The Winx Club Club
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posted by lovebaltor
AN: I'm so sorry readers for making this come out later than I expected. Since Halloween came up and all, I was really busy those days before and after. And of course, school got in the way of writing this, so again I'm sorry for making it come out so late. I was very happy to see how popular the first chapter was, I was very pleased with the amount of feedback I received. I also appreciated this feedback where I could improve, I also very much like those. And--if you don't like that way I have written something, feel free to imply this in your comments. I need all the reviews/feedback I can get to improve. Making you all happy with my fan fiction is my number on goal. So--here's chapter two. Enjoy.


The hall of Alfea were abuzz with life and chatter. It was the first day of classes, and all the students from Freshman to Senior, quickly made their ways to their designated classes. Most of the girls were happy, and full out excited to be here and going to class--but not Midna. She was nervous and did not like all these people in her way. She was already a minute late, and she didn't want to find out what would happen if she was two minutes late.

She skittishly opened the door and speed-walked to en empty seat in the back, hoping the teacher didn't notice her entrance. She sat down and saw that the teacher was working on something on the black board, and she let out a sigh. She didn't notice me...

"Miss Midna you are two minutes late. Since this is our first day of class I will leave you off with a warning. If this happens again--you will be punished." And she turned around, giving Midna a serious look. She hid her face behind her books and felt the class' eyes on her. This is so embarrassing... She thought, blushing profusely.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted by the entrance of someone," Her dramatic pause left time for some of the students to giggle about Midna's situation. "This class is for those who want to learn more about the world of the non-magical people, or humans. This class will begin simple, with note taking and eventually will get harder and harder. Many of you will fail if you do not study or pay attention." The teacher finished her short speech with by making eye contact with all of her students.

Midna suddenly felt very small and unimportant. She hadn't been in this class for ten minutes and she was already greatly disliking this teacher. Not only had she made her look a fool in front of the whole class, but she was already signaling her out from the class--with her eyes. She was very grateful that her mother had told her some things on the world of light.

Glitter bit her lip as she listened to her teacher, Professor Palladium, continue on with his speech on what they would be learning that year.

She looked around the room and recognized no one. How she wished to have Rochelle with her, the two had gotten to be rather good friends over the past 24 hours. Now, she was all alone inside this cramped room. She glanced up the clock for what seemed be the hundredth time in this short time span of about fifteen minutes. She felt like she was going to go insane if she stayed seated for too long!

"Now, since you all heard me loud and clear about the lessons, why don't we try to make a simple potion? Excellent--let's all turn to page 13 in our books and pick someone to work with--if no one is currently sitting with you." Palladium nodded his head and all the girls began getting partners quickly.

Glitter looked around and stood at her table, opening her book and flipping through the pages, not really expecting to receive a partner. When she heard the soft clicking of heels, she looked up rather surprised to find a girl standing there, a shy expression on her face.

The girl had tan skin and deep blue eyes. Her hair was bright pink and pulled up. Her outfit was red, pink and very colorful but it made Glitter's eyes hurt from all the bright colors. She squinted slightly before smiling up at the girl.

"Hi, would you mind if I was to be your partner today?" Her voice was small and sweet, but also whimsical and kind. Glitter nodded 'yes' feverishly, stepping to the side to allow someone else to sit at the table. "Thanks, my first day here with more people isn't going as well as I thought." The girl mumbled, Glitter raising an eyebrow. She felt tempted to ask why, but she didn't want too see nosy in front of her, so she just kept quiet.

"Oh, I've never gotten around to introducing myself: my name is Angela, what's yours?" Glitter turned to face Angela, looking her straight in the eyes. "My name is Glitter, nice to meet you." Glitter than smiled, and quickly turned away re-focusing on her work. "It's nice to meet you too." Angela smiled, her thin pink lips glistening with gloss.


I hope she can't read minds or anything--because I don't want her to realize how nervous I am around her... Glitter bit her lip and tried focusing on crushing herbs. "What would you like me to do?" Angela asked, her pink hair falling down her shoulders. Glitter swallowed and gave Angela an awkward smile. "Um... why don't you start heating up the liquids?" Angela nodded, and quickly went to work. Smooth, real smooth...

Rochelle tapped her pencil on the desk in a slow motion. She was feeling rather bored in this class, and when she signed up for it, she thought her reaction towards it would be the complete opposite. The class was supposedly supposed to teach those interested some very unique and useful fighting moves. But--all that the teacher was doing was rambling on about the years lessons.

Rochelle sighed and folded her arms and rested her head on her desk, trying to sleep... "So, that I've gone through my lessons with you all--how about we go an practice this first hand?" The teacher smirked but it vanished when she saw Rochelle sleeping. "Excuse, could someone wake her up?" She hissed.

Alysa was sitting right next to Rochelle when the teacher, Miss Griselda, hissed for her to wake Rochelle up. She skittishly tapped on her shoulder a couple of times before she felt her shift in her sleep.

Rochelle moaned quietly when she felt tapping on her shoulder. She lifted her head up slowly and felt her neck muscles creak, and she rubbed her eyes letting the light fill her retinas. "Mm what? Is it time to finally leave?" She mumbled, the class giggling at her question. "Miss Carter, if you do not wish to stay or pay attention in this class, please refrain from staying here." Rochelle could feel a blush creeping up her figure as she felt the class' eyes on her.

"Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted--why don't we go outside so I can see what you fairies can do?" Rochelle picked up at this, and her whole body sprang to life. "I'd love to! Come on girls--let's go!" She smiled brightly and got out of her seat, leading the girls out of the room.

Lolline sat happily eating lunch, having an occasional sip of water from here to there. Her pink pigtails flung left to right when she turned her head, and flopped down whenever she paid attention to her food once more. Lolline was waiting for someone to sit next to her, but sadly put her head back down when no one sat down next to her.

She was so confused; why hadn't anyone sat next to her? She was friendly towards all the girls she had seen and met. She didn't really understand why no one was sitting next to her...

She heard a small cough and lifted her head to find none other than Kristina. She had an awkward smile on her face and was holding her tray, leaning on her right side. "Do you mind if I sit with you?" Lolline smiled brightly and nodded 'yes'. "Of course, go right ahead." She scooted over and let Kristina sit next to her.

"So--I know we didn't really get on to a good start when we met,"

"Really? I thought we got along great. I guess not..." Kristina sighed and began nibbling on her salad. "Yeah, sorry for lying about that whole 'first meeting' and all--but since no one will talk to me and you were the first to, I guess now would be a good time to get to know each other better."

Lolline smiled and put her glass down. "I think I'd like that very much Kristina."

Midna shyly made her way down the halls, trying to find her dorm as quickly as possible. Okay, you found it once, it won't be so hard to find it again will it? But the school was huge compared to what Midna was normally used to, and trying to find the right set of stairs, the right hall and the right door--in a school plenty of them.

She stopped and looked to her right and then to her left, trying to make a decision. Okay, was it this left, or the next? Curses, I can't remember! She looked around frantically and began backing up, and as soon as she turned around she bumped into someone, sending them both crashing to the floor.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't seeing where I was going--"

"Watch where you're going fairy! Uh--I mean, watch it! You could have hurt me!" Midna raised her eyebrow at this fairy's strange behavior, and was even more confused by her appearance:

She had light skin, black eyes and her face was covered heavily with make-up. Her hair was long and dark green with an occasional tint of lighter green. She was wearing a black belly-shirt with no straps and gray skinny jeans. She had wristbands all over her wrists, and her shoes were black boots.

"Okay? Yeah, like I said; sorry..." And Midna moved slightly to the side, allowing the strange girl to pass and make her way down a hallway. I have a bad feeling about her--maybe you should follow her... Her intuition told her to follow, but she also thought that one might get scared of being followed. But, on the other hand, she was acting strange...

Midna shook her head and knew that she would regret this decision, and made her way after the girl, her bare feet making no sound as she chased after her.

Alysa walked slowly, trying to let Rochelle keep up with her as the two chatted. The two had gotten to know each other much better after the incident in their class with Griselda. "Rochelle could you possibly go any slower?" Alysa smirked, as Rochelle dropped her books and papers once again. "Damn it! Why didn't I bring a bag?" Alysa rolled her eyes and blasted a quick jet of air under Rochelle's things, causing them to bump up and land in a neat pile next to her.

"Now that is what I call a useful power." Rochelle grinned and picked her stuff up once more, making sure she had a firm grasp of it. "So, know that that ordeal is settled--where would you like to study?" Alysa's response was interrupted by a loud crashing noise and some shouting. She turned to Rochelle, who also had a confused look on her face. "Did you hear that as well?" Alysa nodded 'yes', and the two crept their way towards where they thought the noise originated from.

Rochelle silently pushed the door ajar, and saw a peculiar site; a girl she had seen earlier, was fighting one girl she had never seen before. The unknown girl with green hair hissed at the blue skinned girl and threw a ball of dark energy at her. "Hey I know that one girl! The one with blue skin--her names Midna, she saved me before I got here." Rochelle looked up at Alysa and frowned. "Apparently she can't go anywhere without causing a fight now can she?"

Alysa just rolled her eyes at Rochelle's response. "I think we should go help her, I mean, come on Rochelle!" Alysa hissed, and Rochelle sighed. "Fine..." She mumbled, and the two entered the room making their presences known. "Excuse me, why are you two fighting?" Rochelle snapped, causing Midna and the mystery girl's head to whirl around and face them.

"You again?!" The mystery girl hissed, and making Alysa flinch. "I know you two have met--but why are you two fighting?" Rochelle interrogated, making the green hair girl roll her eyes. "Please, do I have to give a prissy like you a reason? Let me think--no!" She threw a green gassy ball at Rochelle, and Rochelle quickly jumped out of the way to avoid getting hurt.

"Wait--if you know me, than you're that witch!" Alysa snarled, causing the girl, Chimera, to laugh. "Oh you're so observant!" She sneered, making Alysa narrow her eyes at Chimera. "What's it with you always trying to hurt fairies?" Rochelle snarled, Chimera only rolling her eyes. "Bitch please, if you knew Cloudtowers history you would understand why we despise your kind."

"You better leave before we call Miss Faragonda." Alysa hissed, Chimera just laughing. "Oh I'm so scared--do it prissy." Chimera challenged, Alysa narrowing her eyes and slowly making her way towards the door.

"Ah ah ah, not so fast!" Chimera snapped, snapping her finger and causing snakes to engulf the door. Alysa screamed and back away in fright, whirling around seething and embarrassed. "You undo that now." She hissed, Chimera just clicking her teeth. "I don't think so. I believe it's time that you and I finished what we started," She grinned maliciously, making Alysa shiver and start walking back. "Not if I can help it." Rochelle stated bravely, making Alysa perk up and smile.

"Oh how cute, looks like you're just going to have someone else do the fighting for you--I'm not too surprised." Chimera spat, landing and turning into her normal self. "So, what are you waiting for? Attack me!" Chimera snapped at Rochelle, Rochelle only narrowing her eyes. But in a flash, she was in her Enchantix.

"Wow, you're in Enchantix?" Alysa said in awe, Rochelle nodding proudly. "Oh ladi dadi da, let's get this over with." Chimera snarled, her hair hissing hence forth. "Woah, did her--"

"Just get her!"

Rochelle shook off the "hair hissing" and got into her fighting position. She looked around the room; focusing on Chimera but also looking for something useful to use as her powers--but what? She than saw it; books. They might seem harmless and pointless to the untrained eye, but to those who knew the true power hidden behind literature, knew a good opportunity when they saw it.

Rochelle moved out of the way of another one of Chimera's attacks and lept for the books, her fingers barely touching the cover. "Score!" She hissed, making Chimera snicker. "Psh what? Are you going to bore me to death?" Rochelle narrowed her eyes. "No, much worse." She blew at the palm of her hands and hundreds of tiny little spiders erupted; making Alysa and Midna scream but Chimera roll her eyes. "Pa-lease." She released some toxic gas and the spiders shriveled up instantly. "Is that the best you could do?"

Rochelle clenched her first and thought hard, getting an idea she tried it out: she whirled around and soon hundreds of arrows were firing in the direction of Chimera. Chimera jumped, but put a shield up and blocked the arrows, their wooden stature barely even denting Chimera's shield. Chimera rolled her eyes and advanced on Rochelle, green energy seeping through her fingers.

"You really think arrows like that are going to stop me?" Rochelle bit her lip, what was she going to do? "Back off Chimera!" She heard a voice hiss, and saw Midna transformed, as well as Alysa. Chimera laughed, soon glaring at the two fairies. "You really think you three can take me down? You're friend in Enchantix could barely even scratch me." Midna had her own magic seeping through her fingers now, and Alysa was giving a deadly glare towards Chimera.

"Well than, show me what you got." Midna reacted almost immediately, vanishing and re-appearing behind her and blasting Chimera with a large, bright pink ball of energy. Chimera flung face-flat unto the floor, but quickly regained herself, sending a deadly look in Midna's direction. Alysa took this opportunity to blast Chimera with hurricane force winds, which sent her swirling around the room. Midna created a large tan and black bubble in her hands and threw it at Chimera, trapping her inside.

"Wow! Awesome!" Rochelle said happily, clapping her hands. Midna focused the bubble down and landed it on the ground. "Alysa, could you fly it towards Miss Faragonda's office?" Rochelle asked, Alysa nodding, clapping her hands and making a light but strong air-flow carry Chimera out.

Glitter and Angela made their way towards the lounge room, chatting about their day. "Hey, who's that?" Angela asked, gasping and face making an awkward expression. "What is it--Rochelle?" Glitter gasped, her friend whirling her head around. "Glitter? Hey!" Rochelle ran over, her brown hair bouncing and fairy dust trailing behind her.

"What happened?" Glitter asked, peeking over Rochelle's shoulder. "Oh that, well that's a long story which I can tell you on another occasion, but right now we're going somewhere--one of you know where Faragonda's office is?" Angela nodded, and smile kindly. "I know where he office, would you like me to show you all?" Rochelle nodded 'yes' quickly. "Would be most appreciated--Midna, Alysa, come on!"

Angela led the small group of girls through the winding and twisting halls of Alfea until she stopped in front of a large wooden door. "This is it, would like us to leave now?" Alysa nodded 'no'. "You help us, come with us." Glitter smiled broadly at this. "Thanks so much!"

Rochelle walked up and knocked on the door two times before it open by itself revealing the large office of their headmistress. "Um Miss Faragonda, could we have a word?" Midna asked skittishly, silence responding her. "Miss?"

"Yes, what seems to be the problem girls?" A voice called from behind the large chair behind the only desk in the office. The girls jumped at this sudden new voice, but Alysa regained herself quickly enough to announce why they were there. "Would you mind turning around? I think that will give you a good look as too why were are all here."

They saw the chair whirl around and were greeted by the confused and shocked look of their headmistress. "What is this?" She asked, her voice filled with shock. "It's a witch that we caught snooping around." Rochelle replied, Glitter and Angela's eyes widening. "And we thought bringing her to you could finally help decided her fate." Midna added, her sentence adding tension to the room.

"Well--yes, you all did well as to bring her here, I will make sure that Miss Griffin gives her the most appropriated punishment." Miss Faragonda clapped her hands and in an instant, Chimera had vanished. "Was anyone hurt during all of this?" Alysa nodded 'no', Faragonda sighing in response. "Girls, I've been thinking over this and you all bringing this witch to me makes me really think on this plan."

The girls all gave each other confused looks and all stayed quiet, urging Faragonda to continue. "You see, I think that Alfea is having a small security problem, and though I know that this decision is a tad bit risky--I have thought about asking those from Earth to help us out." Rochelle's jaw dropped. "You're asking those from Earth, who probably don't even know that this place exists, to come and take care of a witch problem? Are you serious?" She literally shouted, but Faragonda raising up her hand silenced any more of her rant.

"I know that this is a risky tactic Miss Carter, but I think those who will try to breach this place will never suspect humans of being double-agents."

"You've got to admit: no matter how risky it sounds--it's brilliant." Glitter piped up, Miss Faragonda smiling in her direction. "Thank you Glitter, that is exactly what I was getting at. So, since I am rather busy, would you mind going to Earth for me?"

"Wait--what? Re-phrase that." Rochelle snapped, a stunned look on her face. "I have asked you five to go to Earth and pick up our spies. Is it that hard to comprehend?" Rochelle nodded 'no', but still looked rather shocked. "Miss, are you sure that this is wise? Just because that we've defeated one witch, doesn't necessarily mean that you can trust us with something as important as this." Midna said calmly, earning a short round of silence. "Are you implying that I shouldn't trust you all? Are you implying that I shouldn't have even given this a thought?"

"I never said that, it's just that--"

"It's just what, Miss Twili? Is Earth life that scary and different that you can't fly there and retrieve a few humans?" That shut Midna up, and know she regretted even speaking. "Well--since Miss Twili thinks that you five are so incapable of doing this task, I will ask my most elite group to come and help you."

"Elite group?" Angela asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh I'm sure that you all have heard of them... Ladies, you will be traveling to Earth with none other than the infamous Winx Club."
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added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
An icon of Kristal with new background and text
An icon of Kristal with new background and text
PART III [Adding texts and Changing Background]

Hello girls (I don’t think any boy exists in our club :P)

Iti is back with another lesson of icon making. So today I will tell you how to change background of an image (while making icon) and adding texts to it. So, I will start the main problem that occurs during changing background, for beginners.

While changing background one need to know which tool is perfect. So here we start.


1.    Open a picture.

2.    Now click on “magic wand” and select the area you want to remove. For this you can click...
continue reading...
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