid. Piles of soiled tissues laid in her lap, stained with black puddles of running mascara. Her high heels were laying on the floor. There was no point in wearing them anymore. Courtney sniffs and looks in the mirror.

So much for looking gorgeous, she thinks. Running mascara left black trails down her flushed cheeks. Her eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was running, and her hairline was wet with tears she had tried to wipe away but had only soaked into her hair. Courtney lets out a shaky breath as she re-lives what happened once...
continue reading...
It used to be so strange.
couldn't figure out my feelings for you.
i was good,you were bad,and it didnt match.
but they used to say,that you and me,meant to be but i wasnt sure,couldnt figure it out.

we were so different.
but i think im learning a lot from you.
it wasnt like this,wasnt like,when we first kissed.

it didn't use to be like this,wasn't always this tough.
always trying to get me to crawl back to you,but it wont work.
though i know,how much i love you.
but its not the same,not the same,oh,oh,oh,no.

i left,for a while,and you got so lonely.
so you,made a friend.
she was a lot like you.
i saw the...
continue reading...
Jumanji: i'm finally out of my cast
Phil: good, your gonna need it, meet me at the cementery for your challenge
at cementery
Phil: you will be battling on the top of those ston things up high, there in the sky those things
jumanji: *in grave of confetion* did i mention i've been a little afraid of hights since death throw me
Phil: jumanji and hollow
jumanji:*wobbling on top* wow *falls and knocks of hollow*
Phil: hollow, to the scardy car, next is summer and Aydan, here are your wips
Aydan: *wips with wip*
Summer: *falls off but grabs on to Aydan's wip and swings to her but accidentaly kicks her off* woohoo
Phil: Aydan you leave, next is Alex and Jackie
Alex: * hits jackie with a wip but misses* hiyaa
Jackie: *throws off Alex* alright
Phil: bye-bye Alex, the winners follow me to the casts dinner
Phil: who will go home who will come back who will betray find out next time on total drama the haunting
posted by Fangirl99
duncan: i can only go out with zoe or brooke cause we are on the same team.
zoe:CAn i date you first!
brooke:no i want to! *start fighting*
sumer:look, i like trent too, and hes on my team, sio ill be the bigger person and wait.
juno:well, okay, ill wait too. i got no choice.
duncan:so ill date brooke first
zoe:*flips off brooke*
brooke:*pushes zoe and leaves*
duncan/sumer/juno:okay then.
chris:well, thta a wrap. Tune in to see the challenge drama on TOTAL, DRAMA, HIGHSCHOOL!
lol the peeps who are here (fanfic ones)
lol the peeps who are here (fanfic ones)
Phil: now where back
Phil: evryone get back here your time is up
Chase: but we just started
Phil: i said one minute. Ghost go get your freind
Ghost: ok
Phil: each of you will be chased by one ghost. you could split up but to win your whole team has to get out.
Alex: what if all exept one gets out
Phil: you loose, now go
Phil: the victomes are now on the second floor
killer zombies: ahh!!!
Summer: why is this peverted ghost chasing us
Phil: didnt you hear me say hes part of the challenge, oh yeah and your right he is a perv
ghost: *starts crying*
Phil: well looks like you could win but... you still...
continue reading...
welcome to the dramatic campfire cerimony-Juno
please dont say it we are all tired-Brooke
fine geeze, then i will just trow them to you-Juno


im sorry Sumer and Jen but the bout of losers awaghts-Juno
SHUT THE *beeb* UP!-Sumer
*punches Sumer*-Ava
*attacks Ava, beats the crap outa her*-Sumer
i hope u learned your lesson, goodbye everyone-Sumer
*Sumer and Jen leave*
well tune in, turn on, and see what happens next time on TOTAL DRAMA REALITY!-Juno
posted by jadore_renard
She closed her suitcase, as she listened to the car engine sputter outside. Her knees were shaking as she opened her bedroom door.
    This may be the last time she'd ever be in this house. The one she grew up in, her home. She got ready to climb into the car. Looking back at her house, Courtney could see her mother standing on the step waiting for her to leave. The look on her face was almost unbearable. It was a look of disappointment, a look of disgust. She longed to see the face she knew. The one filled with love and warmth for her. She hadn't...
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Nadia: welcome back! ok here we are in this ceremony because we are goign to vote off someone! like u know one day u are in and the next one u are out!
ok lets start!if i say your name come here please...

and paola............................................................................................................................
sorry tylor that means your out....

taylor: oh well it was nice te be here
Evryone: bye tylor.....
ok Theresa, Summer your up-Juno
*chasses Summer with knife*-Theresa
AHHHHHHHHHH *runs*-Summer
*stabs Summer in the leg-Theresa
no duh-Theresa
ok Katie, Ava your up-Juno
*chases Ava with knife*-Katie
*flips Katie*-Ava
ok Ava wins-Juno
Andrea, Keira your up-Juno
ok what am i supposed to do when she comes at me with a knife again???-Keira
you run-Juno
ok Andrea wins-Juno
YAY I WIN!!!-Keira
no Keira you lost-Andrea
Jared, Andi your up-Juno
*chases Andi with knife*-Jared
*kicks knife outa Jareds...
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"Ok so that leaves Sumer and Juno for the deer(Screaming Gophers).And Vanessa and Brooke for the Killer Bass.Put theese on and keep theme on.Take them off,and we have our final three.(Get it?)So go!"

*Every deer runs off*
*Half way through the bush*
"Hey,Sumer."Said Juno."Uh,what do you want.?asked Sumer."Just gotta let you know that....YOU SUCK AND I HATE YOU!!"*Juno punches Sumer repeatdly over and over again while kicking her and screaming.*"Oh crap!I think i'm bleeding like crazy!"said Sumer."THINK?""Yes,i'm very light-headed now and AHHHHH!!"*Juno turns around to see a bear*"run!!!!"

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posted by bubblegum05
Running,running.I could feel my jeans close tightly around my legs as i tried to escape from the feeling.The rain was coming down hard and cold,just like them.But i couldn't out run the feeling.Chills sneaked up my back as i tried hard not to think about all my pain,and all my thoughts that were causing my head to nearly explode.Then i heard the thing that scared me the most.Shrieks.Pure blood-curdling screeches that made me stop.My eyes widened as i heard foot steps.My head pounding as i heard someone folowing me.I turn around and....

My scream could be...
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