The Winx Club Winx Club Role Play

Winxclubgirl202 posted on Nov 23, 2013 at 09:07PM
Who wants to role play?

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Level Of Transformation (fairy):
Pic (if possible)

The Winx Club 14 replies

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over a year ago lovebaltor said…
Name: Aina Varaska
Nickname: None
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Aina is very shy and barely talks to anyone. She has pretty bad social anxiety, and self-diagnosed herself with bi-polar disorder. This means she switches personalities drastically for no reason at all. She can be happy at one point, but then furious a minute later. She doesn't really know where she got this from, but she never talks to people due to it. She doesn't want to freak anyone out, so she usually spends most of her time in the library or music room.
Family: Cassiopeia (Mother), Algol (Father: Deceased) and Elvira (Older sister).
Power: Her voice and gamma rays. (omg 2 powerz wat) Lemme explain you a thing: So her mother had powers over her voice and sound. She could manipulate her voice to do whatever she wanted it to. She could either use it to grow plants and heal sick animals, or use it for manipulating into getting money from weary travelers. Aina inherited more of her mother's powers than her father's. Her father had powers over stars and galaxies, which can form powerful beams known as Gamma Ray Bursts. This is the small fraction Aina inherited.
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Canis Majoris
Level of Transformation: Magic Winx

History: Aina was born on a planet known as Gliese. It was a large world, but it was mostly covered with water. She lived there for only a year or two, before the entire planet was forced to evacuate, due to a nearby collision. Two galaxies had smashed into another, and although many people had tried to stop the cataclysmic event with magic, it was to no avail. The two cosmic bodies smashed into each other, the large galaxies black hole devouring the smaller one. From all this plasma, the black hole quickly began spewing streams of radiation from it's core; it killing all those in it's path. (Which is how Aina's father died; he being on the team to try and prevent this from happening) The stream was aimed towards a nearby solar system, but was predicted to his Gilese soon. (As the galaxy rotated) Aina and her remaining family were sent off to the planet Canis Majoris. There, she lived the rest of her live until the age of 16 when she found out she had powers. (The ones from her father) She was being bullied by a few kids due to her strange behavior, and she burned them with gamma rays from her eyes. Her mother was startled, but rather trilled her youngest daughter had at least acquired some magic from her father. She joined Alfea the following year, earning her Winx during her studies.

Hobbies: Reading, singing, stargazing and learning new things.
Other: She's obsessed with stars, and has a strange obsession with gems and precious crystals. She can also speak a few Earth languages fluently. (Finnish, Russian and Norwegian)
Picture: Here's Aina in her regular attire. Click on the picture for a better resoultion.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Aina Varaska
[b]Nickname:[/b] None
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
101musastella commented…
So beautiful <3 over a year ago
BlueColor commented…
Interesting character! over a year ago
lovebaltor commented…
Thanks girls :) over a year ago
over a year ago winxoxoclub said…
Name: Clair Buldier
Nickname: none
gender: Female
Personality: Clair is a quite, indipendant, And people call her an artistst, even though she thinks not. She reads alot, but she can only keep the cycle going on for 1 hour. She doesnt think she is THAT pretty, but of course, she is. So many people want to be her friend, but..... they are scared to tell her that!
Family: Little brother Tanner, mom Selinaia, dad Markus.
power: fairy of Books
whitch/fairy: fairy
Planet: Bluenote
level of transformation: Enchantix
history: Clair was born on the planet of Bluenote, A giant white glowing planet. After her birth, Bloom had been in her Enchantix, (in the movie of the movie of the secret of the lost kingdom,) When Sky pulled out the sword, it had effected Clair. She dropped from her parents hands and grew powers. Yet, Clair still doesnt know :P
Hobbies: She likes Drawing, Reading, Writing, Singing and Dancing.
other: She is toatally ubsessed with the Winx club
picture: sorry i dont wanna make 1.
over a year ago Winxclubgirl202 said…
Name: Blaira
Nickname: for some reason she's been called Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: She is a lot like her sister Bloom, but is a brave and great fighter. Blaira loves to draw and ride her horse named Twilight. Blaira loves her friends and sisters she looks up to her oldest sister Daphne.
Family: Marion (mother), Oritel (dad), older sisters Daphne and Bloom.
Power: fairy of warriors
Fairy!witch: fairy
Planet: Domino
Level Of Transformation: Enchantix
History: Princess Blaira was born on December 24th, and is the youngest of her two sisters. She doesn't know all about her history since no one told her what really happened to the planet and her family.
Hobbies: She loves riding, drawing, and reading.
Other: Blaira loves to sword fight and when she is not in her fairy form she uses her sword and has an outfit that resembles the one where her nickname Genesis comes from. And she is known to sometimes look and dress like a guy.


And other outfit, she also has her sword too
Name:  Blaira 
Nickname: for some reason she's been called Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: female
BlueColor commented…
I think I've seen the girl in the photo once, I just couldn't re-call her name. Gawd this is killing me. over a year ago
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
The guy's name is Genesis, he's from Final Fantasy VII over a year ago
over a year ago 101musastella said…
Name: Jadelyn Brooke
Nickname: Jade
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Jade is jealous, often insatiable, mean but sometimes nice to a lot of people. Her soft side is usually hidden and she doesn't like to show it much, but she sympathizes people very often. Jade is really hard to give compliments, but when someone does something wrong she would help. For her helping people is the best thing she can do, but when people are too dumbfounded to understand her explanation, she would just give up. But for her life isn't promised to be easy.
Family: Her power is air, and she can also create tornadoes and hurricanes. She sometimes uses her air power to make shields and barriers mostly to protect her friends and family then attacking, but when she attacks she makes giant hurricanes.
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Séphlore
Transformation level: Enchantix
History: Jade was born on the 19th of April on a planet called Séphlore. When she was 12 years old, both her parents left her on a planet called Örkas, where she learnt to do things without her parents; slowly growing mature. On her 15th birthday, her parents sent her back to Séphlore. There she was unfamiliar with the new situation, but her parents were happy to see she is has grown up. On the age of 16, she joined Alfea and earned her Magic Winx. When she was 17, she acquired her Enchantix by sacrificing herself to save a royal guard of Örkas during Summer.
Hobbies: Reading, learning and singing.
Other: Before Jade was sent to Örkas, when she was 6 years old she was sent to a mental hospital for having some issues. There she found out she was a fairy; which drove her obsessed with learning and singing. She can speak French very fluent, and it is unknown how.
Picture: Casual, all black + she has black leggings.

And before you go "hey dat pic is from a Wikia user named Stellamusa101 and she owns the character name and history", I am the user at Wikia who owns this photo and character.
last edited over a year ago
[b]Name:[/b] Jadelyn Brooke
[b]Nickname:[/b] Jade
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
BlueColor commented…
Mental hospital?? She was crazy?? That's the spirit!! over a year ago
101musastella commented…
Yay! Another "crazy-OC" fan :D over a year ago
nmdis commented…
lol so funny! Farhah you're amazingly funny over a year ago
101musastella commented…
Thanks xP over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Simple and to the point, Imma be Icy and I'll resume my old character Zakkalise (bottom right). Though I've tweaked her character a lot;

Name: Zakkalise (pronounced Zack-a-leese)

Age: 17

She's a Witch

Power: Ice & Gemstones (more so gems found on frozen planets).

Birthday; December 12th 1996

Personality: She's a loner, very mysterious. If people get to know her, she's a tomboy and definitely more humors. She loves sarcasm and is quite a master of sass. She is really manipulative, cunning, sneaky and isn't very trust worthy, but when you earn her loyalty you have it forever. *See flaws for more*

Looks (Witch form): Her hair is now braided and has silver snowflky like sparkles with a diamond and sapphire crown. And her skin is slightly sparkly. She has silver and dark blue (almost black) blue sparkly eye shadow and lipstick. Her shirt is Black and dark blue and sparkles with studded spaghetti straps and a studded hem. It has a matching long V-slit skirt with a studded black belt. The boots she wears are a darker shade of blue with more studs and belt buckles at the top and little snowpuffs dangling off the sides. She has a skull choker with dark blue gems.

Looks (Non-witch): She has long platinum blond hair with pink blue and orange highlights. She has Crystal blue eyes and pale skin. She wears a midnight blue t-shirt with a diamond made snowflake, and those pants with the skirt over them. Much like her witch form she has the studded belt. The pants are baggy and the skirt is navy blue with a cotton puff at the bottom left corner. Her gym shoes are a matalic silver. And the classical studded brackets and choker.

Flaws: She has strange obsessions with lamas, buttons, stickers, and bubble wrap, this leads to many embarrassing situations. She may or may not be bi-polar she has yet to check into this. She's impatient, short-tempered, and immature.

Any thing else:She was a realm champion figure skater. She specializes in potions class. Her pet peeve is when people think they are better than her. She loves the scent spearmint. Ice blue is her favorite color.

Family: Her father (Warren) killed his wife (is this allowed in you fic?) so she is left without a mom. Because of this Zakkalise ran away. She was then taken in by a cult of witches and sent off to cloud tower
Simple and to the point, Imma be Icy and I'll resume my old character Zakkalise (bottom right). Thoug
BlueColor commented…
Did you make the drawing? It's so pretty! over a year ago
lovebaltor commented…
No, a user name Elie_Star did; she's really talented :) Yay! Zakkalise! <3 over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Thanks :) over a year ago
over a year ago BlueColor said…
If I may ask would you make a club for this role-play?

Name: Rochelle (pronounced Ru-shell)
Nickname: Roch
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: I can't believe I'm doing this, but--Rochelle is a ditzy and scatterbrained character. She always take compliments as offense, such as when people say "You're funny" she'd say "What's that supposed to mean?!". Her smartness is possibly just 30%, her ditziness is 60% and dumbness 10%.
Family: Trixie (younger sister, 15), Robert (father), Alice (mother).
Power: She can create and manipulate water.
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Tessux
Level of transformation: Magic Winx
History: Rochelle was born on June 22nd to the pair Robert and Alice. When she was 12-years old, she was the smartest girl at her planet, which makes her parents really proud of her. She received her powers at the age of 13, granted to be water. She practiced how to use her powers, and were neglected by her parents when she failed to use her powers wisely. Her mother, Alice was perplexed to see Rochelle becoming ditzy and dumb sooner and sooner, but Rochelle was suddenly focused and good at using her water powers. When she was 16, she gained her Magic Winx and currently she studies at Alfea.
Hobbies: Reading, exercising.
Other: She usually expresses her feelings by drawing or writing something on her diary.
Picture: Sorry, I don't have one.
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
If someone wants to make a banner for it and icon i will over a year ago
101musastella commented…
*raises hand* I'll volunteer to make the banner and icon over a year ago
over a year ago Winxclubgirl202 said…
The role play will start later on today
over a year ago 101musastella said…
Okay, so who will start? (Btw, I'll make the roleplay's club icon and banner..if you don't mind making the club)
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
I'll start with making a topic for Alfea, CloudTower, Red Fountain, and Magix City. over a year ago
over a year ago Winxclubgirl202 said…
Oh and one more thing, does anyone want to be Valtor?
lovebaltor commented…
I could play him :D over a year ago
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
Sure, you can be him :) over a year ago
over a year ago 101musastella said…
link RP club
over a year ago nmdis said…
can I join? I know I am late. I will submit my entry 5 hours later when I'll be back from school.
101musastella commented…
We have a club =) link over a year ago
over a year ago zikkiforever said…
Can I join too?So sorry. If I can here is my form...

Name: Ashley Smith
Nickname: Ash
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: A fiery,hot tempered,sarcastic girl. Easily annoyed and is loud. Very annoying. She is not mean ,but can be offensive at times. Ash is not one to care about fashion and she does her own things really. Though she can be a very girly girly at heart
Family: Born on 20th January 1996 to Lauren and Jackson Smith. Ashley has a younger 11 year old sister called Melissa. Melissa always gets on Ashley's last nerve and is the total opposite of Ashley. Her dad is very overprotective and her mum always tries to make her more polite.
Power: Crystals and gems
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Crystink
Level Of Transformation (fairy): Enchantix
History: Ashely been a fairy all of her life...
Pic (if possible)

Sorry School I wills finish of later
101musastella commented…
We have a club =) link over a year ago
Winxclubgirl202 commented…
Welcome to the club :) over a year ago
zikkiforever commented…
^joined a while back. over a year ago
over a year ago zikkiforever said…
Can I join too?So sorry. If I can here is my form...

Name: Ashley Smith
Nickname: Ash
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: A fiery,hot tempered,sarcastic girl. Easily annoyed and is loud. Very annoying. She is not mean ,but can be offensive at times. Ash is not one to care about fashion and she does her own things really. Though she can be a very girly girly at heart
Family: Born on 20th January 1996 to Lauren and Jackson Smith. Ashley has a younger 11 year old sister called Melissa. Melissa always gets on Ashley's last nerve and is the total opposite of Ashley. Her dad is very overprotective and her mum always tries to make her more polite.
Power: Crystals and gems
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Crystink
Level Of Transformation (fairy): Enchantix
History: Ashely been a fairy all of her life. She never exactly was one big on the good goody fairy take happily ever after stories. Ash preferred scary and never wanted this. When she was 13 her parents revealed she was a fairy where as her mum and dad was witches. Retreating to the Magix area,Ashley went to discover more on fairies and very quickly gained new transformations At 15 she earner her magic winx. Only two weeks ago she earned eh enchantix. At the moment she is dating a red fountain boys-Daniel and she studies at Alfea against her parents wishes. Her parents wish for her to become a witch ,but it is impossible to change your given powers.
Hobbies: singing,writing,drawing.
Other: She dates and has a pet hamster called Keke
Pic (if possible) this pic is not mine. It is one I found online. The picture is her in magic winx form

Can I join too?So sorry. If I can here is my form...

Name: Ashley Smith
Nickname: Ash
Age: 17
zikkiforever commented…
Sorry about like 3 forms!My computer is playing up. The one below is the form I am submitting. That picture above and the info is a bit different because she is a character I use on another site over a year ago
over a year ago zikkiforever said…
Can I join too?So sorry. If I can here is my form...

Name: Ashley Smith
Nickname: Ash
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: A fiery,hot tempered,sarcastic girl. Easily annoyed and is loud. Very annoying. She is not mean ,but can be offensive at times. Ash is very girly and love slink though ,which is usually a surprise to many people because of her attitude.
Family: Born on 20th January 1996 to Lauren and Jackson Smith. Ashley has a younger 11 year old sister called Melissa. Melissa always gets on Ashley's last nerve and is the total opposite of Ashley. Her dad is very overprotective and her mum always tries to make her more polite.
Power: Crystals and gems
Fairy/Witch: Fairy
Planet: Crystink
Level Of Transformation (fairy): Charmix
History: Ashely been a fairy all of her life. She never exactly was one big on the good goody fairy take happily ever after stories. Ash preferred scary and never wanted this. When she was 13 her parents revealed she was a fairy where as her mum and dad was witches. Retreating to the Magix area,Ashley went to discover more on fairies and very quickly gained new transformations At 15 she earner her magic winx. A few months back she got her Charmix. Soon she will be on her enchantix people think . At the moment she is dating a red fountain boys-Daniel and she studies at Alfea against her parents wishes. Her parents wish for her to become a witch ,but it is impossible to change your given powers.
Hobbies: singing,writing,drawing.
Other: She dates and has a pet hamster called Keke
Pic (if possible)
Can I join too?So sorry. If I can here is my form... 

Name: Ashley Smith 
Nickname: Ash 