The Winx Club Club
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Icy wasn't one to cry, but for about the hundredth time in those few months she let the tears fall, she did so in the privacy of her own room. She didn't quite understand why she was crying herself--and that only made her angrier with herself for exploiting such weakness--she didn't even want the baby. So why? Why was she so upset to hear that, because of her neglect the past few months, the baby may not be born alive. And if it did come out alive that it would probably sustain some mental of physical disability. Icy remembered the doctors mentioning some sort of disease but couldn't recall which. To be completely honest with herself she didn't really want to know. She was once again at the point of ignoring the problem until it faded away...or in this case surfaced and became painfully undeniable. Not only would she have a reminder of the wizard but a reminder that she had failed as a mother before she'd even laid eyes on the kid as well. Her attacker was truly gift that kept on giving--more like a sickness that kept returning and she just wanted out of the whole thing. At one point Icy could recall having herself totally convinced that this was all just some horrid dream that she'd soon wake up from and then get back to her life or an illusion spell of sorts that would soon fall away and she'd feel much more at ease. But like every other instance the truth surfaced and she had no choice but to face it. She was a mother, a shitty one at that, and her baby wasn't going to a pretty sight upon delivery--dead or alive.

There came a knock at her door. Icy had half the mind to tell the knocker to just leave. Before she could even open her mouth Darcy waltzed her way in. "I sent Stormy to the store, she's going to get you some medication that will help with your morning sickness and that is safe for the baby."

"Does it really matter if it's safe for the baby? They said it would come with...complications anyhow." Icy replied.

"Is that what they said?" Darcy asked.

"No, I'm making shit up to screw with you. Yes that's what they said!" Icy snapped.

Darcy pulled her sister into her arms so that her head rested against her chest. She began lightly running her hands through Icy's hair in some attempt at a soothing gesture. Icy hadn't the slightest clue as to how Darcy learned to be so comforting. All these years Darcy had really only displayed gestures of the most unkind sort, when did she become a saint. "You want to talk about it?"

"No." Icy answered rather abruptly. "It's not like you can fix the baby." She added more to herself.

"Not about the baby, Icy. About you. About waht happened that night" Darcy corrected.

"No." Icy mumbled again.

"Come on and I both know that your favorite topic to talk about is yourself." Darcy pointed out with a hint of a smile--mostly at the use of Icy's nickname. A smile that was not returned.

"Not anymore." Icy answered.

"And why is that?" Darcy questioned.

"Because..." she let the word hang there for a moment, still not entirely sure of how she wanted to finish. "Because I don't like me anymore." Her voice had risen to something of a shout--a shout that had a slight hitch in it. She wasn't going to cry in front of Darcy. "Because I let him do it. I'm weak. I'm filthy. I LET HIM DO IT!" She yelled again, this time the unshed tears weighted heavy behind her eyes. Icy bit her lip (hard enough to draw droplets of blood at that) and just like that she had let Darcy bait her into talking.

"That's not true." Darcy muttered.

"What isn't true?" Icy asked sliding herself out of Darcy's embrace and back into the corner she found herself in prior.

"Any of that.You're not weak. You said it yourself, it was three against one. Do you know who they are? They're the Wizards of the Black Circle; they catch witches and faeries for a living. They knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I don't even think Bloom and her mighty dragon fire could have outlasted them." Darcy explained. Icy made not attempt to respond. "You're not filthy either. I know you well enough to assume you didn't just let him 'do it'. I can imagine he didn't get out completely unharmed."

At this Icy couldn't help but smile as she pridefully recalled spitting in his face. "Of course he didn't." She said at last.

"Exactly. You're not filthy. You're not weak. You didn't let him do anything.Don't ever say that again." Darcy stated more firmly. "Now come downstairs, Stormy and I were talking about seeing a movie tomorrow and you are coming with us."

"You can't tell me what to do." Icy mumbled with not much fight, truth be told a movie sounded nice. "Fine I'll come, but I'm picking the movie."

"Fair enough." Darcy answered. "We'll go as soon as Stormy gets back. "And about the baby. Just give it time, see what happens. You don't really think your the first person to have complications do you? If you actually keep going I'm pretty sure your doctor can solve a good deal."

"Maybe." Icy responded.

At that moment Stormy burst through the door. "I tried my best I really did! But I saw this pair of studded sandals and I really wanted them so I may have spent the money on those instead." She put on her most angelic smile.

Icy wrenched the pair of footwear out of her youngest sister's hands. "Why did you trust her with the money Darcy?"

"Don't worry about it, we can just pick up the meds along the way, I guess." Darcy muttered.

"Can I have my shoes back?" Stormy asked.

"No." Icy answered. "Consider them your gift to me as an act of sympathy."
If the Winx will die Corpse party style it will be like this

Bloom will be burned alive tied to a pole due to malevolent spirits.....
Half of Stella's face will be skinned and with a mirror shard stuck in her neck ...
Flora will be trapped inside a bush squishing her but she got out ..
But as she was going to run away she gets disemboweled by a falling branch ...
Aisha will drown in a pool, but when the Winx drained the pool before she could drown...
Instead she gets stuck in a drainage splitting her body apart....
Musa's body will be shredded into pieces by piano wire by Tecna when she pulled a lever thinking it would cause the light to go on......
Tecna devastated by Musa's death....accidentally electrocutes herself...
Making her conscious but can't move...
A half-dead person comes along sees Tecna thinking she's dead...cannibalizes on here...
While Tecna feeling all pain as the almost zombie-like fairy eats her alive..
Riven could not believe Icy had told Stella about his bikini shopping! Of all the people she could have told about that, the woman told Stella.

This whole time Riven was dreading the blonde to tease him for his rather feminine hobby. However she did not do so. No. What she did was much worse…

They were going to be shopping buddies. Riven shuddered at the thought. and for the sixth time in under an hour he received a text. This one declaring that she would be there in five minutes to pick him up.

Riven didn’t even know that she could drive!

But in about four minutes he’d be in a car and driving...
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posted by Princess-Flora

I looked at my locket that each of us have. I took it off and opened up and what I saw is exactly what I thought. Summer was starting to freeze because the snow was sticking, so in fear I flipped my locket over. It read 84 days. I looked up to see Jake with an outreached hand. I took it as I said I need to talk to my sisters alone. Everyone nodded as the three of us walked down the hall while the others were shown to their rooms. In her room we each touch a seat on the edge of her bed. Asher put her hands over mine and said please don’t tell me there is a number on the back of your locket....
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After nearly being arrested, The Trix get seperated in the woods. This story follows Stormy, as she tries to make her way out of the forest and find her sisters.

Read on to find out more!

I was lost. How humilating. It was 10:00PM, and me and my sisters had been running from some guys who were trying to arrest us, and had ended up getting seperated. Now here I was, lost in the middle of nowhere. I sighed, and kept on walking. Suddenly, I heard what sounded like footsteps. I looked around cautiously, and continued walking. "Why...
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added by nmdis
Source: devianart
Several years ago a family with three children, and a maid lived in a large house that formerly belonged to a plantation owner in the 1800s, but it was now the 21st century. The family had three daughters named Icy, Darcy, and Stormy. One day while the parents were still asleep, and the maid was running errands in town a good ten miles down the barren road, the three daughters played in their room with the candles lit since it was their form of nightlights. As the trio played and ran around, none noticed a curtain had caught fire from the candles. The smoke filled the room, but when the children...
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posted by XxLalasaysxX
Habbadahoobada how’s it going winxies? Sad! Why is that? If it’s because you were looking for Meeka’s Take on Lovix (Suggested by SummerThunder) turn that frown, upside down!

The way I’ll reviewing this will be purely based on the appearance since they didn’t earn it like Enchantix or Charmix. And I will have a 1-10 ranking at the end like always. So let’s get started!


Bloom’s Lovix is good. I like the way the skirt is layered. Her sleeves are pretty cute. it’s fine. and I like the soft pink too, and in my absolute opinion I think it goes pretty well with her flaming red...
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The winx and specialists decided to leave the mall. Ryan and Shawna were able to walk back to their homes. So when they passed their houses they left. Then when Calypso got close to her home she departed as well. When they got back to the palace Flora went straight up to her room and lied in her bed and Tecna sat out in the backyard by herself.

Tecna’s POV

As I sit in the backyard I compare the photo of Stormy’s mark to mine. They look exactly the same. We can’t be related...can we? I close out the photo and check the time. 1:47 P.M I get up and put my jacket back on. I’m not going...
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Chapter Twenty Four

A few months after the ball, I got my own knight in shining armor. The two of us were perfectly fit for each other just like our older siblings were. I had spent a plethora of my time going outside with my sister to every little boutique just to find the perfect dress. In December we found it and shortly after that we found the bridesmaid dresses. I was going to be the maid of honor in my sister’s wedding, with the Winx as the bridesmaid and Miele as the flower girl. As spring approached the days to June 1st would go by fast. The two had chosen that day because it was...
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I'm really bad at forgetting to upload, so the rest will be up this weekend (18-26) and thanks to everyone who has read it so far.

Chapter Fifteen

I heard the door open to my sister’s room. I sat up immediately, and Miele did the same after pausing the movie we were watching. She was smiling and I had never seen her so happy. I asked her so how did your date go? She grabbed a ponytail holder to tie up her hair as she said it was amazing and he proposed. The three of us squealed loudly as she showed us her engagement ring after our hug. She told every little detail from where he took her...
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posted by Bloom-WinxClub
"I want to go shopping, I hardly have anything in my wardrobe," Stella said.

"Um well that's because that's a new wardrobe, you know because you're running out if space in the other two wardrobes, and Stella you have far too much stuff in your wardrobes!" Bloom said.

"Yeah, but-but I need to go shopping I haven't gone to 'Stylish Shopping' in ages and all the clothes I'm wearing now are clothes I've worn before." Stella said angrily.

"Well Stella you couldn't have gone shopping anyway. We have loads of things to be getting on with, since we have just moved in here we have to be getting on with...
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posted by Princess-Flora

I woke up in a small cabin where a fire burned. I looked at my long pink hair and started to undo the French twist and pull it into a much more comfortable ponytail. I heard a voice ask are you feeling any better. I said much and thank you as she handed me a cup of tea. She said you’re welcome princess. I asked how do you know? She replied you have the emerald green eye color that all those of the royal blood line have. I looked at her and then saw her eyes. I placed my tea up and ran up and gave her a hug before saying sis, I missed you and where did you go? She sat down on the bed and...
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A Musa – Tecna Friendship One Shot

Author’s Note: I wanna dedicate this one shot to my dear bestie Vitty (3XZ) It’s been three years that I know her and I know her very well now. She’s an important part of my life and now that I am posting this one shot before my birthday. And there are two reasons for that one because Musa and Tecna are my favourites and second is that their friendship reminds me of me and Vitty. You’re very special Vitty, you are the only person here on fanpop who knows me so well. Love you dearie.

Scene I

“So rare we find a friend like you, somehow when you...
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Flora’s POV

I flew towards the helicopter and only inches before I was about to stand in it, a fire appeared. I wasn’t about to let that stop me. I fly in ignoring Musa still yelling for me to come back.
I land and see all the fire. I quickly look around to see if anyone’s here but I don’t see anyone. I start to fly away but I hear someone yell,
“Help!” I turn back and look again. In the very back I see a little girl waving her arms and yelling.
I fly back and see she’s stuck, the seatbelt was stuck.
“Please, help me. It won’t come undone!” She yelled. I nod and try to pull...
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I realized it has been I while since I published a story. So here's a serie of (Dutch) songfics. And most likely, they'll all be sad. For the original song, click link.

In een doolhof van emoties, is de tijd voorbij gegaan

In a dungeon of emotions, the time has passed

They had some fights. Well, a lot. But they didn't think they'd end up teared apart. No one actually did. But, maybe, it was for the best...

Dan loop ik naar de kamer, waar jouw spullen niet meer staan

Then, I walk to the room, where your stuff isn't in anymore

Yes, she missed him. But, she was too stubborn to admit it. She thought...
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Hello everyone, I am back with second part of the article “How to make icon”. If you haven’t read first part and want to read it it’s <a href=”link> here </a>

So, today I’ll explain three things. That are “Uses of brush and “How to use Color Balance”. All the two are related with coloring effect and glittering of icon. Which plays an important role.

Uses of brushes : First of all you need to download different types of brushes, usually pattern brushes (like floral brushes and background design brushes) are less need in making icons so refuse to download...
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Love has an all new language (Sky and Diaspro Romantic mini fan fic)
“Hmm...Can I ...can I come it?” A shivering voice comes. “Diaspro ? Come inside, why are you outta there, just come in. And it’s too cold too” . She enters and sits beside Sky. “I wanted to tell you something Sky. Something which I really mean and I am serious.”
There was a silence for a moment and a cool breeze came. She closed her eyes, and Sky was keep looking at her. She was looking very beautiful and with sun’s light falling on her face, it was looking like an angel was sitting there. These all thoughts...
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"Go ahead." Icy prompted, allowing time for the girls to lie the bodies carefully on the ground.

Bloom was the first to take her shovel to the ground. She let the shovel slide into the soil and resurface. The ground was surprisingly soft and easy to maneuver.

"I could use a hand guys." Bloom requested.

The girls did nothing at all, they simply stared as she continued the laborious task.

"Alright, fine I'll do it myself." Bloom huffed between shovel fulls of dirt.

As the fairy shoveled away, Ibinu only seem to grow more and more restless. The air seemed to thicken with every time the shovel slipped...
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added by XxLalasaysxX
added by WinxStellaStar
Source: Me edited this picture.