Total Drama All-Stars Club
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Mal sprang up and out of bed. He looked around the room, not noticing anything. "Man. That was a weird dream." Mal said as he rubbed his head. He felt a strange bump on his head that hurt when he touched it. "Strange." Mal said with confusion. Mal looked around his room some more and noticed a gift box on his bed. Mal rolled his eyes, after spotting the gift. "Great Mike. Like I need a gift." Mal said with annoyance. He shifted to the end of his bed and untied a ribbon. Out of thin air another ghost appeared, this time looking like Manitoba Smith.

"I'm not a gift mate," the ghost began crossing his arms. "I'm a present, hence my name Ghost of Christmas Present." The Ghost explained, as a rim shot played in the background. Mal just shock his head. "Really." Mal said not amused with the pun. "Yes! Now it's time to take you to the Christmas of today." The Ghost of Christmas present said. He then held out two clouds in his hands. "So, where do you want to go first?" The Ghost of Christmas past asked. Mal noticed one led to the other personalities and one led to the outside world with Zoey and Cameron.

Mal rolled his eyes. "Anywhere." he said. The Ghost of Christmas Present raised his eyebrows, and threw one of the clouds on the ground, which sent him and Mal spinning into a room, almost falling over again, in the subconscious, where the other personalities were. "Do any of you actually know what you're doing with that magic?!" The Ghost of Christmas Present just shrugged. Mal looked around now noticing the other personalities in their debacle, and he began to chuckle. "OK. Now I believe you." Mal said after seeing Manitoba and Svetlana trying to get the candy cane off Vito's hair.

"Eh yo! You two beta be careful with my hair!" Vito warned. "What do you think we're doing, mate? Can't you see where trying here!" Manitoba replied. Manitoba and Svetlana tried their best to pull out the candy cane, but it was no use. They needed to find an alternative. Mal who was watching this all go down was still laughing his butt off.

"Really? You think this is funny?" The Ghost of Christmas Present asked with disgust. Mal nodded, while still watching the events play out in front of him. The Ghost of Christmas Present just rolled his eyes, now annoyed by Mal.

Chester, who left the room for a bit, came back with a jar in his hand. "Alright! I got the cure to your hair problem right here." Chester said, placing the jar down on the table. "What is it? Hair gel?" Vito asked. "Nope." Chester replied as he opened the jar. Manitoba recognized the smell immediately. "Chester, is that-" Manitoba started. Chester nodded. "Yep! It's peanut butter." Chester replied. Vito's eyes widen when he heard Chester say peanut butter. He immediately stood up and rushed to the corner of the room. "No! No way I'm letting you guys put that in my hair!"

Mal covered his mouth to hold his laughter in, while The Ghost of Christmas Present glared at him. "How is that funny, mate?" He asked, still annoyed. Mal wiped a tear from his eye. "Because... because... Vito only puts.. hair gel.. in his hair! Nothing else!" Mal replied laughing some more.

At this point, Manitoba has lassoed Vito and Svetlana was sitting on top of him to keep Vito from running away. "Stand still, and let me put some of this on you." Chester said holding a handful of peanut butter.

Vito continued to struggle, desperately trying to get away from anything that would make contact with his pristine hair, but Svetlana was strong, and Manitoba knew how to lasso down a kangaroo. "Come on guys! Why do ya have to do this to me?" Vito said still struggling. Chester eventually got close enough to Vito, and started spreading the peanut butter all throughout his hair. "You ninny! Back in my day, we used this to remove chewing gum from our hair." Chester complained, while trying his best rub the peanut butter on Vito's hair.

"Well blame Mal! He's the one who did this to me." Vito exclaimed. Mal smirked ate Vito. "Your welcome." Mal replied, even though Vito or any of the others couldn't here him. "Mal, do you get the point here?" The Ghost asked. Mal thought hard, but nothing came to mind. He just shrugged it off. "Nope." Mal said still smiling.

"Yeah. You know. I've neva seen Mal so not in ze Christmas Spirit." Svetlana said crossing her arms.

"I agree with you there, Sheila." Manitoba replied walking over to her.

"Ah. That reminds of me of a story a long long time ago." Chester said still doing Vito's hair, but not paying any attention to it. Svetlana and Manitoba looked at each other with curiosity, sighed, and they sat down. "Back when Mal was just a little whippersnapper, him and Mike loved Christmas." Chester said, remembering the past, still not paying attention on what he's doing with Vito's hair. After a few seconds of silence Vito, Manitoba, and Svetlana started laughing hysterically, not believing what Chester said. "I'm telling the truth!" Chester complained.

"Yeah right! And Svetlana had a huge crush on Mike before I came." Manitoba said still laughing. Svetlana stopped laughing, and her along with Chester and Vito, who looked and Manitoba weird, knowing what he said did really happen. Manitoba's laughter quickly died down. "He he. Um.. why did... why did y'all stop laughing?" Manitoba asked worryingly. "That didn't happen right?! Right?! Svetlana?" Manitoba looked at Svetlana, with eyes filled with fear. "Who vants coco? I do! Chester? Vito? Ok! I'll be back!" Svetlana said, before she dashed into the kitchen. Manitoba, who was now completely freaked out at this point quickly stands up and chases Svetlana into the kitchen. "Svetlana!" Manitoba cried.

Mal watches as Manitoba runs after Svetlana. Now worried about the two. "I can't believe that just happened. Maybe I should have told him." Mal said. The Ghost of Present glared at him again. "And what? Ruin his relationship with Svetlana?" The Ghost of Christmas Present asked. "Yes." Mal replied.

Due to Chester's distracted work, he realized he was holding a chunk of Vito's hair that was stuck to the candy cane. Chester's eyes widen, along with the Ghost of Christmas Present, while Mal was just laughing himself to tears. Chester stared at the slimy, sticky piece of hair, and hid it before Vito could find out what he's done. "Ok Vito. All finished! I'm just gonna go to sleep. See you tomorrow." Chester said hobbling off as fast as his noodle legs would take him. Vito watched as Chester exited the room in a hurry, which confused Vito. "Vhy are you so mad? I didn't do anyzing wrong!" Svetlana exclaimed, as she and Manitoba entered the room where Vito was. "I know, sheila! It's just-" Manitoba paused right as he noticed Vito's disheveled hair. "Yo! Is somethin funny?" Vito said glaring. "Nope! Nothing at all mate." Manitoba replied. Vito glared at the two, and walked off.

Mal was still laughing at this point. Everything he saw was just hilarious to him. That was until The Ghost of Christmas Present took out the other cloud. He grabbed Mal's arm, threw the cloud on the ground and yanked Mal through another portal. Mal and The Ghost of Christmas Present arrived at a new house Mal didn't recognize that well. "OK now where are we?" Mal asked, looking at the house.

"You see. I took ya to the present in Mike's head, and now the present out of his head. Currently we are at the house of Mike's girlfriend, Zoey." The Ghost Christmas Present explained. "Ok...." Mal said. Mal watched as Mike entered the house, and decided to peek in through the window to see what's going on. As Mal peeked through the window, Mal noticed Mike, Zoey, Gwen, and Cameron where all just sitting down. Cameron's arm was still in a cast, as well as a cane to walk around on. "What happened to Braniac's leg?" Mal asked.

"Ever since you pushed him off a cliff back at the finale, and had him swim in toxic waste, his foot became temporary paralyzed. " The Ghost of Christmas Present said.

"Well, if it's temporary, why is everyone worried about him?" Mal asked, watching as Mike and everyone else try to comfort Cameron.

"I mean, it's temporary unless he gets surgery, but neither Mike, nor his friends, nor his family have the money to afford it." The Ghost of Christmas Present explained. "Hey Cam. How is your leg?" Zoey asked.

"It's fine Zoey. Thank you all for taking care of me. I really appreciate it!" Cameron said graciously.

"Why can't Mike just use the million he got from All Stars?" Mal asked. "Problem is, Chris never actually gave him the case after winning it." The Ghost of Christmas Present replied.

"Don't worry Cam. We'll find a way to come up with the money." Gwen said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek. Cam smiled. As Mal was watching this, he started to have this weird feeling. Something he's never felt before. "What is this feeling? I don't like it!" Mal yelled at The Ghost of Christmas Present. "Guilt, Mal. It's guilt you are feeling." replied The Ghost of Christmas Present. Mal watched the events play out, then realized that he was supposed to feeling guilty. "Wait a minute. Am I supposed to feel guilty of this?" Mal asked.

"Why do you think I showed you two places of the Christmas of the present?" The Ghost of Christmas Present said.

"Listen. It's not my fault Chris didn't give Mike the money." Mal said starting his rant. "It's not even my fault that any of this happened!" Mal continued. The Ghost of Christmas Present glared at Mal. "Ok. Most of it." Mal said. The Ghost of Christmas Present continued to glare at Mal. "Alright! Most of it!" Mal pouted as he crossed his arms. The Ghost of Christmas Present nodded with approvement of Mal. "Ok. So I caused most of it, but I was I know this is what would happen?!" Mal exclaimed at The Ghost of Christmas Present. Mal stared at Mike and his friends. Mal started to accept this strange feeling he had, but that didn't mean he liked it. Mal was so distracted, that he didn't realize The Ghost of Christmas Present pulled another shovel out of thin air, just as the first ghost did.

"You know, Ghost of Christmas Present, I think I- " Mal began as he turned around, now noticing the shovel. "Oh sh-" Mal said before getting knocked out again.

Mal sprang up in his bed, and glanced around his room. Mal sighed with relief and rubbed his face. Mal was about to go back to sleep, but before his did, he felt some sort of fabric material. Someone was behind him.
Chapter 4 was hilarious! I love it. Just wait till chapter 5 when The Ghost of Christmas Future appears. See you later.
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added by popcorntwist
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added by Otaku_Girl4890
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added by zzElinzz
added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
Source: total drama wiki
added by Tdwtrockz
added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
added by zzElinzz
added by TDFan64
Source: TDFan64
added by totaldramafan4
Source: meee
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added by MeOwKiTtYkAtT
added by zzElinzz