The Winx Club Club
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I am soooooooo sorry about late update! I was just too lazy to write this chapter, but now it is ready! So enjoy!

Do We Ever See Her Again?

Chapter 9: The Day To Never Forget

* Riven POV *

A woman in front of us pulled her hood over her head, and revealed her face. At first I almost did not recognize her, but then my eyes hit her deep green eyes. I know only one woman who has a deep green eyes like that. But surely she can not be her... She can't be the woman we were looking for the six years...
But she is... It is Flora!

*Helia POV *

When a mysterious woman pulled her hood over her head and was face to face to us, I almost passed out from the shock. In front of me stood a long time ago disappeared, the woman I love. A woman standing in front of us was the one and only, my girlfriend Flora!
I was in shock when I realized it was her. Six long years, and now finally my waiting is finally over!

"Flora ... You're back ..." I said in a faint voice. Flora nodded with a smile on her face. I closed my eyes. My head began spin. Suddenly my legs felt weak under me, and I fell backwards to the ground. Just when I hit the ground, I heard my friends shouting my name. Then I passed out.

* Timmy POV *

I looked at the Helia when he fainted. Poor man... Must have been a shock to see his loved one after six years. I sighed and walked over to Helia with others.

*Helia POV *
I woke up when I felt the cold water hitting my face. I kept my eyes still closed, and I listened to my friends talk.

"Did it work? Is he awake?"

"Yes. He is awake. Thank you Aisha. "

"No problem, Flo."

I shivered a bit and coughed when a drop of water leaked down into my open mouth. I blinked my eyes. The first thing I saw was a beautiful, dark green eyes, which I have always loved. Flora sat on her knees next to my head. I looked around. Aisha was standing behind Flora. Musa and Tecna were standing next to Aisha. Bloom was also on her knees, but on the left side of my head. Stella stood next to Bloom. The boys were standing further away from me and the girls.

"What... what happened?" I asked, confused.

"You passed out when you recognized me." Flora said and smiled sweetly at me. My eyes widened.

"Oh, yeah. You came back." I said. My head began to spin again.

"Do not even think about going to pass out again." Bloom said, and made ​​a small flame with her powers. She showed it to me and grinned evilly. I swallowed loudly and smiled nervously.

"What, me? Surely I would never even dream of fainting again... Eh heh... Please, do not burn me! " I said nervously and braced myself with my hands. Everyone started laughing at me. Bloom suppressed the flame and helped me stand with Flora.

"Do not worry, I will not hurt you." Bloom said. I sighed with relief and shook the dust, leaves and sticks out of my clothes.

"So ... What are we going to do now? " I asked the others.

"What if you two, Flora and you, would you go for a walk in the woods? There you could catch up with each other. In the meantime, while you are walking, we would stay here and talk. When you come back, Flora can tell the men a reason for her runaway. How's that sound? " Stella suggested. Everybody nodded.

"Fine with me." Flora said. I nodded.

"I am not complaining either." I and Flora were just starting to leave until Bloom grabbed Flora's hand and whispered something to her. However, I did not heard what she said to her.

"Flora, tell him your reasons why you left. You should also tell that he is Sophie's father. He has a right to know. But be prepared for the worst. He may not take the news well."

"I'll tell him, do not worry. "

"Good. Now go. "

Flora nodded to Bloom. Then Bloom pushed Flora to me.

"Shall we?" I asked her, looking at her. She nodded and smiled. I looked ahead and smiled. Then we slowly started to walk deeper into the forest.

* Flora POV *

We walked deeper into the forest in silence. Neither of us had said anything. Then Helia broke the silence.

"So... How have you been?"

"I'm all right. You? " I replied, looking at him.

"I've been fine." Then we continued to walk, the discussing about everything.

"Did you have any new boyfriends while you were away?" Helia asked. I stopped and looked him in to the eyes.

"What did you said?" I asked. I was not sure if I heard correctly. Did he ask just that if I had had other boyfriends in that six-year-long time?

"You heard me. Did you have new boyfriends while you were away? " I looked Helia shocked.

"Of course not. Why would you even think about that? " Helia sighed.

"I'm sorry. I just ... I just figured that if you left because me. I was afraid that you do not like me anymore, and wanted to see other people." Helia confessed. I took his hand and looked him into the eyes again.

"Helia, I could never do anything like that. There was another reason because I left. But what about you? Did you had any other girlfriends during this time? I wouldn't be surprised if you had. After all, who could not resist you? " I said with a smile.

"Thank you Flora. And no. I didn't had other girlfriends. I love you too much to be with any other girl." Helia said.

"Aww... Thank you for Helia. You're so sweet. " I said and hugged him. Strangely, Helia didn't hug me back.

"Helia, honey. What's wrong? " I asked with concern. He mumbled something but I could not figure out what.

"What did you say? I could not ... "I said to Helia.

"How could you?" He asked bitterly. I was amazed.

"What are you talking about? How could I what? " I asked, confused.

"How could you just leave? Without telling anyone? Do you even know how worried we boys were when the girls came and told that you were missing? Do you even know what a difficult time for those six years were to me?" Helia yelled angrily.

"Do you know how hard those six years were to ME?" I said bitterly back to helia.

"To you? Don't make me laugh. You probably just enjoyed your life out there somewhere, when we tried to found you! "Helia said. I sighed angrily.

"I did not! I took care of my child, alone! You do even know how hard it is ?! " I shouted angrily. Then my eyes widened from the shock. "What I to just said !?" I covered my mouth with my hand and quickly took few steps backward, scared.

"I... I..." I turned around and started to walk quickly away from Helia. Tears flowed from my eyes. Behind me Helia yelled my name, but I did not care about it, so I kept walking.

Then Helia grabbed me around my waist. He turned me around and wipe my tears away. Then he kissed my lips.

"Flora, what did you said? You have a child?" He asked as he pulled me closer to his body.

"No Helia. WE have a child. Helia, you are a father. You're father of little girl." I said with a smile. Helia lifted me into the air and spun me.

"This is wonderful! I've always wanted to be a father." He said, and set me down. He kissed me again. We walked a little further to the fallen tree trunks and sat to talk.

"So Flora, could you tell me something about her?" Helia asked. I laughed at his curiosity.

"Well, her full name is Sofia Ashlyn Odette, shortly Sophie, and she's 5, soon 6-year-old. She has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. She is very helpful and kind, even though she is very shy. When I and she were living in a small house, she took his task to help me as much as possible, in a very young age. Her favorite food is chicken noodles, and also vanilla ice cream. Honestly, she probably would never stop eating vanilla ice cream, if I don't deny it! But shortly, she is the girl who is out there with the others. "I told about her to Helia.

"So she's my daughter... But what happened to her? He had ties all over her body." He asked worriedly.

"Well, when we came yesterday to Alfea, The Trix came at a moment later, and we fought against them. During the battle they imprisoned me in the ice, and were ready to strike, but Sophie took a attack for me. The spell broke her left arm. In addition, she received many bruises and scratches. She also had an mild concussion, but nothing else. " I explained it to Helia. I didn't told him about the cardiac arrest, because I do not want to worry him too much.

"Terrific. Is she okay? "Helia asked. I nodded. Helia looked at his watch.

"I think we should leave. The others are probably starting to get worried soon. " I nodded.

"Let's go." We rose up from the tree trunks and started to walk along the path back to the others. Soon we were on the edge of the forest. Just before we got out of the forest, Helia stopped me.

"Flora...would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow?" I smiled.

"I would love to go with you!" I said, and pressed a light kiss on the Helia's lips. Helia grinned.

"Alright, come tomorrow to the White Lily Café at five o'clock in the afternoon. All right?"

"Yeah, it is okay. Come on, let's go to the others. " I said and dragged Helia with me to the others.

I quickly explained my reasons for my runaway to the boys. They took it really quite well. They just hugged me and told me that they had missed me. Gosh, even Riven gave me a hug! It started to get dark so we all left, we women to Alfea, and men to Helia's apartment in Magix.

* Next Day, 5 PM, White Lily Café, no one POV*

Helia sat on a white table in a cafe waiting for Flora. Helia came to the cafe for a little time ago, so he was waiting for his date. He had bought a coffee and a doughnut, so he was just drinking a coffee in the Flora entered. Helia almost spit his coffee out of his mouth when he saw Flora. She had a pink summer dress with flower prints on it. (AN. It is Flora's season 4 civilian outfit, that pink dress.) Her hair was in a high ponytail, and she had sunglasses on eyes. When he saw Helia, she smiled and took off her sunglasses. She walked to Helia and sat down across him. Helia handed her a cup of still hot tea that he had ordered for her.

"You look beautiful." Helia said, and landed his the coffee cup down.

"Thank you. You look handsome. " Flora said, and smiled. They began to talk, but they didn't saw a person who followed their efforts from outside, trough the window which was near them.

... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

A couple of hours had passed, until Flora and Helia left from a café. They walked toward a nearby park. They went to sit on a park bench.

"It is so wonderful to be back here," Flora said, and smelled the flowers.

"I'm glad you like about being here." Helia said, and put a flower into Flora's hair. Flora giggled.

"Of course I like being in the park. I love nature!"

"I love nature too. But do you know what I love even more? " Helia asked grin on his face.

"Well what?" Flora asked.

"You." Said Helia and kissed Flora on the lips. Flora giggled when they pulled apart.

"I love you." Flora whispered to Helia.

"I love you too, Flora." Helia said and hugged Flora. Flora looked at the clock and then Helia.

"I should go. The time for almost eight, and the last bus to Alfea comes soon. " Flora said and rose from a bench.

"Yeah, see you. But Flora, come at midnight to lake which is close to Alfea. I have a surprise for you." Helia said. Flora looked surprised but nodded.

"All right, I'm coming. But now I have to go. See you then. "Flora said and kissed Helia once more. Then she left, waving to Helia.

* Someone in bushes POV *

"Well well well... Flora is going to meet Helia at midnight. Interesting... I need to tell this to the others. " I wondered silently in my mind. I saw Flora leaving, so I am in hurry. Quickly I transported my self out of the park.

When I arrived at the right place, the others were already waiting for me.

"Well, how did it go?" Blue haired person asked.

"It went well. They were at cafe a couple of hours. Then they went to the park for a little while." I explained to them.

"Any other plans?" Brown haired person asked.

"Yes. They're going to meet tonight, at midnight exactly, at the lake that is close to Alfea."

"Okay. What are we going to do?" Blue haired person asked.

"A stupid question! We're going to spy on them, of course! "I explained eagerly.

"Stell, usually if the lovers will meet at midnight, then it is about something very special." Said the red-haired person.

"I agree with Bloom. I think they should be left alone. "Pink haired person said.

"Come on! Do not be like that! It will be fun! "I said, and I put my hand on my hips.

"Stella, no. We are not going. " Bloom said.

"By the way, did I mention that Sky and Timmy will come with us?" I grinned to them.

"We're in!"

"YES! I cried with joy.

"It has been agreed. We'll meet at the midnight on the lake. " Musa said. We nodded, and we started to prepare ourselves for the night.

* Little before midnight, Helia POV *

I walked towards the lake, where I was supposed to meet Flora. I put the picnic spread to the ground and landed the picnic basket on the spread. I took the champagne bottle, champagne glasses, grapes, a different cheeses, and finally I took the candlestick from the basket. I picked up the the candle to my hand and I put it in it's place. I put the matches into my pocket, so they would be ready when Flora should come. I sat down with a sigh of relief to wait for the arrival of my love. I closed my eyes with a smile.

This night is going to be best night of my life.
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora
added by Princess-Flora