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Flora’s POV

“I’m glad you accept.” Helia said as he swung me around then set me back down on the ground.
“How’d you think about doing that.” I asked while looking back up at him.
“I...actually came up with the idea.” Janessa said while rubbing her head.
“The time that Icy started irritating your relationship she tore you guys apart,” She said
I remember what happened after the incident at the mall and how I snapped at him.
“You two getting remarried would be perfect to start new and put all of that stuff behind you.” She said. I walked over and hugged her.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Don’t mention it.”
“We should all start planning tomorrow for now I think we should celebrate Flora being back with us, and the return of Helia and Stormy.” Brandon suggested.
“Agreed!” We all said in unision.


They all decided to tidy up the palace, while Icy was there she tossed some things around and left the place a mess. Then after that they had some free time and decided to play some board games. Flora was sitting next to her husband leaning on his shoulder. She looked at him in the eyes and noticed something. His eyes weren’t the beautiful they usually were, now they were a smoky grey. She ignored it. They were all having fun, why ruin it? Stella gave Stormy a new wardrobe and a makeover so she herself could start fresh and Flora welcomed her and Janessa to stay in the palace with them and they happily accepted. And they were all happy things were back to the way they were before and Icy wouldn’t mess with them again.
They eventually all got ready for bed and went to sleep. Helia fell asleep with Flora the same way they did the day before Flora left 9 months ago.

Helia’s POV

Someone started shaking me and I tried to ignore them before they slapped me hard and I whipped my head at them. It was Janessa.
“What’re you doing?” I asked.
“It’s important.” She whispered.
I look at her and she seriously looked concerned about something so I get up and make sure not to make too much noise and we went out on the balcony.
“What is it?” I whisper.
“Did Icy spell you or something, while Flora was gone?” She asked.
“I dunno, but she spelled me before Flora left. Why?”
“Because it sure as hell shows.” She said while handing me a mirror.
I look in the mirror and I see that my eyes were grey and my hair was grey and had a smoke appearance.
“Please tell me you told her about this.” She asked.
I shook my head.
She walked over and hit me on my shoulder.
“How could you not have told her?! You’ve been together for what? 5, 6 years?” She yelled.
“Shhhhh” I warn.
“I’m sorry, but by now you should have told her this by now.” She said.
“I know,” I sigh.
Silence passes.
“Do you want to tell her now?”
“Might as well.”
Janessa walked back in to wake Flora up and bring her outside.

Flora’s POV

Janessa came over and woke me up and waved me to come outside on the balcony. I followed her and saw Helia outside. I immediately noticed something different in his appearance.
“I have something I need to tell you.” He said while sitting down in one of the chairs.
I sat down next to him and Janessa leaned against a wall.
He held both of my hands in his
“Look into my eyes.” He asked. I looked into them and saw how the moons light reflected off of them so beautifully.
“I hope you won’t look at me any differently then now because I love you, with all my heart.” He said.
“I love you too.” I say back.
He sighed.
“Janessa and I were… both born with a curse that no one knew about at first.” He looked over at Janessa.
“We were both born as enemras. Which are creatures of smoke and vapour.” She said.
“We didn’t find out until I was both 10 and she was 12, we found out at an awful time.”
He started start to tear up and Janessa came over and rubbed his back with tears in her eyes as well.
“We couldn’t do a thing about it.” He sobbed.
I was scared to think of what could’ve happened.
“We were making smore’s and us being close to the fire made it grow bigger but no one noticed until it got to our parents when they went to go put it out. There was nothing we could do. Our grandparents had finally realized we were cursed kids and I was mad no one told us before. They told us we could use our powers for fighting. They actually forced Janessa to go but I ran away, which is why I was a pacifist. And as I got older it showed more through my appearance like it is now. When I met Krystal she helped me get my normal appearance back and that’s why we became friends. Whatever Icy did to me before you left must’ve broken her spell. And is why I look the way I do now.”
I nod my head.
“And that’s why I was a little frightened to see Janessa earlier, in fear that somehow it would’ve happened to you.”
His story made me tear up too. That must be why he never talked about her sister or his past at all. It’s so sad. I never would’ve expected him to have such a tragic past. I hugged him tightly then I looked him in the eyes.
“Helia, I don’t care what or who you or your sister are. I will still love you with every ounce of my body.” I say.
“That’s why you were worth fighting for. I love you.” He said before we kissed.
“I love you too.” I said.
“And I’m sure I can use some of my magic to turn you back.” I added.
He smiled at me before I did the spell and just like that he was back to his old appearance.
“Thank you Flora.” He said.
Janessa yawned.
“We should get back to bed, there is lot’s of planning to be done tomorrow.” Janessa said before opening the door.
We all went in, and went back to sleep.


They all woke up and started planning for the wedding for Flora and Helia.
Stella started designing.
Flora, Helia, and Janessa did the invitations.
The adoptive and biological parents looked for a location.
Ryan, Calypso, Shawna, and the rest helped where they were needed.
After Helia, Flora, and Janessa finished the invitations they went off to do different things. Flora went to critique Stella’s designs and dragged Janessa along with him. Helia decided he would go outside and work on his own little surprise for Flora to be said at the reception.


The actual wedding went as smooth as the first one. It was the reception that would go differently. We were sitting at the table talking to each other looking out to everyone before I thought it was time to say what I wanted to say. I was a bit nervous because I thought it was cheesy, but I still wanted to say it. I had too. I poured my heart and soul into this speech, there was no going back on this now. I stood up and everyone almost immediately stopped talking and looked up at me. I took a deep breath.
“Good afternoon.”
“Good afternoon.” they all said back.
“It’s uh...It’s been a long 9 months for some of us. And I wanted to say something for Flora” I say while looking down at her. She stood up and we looked at each other. I held her hands in mine and looked her in her eyes. Musa started playing on on the piano and all eyes were on us.
“When Icy forced you to leave the palace I...I didn’t know what I would do. My life without you in it would be nothing. The day you left and she spelled me and I went out I was sad I didn’t get to say goodbye to you again. But when you kissed me and I opened my eyes and I saw yours right in front of me I was happy. When you said you would always find me I felt our connection grow stronger and I never want to come close to losing you again, or vice versa. I love you Flora, with all of my heart and that will never change.” I finished right before we kissed again. Everyone applauded. I knew this time, nothing would get in the way of our relationship again.

And nothing did get in the way of their relationship. If anything, Icy made their relationship stronger than ever. And that was something Flora and Helia would thank Icy for. Stormy and Tecna bonded and Stormy was given a chance to redeem herself and she remained on the side of good and they all started calling her by her real name, Cristabel. Flora and Helia had decided to have a baby. And of course since it was a girl, they named her Miele.
Flora's Wedding dress
Flora's Wedding dress
Flora's Hair
Flora's Hair
posted by winxoxoclub
Belle trotted around and around until she felt nausea in her stomach. Then she remembered that there was a shiny silver like point stuck out from the wall. Belle figured that if she had ran into it, it would prove her bravery. Belle charged. Then she felt a stab in the front of her head and got knocked out. The last thing she heard was: "Belle! Belle are you oka..."

Once Belle woke up she clearly knew she didn't get her wings. She just felt this terrible aching in the top of her head and every once and a while she would see small drops of red liquid drip from her head. Soon Bloom brought Belle...
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posted by zanhar1
Okay so on fanfiction I've gotten 5 requests to continue my fic based on Within Temptation's The Promise. As you know this was supposed to be a one-shot, but 5 requests...I couldn't ignore them! Anyhow for those of you who don't remember this one was the fic about Icy and Raven; link if you wanted to read/re-read it.

Two months prior:

The day was a chilly one in downtown Magix, trees adorned with leaves of the most brilliant gold and vibrant orange--a twinge of red here and there. It was on this day, sitting outside of an ice cream parlor as she waited for Raven that Icy met Flora. The girl seemed...
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I've got nothing to say. But if you ask me why it's called Séphlore, I don't really know. The name just pop out of my head last Friday on November 15, 2013. I was originally going to name it Yarxaar or Paelös; but they sound quite boring. In the end, I chose Séphlore. In this chapter, there's no point-of-view.

The Book of Séphlore; Part 1~

Flora was anxious. She still couldn't get a decision. Her hands were beginning to sweat as she took out the red gem out of her pocket; looking at it. Flora sighed. She put the red gem back into her pocket. She paused for a moment.

Her rage was out of control....
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Author's Note: So this is my first attempt at a song-fic. (With the lyrics included) This fan-fiction is going to be about the Trix, and the song I'm basing this off of is of the same title by the band Blackthorn. I hope you like it.

"Suddenly, one sultry night, the moon burst into fragments. Broken by unrelenting sharp-clawed hand from nowhere…"

"When the screams of a thousand years are finally heard, and the terror of the night erases day. When the moons up above are consumed by shadow, then the flames down below...
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posted by florajames
hi guyes it florajames here well I have lots of debates here so im going to exsened the compation tto November 22 ok so let me just reminde you what you have to do
the compation is to wright an adventure flora and helia story and ill pick the winner and the prize is I will copy it and post it to be publish and I will take pictors of the published story and you will receve a copy signed by me and the publisher so enjoy and thanx for helping me with my family problems I realy apecate it thanx you so much
posted by Princess-Flora
---------------------------Stella’s p.o.v----------------------------------
It was our final month of school this month was the most nerve wracking with graduation, prom and another one of us turning 18. Also since we took all of our exams last month we were waiting for the results of the test to post seeing if we got to spend the rest of our high school days living our lives or spending them in the classrooms until you passed that test so you could walk across the stage the same day as your friends. Luckily when they were posted the second week of May which was 2 weeks before graduation and...
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"no you carnt kick me out of the winx i may be a goody goody but i do know how to fight" said flora crying
"no you dont and we can kick you out so come on girls lets kill her"said bloom
"tick tock gose the clock floras end is one stop tick toc gose the clock come on girls kill her "said all
"attack"said all running towards here
"what no arrrrrr" flora was...
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posted by Princess-Flora
---------------------------------------------------------Riven’s p.o.v-------------------------------------------------------------
It was February which meant Nationals for High school cheerleading. The three of us captains were pretty nervous but Flora was the most since this was our last Nationals together and if we win it would be 20 straight wins for the Alfea Red Fountain Warriors. I think that was bugging her; but then again she was pretty good at keeping secrets; however, nationals never did bug her in our 7 years of being a part of the squad. Maybe I didn’t know her as well as I...
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posted by Princess-Flora
-----------Sky's p.o.v-------
School was starting next week and I was spending the last week of summer with my best friend, his sisters, and his older brother at their family's beach house. I was excited and it was nice to see Flora again, because the twins are like my own little sisters. So as the week went by we each learned something new about each other. For example the twins finish each others sentences and they are amazing surfers; also Aaron is a pretty good chef unlike me who manages to make a bowl of cereal look unappealing. As each day went on we actually were excited about school...
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Chapter 1 : Were do I Belong
    Have you ever felt like you don’t belong? I have. Have ever felt like there something out there that you are meet to do that’s so important be you don’t know what it is? I have. I know its weird to fell this way but I do and I have know idea why. WHY. What a strong word like why did that magical thing happen to me that ever special day in the park when everything change for good or for evil. Well that’s what you choose.

    “Hey mom?” Eclipse said from her bedroom door.
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posted by CyD12

Lisa: hey Raven! we are going to Magix
Raven: (reading) good for you
Nova: wanna come?
Raven: not really...I have something else to do
Buuke: oh come on Raven! it will be fun!
Angelina: yeah! and the boys will be there too!
Buuke: I change my mind! it wont be fun!
Raven: well I wont change my mind! (keeps reading)
Artemis: I think you should go Raven!
Raven: but I wont!
Gwen: just for this time Raven! just go and have fun for once!
Alexandra: yeah! dont you get bored of reading and meditating?
Raven: actually I dont
Agnes: just for today please!
Raven: If I say yes you will leave me alone?...
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added by FrozenQueen
posted by Princess-Flora
I want to say Meeka for helping me with this chapter.

Flora’s friends said goodbye to her because as of right not Eric was said to be the killer. The police were trying to find him since he escaped a week ago, so no one questioned that he was the one that did it. Everyone was extremely upset at the even whether it was for acting purposes or they were legitimately upset. The funeral was sweet and short. The goodbye was long and hard, but they found a way to make it through it.

Later that night the Winx all went home after staying at the grave site three hours longer than the rest. The five got...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
added by Princess-Flora
Source: Princess-Flora
Selina was never one to listen to the rules, mostly because she usually got out of the accepting the consequences. At a certain point the girl decided that she was above the law.

And it was this that lead her into ignoring Griffin's warning; "The Legendarium is a powerful book. It is not to be reckoned with. Once or twice is okay, but don't overuse it."

Naturally this only inspired her to use it more and more and for the pettiest of reasons. What would Griffin do anyways? Try to steal it?

Selina scoffed at the thought as she placed her hand on the book, set to summon up a creature strong enough...
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Previous Chapter:


The interview went okay, I was asked a bunch of questions and the interviewers said they would 'analyse' my answers. Whatever that means? So that means I'm stuck in my flat just watching, waiting not for anything in particular though. Well, except the call of course, ha-ha, yeah. I needed entertaining so I Googled "love at first sight" and a whole bunch of things came up (I've gotten to grips with this 'Google' not that hard to comprehend.) People believing and not believing in it so I guess that didn't do much. Not like I like this guy or anything, I saw him once and he...
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Previous Chapters:


I've never been much of a rebel really. I'm quite obedient and will follow instructions if given. Going against my parents was a big thing to do; well to me anyway, I don't like those who disrespect their parents. I have a reason this time, anyway before I left Solaria my rebelness if that's a word increased and I found myself being more me, maybe since I was brought up to think and act like a princess I was brainwashed into thinking a certain way.

I have been pushed around and I accepted it because I thought that's how my parents were supposed to treat...
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Bloom: I Want My Tears Back Flora: Amaranthe Stella: Nemo Layla: Phantom of the Opera Musa: End of All Hope Roxy: Bye Bye Beautiful
winx club
season 4