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Tecna’s POV

We all immediately jumped up when we heard the scream. We saw Flora was not in the room with. It had to be her then.
We all had the look on our faces that said let’s go.
And with that we started running towards the door. But were stopped by the sudden appearance of Stormy
“Ah ah ah. I don’t think so.” Stormy said while pushing them back with her magic.
“What are you doing here?” Stella asked.
“Keeping you from your friend. Icy has to do her prepping with her.”
“Why do you trix have beef with Flora anyway, what’d she ever do to you?” Bloom asked furious.
“That’s none of your business.” She responded.
I have a mini flashback of the paper last night and seeing myself with a shocked face then I look back at Stormy. Whether she’s Stormy or not she’s my sister. And I’m not going to let her do something she doesn’t need to do. I need to get through to her. I need to break her somehow. To listen.
“We’re transforming.” Aisha says while starting to glow but I stop her.
“Don’t.” I say while stepping up. I know what to say. Or at least I hope I do.
“Why do you work for her?” I ask.
“Excuse me?” She snaps.
“Why do you work for Icy. uses doesn’t care about you. She only cares for herself.”
“Unless you want to be shocked I suggest you shut up.” She snaps while stomping her foot ahead of her other foot.
“Unless you want to be trash in seconds I suggest you listen to me.”
I saw her eyes widen. I put a serious look on my face.
“You do all these things and for what? You do it for her. And what does she do it for? Just to ruin a simple life.”
“I couldn’t care less about your friends life. And besides you don’t know what my life was like. You wouldn’t understand.”
“You lost your sister.” I say. Finally remembering how we were separated. She unfolds her arms and looks at me with a serious and shocked face.
“You were going home from a baseball game. And you went to get ice cream afterwards. And you got lost and couldn’t find your family. And from your point of view you probably thought they didn’t care about you and were angry.” I pull the paper and held it in my hands and walk to her.
“Cristabel London Ira.” I said while handing her the paper. She took it and read it. She looked at me with a shocked face.
“I am.”
She drops the paper and hugs me. And I hug her back.
“I can’t express how sorry I am Tecna.” She says through her tears.
“It’s okay. just help us get to Flora..” I say. She let’s me go And opens the door.
“You get into Miele’s room and help Flora I’ll take care of Darcy with the specialists.” She say before going into the room the specialists are in. I nod and we run over to Miele’s room.
“What was that Tecna?””
“I’ll explain later.” I quickly respond and we bust into Miele’s Room.

Flora’s POV

I see Miele turned into an ice statue and Icy standing next to her scratching the ice.
“I was hoping you would get here soon. I’ve been waiting.” She say while flicking some flaky ice off of her hand.
“You leave Miele out of this, she hasn’t done a thing to you!”
“Who cares? Someone you love and wouldn’t let anything happen to no matter what.” She says while taking some steps to me. The specialists run in and start to process what is going on. Tecna asks where Stormy is and Timmy replies she just disappeared. A wave of sadness comes over her before she and the rest of the group is iced to the wall.
Icy encases me in ice up to my elbows.
“You’ve made this too easy my dear.” She say while holding up her right hand up showing her fingers to be icicles. She smirks before grabbing my arm and sinking her icicle nails into it. Piercing skin I scream as she forces them to go deeper. Until she stops. And then I feel something worse. My powers being taken. What feels like the life being sucked right out of me and into her. And I’m growing weaker by the second while she’s becoming stronger. She stops and pulls her hand out and feels the last surge of power course through her. She get’s rid of the ice around me and I just fall to the ground. Not having the strength to do anything, but lie here.
“My my Flora, I have to say you’ve been hiding what you’re capable of with these powers of yours.” She says.
I lie here unresponsive.
“LEAVE HER ALONE!!” I hear them all yell.
“Oh shush. Like I’ll ever listen to you pathetic little things.”
“I’ll show you true power she said while walking over to Miele. But was stopped when someone came flying through the big window on the right and landed on her. It was Stormy. I don’t know if it’s a trick or if it’s reality. But either way it’s helpful. They start fighting but Icy easily wins by the advantage of my powers and forced made some of Miele’s Plants grow around her. And now her focus was mainly on Stormy.
“You traitor! How could you side with her?” She asked.
She was about to say something but Icy stopped her.
“You know what, I don’t give a shit. You’re on their side now you’re an enemy.” She yelled quickly.
“You don’t care about me, You don’t care about either of us. You only care about yourself. You only used us as backup.” Stormy shot at her. Icy turned the side of her head and looked at Stormy out of the corner of her eye. She laughed as she went to lean on Miele’s shoulder.
“You’re just noticing that? I didn’t know you were so stupid Stormy. Of course I never cared, I want it all to myself. I don’t want to share victory, with anyone! I want all the power to myself! And now I’ve won what I wanted. I’ve destroyed a pathetic life and now it’s time for the fatality she said while walking over to a Frozen Miele. She unfroze her and watched her fall to the floor. She still had strength, more than me for sure I can see her looking at me, her eyes say it all.
Help me.
And that sparks a fire in me I need to help her. So I think of someone who keeps me strong, who supports me. The Winx and specialists, Ryan, Calypso, Shawna, Miele herself. I try to get on my knees, it’s hard but I keep trying, for them, for her.
“You will all get a front row ticket to witness what true power is.” Icy says. She holds up her Right hand and it shows to be covered in ice.
But I see Stormy fiddling. Trying to get out.

Stormy’s POV

Tecna was right, Icy never did care and that makes me want her to fail even more than now. I know what she’s going to do to that poor kid. She told us before we came here. Her plan was set and it was working. I’m not going to let her win though, not after what she said, not without trying to stop her. I can’t get out of these roots, but I still have my magic. Flora’s trying to get up but I can tell she won’t be quick enough and probably only get herself killed in the process. The rest of them are iced to the wall and can’t offer any help. The only thing I can do is put myself in Miele’s place. I start using my magic and it works I switched places with Miele. Icy turns around and without hesitation sticks her Ice covered hand into my stomach. Probably my spleen. And freezes it then crushes it. She pulls her hand out and forms an ice ball and smashes it in the side of my head, definitely crushing my skull. I fall over due to impact. I hear Tecna yelling. It hurts. I just found my sister. After 15 years of pain and feeling unloved I found her, only to leave again, for good this time.
Icy bends down next to me.
“I knew you were going to do that Stormy. And I cannot and will not let your sudden change at heart go unpunished. If only you had sticked with the plan and not change this wouldn’t have had to ha-”
“I...I…don’t care. I… sacri...ficed myself for a good reason. She doesn’t deserve this. She didn’t do anything.” I say with my soft voice with some pauses.
“Like I care! Look at you, you’re dying because you went to the good side.[/i]
I laugh a little.
“That’s what you think.. I died because I found the light. I found what I had been looking for for 15 years… My sister. And I didn’t want someone elses little sister to die because you fail to realize what I see. So Icy my last words to you...Fuck you.”

Flora’s POV

I can’t believe Stormy sacrificed her life to help me and save Miele. I wish I could’ve prevented it. But I am still confused. Who is her sister? I don’t think it really matters anymore since Icy is again walking over to Miele. She better not do what I think she’s going to do.
“Since my first attempt was interrupted I shall try again. And since you saw the first option I’ll throw a new one at you. Just for the Lynphean Princess. She said while looking at me I’m getting up and I start walking over to her rather slow and tripping on my feet still being weak. But she stops me and puts a spell on me that makes me unable to move.
“I don’t think so. I want you to enjoy the show.” She says while turning to Miele.
“Please don’t do this Icy.” I say with tears already streaming down my face.
She laughs as she turns to face my sister who is trying to crawl away. But she grabbed her and made her stand up. She formed a dagger in her hand made out of ice and lied it on the ground. Then she turned and started walking over to me. She put her hands on my shoulder. She turned into a cold wind. And the wind went in me through my nose.

Helia’s POV

They weren’t her movements. She hesitated every step she took. Miele tried to get through to her as she knew what was happening. She backed up up to the wall as the Icy was too powerful and she had no control over herself. She made her close up on Miele picking up the ice dagger along the way.
“Your death has been determined.” She said. Both of their voices were mashed together so it was distorted. And when she got close enough to Miele She grabbed her leg and used her elbow to smash Miele’s knee in. Miele screamed. She took her other leg and used the dagger and stabbed her calf multiple times.
I’m crying for her. She doesn’t want to do this. And when Icy finishes Flora’s going to be a mess. Worst than ever before. She grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the corner and pushed her a little Before turning the dagger into a Staff and stabbing into her back. You could hear the bones crack clear across the room.
She stood over Miele laying on the ground grabbing her legs. She turned Miele onto her back with a smile on her face. As she stared at the the injured girl on the ground with her all blue eyes. She grabbed Miele’s arm tightly and started freezing it then she stood up and stomped on her arm crushing the icy parts. She backed up and Icy came out of Flora on the other side of Miele with her arms folded with a smile on her face nodding with satisfaction

Flora’s POV

I cover my hands over my mouth at what Icy just made me do. I drop down onto my knees with tears in my eyes. I Pick Miele up and hold her in my arms. I see her chest still moving. And I’m happy for that, but sad at the same time. She’s living through the pain.
“Miele..” I say while clutching her tighter to me and closing my eyes letting tears fall.
“F...lora.” She says.
I open my eyes and look at her looking at me with her eyes showing obvious pain.
“No matter what...Happens. Promise won’t lose yourself. Don’t… don’t do bad things. Do not kill her. ” She says with a very voice.
I nod.
“And stay strong.”
“I love you Miele.” I say through my tears.
“Yo también te quiero, Flora.” She responded with a single tear rolling down her cheek as she let her head go slowly back and closed her eyes for one last time. I took my necklace off and put it around her and planted a kiss on her forehead.
“Ugh! Are you done yet?” Icy gagged.
I glare up at her with my tear stained face.
“Shut up Icy!” I yell.
“Oh but I have good news for you. Well it’s kind of good.” She adds.
I don’t say anything because I honestly after the deaths of today. I don’t want to hear anything she has to say to me.
“I’m not interested.” I say while turning my head.
She starts using her magic to do something. And it turns out she’s making Miele’s plant spiral up around me and holding me upside down. Me not having any magic couldn’t make the plant stop. My face the same height as hers off the ground.
“See I want to cut you some slack but you’re making it really hard.” She says while slowly approaching me.
“You’re leaving!” She says excitedly while clapping her hands.
“Excuse me?”
“You see Flora. I’ve figured you out. The best way to break you the way I want to. You aren’t able to ‘function’ without your precious friends.”
“You aren’t able to do anything without them.” she said while looking back at the winx then back at me.
“And basically I want you gone. And I want the Lynphea Princess title.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I want to try my absolute very best to drive this planet to an Icy hell. And I don’t want you here getting into my head while doing so. So you’re leaving.”
“And why would I just up n’ leave after what happened moments ago? Let alone leave you in charge of this planet.”
“I was hoping you’d say that.” She took away the ice holding Helia and made another vine bring him to her. She crouched down and put her hands at his throat. In a few seconds he clutched his throat and started making gagging noise as if he was choking.. And I saw his throat start to turn blue.
“If you don’t I’ll kill the next best thing.” She said with a smirk on her face.
“No! Please, I…”
I sigh.
“I’ll leave.” I say.
“Good.” She said while taking her hand away from his throat. He gasped for air and coughed some. Icy made the vines let me go.
“I will however give you a day so you can pack and whatever.” I’ll be back this time tomorrow she said. I looked up at her.
“Until then, have a wonderful day.” She said then laughed and she froze herself to a statue and then disappeared when it broke.
The ice on the winx and specialists broke and they all came running over to me. Helia came and hugged and kissed me. I stuffed my head in his chest and started bawling.
“She killed her!” I yell even though my voice is being muffled by his shirt.
I killed her.”
“Flora no. That’s not what happened.” Bloom said.
“She possessed you. You couldn’t have done anything about it.” Helia said.
I took my head out of his wet shirt.
“Either way she’s gone.” I say while sniffiling.
Tecna was crying too. As much as me.
“I lost my sister today too.” She said. Everyone realized what she meant.
“Affirmative.” Stella said referring to the glimpse of the paper she saw last night before they went to sleep. Tecna nodded towards her. I wipe my tears while standing up.
“I’d at least like to put her in a coffin. Could you help, we can put Stormy in one too.”
“Of course.” They said while walking over to the two deceased people.

Half of them carried Miele, and the other half carried Stormy. They went down to the basement and they had coffins down there.
Flora explained that there were coffins for each of the royal family members in the castle and one extra for a friend or if one of the other coffins had problems with it. They all cried a while longer in the basement and said some things. Flora was the first one to go upstairs. They all let her go and decided to just chill out in the living room. After about an hour Helia decided he would go upstairs to check on Flora.

Helia’s POV

I walk upstairs to her bedroom and walk in. I don’t see her where I expected to see her, lying on the bed her front facing the wall away from the door. She isn’t in the room at all so I assume she’s out on her balcony but she’s not there either. I hope this doesn’t mean what I think it means. If she left I’m going to feel like I’m to blame that it was all my fault for not comforting her. I go off looking in all the rooms and I finally find her on Miele’s balcony. She was sitting on a 2 person chair swing. She was looking out into the woods with a blank expression on her face holding a picture in her hand still kind of teary eyed and listening to music with earbuds. I walk over and sit next to her. She looks at me then back at the woods. She takes out her earbuds.
“Hi.” I say.
“Hi.” She said back. Her voice was extremely low I could barely hear her sitting right next to her.
“I...I’m sorry about today.”
She takes a deep breath.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault. Don’t be sorry.” She says projecting her voice a little bit. She was taking this surprisingly a bit better than I thought she would. I put my arm around her sitting closer to her.
“Miele told be to not lose myself, and to stay strong. I’m going to do exactly that. It’s the only thing I can do.” She says.
I smile at that.
She lies her head on my shoulder.
“I love you Helia.” She says.
“I love you too Flora.”
I decide to sit with her. I don’t want to leave her side, not after today so far. In 5 minutes I realize that she had fallen asleep while on my shoulder. I lie my head on top of hers and fall asleep too.
I wake up when she starts moving significantly. I lifted my head and yawned. She yawned and stretched. It was about 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
She also saw a photo on her phone of us sleeping together in the same position.
“Did you do this?” She asked.
“Nope, I fell asleep shortly after you did. Probably one of the winx.” I say.
“Agreed.” She responded while standing up and stretching, then she started walking back in.
I quickly stood up and followed.
“What’cha doing now?”
“Going to pack, wanna help?”
I had already forgotten about her leaving first thing tomorrow. She would’ve given the princess title to Icy, so she can turn Lynphea into an Icy hell and have Flora suffer by herself with no one to help her.
“Sure, I guess.”
She hands me clothes and I put them in her suitcase. We talk about little things in the process and in approximately 30 minutes we were finished.
I closed to suitcase while she went and grabbed some toiletries. She put them in the front pouch.
“Let’s go see what the rest of them are doing.” She said while walking over to the door.


The winx and specialists were down stairs playing a game. It looked like Tecna and Timmy were going head to head in a game of battleship. I could see him sweating from the staircase. He must be losing.
“There you two are. I was wondering what you were doing.” Stella said while winking at Bloom. Who was giggling.
“I know you took the picture Stella.” Flora said while sitting next to her.
“Okay you got me. But it was so cute.”
“Dang it another hit, you win!.” Timmy yelled. The winx clapped.
“A ha, I’m so good at this game. Good game Timmy” She said while hugging him.
“So what do you guys want to do?” Brandon asked.
“I don’t know.” Flora responded.
“Maybe we could go out for lunch, we haven’t eaten anything yet.” Flora suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.” Stella cheered.
And with that they all took showers and put on regular clothes and then started heading out to a cafe.

Helia’s POV

I held Flora’s hand and walked right next to her. I look at her and smiled, and she smiled back. But when I looked into her eyes, something seemed wrong. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it but there was something up with her. She let go of my hand and I pulled out my phone. I sent a text to all the winx and specialists asking if they suspected something of her too. I didn’t want to say it aloud because she might hear me. I turned and looked at them and they all nodded. I turned my head back looking forward. But I looked at Flora out of the corner of my eye.
What is going on?
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