The Vampire Diaries Club
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Caroline opened the door of her bedroom and almost stumbled over a big, flat box. She bent her knees and picked it up. She walked to her bed, put the box down and opened it. There was a red strapless dress in it and matching gloves and tiara. Caroline took it in her hand and held it up. She walked to the mirror and looked at it. It looked more like a wedding dress. She wanted to check the size and noticed a note.
‘I hope you’ll wear this dress tonight. I’ll meet you at Homecoming’
Caroline put the dress back in the box and carried it downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and threw the box on the table.
“What’s your deal?” Liz asked surprised.
“Was Tyler here? Did he ask you to give me that?” Caroline asked accusatory.
“I haven’t seen Tyler” Liz said honest. “Or anyone else for that matter. The box was on the front porch. It had your name on it. Why? What’s in it?”
Caroline nodded at the box. “See for yourself” Liz walked to the box and opened it. She took a long deep breath, which she let go slowly. “Wow. I think someone really wants you to go to the Homecoming dance. You’re wearing this, aren’t you?”
“I don’t know. Why does Tyler send me a dress for Homecoming when he’s dating Veronica?” Caroline asked insecure.
“Who says Tyler sent you the dress?” Liz fired back. “Look at yourself, Caroline. You’re beautiful, intelligent, independent, strong. Men are standing in line for you”
Caroline peeked at the dress. “It really is a nice dress” she said, giving in.
He was sleeping. He was lying on the ground and he was sleeping. Until he felt a dull pain in his waist. He slowly opened his eyes.
“Get up”
He felt how someone threw something solid to his head. He lifted up his head and looked at it. Drumsticks. Cold drumsticks. But since they hadn’t been exactly generous with food he didn’t complain. He picked up one of the drumsticks and ripped a piece off with his teeth. The person who had awakened him left the room. He sat up and looked at the walls. Small, white lines ran from halfway the walls to the floor. The window frames were ripped off and...
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“You should go see a doctor”
Elena and Damon were sitting at the kitchen table with the first aid kit in the center. Elena had tried to bandage Damon’s finger, but the bandage didn’t want to cooperate.
“I can’t go to a doctor, I’m a vampire” Damon said. “And it’s broken, a first aid kit is not going to help”
“But doesn’t it hurt?” Elena asked compassionate.
“It’s okay” Damon said. Bonnie had made the pain lighter, just like she did with the whole jinx, but of course she couldn’t take it away completely. For that she had to die and since he couldn’t kill...
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It was ruined. It was completely and totally ruined. Katherine had realized that she blew all chances on a reunion with the Salvatore brother she really loved. What was she thinking, pretending to be Elena? Bonnie was annoying, but not stupid. Katherine was lucky to be still alive. And so was Bonnie. She had Damon to thank for that. Katherine hoped, with every fibre in her body, that he would take her down.
She had tried to pass Damon’s message to Elena, but it seemed to be a lost case.
“Elena, Damon needs to tell you something” she said looking Elena sharp in the eye. “He wanted to...
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The sun was almost down and Stefan and Amber were once again sitting with each other. Now that Klaus knew they were just friends he didn’t find it necessary to send someone spying on them. He wanted Stefan to be his most loyal servant and he wanted to trust him. His closeness to Amber was alarming, but on the other hand Stefan wouldn’t be so stupid to go against Klaus’ wishes, knowing what could possibly be the consequences. No one would stop him if he went after Damon, or worse Elena. No, Stefan wouldn’t take that chance.
He couldn’t be more wrong. He watched Stefan and Amber talking,...
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Elena was sitting in the kitchen, playing solitaire. She picked up a card and squeezed her eyes at the Joker image. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” She got tired of the game, because she was losing, and collected the cards. Then she took two card and placed them against each other, creating a triangle. She did the same with two other cards and placed them next to the first triangle. “Are you seriously building a card house now?” Jeremy asked. He was sitting in the couch, playing a computer game. Elena didn’t respond; she needed all her focus on the construction. “Let her be,...
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“Okay, that doesn’t look very nice” the doctor said. Jeremy was sitting on the examination table, Alaric was leaning onto the closet. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to stitch” While she prepared her stitching material she talked to her patient. “So, how did this happen? Were you involved in a fight?” Jeremy looked how she pierced the stitching scissor in his hand. “No, it wasn’t like that. It was an accident” he answered. “I broke a cup, two cups. Cut my hand” The doctor nodded. “Are you vaccinated for tetanus?” Jeremy looked up at Alaric, who helplessly raised...
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Bonnie woke up difficult. She opened her eyes. Everything was blurry and every limb on her body hurt. She felt a firm grip around her arm and someone pulled her up. Her head rocked back and forth when the same person slapped her in the face. “Booonniiee” a male voice sang. Damon, Bonnie realized. Slowly the events of the night before hit her fuzzy brain. Katherine, the attack, Damon’s anger. The room became more clear and she saw Damon standing right in front of her. “You’re awake” he said. “It’s about time” He made a step backwards, giving Bonnie the chance to catch a breath....
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The next morning
Jeremy stumbled off the stairs; he probably would’ve fallen down if he hadn’t hold on to the banisters. Coffee, he needed coffee and lots of it. He staggered to the kitchen and opened the cupboard to get out a cup. He managed to take three out and watched them shatter into pieces on the floor.
“Damnit” he said and he ducked to collect the fragments. He picked one and naturally cut his hand. “Shit” he cursed.
“It’s never a good idea to swear in the very early morning” Alaric entered the kitchen and noticed the glass and the blood. “Does it hurt?” he asked...
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She knocked three times, then waited for Bonnie to open the door. It was pretty cold outside, so she hoped her plan would work. Five minutes later, what took her so long?, the door went open and Bonnie appeared on the doorstep. She lifted up her chin and looked down on Katherine. “What?” she said short. Katherine forced a smile, which was hard enough, knowing Damon was inside there against his will. “Hi, Bonnie, I’m sorry to bother you this late, but I need to talk to you” she said, trying to sound cheery. After all, Elena was in a cheery mood, so Katherine had to be too. “Really?...
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Katherine slammed the door and leaned against it. She had not signed up for this mess. They had to find Stefan, but instead Elena was living in Rainbow Land, Damon was in control of the bitch. And Caroline was with her father. At least that’s what Sherrif Forbes told Elena. Katherine found it rather suspicious. It was too sudden. Caroline was helping them and now she stepped out of it, just like Elena. Did Carolines physical absence relate to Elena’s mental absence and did Bonnie have a hand in both cases? For the first time in a very long time Katherine wished she was human. There was...
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Bonnie pushed Damon over the porch into her house. He walked ahead to the kitchen, Bonnie behind him. He turned around and saw the furious expression on her face. In other circumstances he would’ve made a sarcastic comment, but the way things were now, Damon knew the best thing was to keep his mouth shut. “I thought we had an agreement” she said slowly and threatening while she came closer to Damon. “You wouldn’t drink any human blood” she continued. Damon frowned his eyebrows frustrated. “You said that, I never said I agreed” Bonnie widened her eyes and Damon wouldn’t have...
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“What do you mean, couple?”
Amber was back from her mission. Stefan had asked her to keep a distant eye on Elena and Damon and now she was bringing information.
“As in couple couple. Damon and Bonnie are a couple. I heard Bonnie say ‘That’s my boyfriend you’re clinging on’ and ‘Damon loves me’ and he said ‘Till death do us part’. Though he didn’t sound very happy” Amber said.
Stefan shook his head, confused. “But I thought Bonnie was seeing Jeremy. Did they break up?” he asked surprised. They seemed to be a solid couple. “Well, I suppose” Amber chuckled. She...
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It was cold and dark and dusty. The air smelled humid and the ground was rough. The scent of fresh blood filled the unfamiliar place and penetrated in Damon’s nose. His eyes flew open and he sniffed the scent. He averted his head to a point in front of him. He looked down. Right by the entrance there was a bag of blood. Damon jumped for it, but was forceful thrown back against the wall. He looked up and saw his arms where chained. “You have to be kidding me” he weakly mumbled. He pulled with all his strength, but the chains were too strong.
“I’m afraid there’s no use in doing that”...
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One week later

A corrosive, burning pain spread across Caroline’s face and with a shriek she woke up. She wanted to wipe the vervain of her face, but her hands were tight. She was sitting in some kind of room. There was a bed and a desk. There were curtains and a carpet. You couldn’t say Klaus was no good host. But despite the nice room, Caroline would love to get out of it, after spending a week in it. A hand holding a napkin stretched to her face and cleaned it. “I’m sorry I had to do that” Caroline opened her eyes and looked at the girl. “Yeah, I bet you’re sorry” Caroline...
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Damon was sitting in the couch, his head in his hands. “Is it still not over?” Elena asked slightly worried. “I gave you two painkillers, it shouldn’t hurt no more” Damon looked up and gave her an irritated glance. “I’m not making this up, if that’s what you think” “I didn’t say I think you’re making this up” Elena defended herself. “I just find it strange… Maybe you need to get a doctor” “Yeah, let’s do that” Katherine scornfully said. She came from out of the kitchen. “Let’s go to a nice doctor and have him examine Damon. Surely he wouldn’t notice...
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Bonnie was still wide awake when she heard someone banging on the door. “Jeremy” she growled as if he was the last person she wanted to see right now. The scene earlier that day made her realize he would come inside anyway and she may as well save him the trouble of breaking in. “What are you doing here?” she asked short. She didn’t see her boyfriend was scared to death or that he was soaked and if she did, she definitely didn’t care. “I know you said you were going to fix this, but can you please hurry up a bit” Jeremy said agitated. He showed the holes in his arms. “They...
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Jeremy entered Bonnie’s house after he had knocked several times. He knew she was home, he had seen shadows. So he walked down the hall and opened the door. “Bonnie? Are you there?” he called out. He looked around in the suspiciously quiet room. Then he saw Bonnie standing in the corner. He almost hadn’t noticed her. “Bonnie? Why are you standing there?” he asked suspicious. Bonnie left her corner and walked towards him. “Why are you here, Jeremy?” she asked. Jeremy recognized her voice, but there was something in her way of speaking that worried him. “I need to talk to you”...
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Night came in and Amber’s mood had not gotten any better. She was in her room, throwing all her stuff around. She was angry. No, she was starving. The crap she had found in the fridge couldn’t be called food. She heard a key; it sounded like it happened right next to her. She heard footsteps and her father saying “I’m home!” She heard him walk to the kitchen and opening the fridge. As he got himself a beer he saw Rachel sitting on the couch. He walked towards her and sank down to her. That’s when he saw the bruisers on her cheek. “What happened? Who did this? Where’s Amber?”...
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Katherine was lying lazy on the bed, looking bored at the ceiling. She would kill Klaus for taking her bracelet. Correction, she would let Damon kill him. She was really strong, but yet no match for the Originals. Not that Damon was, but if she had to choose, she believed her afterlife to be more worthy than Damon’s. “Geez, hurry up” she mumbled frustrated. Being locked up in this room was getting on her nerves. There was nothing interesting in here and you could only examine Damon’s rubbish so many times. After a while it was not fun anymore. The door went open and Katherine got up....
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Don't go crazy on in this article I will try to subjective. A side the fact I don't really like Stefan that much and hate stelena but this show has focused A LOT on Stefan's history.

I mean isn't about the 3 main characters (Damon, elena, and Stefan) about their history and how they changed as characters, but all we have seen and learned about for the last 2 seasons is Stefan past, who he was, what he did (his past as riper), his friends(lexie) ,and who became good Stefan.

But until now we know nothing about what Damon was doing for the last 100 and so years( I mean a side from trying to get...
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